#booo they're made to be together ROMANTICALLY
pinkomcranger · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Alan Wake (Video Games), Alan Wake 2 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Saga Anderson & Alex Casey Characters: Saga Anderson, Alex Casey (Alan Wake), Alan Wake (mentioned) Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Canon Compliant, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, It's Casey. what did you expect?, Best Friends, Nobody understands Casey like Saga does, Casey is still grumpy about it, Special Agent Alex Casey wants to punch Alan at least one good time, stop denying him Saga, Saga is going to take care of everyone, even when they don't ask, where ELSE did Alan get that flannel from? it sure wasn't Casey's, Casey loves coffee, no beta we die like Taken, Banter, Teasing Summary:
The second Alan Wake leaves the room to get a well-earned shower, his legs still noticeably shaky, Saga turns her gaze to her partner. Casey has his arms crossed over his chest, leaning back in his chair, a frown marring his face. She practically feels his irritation rolling off of him in waves. She can't say she blames him, all things considered. “Are you alright, Casey?”
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myheroaizawashota · 5 years
Hey there! I was wondering if I could request a fem reader x aizawa fic where the reader is a teacher at UA lifelong bffs with all might and everyone assumes they're together or at least into each other which prevents aizawa from saying anything but ends up fluffy! also maybe have aizawa and/or others walk in on easily misinterpreted situations just for shits and giggles? Thank you!
[*salivates and flails body at the thought of this prompt* yes boo YAS BOOO YAAAAAAASS. Sorry I absolutely ADORE All Might. I think being best friends with Toshinori/All Might is one of the the most purest friendships one could have!! So I’m DOWN for this! Sorry this took so long to get out my inbox has been a bit full and I’ve been getting super carried away with the pieces I’ve been writing haha]
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Most things in life didn’t bother Aizawa. He was rational and calculated with every one of his emotions, making it very difficult to get a rise out of the aloof and deadpan man. It took quite a bit to boil the mans blood, but you made it look easy. He nestled his face into the currently soft scarf wound loosely and lazily around his neck, listening as his fellow teachers in the lounge did nothing but gossip. A frivolous pass of time if you asked him, though as the teachers all speculated on your relationship with the worlds currrent top pro hero, he couldn’t help but grow tested as he listened in. “So what’s the deal with Y/N and All Might...are they a couple.” Nemuri hummed gently shoveling rice into her mouth as she waited for a response.
Aizawa rolled his eyes unamused by today’s lunch conversation. If you asked him he’d tell you it was because gossip was childish and should be left to the students, but in actuality he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy ravage through him as he thought of you in the arms of anyone else. Over the few months you’d been teaching here at U.A the 1-A teacher and yourself had become rather close. In fact you’d become so close that subconsciously Aizawa found himself completely consumed by the thought of you. It was odd, when he was with you he felt himself smile more. He felt himself enjoying the work day just slightly more than usual. He even found himself sleeping less during his lunch breaks, he preferring to spend the time with you instead. Aizawa never had a desire to be with anyone. Up until this point he convinced himself that he didn’t need a significant other in his life, that it’d be just another vacuum of his energy and time. Then you came into his life and now all he can do is think of spending all his time with you. His irrational feelings for you drove him wild, all he wanted to do was grab you by the wrists and press your lips together. The desire for your company was foreign to him, you were the only one to make him crave attention.
A sigh rippled through aizawa as he watched Yamada stretched himself out, pushing his chair back with the toe of his boot “I’d put money on the fact those two are totes a thing! Everywhere one goes the other follows, it’s your classic love song!”
Unable to listen to the conversation anymore, aizawa picked himself up from the table eager to leave the home base of all the gossip. “You’re all juvenile. The students talk less about these kinds of things than the rest of you.”
