#boreas n sparrows r especially fascinating to me cuz like! boreas has known her longest out of the anemoi iterators. she has forged Some-
spotsupstuff · 11 months
Okay, I need to know how Sparrow's job was saved by Boreas. What did he do that let her win the case?
Also, was there a reaction from the High class Ancients as for why Boreas was defending Sparrow?
Boreas' involvement with the case was all very hush hush. he reached Deep into his big macho core to pull out some of that feminine manipulation and planning skills (oh wow he has those) and called up Sparrows. with her, he was all genuine and gentle for once. cuz she was all stressed, her eyes were puffy from crying cuz she just doesn't know how to save this (she studied as a Mechanic not a Lawyer, goddammit!!! she doesn't know this! neither do i so gimbe a break if anythin) and he admitted to himself that "alright Three Sparrows can be a part of the family, the girl is now my responsibility to keep safe" those two years ago
so he tells her that he has a plan. it shall be based from the truth- she trusted Euros with telling her about things like that, she was "too" kind- but we shall spin it even further without revealing your two's relationship. Boreas kind of played the role of her lawyer, basically
the main key was getting some evidence to back up the claims that Three Sparrows on a Wire is far too empathetic when interacting with Iterators. Boreas guided Sparrows to call upon her old teachers/school for evidence of that (and also then to show off her good grades to prove that she Is competent). the evidence, of course, ends up being all the footage of her lessons and tests that's saved in Boreas' memory since he has his consciousness in the entirety of the facilities and the city. he IS the security system of himself
now, taking out things from Boreas' memories isn't such an uncommon thing. it is invasive and typical Iterators don't have to go thru this, but he does. accessing him like this is usually done for quite recent things to prove a crime or smth, however. Sparrows attended the school like 40 years ago so it requires a Deep Dive into his memories and oh he HATES that. so That's a little sacrifice he does for her sake. opens his mind up to smth like that and lets people dig through him for the required footage without trying his damnest to be inconvenient like usually
with this memories combing thing also comes being a lil shady about stuff like this, too (needs to keep his memories of spending time with Zephyr a secret from his Houses). so he helps Euros falsify some of his own memories to make himself look worse and Sparrows better (cuz what can they do against their Own Iterator? they won't reset/wipe him over This)
and so all of this proves that Sparrows was sort of a damsel in distress in the Rot situation and got bitten terribly because of being a Good person. they can't fire her for being just a good person! that would look bad in their little religious community!!!! so she gets off with the warning/requirement to be sharper and... more merciless/meaner (they say "strict") while interacting with Euros i suppose
n das how Boreas bails her out!
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