educationseekers · 2 months
Top 7 Job Options after B Tech Biotechnology
Biotechnology is a blend of biology and technology. It's like exploring a new frontier where science and innovation meet. This field has the power to change how we do things in medicine, farming, and taking care of our planet. It's a fascinating area that draws in curious minds, especially those who love both biology and engineering.
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This interdisciplinary science intersects with biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology, driving innovations in medicine, agriculture, and industry using advanced technology.
In simple terms, biotech is about discovering nature's secrets and using them to make the world a better place. 
Biotechnology courses are in high demand globally, especially in India. The B Tech Biotechnology program is like a guiding star for future engineers. In four years, students dive deep into subjects like biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, molecular biology, bioinformatics and many more.
These are the basics needed to understand the world of biology. But it's not just about learning facts; it's about doing research to bring ideas to life. Students get their hands-on experience with experiments, practical training sessions, internships etc. It's a place where creativity thrives, where students are always pushing the limits and discovering new possibilities. 
Shoolini University is the first and best biotechnology university in India.
The B Tech Biotechnology course at Shoolini is one of the most popular courses among students. B Tech Biotech graduates have numerous career opportunities. Career options range from Biochemist, Biomedical Engineer, Medical or Research Scientist, Microbiologist, Process Development Scientist, to Product Manager and Bioinformatician.  
Let us deep dive to learn about top seven job options after B Tech Biotechnology degree.  
Bioprocess Engineer 
Imagine being the mastermind behind the manufacturing processes of life-saving biopharmaceuticals! As a bioprocess engineer, your role involves designing and optimizing these crucial processes. Your work ensures the efficient production of biopharmaceuticals, making a significant impact on healthcare. 
Research Scientist 
If you're passionate about delving into the depths of scientific inquiry, a career as a research scientist might be perfect for you. In this role, you'll conduct experiments, analyze data, and work towards developing innovative solutions as a biotechnology researcher. Your contributions to scientific research could lead to breakthrough discoveries and advancements in the field. 
Dive into the fascinating world of genes and heredity as a geneticist. Your job entails studying genes, variations, and hereditary traits to understand diseases better and develop effective treatments. With your expertise, you can contribute to groundbreaking research aimed at combating various genetic disorders and improving human health. 
Bioinformatics Analyst 
Are you skilled in both biology and computer science? A career as a bioinformatics analyst might be the perfect blend for you. In this role, you'll utilize computational tools and algorithms to analyze biological data, deciphering complex genetic and molecular information. Your work plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of biological systems and developing new therapies. 
Biotechnology Consultant 
Combine your knowledge of biotechnology with problem-solving skills to become a valuable biotechnology consultant. Businesses in the industry rely on consultants for expert advice and guidance. Your strategic insights can help companies navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the competitive biotech landscape. 
Regulatory Affairs Manager 
Ensure that biotech products meet regulatory standards and guidelines as a regulatory affairs manager. This role involves staying updated on government regulations and overseeing compliance throughout the product development process. Your expertise in regulatory affairs is vital for securing approvals and bringing biotech innovations to market. 
Pharmaceutical Project Manager 
Take charge of overseeing the development, planning, and execution of projects related to drug discovery and development as a pharmaceutical project manager. Your organizational skills and knowledge of biotechnology play a crucial role in driving projects towards successful outcomes.  
Choosing the right institution is crucial for a promising Biotech career. If you are an aspiring student looking for a fulfilling career in the dynamic sector of Biotechnology, Shoolini University is your destination.  
Know More about Shoolini University 
Shoolini University is the No.1 Private University in India as per Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 and QS World University Rankings 2024.
Shoolini is ranked No.1 in India and No.5 in Asia in citations per paper as per the QS World University Rankings Asia 2024.
The university is also leading in patent filings, with over 1300 patents from both faculty and students. Recently, one of its faculty members got their research paper published in the renowned journal "Nature." With all these achievements, Shoolini University stands out as the perfect place to study in himachal. 
Shoolini offers a curriculum focused on research and growth, with 104+ modern laboratories and 10 centers of excellence. The world class faculty comprises experts from prestigious institutions like IITs, IIMs, NITs, IISc, multinational corporations, and pharmaceutical companies.