Leaving the room, aizawa wandered through the halls, hands tucked away in his pockets as he slugged his way down towards your classroom. His chest filled with emotions as his feet shuffled further down the hall, pausing when he heard laughter coming from the other side of your door. He felt his breath hitch as his heart skipped a beat in that moment, the image of your smile smacking him right in the face. It was enough to pull the corners of his lips into and small hardly noticeable smile. Drawn to your laughter like a sailor to a Sirens call he moved in closer, eyes peering through the small cut out window on the door. Disappointment shattered through his body as he watched your arms wrap around All Mights neck, his heart sinking to the pits of his stomach as he watched how happy you looked.
“Yagi! Put me down!” You giggle as the intimidatingly large but incredibly sweet pro hero held you in a bridal type style. “Stop you’re tickling me you giant jerk!��� You smile as the others finger tips gently pressed and poked at your side you squealing as you wiggles around his arms.
A deep roaring laugh shook through Toshinoris body as the toned symbol of peace continued to ceaselessly tickle away at your soft spots “Ha ha! I see you’ve had enough! This will teach you to be more careful next time about climbing up on desks instead of just asking me for my help to reach things”
Aizawas hand slowly let go of the door, swallowing the emotions that had began to swell in his throat. Seeing you with All Might like that, he could understand how everyone could jump to the conclusion that the two of you were a couple. The thought of that hurt, his mouth tugging down into a frown as he lowered his hands back into his pockets, eyes cast down to floor. He’d rather be tied down to a chair and forced to listen to Mic’s never ending chatter at full blast than to stand and see anymore of this. With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes and shook the images of you from his head as he walked away, though the sound of your laughter and voice still followed him as he walked on more somber than usual.
“Some hero you are assaulting your damsel” you laughed finally shoving yourself out of Toshinoris arms.
The instant your feet hit the ground the other let his muscle form fade he giving a few pained coughs. “Hey i don’t assault all my rescuees, just you” he smiled, knuckles brushing away a few droplets of blood that spilled past the corner of his mouth.
You couldn’t help but laugh, lightly shoving the other hero playfully “serves you right for tickling me you god damn villain”
He couldn’t help but smile, head shaking as he pulled out your desk chair and sat himself down. You and the worlds beacon of hope had a long history together, though it was no where near what anyone spectated it to be. You were both aware of the ridiculous rumors circulating around the campus of your alleged relationship, however they were all just that. Ridiculous rumors. While the bond you and Yagi shared was one forged by the fires of time, it was in no way a romantically relationship. It drove you crazy when you heard the way the others talked about the non existent spark between you too, especially since it was starting to effect your other relationships. Since you’d started here at U.A one teacher has stuck out to you the most. Just thinking about him was enough to make your chest ache. He wasn’t exactly the warmest of men, in fact getting close to him was like getting close to a wild horse. Though you managed to do the impossible and tame all the rough edges of typically emotionally detached teacher. So caught up in your own thoughts you almost didn’t even realized when your friend snapped his match stick thin fingers in front of you“y/n? You doing okay over there or what?”
You shake your head clearing yourself back to reality, a blush brushed over the bridge of your nose, a hand scratching the back of your head as you laughed nervously “yeah I’m fine, i was just...I got distracted.”
The elite pro gave a hum, a smirk dancing at the corners of his mouth. “Right, distracted thinking about Aizawa again?” Immediately your eyes widened you trying to deny him your truth, though that look in your eyes was enough to tell him everything he needed to know. Laughing lightly he leaned himself back in your chair arms folded across his chest “why are you still standing here anyway? I thought we talked about this, didn’t you say today was the day you were finally going to talk to him about things?”
He was right, after weeks of complaining over your feelings, Toshinori finally had talked you into confesssing yourself to the other. You didn’t say anything in that moment just giving your friend a nervous smile as he looked your way. He motioned towards the door with sunken eyes and you knew what you had to do. You made your way down to your fellow staff members class room, you giving a soft knock on the door. As anticipated there was no answer. You shoved the door to the side, poking your head in to see the shape of his sleeping bag full. With a smile you pushed your way into the room closing the door behind you, all but jumping when the lump on the floor all but growled at you “get out.”
