#blackout shades for sliding glass doors
smithbing · 2 months
What advantages come with the installation of motorized roller shades?
In the realm of modern interior design, the integration of technology has revolutionized the way we interact with our living spaces. Motorized roller shades represent a prime example of this fusion, offering not only enhanced convenience but also a touch of sophistication to any room they adorn. Let's delve into the myriad advantages that come with the installation of motorized roller shades, ranging from convenience and energy efficiency to sleek aesthetics and customization options.
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Convenience at Your Fingertips - Gone are the days of manually adjusting blinds or shades to regulate light and privacy levels. With motorized roller shades, you can effortlessly control your window treatments with the push of a button or even through voice commands, thanks to integration with smart home systems like Alexa or Google Home. This level of convenience not only saves time but also adds an element of luxury to your daily routine.
Enhanced Privacy and Light Control - Motorized roller shades provide precise control over the amount of light entering your space, allowing you to create the perfect ambiance at any time of day. Whether you prefer complete darkness for uninterrupted sleep (perfect for blackout roller shades) or diffused natural light to brighten up your living room, these shades offer versatility to suit your needs. Additionally, they enhance privacy by eliminating the need for visible cords or manual adjustments, ensuring your space remains secluded when desired.
Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings - By effectively managing sunlight exposure, motorized roller shades contribute to improved energy efficiency within your home. During hot summer months, they help block out harsh sunlight, reducing the need for air conditioning and thus lowering energy bills. Conversely, in the winter, they can be programmed to open during the day, allowing sunlight to naturally heat your home and reducing reliance on heating systems. Over time, these energy-saving benefits translate into significant cost savings while minimizing your environmental footprint.
Sleek and Modern Design - Beyond their practical advantages, motorized roller shades add a sleek and modern aesthetic to any space. Available in a variety of fabrics, colors, and textures, they can seamlessly integrate with existing decor styles, from minimalist to eclectic. Whether you opt for a subtle neutral tone to complement your interior or a bold statement color to make a design statement, motorized roller shades offer endless possibilities for customization.
Ideal Solution for Sliding Glass Doors - For homeowners with sliding glass doors, finding suitable window treatments that offer both functionality and style can be a challenge. Specifically designed electric blinds for sliding glass doors provide an elegant solution, seamlessly covering large expanses of glass while still allowing easy access to outdoor spaces. With motorized functionality, you can effortlessly adjust the shades to control sunlight and privacy, enhancing the functionality of your sliding glass doors while elevating the overall aesthetic of your home.
Experience the Difference with Elie Design - At Elie Design, our commitment is to support our clients every step of the way, from initial design to final completion. With our expertise in motorized roller shades and blackout roller shades, we strive to bring our clients' vision for their window treatments to life, ensuring they enjoy the process from start to finish. Contact us today to experience the convenience, style, and innovation that motorized roller shades can bring to your home.
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writingcold · 2 years
Neapolitan Pt. 3
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A/N: Hi all - Welcome to smutsville.  If you’ve not read Pt. 1 or Pt. 2, here’s links to go get caught up.
I’m going to put this in here - I do not know any of the gentlemen of GVF.  This is a piece of fiction, through and through.  Jake is just my blueprint to a very interesting character to me.  A muse if you will.
Pairing: Jake (switch) X fem OC (switch) 
Content Warning: Minors do not read, do not interact, just go away now.  Alcohol use, language, adult situations, a long assed sex talk, unprotected sex, rough sex, Irish Garden / twerking sex, lots and lots of … yeah.  This is just the start of me being beet red and blushing.  Yikes. Also, mentions of self doubt - hint of something darker in Violet.  Bad, bad relationship.
Word Count: approx. 9200 words - total brick of sex - well almost.
Pt. 3
     Saturday wound up being more of a crazy night than usual.  Rain had come in, forcing everyone inside.  When the thunderstorm hit, people parked at her bar and did not move.  Pop music blared and she shuddered to the mechanical autotune and overly simple, suggestive lyrics.  She wanted to start kicking the herd out as the clock rounded two and someone switched it up to manufactured country pop.  
     She knew better than to be looking for the guys, but she found her eyes strayed to the door every time someone came and went from the door.  It was a relief when she was able to make ‘last call’ and get her shit done before heading home.  She squinted into the sunshine as she pulled into the driveway, and parked next to the house.  She was ready for a Sunday.  She nibbled on some toast and sipped some tea before pulling her blackout shades and sliding into the bathroom to knock the night off.  She landed on her pillow to snuggle into her spot.  Her hands slid across the pillows and a stray thought hit her.  Violet wondered if Jake’s skin would be as soft as the pillow under her fingertips.  The thought warmed her and lulled her into a peace she needed to finally drift to sleep.
     Mid afternoon found Violet rested, fed, beer in hand, and on the mower.  She was close to the road when a jeep zipped by.  She worked her way back up and looped around when the same truck zipped by again.  She chalked the vehicle up to a lost tourist as she looped back again.  This time, the truck stomped on its brakes and Josh’s blazing smile beamed from the driver’s seat.  She pointed to the driveway before taking another loop to work her own way back.
     “Well hello,”  Josh said as he popped out from behind the wheel.  “What a lovely home for the lovely lady.”
     Danny and Sam loped out with huge smiles.  “Hey,”  she said, pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head and grabbing her empty beer can before getting off the mower.  “I missed you guys.”
     Jake stood behind the truck, elbows on the hood, his sunglasses pointed directly at her, but his body was not moving as she leaned in to give a kiss on the cheek to Josh as he felt the need to ‘mwah!’  It was then she remembered she was wearing the teeny tiny black bikini top that framed her tits just right.  The corner of Jake’s mouth twitched as she waved them up towards the house.  She made sure he was following the tiny cut off shorts that also hugged the curve of her ass just right as the others innocently looked around, taking in her place.  
     “What are you guys doing this fine afternoon?”  she asked as they nearly collapsed on the wide deck.  
     Sam started to regale her about their adventure on the trailhead that was further back from her place as she slid open the wide sliding glass door to move into the house for drinks.  Jake stopped her with a firm hold on her elbow.
     “May I?”  he asked quietly as if trying not to interrupt Sam’s storytime.
     “Beers are in the fridge,”  she answered, still unable to meet his eyes as he kept them hidden.  Lowering her voice, she whispered,  “Cock’s next to the fridge.”
     The soft intake of breath made her smile as he pointed to a chair for her to sit.  “Sorry Josh, I only have beer or whiskey in the house at the moment,”  she said as she took her seat.
     Josh looked up at Jake who was waiting at the door for his twin’s order.  The man’s dark eyes slid over to Violet as if trying to figure out what his brother was up to.
     “Come on, Josh,”  Jake said, his tone impatient.  “The woman has waited on us for days, it’s her turn to relax.”
     The sharp ‘oh’ made her smile, but the other two even noticed a shift and turned her way.  She was about to toss her hands up in frustration over the men’s lack of moving forward when Sam blinked hard before he continued on with his news report, Danny stretched his long ass legs out to settle in, Josh found interest in the distance, and Jake disappeared into her kitchen.  She slipped her little tennies off and kicked her feet up on the railing.  The idea of Jake moving around her kitchen did not bother her.  She even pictured his hands reaching for the whiskey and maybe even taking a shot in order to steady himself after his little reaction to her saying ‘cock’.
      He delivered her drink first before handing out three beers, only to disappear to retrieve his own.  She smiled as he sat down beside her, showcasing his fine set of legs, much to her surprise since his twin sported some gnarly chicken legs.  
      “So, Sticks, did you make it to the creek while you were on Alice’s trail?”  she asked before taking her first sip.
     “Yeah, it was really something back there,”  he said with a nod.  
     “Then you made it to the back end of my place,”  she explained.  “Will, my brother, used to drag me back there when we were kids to catch frogs.  Did you all make it around to the dam?”
      They nodded and started sharing what they saw, all the while, she sat and listened, looking at how Jake turned towards her every time she would say something to add a little story.
     “Hey,”  Josh said, after he finished his beer.  “We were going to go down to the lake and hang out.  You should come with us.”
     She laughed until she saw that they were serious.  “Oh, guys, I got work to do around here.”
     “Looks to me like you’re almost done,”  Sam said, flashing puppy eyes at her.
     “Actually, I had just started.  Sorry,”  she said with a shrug.  She really did not want to pass on the offer.  Jake sat chin to chest and very still.
      Danny perked up.  “What’s left to do?  I mean, it’s not like we can’t help out.”
      Sam was looking around, hand slapping Danny’s ridiculously chiseled shoulder.  “Genius.  Where’s your shed?  I can…”
     The three stood up and started for her implements.  Jake set his glass down before reaching over and started twisting his fingers into her ponytail.  Before she knew it, her hair fell down around her shoulders and Jake was standing tying his hair back.  He moved right for the riding mower while the others each took a different job - weed eater, hand mower, and buckets.  Sam took the weed eater, and Danny set into using the hand mower to use by the house.
      “Looks like you and me, darling, to work in the garden,”  Josh said, offering his hand.  He tilted his head to the side with a concerned look.  “You okay there?”
      “I must be in an alternate universe,”  she laughed as they started walking towards the fenced garden.  “I have a goddamn rock and roll band doing my yard work.”
      He barked out a laugh that captured Jake’s attention.  “We are used to working our asses off while Dad sat on the porch smoking his pipe.  This is not new to us.”
     They set into weeding the different planting beds as Sam started to trim around the garden fencing.  Within thirty minutes, the work was done.  Violet watched as the boys tucked everything back into the shed.  She asked them for five minutes to grab a few things and switch the laundry around.  She slid into the matching bottoms of the bikini and grabbed a long sleeved shirt if it got cool. 
     Meeting them outside with her keys, Jake grinned as he volunteered to ride with her before any of the others could say a word.  The other three loaded in with a wave to meet back at their place to pick up supplies before peeling out leaving them alone to catch up.  Sliding behind the wheel, she was met with the smell of the sun and heat of his skin as he moved into the passenger seat.  She played with the key, not putting it into the ignition.  Her eyes narrowed as she pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth.
     “Violet?”  he asked.
     “I’m going to kiss you and you’re going to be fine with it,”  she said, her voice low and firm with authority.  It was a gamble that she was willing to take to see if he really was presenting what she thought she had seen in him.
     He turned his shoulders towards her, taking off his sunglasses for the first time to really look at her.  She leaned in, hovering just over his mouth.  He seemed to want to move, but he stayed still.  Finally, she drifted that last fraction and he allowed her to kiss him in the manner she saw fit.  She slid her fingers into his hair, tugging at the hair tie that he still wore, taking it back so that his tangled hair swished across his shoulders and over his chest.  He made a soft, lush sound against her as she deepened the kiss, tasting the whiskey on his tongue as she swept hers through his mouth.  Her heart thudded as he kept his hands in his lap, allowing her to touch him in how she wanted.
     Dragging her teeth against his bottom lip, he breathed out a soft whine as she parted from him.  The smile that spread across her face at the reveal of such a presence in him made her swoon on one hand, and absolutely dread on the other.  
     “Thank you,”  he whispered, just to put the fucking cap on it.
     Running her tongue across her lips, she started the truck and got the hell out of her driveway, otherwise she was going to drag that boy into her house and shackle him for days.  He let out a breathy laugh as she tore down the road in the seven minute drive to their rental.  Jake had returned his glasses into place, but kept his eyes on her.  He said nothing, just watched.
     She passed LP’s, noticing a ton of UTVs in the parking lot.  Typical for a Sunday.  Violet pulled into their place a few moments later.  The long drive was lined with trees as it moved up a shallowy hill.  The house was massive for the area, and had a truly grand view of the lake beyond the trees.  Josh, Danny and Sam were nowhere to be seen.  Jake slid out and started walking towards the open door.  Violet was slow to follow, taking a moment to gather her stuff.
      By the time she started to step inside, Jake was walking towards her with a cooler in his hands and an agitated look on his face.
     “What’s wrong?”  she asked, stepping aside.
     “We are out of ice,”  he grumbled, heading right for the jeep.
