#bob salmon
tabieeee · 3 months
Thaddeus: Well would you look at that. I spy with my little eye *Squints at Bob and Cass* "Two cameras drinking some tea" now rather the real question is not "Why are they drinking tea" the question is "How are they drinking tea?" They can't even physically do that!
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I think the real real question is why the hell are they wearing moustaches
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matcharabbit · 2 months
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They’re gonna quit by the end of the week
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Sketch version
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burgers-in-anime · 3 months
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Another Code: Recollection (2024)
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Oh the salmons they are a slammin
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lewis-winters · 7 months
would love to hear more about the skinny/speirs confrontation 👀 (I'm sure other would too so feel free to answer publicly)
Ok I did not actually anticipate ppl being interested HAHAHAH but since ya'll asked nicely (@ep6bastogne and @hellofanidea mWAH to you too), here it is under the cut.
Ok so like. Understandably, people are more focused on Web and Lieb when it comes to the mountain top scene and that's perfectly fine. They're the ones I first thought about too. But then the more I watched that scene, the more I nyoomed in on two details: 1) It is implied that Speirs personally gave the order for Liebgott to go up there and deal with the officer, and 2) Skinny is the one who ends up pulling the trigger.
Which brings me to like. This fic I started planning in my head but couldn't quite write down because I am. Lazy. Anyway, it follows several plot points:
1) This is piggyback riding off my meta that Ron had ulterior motives to sending Liebgott up the mountain, which I have outlined in this post. TL;DR Ron used Lieb's anger (and to some extent, Web's too-- in my head, he heard about the incident with the baker in ep9, and he wanted to exploit that, not anticipating that Web's own self-preservation (of both his own person and morals) would get in the way) to do his dirty work, knowing that he wouldn't be questioned because of his position and because of said anger blindsiding all logic Lieb might have.
2) Skinny somehow knows this. He's more intuitive that people give him credit for. If Ron handpicked Lieb and Web because he knew, at least to some extent, that their anger would push them to do what he wants, then what the hell was Skinny doing there?
3) That question will haunt Skinny for awhile. Because why did Ron know, somehow, that Skinny would pull the trigger when either Lieb or Web could not? What anger and violence did Ron see in Skinny that made him think: "ah, yes, him; that's my killer of killers"? And most importantly, why did Skinny prove him right?
This is very much informed by how irl Skinny's PTSD was very much centered on the people he killed as a soldier (as opposed to people he lost). He's constantly cited in his writings and his letters that he felt unforgivable. So it isn't a massive leap for me to go yeah!! that boy killed an unarmed man (albeit a nazi, but I don't think even that could help him justify this) and then was later present when Web says "war's over, anyone would run" which no doubt would add to his already guilty conscience.
Add all of that together, and you have a recipe for a very traumatized lost boy wondering if maybe he's carrying a monster inside of him, and if maybe Ron could see it.
4) the answer, in the end, is that Ron couldn't see it. This was the dialogue I wrote first, and it has had me by the balls ever since:
"So why me? What did you see in me that was so twisted and cruel that you decided I should be up there, huh? Tell me!"
"... Nothing. I just needed a third man."
5) anyway. Ronald does, finally, admit to having used Lieb and Web to get what he wants. But Skinny doesn't care, because all he hears is that he's collateral damage. And that's not quite as comforting as Ron thinks it is.
soooooo. yeah.
**another plot point I have listed but couldn't really put anywhere in this weird ass list: there's also some cognitive dissonance sprinkled in there-- Skinny could justify Lieb and Web's reactions. He'd say Lieb has the right to do it. He'd also say Web's attempt at perserving himself as wise. it's important to note that Skinny went into this with the mindset that he was already unforgivable from the beginning. this just exacerbated it, but also gave him somebody who could probably answer his questions (i.e. am I really unforgivable? am I rreally a monster? am I a murderer? etc etc).
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kawaii-foodie · 2 years
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cinemaslife · 16 days
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#69 Nadie (Nobody)
Hutch Mansell (Bob Odenkirk) es un administrativo aburrido de la vida que todos sus días son una fotocopia, y que cada vez está más distanciado de su mujer y sus hijos. Se siente un extraño en su vida y está un poco harto de aguantar mangoneos de su suegro y su cuñado con los que trabaja en la empresa.
Pero una noche unos ladrones entran en su casa y todo cambia.
