#blu/rr mention
starscoffeecreamer · 2 months
Knockout was not built as a medic. As a racer he had tiny titties that are nice, perky and aerodynamic. When he discovered his interest in surgery he started thinking of altering himself to be more like a medical bot. In particular he liked the huge breasts full of dense energon. Yet he didn't care for the sag or weight of them. No, his breasts had to be something worthy of his name.
His breasts are the obviously fake kind. Round, perky and huge. He's very proud of the design after all he sculpted it himself. Everyone wants to have their hands on it and he's happy to oblige. They're firm but have enough give for a very satisfying squeeze. He loves when Breakdown puts his big strong hands all over them and praises their perfection.
I think when he and Ratchet start spending time together he'd be surprised by Knockouts custom boobs. Maybe discuss designs and how to make them more functional medical pouches. Maybe Knockout gets an appreciation for Ratchets big naturals and changes his mind about having big weighty tits.
Lots of ideas but just needed to get porn tits Knockout into the world.
holy shit anon that's awesome
I both love the idea of racer frames having tiny tiddies and the idea that they have huge ones hidden behind their plating like it's a sports bra (example: i say Blu/rr has huge badonkers behind his chestplate and when he takes it off/opens it they just boing out)
Kno/ck Ou/t would totally have custom tiddies. He's gotta have the flashiest of everything, right? I could see him randomly flashing the vehi/cons occasionally, or even the auto/bots as a distraction
oughhhh I hc break/down as having huge naturals too so maybe they had a tit size contest once
also YES rat/chet has huge saggy weighty badonkers and no one can say otherwise
(id totally cup them tbh WAIT WHO SAID THAT)
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tetsubird · 3 years
I just wanna gush abt my friends real quick cause i love them sm n they mean the entire world for me , im so grateful to have these people among me , such amazing people who r there for me , i wouldn't have if any other Way /p
Gala ; WHERE DO I START , I love gala sm , theyre my big sibling n i care for them , theyre so funny n so so sooo kind , theyre like , how do i say it ? Oh ! They person who always makes u smile , even when ur upset they always manage to put a smile on my face , theyre art n edits r so gorgeous /p
Basil ; Dont u mean the coolest person ever ? Basil is so fun to be around n theyre edits n art are soo amazing , theyre like the person who lights up the room whenever they wwalk in , theyre just a super amazing friend i can't describe how much im grateful to be their friend.
Koto ; insert hapy noises , Koto is not my friend but i still love them very much <3 , theyre so funny n supportive , theres just smth abt them , that wwell , makes them , them ! They always manage to make me happy even if its a small gesture ❤ i just think theyre gorgeous.
Shishi ; Yay !! Shishi !! Buns always that person whos vv supportive n caring abt buns friends , they r theyre for me , i love talking to them everytime i get the opportunity ! they just make me go :DDD whenever im talking to them.
Miki ; so fuckim awesome , thats all , miki is just /pos , theyre edits r amazing n so is they're personality !! I could never ask for another friend like them , they're so unique n talented , miki is so amazing in her own way , i cant put into words abt how shes so amazing in every way.
Grem ; Gren , gren so fuckim poggers , me n them don't talk alot but theyre still fun to hang around , they're so fuckim funny n they're art n edits r so pretty like what , they make me laugh so much , n theyre truly a really good friend.
Kichi ; literally one of the most amazing people ever , kichi is so amazing , 🎲 is like , one of the people u just wanna sing jug chug with /j , gsksjd but fr , kichi is rr nice n 🎲s talent is amazing , i look up to 🎲 alot , n 🎲s just so amazing :D.
Blu ; SO SOSOSOSOSO AMAZING !!! u should totally check out blu's edit blog n request from them one day cause they're stuff is literally so cute , n they're so funky.
+ literally everyone else who i talk to / follow , u r all amazing n ily all so much , i care for u n i bet ur such an amazing person , take care n to those not mentioned , ur also my friend n ur so poggers , take care , sorry for this random post i was just so happy n needed to get it out ;;
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thepeakmoment · 7 years
More Returns
Here's a superb podcast on Peaks. May 30 is the most recent episode. A great listen. Counter Esperanto Podcast: Tangents About Twin Peaks: 10th Secret: The Return
On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Dom wrote: I'll check it out tonight.
