alizekk · 8 months
Dear Mark: High T, More Wives? Plus Testosterone for Women and the Best Primal Roux
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions from readers. First, I respond to a reader wondering which direction the arrow of casuality points in the married Swahili man/testosterone level study I discussed last week. Are high testosterone levels in polygamous Swahili men a cause or consequence of having more than one wife? Second, what’s the deal with testosterone in women? Do they need it as much as men do? And last but not least, what’s the best gluten-free, Primal-friendly flour to use for making a roux?
Let’s go:What if the multiple wives was a consequence not a cause of the high testosterone?
Good point. It’s totally possible. That’s always the rub on observational studies: The causation is difficult, if not impossible, to uncover.
Let’s speculate a bit. As always, I pride myself on informed speculation. I’m not just throwing random nonsense out there to see what sticks.
Why might high T cause multiple wives?
Women might prefer men with higher testosterone, and they may be able to detect it. There’s some indication that women can “smell” high testosterone. In one study, researchers had a group of men take testosterone tests and then wear T-shirts for two days. Women smelled the worn shirts sans-men and rated the attractiveness and sex appeal of each shirt’s odor. Overall, women at the “fertile” phase of their menstrual cycle were more attracted to the smell of t-shirts worn by men with high testosterone. Women may also use indirect indicators as proxies for men’s testosterone levels. For example, one study found that women were most attracted to men with contiguous facial hair and body hair on the chest and sternum, perhaps as indications of active testosterone levels, and less attracted to completely clean-shaven men with patchy facial hair. Another found that women use facial cues to determine men’s testosterone level and attractiveness.
Men with higher T levels tend to choose riskier—and more lucrative—careers. If that holds true in Kenya, and the Swahili men with high T were able to procure more resources, they’d have a better chance at getting extra wives. Swahili marriage traditions require the groom and his family make several payments or donations to the bride’s. First, the groom makes many small payments and gives a steady stream of gifts to the bride and her family throughout the courting period. Then there’s mahari, or “bride wealth”—a payment from groom’s family to the bride’s. There’s also kitu—a much larger payment from the groom to the bride’s father.
Testosterone increases dominance and assertiveness. In a culture with extremely traditional gender roles, men without classically masculine dominance traits likely won’t have the advantage. Doubly so if there are multiple wives.
Interesting that the studies on testosterone are conducted on men, if I understand correctly, it’s an important hormone for women as well. My doc said my testosterone levels were way to low and said an increase would result in – yes, more ‘drive’ – not just sex drive, but motivation, enthursiasm. So, if I change the gender of that sentence, for fun: “Above all else, women with a healthy testosterone level enjoy increased self-confidence and drive. This can manifest as “aggression” in the sense that they stand up for themselves and pursue their goals. In other words, it’s workable and even productive.” Better a woman who is happy pursuing her goals than an irritable one, I’d say. Lol.
A traditional roux—flour cooked in fat until browned, then added to a sauce for thickening— is difficult to reproduce with Primal flours.
Masa harina, the lime-treated corn flour used to make tortillas, is gluten-free, does brown in the presence of fat and heat, and makes a pretty good roux. However, it lends a distinctive sweet corniness to the finished dish. Be aware and adjust accordingly. It may not mesh with your dish.
A potato starch slurry is really my go-to way to thicken sauce. It doesn’t provide the distinct flavor of a roux, as the flour isn’t browned in fat, but it provides excellent texture and thickening power.
Another benefit of using potato starch slurries is that they can be added right at the end. With a roux, you commit from the start. If you used too much flour, or too little, it’s harder to adjust the end product. Potato starch slurries increase the saucier’s agility.
Understand that potato starch slurries are entirely flavorless. If you add it right at the end without doing anything else, the slurry can dull the sauce. Whatever you do, taste your sauce after incorporating the slurry. You may need a touch more salt or a splash of lemon juice to regain the flavor.
That’s it for this week, folks. Happy Memorial Day to all who are honoring the occasion. Thanks for reading, and be sure to chime in with your input down below.
What’s your take on the testosterone/spousal count issue—cause or effect? Did you know testosterone matters for women, too, and what would you like to add to the discussion? Finally, how do you do your Primal roux?
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alizekk · 8 months
8 Ways to Think Like an Athlete
By Sheila Monaghan, SELF
Here’s the thing about athletes. They think about their bodies differently than the average gymgoer; they work out, get motivated and define goals — all differently. And their way is highly effective. You don’t need a sponsorship or superior genes to adopt this mindset and achieve the body results you want.
Dream HUGE. You’ve heard of hurdler, wait, bobsledder Lolo Jones, right? She made it to the Olympics but tripped over a hurdle in 2008, failed to medal in track in 2012, then turned up at Sochi on the bobsled team. This is a woman who will change sports in the name of gold. Jocks have pie-in-the-sky ambitions that can’t be crushed. And while you may have no illusions of stepping onto a podium, setting loftier diet and exercise goals can help you succeed. In a New England Journal of Medicine study, people who set out to reach a self-described dream weight lost more pounds than those who aimed for a number they defined as acceptable. The theory? It’s tough to get (and stay) excited about a lackluster achievement. “When the result is modest, it can undermine the optimism and motivation it requires to achieve that result,” says study author Krista Casazza, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. What that means for you? Even if you’re just on ramping at CrossFit, make the end game deadlifting twice your weight. Chances are, you’ll actually do it.