     “That’s an easy fix.  I’ll be right back,”  she said, keys in hand.
     She got back into the truck;  he was quick to get in as well after setting his cooler into the back.  Violet grinned at how he just sat, eyes fixed forward, ready to go.  Kind of reminded her of a yellow lab.  She started the engine and drove back to LPs.  
     “They aren’t going to make you work are they?”  he asked as she parked, his face scanning the number of vehicles in the lot.  
     “Fuck no. Tony’s not that dumb,”  she answered as she parked in the front lot, next to the UTVs.  She silently hoped that her boss would not bring up the fact that she had still not cashed out the tips from Wednesday and Thursday, oh, and Friday nights.  
      Walking in with Jake in tow, her eyes scanned the very full deck and the waitress that seemed to be stressing the moment.  Tony was pushing two trays of drinks to the end for easier access when he saw her.
     “Hey, Tony,”  she said.  “I need ice.  Can I just grab?”
     “Sure, kid,”  he said with a wave, but then started towards the dining room door.
     She held up a hand for Jake to wait while she stepped into the kitchen.  Chase was in his zone, totally ignoring her as Tony stopped her with empty ice bags.
     “Hey, you still haven’t cashed out those tips,”  he said, trying to keep his voice low.  “Vi, it’s a couple hundred bucks.”
     “Shit,”  she groaned.  “I…  Hey, can I have you order me some stuff for my thing in a few weeks and we call it square?”
     “Yeah, sure.  Stop in tomorrow while I do the order, okay?”  he asked with a nod before grabbing plates to carry out to the deck.  “I’ve got someone interested in the weekday bartender gig.  Might be nice to have you here for that.”
     Chase shimmied at her with his hands on his non-existent man boobs when she started scooping ice into the bags.  “Shut it!”  she shouted over the noise of the kitchen, a huge smile in place.
     She handed Jake two bags out the kitchen door before filling two more.  She waved at Tony with an added ‘see you around ten tomorrow,’ as she breezed out of the busy bar and back towards her truck.  Jake took the bags from her and tossed them into the cooler while she stood by.  He pushed his sunglasses up to look at her.  Moving closer, he traced the line of her jaw.
     “I am not always so…”  he started, rubbing his thumb over her lip.  The corners of his eyes pinched as he leaned in.  “I’m going to kiss you and you’re going to be fine with it.”
     It was the same low tone and authority that she had used.  She stayed still as he kissed her deeply, his hand against her cheek to hold her in place.  Her heart thundered in her chest as he broke free of her.
     “You switch, son of a bitch,”  she whispered as he stepped away from her.
     The smirk that appeared as he turned his back on her set her brain on fire.  Once back to their place, they were quick to fill the coolers and grab blankets and supplies.  She eyed Jake as he held the back door of Josh’s Jeep for her.  Danny slid into the front seat while Sam was already patting the middle seat for her in the back.  
     “You better behave, Sticks,”  she admonished as she climbed in, only to have Jake draw her closer to himself.
     Sam barked out a laugh as Josh started the engine.  They headed north towards the boat landing.  Violet tapped Josh’s shoulder and started giving directions towards a better spot.  Jake's fingers traced little circles on her low back as she leaned across the front seats.  She had him turn off the main road to a dirt one and told him to go back a few miles.  Sitting back against the seat, she glanced at him as he pulled his hand back to follow the curve of her tummy.  
     Tucked back in the woods, there was a little sliver of beach amongst the rocky shore, but the sunshine was perfect as the last afternoon began to stretch the shadows across the far side of the lake.  The guys were quick to pile out.  She took the blankets and was not allowed to take anything else.
     “Such gentlemen,”  she quipped as she marched down to the shore.
     They set up, with Danny and Sam splashing off into the water and Josh tossing out the massive inflatable raft to lounge on.  She watched as Jake slid the t-shirt he was wearing over his head and tossed it onto the blanket she had just spread out.  He pulled at one of the belt loops of her shorts as he kicked off his flops.
      She unbuttoned the button and slid out of the cut offs to reveal the teeny tiny bottom of the set.  He grinned as he looked at her, holding his hand out.  She took it as she slipped out of her ripped up tennies.  He tugged her gently before wrapping his arms around her torso and dragging her into the water with a laugh.  She plunged in as the world just fell away and all that mattered was that his arms were around her.  
     It felt good to just be.  Jake had her hooked.  It was not often, and it had been years since she had met another vintage such as herself.  He let her hold onto him as he swam; she let him hold onto her as she held onto the rocks.  The way his skin felt under her fingers made her mind fuzz over with so many thoughts and plans that overstuffed a dark file in her brain.
     Jake got out of the water to help Danny and Sam build a fire as the sun dipped down below the tree line, casting little sparkle spots and shadows across the area they were swimming.  Violet clamored up onto the raft with Josh’s help.  He pulled her close so that her head rested on his arm.
     “This is a great spot, darling,”  he said, eyes closed and his face trained to the sky.  
     “Yeah.  Been coming here since I was big enough to drive a car,”  she said with a nod.  “Used to party here.  Used to…”
      “Uh huh,”  he said in a very deep, low tone that rumbled through his chest.  
      They laughed loudly.  She noticed it was enough to draw Jake’s attention as he was creating a pit for the fire.  Though he went back to his task, she noticed that he seemed to keep one eye on her at all times.  
      “So you made your pick,”  he said, nodding at Jake and how he was watching them.
      She looked into his face, seeing Jake’s features, but a bit more wild and playful.  “Oh, Josh.  You were so, so close,”  she teased with a playful swat on his chest.
      “No I wasn’t, and that’s okay.  Just be careful, my lovely,”  he said, turning towards her.  “He has a tendency of getting bored quickly.”
      “Jake’s a man who likes to drink and fuck,”  she remarked.  “And that’s about all I can handle right now.”
      “Alright, wise one, let me have it,”  he breathed, his fingers tightening on her arm.  “Why not pick me?”
      “You know, you learn a lot from how people are when they drink,”  she started, picking out shapes in the dusky sky.  “Aside from the fact that Sam and Danny have significant others, each of you have something specific that gets you.  You, for instance, have this whole Pan vibe thing going on.”
      “Ooo, Pan vibe.  I like that.”
      “You need a fairy goddess that will run through the wildflowers with you, maybe even follow ant trails and shit like that,”  she continued with a giggle.  “But you also are into a woman who will contemplate and debate and learn from the shit around you.  Sammy is an explorer.  He comes off like a sensual bastard and if there’s not enough curves for him to explore, he’s not going there.  He also requires someone who will challenge his intelligence on many levels.  Danny is a ‘forever kind’ of guy, which he works so, so well.  Although, he probably has some serious kinks that need exploring.”
      “Alright,”  his voice took on that sharpness that forced her to listen up.  “What about you?  You’re sporting this gigantic bruise that is massively deep, but you try to cover it up with being flirty and seductive and friendly to everyone.  Is that why you landed on our Jake?”
      “See, you drink with someone and you get it,”  she whispered.
     He did not ask about her ‘bruise’, nor did he press about anything beyond, and Violet was thankful.  Sammy’s loudness invaded their space.  The smell of fire filled her nose.  She rested her chin on Josh’s chest to see the lanky man dancing around happily as smoke was drifting up in plumes.  
     “I think the John Williams’ ‘Jaws’ theme just started playing in my brain, my lovely,”  he said, moving his arms up above his head.  “Be read-”
     Hands appeared out of the water, grabbing Josh’s calves.  The whole raft flipped, knocking her into the water.  Calloused fingers drifted across her hips, pulling her to the surface.  Jake gripped her body flush against his, mouth crashing into her own.
     Behind them, she faintly heard Josh coughing, sputtering dramatically, and even saying not to worry about him, he’ll make his own way to shore as Jake claimed her.  She melted against his warmth as the water had cooled quickly once the sun had set.  He started to swim backwards towards the shore, dragging her along until her feet touched the rocky, slimy ground.  She shivered against him as he gripped the back of her neck to draw her closer.  He bit into her bottom lip gently before he drew back with a hum.
     “Come on, Jake, let the girl have something to eat other than your face,”  Sam scolded with an old lady flair.
     She laughed as really started to shiver hard.  Violet followed him out and was thankful that Danny held a towel open for her before Jake retrieved one.  “Thank you, Danny,”  she said with a smile.
      She sat down to Sam handing her a plate with a sandwich on it.  “To feast upon, my lady.”
     Jake handed her a beer before sitting next to her.  She listened as they talked and joked and made fun of each other.  All the while, her brain was making lists and plans for the next week.  If Tony had found someone to take over Wednesdays and Thursdays, she would not feel so awful when she took her week off.  That also meant that it would give her time to get ready for her big visit that was pending.  
     “What’s your week like, Vi?”  Josh asked as he stretched out on the blanket.
     “Work, more work, work some more after that,”  she grinned. 
     Josh playfully glared at her.  “All work, no play, and all that, darling.”
     “Yeah, yeah,”  she said with a roll of her eyes.  “Actually, it looks like my Wednesdays and Thursdays are about to open back up.  Tony may have found someone to take over those nights.  There’s that.  I’ll have some time to actually breathe.”
     They stayed until the mosquitoes got too bad to handle.  Josh drove them back to their place, inviting Violet inside.  She hung back, keys rattling around in her hand.  
Jake pressed his fingers into the small of her back.
      “I think I’m going to head home,”  she said as he leaned close to her.  “I’d like you to come with me.”
      He nodded and asked for just a few minutes.  She waited in the truck as he disappeared inside.  She fiddled with every ring on her fingers, her necklace, her keys as her anxiety began to spike and spiral.  When he walked out with a bundle under his arm and a smile, she breathed out once before he slid into the passenger’s seat.  
     She rolled down her window before taking off down the road, refusing to see or hear the bar as they passed.  Violet realized that it was just a fresh bundle of clothes in his lap and a pack of smokes waiting to be opened on top.   Pulling into her driveway, she parked, but did not move.  
      “Showers?”  she asked, eyes planted on the steering wheel.  He nodded, mirroring her.  “Talk after?”
      He nodded again before opening his door.  She pointed him towards the main bath while she zipped upstairs to her bathroom.  The anticipation of just a conversation made her skin prickle under the hot water.  Her mind raced, imagining what he had on his own mind as compared to hers.  The high of the prospect of what could be made her giddy, while the tiniest voice in the back of her head repeated one word.  One word only.  Freak.  She rubbed the shampoo through the invisible lake goo that she imagined lingered  in her hair in an attempt to quell the word she knew had no room within her, but had been placed a few years back against her will.  The man who was showering in the bathroom below her did not seem to have the term within him.  She was sure Jake had to be extremely careful with this side of him, but he glowed when she tossed the word at him.   
      She worked the day off her with her favorite wash.  Freak.  The word threatened to grow louder and rob her of the shred of confidence she held firm to.  She took her time to work the lather into her skin, relaxing her.  Violet heard the water cut beneath her, but she continued to just take her time.  The water held her in no esteem.  It did not care that she liked to slap a man’s ass and dominate him until he cried to be fucked, nor did it care that she liked to bow to a man’s whim in whatever he wanted of her.  Her brain stopped.  That was not true.  She was still at a point where she could only mostly allow a man to do what he wanted.  
      Rinsing quickly, she needed to turn her damn brain off.  It was her worst critic and if she was going to have any kind of release, she needed to tell herself to get the fuck over it all and move on.  Toweling off, she started to rub the coordinating lotion of her body wash into her skin, starting with her toes and working her way up.  She pushed the doubt deep while bringing in the glow that she spied when Jake decided to reveal his own need.  There had been a time when she could feel that way.  It was glorious to be that unspoiled.  The last time she had felt that light had been before-
      “Stop,”  she whispered, eyes squeezed shut, hands in fists.
      Her breath started coming hard as the memory of pain, real pain, shadowed against the back of her head and across her throat.  “Fuck,”  she whispered, standing up and tossing down the bottle with a loud bang in order to divert her thoughts.