So my Diane prediction was on the fucking money.
I got another theory I'm working on.
Who's the mysterious billionaire? I heard some people say it may be Audrey Horne. I heard some people say it is Jack (John Justice Wheeler). I heard some people say it is Phillip Jeffries or Evil Cooper.
Put on your tinfoil hat for this one. The Billionaire is Leo Johnson. He lived through his spider ordeal. Then he took everything that Windom left behind (notes, computer files, other assorted Windom things) and built a criminal empire. I find it very hard to believe that the fucking casting director's son who was in the 1st two seasons and the fucking movie is NOT in this one.
The secret history of twin peaks tells us what happens to a bunch of characters like Leo. For instance Hank dies in prison. But not one word in the book about Leo? I got to believe that he lives and he’s not just a slobbering fool any more. I know this is probably not going to happen. But that's my theory.
I cannot imagine Leo is a rich billionaire — how did he make his money? A theory that makes sense I’ve heard on EW TP podcast that it could be BOB-Cooper attempting to catch Good Cooper if he ever left the Lodge. But really, I have no idea… not as of end of P7.
I like how Lynch-Frost are using all official Twin Peaks releases as canon to draw the narrative from — Laura’s Diary, FWWM, Missing Pieces of blu-ray edition, as well as many classic episode threads.
And like Erik, I KNOW, that Sheriff Harry S. Truman will make an appearance in this season. I feel it in my bones.
It’s looking grim for Harry — or rather, it sounds grim from Frank saying to Harry, “beat this thing.” But actually I can see Ontkean coming out of retirement to have a role toward the end of the series. I also (want to) believe Josie returning … maybe she’s the billionaire, but why would she make such a contraption mounted to the side of building?
On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 2:26 AM, Erik wrote: Good Morning Gents. Grab a cup a joe and settle down a minute. I got some backed up information for yous … << Starts Tape Recorder…. >>
Spot on is right Mr Domi. You got that Diane was Laura Dern AND that she drinks at the Pub we went to. I even want to say she is seated in the area of the bar that we were sitting at that night.  Glad it wasn't raining when we went, "FUCK Gene Kelly, You mother fucker!!" LOL I love Albert, he is my favorite this season. (Location: Max Von's Bar = Casey's Irish Pub, 619 South Grand, LA)
So Episode 7 should have shut up all those whiner's and complainer's of Ep 6. There was a lot of hate on the internet, and even in our FB Group, about that episode. I was ok with it. I did not like the scene with the kid getting hit by the truck, but the scene ended with the Fat Trout Telephone pole, so I'm ok with it.
"Lynch has gotten flak for the male gaze in his work, but the problems go a lot deeper than lingering shots on female anatomy.…” Laura Hudson in Vulture.
Also in EP 6 we finally got two major new pieces of music from Angelo, not his best work, but still great to hear.  The overall lack of his music is my biggest complaint this season in case I didn't make that clear.
When Johnny Jewel's Windswept first appeared, I thought that was Badalamenti  finally debuting new music. I was definitely disappointed it was not Angelo, no disrespect to Johnny. But I agree with you Erik about no AB original score. That music is what made classic Peaks so memorable. I don’t get why Lynch is using such popular music. There really wan’t any such tracks in FWWM, it was Angelo’s music and further cemented Peaks as evergreen. Lynch is acting like Scorcese in the epic cinematic story… and he doesn’t need to. Marty did not have a Badalamenti in his arsenal. Lynch does. Please use him.
EP 7...There's a body alright.. is definitely the shit. Now we are cooking. Jerry!!!! Come out of it man... Lets get Ben and Jerry back in action, not disfunction. The diary pages, Annie's message from FWWM, Leland hiding pages, DIANE from hell! ... Bringing it all back home.
There’s a dark undercurrent with Diane and Cooper. All signs are indicating something very bad happened to Diane. I think BOB-Cooper raped her.
