#boomerang pulling the frank reynolds move of 'oh look there's my massive condoms for my huge fuckin wang!!!'
finniestoncrane · 6 months
I'm really sorry if this is annoying but I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I really just want to get it out. I think using condoms is actually really hot. Not for like protection but that it feels kinda of dirtier ya know?? Like, they can show someone was intending to fuck you or someone can pour their cum out of them and pour it on/in you, or even that they add an extra step before you get fucked so there's more anticipation. Idk, anyway, I'm sorry if this has been a little intrusive or taken up space in your ask box <3
i rarely write it in actually, but safe sex is so important (in the fictional world though don't we all have no diseases and no ability for unwanted pregnancies lmao) but FUCK yes i LOVE thos aspects, particularly the intention like???
you're on a date with someone and catch sight of it their wallet, or they drop it out of their pocket? hnggggg
letting it drip out onto you, yes. but pulling it off slowly and letting it spill back out of them????????
also it's such an intimate part of foreplay to put it on someone too >:3
PLEASE don't ever apoogise this isn't intrusive, this is your feelings and thoughts and they are valid and hot and wonderful and have given me ideas (if you want to request something with them anyone go ahead) and i appreciate you putting it in my ask box omg 💚
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