      Violet opted for simple, sliding into comfy clothes as a show of low pressure, while the no bra and scrap of lace for undies would be left for a pop of surprise.  She left her hair damp, knowing that it would dry when it dried.  Scooting down the stairs, she pushed the moment she had just experienced to the bottom of her brain, but was unable to find the key to fully lock it up tight.  
     She half expected to find Jake in the kitchen, but instead saw the outside lights were on.  Looking at him from the kitchen window, she saw he sat, smoke in hand, beer next to him.  His face was relaxed.  He truly was pretty in a way that made her suck in a breath and wonder at him like a piece of art.  Putting on her imaginary big girl pants, she made her way outside to be with him.
      “Feel better?”  he asked, holding up a bottle of beer for her.
      Nodding, she took the offering as she sat down next to him.  “You?”
     He smiled at her as she breathed in his clean skin and hair.  She imagined he smelled good no matter what he washed with.  He dropped his smoke into an empty bottle he must’ve collected from her recycling.  There was a slight awkwardness, not uncomfortable, but a hesitation was present that she had not expected.  She took a sip of her beer before she stretched her legs out in wait.
      The laugh that bubbled out from him made her grin.  “Who the hell knew talking about sex could be this weird,”  he said, sliding his hand across her arm.
      It was the ice breaker that she needed.  “Maybe we should start with setting our time limit?  I mean, you leave…”
     “Second week of August,”  he said, pressing his fingers in between hers before sliding them out and back across her hand.  
      “We can agree, that is the end,”  she said quietly before taking a sip of beer.  “You should know that I’m on the shot for birth control, and my last encounter was four months ago and he was wrapped.  I’m clean.”
     “I’m not averse to condoms, and my last encounter, to which I was wrapped, was two weeks ago, but tested clean.”
      “Neapolitan Ice Cream.”
      He looked at her with brows pinched.  “Ice cream?  You want some?”
      “No,”  she said with a smile.  “I’ve used it in my past as my guide, perhaps we could use that to set our time together.  Three flavors - vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate.  Vanilla can be neutral.”
     “The other two ‘flavors’ dictate who is over whom?”  he said, taking up her direction quickly.
     “Yes.  So, we determine the ‘flavor’ beforehand to keep us in our roles.”
     “Simple.  I like it.  I call strawberry.”  He took a smoke and held it up for her.  She took it with a grin.  After he lit it, followed by his own, he seemed to relax further.  “I want to return to time then.  I think we keep our ‘flavored’ day to Sunday.  It gives you a chance to rest before and after.”
      Violet glanced at Jake and discovered that he had a hard focus on her.  Taking care of her was important to him.  It had been important from day one when he formed a routine in asking if she was okay to get home.  The look in his eyes was genuine, this was not just a show.  “Sunday it is.”
      He seemed relieved when she agreed.  “Okay.  Next up, what is on the table here?  Toys for you?”
      “Yes, please,”  she said with a wide ass grin.  “Toys for you?”
      “Hell yeah.  Binding?”  
      She nodded with a glint in her eye.  “I would really like to see you all bound up.  Is that okay with you?”
      He squeezed her hand in affirmation.  “Breath play?”
      She held still.  There it was.  The term.  Taking a drag of her smoke, she shook her head.  “Sorry.  Can’t go there.”
      “That’s okay.  It’s not for everyone.  That’s why we’re having this weird ass conversation, right?”
      She felt her breath stutter as the pretty man beside her was ready to move on without knowing that she struggled.  Sucking her lip into her mouth, she refused to let her brain take over the moment.  It was for her body that she did this.  It was for that part of her brain that had laid dormant for too long.  
     “Impact play,”  she said as a way to force her way forward.
     He drew in a hiss.  “I will not hit harder than a spank with my hand.  I admit, I’m soft in that department.  I don’t like causing marks.”   
     “I’m a spanker and maybe, if the situation calls for it, can slap the face.  Is that okay for you?”
     His eyes rolled back as his lids closed.  For a moment, she was unsure of what was going on, but the smile that accompanied the blush on his cheeks was precious.  It was like he was fondly remembering a past encounter.
     “Yes.  It’s more than okay with me.”  He smiled at her as a way to return.  “Sensory play?”
     “Blindfolds? Feathers and that kind of shit?  Sure.”
     He shifted, obviously not done with the topic.  “How do you feel about being blindfolded and earplugs?”
     “So, I wouldn’t see you or hear you,”  she said, thinking it through.  The thought was new to her; interested her.  “As long as I don’t have to wear those huge ass headphones that the old guys wear while on the mower.  You know, the angry loud orange ones?”
     He laughed quietly as his smile tugged across his face.  “Okay, that idea may have just been killed for me.  We’ll see.”
     She blew out a breath as she lifted her beer.  He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm.  “Please do not call me ‘Mommy’, or expect me to call you ‘Daddy’,”  she whispered, knowing that for some in her own past felt wounded when she could not play this piece.
     “I don’t have to call you ‘Mistress’, do I?”  He used the same volume as she did, keeping her hand close to his mouth.  
     “Thank you.  I just think that we have our names, that is enough for me.”
     Her eyes drifted closed.  “Mind if I call you a ‘whore’ and other gems?”
     “Please do.  I’m fond of ‘harlot’ myself.  Are there any names you do not like?”
     She had a soft laugh.  “Nice.  I can see you getting rather creative in the name department. I look forward to hearing filth from that pretty mouth.  If I don’t like something you say, I will let you know.  I expect you to do the same.”
     “Anything you do not like?”
     She shook her head.  “If you said you like toys, I’m going to assume that you wouldn’t mind if I played with your ass.”
      “I look forward to that.”  He took the last drag of his smoke.  “Safety.  Do you like words, taps, movements, stop lights, hit me over the head with a bat?”
      “What?  ‘Stop that you stupid fucker’ wouldn’t work?”  she panned with huge eyes.  He laughed at her joke but nodded anyway.  
      “I think our word should be ‘Napoleon’,”  he said against her skin.  “It’s easier, but close enough to Neapolitan.”
      “Alright.  And two deliberate taps on the elbow also works.”  She took the last drink of her beer.
      “I’m ready for some vanilla,”  he said with a grin.  “I’d really like to hear your sounds and take some time to learn ‘you’.  I’m hoping that you’d like to learn ‘me’.”
      She melted a bit at his words.  She stood up, picking up the empties as she went.  He followed her inside, closing the door behind him.  He watched her as moved around the kitchen before catching his hand to lead him upstairs.  The humidity from her shower and the light smell of her wash still hung in the air as she turned to face him.  
      “Damn, you’re so pretty,”  she whispered as he reached for her, his face washed in moonlight.
      His mouth barely brushed her lips but it was enough to light her body on fire.  He brought up both hands to cup her cheeks as he deepened his kiss, nearly robbing her brain of all sense.  She slid his open button up off his shoulders, tugging it so that he had to move his hands to allow it to fall to the floor.  Her fingertips grazed over his belly, taking in the softness before drifting over the small love handles that he sported.  Ghosting his hands down, he tugged gently at the hem of her t-shirt.  He slowly pulled it over her head, his mouth stretched in a grin at the discovery of her lack of bra. 
     Violet slid her fingers into the waistband of her comfy shorts and gave a little shimmy to make her breasts bounce just right and knock the shorts to the ground.  The way he looked at her, all of her: from her toes to her thighs and round hips, to her belly and breasts, all the way to her parted lips and soft eyes made her catch her breath.  He was studying her.  He dragged his fingers down each hip, before bringing just his fingertips back up across the hollow of her torso, up her cleavage and back to her face.           “Beautiful,” he sighed before bringing his mouth back to hers.  
      She could feel him thicken against her.  Violet’s hands slid into the waistband of his shorts, over his ass, forcing them down and felt him kicking them to the side on the floor.  Her hands first drifted across his back, taking in the strength in the muscles there.  Pulling her palms down across his flanks and over his hips, she found his ass once more, relishing in the firm flesh.  Dropping her hands further, she felt the strength of his thighs before drifting between their bodies so as to return to the suppleness of his belly, ghosting his cock along the way up.  
     She felt a little hum against her mouth as he broke contact to sit down on the edge of the bed.  She followed him, straddling his legs, bringing him eye to eye with her.  The rich brown that looked back at her stilled her heart.  A heat touched the tops of his cheeks as she glanced down between them so she could see his dick for the first time.  She touched his face at the enduring moment before taking him in her hand and reconnecting with his mouth.  The sound he made at the touch seared into her brain to replay in the future in her alone time.  
     He gripped her ass with both hands before flipping her onto her back and rising up at her side on his knees.  She took in the size of him, unable to hide the pop that her eyes made at the sight.  He reached, pressing his fingers against the top of her foot and drew upward, over her shin and knee, up to the thigh and stopping at the crease.  He looked back at her face as if thinking through what he was discovering.  
      She reached for him, drawing him down into another passion-filled kiss.  He left her gasping as he pressed his mouth against her chin, followed by the hollow at the base of her neck.  He brought one hand to her one breast, while taking the nipple of the other in between his teeth.  The sound that she released sent shivers through her body as he pulled her breast deeper into his mouth, all the while flicking the tip of the nipple with his tongue.  He rolled the other between his knuckles in a hard pinch, forcing her to suck in a hard gasp.  He moaned into her skin as he released her only to switch sides to ensure both tits got their due.  He dragged his tongue back up her cleavage until he reached her neck once more.  
      Sitting back on his heels, he smiled down at her.  “Did you like that?”  he asked in a whisper.
     “Fuck yes,”  she hissed reaching for his hips.  “Bring this bitch closer.”
     He traced his fingers around her belly button as she yanked her body closer to his.  He brought his hips up so she could wrap her hand around the base of him while he drew tiny pictures into her skin as he inched frustratingly slow down towards her center.  Violet skimmed her fingers across the skin below his belly button, following the barely there trail of blond hair.  She dragged two fingers across the width of his base and was rewarded with the feel of her thigh being craned to the side to open her up.  She trailed her fingernail up the underside of him with just enough pressure against the delicate skin to cause friction.
     “Oh fu…”  he stuttered as looked direct into her eyes, his chest heaving.
     She grinned as she let her tongue slide from between her lips to lick just the tip of him while his attention was on her.  His left hand came down to her cheek, tracing the ridge of her cheekbone in a way that surprised her after the hard display in his eyes.  His fingers ran the course of her folds while she was distracted by his face.  A wicked smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as her jaw dropped open.  He took her clit in between finger and thumb and giving it a tender little tug, eliciting a chirp that embarrassed her.  It was a sound that he created in her.  She was sure it was the first of many.
      He split his attention between her face and her pussy as he collected slick then rubbed into like fucking lotion against her labia and the creases of her thighs.  He pressed two fingers into her core, his dark eyes blown wide as her head came off the bed with a hard hiss.  She took him into her mouth as she finally could not hold back any more.
     “Goddamn,”  he whispered as she hollowed her cheeks to suck hard as she took him all the way down until he rested in the back of her throat.   “You’re even more gorgeous with my dick in your mouth.”
     He leaned down, moving his hips a fraction to keep himself in her mouth, and kissed the top of her head tenderly as he jammed his fingers up into her, curving them before he withdrew them completely.  She groaned against his shaft as he rose back over her, eyes trained on his face.  He brought his fingers up and slid them into his mouth, all the while maintaining eye contact that set her whole body on fire.
     Releasing him, she had to steady her breath first before she could talk.  “What are you thinking?”
     “I’m thinking I can’t wait until it’s strawberry time and I can eat your damn pussy while I pump a dildo in your ass,”  he said, his voice roughened with need.
     He slammed his fingers back into her to punctuate his words.  She writhed on him much to his delight.  The light that played on his features made her draw in a stuttering breath.  She reached past his cock, ghosting her fingers up across his belly, over his hard nipples, taking a moment to twist.  
       “What are you thinking?”  he asked as he pressed his thumb into her clit while scissoring his fingers inside.
       The sound that bubbled out of her as her body bowed against his ministrations echoed around them.  “I…  I…  I need to keep that a surprise, you goddamn cunt whore,”  she ground out as sparkles started to shimmer in her vision.