I wonder where Frank Truman was at the time of Laura's murder? He says he remembers Leland, her father, did it, but is not really familiar with the case. BUT why the heck is Frank not asking "So what is "the Lodge" you keep talking about?” Hawk?
The way Hawk talks so knowledgable about both Lodges and the way Frank does not question or disbelieve him, then it must be common knowledge among the indigenous culture. Wonder if Frank is a Bookhouse Boy?
Ancient Doc Hayward, kinda sad, but he was still funny. Did you catch his Skype name?  MiddleburyDoc... Warren Frost was actually living in VT right? They probably actually did just Skype him and screen capture it…lol
I caught that right away about Warren Frost’s Skype handle. And no doubt, Frost stayed in Vermont to do his scene. That just recorded the screen.… I do miss Briggs. Yet he died long before Lynch-Frost’s three-year tenure writing the new story, they had plenty of time to work the presence of him into the story.
Briggsy.. Oh Major Briggs. how we miss thee. Should be interesting how this plays out. And When the hell are we going to go back to I bet the road where Andy is waiting to meet the Truck owner is up there at Frankln Canyon Pond.
The Dog Leg.... WTF?  Is Joe McCluskey the guy that rigged the car and Mr C Killed earlier on? I do think the Psycho Little guy with the Ice Pick and Gun is kinda silly. Over the top for no reason.  Oh well.… It's kinda silly also that no one has taken Dougie to the Doctor. Everyone just plays along. we have to suspend disbelief I guess.
OMG enough with the guy sweeping at the Roadhosue. Is this all the extra time he told Shotime he needed more money for to tell the story properly?  lol and more music used in hundreds of shows and commercials. I love Booker T and the MGs don't get me wrong, but ... UGH I miss you Angelo... Also... Kinda weird to see Jean Michel... Did Jacque Renault have a twin brother? lol Mr. C and Ray getting out of Prison.. Bad stuff gonna happen. I think they might have used San Bernadino County Jail for this locaton. The Cell block Cooper is located on looks familar.  I will compare some screen grabs from my Locaton and Publicity Photos we took for Beyond Scared Straight at that jail.
And beause they needed to pad the ending to get to the alloted running time... Back to the RR Diner for the end scene, and yet another over-used stock song they probably had to pay more to use than what they paid Angelo for everything. Plus, I liked that song better when they used it in the X-files episode “Home" but No, I'm not bitter.
General notes: Glad Naomi Watts has such a big part. She really owns her scenes. Wish Jennifer Jason Leigh was more present but Mr C just left Jail for somewhere... It's slightly brilliant how Lynch (but probably Frost came up with it) still has made Harry a character in the show. even if only on the phone and never even heard. I feel like Harry is there kinda. Also brilliant... Robert Forrester.... wow. Wish he was in the original or the movie. Not sure how I feel with Dern as Diane. I'll go with it and see what happens.
Outstanding questions for me....(cause I haven't been reading blogs or listening to podcasts)
What is up with all the Arthurian Legend references? Dougie lives on Lancalot Court, down the street from the Merlin Market. Janey-E meets for the ransom drop on the corner of Gueneivere and Merlin. And of course, Glastonbury Grove... Pete Martel: "King Arthur's burried in England!"
Why is it when Dougie puts his thumb up or his hand out to shake, he turns his body 180 degrees?
What is up with the creepy guy (from Mulholland Diner scene) in the Vegas Office? I can't seem to catch his meaning in the story line.
What is up with Cooper's Room Key from the Great Northern? If has finally made it back to Ben Horne...Soooo?
One last question... Did Lynch quit smoking?  He made two references to people (Gordon Cole even) quitting. Did we ever even see Cole smoke in the series or movie? weird for him to say he quit when the character never smoked on camera. "You think about that Tammy."
On Jun 25, 2017, at 4:29 PM, Dom wrote: I think Frank Truman was a police officer in Seattle during Laura's investigation if I remember the book correctly. But I think that a "Sheriff Truman" has been in power for over 60 consecutive years now between the 2 brothers and their father. It sort of like there must always be a Stark in Winterfell.
To my knowledge that was the first time ever we have heard name Joe McCluskey. I have no clue who that is. But I have a feeling we will learn.