But practice small. Say you’re Tom Brady — we know, you’d rather be Gisele, but play along. Your sights are set on the Super Bowl, but there are more than a few games to win beforehand. While the long-term objective doesn’t go away, you have to move the needle every day. “Pro football players call it chopping stone,” says David Epstein, author of The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance. “You’re chipping away at something over time with small goals instead of solely thinking about the big win at the end.” For Brady and the New England Patriots, that means beating their Week 1 opponent, then projecting to next Sunday’s game and the following Monday-night matchup. Each victory builds upon the next, helping the team gain momentum. Gymgoers have a different mind-set. They see a workout as finite: “Yay, I survived that 30/60/90 class. I’m done.” Connect your dots. Realize that today’s intervals will prep you to crush tomorrow’s long run, and both will carry you across that half-marathon finish line with a PR — it’s all a process.
Be an athlete 24/7. If you put her in a pair of Choos and hand her a glass of Champagne, Maria Sharapova doesn’t suddenly stop being a four-time grand slam champion. “My swim coach in college told us we are athletes 24 hours a day and that as athletes, every choice — from what to eat to when to go to bed to whether we stretch and foam-roll — affects our daily performance and the final outcome,” says Sara Isaković, a 2008 Olympic silver medalist in the women’s 200-meter freestyle swim and a psychiatry research assistant at the University of California in San Diego.
Okay, your final outcome isn’t Wimbledon, but your choices matter, too. It’s midnight. You’re tempted to cue up that sixth episode of Orange Is the New Black. Ask yourself: What would Sharapova do? Probably go the hell to bed so she could wake up for 5:45 a.m. boot camp. “Identifying yourself as an athlete has a way of revealing bad habits that could be holding you back,” says Jim Afremow, Ph.D., author of The Champion’s Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive. And somehow it’s less naggy and annoying to pass up a second glass of wine or skip the sugary dessert when you frame it as a workout saboteur versus a no-no.
Really feel the burn. Athletes get comfortable being uncomfortable. They anticipate the pain of a bonkers workout and embrace the fact that it’s going to suck at points. Very different from us regular folks who freak out or shut down at any sign of exercise unpleasantness. “A lot of people panic when they experience any discomfort in their bodies,” says Epstein. “Elite athletes do the exact opposite — they program themselves not to be rattled. You can see that on pain-threshold tests of elites; they become accustomed to the pain, and even while their bodies are in distress, their minds aren’t. You can learn to do that just as you do any other part of training.” How? You don’t fear the hurt. Instead of backing off when breathlessness takes hold during a sprint, tell yourself, Relax. I know I’m going to be fine. This is not too hard for me, and I can do this. Then take your speed up one notch. Your body already knows it can handle the challenge. You’ve just got to prove it to your brain.
Imagine greatness. You bet your ass Hope Solo has pictured herself making a diving save to win the World Cup on a penalty kick in OT. Athletes fantasize about having a stellar performance in future workouts or games, and those daydreams affect their reality. According to a study in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, hockey, track and field, and volleyball athletes who envisioned themselves playing their sport with confidence and control also exhibited the most mental toughness — meaning they didn’t crumble under pressure or give up if a competition got tough. Take five minutes a day outside the gym to imagine yourself overcoming an obstacle in your workout. “Picture yourself pushing a certain weight on a bench-press, but also feel your chest muscles engage, your core tighten as you push, and hear the sound of the bar as you put it back on the rack,” says study coauthor Krista Chandler, Ph.D., professor of human kinetics at the University of Windsor in Ontario. “Imagery is not merely visual; it engages all of the senses. And when we imagine something, we create the neural pathway similar to that created if we were to physically execute the behavior.” For Isaković, that means prepping for a punishing swim interval by imagining herself as light as a feather on the surface of the water and ready to fly over it. Pinpoint and mentally play out the ideal scenario for your workout.
And talk to yourself. For athletes, it’s a package deal: amazing bodies, voices in their heads. A Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise study found that cyclists who repeat pump-up phrases like “you’re a winner,” “feeling good” and “dig deep” during a hard workout increased their time to exhaustion by 18 percent — meaning they were able to bust their butts almost a fifth longer than those who didn’t talk themselves up, according to study author Samuele Marcora, Ph.D., professor of sport and exercise sciences at the University of Kent in England. When Spin class starts to wear you down, instead of thinking, Gah, when is this over? or I can’t go any further, go into cheerlead mode. “If you mentally tell yourself, I’ve got this, your body will respond,” says Isaković. “I happen to love quotes, so I’ll find one to think on each week, and when I’m in that moment of pain, I repeat it in my head over and over.” The fitspo quote that got major love on SELF’s Pinterest boards: “It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you think you’re not.”
View the playback video. An ice queen misses a triple lutz and no doubt she’s scrutinizing that jump six ways to Sunday in slow-mo to pinpoint exactly where she went wrong. “Pros constantly evaluate themselves,” says Epstein. “After every set or drill, or after they play a game, they self-assess the way a coach would.” That appraisal helps determine what’s going right or wrong, what you need to focus and practice on and how to improve, Epstein adds. For you, that critique can be as simple as training in front of a mirror to fine-tune your form. Are you running on the treadmill with raised shoulders? Lower ’em. Are you lunging with your knee too far over your ankle? Line up those joints. It’s also not a bad idea to hire a personal trainer, run coach, pilates instructor — whatever your workout bag — for some expert guidance, even if it’s for one session. A tiny technique tweak could be all that’s standing between you and greatness.
