#boi didnt deserve to be thanos snapped into confetti by denture man like wtf
pixelated-moon · 28 days
… TADC theory time because it's 2am and I thought of this.
My theory: What if (some of) the NPCs are like reskinned/slightly redesigned versions of past "player" characters?
(Explanation under cut bc I don't want this post to be long)
Now hear me out here on my explanation.
Y'all know how some video games/shows will pretty much use old character models and make new characters (or even just copy paste them and make minor adjustments), even if they're just background or minor (NPC) characters, right?
(Ik there's the marionette NPCs, but I'm not counting those because those are obviously there just to fill space in NPC wise, I mean any other NPC that aren't those btw.)
Caine said himself that sometimes he can get confused on who's a "player" or not… so what if that's the reason why? What if some NPCs he makes just takes old player models who have already abstracted (possibly players that were there and abstracted even before even Kinger showed up), edited them to not be obviously a copy paste deal, and makes whole new NPCs with them because their models are still in the codes?
And because of that he can confuse current players and NPCs because of the models being of ones of past players?
Caine is clearly the main AI of the whole thing. And has access to literally see the code (The Void, bc that's obviously like the whole coding to the whole place in an artistic and creative form) of this whole thing whenever he wants/needs to!
Like y'all actually hear me out on this one
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