      “Ooo,”  he breathed playfully.  “I hit something right.”
      She was able to cup his cheek as he looked down upon her as he ruthlessly pumped and pressed and curled and jammed within her.  Getting just enough clarity as he played on her, she shoved her thumb into his mouth, beyond his teeth and onto his tongue.  He sucked at it eagerly, just as she had hoped.  Her body bowed as he added a third finger inside.
     “You’re fucking hands,”  she gasped as her body began to slam up and down against the mattress in her spasm.
     “So I’ve been told,”  he said cockily, teeth biting down into the pad of her thumb.
     Whether it was the bass in his voice or the tornado that he was causing in her core, Violet let out a shallow groan as her vision blackened and her orgasm slammed her sledgehammer style via ninja stealth.  His mouth parted as he watched her unravel, his tongue running the course of his lip over and over as he forced her to watch his satisfaction blaze on his features.  It elevated her body into parts unknown to her, setting her skin aflame and her core into brilliance.  
     “Is the fingers slut ready for something larger?”  he asked into her mouth as he slid his hands under her shoulders and lifted her up to meet his face.
     “Fist?”  she teased before his mouth covered her own.
     He slid away from her, his feet hitting the floor.  She studied his form as he pushed his hair back from his face.  Meeting her gaze, he seemed to like her looking at him.  Really seeing him for what he was and what he could be.  She traced the line of his jaw with her eyes, taking note the way his Adam’s apple made an appearance every time he swallowed.  She could see his pulse point beat as she continued down his torso and his arms.  The faint scars and nicks and blemishes that he wore without awareness was a testament to his comfort with himself.  
     “You like to watch me looking at you, don’t you?”  she asked softly.  “I know you like watching me.  I’ve been seeing it for days.”
     “You almost killed me with that fucking top this afternoon,”  he admitted, running his fingers over her toes.  “I had to hide my damn dick it was so hard already for you.”
     His hand drifted to her calf, smoothing over the skin as he leaned down and kissed her ankle.  His hands slowly moved their way to the back of her knees.  He looked across her body, taking in the way her hands moved to her tits, giving them a little squeeze to make him smile.  He yanked her down the bed, flush against him, legs splayed, his chin just above the curve of her belly.  He pressed one hand into her chest as he pressed a single kiss onto her clit.  Her sharp intake of breath made him laugh softly.
     “I can’t wait to make you scream when it’s strawberry,”  he whispered in her skin.  “Come here.”
     She stood, stepping into his arms as he bent to kiss her deeply once more.  Feeling his full body against hers sent thrills and shivers through her.  All of his soft and all of his hard parts made her want to weep at his beauty.  He dragged his mouth to her ear, biting into the lobe tenderly.
      “Will you let me fuck you?”  he asked, his voice just above a whisper as he kissed the flesh just below the ear lobe.  
      She smiled wickedly as she nodded.  “May I?”
      He held his hands up and her body screamed at her for the loss of contact.  She pointed back to the bed.  “Scoot towards the middle, not all the way against the headboard and stay sitting up legs wide open.  You’re a visual bastard.  You’re going to love this.”
      He climbed back onto the bed, giving his dick a few swipes as she moved beside him.  “What you got in mind, my lovely harlot?”
      The way the word rolled off his tongue made her moan.  She turned her back to him, sliding into his lap so that he was fitted against her ass.  Rising onto her knees, she pulled his hands across her hips.
      “I’m not sure where you’re going with this but…”  he started until she slid down onto his cock, grinding on him until he was balls deep within her.
       She leaned back against his chest with a shared moan that would melt ice.  “Fuck you feel good.”
      Sliding her legs back straight behind him, while keeping him deep inside her, she let herself fall forward on her elbows, bending his cock with her.  The hard hiss that escaped him filled her ears.  Looking over her shoulder at him, she latched onto the eye contact.
      “Grab my thighs and do not let go.  Lay back onto your elbows,”  she whispered, feeling his dick twitch inside her.
      “You brilliant bitch,”  he rasped as she began to roll her hips back and forth in a sensual dance that made her ass cheeks bounce and her hair wave across her back.  Her movements were not fast, but each pass he pressed into her hard and right against that delicious spot that sent her into orbit.
       He shifted into her just slightly each time she rocked back, meeting her cunt with a soft slap of skin.  “How’s that for sensual, pretty boy?”
       “So damn good,”  he breathed, eyes closed for a moment.  His hands gripped at her thighs to rock her back harder.  “I feel everything you are.”
      She twerked on him, feeling her core begin to tighten around him.  He lifted up, grabbing one of her ass cheeks in a firm grip.  “Fuck, I like watching this ass,”  he grunted, massaging the muscle as it bounced and shimmied just for him.  “More.”
      She was just starting to see little knockout stars in her vision, feeling her climax begin to coil within when he gripped her hips hard.  Yanking her hips, he drove her body forward until she was totally clear of him.  Looking up at him, she was surprised to see that there was a look that was unhinged sparkling in his eyes.
      “Pull your knees to your chest, but open wide for me,”  he said, his voice nearly gravel as he spoke.
     He barely gave her enough time to get into position before he slammed with a crack of his hips against her ass.  He practically howled as he set a blistering pace seeking to release hard for both of them.  Violet’s eyes rolled back from the force of each thrust.  
    “Come on, you son of a bitch,”  she growled, trying to lift her head. 
     His jaw set as he dug his fingers into her hips, eyes dark and dangerous.  He hit into her hard, the sound filled the room around them as they moved together, skin slapping skin, breath catching, squeals of him hitting her clit in a punishing rhythm.
     “Fucking cum,”  he demanded as he began to shift his thrusts from side to side.  “I feel it.  Let me have it, my goddamned cock whore.”
      Her torso began to bow and her hips shook with effort in trying to hold the position.  His cock began to thicken within her, twitching hard with each meeting.  When she met his eyes, he shook his head.
     “Goddamn it,”  he hissed, grabbing her legs and stretching them out to hook over his shoulders.  Both of his hands shoved under her ass and lifted her up as he drew himself up on his knees.  Her jaw dropped as her weight was shifted onto the back of her shoulders.  “Let that pretty cunt dance on me.”
      He drove into her with a force that she had not had in so long that it surprised her.  Her breath stuttered.  Her moan was thick.  She reached and started to jack herself off as he pounded away at her.  His eyes locked onto how she touched herself as if learning how she needed it.
       Violet felt heat.  Followed by flame.  Finally the total incineration of her body as her orgasm hit.  Her head lifted off the mattress as he began to become sloppy in his thrusts.  His mouth hung open as he let out a stream of sound that sent her soul into another realm.  He continued to pump into her shallow as he came hard, hands squeezing her ass impossibly hard.  
      Only the sound of their heavy breathing blanketed the room for several minutes.  Violet kept her eyes closed as he continued to hold her in place against him.  She shivered with every dick twitch and was rewarded with a soft chirp from him.  Finally regulated enough to take in the view, she opened her eyes to find him head resting against her calf, his hair stuck to his face and his chest heaving with a delicious sheen across his skin.
      “Fuck, Jake,”  she whispered.  His eyes cracked open to look upon her splayed out before him.  “That was so good.”
      He gently let himself slip out of her before lowering her down onto the bed.  He kissed each knee as he carefully placed her legs back, rolling her body down onto her bed.  Jake smiled as he leaned forward to kiss her.  “That was tremendously fun.”
      He sucked on her bottom lip before rising back up and sliding off the bed.  She held out her hand for him to take and help her up.  She held his hand, leading him to the bathroom.  She handed him a washcloth as he started the hot water in the sink.  She watched as he soaked his cloth only to wring it out and hand it to her while taking hers.  He held up a finger as he washed himself first.  He took her cloth back and knelt before her.  Slowly, he cleaned her up, wiping up and down her inner thighs before pressing the cloth to her center.  He kissed her belly before standing up again.
      “Charmer,”  she whispered with a grin.
      He laughed as she led him back to the bedroom to dress and head downstairs.  He held up his pack of smokes as she grabbed a couple glasses of water.  She did not bother turning the lights on, knowing that it would just become a bug fest.  Instead, they sat in the bright moonlight, content in each other’s company.  
     The hour grew late, so much so that even the frogs and crickets seem to be resting.  Violet watched as Jake drew tiny circles across her arm.  They had taken residence in her only double deck chair.  She relished just being able to snuggle up beside him.  The two encounters she had had over the past ten months had been ‘thank you for your prick, get the fuck out’, kind of men.  That brought her to her next hurdle.  
     “Still awake?”  she whispered into his bare shoulder.
     “Yeah,”  he answered, his voice soft and lazy.
     “I need you to know it’s been a while for me,”  she said like she was in confession.  “Chocolate, I mean.”
     He was quiet, like he was thinking her words through.  “I’m not sure if it’s my place to ask why, but…”
     “Let’s just say that it’s not been in the cards for me for over three years.”
     She sat up just enough to look at him.  His eyebrows were raised and the corners of his mouth turned down.
     “I am going to need to ease into things.  I just wanted to give you fair warning.”
     He was focusing on her mouth.  “I don’t know why, but the thought of getting to be your first after ‘a while’ is incredibly hot.”
     She grinned as he pulled her back down to him, kissing her sweetly.  That sweetness quickly turned to passion, turning into fire.  There was no stop.  She took him right there on her deck, much to their mutual pleasure.
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
"What about me is there to love?" Kang Yo-han/Kim Ga-on (The Devil Judge)
(I know I keep writing post-canon TT^TT I wracked my brain trying to figure out where I could fit this in during the show and it just was not happening. I mean, you could argue it is in canon but like... idk. Regardless I hope you like it.)
Ga-on does not tell Yo-han that he loves him often. Neither of them does. It’s not something that needs to be breathed into existence. For them, it’s a fact. But sometimes… sometimes Yo-han will catch Ga-on saying it without words and each time it catches him off guard and leaves him feeling something strange in the space between his ribs.
There will be mornings when, against all odds, Yo-han is able to sleep in, sun high in the sky and light filtering in through the cracks in the blackout shades. When he opens his eyes the space beside him will be empty but no fear will grip Yo-han, just a discontent feeling at not having Ga-on’s sleep-rumpled face to see first thing.
Eventually, Yo-han will hear it, the laughter and sound of plates being put down on the kitchen table, maybe the bang of Elijah’s crutch and Ga-on’s indigent squawk.
Yo-han will drag himself out of his bed, his slippers already waiting for him even though he’s sure he’d left them by the bathroom instead, and make his way toward those soft voices. He’ll turn the corner into the kitchen and twin smiles will greet him. For a moment, Yo-han will be confused, his hackles will want to rise, but then Ga-on will glide forward, a glass of orange juice in his hand, and fix a wayward strand of Yo-han’s hair, looking for all the world like he wants to kiss him. Elijah will make a gagging sound and remind Yo-han why he’s not doing so and that alone will settle him enough that he can steal Ga-on's drink and start the morning with their usual needling banter.
Sometimes, Yo-han will come home from a long night at the office, a briefcase filled with unorganized notes hastily shoved in. It’s uncharacteristic for it to be that way, but he’s promised Ga-on and Elijah he’d be on time for dinner at least three times a week.
He’ll come through the doors to a grumpy-faced teenager and an equally disquieted lover but he doesn’t offer apologies. They all know he’s trying, and it’s the only thing that’s been asked of him. Instead, Ga-on will hold out his hand for Yo-han’s things and tell him to shower while he reheats the meal he’s cooked.
When Yo-han comes out, comfortable, only a little guilty, he’ll pass by the study and see his briefcase open, the papers and folders neatly stacked into piles that he’s sure are accurate to their contents. It makes his heart clench painfully.
He’ll slide up behind Ga-on, Elijah somewhere, probably washing her hands, and whisper against his ear.
“You’re not my secretary.” It’s the closest to a 'thank you' that he’ll offer and Yo-han knows that Ga-on understands that’s what it is. The younger will turn around in his arms, a sly look on his face, and kiss his cheek.
