#blaine was always ken in my mind when i was a kid
cat-terpillar · 1 year
i actually made an effort to google that "ken" doll and hes not even ken!! 😭 apparently hes blaine? and was barbies rebound after ken and her broke up??
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
You mentioned you skip things you dislike, same, but I'm curious what plots you dislike the most?
Ha okay
To clarify from last night, though, I don't actually mind Comeback all that much (except Sue's story line is not in great taste at points) but it was getting late and I really wanted to watch BIOTA. Lol
Really, at this point - a lot of the things I dislike are a lot of trends -- such as the racism or fatphobia or just meanness that a lot of times permeated the show. There are also moments that just infuriate me -- such as Emma giving up her 'virginity' as a prize to Will for winning Nationals. Or the continued 'how to be a real man' rhetoric the show kept trying to shove down our throats. That stuff makes me want to throw things at the wall.
Here's a list of my least favorite story arcs in no order except, perhaps, chronological:
The Fake Baby - Season 1: I think over the years, I've gone a lot softer on Terri, and can recognize the satire the show was going for. But I still think the idea that Terri could fake a pregnancy for that long without Will noticing feels like a stretch and I've always found it a bit dumb.
Will/Emma/Ken/Terri Love Triangle - Season 1: It's not that it's bad -- Season 1 might have the tightest comedy in the show, I'm just bored by it because I really do not care about these characters. And Ken might be one of my least favorite characters during the entire run.
Will's Mid-Life Crisis - Season 2: It was clear that the show wasn't sure what to do with Will, especially after the pivot to focusing on the kids, and a majority of his stories in Season 2 weren't all that great.
All of it - Early Season 3: There's not much going on in eps 1-8 that I like - The First Time is an exception, and even within that episode there are things that I'm just like, ew, no. In case you're wondering - a run down of bad storylines in Early Season 3
Rachel v Mercedes which seemed like a cop out so they could feature Rachel still while trying to give Mercedes /something/ but while the concept of the Trouble Tones was fine, it's marred by the fact that Brittany and Santana are so mean during this time period
The Student Election - which I find frustrating, partially because it ties into the weird - Kurt is too gay to accomplish things stuff - but also partially I'm not a fan of how they showcased Brittany either. (I do like the unicorn concept, fwiw though)
Sue v Beiste for Cooter. Why was this a thing? Also - it's soured due to the fact that Cooter because a domestic abuser.
Finn disliking Blaine - because why not
Rory. Look, no shade at Damian McGinty. But Rory is easily the most boring and useless character on the show.
Santana's coming out - I think her development in Season 2 was great! The fact that this was botched so horribly is just frustrating. Santana is probably at her worst during this period - and her cruelty swept under the rug. Brittany is barely a part of the story line. And the whole thing becomes about Finn and how he's handling it more than what Santana's going through.
Puck/Quinn/Shelby - I hate it. I hate all of it. This is by far my least favorite story line in the show. I could make an entire separate post about how much I hate this story line.
Will and Emma - Season 3: It's not the worst, but Will's continued terrible decisions in relation to Emma are just frustratingly annoying -- such as his treatment of her about getting tenure and how he deals with her mental illness.
Sue's Pregnancy - Season 3: Why? Why was this a thing? It ultimately served no purpose and was mostly erased and not talked about after Robin was born.
Princess Rachel - late Season 3: Rachel was, annoyingly, handed everything on a silver platter because the writers felt like she deserved it after all of her 'suffering'. Props might be the worst - when Tina is brainwashed to say how wonderful and magical Rachel is and then they go stalk Carmen Tibideaux. (The Prom episode stuff is bad, too). But the worst part about all of it is that it came at the expense of Kurt - who got to fail so that Rachel could be lifted up.
Marley's Easting Disorder - Season 4: It was just poorly handled in general and 'resolved' by a Ryder making her feel better about herself. I just can't with it.
Marley/Ryder/Jake Triangle - Season 4 (and 5): It's just boring. And after all the love triangles and not great romances on the show it just wasn't that interesting.
Previously Unaired Christmas - bleh
Anything Vocal Adrenaline - Season 6: While I think I understand why there was so much VA -- it was a way to fill out the episodes. It was just too much.
Looking at the episode list, those are the big ones. There are minor things here and there, and definitely moments that make me want to throw things, too.