Your chest tightened as you stopped in your tracks. “It’s jus-“
“I know who it is. I’m not in the mood for company. I have 15 minutes of break left and I’d prefer to use it for sleeping.” The tone of his voice was so corse and rough, you flinching at its sound.
It was unlike the man to turn down your time and attention. Typically he’d put up a fuss, making some comment about how you were taking him away from his nap but he’s never once told you that he’d prefer sleeping to the warmth of your company. Ignoring his warning you crouched down allowing your body to kneel down on the cold floor next to his. “Not even my company? I know I’m late for lunch..I’m sorry Shouta. I got a little caught up with All Might..”
“I saw.” His response was cold and robotic, your lips tugging down as you saw his body curl up. He had seen you and Yagi together? You knew there was no reason to, but you felt ashamed and dirty that the other saw your antics.
“I fell.” You pushed out, shoulders hunching up as you crushed your ears in the process. You felt a burst of anxiety course through your body as the need to compulsively explain what the other had seen took you over. You watched as the others body twisted and turned in his current hideout, the scratch and shuffle of the sleeping bag muffling the sound of your increased breathing. As his soft tired eyes met yours with concern you let the words fall almost like vomit from your mouth, it uncontrollable. “It’s kinda funny but also it’s kind of not, haha. See I was trying to get this book from the top shelf of my book case and I couldn’t reach because I’m so short, so I started climbing on some desk to get some height but I didn’t realize my footing on the desk tops was so unsteady that when I went to stretch myself up to reach for the book I almost cracked my skull open! If it wasn’t for All Might I would have killed myself.”
Shouta rose a brow as he listened to your story. It made sense to him, the way All Might held your body would be supported by the story you gave him. He moved to say something but before he had the chance, he saw the way your chest began to rise and fall quicker. He noticed the glossy glean in your eyes as your hands trembled and his heart stopped. Unzipping the sleeping bag he pushed his body to bend at the waist, he sitting straight up as he pulled you right into his chest giving you a hug. You felt yourself shake more as you were pressed into Aizawas chested, leaning into the calming touch of his palm against the back of your head as he held you tightly against him. “Just take a breathe Y/N. I’m...sorry” he murmured out, the scruff of his chin resting against your forehead a deep sigh passing his lips. “Admittedly....when i saw you and All Might together in the class room I was hurt. Up until now I couldn’t rationalize why I got so mad when i saw the way he held you back there, though now that your here in my arms I think I understand. I like you a lot Y/N. I understand if you’re uncomfortable due to your relationship with All Might, but I don’t think I can lie to myself or you anymore by hiding just how much you mean to m-“
His eyes widened as he was cut off mid sentence by the warmth of your lips. It didn’t take long before his body relaxes under yours, hands moving to cup your cheeks. He allowed himself to sinfully enjoy the kiss just a moment longer before parting your lips, hands holding your face back from his as he let his eyes capture yours. “You kissed me? But what about-“
“Yagi is just my friend Shouta. I’ve never seen him the way I see you.” You whisper, watching as his eyes began to light up. “If we’re both being honest...i came here with the intentions of telling you the same thing you told me” you blush eyes casting down to the ground. “I like you too Shouta.”
The pounding of his heart could be heard in his ear, as he took in every inch of your face. He could see the genuine emotion in your features the corners of his lips tugging up as he pulled your face back to his, lips hungry for yours. You smiled and pressed him back against the floor with a laugh “looks like your the one who kissed me this time”
His face looked brighter than it usually did, even if the corners of his lips only twitched you knew inside he was smiling back. “Stop talking. Do you wanna maybe finish this nap with me?”
You gave him a grin, lips pressing once more against his before sliding your body into bag, you two pressed flush against each other. With a strong blush on both of your faces you closed your eyes and laid your head against his chest. “I’ll nap with you as long as you promise that when we wake up, this won’t be a dream.”
Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, his arms wrapped securely around your body, eyes already closed. “Deal. Now stop talking and sleep.” It wasn’t how he imagined this moment would be, but he was grateful to have you so close to him like this. Lord help the person who tried to wake the two of you.
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