Many faculty members have international qualifications from leading global institutions, ensuring world-class education for students. 
The School of Biotechnology and the School of Bio-Engineering and Food Technology at Shoolini offer various Biotechnology courses. These programs focus on practical learning, including hands-on training projects, internships at international universities, and practical sessions with industry professionals.
The university follows a unique approach where each student is encouraged to file at least one patent during their undergraduate studies.
Additionally, the fully residential undergrad Summit Research Program (SRP) allows students to carry out quality research, publish papers and file patents from the first year of study.  
Wrapping Up 
Biotechnology is transforming industries and creating new job opportunities. It presents a vast spectrum of possibilities for those aspiring a fulfilling career in biotechnology. Shoolini University, known as the premier biotechnology university in India, offers the perfect platform to build your career in this dynamic field. With comprehensive training and education, you'll be equipped to excel in the evolving landscape of biotechnology. Become a pioneer in shaping the future of biotech, driving positive change in our world with Shoolini University.  
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Iris Publishers- CellSonic Cures Covid-19 in Ten Minutes
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A lady in her forties twice tested positive for covid-19 and lost her sense of taste. She was given a treatment with a CellSonic VIPP machine for a few minutes and tested negative. Two days later she still tested negative.
Background: In March 2020 I wrote the protocol for stopping covid-19 with CellSonic based on the disinfective power of the machine that has been known for twenty years. The covid pandemic became government property in all countries and our proposal that non-invasive, drug fee biophysics with no known side effects was ignored by the bureaucrats panicking to find a solution to the deadly virus. It was only when the operator of a CellSonic machine in England was able to treat a friend on Tuesday, 29th June 2021 that we got the report three days later of the lady’s cure of the infection.
Recommendations: Those testing positive should be given a CellSonic treatment to kill the virus. In England there are testing stations set up in tents in car parks where CellSonic machines could be placed to be operated by nurses. One machine could treat five patients an hour. As with all disease, the sooner the treatment after diagnosis, the quicker and better the healing. Governments would save an enormous amount of money.
Covid-19 Protocol with CellSonic VIPP
The patient will be treated from front and back and it does not matter which side is done first. The membrane of the shock head of the CellSonic machine is to be covered in ultrasound gel and the same gel applied to the body where the doctor or nurse will aim at the lungs. This is important because a pressure wave will travel from the shock head, through the gel and through the body to the lungs. The gel behaves like water and bridges the gap between the machine and the body. Set the energy level to 5 and the number of shocks (also called pulses) to 300. Aim at the lungs. Understand that the lungs are encased in the rib cage so the pulses can only penetrate through the gaps between the ribs. Angle the head one way and then another to catch the covid-19 virus in the lungs. The pressure will kill the virus. We know from many years of wound healing that all infections, be they virus, bacteria or parasites are killed by the pressure pulses. No drugs are used so there will be no side effects.
We also know from curing lung cancer that we do not damage the lungs. Nor is the heart damaged providing care is taken. When the heart is in the line of fire, so to speak, give only 50 pulses and pause a minute or two to let the patient’s heart maintain its own rhythm. Very likely the patient will be gasping for breath with their heart beating fast. Immediately the pulses hit the virus it is killed. The immune system will sense the change and within an hour the patient should display a sense of relief. But this may not be enough. There could be more viruses hiding in places that were missed in the first attack so give a second treatment three hours later. Viruses left alive will multiply.
Delivering 300 pulses into the lungs from the front and 300 from the back should be enough in one session. In one day, the patient could be given three sessions of treatments. If the patient feels sore in the throat indicating that the virus is lurking there, treat the throat from the front by aiming through the neck where gel has been applied. Pulses that hit the spinal column will not harm. We aim at the spine as a standard treatment for severed spinal cord and cancer bone marrow. No special diet is required other than not allowing alcohol, smoking or narcotics. A sedative may help the patient relax. This is biophysics, not biochemistry. CellSonic kills virus, bacteria and parasite including all mutant variations so it is future proof. There are no side effects. All drugs have side effects.
