teddy-feathers · 9 months
So. Instead of writing things in order or actual scenes... I've just been writing clips of flirting/kissing that may or may not be used in my undertale Skeleton OC fics
so have some of those snippets. i guess I'll label them for quick understanding
General thoughts of Roman (trans Human turned Skeleton OC)
There were things Roman never thought to miss. Kissing - the press of someone's lips to his, warm breath mingling, tongues sliding against one another, sucking someone's bottom lip into his mouth...The warmth and smoothness of skin to skin contact.
The build up of heat in his body, that lighting rod line that centered in his pelvis and sent shock waves through his body whenever someone touched him just right. Tension that was almost but not quite pain that could snap taunt or ease before tightening once more... it was all a bunch of chemicals and body parts he didn't have anymore, and he wasn't about to ask if there were equivalents.
He wasn't.
he could explore his new body and see what, if anything, came of it but... he was in someone else's house, with strangers nearby. Who knows what they'd be able to hear or sense.
no, better not test things. besides his sex drive had never been that high without prompting he just... hadn't thought to miss it until now. What other things had he taken for granted that he would never again get to experience - in the same way or at all.
Roman chilling with Underswap Papyrus
Roman... couldnt help but gender things. He didn't mean to, didn't want to, but it was a hard habit to break. Simple things like clothes or gestures became landmines he was desperate to avoid least he give himself away.
So when he had the urge to kiss Papyrus' cheek in thanks he took a moment to stop and reboot himself - a moment too long.
"what? do I have something on my face?" Papyrus says in an amused tone, and Roman feels himself flush as he had been caught staring.
Quickly he shakes his head but before he can blurt something out that would make the akward situation better - or worse - Papyrus leans in and says "See this is the part where you say ' no, but would you like to?' to see if you can get a kiss."
Roman drunk talking to Swapfell Papyrus (P: Papyrus R: Roman)
p: "yeah so sans has kinda been against romcoms since his life turned into one."
r: "While that's totally fair like what the fuck."
p: "messed up right?"
r: "i guess he dodged a bullet but Sans is a total catch why would she-"
p: "did you just call my brother a catch?"
r: "Hes employed - wildely successful at that. Hes a man in uniform and if you want rugged well he drives a beast of a pick up, works out everyday, and hes the leader of a troop of monster kid scouts. Plus its not like he isnt attractive."
p: "You think sans is good looking?"
r: "Why are you just repeating things ive said? You're both super hot, it was like the first thing i noticed about you guys."
p: "huh. okay maybe you have had too much to drink."
r: "what makes you say that? I feel great."
Roman talking to swap Sans
"i want us to do things that make you happy too." Sans says, not quite pouting.
Roman rolls his eyelights and bumps his shoulder against Sans'. "You make me happy." He says honestly.
"Aw, thats sweet." Sans says, his expression brighting a moment and then he glances sideways at him, tone going sly. "Wait, is that your way of saying you want to do me?"
Fell Papyrus kissing Roman (whos magic color is magenta)
If Roman had thought about it, he would have assumed Papyrus was the sort of guy to just go for the kiss - take what he wanted you know?
But this... His face close to Roman's as he bends down, his hands reaching for but not touching him, not yet, his voice low instead of loud, and soft with an almost purring quality to it as he says "I would very much like to kiss you Roman. May I?" Made so much more sense.
It was like everything clicked into place. Papyrus was the respectful one, even though he didn't seem like it on the surface.
Roman's mouth was dry as he stared up into those patiently waiting sockets. He swallows and hears his throat click and his face slowly fill with heat.
Not trusting himself to speak, he nods, once - but once is enough.
Papyrus is slow, gentle as he cups Roman's face with his hands. Hands that are softer than they had any right to be considering they were bone, and a warm comforting presence against his cheeks.
Bending down further, Papyrus closes the distance between them and though it is happening slowly, with plenty of time for him to pull away should he change his mind, it seems to happen too fast for Roman to even close his sockets.
Teeth meet teeth - but it isn't a clash of bone, its a malleable meeting. It feels strange but once again Papyrus shows patience, that up until this moment Roman didn't realize he had, and shows him what to do, teaching him how skeletons kiss.
When Papyrus pulls away he looks satisfied and hungry all at once, Roman doesn't know what he looks like but he feels hot - not just in his face but all over, like his magic is trying to burn him up from the inside. All he can think is to hope he isn't glowing pink the way he feels.
fell Sans being a butt after Roman just kissed his brother
Sans is waiting outside. Well maybe that was conceded. Sans probably wasn't waiting for him so much as already bumming around out on the balcony.
Still, it felt awkward and if it wasn't for his ridiculously contrary nature he'd go back inside. But he couldn't show weakness, couldn't let Sans know anything was wrong.
... Not that anything was wrong, exactly. Papyrus had just given him a lot to think about, and he'd rather be alone to do the thinking. But Sans was here and turning around would be avoiding him.
So he moved to sit on the edge of the small balcony, sticking his legs through the bars like he would any other time and tried not to let his head bang against the railing repetitively the way he wants it to.
blah blah blah. Sans says something offensive/ confrontational/ something so Roman gets up to leave.
Only Sans stands in his way.
"What." Roman says flatly, not in any mood for Sans' shit right now.
As if he didn't get the memo, Sans repeats cheerfully "What?"
So Roman sighs and trys to go around him, only for Sans to step back in his path blocking him once more.
"Sans I-" Roman starts with exasperation heavy in his tone only to be cut off by Sans - verbally this time.
"Got something on your face." Sans' shit eating grin is not to be trusted but its such a baffling statement that Roman actually pauses to lift a hand up to his face.
"What?" If anything Sans' grin grows wider.
"Here let me get that for ya." He says and then suddenly reaches out and snags Roman's collar, dragging him up agaisnt Sans' chest which he latches onto for stability.
Before confusion can be replaced by anger, Sans opens his mouth revealing a glowing red tongue - no practically a tentacle - that laps up Roman's teeth in a wet streak.
Roman jerks away and Sans lets him, letting him go just as suddenly as he had grabbed him.
"What the actual fuck?!?" Roman exclaims incredulously.
Sans licks his own teeth with the appendage before it slides back into his mouth. "I licked it so its mine."
thank you for coming to my lame shit posting
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reffilton · 3 years
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Bitchbear uwu
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Are you still accepting nicknames, i am calling you "my whiny lil bitchbear"❣️
I’m still accepting nicknames, just not yours because I feel extremely attracted.
(Even if I’m ignoring the fact that I don’t disagree)
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bratsyndrome · 6 years
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doodle of a certain bitchbear
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My friend went to comic con and bought me a monokuma badge and i put it on my school bag and announced that my bag is "bitchbear approved"
I read that in his voice
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teddy-feathers · 9 months
i wanna write
knowing i will probably be going to be in 30 minutes
okay so i have no way of removing a poll once ive added one so have some options you dont need to care about i guess??
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Right then you bunch of bears. Who wants to win a free #BITCHBEAR TEE?!? All you need to do is •Like this post •Tag a 3 friends •Share this post •Like our page on instagram/facebook The winner will be chosen on 21/04/18. Thanks guys and good luck!
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fraybomb · 8 years
They took the #BitchBear filter off of snapchat, & but now she brought her ass back to grace our screens. 🐻🐼🐨❤️
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