You do you. The best athletes are narcissists — they obsess over themselves, not the competition. “Elites are confident enough that their own bodies are unique, and they don’t have to look to others to see what to do,” says Epstein. Take Usain Bolt and Yohan Blake, the two fastest 200-meter sprinters in the world, who train together for their sport. “Bolt definitely does not work out as hard or as long as Blake, but that’s because he understands his body and his mind enough to know that he doesn’t tolerate as big a training load as Blake does. You can be sure Usain Bolt is not thinking about other people during his workouts.” Which is exactly why you should worry about numero uno — not the random girl next to you in barre class or running one treadmill over (admit it — you’ve looked at her speed and thought, I’ve gotta match that). What if she isn’t pushing herself as hard as you could? What if she lets up halfway through and that makes you want to quit? If you only make it a competition with yourself, you’ll always win. And while, yes, it’s true that most athletes want to trounce their opponents, their main motivation to exercise is intrinsic. “Remind yourself, Am I a spectator or the one working out?” Afremow suggests. Because you didn’t show up to sweat, to work your butt off, to push yourself for her. You’re working out to be your best.
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alizekk · 8 months
Everything you need to know about PCOS
PCOS – short for polycystic ovarian syndrome is a health condition that affects 1 in 10 women.  Literally, it’s the development of small fluid filled sacs or “cysts” in the ovaries and it’s caused by a hormone imbalance. Too much androgenic hormones (testosterone, DHEA) and not enough estrogen. PCOS is also linked to insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. 
PCOS can result in a host of issues from insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes), high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, infertility, acne, excess hair growth etc. 
I have seen doctors come at this with myriad of drugs to attack the problem from various angles.  They can prescribe something like metformin to improve insulin sensitivity.  Some suggest birth control to add in more estrogen or progesterone.  And some suggest anti-androgens.  
In my experience, as a person who suffered from PCOS as a teenager, all of this can be controlled with lifestyle changes. The key is to be an “upstreamist”. 
This is an analogy from a Ted Talk and here’s the story… there are people being tossed into a river… most doctors jump in the river, pull people out of the currents, and administer CPR.  The doctors who are “upstreamists” instead head upstream to see why / how people are being tossed into the river.  Translation – find the root of the problem and address that instead of attempting to cure the symptoms.  
Therefore, in my opinion, when it comes to PCOS the key is to look for the reasons your hormones are out of whack in the first place and address that!
The top reasons are as follows – crap food and way too much of it.  Not enough exercise. The crap food can completely screw up your insulin levels and your body’s ability to properly utilize insulin. Plus, chemicals in heavily processed foods and foods sprayed with various pestecides, herbicides, and fungicides can also throw off your androgen/estrogen balance. Fitness, is the number one way to improve insulin sensitivity. So inactivity on top of a poor diet is insult to injury. 
This is the reason that keto diets are suggested for people with PCOS.  The goal is to control insulin levels.  That said, it’s unnecessary, extreme, and comes with other unwanted side effects in the long term.
The ideal game plan is as follows:  
Exercise between four to six 30 minute sessions a week.  
Train with HIIT intervals and resistance training as those techniques are most effective at accelerating insulin sensitivity.  
Avoid all processed carbs as often as possible – no white flour and no white sugar. Vegetables, whole grains, and a couple servings of fruit a day are ideal.  
Make sure you have a healthy blend of macro-nutrients in each meal to balance blood sugar. So healthy fats, clean protein, and complex carbs combined in all meals is optimal.  
Go organic as often as possible – especially when it comes to meat, dairy, and thin skinned fruits and vegetables. 
Don’t overeat.  If you have weight to lose keep your calories around 1400 a day until you are at your goal weight. If you are at your goal weight make sure to match your calorie intake with your daily calorie burn. 
Stick with this plan for 6 months and I’m extremely confident you will experience a total 180 when it comes to your PCOS symptoms.
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alizekk · 8 months
Introducing New Level Athletic Development
The elitefts.com™ V.I.P. Gym series will provide some valuable insight from owners of the top training facilities in the country. These entrepreneurs have made tremendous sacrifices by starting their own businesses, where creating the culture is as important as providing the space and equipment.
Who are the individuals most responsible for helping you open, maintain, and operate your own facility?
New Level wouldn’t be what it is today without the support of my wife Cara, my dad Pat Sr., and my brother Nick for helping with building maintenance and moving equipment. Shauna Soom sat down with me in the beginning and helped me understand the financial end of running a small business. W and D Properties turned a storage room into a usable space. Matt Goodwin at elitefts™ helped me decide what equipment would fit in the space that I had available. I also need to thank all the clients who are still with me and have been training here since day one.
What is the size and basic layout of your facility, and what equipment do you utilize?
New Level is a 500-square-foot rectangle divided into two rooms. In the front room, I have an elitefts™ 0-90 bench, home glute ham raise, lat pull down with multiple attachments, pull-up bar, blast straps, an elitefts™ 45-degree back raise, adjustable plyometric box, medicine balls, kettlebells, and a Texas power bar. In the back room, I have an elitefts™ 2 X 2 rack, an elitefts™ flat bench, a reverse hyper, dumbbells, and a rowing machine. I also have an elitefts™ Prowler and some sleds that can be used outside.