“I know.” He’ll go back to finishing up setting the table, and leave Yo-han stunned as he continues. “I’m your partner.”
In their more intimate moments, on even rarer occasions, Ga-on will lay him out on his stomach, naked against their sheets, exposed, and carefully break him down to the smallest pieces he can. Tracing the burns over his back with careful fingers and even more gentle lips. It’s all slow and measured, and when Ga-on slides his hands between Yo-han’s thighs, easing them, and then him open, it always makes Yo-han’s breath catch. 
The first time Yo-han had let him, he’d almost punched the younger, and then, when Ga-on was done, Yo-han had cried. For a moment he was young again, unscarred, undamaged, loved.
There are times, however, the worst kind of days, ones where Yo-han, even with all the silent reassurance, and unspoken declarations, can’t see it. He’ll be blinded by his guilt, by the weight of all the choices he’s made, sometimes necessary, sometimes wrong, and it’s not enough just for Ga-on to be there.
In his weakest moments, Yo-han won’t be able to keep the words inside.
“What about me is there to love?” He’ll whisper the confession of his self-loathing under the cover of night, half hoping that Ga-on, breathing easily beside him, won’t hear, but knowing that he will.
Yo-han will feel Ga-on freeze beside him but then unravel to wrap himself around Yo-han, like a weighted blanket, in an attempt to ease the thoughts in his head. It seldom works with that alone, though Yo-han finds he appreciates the effort in hindsight.
It will take hours, but Ga-on will kiss reassurances against the side of Yo-han’s head, hold his hand until their fingers go numb, and mutter a seemingly endless list of the things he loves about him.
“You buy me things I don’t need just because it makes me smile.”
“You ordered a dozen gardening books when I went to visit Jin-joo and read them all just in case something happened to my plants.”
“You don’t ask me to be more than I am.”
Most important of them all, when the fog in Yo-han’s brain has been tamed, and sleep crests, just on the edge of taking him down, Ga-on will finish.
“You’re not perfect. You make mistakes. But your imperfections are the places where I fit, like mine are yours. I love you, Yo-han, because it’s the easiest thing to do.”
In the morning, Yo-han will make sure to wake up earlier than Ga-on and have Butler order the younger's favorite crepes from the cafe down the road, he’ll water the plants exactly as he’s seen Ga-on do, and when Elijah wakes up he’ll send her off to her friends with money for clothes and a reminder to check in if she’s going to be late, just to offer Ga-on some more time in bed.
He doesn’t do it as an apology or as a way to add more things to Ga-on’s list. Yo-han does it for himself, as a reminder that he’s the same person Ga-on sees him as. To remind himself he’s worthy of that image.
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underburningstars · 2 years
Prompt fill up for the 'Multiverse' square of SFSummerBingo22 @starkerfestivals
The first thought Peter has when he wakes up in a box – made of glass of all things – is that he’s in deep shit. He has tried to punch the glass, kick it, even head-butt it but nothing seems to work. Even with his super strength the glass is impossible to break.
Giving up hope on breaking the glass, Peter tries to call out to his kidnappers. He should at least know why he’s kidnapped. After what feels like hours, he hears a door slide open and then footsteps approaching him. Nothing could’ve prepared him for who greets him.
“M-Mr. Stark…” Peter’s breath caught up in his chest. His vision started getting blurry with tears. Mr. Stark was alive. But the thought was quashed even before it could properly build up. Because even if Tony Stark somehow resurrected, everything about him was wrong. The man in front of him was taller, younger and his eyes – goddammit his eyes – were not the wonderful honeyed shade Peter loved so much. No, the were the brightest blue Peter had ever see.
“No. No no no. You’re-you’re not Tony Stark. Who are you? Who the hell are you?!”
“I am Tony Stark, Peter. Just better. A lot better.”
“There is no way you’re Tony Stark. He would never do this to me. He would never cage me like this.” Peter was outrageous. He couldn’t believe the nerve of this-of this imposter. How dare he say he was Tony Stark. How dare he say he was better.
“Oh honey don’t worry. This isn’t forever. I’ll let you out as soon as you learn to behave.” The man crooned.
“You’ll never get me to play this sick game of yours. I’ll find out whoever you are. I’ll defeat you and get out if here.”
“Oh my feisty little toy. Wouldn’t I love to see you try.” With that the man left leaving Peter alone in this glass cage.
After sometime someone, a guard by the uniform, brought him food. He didn’t talk. Didn’t answer even when Peter screamed. He didn’t eat. Even though he was hungry he didn’t want the give that man any kind of satisfaction by complying.
Suddenly a piercing pain fills his body leading him to blackout for a few moments. Peter is panting for air. He can’t breathe, he can’t even think. After, what feels like hours, Peter gets a hold of himself and realizes that he was electrocuted. He touched the back of his neck where it hurt the most. There wasn’t any object or even a scar there. But Peter figure the machine was put there. Then a familiar voice fills the space.
“Eat your food, Peter. The more you comply, the better for you.”
“Wha-what do you want from me? Why are you doing this? I don’t understand.”
“You will honey. In time you’ll understand everything. Right now stop trying to use that pretty little head of yours and do as I say. Got it?”
“…got it.” Peter realizes that there is no going out of here if he dies if repeated electrocution. And he needs to gather all the strength he can to get out of something that is most probably the biggest mess of his life.
Peter has no connection with time here. He doesn’t know what time or day it is. No matter how much he tried he couldn’t keep the grasp of how long he’s been here after he woke up. The man hadn’t come back again, for which Peter was immensely grateful.
He is still unable to understand what is happening here. That man obviously wasn’t the Tony Stark Peter loved so much. He may have the same face, the same voice, even the same smug smirk that made him look so much more handsome. But in no way that man was his Tony.
Peter was trying to think of ways to get out of this box when the door slid open again. This time though the man was adorning an iron man armor made of sleek silver and blue. Then the armor melted away. But instead of going inside the nanobot housing like the beading heart armor all the particles went inside his body.
“You seem to like what you just saw. Want me to tell you about it?” The man sighed when Peter didn’t answer.
“We can talk about this later. We have a lot of time left. What I wanted to tell you was that you should forget about your previous life and get adjusted to living here. Although not in the glass box. I’ll take you out of here soon enough.”
“I’m not staying here. I’ll get out of wherever you’ve held me in. You can’t keep me here.” Peter’s voice was firm and steady even though he was starting to feel scared.
“Oh my darling. Even if you do get out of my facility – which you won’t, by the way – you can’t escape from me. You still can’t seem to understand Peter but right now you’re in my world. My Earth.” Peter tensed up but the man didn’t stop talking. “I’m sure you’re aware of that Multiverses exist. Right now you’re in mine.”
“N-no. You’re lying. You’re obviously just trying to trick me into submission. I don’t believe your bullshit.” Peter was proud that his voice only wavered a little.
“Hmm. Why don’t we see then. You try to get out of this facility, if this earth and each time you fail I’ll kill someone from your earth. Maybe it’ll be someone you know. Or maybe a stranger. I’ll let you choose.”
“What? No, you-you can’t do that. Why are you doing this?” Peter was starting to think maybe there was no way out of this. Because if the man was lying Peter could go home. But if he was telling the truth, then the risk would be too much.
“Your Tony had quite a liking towards you. He built a time machine for you. And then died for you. At first I was merely curious about you. But after watching you for a whole I understand why he was so fond of you. And I wanted you all for myself. So here you are.” He ended his monolog with a triumph clap.
“Please.” His voice was barely a whisper now. “Let me go home.”
“But darling, from now on this is home.”
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blindsplusca · 21 hours
Transform Your Home with Premium Window Treatments in Vernon and Kelowna
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Are you ready to give your home in Vernon or Kelowna a stylish and functional makeover? One of the best ways to enhance the aesthetic and functionality of your space is by updating your window treatments. From the sleek elegance of roller shades to the convenience of motorized blinds, there are plenty of options to suit your needs. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the top window treatment choices available in Vernon and Kelowna, including roller shades, roller blinds, cellular blinds, motorized blinds, vertical blinds, dual roller shades, and faux wood blinds.
Roller Shades in Vernon:
Roller shades are a popular choice for homeowners in Vernon due to their simplicity and versatility. These shades come in a variety of fabrics and colors, allowing you to find the perfect match for your home décor. Whether you're looking for light-filtering options to create a soft glow or blackout shades for complete privacy, roller shades can provide the solution you need.
Roller Blinds in Vernon:
Roller blinds offer a modern and streamlined appearance that complements any interior design. Easy to operate and maintain, roller blinds are perfect for busy households. They can be customized to fit any window size and style, providing a practical and stylish option for your home in Vernon.
Cellular Blinds in Vernon:
For those seeking energy efficiency and enhanced insulation, cellular blinds are an excellent choice. These blinds feature a unique honeycomb structure that traps air, helping to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Cellular blinds are available in various colors and styles, making them a functional and attractive addition to any room in your Vernon home.
Motorized Blinds in Kelowna:
Experience the ultimate in convenience and luxury with motorized blinds in Kelowna. These high-tech window treatments allow you to control your blinds with a remote, smartphone, or even voice commands. Motorized blinds are perfect for hard-to-reach windows or for adding a touch of sophistication to your living space. Program your blinds to open and close at specific times for enhanced energy efficiency and security.
Vertical Blinds in Kelowna:
Vertical blinds are a timeless choice for large windows and sliding glass doors. They offer excellent light control and privacy while adding a touch of elegance to your home. Available in a range of materials and colors, vertical blinds can be tailored to match your décor and provide a stylish solution for your window covering needs in Kelowna.
Dual Roller Shades in Kelowna:
For a versatile and functional window treatment, consider dual roller shades. These innovative shades feature two layers of fabric that can be adjusted independently, allowing you to switch between sheer and blackout options with ease. Dual roller shades provide the perfect balance of light control and privacy, making them a great addition to any room in your Kelowna home.
Faux Wood Blinds in Vernon:
Faux wood blinds offer the classic look of real wood without the maintenance and cost. These durable blinds are resistant to moisture and warping, making them ideal for high-humidity areas like kitchens and bathrooms. Available in a variety of finishes and colors, faux wood blinds can add a touch of warmth and sophistication to any room in your Vernon home.
Whether you're in Vernon or Kelowna, upgrading your window treatments can transform your living space, providing both style and functionality. Explore the wide range of options available and find the perfect window coverings to suit your needs and preferences. Your home will thank you for it!
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jaycantinca-blog · 3 days
Elevate Your Home with Stylish Window Treatments in Edmonton, Canada
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When it comes to creating the perfect ambiance in your home, window treatments play a crucial role. Whether you're looking for privacy, light control, or a touch of elegance, the right blinds and shades can transform any space. If you’re in Edmonton, Canada, and searching for high-quality window treatments, you're in luck! Let's explore some popular options available to enhance your home.
Roller Shades in Edmonton Canada
Roller shades are a timeless choice for homeowners seeking simplicity and functionality. These shades are incredibly versatile and come in a variety of fabrics, colors, and patterns to match any décor. One of the main advantages of roller shades is their sleek design, which allows them to blend seamlessly with your windows, providing a clean and uncluttered look. Whether you prefer a sheer fabric to let in natural light or a blackout option for total privacy, roller shades in Edmonton offer a perfect solution for every room in your home.
Roller Blinds in Edmonton Canada
Similar to roller shades, roller blinds are another excellent option for Edmonton residents. These blinds are particularly popular for their ease of use and durability. They are designed to be rolled up or down to adjust the amount of light entering a room, making them perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, and offices. Roller blinds come in a range of materials, including fabric and vinyl, allowing you to choose the best fit for your lifestyle and preferences. With roller blinds, you can achieve a modern, streamlined look that complements any interior design.
Motorized Blinds in Edmonton Canada
For those who seek the ultimate in convenience and modern technology, motorized blinds are an ideal choice. Imagine being able to control your blinds with just the touch of a button or even through a smartphone app. Motorized blinds are perfect for hard-to-reach windows or for simply adding a touch of luxury to your home. In Edmonton, you can find a wide selection of motorized blinds that can be programmed to open and close at specific times, enhancing your home's energy efficiency and security. Experience the future of window treatments with motorized blinds that combine style, convenience, and innovation.