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Para decepción de su hijo y su mujer, Hutch no hace nada y se deja robar el poco dinero que tienen en un bol a la entrada de casa. Pero él mismo sabe que no deberían haber pasado las cosas así, aunque ya es tarde, y se siente mal consigo mismo cuando el vecino, su cuñado, su suegro y toda la sociedad le dice que tenía que haber hecho más, pero lo peor es que su hija pequeña ha perdido una pulsera con un gatito que le gustaba mucho y estaba en ese bol, y Hutch estalla.
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Va a ver a su padre que está en una residencia perdiendo la cordura y recupera de una caja de zapatos su pistola, sus balas, la vieja identificación del FBI de su padre y una chaqueta que siempre le ha gustado. En su búsqueda de información, ya que vio el tatuaje de uno de los atracadores, la gente no le da respuestas hasta que entra en un estudio de tatuajes y un veterano de guerra sabe que significa el tatuaje que tiene Hutch en la muñeca y le da las gracias por su servicio y se esconde de él, diciéndole a los demás que le den la información que busca.
¿Quién es Hutch? Vamos a ir descubriéndolo poco a poco, pero lejos de ser ese hombre enclenque que todos creen y que nadie respeta, se transforma en un criminal capaz de romper dientes, partir tráqueas y matar sin miedo.
Va a la casa de los ladrones, pero es consciente de que roban por necesidad, no por gusto y que es mejor recuperar su reloj y desaparecer sin la pulsera de gatito que su hija no encuentra.
Se sienta al final del autobús frustrado por no haber podido vengarse y agradece cuando se suben como delincuentes de diferentes nacionalidades buscando gresca y molestando al resto de pasajeros.
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Se lía a palos con ellos en el autobús, dándoles su merecido y recibiendo una terrible paliza que no lo inmoviliza, sino que nos enseña que es un hombre preparado para el combate cuerpo a cuerpo con las armas más básicas, una escena de acción digna de Chuck Norris. Pero, por desgracia, uno de esos chicos es el hermano de un criminal ruso, Yulian Kuznetsov (Aleksei Serebryakov) que está bastante loco y, aunque odia a su hermano, quiere vengarse de Hutch Mansell y va a por él y a por toda su familia.
Hutch se cabrea porque han ido a su casa y ha tenido que meter a su mujer y a sus dos hijos en su cámara de seguridad, ha tenido que ir a defender a su padre David Mansell (Christopher Lloyd) que se ha podido defender solo, y comprarle a su suegro y a su cuñado, con lingotes de oro, la empresa de metalurgia para crear una trampa mortal para Yulian y sus hombres.
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Hutch va en busca de Yulian para que sepa que no le tiene miedo y que le ha quemado todo su dinero para que se cabree y pueda partirle la cabeza que es lo que más ilusión le hace y que consigue llevándolos al almacén de metalurgia donde trabajaba y que es una trampa mortal, además, para ayudarle van su padre y su hermano que también saben lo que se hacen.
Acaban todos destrozados, pero, Hutch, su hermano y su padre ganan la jugada contra asesinos rusos profesionales, y las escenas de los tiros, las explosiones y la sangre dan mucho juego.
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Nuestro hombre acaba en la comisaria confesando que no es nadie, pero los agentes no le toman en serio hasta que reciben una llamada de superiores en su teléfono que les invita a dejar a Hutch libre, cosa que tienen que hacer sin más remedio. Hutch vuelve con su familia y plantean comprarse una casa nueva y ser felices en serio.
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sunsetcorvid · 1 year
giving yall the job of naming them
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Nobody (2021)
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vintageterror · 7 months
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Album Review: Mighty Poplar - Mighty Poplar
Under the aural canopy of Mighty Poplar, a group of bluegrass’ finest progressive-minded players turn the traditional supergroup inside-out.
Already quite busy with full-time gigs, the quintet - Watchhouse/Mandolin Orange’s Andrew Marlin on mandolin; Punch Brothers Noam Pikelny (banjo) and Chris Eldridge (guitar); fiddler Alex Hargreaves of Billy Strings’ band; and Leftover Salmon bassist Greg Garrison - relies on covers for its eponymous debut, transforming the compositions of John Hartford (“Let Him Go on Mama”), the Carter Family (“Little Joe”), Leonard Cohen (“Story of Isaac”) and others into Mighty Poplar songs.