Yea, I don’t recollect Joe McCluskey. Gotta watch again to see if he first appears or is mentioned earlier.
I think Ike the Spike is either from the black lodge or an agent of the black lodge. Remember he smelled "funny" per the little girl.
Spike did look a little monstery, his teeth especially.
I actually loved that scene of the sweeping. I could just imagine everyone watching was freaking out and I enjoyed that. And I thought that Walter did some great acting while on the phone as Jean-Michel. "He owes me for two!"
That ending scene from the RR diner was weird as shit. Its either the worst continuity error of all time or something truly weird happened there. Completely different set of people dining there after David Lynch's son runs in and asks if anyone has seen Billy.
Lynch did not quit smoking. He, like Harry Dean are lifers.
Both Laura Dern and Naomi Watts are killing their roles. Both doing a fantastic job. I just cannot wait to see them come face to face over Dougie.
And MacLachlan! All his Cooper iterations are really well done. I love that BOB-Cooper character. Can’t wait to see what trouble he kicks up now!
My new tin foil theory is that we may be dealing with 2 Twin Peaks. Twins of each other if you will. I'm still working this one out. Different versions of the same town in different universes a part of a greater multiverse?
Did you notice Andy was wearing a rolex? Kind of weird.
…And he was supposed to meet the guy at 4:30. Is that one of the numbers from ????? ?
The guy from the Vegas office is working directly for Phillip Jeffries or whoever is pretending to be him IMO.
Don’t overlook the black soot guy walking in the hallway toward the female FBI agent in the morgue. I think it’s related to the guy next to Bill Hastings cell.…
Lots of Arthurian Legend stuff from way back when. I never got that. But its seems to be very important. I would love to go to Merlin's Market.
During the end credits from the last episode buried in the music is Windham Earle's theme mixed into the background too!!!!!
I might try headphones for tonight’s part to see exactly what sounds I miss. I know there’s a lot of low audible noise and rumbling that I don’t hear when our apartment is 86º and the fan is going.…
On Jun 25, 2017, at 8:10 PM, Dom wrote: Some last minute thoughts...
Yeah I agree about MacLachlan is killing it and should win an Emmy for best actor. Black soot guy is awesome and its the same dude for sure from the jail cell. Some people seem to think we have seen him a third time as a homeless man outside of Vegas at the Rachera Rosa is whatever it is called. I don't think that we did. I will need to re-watch that again. Another tin foil hat theory. On those three pages from Laura's diary she refers to knowing who it is and that its not Bob. At least everyone thinks she is referencing Leland. That is probably most right. However I am thinking that she is referring to an evil more powerful and sadistic than even Bob.Like whatever came out of the glass box and mutilated those younglings.
On Jun 25, 2017, at 8:17 PM, Erik wrote: > "Yea, I don’t recollect Joe McCluskey."
I am thinking if the guy in the diner eating food non-stop the whole scene with Ray and the chick Mr C shot in the head.  Just before he kills her, he tells her "i killed joe, and the she freaks out, knowing the gig is up.   The previous scene the eating guy "joe" does something to a car in storage and then cooper like squeezes his face for a whole minute.   Could be McCluskey?
> "Lynch did not quit smoking."
Well, its mighty fine of him to send a non smoking message to all the youths. Considering Cole does not smoke, it is a conscious message.
> "All his Cooper iterations are really well done."
Yes, Kyle will def get an Emmy nomination. Dern and Watts will also I predict.  
> “RR diner was weird as shit. Its either the worst continuity error of all time or something truly weird happened there.”
There are no accidents on a Lynch set. If an error occurs and he likes it he will use it. So who knows why he did it. On the same level as the windows  flashing code on the FBI jet.  He is throwing out decoys i feel.  
> “then it (the Lodge) must be common knowledge among the indigenous culture.”
Then why the heck is Truman not like "well lets go up there" nor does Hawk tell him he was up in those woods when Log Lady last called.
> “Don’t overlook the black soot guy walking in the hallway”
Nope, I did not mention him cause i consider it another decoy.  Kinda like the shambling being behind the diner in Mulholland Drive...never came up again. i am sure he will play a part at some point.  