Vertical Blinds in Edmonton Canada
Vertical blinds are a practical and stylish option, particularly for larger windows and sliding glass doors. These blinds feature vertical slats that can be tilted to control light and privacy or completely drawn to the side to allow maximum sunlight. Available in various materials such as fabric, vinyl, and aluminum, vertical blinds offer flexibility in design and functionality. Edmonton homeowners appreciate vertical blinds for their ease of maintenance and their ability to make a room appear taller and more spacious.
Faux Wood Blinds in Edmonton Canada
If you love the look of real wood but want a more affordable and durable option, faux wood blinds are the way to go. These blinds mimic the appearance of natural wood but are made from synthetic materials that are resistant to moisture, warping, and fading. Faux wood blinds are perfect for any room in your home, including high-humidity areas like kitchens and bathrooms. In Edmonton, faux wood blinds are a popular choice due to their aesthetic appeal and practicality, offering the beauty of wood without the maintenance.
Window Shades in Edmonton Canada
Window shades encompass a wide range of styles and functionalities, making them a versatile choice for any home. From cellular shades that provide excellent insulation to Roman shades that add a touch of elegance, there is a window shade for every need and taste. Edmonton residents can find a variety of window shades that cater to different preferences, whether it's energy efficiency, light control, or decorative flair. Window shades are an excellent way to add personality and functionality to your living spaces.
Enhancing your home with the right window treatments can make a significant difference in comfort, style, and functionality. Whether you prefer the sleek look of roller shades, the modern convenience of motorized blinds, the classic appeal of vertical blinds, the durability of faux wood blinds, or the versatility of window shades, Edmonton offers a wealth of options to suit your needs. Explore the various window treatment options available in Edmonton, Canada, and transform your home into a stylish and comfortable sanctuary.
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shadesexperts · 5 months
Window Covering Options for Sliding Doors in Tampa
Sliding doors are a popular choice for houses and organizations in sunny Tampa, Florida, due to their capability to let in adequate natural light. Finding the right Window covering for sliding doors can help manage light and privacy while complementing your interior layout. Here are a few top options for Window Covering for sliding door Tampa inside the Tampa vicinity.
• Blinds
Blinds are one of the most flexible and financially-pleasant alternatives for sliding doorways. They are available in a wide form of materials, colorations, and patterns to shape any décor.
• Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds are a splendid desire for sliding patio doors. Their slim slats may be rotated open and closed to govern mild and privacy. Plastic and aluminum are less costly vertical blind materials that arise nicely from moisture and sun. For a gentle look, select cloth vertical blinds.
• Horizontal Blinds
Horizontal blinds are painted properly for sliding doors in any room. Look for strong aluminum or vinyl blinds in moisture-inclined regions like toilets. Wood blinds bring a heat contact. For versatility, don't forget fake timber blinds, which combination energy and style. Adjustable slats make it smooth to direct mild.
• Mini Blinds
Mini blinds maximize your view while open and offer privacy whilst closed. They are available in vinyl, aluminum, or timber. Upgrade to blackout mini blinds in bedrooms for darkness. Add a pop of shade with patterned or revealed mini blinds.
• Shades
Shades provide a smooth, streamlined search for sliding doorways. Options range from casual to fashionable.
• Roller Shades
Roller sun shades roll up and out of the way well when open. Look for light-filtering or room-darkening fabric. Dual curler sunglasses with sheer and blackout fabric provide the last control. Add side channels to help block light at the edges.
• Solar Shades
Solar sunglasses are ideal for blocking warmth and glare via sliding glass while still letting in light. Sheer fabrics supply them with a soft look. For the entire blackout, sun blackout sun shades are an excellent choice.
• Roman Shades
The comfortable draped look of Roman sun shades enhances many interiors. Choose from a whole lot of fabrics, styles, and colorations. Blackout lining enables darkening bedrooms. Top Window Covering for sliding door Tampa-like borders or trim provide a completed look.
• Customizing Your Sliding Door Covering
For excellent health and appearance, recall having custom-made window coverings in your sliding doors. Custom blinds near me in Tampa options include timber blinds in premium stains and paint hues, motorized sun shades, and curtain overlays. Consult a window treatment expert to assist in designing and measuring your ideal sliding door masking.
With the right window protection, you can make the most of your sliding glass doors while controlling light and privacy. Explore Custom blinds near Tampa, sun shades, and custom options to find the best answer for your Tampa region home or enterprise.
Sliding glass doors are popular in Tampa for a true cause – they let in sufficient mild and provide a beautiful view. But the right window coverings are important for controlling privacy, glare, and temperature. Tampa house owners have many options for window remedies for sliding doorways, including flexible blinds, stylish shades, and custom designs. With proper measurement and professional setup, you're sure to find the proper combination of favor, feature, and budget on your sliding door coverings. The end result will be stunning doors that paint with your décor and lifestyle.
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blinds34 · 7 months
The Art and Functionality of Blinds: A Comprehensive Guide
Blinds are a versatile and functional window treatment that not only adds aesthetic appeal to a space but also serves practical purposes. Whether you're looking to enhance privacy, control light, or elevate the overall design of a room, blinds offer a wide range of options to suit your needs. In this article, we will explore the various types of blinds, their features, and the benefits they bring to different environments.
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Types of Blinds:
Vertical Blinds:
Ideal for large windows and sliding glass doors. Consist of vertical slats that can be tilted to control light and rotated for privacy. Horizontal Blinds:
Commonly known as Venetian blinds. Feature horizontal slats that can be raised or lowered and tilted for light control. Roman Blinds:
Soft fabric blinds that fold into horizontal pleats when raised. Provide a sophisticated and elegant look, suitable for various room styles. Roller Blinds:
Single piece of fabric that rolls up and down. A modern and sleek option with various fabric choices, including blackout and sheer materials.
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Wooden Blinds:
Made from natural wood or faux wood materials. Offer a warm and organic feel, blending well with both traditional and contemporary interiors. Panel Blinds:
Composed of large fabric panels that slide on a track. Perfect for covering wide expanses, such as large windows or as room dividers. Benefits of Blinds:
Light Control:
Blinds provide precise control over the amount of light entering a room. Adjustable slats or panels allow you to regulate natural light, creating a comfortable atmosphere. Privacy:
Tilt or close blinds to control the view from outside, ensuring privacy in your living spaces.
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Energy Efficiency:
Properly chosen blinds can help regulate room temperature by blocking or allowing sunlight, contributing to energy savings. Aesthetic Appeal:
Blinds come in a variety of materials, colors, and styles, allowing you to customize the look of your space. Easy Maintenance:
Most blinds are easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical choice for busy households. Versatility:
Blinds are versatile enough to suit any room, from bedrooms to kitchens, and can be customized to fit various window sizes and shapes. Conclusion:
Blinds are more than just window coverings; they are a functional and stylish addition to any home or office. With a myriad of options available, from classic Venetian blinds to modern roller shades, finding the perfect blinds to complement your space has never been easier. Whether you prioritize light control, privacy, or aesthetics, blinds offer a practical and elegant solution for all your window treatment needs.
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tejuhoneycomb · 8 months
Discovering the Perfect Window Blinds for Your Home
Window blinds are a popular choice for window treatments for a reason. They are versatile, stylish, and offer a number of benefits, including:
Privacy and light control: Window blinds allow you to control how much light enters your home, as well as how much privacy you have. This is especially important for bedrooms and bathrooms, where you may want to block out light or have more privacy.
Energy efficiency: Window blinds can help to insulate your home, keeping it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This can save you money on your energy bills.
Style and design: Window blinds come in a wide variety of styles and designs, so you can find the perfect one to match the décor of your home.
When choosing window blinds in Bangalore for your home, it is important to consider the following factors:
The type of room: The type of room where you are installing the blinds will affect the type of blinds you choose. For example, you may want to choose blackout blinds for bedrooms and bathrooms, and moisture-resistant blinds for kitchens and bathrooms.
The size and shape of your windows: Make sure to measure your windows carefully before purchasing blinds. Blinds come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can find the perfect one to fit your windows.
Your budget: Window blinds can range in price from affordable to expensive. Set a budget before you start shopping so that you don't overspend.
Here are some of the most popular types of window blinds:
Venetian blinds: Venetian blinds are made of horizontal slats that can be tilted open or closed to control light and privacy. They are a versatile and popular choice for any room in the house.
Roller blinds: Roller blinds are made of a single piece of fabric that rolls up and down. They are a simple and stylish option for any room in the house.
Roman shades: Roman shades are made of fabric that folds up and down accordion-style. They offer a more elegant and sophisticated look than other types of blinds.
Vertical blinds: Vertical blinds are made of vertical slats that can be rotated open or closed to control light and privacy. They are a good choice for large windows and sliding glass doors.
Once you have chosen the type of window blinds for your home, you will need to decide on the material and color. Window blinds are available in a variety of materials, including wood, vinyl, aluminum, and fabric. The material you choose will affect the durability, price, and appearance of your blinds.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 10 months
Your Handy Guide to the Different Types of Window Treatments
Window treatments are an essential element of interior design, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits to any living space. But with so many types and styles to choose from, it can be challenging to find the right one for your home.
This article explores different types of window treatments, including curtains, drapes, venetian blinds, shades, and shutters, and offers insights into their suitability for various settings.
Curtains are undoubtedly the most popular type of window treatment. They’re available in a wide variety of fabrics, colours, and patterns so they’re versatile enough to suit different interior design themes.
Light filtration is a key advantage of curtains, as they are available in various degrees of transparency. They can be used in almost any room, providing both privacy and light control.
Curtains are recommended for use in:
●      Living rooms: They help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere and can be used to complement the room colour scheme and style.
●      Bedrooms: Opt for blackout curtains to block out light and get a better night’s sleep.
●      Kitchens: With easy-to-clean curtain fabrics are designed to withstand cooking splatters and humidity.
Similar to curtains, drapes are versatile fabric window treatments that provide functionality and enhance the aesthetic appeal of a room.
However, unlike curtains, drapes are usually made from heavier fabrics and have a lining. They are also more formal than curtains, making them suitable for spaces that require a touch of elegance or sophistication.
Drapes are well-suited for:
●      Living rooms: Heavier drapes infuse elegance into your space while also providing insulation and light control.
●      Bedrooms: Drapes in deeper hue can keep your bedroom dark and cosy, perfect for sleeping well into the daytime.
●      Dining rooms: Use drapes to add a touch of formality to your dining space and make the space perfect for hosting dinner parties and gatherings.
 Venetian Blinds
Made of horizontal slats, typically from wood, faux wood, or aluminium, and attached with cords or tapes, venetian blinds are stylish yet simple window treatments.
The slats can be raised, lowered, or tilted to control light and to meet your privacy requirements. The light control feature of venetian blinds also helps reduce glare on computer screens or televisions, enhancing productivity and comfort.
Venetian blinds are appropriate for:
●      Bathrooms: Faux wood or aluminium venetian blinds are resistant to moisture and humidity, making them ideal for bathrooms.
●      Kitchens: Easy-to-clean aluminium blinds can withstand heat and humidity.
●      Home offices: Wood or faux wood venetian blinds can help create a professional look for your home office and offer excellent light control.
 Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds consist of vertical slats made from various materials, such as fabric, vinyl, or wood. They are ideal for large windows or sliding glass doors, as they can be easily drawn to the side.
These window treatments are suitable for:
●      Sliding glass doors: They provide excellent light control and privacy for houses with large doors or sliding doors leading to a veranda or patio.
●      Large windows: Vertical blinds can be used to cover wide window expanses and customised to fit any size.
●      Bedrooms: Fabric vertical blinds offer a soft and cosy look, while vinyl or faux wood options provide a sleek and modern appearance.
 Roman Shades
Fabricated from a single piece of fabric that neatly folds into horizontal pleats when raised, roman shades are a classic window treatment option.