As nominal bandleader, Marlin curated and sings lead on the majority of the sometimes-harmony-rich, other times sung-solo, arrangements. Opening with the joyful, calling-and-responding “Distant Land to Roam,” Mighty Poplar plants deep roots in rich sonic soil. Marlin’s interpretation of Bob Dylan’s “North Country Blues” is particularly affecting as he sings the melancholy role of a coal miner’s widow looking back on a turbulent life.
Mighty Poplar’s 10 tracks include two instrumentals, “Great Eagle” and “Kicking up the Devil on a Holiday/Dr. Hecock’s Jig,” highlighting the band’s strength as ensemble players.
Grade card: Mighty Poplar - Mighty Poplar - B+
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tabieeee · 2 months
(By Bob I mean redshirt/bluesuited/lucky cameraman and by Minties I mean the green suit twins cameramen)
The Minties and Bob were working with Secret Agent the entire time
Bob had to be more open about it because of his device but the Minties were there for extra help/eyes incase something happened to Bob(?)
Minties were saved last minute by Secret Agent making them invis/incorporeal/TPing them
Minties are ALIVE and in the elevator with the everyone. we saw them because the invis thing isn't perfect or more obvious in the dark
At the end of 70p3, Plungerman gets Transmission Error and sees Bob who only just looks at him and disappears. like he's pitying Plunk because he knows he'll be killed off
Then the Minties show up, do a handshake and when they flash GREEN that is when Plunger sees Secret Agent
Minties were there to be an extension of SA's abilities. to talk to Bob and then Plunger and make them invis when they needed it
The Minties are the LEAST like normal cameramen, they're tools of SA. these bois are warped (a Minty asked Bob for a handshake who was confused and only then remembered to do a thumbs up)
Bob is kind of in-between, maybe he became part of SA's deal recently and isn't weird like the Minties yet
Plunger & DarkSpeaker only had a brief interaction with SA and only were somewhat affected by him (transmission error, invis, seeing SA)
You know who does handshakes? Secret Agent. look at the Alpha-Hills Labs poster
Transmission errors always happened to hide SA's existence/powers
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So I saw a screenshot of Bob on Twitter and thought it was odd that he was still damaged. If he died and was a "ghost" like the Minties then why did he still look damaged?
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The Minties look fine, but that's cool because they're dead and are just "ghosts"... Vsauce voice OR ARE THEY?
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Plungerman and DarkSpeaker both went invis suddenly, during that time Plunger had a Transmission error, so the Alliance didn't see that.
Bob and the Minties both disappeared at the end the same way, and since Plunk & Dark are both alive, that means they were never dead in the first place. They aren't ghosts or hallucinations, they were invisible through Gman-esque powers from Secret Agent.
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THIS IS A MINTY. They are glowing green the same way as both of them at the end of 70p3. So. Bob and the Minties both work with SA. Bob was sent in to be the guide to lead Plunger and Dark to finally kill off ScienceToilet. The Minties were likely there to be a backup plan and have the ability to turn themselves and others invisible (maybe Bob can do that too since he also vanished).
SA gives cameramen Transmission error and didn't use the invis ability until they were right at SciToilet's doorstep. he is intentionally keeping his existence hidden from the Alliance.
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The Cameramen that work with Secret Agent are weird. A Minty tries to give Bob a handshake, that's not what cameramen do.
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But the Minties did it with each other just fine. They either forgot what cameramen do or they assumed Bob would also do a handshake because all three of them are working for Secret Agent.
They must've learned it from Secret Agent. I would be VERY suspicious of anyone doing handshakes from now on.
In conclusion: Bob and the Minties never died, they went invisible through SA's powers and Plunger & Dark assumed they were dead. The Minties are cryptids who act nothing like normal cameramen because they were changed by Secret Agent's powers, Bob is a new addition to Secret Agent's team and hasn't quite forgotten how to be a cameraman yet. SA does not want the Alliance to know about him. The only reason Plunger and Dark saw that much is because SA was already planning for everyone in the infiltration team (except his pawns) to die. Maybe he was the one that lead to the deaths of everyone.
anyways I'm gonna go sit down I think my brain just exploded
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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cartoon-food · 2 years
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curbskirt · 2 years
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Angel: *Sniffs Alastor’s Jacket* Ew, Al, why the fuck does your jacket smell like puke and fish?
Alastor: Because that is the smell of a healthy man! A man who has not eaten undercooked fish, no matter what his body says otherwise.
Angel: I hate camping so much.
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