#bowser is definitely terrified of daisy lol
blackhakumen · 11 months
Mini Fanfic #1112: Timing Out Protective Fathers (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
2:42 p.m. at the Smash Beach..........
Lucina: (Crosses her Arms While Standing Next to Kamui and Wendy with Disappointment on Each of their Faces) Now then, would either of you three like to explain why you feel the need to shamelessly embarass yourselves by spying on us on a public beach all day?
Kaumi: (Puts hee Hands on Both of her Hips) And you better not lie to us either! We expect an honest answer out of the three of you after that stunt you've pulled.
Wendy: (Simply Nodded) Mmmmhmm.
Chrom: (Sitting on a Rock Filled Circle Along with Lucario and Bowser) N-Now, ladies.....I know what we did today was rash and completely uncalled for but-
Lucario: (Nonchalantly Piints at Bowser) This was all Bowser's idea.
Bowser: (Quickly Glares at Lucario) SNITCH!
Wendy: ('Ugh') (Rolls her Eyes in Annoyance) Of course daddy would have something to do with all of this. He's obviously the pioneer of not knowing how to MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS AND QUIT RUINING MY CHANCES WITH DEREK!!! (Glares Angrily at her Father)
Bowser: (Sarts Pleading to his Daughter) But honey! That Derek guy's a twerp, you can do a lot better than him!
Wendy: Derek's the captain of the football team, daddy! That OBVIOUSLY makes him the most popular in the academy!
Bowser: And you're the daughter of the King of all Koopas! That has to count for SOMETHING, right!?
Bowser: Open roast session- (Starts Getting Angry) Are those brats talking smack about me!?
Wendy: Yeah. You're kinda the laughing stock around class, for good reason......
Bowser: I heard that, young lady! And I don't appericate my name getting slandered like this.
Teen Koopa: (Points at Bowser While Walking by With his Group of Friends) Hey, Look! It's the King of all Incels in the timeout circle! (Starts Laughing Along with Everyone Else)
Bowser: (Fuming With More Anger While Gritting his Teeth) Case in point......(Gets Up From his Seat, About to Step Out of the Circle)
Lucina: (Turns to Bowser) And where do you think you're going?
Bowser: Gonna give those twerps a REAL roasting session! (Pounds his Fist on the Palm of his Pther Hand) With the side of pummeling!
Wendy: Daddy, you are NOT leaving out of that circle until your thirty minutes are up!
Kamui: You'll be giving us a bad example as a father if you leave.
Bowser: Look, girls, I admire the fact that you're taking this whole "punishment" thing seriously, but I'm still king dad at the end of the day. (Slowly Begins to Step Out of the Circle) And I don't take orders from anybody-
Daisy: (Comes Out of Nowhere and Stands in Front the King Koopa Glaring at Him) BOWSER! (Starts Gritting Her Teeth) Sit your ass back down on that circle, NOW!
Bowser's knees begins to shake and starts sweating bullets in fear as he his eyes made contact to the Daisy's' cold, hardened glare, the same glare that has always managed to haunt him the numerous times he laid witness to it.
Bowser: (Trying his Hardest Not to Back Down) Y-Y-Y-You're n-not the b-b-boss of.....
Daisy: (Still Glares at Bowser in Silence) ...................
Bowser: M-M-M-M-M.........
Daisy slowly cracks both her knuckles and both sides of her neck as she steps closer, only for the King of All Koopas in question to quickly goes back at his spot in the timeout circle while whimpering like a sick puppy, much to the princess' satisfaction.
Daisy: (Simply Nodded) That's more like it. (Happily Waves at the Girl Trio) He's all yours, girls!~ (Walks Away)
The Girls: Thank you, Momma Daisy!~
Chrom: (Gives a Shaking Bowser a Deadpinned Look on his Face Along with Lucario) Getting scared off by a princess......
Lucario: You really have fallen off.
Bowser: (Glares at the Duo Between Him) Piss off! It's not my fault I can't overcome my fears!!