Roman shades combine the functionality of blinds with the soft appearance of fabric. They have a clean and elegant look and are available in various fabrics, colours, opacities and patterns. This makes them a perfect complement to various interior design styles.
These window treatments are appropriate for:
●      Living rooms: Use them to add a touch of sophistication and style to your living space.
●      Bedrooms: Choose ones with blackout fabric to block out light effectively and create a cosy sleeping environment.
●      Home offices: Roman shades have a clean, streamlined look that’s perfect for your home office, and provide efficient light control.
   Cellular Shades
Also known as honeycomb shades, cellular shades comprise a series of connected pleats that form air pockets, providing insulation and light control. Their distinguishing feature is their honeycomb-shaped cells, which trap air, providing excellent insulation.
Aesthetically, cellular shades have a sleek and modern appearance, so they can easily blend with various interior design styles. Their clean lines and range of colours, textures, fabrics, and cell sizes make them a great choice for most rooms.
Cellular shades are recommended for use in:
●      Bedrooms: Blackout cellular shades can help regulate temperature and block out light effectively so you can sleep comfortably.
●      Living rooms: Light-filtering cellular shades can provide privacy while allowing natural light to enter the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
●      Energy-efficient homes: The insulating properties of cellular shades can help reduce energy consumption, making them an ideal choice for eco-friendly or smart homes.
  Roller Shades
Consisting of a single piece of fabric or vinyl that rolls up onto a tube when raised, roller shades are popular for their ease of use, minimalist design, low maintenance requirements, and affordability.
Roller shades can be used in different spaces and are available in various materials, colours, opacity levels, and patterns. They are most appropriate for:
●      Kitchens: Easy-to-clean vinyl roller shades can withstand the heat and humidity in a kitchen.
●      Bathrooms: Choose moisture-resistant roller shades for your bathroom where water splashes are typical.
●      Home offices: Roller shades offer a sleek and minimalist look if you want an uncluttered workspace.
  Bamboo Shades
If you’re going for an organic interior design style or you want to make your space look cosy, bamboo shades are a perfect choice.
Also known as woven wood shades, they are made from natural materials like bamboo, grass, and reeds. Bamboo shades are a unique and eco-friendly window treatment option that can add texture and warmth to a room.
Bamboo shades are suitable for:
●      Living rooms: The organic look of bamboo shades can add a touch of nature to your living space.
●      Sunrooms: Bamboo shades allow filtered light to enter while ensuring privacy, making them ideal for sunrooms.
●      Eco-friendly homes: Opting for window treatments made from natural materials like bamboo makes for a sustainable and environmentally conscious choice.
Considered a classic and durable window treatment option, shutters are solid window coverings made from wood, faux wood, or vinyl. They consist of horizontal louvers that can be tilted for efficient light control and privacy.
You can install shutters on the interior or exterior of your home. They can be customized to suit a range of interior design styles, from traditional to contemporary, as they are available in various colours, materials, and finishes.
Shutters are best used in:
●      Bathrooms: Vinyl shutters are moisture-resistant and easy to clean, making them perfect for bathrooms.
●      Bedrooms: Shutters offer excellent privacy and light control which are essential to a comfortable sleeping environment.
●      Coastal homes: Exterior shutters can provide protection from storms and harsh weather conditions.
 Solar Shades
If you want a modern and energy-efficient window treatment designed to reduce solar heat gain and provide protection for your home interior from harmful UV rays, then go for solar shades.
Also known as sunscreens or sun shades, solar shades are made from a tightly woven fabric that filters sunlight and reduces glare while allowing occupants to enjoy the view outside (this depends on the opacity of the material).
They are available in various levels of opacity, and come in a range of textures, patterns and colours so they can easily blend with various interior design styles.
Solar shades are suitable for:
●      Sunrooms: They can reduce heat and glare while preserving the view.
●      Living rooms: Solar shades offer a balance between privacy, light control, and maintaining the view outside your home.
●      Energy-efficient homes: Solar shades can help reduce energy consumption by blocking solar heat gain.
 Find the Right Window Treatment for Your Space
Window treatments play a crucial role in shaping the ambiance, style, and functionality of your living space. They can also help make your home more energy efficient.
By understanding the different types of window treatments and their suitability for various spaces, you can choose the perfect option for your home.
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blindsplusca · 2 months
Discovering the Perfect Window Treatments in the Okanagan Valley
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When it comes to transforming the ambiance and functionality of your living space, selecting the right window treatments plays a pivotal role. From enhancing privacy to controlling light and adding aesthetic appeal, the options are vast and varied. In the picturesque region of the Okanagan Valley, residents are spoiled for choice with a plethora of options to suit every taste and requirement.
Roller Shades Vernon:
Roller shades in Vernon offer a sleek and contemporary solution for controlling light and privacy. Whether you're looking to diffuse harsh sunlight or create a cozy atmosphere, roller shades provide versatility and style to any room. With customizable options in fabric, color, and opacity, homeowners can achieve the perfect balance of functionality and aesthetics to complement their interior decor.
Roller Blinds Vernon:
Similar to roller shades, roller blinds in Vernon offer a practical and chic window treatment solution. With smooth operation and effortless functionality, roller blinds provide an easy way to regulate light and maintain privacy. Whether you prefer blackout fabrics for bedrooms or sheer materials for living spaces, roller blinds offer a seamless integration into any home design.
Cellular Blinds Penticton:
For homeowners in Penticton seeking energy efficiency and insulation, cellular blinds are an ideal choice. Also known as honeycomb blinds, these innovative window treatments feature a unique cellular design that traps air, providing insulation against heat and cold. Not only do cellular blinds help regulate indoor temperatures, but they also offer a stylish and contemporary look to enhance any room.
Motorized Blinds Kelowna:
Experience the ultimate convenience and sophistication with motorized blinds in Kelowna. With the simple touch of a button or a voice command, motorized blinds offer effortless control over light and privacy. Perfect for hard-to-reach windows or high-tech home automation systems, motorized blinds add a touch of luxury and modernity to any home environment.
Vertical Blinds Vernon:
For large windows or sliding glass doors, vertical blinds provide a practical and stylish solution in Vernon. With their vertical orientation, these blinds offer excellent light control and privacy while allowing for easy operation and maintenance. Available in a variety of materials including fabric, vinyl, and aluminum, vertical blinds can be customized to complement any interior design scheme.
Dual Roller Shades Kamloops:
Combine style and functionality with dual roller shades in Kamloops. These innovative window treatments feature two layers of fabric, allowing homeowners to switch between light-filtering and blackout options with ease. Whether you're looking to block out harsh sunlight during the day or create a cozy ambiance at night, dual roller shades offer versatility and convenience for any space.
Faux Wood Blinds Vernon:
Achieve the timeless look of wood without the maintenance with faux wood blinds in Vernon. Made from durable PVC materials, faux wood blinds offer the classic appeal of wood blinds with added resistance to moisture and humidity. Perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, and high-humidity areas, faux wood blinds provide a practical and stylish window treatment solution for any home.
In conclusion, the Okanagan Valley offers a diverse array of window treatment options to suit every need and preference. Whether you're looking for sleek roller shades, energy-efficient cellular blinds, or high-tech motorized blinds, there's something for everyone in this beautiful region. With customizable features and expert installation services, transforming your living space with the perfect window treatments has never been easier.
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jaycantinca-blog · 23 days
Enhancing Interior Spaces: A Guide to Window Treatments in Edmonton, Canada
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In the heart of Alberta lies the vibrant city of Edmonton, where residents appreciate the importance of creating comfortable and stylish interior spaces to withstand the diverse Canadian climate. From the long summer days to the chilly winter nights, selecting the right window treatments is essential for maintaining privacy, controlling light, and enhancing the overall aesthetic of a home or office. In Edmonton, a variety of window treatment options cater to the unique needs and preferences of its residents, ensuring both functionality and style are seamlessly integrated into every space.
Vertical Blinds in Edmonton Canada:
Vertical blinds are a popular choice among Edmontonians seeking versatility and practicality in their window treatments. Ideal for large windows and sliding glass doors, vertical blinds offer precise control over light and privacy, making them perfect for both residential and commercial settings. Whether you're looking to filter natural light in a sun-drenched living room or create a cozy ambiance in a bedroom, vertical blinds in Edmonton provide a sleek and modern solution that complements any décor style.
Dual Roller Shades in Edmonton Canada:
For those who value flexibility and convenience, dual roller shades are an excellent option for Edmonton residents. Combining two layers of fabric—a light-filtering material and a blackout or privacy fabric—these shades allow for customizable light control throughout the day. Whether you're seeking to maximize natural light in a home office or create a cozy atmosphere in a media room, dual roller shades provide the versatility to adapt to your needs while adding a touch of sophistication to any space.
Faux Wood Blinds in Edmonton Canada:
In a city known for its diverse architectural styles and design sensibilities, faux wood blinds offer the perfect blend of timeless elegance and practicality. Resistant to moisture and warping, faux wood blinds are an ideal choice for Edmonton's climate, where temperatures can fluctuate dramatically throughout the year. Whether you're outfitting a modern condominium in the downtown core or a charming bungalow in one of Edmonton's historic neighborhoods, faux wood blinds provide durability and style that stand the test of time.
Window Shades in Edmonton Canada:
Window shades come in a variety of styles and materials, offering Edmonton residents endless possibilities for enhancing their interior spaces. From classic Roman shades to sleek roller shades, the options are as diverse as the city itself. Whether you're looking to add texture and warmth to a cozy reading nook or create a clean and minimalist look in a contemporary kitchen, window shades in Edmonton provide a versatile and practical solution for any room.
Vinyl & Polysatin Shutters in Edmonton:
For homeowners seeking durability and easy maintenance, vinyl and polysatin shutters are an excellent choice for Edmonton's climate. Resistant to moisture, fading, and warping, these shutters offer long-lasting beauty and functionality, making them ideal for high-traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. Whether you prefer the classic look of traditional shutters or the sleek appeal of modern designs, vinyl and polysatin shutters in Edmonton provide timeless elegance that enhances any interior space.
In conclusion, selecting the right window treatments is essential for creating comfortable, functional, and stylish interior spaces in Edmonton, Canada. From versatile vertical blinds to sleek dual roller shades, there are options to suit every need and preference. Whether you're looking to enhance privacy, control light, or add a touch of elegance to your home or office, explore the diverse range of window treatment options available in Edmonton to create a space that reflects your unique style and personality.
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Doors Blinds and Shutters
Doors blinds and shutters present unique challenges when compared to windows. Doors blinds and shutters that extend past the door frame can interfere with opening and closing handles and may tangle around knobs or levers.
Also, slats that move and clank on the doorway pose a safety hazard for small children and pets. Fortunately, Graber offers many window covering options for doorways that look beautiful and are safe to use.
Plantation Shutters
Plantation shutters are a classic window treatment that can add value to your home and provide an elegant look. They come in a variety of sizes and styles. Unlike blinds, they have wooden louvers that can be opened or closed to let in light. These window treatments are available in a wide range of materials and finishes from national manufactures like Graber, Norman, Eclipse, Timber and more.
Wooden plantation shutters are a natural material that works well in both contemporary and traditional homes. Other materials include vinyl and composite faux, but wood is a better choice for interior use because it offers superior durability.
There are several upgrades to consider when purchasing your shutters, including shutter pulls and locks that keep kids and pets from opening the windows, and hidden hinges that can add a nice aesthetic to the window. These upgrades also make it easy to clean your shutters without removing them from the window frame.
Sliding Shutters
Sliding shutters offer the same clean lines of custom window blinds and shutters without compromising privacy, energy efficiency or light control. You’ll never have to worry about blind slats breaking, swaying or moving and they are a safer option for homes with children.
We carry Normandy’s premium hardwood sliding shutters, or for very large sliding glass doors we also have bi-fold track Normandy plantation shutters that open and close like an accordion. These are a favorite for large openings because they don’t require the additional space needed to open and close regular vertical blinds.