When did you open your facility, and what motivated you to do so?
I opened New Level in April 2011. I’ve always been involved in football and wanted to coach when I got out of college. As time evolved, the strength and conditioning aspect of football became more interesting to me than the Xs and Os. It got to a point where I had coaches from other sports asking me about programming. I ended up training basketball, track, and volleyball at different high schools. From this experience, I knew that I could open a facility for athletes to train in, and I started to develop a business plan.
Where is your facility located, and what is your basic demographic?
New Level Athletic Development is located at 110 Daniel Drive, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401. We are sixty minutes south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and 25 minutes north of Morgantown, West Virginia. My main demographic is high school aged males and females. I also have some adults who want to use free weights and sleds rather than machines and treadmills.
What is your basic training methodology, and what drives your programming for your athletes and clients?
Everyone benches, squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses or performs a variation of it. Most of the people I train have zero prior training experience, so a lot of time is spent teaching movements and reinforcing technique. Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 has had the biggest influence on my programming. We do the big three lifts and assistance lifts to strengthen weaknesses and progress slowly.
Any final thoughts?
I’m grateful for the opportunities that this business venture has given me. Elitefts™ is a great company that truly cares about the people they come in contact with. Whether it be a training question or an equipment question, they go above and beyond to provide information to whoever seeks it.
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alizekk · 8 months
Strongman Eugen Sandow’s Endorsement of the “Magic Cold Bath”
Editor’s note: I’ve long been a proponent of the benefits of cold showers, and cold baths are just as good, if not better, as they allow your whole body to be submerged. As another witness to the wisdom of this practice, today I add the endorsement of world famous strongman Eugen Sandow. Under the heading “The Magic Cold Bath” in his health and fitness manual, Strength and How to Obtain It (1897), Sandow recommends taking a frigid dip after each exercise session. While he suggests only staying in a cold bath for a few seconds, I personally try to soak for up to 20 minutes to get the full benefits. If you’ve been hesitant about making the plunge, maybe Sandow’s encouragement will finally get you to do it — as he says, the summer is the best time to start!
I am sometimes accused of being a bit of a faddist about the use of the cold bath, and possibly the heading of this chapter may give strength to that opinion. But its exhilarating and health-giving effects really justify the use of the adjective. The longer I live, and the greater my experience, the more I am convinced of its virtues. Let me advise every pupil after exercising, while the body is still hot, to take a cold bath. It does not matter how much he may be perspiring; the cold bath will prove exceedingly beneficial. He must be careful, however, not to take his bath if he is out of breath. The exercises will, no doubt, quicken the heart’s action; but in from three to five minutes after the series is completed, the heart should be beating normally again. For persons who suffer from weak heart I should not advise a cold bath. As a general rule there is no need to ask the questions, “Is my heart weak?” For if it is weak you should know it beyond a doubt.
In advising cold baths, I speak, of course, for persons in the enjoyment of ordinary health. The bath should be begun in the summer and continued every morning throughout the year. In the winter, if the room is cold, light the gas and close the window. If your hair is not injuriously affected by cold water — and in many cases, I believe, cold water will be found to strengthen it — begin, as you stand over the bath, by splashing the water five and twenty times over your head. In any case, if you are averse to wetting the hair, be careful to begin by sponging the temples and nape of the neck. Next, whilst still standing over the bath, splash the water fifteen times against the chest and ten times against the heart. Then jump into the bath, going right down under the water. In the summer you may remain in the water from ten to fifteen seconds, but in the winter let it be just a jump in and out again.
The subsequent rub down with towels is popularly supposed to produce half the benefits that result from a cold bath. I have no hesitation in saying that this is a great mistake. Let me explain the reason: As you get out of the bath you rub down first one part of the body and then the other, and thus, whilst one part is being warmed by the friction, the other is getting cold. Many people who take cold baths in this way complain of touches of rheumatism, and the whole trouble arises, I believe, from different parts of the body being alternately warmed and chilled.
In order to overcome the risk of this ill-effect my advice is this: Do not spend any time over rubbing yourself down. If you do not like the idea of getting into your clothes wet, just take the water off the body as quickly as you possibly can with a dry towel, jump into your clothes, and let Nature restore your circulation in her own way. You will get quite as warm by this method as by vigorously rubbing down, with the added advantage that the heat of the body will be more evenly distributed. If, owing to poor health or other exceptional causes, the circulation is not fully and promptly restored, walk briskly up and down the room. If you should still feel cold in any part of the body probably the bath is not suited to your constitution, and in that case it is not advised. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, however, the cold bath, taken as I have described, will have nothing but the most beneficial effects; and, if taken every morning throughout the year, it is the surest preventive that I know against catching cold. On the other hand, irregularity is liable to produce cold. In short, having once begun the cold bath, make a rule, summer and winter, never to leave it off.
Personally, I find the very best form of the cold bath is to get into your clothes after it without drying the body at all. For the first moment or two the sensation may not be perfectly agreeable, but afterwards you feel better and warmer for adopting this method. The damp is carried away through the clothes and no particle of wet is left.