Chrom: By being Daisy's personal punching bag?
Bowser: You don't see what I see, pretty boy! That woman has eyes of a demon!!!!
Lucina: ('Sigh') Anyways!.... As previously stated, because of your actions for spying on us is to stay in this circle for thirty minutes and think about how foolish and embarrassing you are until further notice.
Wendy: And we'll call Momma Daisy to drag you back here if you try to leave out of here, so don't you even think about testing all of us right now, misters!
Bowser: (Makes a Loud Gulp Sound)
Lucario: ('Sigh') Before we finalize this punishment of sorts, I believe an apology is in order. (Turns to His Newly Daughter) More specifically towards, Kamui. Had I know this would humiliate you three in public, I would of never joined in on their scheme.
Bowser: (Rolls his Eyes) Spoken like a suck-up, snitch- (Gets Hit on the Shoulder by Chrom) Ow!
Kamui: What made you want to go along with it in the first place? You don't seem like the type who would cause trouble.
Lucario: (Chuckles a Bit) You'd be surprised by how troublesome I was when I was younger. And it's not like I wanted to get involved at first, but I suppose seeing those group of boys around you made me worried enough to investigate in secret. Doesn't help the fact that these two kept going on and on about how boys your age are all desperate sleeze-balls in disguise.
Lucina: ('Gasps') (Glares at Chrom) Father! You told Lucario that!?
Wendy: And said they're bad influences!?
Chrom: ('Sighs in Defeat') Lucario......Why did you have to rat ys out like that?
Bowser: Told ya he's a snitch. (Gets Hit on The Head With a Rock) Ow!
Kamui: So you took their words to heart and spent the entire day spying on us.....(Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Just to look out for me?~
Lucario: (Happily Nodded) Of course. We may not be blood-related, but you mean more to me than anyone else on this planet. I'd do anything for you, so long it isn't to the extreme or- (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Loving Hug)
Kamui: (Happily Hugging Lucario) I would do anything for you too!~ As different as we are, you are far more of a father to me than any one would ever give you credit for. And it makes so happy to.see how much you've cared about me~ I'll always love you very much~
Lucario: (Hugs Kamui Back) I'll always love you too, Kamui. Sorry again for my foolish.
Chrom: (Quickly Gets Up From his Seat While his Eyes are Sparkling) I'm sorry too! It was never our intention to embarass you. I only wanted to make sure you were safe and having a decent time.
Bowser: And show how unworthy those punks are in their leagues.
Bowser quickly uses his arms to cover himself up for protection as he looks around to see If anything was going to hit. Assuming the coast is clear made the king lower his arms down and sigh in relief before getting hit by yet another rock..
Lucina: And we appericate you looking out for us, truly. But we're growing up now and you need to put more trust in us taking care of ourselves
Wendy: And not go out of you way sneaking around and scary every guy that comes our direction. It's so immature.
Lucario: And we'll be sure never pull a stunt like this again in the future. (Notices Bowser's Habd is Behind his Back) Some of us more than others......
Wendy: Daddy!
Bowser: (Takes his Hand Out of his Back) Alright, alright! I promise I won't do it again for real this time! (Crosses his Arms) I swear, I can't stand the snitching around here. How many minutes do even have left here anyways?
Lucina: (Looks at the Watch Wrapped Around her Wrist) Five to six minutes I believe.
Wendy: 'About add ten more if you keep testing us.
Kamui: (Starts Pouting Softly) You should really grow up more, Mr. Bowser.
Bowser: Hey, I have grown up plenty throughout adulthood thank you very much!
Ludwig: (Walks By with his Girlfriend, Kumatora Snickering Right Next to Him) Then why do you insist on constantly kidnapping Mother Peach when she's clearly not interested in you?
Bowser: (Glares at his Eldest Son) It' cuz I'm a villain, Luddy! It's what I do best!!! (Turns Away While Pouting) And it's not my fault I'm in love.....