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
TDB Rewatch: Special Education
This episode IS. SO. DRAMATIC.  I suppose it is a competition episode - so that makes sense.  Also makes sense that about fifteen plot lines are jammed into the competition episode.  I’ll give this one credit for not feeling that overstuffed, even if some of the subplots feel a little rushed, but it’s weird that they keep trying to do that with the competition episodes from here on out.  
For an episode that has so much going on in it - it feels, idk, a little average.  There’s nothing bad in it, nothing that I feel like complaining about.  But I’m not sitting here thinking this is my favorite of episodes either.  I feel like if there was a definition for average Glee episode - this is it. 
Sue is not in this episode.  Maybe that’s why this episode works for me. Huh. 
You know, I didn’t mind the Will/Emma drama in this episode.  Maybe because there was so little of it?  And Will didn’t do anything dastardly.  
I also love that Emma calls him out on relying on the same tired formula.  Sometimes the writers listen to the critics, too.  
Emma getting married to Carl - what is it with this show and its rush to marriage.  Also, sectionals last year she was close to getting married to Ken.  Emma, you have a cycle. 
I’m glad that Will finally gets pissed off at the kids for the “me, me, me” attitudes.  At the same time, he helped create this environment, so he shouldn’t be that surprised by it. 
Oh Rachel :/  I feel like the show always pushes her narcissism and egotism whenever they’re about to create Finchel drama.  It seems like they always end up making Rachel the bad guy in the relationship.  
I feel like the obsession Rachel has about it being Santana who slept with Finn isn’t fleshed out enough? I mean, I get it on a generic level, but I think even adding that Santana is getting a solo and Rachel isn’t would make a little more sense.  
That said - Finchel getting drama seems a little out of nowhere.  I mean, they slightly set it up in the previous episode, but it feels more like they wanted to get Finchel to break up quickly so they can proceed with the second half of the season story lines.  Plus - the show seems to do better when the couples are pining for each other rather than when they’re actually together. 
(SO - when did you care about Finchel? I don’t, but it’s interesting to look at these story lines in comparison to Klaine’s.  I think the random things Klaine get sometimes isn’t so random when looked at in a bigger context.) 
I feel like I want to say something about Rachel cheating and Blaine but I’m too tired to do Finchel meta in relation to Klaine. 
I also feel like I should say something about Santana - but she was almost a non entity in this episode.  Finchel’s issues weren’t really about her, they were about Rachel’s insecurities.  
Meanwhile -- Puck was a pretty decent guy in this episode, and no one really noticed. 
I’m torn on Lauren.  On the one hand, I do enjoy her confidence while being a heavy set person, and the fact that she doesn’t take crap from everyone, on the other, I get tired of her bad attitude and the fact that there are still too many food jokes relating to overweight people. 
Artie, Brittany, and the magic comb.  This plot line was kinda dumb.  Even for a Brittany plot line.  
Tina’s got a lot of insecurity issues, too.  Sorry Tina, we don’t have the screen time to address them. 
I feel like Sam and Quinn have received next to zero development since the beginning of the season.  It’s almost like the show’s waiting around to break them up.  
Poor Mercedes - you literally have nothing to do but give a few one-liners and sing at the end.  Ah well. 
All of that said, the green room scene is pretty funny
Hmm, music.  Time of My Life - it’s fine, I don’t really care about the song, so doesn’t matter who’s singing it.  Valerie - This is fantastic, and it’s nice to that they showcase Brittany and Mike’s dancing to get something going on stage, Dog Days Are Over - Love this one!  
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina - Still feels like a Rachel song.  Wish Kurt had sung My Heart Will Go On - which would have been much more personal to him and his situation. 
Hey Soul Sister - I forgot how energetic Warbler songs are.  This is so much fun, and Darren Blaine is a dream.  
I’m glad they didn’t waste time with a judges panel.  Also, I still wonder if The Warblers were originally going to lose, but their popularity kept Kurt at Dalton longer.  
All the Warbler stuff in general feels like another show entirely.  And a much better written one. 
Will I get flack for saying this? ...  I think Kurt’s arc in this season (so far within context) is handled with a lot of care, while the rest of it seems like a choppy mess.  
Does anyone know why this episode is called Special Education? 
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