For pupils who have not the convenience of a bathroom, a cold sponging down may be recommended as a substitute. In this case let two towels be taken and soaked with water. Rub the front of the body down with one, and the back with the other. This method prevents the towel from absorbing the heat from the body, and the cold sponging is thus distributed evenly over its surface. Afterwards dry the body quickly as before, letting no time be lost in getting into your clothes.
I have often been asked whether in the event of exercising at night it is advisable to take a cold bath afterwards. My reply is: “Certainly.” Always have a cold bath or sponge down after exercising. It will make you feel “as fresh as paint,” improve your appetite, and make the skin clean and firm, and be generally conducive to happiness and good health. Some people tell me that a cold bath immediately before retiring keeps them awake; if that be so, I should advise them to exercise earlier in the day. But the exercise and the cold bath ought to be regarded as inseparable.
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alizekk · 8 months
What Is Yoga and How Do I Pick a Style?
What exactly is yoga? I will attempt to define yoga, but it’s not an easy feat. Yoga actually means to yoke or to unite, but it’s much more. At first glance, yoga could appear to be a glorified stretching exercise for the flexible. Often I will invite beginners to my yoga class to which their response is generally, “I’m not flexible.” I usually dispel this myth by promising that we will not start off class by standing on our heads. It’s a practice and sometimes a slow progression.
Yoga is said to be as old as civilization, but there’s no physical evidence to prove it. Archeological stone seals have been found depicting people in yoga poses dated back to 3000 BC. However, some scholars believe yoga dates back to Stone Age shamanism. Yoga was first introduced into the West during the 19th century as part of Eastern studies, including health and vegetarianism during the 1930s. By the 1960s there were many yoga teachers from India expanding on the practice. Yoga was traditionally only practiced by men, but today, women have become the majority gender in yoga. There have been many influential yogis along the way to cultivate the practice we all know as yoga.
The yoga we know today here in the West is different in that we focus more on the physical aspects – poses, or asanas – of yoga for exercise. Yoga actually began as a practice in stilling the mind. This is a practice of calming your thoughts, being in complete stillness, and training your “monkey mind.” Monkey mind refers to when your mind is going a million miles a minute, bouncing from thought to thought. To many, the meditation practice seems quite impossible. That’s why most yoga teachers will reiterate that yoga is a practice and a lifestyle, not a journey.
Yoga practice will differ by teacher as well as location. Many gyms will offer yoga classes, but the classes tend to be more focused on the physical aspects of yoga. Traditional yoga classes are more often found in yoga studios and come in all different styles. Some of the most popular are Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Bikram, and Kundalini. If you find yourself in a yoga class that you do not enjoy, don’t give up just then. There are many different types of yoga to choose from and finding the right one for you can take some time.
Choosing your yoga style begins with trying out a few yoga classes. Similar to shopping, you’re going to try on a few different ones for size and see what fits best. Here are a few tips to get started:
Find out where your local yoga studios are and take a beginner class. Often yoga studios will call classes “open level,” meaning that all levels are welcome. Many yoga studios will offer you first class free. If you belong to a gym, find out if yoga classes are offered and if the class is beginner friendly. Beginner, gentle, or restorative yoga will generally be a good starting point.
Now it’s time for what I call the “Yoga Buffet.” You’ll know what style you like once you’ve been able to try out a few different ones. When I was living in NYC and going to yoga school, I went to as many different yoga studios as possible to refine my practice and teaching. I believe that having the experience of many, gives me the opportunity to make a better decision.
Here are some common types of yoga with my commentaries:
These are just a few of the most common types of yoga, but there are many more out there available. There are also yoga classes for specific populations, including prenatal yoga, yoga for cancer survivors, restorative yoga, gentle yoga, and many more. Look for the yoga class that works best for you.
Yoga is ultimately for the mind, body and soul. All of these elements are important for your personal yoga practice. Bottom line is: get your “asana” to yoga and practice. Yoga is meant to be a lifestyle and way of life, not just an exercise class at the gym. If you’re new to the practice, take baby steps and do what feels good for you. Not every style, practice or path is right for everyone. Yoga is an individualized journey connecting, uniting, and yoking the body, mind and soul.
Photos courtesy of Shutterstock.
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alizekk · 8 months
Improve Your Grip
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Weightlifting is great for your health, but it can put added stress on your hands, wrists and forearms. Fortunately, a revolutionary product called Grip On is the perfect solution when you’re in need of a firm, non-slip grip. Grip On works with most pieces of exercise equipment available in gyms, home gyms and fitness centers— including barbells, EZ bar curls, dumbbells, lat and shoulder pulldown bars, rope pulldowns, cable crossover accessories, Smith machine, etc. It even works on thin, hard, rubber-coated gym equipment and selected Pilates equipment.
So what makes Grip On so effective? It’s made to an exact thickness, giving the user just the right feel for ultimate support. Grip On’s hexagon design actually goes through a special process called “nihon etching,” resulting in a perfect, performance-increasing grip, along with hygienic protection and durable reliability. As a result, you can lift more with less stress, which allows you to maximize your workouts. And because it’s made to an exact thickness— not too thick and not too thin— Grip On doesn’t have any rubbery or plastic odor often found in similar products. In the process of developing Grip On, Health and Fitness Accessories LLC manufactured and tested many prototypes— so you know that you are getting the very best.