Additional Notes for Treatment of Covid Patients in India with the Cellsonic VIPP Machine
Until there is a vaccine, the only way to prevent covid-19 infection is to avoid it by keeping away from other people. For most, this is impossible and as the virus is very contagious it will spread rapidly. Worse than that, there is a lag of days between infection and showing symptoms. This affects the protocols for treatment. In a group or family, if one person is known to be infected, assume all are infected and treat them all. Do not wait until each one is suffering badly. The virus will first affect the throat. The first signs can be loss of smell and taste, then comes the rise in temperature and coughing. You must treat the throat. Apply ultrasound gel to the person’s throat and give 200 pulses from the front and the sides moving the shock head all the time to aim in at different angles. Even if the person says they feel alright, you must treat them if they were close to others who are certainly infected. Catch the virus in the throat and kill it before it travels to the lungs and beyond. If the person is lucky to not be affected, the treatment will do no harm.
The virus is covered by fat that can be attacked by warm, soapy water. This is more effective than and costs less than disinfectant. Where possible, if patients are queueing for treatments, arrange for them to have a warm shower with lots of soap whilst they wait. The virus could be on the skin, in the hair and under finger nails. See that their nails are cut short, hands and feet. If the weather is warm, and India has something to be grateful for, the people can dry without rubbing with a towel to save contamination and cost of further washing. What about their clothes being contaminated? If you have the facilities and with some ingenuity you will find a way, wash the clothes as well.
The treatments can be done anywhere. The CellSonic machine only needs a 220 volts supply. If needs be, it could run off a battery but this is unlikely to be needed in towns and cities. There is no need for an operating theatre. The treatment is non-invasive so hygiene is not needed other than washing. All this could be outdoors saving you space and fuss. In fact, outdoors there are fewer surfaces to be contaminated. Allow ten minutes for the treatment of each throat. When up to speed, each person could be done in five minutes. Think of a production line. Treating early and too soon saves suffering and cost. It is not preventing infection but stopping it progressing if it is already present. If the person is not infected, good and it has only cost five minutes and they are now clean.
If the patient is suffering badly, the treatment will take longer. Very likely the infection is in the lungs. Treat according to the protocol. Where else is there pain? Treat those places. If there is no infection, no harm because there are no side effects with CellSonic. You are not playing with drugs. CellSonic is known to repair kidney failure, heal the liver, reverse diabetes, get the Islets Langerhans working again and even heal severed spinal cord. CellSonic is the best tool you could have for multi-organ failure. There is a lot of advice being given on diet for covid patients. A common theme is that foods containing zinc are beneficial. Not being in India, I am loath to advise so please check out what is available and see that zinc laden foods are offered. Whatever they are will cost less than drugs. A good doctor in Spain (Dr Jenkins at the Budwig Clinic) insists that injecting vitamin C is helpful. I don’t know so am only passing on to you what I am told.
Having treated a whole family or group, keep them together, isolated from other groups. The policy is isolate and eliminate. The therapist doing the treatment must be dressed in protective clothing. Be sure it is the ultimate. In the warmth of India, it will be arduous. Try to switch the therapists every hour. The CellSonic machine can run continuously, a human can’t. If the protective clothing and masks can be washed, be sure they are washed. Just shaking them is not enough and, anyway, would scatter the virus around which is the last thing we want. The therapist should then have a warm, soapy shower including washing the hair. If it is a lady with long hair, all the more reason to wash the hair. This is not the time to think about normal routines. There is an invisible virus in a life and death battle with humans.
“If the weather allows, it is safer to do the treatments outdoors. You must avoid infection and outdoors is 18 times less likely to transmit infection than indoors.”
There are 50 vaccine projects running in the world today. Only a vaccine will stop the virus. A number of these vaccine projects will be successful, hopefully all of them. They will take short cuts and we shall know that they are safe before they are proven to work against the corona virus. At least they will allow some normality to return to this gregarious species we are.