Wendy: ('Ugggh') I swear to- Wait a minute. Who was that pink girl walking with Luddy right now?
Lucina: Oh. You didn't know?
Kamui: Welllll~ (Whispers the Details into Wendy's Ears)
Wendy: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Complete Shock) HIS WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?
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classicdaisycalico · 6 years
d, i, j, k, o, y, z for peach?
Spell a character’s name in my askbox and I’ll tell you my headcanons…
I’ll still spell out her name but I’ll answer your questions, too, Anon! (Pssst is this the same one that asked for Daisy before? If you are, awesome!)
P: HOW DO THEY HANDLE MONEYPeach is more than willing to donate to charitable causes whenever she has the opportunity. Additionally, she does try to be very responsible with the purchases she makes, usually taking into consideration its usefulness in the long run. Granted, some of those purchases will be a little more on the expensive end (as far as the common citizen understands), but she does try to keep her subjects’ perspectives in mind, as well.
E: HOW ARE THEY WITH CHILDRENLiterally she is one of the best people to ever work with children in any way, shape, or form, especially little girls, because she will do her absolute best to be a good role model for them.
A: WHAT ARE/WERE THIS CHARACTER’S BEST SUBJECTS IN SCHOOLProbably the same as Daisy; anything to do with history, politics, or government, since she must know how to properly preside over a kingdom and make sure it runs efficiently.
C: CAN THEY SWIM WELLDefinitely. Learning how to swim is a necessity.
H: WHAT IS THEIR DEADLY SINHonestly, none of the seven Deadly Sins fit her at all! Like, I’ve thought long and hard about the whole idea, and I just don’t see Peach doing any of these things. Of course, this is a good thing; she’s a good ruler with a very kind personality, and many people admire this, I hope!
D: HOW DO THEY REACT TO BEING FLIRTED WITHAgain, like Daisy, it depends on who it is. If it’s Bowser, she’ll probably be terrified. But if it were someone like Mario, she’d be very flattered, probably even blush a little. (Also, like Luigi, Mario does not flirt, so Peach would definitely be surprised if he even tried. But let’s face it, he definitely won’t, lol)
I: ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 10, HOW MUCH DO THEY LOVE THEMSELVESPeach is the polar opposite of self-centered. However, even though she knows she’s a good person, she puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on herself sometimes, even for things outside of her control, so I’d put her at a 5 or a 6. So, she knows she would never do anything to wrong anyone on purpose, but perhaps there are things about her she knows she doesn’t like but wants to change.
J: WHAT’S THEIR SENSE OF HUMOR LIKEShe enjoys puns a lot. She also really enjoys satire purely because of how exaggerated everything is.
K: HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOU’VE UPSET THEMMost likely, there will be tears. However, she has been known to get visibly angry every now and then. Sometimes she’ll even raise her voice, which is probably a sign for everyone to stay away.
O: WHAT WOULD IT TAKE TO BREAK THEM, INSIDE AND OUTHer kingdom destroyed or conquered, with her subjects forced to work under a tyrannical political figure running an even more twisted government. On her friends’ end, they are completely eliminated. On her own end, she is probably forced to marry Bowser. And with nobody to help her escape a marriage to someone she clearly does not love, she will be miserable the entire time.
Y: WHAT IS ONE QUESTION THEY’VE ALWAYS WANTED AN ANSWER TOWhy is Bowser so obsessed with her?! How did it come about to be this way? Originally, he was so set on taking over her kingdom but now it just turned into just wanting Peach for himself. Is it just because he and Mario have had so much beef for so long? And most importantly, will Bowser ever learn to give this all up? Because it’s getting kind of creepy.
Z: HOW DO THEY SLEEPPeach does not fidget very much in her sleep. She also does not stay up late if she can help it. Usually, she’ll sleep on her back or sides, and she’s an early riser, for sure.
Thank you for your questions, Anon! Oh, and I would have answered this earlier, but there were some school-related things that required my attention. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this!
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