Even the pros are raving about the benefits of using Grip On. “I tried Grip On and will never use gloves again,” said IFBB Bikini Pro Jennifer Andrews. “Using Grip On helped me pick up more weight without putting strain on my wrist, hands and forearms. Even with good gloves, I could never get a firm enough grip and keep it.” Jennifer also noted that Grip On helps her to isolate the muscle being worked and it prevents calluses and blisters. “Thank you for helping me get a GRIP ON my fitness goals!” Jennifer added.
Grip On is hand washable with mild soap and water, is suitable for both men and women, and one size fits all. For more information, visit www.gripon.net.
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alizekk · 8 months
Here’s What Steelers Kicker Chris Boswell’s Horrendous Onside Kick Was Supposed to Look Like
By now, you’ve surely seen Chris Boswell’s pathetic onside kick attempt during the Pittsburgh Steelers loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
If not, here you go:
Sin duda uno de los osos del año, Chris Boswell intentó una patada corta y esto ocurrió #DespiertaConLoret pic.twitter.com/QQRAPDbW8E
— Antonio de Valdés (@adevaldes) November 7, 2016
eah, it was hideous. Boswell was trying to perform what’s known in the soccer world as a “Rabona” kick, but his timing and coordination were off. Badly.
Boswell once nailed the move in a previous game. While at Rice, he broke out the Rabona onside kick in 2013 against Houston. Unlike his attempt on Sunday, it worked to absolute perfection:
[youtube video=”8JHECblcKko”]
“A lot of soccer players can do it,” Boswell said at the 2014 NFL Combine. “It’s not anything that I invented or anything. I was just kind of messing around with it one day at practice with my buddy James Farrimond. We were kind of just trying to figure out ways to trick teams. We kind of just put the ball on the tee and that happened.”
Boswell is one of only six NFL kickers who’ve had a successful onside kick so far this season, so fans shouldn’t be too hard on him.
RELATED: College Football Players Have Apparently Had Enough of Penn State’s Hard-Hitting Kicker
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alizekk · 10 months
The Integral Role of a Trip, Vacation, and Tour Planner in Your Travel Journey
Have you ever considered the significant influence a trip planner can have on your travel experience? A trip planner is not just a tool; it's a comprehensive approach to ensuring that every facet of your journey is planned precisely to your preferences. It helps manage your time efficiently, makes your trip productive, enjoyable, and most importantly, memorable.
A vacation is synonymous with relaxation, exploration, and a break from the usual day-to-day activities. However, planning these vacations can sometimes be a stressful task. This is where an efficient vacation planner plays an indispensible role. A vacation planner is not only accountable for organizing your itinerary but also pays heed to factors like budget, dietary restrictions, accommodations, transportation, destinations, activities, and more. With its help, all you need to focus on is enjoying the beautiful moments without worrying about any logistical issues.
Tour planning, on the other hand, focuses more on specific experiences such as historical tours, adventure trips, or wildlife expeditions. A tour planner meticulously organizes everything related to these special interest tours. Be it arranging local guides, securing tickets for attractions, coordinating activities in line with the theme of the tour, or ensuring safety, a tour planner takes care of everything.
In essence, a trip, vacation, or tour planner acts as a one-stop solution for all your travel needs. Whether you are aiming to explore the beaches of Hawaii, take a culinary tour in Italy, plan a ski vacation in Switzerland, or go on a trek in Himalayas, these planners ensure your trip is seamless and stress-free.
So, if you're thinking of embarking on a journey, remember that a good trip planner could be the difference between a real-life fairy tale and a logistical nightmare. They not only pave the way for a smooth journey but also leave room for spontaneity and unexpected adventures. Not to forget, they save you time, money, and effort that could otherwise go into hours of endless research.
As we transcend towards an era where personalized experiences hold more value than ever before, the importance of customized planning through trip, vacation, and tour planners cannot be underestimated. Therefore, the next time you start planning your dream vacation, don't forget to utilize these powerful tools
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alizekk · 10 months
 The Role of a Trip Planner, Vacation Planner, and Tour Planner in Crafting Memorable Experiences
Traveling is an enriching experience that broadens our horizons, exposing us to different cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and tantalizing cuisines. It's an incredible journey filled with new experiences, unforgettable memories, and life-changing perspectives. However, to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip, the roles of a trip planner, vacation planner, or tour planner are quintessential.
A trip planner wears several hats that make your journey seamless and enjoyable. They handle everything from deciding on the best travel dates, choosing compelling destinations, booking accommodations, and planning out transportation logistics. Their expertise ensures you do not overlook even the smallest detail, such as considering local weather conditions or understanding cultural nuances of your destination. By taking care of these intricate details, a trip planner allows you to focus on immersing yourself in the journey, soaking up new experiences without worrying about logistics.
On the other hand, a vacation planner takes a more holistic approach. They prioritize relaxation and leisure, tailoring your itinerary to fit your desired pace, interests, and preferences. Whether it's a tropical getaway, an adventurous trip, or a cultural exploration, a vacation planner meticulously designs your journey. Their main goal is to create a perfect balance between sightseeing, experiencing local culture, food, and providing ample time for relaxation. Your vacation planner prioritizes your comfort and enjoyment above all else, ensuring every aspect of your trip is perfectly tailored to provide an unforgettable vacation.
