#blossom’s oc rowan mac tir
blossom-adventures · 6 months
Just wrote a really soft moment between my Inquisitor and The Arishok/Sten and I’m just here like
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blossom-adventures · 3 months
WIP… Any Day Really 😆
Ok so in my absence over the last month or so I’ve been tagged by… @seradyn @miraakulous-cloud-district @oblivions-dawn @wispstalk and @thelavenderelf (I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone, but these were the only ones I could find in my notifications) to share something for WIP Wednesday
As I’m still not quite back into full swing of writing after such a long time away, I’ll just give you a little update on each of my projects ☺️
💙 - Far Horizons & Ancient Stones - Chapter 26 is nearly finished for this, I have a vague idea of how to wrap it up, but it’s just finding the right words that is currently eluding me
🧡 - The Blood Prophecy - I’m working on developing my OC for this one currently, Kristof is a very complex character with a just as complicated background, and I think I need to have a timeline planned out for him, more so than I need for Jaina
❤️ - Tall Glass of Red Wine - Temporary hiatus on this I’m afraid, I want to work on it but I dug myself into a plot hole and I need to sort that out before I can continue
💜 - Guard & Glaive - Nearly finished the prologue for this and I have several small prompts on the go too
💚 - The Legacy of the Herald - Could possibly start sharing this soon 🤔 but not 100% sure yet as it’s still in its early stages
🤍 - Cosplay - I’m thinking of working on a couple of projects in my spare time, without a deadline
💖 - Baldur’s Gate 3 - As yet untitled but I am wanting to write a story for this, I want a Halsin/Tav story with her closest friends being Gale and Astarion! I have already started writing down dialogue from the game and planning possible conversations! It’s an incredibly fun game and it’s been inspiring me a lot ☺️
I’m going to tag… 🤔
@bougainvillea-and-saltwater @bostoniangirl21 @thequeenofthewinter and anyone else who want to share anything, but as always, no pressure to ☺️💙
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blossom-adventures · 6 months
I’m sure it’s still Wednesday somewhere, right?
I was tagged by @thequeenofthewinter to share something for WIP Wednesday, I tried to post something earlier (when it was actually Wednesday for me) but my phone didn’t want to share it so it’s lost in the void somewhere 😆
Anyway here’s what I’m sharing, it’s not Skyrim unfortunately, I’m having a bit of time away from my Skyrim fic which I’m hoping will help me develop ideas better, and so I’m currently working on part 3 of my Dragon Age series, which I’m having a lot of fun writing, so here, from “Blighted Land” a little snippet of my OC, Rowan, and the Warden’s party getting to Denerim for the first time ☺️
Hope you like it 💙
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I want to tag @oblivions-dawn in this because she’s been a massive supporter of my Dragon Age work, thank you, my friend ☺️💙
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blossom-adventures · 5 months
Hello Blossom! 2, 5, 16, and 22 for the ask game!
Oooooh! Thanks for these asks, Senu!
2 - How many fics did you work on this year? Hmmmm… 8 or 9? Some are a series of one shots and some are big multi chapter fics
5 - What fandoms did you write for? Skyrim, Final Fantasy 15 and Dragon Age
16 - What were your go to writing songs? I have a playlist made for each of my OCs so depending on who’s story I’m working on I’ll listen to that, it is all film and video game scores, big orchestral scores that add some omph!
22 - Share an excerpt from your favourite scene… well… if you insist!
This is one from Herald to Inquisitor (my Dragon Age Inquisition story, which you have seen the whole scene of but I haven’t shared on here yet)
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And from Far Horizons & Ancient Stones… one of my favourite scenes that I was so pleased I wrote
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blossom-adventures · 6 months
Dragon Age fic News!
Ok… Dragon Age fic… I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently so I thought I’d share the rundown of the story (kind of)
It will be in at least 4 parts (maybe more, depending on how it flows)
Part 1 - The Legacy of the Herald
This is a sort of prologue to the story, it will be posted as a stand alone, single chapter story, where the Inquisitor finally tells some of her close friends who she actually is
Part 2 - Friends Notice
Another stand alone, single chapter story, set in the year 9:28 Dragon where King Cailan discovers that Rowan is in a difficult situation with her betrothed and he resolves it, in his own way
Part 3 - Blighted Land
This is the first of the multi chapter fics, starting off during the Blight, we follow Rowan as she helps the Wardens fight the Darkspawn, at the same time she befriends many of the Wardens party
This story will either finish a couple of years after the Blight or go right up to the start of Inquisition (I’m leaning towards the former and having a couple of one shots to fill the gaps of the years between the Blight and Inquisition rather than dragging out the story unnecessarily)
Part 4 (if it doesn’t have one shots) - From Herald to Inquisitor
The Inquisition arc of Rowan’s story, another multi chapter fic that follows Rowan through the events of the Inquisition story line, she makes new friends, new loves and fights her hardest battles yet, with most of the people who serve her not even know who she really is! To nearly all of the Inquisition, she is Rowan Trevelyan, to a select few, she is Rowan Mac-Tir
I’ve been in such a good mood while I’m working on this! Dragon Age was the first fandom I wrote fanfic for and I didn’t realise how much I missed it until going back to it a month, or so, ago. It feels great to get back to writing, and I’m hoping this sudden change will also inspire me to work on my other fics too, but for now I’m doing what I enjoy and that’s currently writing Dragon Age stuff
Have a little snippet of a scene I’ve been working on ☺️💙🌸
From “Blighted Land”
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blossom-adventures · 6 months
WIP Wednesday!! (Or Early Thursday 😉)
I was tagged this week by @sylvienerevarine & @miraakulous-cloud-district thank you both for the tag, let’s see what I can find… proceeds to search for some thing to share within the most recent work I’ve done
Ah ha! Have a tiny bit from 2 things ☺️💙
Far Horizons & Ancient Stones
“Ah, how convenient,” Jaina muttered as she turned the claw over in her hands, allowing the intricate carvings to catch the light in many different ways, Kaidan looked over her shoulder as she looked at the animal carvings again
“So what do we need to do? You clearly know” Jaina looked over to him. “You get this smug look one your face”
“No I don’t!”
“Yeah you do, so how do we open this door then, eh?” Jaina rolled her eyes and stepped forward towards the door.
The Legacy of the Herald (DA:I Story)
Have the first 2 lines of my prologue 😉
Inquisitor Trevelyan sat on a damp tree stump, the canopy over the Inquisition camp was doing very little to stop the fine drizzle from falling on her. The 29 year old stretched for a moment before looking over to her travelling companions; Dorian was bundled up in a think, fur lined, leather coat, the Tervinter mage was clearly not used to the Ferelden weather, The Iron Bull was sharpening his battle axe, seemingly unfazed by the rain clinging to his bare chest and back, then there was Varric, who was sitting in the entrance of his tent, scribbling notes onto a piece of parchment.
Im also going to tag @oblivions-dawn and @thequeenofthewinter as always no pressure to share anything (I also just wanted to share with you both what I’ve been working on because you’ve both been very supportive of me recently, love you both 💙)
I hope you’re having a good day ☺️💙
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