When the virus is eliminated and life returns to normal, the CellSonic machines can start doing their normal jobs of curing cancer, healing non-healing wounds, repairing bones and nerves and treating pain without drugs. Cancer kills more people than covid-19 and will always be with us. Only CellSonic works. It is an electrical fault so biochemistry is useless. It takes biophysics and that is what CellSonic is. It is not magic. It is science.
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest.
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lospeakerscorner · 6 months
PSC, le bioplastiche
Portici Science Cafè, vantaggi e svantaggi dell’utilizzo delle bioplastiche nella vita di tutti i giorni di Stanislao Scognamiglio PORTICI | CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Nell’ambito delle attività culturali promosse dal Portici Science Cafè, martedì 5 dicembre, in Villa Fernandes, sita alla Via Armando Diaz, si parlerà di Le bioplastiche come soluzione sostenibile per l’economia circolare. Il…
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jobrxiv · 2 years
Senior Research Assistant (full-time) IMBA-Institute of Molecular Biotechnolgy GmbH Application Deadline: 2022-08-31 The IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is an internationally recognized research institute that conducts research in molecular and cell biology, stem cell and organoid research, small RNA biology, neurobiology, disease modelling and epigenetics. It is home to about 230 scientists from over 42 countries and located at the Vienna Biocenter, very close to the city centre of Vienna. Science carried out at IMBA is at the highest level and counts with excellent state-of-the-art infrastructure and top research programs for different scientific career levels. www.imba.oeaw.ac.at; www.viennabiocenter.org We are looking for a qualified and motivated research technician (full-time, 40 h/w) to work on the project In vivo reprogramming to rescue alterations in Huntington’s disease funded by “La Caixa” Foundation, at the Grade lab. Sofia Grade and her team seek to expand our knowledge of the diseased brain and guide the development of intervention strategi... See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/imba-institute-of-molecular-biotechnolgy-gmbh-27778-senior-research-assistant-full-time/?feed_id=21220 #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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johnmauldin · 7 years
This Breakthrough in Biotech Has Enormous Investment Potential
Asterias Biotherapeutics (AST) continues to generate excitement and buzz around its stem cell treatment for catastrophic spinal cord injury (SCI). I wrote about this historic event back in September. That’s when the company first released results about this transformative medical breakthrough.
Asterias has now released follow-up data. This was gathered at six and nine months after six quadriplegics received treatment. All six continue to show improvement in motor function and sensation. This is truly wonderful news for those with SCI.
There are also broader medical implications… and these should be of great interest to investors.
The superior power of embryonic stem cells
The difference between this stem cell therapy and traditional drug therapies is huge. Drug therapies have specific and mechanistic impacts. But stem cells derived from embryonic cells work a different way. They draw on the massive DNA databanks in their nuclei. They then use these genetic programs to interact with their surroundings and repair damaged structures.
The Asterias oligodendrocyte progenitor cells were derived from a single unused embryo (from an IVF procedure in the late 1990s). Such embryos are often discarded. But this one was donated to create an unlimited number of therapeutic cells. Both the Bush and Obama Administrations approved the cell line.
When injected into the site of a spinal cord injury, these cells create healthy new spinal cord structures. They restore myelin sheaths (which are like an insulating material on nerves) and repair the lesions caused by injury. They send chemical signals that stimulate the growth of nerve cells. They also generate blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients (and clear out toxic substances).
In works of science fiction, you may have read about “nanobots.” These are theoretical nanomachines that can fix profound biological damage. But the truth is that we all have this type of device in our bodies at the embryonic stage of development. Each uses the complex repair systems that can be found in the human genome.
These are the cells (AST-OPC1) that were given to patients in the SCI trial. The result is that patients who could not breathe on their own can now perform complex physical tasks. We have seen them lift weights, text, and type 35 words a minute… and they continue to improve.
Most people assume this therapy must be the most modern of biotechnologies. In truth, it’s quite old in modern scientific terms. Dr. Michael West oversaw the creation of this therapy over two decades ago as Geron’s chief science officer.
When that company stumbled, he brought the clinical trial and Geron’s IP into BioTime (*see disclosure below) as Asterias Biotherapeutics. When I spoke to Asterias CEO Steve Cartt, his excitement was palpable. Here’s why.