Tour planners specialize in orchestrating guided tours, excursions, and activities. Their role involves working closely with tour operators and guides to provide detailed itineraries covering must-visit attractions, historical landmarks, and hidden gems. They ensure you receive expert commentary and insights, deepening your understanding and appreciation of each stop on your tour. A tour planner takes into account factors like group size, interests, and mobility level to provide a personalized and engaging tour experience.
Each planner brings something unique to the table, but they all share a common goal: to deliver a travel experience that fulfills your desires and exceed expectations. They employ their vast knowledge, experience, and keen attention to detail to provide travelers with well-organized, hassle-free, and memorable experiences.
In conclusion, whether you're embarking on a solo adventure, planning a family vacation, or organizing a group tour, the services of a trip planner, vacation planner, or tour planner can be invaluable. They take the reins of planning and execution, allowing you to simply pack your bags and embark on a journey filled with discovery, enjoyment, and peace of mind. With them at your service, you can rest assured that your journey
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alizekk · 10 months
The Role of Trip, Vacation, and Tour Planners in Enhancing Travel Experiences
With the advent of the global travel industry's rapid evolution, planning a trip has become an intricate task. This is where professional services like a trip planner, vacation planner, and tour planner come into play, ensuring that travelers have a memorable and hassle-free experience.
A trip planner plays an integral role in designing a perfect travel itinerary tailored to one’s preferences and budget. The planner will meticulously outline everything from travel dates, accommodations, transportation, to local attractions. They not only take care of the logistics but also provide valuable insights about the destinations that can greatly enhance your travel experience. Whether you're planning a solo adventure or a family getaway, using a trip planner can be instrumental in making your journey enjoyable and stress-free.
On the other hand, a vacation planner focuses more on longer, leisure-oriented trips. Their expertise lies in creating comprehensive vacation itineraries that cover all aspects of your holiday, including relaxation, sightseeing, shopping, dining, and recreational activities. A vacation planner digs deep into the details to ensure the best possible experience for their clients, taking into account factors such as cultural norms, local cuisines, and festive seasons of the destination. Their main goal is to create unforgettable vacations that resonate with the traveler's desires and interests.
Last but not least, a tour planner specializes in organizing group tours, ranging from educational field trips to corporate retreats. They liaise with various service providers to secure group discounts and arrange for special amenities. Additionally, they also coordinate with local guides and interpreters, ensuring that every member of the group gains a well-rounded understanding of the place and its culture. Tour planners strive to build a cooperative atmosphere among the participants, making the tour not just a journey but also an opportunity for social interaction and learning.
In conclusion, professional planning services like trip planners, vacation planners, and tour planners can alleviate much of the stress associated with travel planning. They provide invaluable guidance and support, allowing travelers to enjoy their journey to the fullest without worrying about logistical details.
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alizekk · 10 months
The Importance of Trip, Vacation, and Tour Planners in Enhancing Your Travel Experience
Do you dream of traveling the world but are overwhelmed by all the planning involved? Fortunately, the advent of trip planners, vacation planners, and tour planners has significantly simplified the process of organizing travel. These tools are not only efficient but also make your adventure more enjoyable and stress-free.
A trip planner is designed to assist you in meticulously arranging every detail of your journey. From flight bookings to accommodation reservations, from arranging transportation to finding local sights, a good trip planner takes care of all these aspects. As a result, it leaves you with plenty of time to focus on one thing that truly matters – immersing yourself in new experiences.
On the other hand, a vacation planner offers a more holistic approach to travel planning. More than just planning the logistics, these planners ensure you receive an authentic taste of your chosen destination's culture, cuisine, traditions, and festivals. They meticulously carve out itineraries that offer a harmonious balance between relaxation and exploration.
Meanwhile, a tour planner specializes in outlining group or individual guided tours. Having a comprehensive tour plan can prevent you from missing out on any significant landmarks or attractions. It also provides educational insights about historical sites, museums, and local traditions, enriching your overall travel experience.
Each of these tools offers something unique to travelers. Depending on the nature of your travel, whether it's a business trip, a family vacation, or an exploratory tour, you can opt for a trip planner, vacation planner, or a tour planner accordingly.
In essence, these planning tools minimize the hassle of organizing trips and let you focus on the spark of joy that comes from exploring new places, meeting diverse people, experiencing different cultures, and making lasting memories.
Remember that the success of each journey begins with effective planning. Adopting the services of a trip planner, vacation planner, or tour planner can indeed spell the difference between a mediocre and a soul-stirring travel experience. 
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alizekk · 10 months
 Embarking on a Great Adventure with Trip, Vacation and Tour Planners
Travel is not just about exploring new places; it's about experiencing diverse cultures, cuisines, landscapes, and people. It is the promise of these experiences that fuels our wanderlust. To help ensure you make the most of your travel endeavors, utilizing tools such as a trip planner, vacation planner, or tour planner can streamline the process, enhancing your overall experience.
A trip planner is an essential tool for every traveler. It helps manage complex travel details, ensuring you don't miss out on any attraction or experience due to poor planning. Whether you're embarking on a solo journey or traveling with a group, a well-organized plan is crucial. The trip planner helps in creating a comprehensive itinerary, taking into account all significant factors such as travel time, local customs and norms, weather, and more.
