honeycombwerewolfe · 16 days
Hey, my girl friend and I saw you two from across the bar and we really dig your vibe 😌
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"Sorry, our what?" Bernie was never the best at masking her facial expressions and as such turned to the unexpected interloper with a somewhat uninviting look of confusion.
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adrenalineascending · 2 years
Closed Starter: After the Tension Breaks
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“Mmm.” That felt nice. They’d been at it for hours now and things had finally calmed down to post coital caresses. Baron hadn’t bothered to go outside for a smoke...wasn’t feeling up to walking just yet. But something told her Serena wouldn’t have the energy to chastise her too much over the smoke...and Baron was careful to keep the ash contained to a glass of water on the nightstand.
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doctorjameswatson · 4 years
So, because my accounts on different sites were created at different times, I go by different names. I thought it might be useful to create a post to explain that so that people know it is me on here and AO3.
There’s probably a bunch of Berena fans wondering why a blog with a name and face they probably don’t recognise started following them.
Well, I also have a Berena/Serena Campbell/general wlw/personal blog (for those who don’t already know), which is:
It’s a side blog to this blog which is why asks and comments come from doctorjameswatson and not my Berena blog. So if you’d like to follow the blog that is more active and posts Berena stuff then follow that one, I’ll just follow back through my main.
On AO3 I am: Sanctitatem
Doctor James Watson is a character from Sanctuary (a great show if you haven’t seen/heard of it) which hopefully explains both AO3 and my main blog. I’m also Sanctitatem on fanfiction.net if anyone still uses that site.
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xchxsingcxrsx · 3 years
Harry had been away from this hospital for quite some time. There had been the whole thing about him going to the media about something that had gone on in the department with one of the doctors and the big bosses were trying to hide the truth. He wanted the truth to be out for the sake of that doctor and he resigned from his job there before they could fire him for doing what he did. Now he was back as those big bosses no longer worked there and he had been asked to come back as well. His two older daughters, Tally and Kizzy had moved out and leading their own lives, his sons Jordan and Ollie were in uni so they had recently moved out and his youngest daughter, Daisy was 7 years old and at school in the day, and looked after by the childminder if he was working. It seemed odd going from a house full to just himself and Daisy now.
He had been back a week or so when he was asked if he wanted to help up on AAU. It wasn’t very often, if at all that he had been elsewhere in the hospital. He was either in the ED or out helping on the scene if a doctor was needed. Parking his car, he got out and then locked it. He looked over to where he would usually go and instead headed towards where he needed to go. Making his way in, he got in the lift and made his way up to the floor he needed to be on before stepping out and looking around. He knew he was looking for Serena Campbell.
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Amber Run - Amen (Lyric Video)
Want some fun Serena pain this morning @bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire? More to come...have fun.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 1 year
👏- Your muse is napping when mine decides to suddenly wake them up! (bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire)
"Serena..." Bernie whispered as she rubbed her thumb over the spot on Serena's arm where Bernie's hand lay. "I hate to do this to you but you told me to wake you...for the change over?" Bernie was knelt beside the on call room bed in scrubs. While Serena's next shift was set to start soon, technically, Serena could stay in the on call room until she was needed. Bernie had promised she would say good bye at the end of her shift before she left to pick Cam up from the airport.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
An Impossible Question
Bernie took a hesitant step towards Serena, eyes diverted down. Her mouth opened, stalling uselessly a moment until she managed words to fill it. “Serena..." Bernie stopped. It was a selfish question. Would do neither of them any good.  @bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
It filled Serena with a bitter sadness, knowing their positions had been reversed. That Bernie had to go through what she was going through. But Serena would do her best to be there for Bernie, just like Bernie had been there for her.
“Bernie?” Serena called out, returning home from a trip to the shops.
Her eyes looked harrowed these days, frame thinner than it should be. Apart from that, she could manage pulling together simple outfits, gentle smiles...she could manage. She kept busy: with the house, with Charlie, with the minutia of scheduling meetings with possible wedding venues. Anything. But every so often, in the agonizingly quiet moments in-between, reality would impose itself again.
Today's moment was prompted by the unfortunate decision to listen to the radio while she scrubbed the kitchen clean. Said task was left unfinished, bucket of murky water left to settle beside the crumbled woman, knuckles white and skin flushed from gripping herself through violent tears, face contorted with pain and the effort of holding back the sound of it. She heard the lock and Serena following it but could not break from the despair to react let alone respond.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
They’d been sitting on the couch for a while, with nothing but the sound of a crackling fire to fill the quiet. Serena had been watching the flames, trying to quiet her mind. But instead, all thoughts led to Bernie. Turning her head, Serena watched Bernie for a while before breaking the silence with her voice. “May I ask you a question?” (Post cam death verse)
The sound of Serena's voice pulled Bernie's mind back from the fog and she pulled her head up from Serena's shoulder. There was curiosity in her somber eyes, bags beneath more stark these days. It was both an unspoken question and permission granted.
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adrenalineascending · 2 years
It’s the middle of the night, Baron and Serena are sharing a bed. Serena starts to toss and turn before pushing the covers off and sitting up - a hot flush has taken hold. How does Baron react?
Baron's heart fluttered, mind sharp even before her eyes opened. They took a bit before she could blink the sleep from them and assess what was happening. Her frame relaxed when she was sure it wasn't anything serious. Leaning in to place a gentle kiss on Serena's shoulder, she told her in a quiet gruff tone, "Go ahead and take those off..." implying Serena's pjs. Baron rolled out of bed to walk to the ensuite, flicking the light on over the sink as she ran cold water over a face towel. She gave it a good wring before returning to kneel on the bed beside Serena and gently wiping the cold damp fabric over Serena's heated flesh. Back of the neck to collar bones and back up again to press across jawline, cheeks, and finally forehead. Baron had plenty of experience waking up drenched in sweat...Serena would be much more comfortable in fresh clothing if she didn't choose to go without any at all.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
The Other Campbell
Schedules these past two weeks had them on rotating shifts which meant they were little more than ships passing in the night. Today was the first time they had some time with both of them conscious before the start of Serena’s next shift. Bernie thought it best to warn Serena about Edward now that she had the chance. The problem, well, it was just...finding the right moment wasn’t it? In a moment between conversation, Bernie decided to get it over with, like ripping off a plaster. “Turns out...that agency anesthetist we got in is none other than your estranged ex.” Her pitch lifted at the end, head lobbing to one side with shirked brows, arms crossed and eyes off to the side. She looked back to Serena as she continued, “Two shifts in and I’m already at my limit. I don’t know how you managed it...” A derisive laugh escaped, partly from nerves and partly from the agitation he stirred in her.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
(this has such Serena vibes had to share)
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adrenalineascending · 2 years
How do you feel about Serena?
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"How do I feel about Serena? I...I don't know. Protective I guess?" A blush hides beneath the red face paint as her mind wanders, a memory resurfacing through the sensation on her lips. She sounds a bit distant, words soft, when she adds, "I feel drawn to her."
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adrenalineascending · 2 years
How badly do you want Serena to ride your face?
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"If I had to rate on a scale of 1 to ten...I'd say it's none of your fucking business." Sadly, what would have normally ended with that, branched out into something she had neither intended nor expected. "But now that you've mentioned it, can't think of a better way to spend the evening."
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adrenalineascending · 2 years
How hot are Serena’s soft curves?
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"I've certainly no complaints."
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
“How the hell did she manage over a decade with him? He’s insufferable.”
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