Each year, about 17,000 people experience the kind of spinal cord injuries targeted by the current trial. AST-OPC1 would be the only approved treatment for this condition.
Cartt is now considering plans to extend clinical trials to those who have suffered less serious spinal cord injuries. This means the patient population for AST-OPC1 cells would expand a great deal.
Other potential stem cell therapies
These cells might also be used to treat other neurological diseases. Multiple sclerosis, for example, also involves the deterioration of the myelin nerve sheath. But this is just the tip of iceberg for pluripotent stem cell therapies. Many of our worst diseases can be addressed by these biological nanobots.
If spinal cords can be repaired, so can the connective tissue deterioration that leads to arthritis and joint failures. I’m convinced we will see simple injections of stem cells to repair hip, knee, and other joints in the future.
BioTime has also done extensive research into stem cell therapies for heart muscle and cardiovascular repair. In fact, Dr. West has converted some of my cells to embryonic status. He then engineered them to become my heart muscle cells. There have been animal studies as well. The results indicate that these types of cells will repair the damage done by heart attacks.
Next up, though, is blindness. A BioTime subsidiary in Israel, Cell Cure Neurosciences, is in a phase 1/2a trial to treat dry age-related macular degeneration (dry-AMD). Israeli government grants have helped fund this project.
Based on animal trials, it seems that the company’s retinal pigment epithelial cells will be successful in treating the leading cause of adult blindness. Dry-AMD is an attractive target because there is no effective treatment. From what I’ve learned, I think that these cells will treat the wet form of macular degeneration and other causes of blindness as well.
Investment potential
This is the real importance of the Asterias SCI trial. Right now, we’re seeing the proof of concept for a biotechnology that will disrupt the entire healthcare market. I've written about this extensively in Tech Digest (subscribe here for free).
This change will happen sooner than you think. Japan has already revised its Pharmaceutical Affairs Act to speed up the approval of stem cell therapies. And on the home front, several of President Trump's candidates for FDA chief have endorsed similar reforms.
(*Disclosure: The editors or principals of Mauldin Economics have a position in BioTime (BTX) which has significant ownership of Asterias stock. They have no plans to sell their position at this time. There is an ethics policy in place that specifies subscribers must receive advance notice should the editors or principals intend to sell.)
Stay in the Loop on Life-Extending Research with Patrick Cox's Tech Digest
This weekly newsletter by biotech expert Patrick Cox highlights research that is much more advanced than most people know, and the profit potential for investors is vast. Read about the latest breakthroughs—from new, non-invasive cancer treatments to age-reversing nutraceuticals and vaccines that kill any virus–as well as the innovative companies that work on them. Get Tech Digest free in your inbox every Monday.
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herpapernerddeputy · 2 years
"From killing masquitoes to killing thoughts" , classic Yuval Noah Harari gave the chapter a name that itself defines what he is goin to talk about.Well here mr harari is concerned about the booming business of technology specially information technology and how its changing people life.the world is going through a lot and biotechnolgy is making people life happy but bringing sadness as well.
Everyone is aware about hillery clintons mail leak during 2016 and then donald was claiming how maxican and chinese going to take american's job so he wanted to build a wall and in end people claimed that his victory itself was designed by russia.
Role and influence of information technology in humans life is increasing and that is very serious because we cant imagine a world where and algorithm is going to decide a country's budget so mr harari want to awake people because he thinks economic elite is not taking people's money but isntead he is spending money on machines does not need people anymore.
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Label-Free Detection Market Worth 2,292.0 Million USD By 2022
The Global Label Free Detection Market will grow at a CAGR of 8.8% from 2017 to 2022 to reach USD 2,292.0 million by 2022, according to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®. The global label free detection market is driven by rapid growth in pharmaceutical and biotechnology market, increasing adoption of innovative approaches in drug discovery, and rising initiatives & funding for various R&D activities. Moreover, emerging economies such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America provides significant opportunities in this market. However, high cost of instruments and shortage of skilled professionals for handling of complex equipment inhibits the growth of the market to some extent.
