#bless the buffyngton post on youtube for his buffy seasons recap videos from years ago. that were so much fun. so i could find something:)
oveliagirlhaditright · 4 months
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One thing I do appreciate about Buffy season 12, despite its flaws, is how it brings Buffy close to Angel again.
Because, to be honest, I do feel like there was a slight distance there since season six, probably (during their meeting, after Buffy came back from the dead, that was "intense", but also was somehow disappointing to the both of them). And we also see it with how Buffy interacted with Angel in "Chosen" some, though I don't know if that was intentional on the writers' part there.
And then we won't get into Buffy season eight, that further drove them apart. But season 12 really brought them back together, and I so appreciate it for that (among other things).
But the above book passage from "Heat" (taking place in Buffy season 7/Angel season 4) kind of hints at that distance, imo. And that was written by a major Bangel fan, where the Buffy and Angel book authors are concerned. So she's not biased against them or anything like that. Quite the opposite.
It's actually sad: in this book, Buffy and Angel's story crosses over, of course, so it pulls them back together again--and they get pretty couple-y once more, with Buffy calling Angel "baby," and all. But then they both die together to save the day, and earn Heaven and their happy ending... but they decide to give it up for their loved ones, I think (like Connor for sure, in Angel's case), knowing that some day they'll really earn their happy ending together. But then, IIRC, not pleased by how things went--because Wolfram & Hart got betrayed and screwed over by some of the villains--time gets turned back so none of that happened--so Buffy and Angel don't remember any of it. And Angel only knows about any of it, because Lilah tells him what not to do to those catastrophic events.
So, basically, Buffy was feeling distanced from Angel as seen by the text above, and then that bridge was gapped, and then she lost that and the memory of it. And only Angel has any knowledge of this stuff. I suppose that had to happen to fit with her S7 self (and the Spike/Buffy stuff), of course, but it very much rings of IWRY again. Which was probably the point.
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