A vacation planner plays a similarly vital role, specifically designed to enhance your holiday experience. From selecting the perfect accommodation to booking exciting activities and tours, a vacation planner keeps track of every detail. Perhaps the most significant advantage of using a vacation planner is its ability to handle unexpected changes or delays. With a vacation planner at your disposal, you are better equipped to adapt and modify your plans, ensuring a seamless vacation experience.
On the other hand, a tour planner specializes in organizing guided excursions. This includes arranging transport, accommodating special needs or dietary restrictions, and securing access to attractions that might be difficult to navigate independently. A good tour planner takes into account the group's interests and preferences, tailoring the journey accordingly.
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To fully enjoy the pleasures associated with traveling, it's pivotal to prioritize careful planning. Tools like trip planners, vacation planners, and tour planners offer assistance in this domain. They not only help build a customized itinerary but also take care of booking hotels, flights, and tickets to attractions. Additionally, they keep track of your schedules, ensuring you have ample time to explore and enjoy each destination.
Overall, if planned well, traveling can be one of the most enriching experiences in life. As we navigate through bustling cities, quiet country roads, mountain peaks, or sandy beaches, we gain a new perspective on life and the world around us. So, next time you decide to feed your wanderlust, do consider employing the expertise of a trip planner, vacation planner, or tour planner to ensure your journey is nothing short of remarkable.
Remember, travel is more than just seeing the sights; it's about making memories that last a lifetime.
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alizekk · 10 months
"The Art of Using a Trip Planner for Your Next Adventure"
In this fast-paced era, taking time off to travel and experience the world's beauty is becoming more than just a luxury; it's a necessity. With the vast array of stunning destinations waiting to be explored, the task of planning can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s when a trip planner steps in as a game changer. If you're new to using a trip planner or wondering how it can enhance your travel experience, keep reading.
A trip planner is an invaluable tool for any intrepid traveller. It offers multiple benefits that make the entire process of preparing for your journey efficient, exciting, and hassle-free. A good trip planner allows you to streamline your itinerary, making sure you don’t miss any essential sights while also providing valuable insights about your chosen destination.
One of the main advantages of a trip planner is its ability to save time. Instead of spending countless hours researching hotels, flights, local attractions, and transport options, a trip planner compiles all these details for you. It organizes every aspect of your travel, from departure to return, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your trip such as packing and getting into vacation mode.
Imagine arriving at a foreign city without any idea where to go first. Without a plan, you might end up wasting precious time figuring out your next move instead of enjoying what the locale has to offer. A trip planner eliminates this problem by providing a well-organized itinerary tailored to your preferences.
Moreover, a trip planner can help optimize your travel budget. You can use it to compare prices of accommodations and flights, ensuring that you get the best deals possible. It can also suggest affordable dining places and free local attractions, helping you stretch your budget further.
Beyond tangible benefits, a trip planner also helps build anticipation for the trip. With each location, activity, or landmark added to your itinerary, the excitement progressively builds up. This anticipation is part of the joy of travelling - looking forward to experiencing new cultures, tasting exotic cuisines, and immersing yourself in unfamiliar environments.
However, remember that the role of the trip planner is to guide, not dictate your journey. Allow some room for spontaneity and unexpected adventures because, after all, they make the trip even more memorable.
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alizekk · 10 months
Unleashing the Power of a Trip Planner for an Enthralling Travel Experience
Traveling is undoubtedly one of life's greatest privileges--an opportunity to discover new terrains, immerse oneself in different cultures, sample exotic cuisines, and create lasting memories. However, planning for such a journey can often be daunting. This is where the power of a trip planner comes into play.
A trip planner has become a quintessential tool for both seasoned and novice travelers alike. These innovative tools provide a comprehensive solution for organizing your travel itinerary, helping you save time and effort while ensuring a hassle-free journey. From booking flights and accommodations to scheduling tours and activities, a trip planner is a reliable companion for every travel enthusiast.
The beauty of using a trip planner lies in its ability to simplify complex tasks. Planning a trip can involve a myriad of components like transportation, accommodation, sightseeing spots, dining options, among others. Choosing from countless options can lead to decision fatigue and might even mar the joyous spirit of traveling. However, with a trip planner, all these elements are streamlined, making your travel preparations seamless and efficient.
Moreover, a trip planner is not just about organization, but it also brings forth an element of customization. Modern-day trip planners understand that each traveler is unique and therefore, offer personalized recommendations based on individual preferences. Whether you're a history buff wanting to explore ancient ruins or a foodie looking to indulge in local delicacies, a trip planner tailors your itinerary to your specific interests, enhancing your overall travel experience.
Additionally, a trip planner often features user reviews and ratings, providing authentic insights about various destinations, hotels, restaurants, and experiences. This enables travelers to make informed decisions, thereby increasing satisfaction and reducing the chance of unpleasant surprises.
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Practicality aside, there's also a certain excitement attached to using a trip planner. The process of researching destinations, selecting preferred activities, and seeing your travel plans come together can be immensely gratifying. It's like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, and the final picture is your dream vacation coming to life!
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alizekk · 10 months
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One of the 16 open-air villas at Buahan.Photo: Armelle Habib  “Back on Bali
Trip planner
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alizekk · 10 months
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Travel Deals & Trip planner
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