Sliding shutters are ideal for patio doors that lead to a pool or deck, allowing you to enjoy the outdoor view while maintaining privacy and blocking sun and glare. They also work well in doors that have shorter side windows and can be paired with a valance for more coverage. Another popular style is a part louvered, part solid shutter that offers the traditional look & feel of a slatted window blind but with the added benefit of a lower solid section to wipe down and keep clean.
Vertical Cellular Shades
Whether you’re looking for a classic look or something that will complement modern decor, vertical cellular shades are a beautiful option. These window treatments offer superior energy efficiency due to their honeycomb-within-honeycomb construction that traps air to help keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Choose from a wide selection of today’s fashion colors and cell sizes in a variety of opacities and textures to suit your space.
These window treatments are great for doors that see heavy traffic as they stack to the side, allowing easy access without the need to raise or lower an entire shade. However, if you have one side that needs to be open for access or privacy consider 2 on 1 products like easy to clean roller shades or wood blinds with a common headrail or valance.
They’re also a great choice for sliding glass doors, allowing you to control the amount of sunlight entering your room from either direction. The fabric options are endless, ranging from light filtering to full blackout.
Panel Track Blinds
Inspired by Japanese shoji screens, panel track blinds are a sleek and fashionforward vertical blinds alternative that can work well on doors and large windows. Available in a wide range of fabrics and natural woven materials, you can choose from different opacities to let light in or keep it out and control privacy.
They are often used as a modern room divider since they can look polished against a door or window while offering the flexibility of sliding open or closed panels as needed. They can also be paired with other window treatments such as roman shades or solar shades.
Sliding panel track blinds are also great for larger windows and oversized doors that are difficult to cover with other types of window treatment options such as roller or solar shades. You can mount them as an inside or outside mount to precisely fit the frame of your window. The gliding panels can be stacked to the left or right and can be configured with either a single draw or split draw depending on your needs.
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libmograpevine · 1 year
Panel Track Shades: A Stylish & Versatile Window Treatment Solution
Panel Track Shades, Stylish, Versatile, a Great Window Treatment Solution for Your Home
Panel track shades have gained immense popularity as stylish, versatile window treatment solutions for contemporary homes. They're perfect for large windows, sliding glass doors, and even as room dividers. These innovative shades offer exceptional light control, energy efficiency, and easy operation, making them a preferred choice for homeowners seeking a modern window treatment.
In this blog post, we'll look closely at panel track shades, explore their features, and help you decide if they're the right choice for your home. We'll also provide a handy buying guide, discuss alternatives to traditional vertical blinds, and cover the measurement and installation process.
What are Panel Track Shades?
Panel track shades, also known as sliding panel blinds or panel glide blinds, are a modern alternative to traditional vertical blinds. They consist of wide fabric panels that glide effortlessly along a track system, providing a sleek and clean appearance for your windows or doors.
These shades are available in a variety of materials, including light-filtering, blackout, and even woven wood options, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your space. Moreover, panel track shades offer excellent functionality, easy operation, and versatile applications for residential and commercial settings. Their popularity stems from their ability to seamlessly blend with contemporary interiors while providing superior light control and privacy.
The Ultimate Panel Track Shades Buying Guide
Panel Track Shades - A Modern Alternative to Vertical Blinds
Say goodbye to outdated vertical blinds and welcome the stylish and versatile panel track window coverings as your go-to window covering solution. Perfect for large windows, patio doors, and even as room dividers, panel track blinds offer a sleek and contemporary alternative to traditional window coverings.
Mastering Light Control with Panel Track
Properly measuring and installing your panel track window treatments is crucial to ensure optimal functionality and appearance. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines and seek professional assistance if necessary. Remember, accurate measurements are essential for a perfect fit, especially when dealing with large windows or patio doors.
Choosing the Right Panel Track Window Treatments for Your Home
With a wide range of materials, colors, and patterns available, selecting the perfect panel tracks for your home might seem overwhelming. Consider factors like your home's decor, the purpose of the window covering (e.g., light control or privacy), and the location (e.g., patio doors or large windows) to narrow down your options and make an informed decision.
Benefits of Panel Track Shades
Versatility: Panel track shades are incredibly versatile and can be used for various applications, such as covering sliding glass doors, large windows, or room dividers, making them an adaptable solution for multiple interior design needs in residential and commercial spaces.
Customizable: With a wide range of materials, colors, and patterns, you can easily find the perfect panel tracks to complement your home's decor, ensuring a harmonious and visually appealing integration with your existing interior design elements.
Easy to Operate: The smooth track system makes it easy to open and close the shades, providing full control over the amount of light and privacy in your space while also contributing to a hassle-free user experience suitable for all ages and abilities.
Energy Efficiency: Panel track shades offer excellent insulation, helping to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, resulting in lower energy bills and contributing to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable living space.
Low Maintenance: These shades are easy to clean and require minimal upkeep, making them an ideal choice for busy households and allowing you to enjoy their aesthetic appeal and functionality without spending excessive time on maintenance tasks.
FAQs Panel Track Shades
Are panel track shades easy to install? Yes, panel track shades are relatively easy to install with the right tools and a bit of patience. Most manufacturers provide detailed instructions, and you can also find numerous online tutorials. However, your best option is to have a window treatment professional install them.
Can I use panel track shades on a curved window or door? While panel track shades are best suited for straight windows and doors, some manufacturers offer custom solutions for curved or angled applications. Consult with a window treatment specialist for more information.
How do I clean and maintain my panel track shades?  Cleaning and maintenance depend on the fabric type. For most materials, gently vacuum the shades with a brush attachment or spot-clean them with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Always follow the manufacturer's cleaning recommendations.
Can I use panel track shades in a commercial space? Absolutely! Panel track shades are a stylish and functional choice for offices, restaurants, hotels, and other commercial spaces.
Panel Track Shades Transform Your Home's Look and Feel
Panel track shades are a modern and versatile window treatment solution that can enhance the style and functionality of your home. Their sleek design, customization options, and ease of use offer numerous benefits over traditional vertical blinds. If you're looking for a contemporary window treatment perfect for large windows or sliding glass doors, panel track shades might be the perfect choice. Don't hesitate to consult a window treatment professional to explore your options and find the best solution for your needs.
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nicetown · 1 year
Stylish French Door Curtain Ideas to Elevate Your Home Decor
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French doors are a beautiful addition to any home, providing an elegant and classic touch. However, finding the right window treatment for French doors can be a bit challenging. Curtains play a vital role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality of French doors. In this article, we will explore some stylish French door curtain ideas that will transform your space and add a touch of sophistication.
For a light and airy feel, sheer curtains are an excellent choice for French doors. These delicate curtains allow natural light to filter into the room while providing a soft, ethereal look. Opt for sheer panels in neutral tones or pastel shades to complement the overall decor of your space. Tie them back with elegant curtain ties during the day to showcase the beauty of your French doors.
Classic Drapery:
Drapes are a timeless option that adds elegance and grandeur to French doors. Choose floor-length drapes in luxurious fabrics like silk, velvet, or linen to create a dramatic effect. Solid colors or subtle patterns can be selected to match your existing decor or make a statement. Install decorative curtain rods above the doors and allow the drapes to pool on the floor for a touch of opulence gracefully.
Roman Shades:
Roman shades are a popular choice for French doors due to their versatility and clean lines. These shades offer a sleek and tailored look while providing privacy and light control. Select from a range of fabrics, including light-filtering or blackout options, depending on your needs. Roman shades can be mounted directly onto the doors or installed above the doors for a seamless appearance.
Bamboo or Woven Shades:
For a natural and organic feel, consider bamboo or woven shades for your French doors. These shades add texture and visual interest to the space while allowing diffused light to enter. The warm and earthy tones of bamboo or woven materials complement various interior styles, including coastal, bohemian, or rustic decor.
Panel Track Blinds:
Panel track blinds are a practical and stylish choice for large French doors. These versatile blinds consist of wide fabric panels that slide smoothly on a track. They offer excellent light control and privacy options. Opt for light-filtering or blackout panels depending on your preferences. Panel track blinds are available in various colors and patterns, allowing you to customize them to suit your decor style.
Stained Glass Window Film:
If you want to add a touch of elegance and privacy without obstructing the view, stained glass window film is a creative solution. These adhesive films mimic the appearance of stained glass, providing privacy while allowing natural light to shine through. Choose from a wide range of designs and patterns to match your interior theme and the architectural style of your French doors.
Double Curtain Rods:
Create a layered and luxurious look by using double curtain rods for your French doors. Install two rods above the doors and hang sheer curtains on one rod and heavier drapes or curtains on the other. This combination allows you to control light and privacy according to your preferences throughout the day.
French doors deserve beautiful and functional window treatments that enhance their charm and elegance. With these French door curtain ideas, you can transform your space into a sophisticated haven. Whether you prefer sheer elegance, classic drapery, sleek shades, or creative alternatives like stained glass window film, there are plenty of options to suit your style and needs. Experiment with different textures, colors, and patterns to find the perfect curtains that will make your French doors a focal point of your home.
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sunblinds123 · 1 year
The Benefits Of Installing Window Blinds In Edmonton
Discover the endless benefits of Window blinds in Edmonton! Beyond just a simple home decor accessory, window blinds give homeowners various advantages. Whether you're looking to upgrade your current window coverings or invest in new ones, window blinds are the perfect choice for their versatility and durability. From blocking out UV rays to ensuring privacy and enhancing your home's aesthetic appeal, window blinds are an innovative solution for any homeowner in Edmonton. Ready to reap the benefits of this essential home necessity? Let's dive into the advantages of installing window blinds today!
Advantages of Installing Window Blinds
1. Light Control:
Window blinds in Edmonton offer an uncomplicated yet efficient method to regulate the amount of daylight that fills a space. You can effortlessly allow sunlight to enter or shut it out to achieve the desired brightness. For instance, if you wish to sleep in on the weekend, blackout blinds will block every bit of light, permitting you to rest undisturbed.
2. Energy efficiency:
Window blinds can also help you save money on your energy expenses. Adjusting the temperature assists in keeping your house calm in the summer and warm in the winter. There are several materials to select from, including honeycomb blinds, which provide insulation by trapping air between the layers of cloth. This will help you save money on heating and cooling in the long term.
3. Privacy:
One of the advantages of having window blinds in Edmonton is the privacy they provide. You can adjust the slats to let natural light into your space while keeping your private life private. This is especially valuable if you reside in a crowded neighbourhood or your home is near a busy area.
4. Style:
Window blinds in Edmonton are available in a wide range of designs, colours, and materials to complement any home décor style. To add a bit of grace to your windows, you may select between cordless & automated/motorized zebra blinds, roller blinds, honeycomb blinds, or Innowin shades. Each type of blind has distinct advantages and characteristics that make it appropriate for different spaces and demands.
1. Cordless & Automated/Motorized Zebra Blinds:
Zebra blinds have horizontal slats that can be adjusted to let in light or block it out entirely. They are perfect for rooms where you need more light control.
2. Cordless & Automated/Motorized Roller Blinds:
Roller blinds are ideal for every space due to their attractive appearance. They are simple to use and available in various materials and colours.
3. Cordless & Automated/Motorized Honeycomb Blinds:
Honeycomb blinds are an excellent solution for making your house pleasant and energy-efficient. Their distinct design incorporates layers of cloth that form air pockets, ensuring your home remains cool in hot summers and warm in freezing winters. If you're searching for a fashionable and valuable window treatment, honeycomb blinds are a great option!
4. Cordless & Automated/Motorized Innowin Shades:
Innowin shades combine the sleekness of roller shades and the energy-saving benefits of honeycomb shades, giving you the best of both worlds. They're especially great for those big windows and sliding glass doors where you want both function and style.
To summarise, Window blinds in Edmonton are a fantastic addition to any property since they provide several benefits. You can effortlessly adjust the amount of light entering your home, boost energy efficiency, enjoy seclusion, and add some stylish flare to your area by installing them. Select window blinds that complement your design and meet your demands. And with Sun Blinds, selecting the ideal window blinds for your Edmonton home is easier than ever. This article was originally posted on: The Benefits Of Installing Window Blinds In Edmonton
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