But i did forget to mention the playing card Mr. C  showed the girl in the hotel bed before he shoots her.  Aliens? Very well could be.
Have a good viewing. The damn internet saying EP 8 is extra noteworthy. Could it be Phillip Jeffries? Windom Earl?  More Leland and Laura? (I actually doubt we will see either of them again).  Audrey? Big Ed? They got plenty of options.
Cheers! ~G
Sent from the Black Lodge.
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starscoffeecreamer · 29 days
Different anon here but mechs gaining weight as a sign of health and healing.
Its hit everyone to various degrees and when it finally hits Rodimus he is not a happy mech.
He’s never been like this before, Nyon being starved, fighting a war, leading his crew in the beginning and the many dangers they’ve faced. He is not at all used to having actual weight on his frame.
It’s noticeable too.
His thighs are thick and his hips are round and his aft is bigger and yikes his once curvy and flat tanka are now bloated, curvy, but still bloated. His chassis is heavier too and he has weight on his arms now.
He doesn’t say anything about how much he doesn’t like it but he doesn’t have to.
Drift and Ratchet know him well enough to see that something isn’t right.
Rodimus doesn’t touch them aside from holding their servos. He doesn’t cuddle anymore, something he loves doing the mech will always be touch starved, he doesn’t flirt or tease anymore. Doesn’t initiate fragging or even let them frag him saying he just wanted to watch or wasn’t in the mood—the biggest of red flags all of them— Rodimus was either always in the mood or would touch himself while watching not blushing and staring off like a virgin or like he was embarrassed about something.
He doesn’t like fueling in front of them anymore either and they’re worried.
One night they overhear him talking with Blurr and listen in.
Blurr had heard about Roddy gaining some weight finally and came to check on him. He had a feeling his friend wasn’t handling it well.
“I can admit at first i didn’t like it either, we’re speedsters too much weight will slow some of us down. But I’ve come to like it because of Swindle. He loves putting his paws on me even more now. Maybe you should try that?”
Rodimus saying he doesn’t recognize himself looking in the mirror let alone thinking his partners want to interface with him, has them spark broken.
Blurr gives Rodimus a shoulder to lean on and he clings to the other because yeah he’s still Roddy and he hasn’t touched another in far too long.
After Blurr leaves Rodimus sits there for a moment getting himself together and goes back to his hab to find the two not there.
He can’t help letting himself fall into a depressive spiral as he lays in the other room and recharges.
He’s woken up to soft kisses and servos crawling all over him.
He feels charge building up so quickly after having been alone and untouched for too long only to try pushing the servos away and sitting up.
The two keep him pinned and a deep kiss steals his breath away followed by another.
Servos open his modesty panels and he tries to fight it but they pop open and now teeth are nipping at sensitive cables and he can’t stop his moans.
He feels servos on his tanks and tries to suck them in but that gets him a harsh plunge of digits in his valve and his whole frame is shaking.
He’s in tears and the two haven’t even started speaking sweet words to him yet.
They tell him how beautiful he is. How beautiful he’s always been with this figure and the last. They take their time taking him apart enjoying this new frame gain and how soft he is. How plush and desirable he is now. How vulnerable and open and honest he is compared to the bravado he used to flare. How they enjoy him like this so much better.
How they want him soft and confident in this frame, how they love the way his body jiggles now and how healthy he looks. How supple his energon pouches are and how beautiful his valve looks now thats it’s gotten fatter.
How he’s so breedable now that he isn’t a twig they could accidentally break in half.
They love every bit of him even more.
They want to lavish, touch and ravage his frame more than ever and that they’re sorry they hadn’t shown him sooner.
They really do have a talk after slow fragging Roddy for a full week. Its a side of him they haven’t seen but welcome.
It’s something Rodimus has to learn to accept and he does.
With their help he does.
To their detriment he begins wearing body jewels and silks now his valve is fragged out every day.
I hope you don’t mind this long post.
awwwww! this is adorable. I love Rodi/mus learning to love himself again with the help of everyone.
*adds this to reference box along with thicc seekers*
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