The global label free detection market is mainly segmented by product (consumables and instruments), technology (surface plasmon resonance, bio-layer interferometry, cellular dielectric spectroscopy, electrical impedance spectroscopy, optical waveguidegrating technology, and others), application (binding kinetics, hit confirmation, lead generation, endogenous receptor detection, binding thermodynamics, and others), end user (pharmaceutical & biotechnology industry, academic and research institutes, contract research organization, and others), and geography.
Browse in-depth Report on https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/label-free-detection-market-forecast-2022/
Based on product type, consumables held the largest share of the market in 2016 and expected to continue its dominance in the global label free detection market during the forecast period, owing to their increasing adoption for screening of biomolecules and assays for accurate and easy diagnosis of disease and to understand the interaction of these assays with target molecules for drug discovery application.
Based on technology, surface plasmon resonance accounted for the major share of the global label free detection market in 2016, owing to its wide applications and compatibility with all types of biomolecules.
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On the basis of application, binding kinetics held the largest share of the global label free detection market in 2016. This is mainly attributed to the growing need to diagnose the molecular and cellular binding properties between various biomolecules for drug discovery.
Based on end users, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry commanded the largest share in 2016 due to rising adoption of label free technologies in the drug discovery and development and preclinical studies for the analysis of binding kinetics of the target molecules, pharmacodynamics, and toxicology.
Geographically, this market is segmented into North America (U.S. and Canada), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, U.K., Turkey, and RoE), Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, and RoAPAC), Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America commanded the largest share in the global label free detection market in 2016, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. The large share of this market is mainly attributed to the well-established healthcare system in the region, higher acceptance of advanced technologies, availability of funds for research from various public and private sector organizations, growing prevalence of non-communicable diseases & related rise in pharmaceutical research & development, and presence of many key players in this market.
Speak-To-Analyst :https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?cp_id=3408
Global Label Free Detection Market, By Geography, 2017-2022
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However, Asia Pacific and Latin American regions are expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period due to rising R&D expenditure, increasing pharmaceutical research outsourcing in the region owing to lower cost advantages, rising government funding, and improving healthcare infrastructure. In addition, significantly growing pharmaceutical industry in Asia primarily due to huge demand for medical care from large population base with increasing incidence & prevalence of chronic disease and aging population in the region are expected to further support the growth of label free detection market in the region.
The key players operating in the global label free detection market are GE Healthcare (U.S.), Corning Inc. (U.S.), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland), Danaher Corporation (U.S.), Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (U.S.), AMETEK, Inc.(U.S.), BiOptix Inc. (U.S.), Horiba, Ltd. (Japan), BioNavis Limited (Finland), PerkinElmer Inc. (U.S.), and Attana AB (Sweden). These vendors employed various strategies to expand their product and application offerings, global footprint, and augment their market share. The key strategies followed by most companies in the global label free detection market were new product developments, collaborations & partnerships, acquisitions, and expansions.
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About Meticulous Research®
Meticulous Research® is founded in 2010 and incorporated as Meticulous Market Research Pvt. Ltd. in 2013 as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956. Since its incorporation, the company has become the leading provider of premium market intelligence in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
Contact Us: Viren Shrivastava
AVP- Global Sales and Marketing
Meticulous Research®
Tel: +1-646-781-8004
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Great day at BYOB (Bring Your Own Bow) Happy Hour. We had Stephanie out here repping Boots In Bio a new organization focused on getting veterans quality jobs in the biotech industry. #kfo #kitfox #kitfoxoutfitters #archery #shoot #bow #arrow #happyhour #sandiego #bootsinbio #veteran #veterangroup #veteranowned #vetjobs #bio #biotech #biotechnolgy #jobs #mentorship #poway @bootsinbio (at Poway Lake)
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invertiryespecular · 3 years
Cuidadin con la biotecnología
Cuidadin con la biotecnología
Al índice NASDAQ BIOTECHNOLGY se indexan multitud de creadores de mercado para lanzar sus ETFs al público inversor y especulador y llame como se llame el ETF que se haya seleccionado a quien hay que vigilar es este que es el subyacente, por lo tanto lo primero que tenemos que hacer es comparar el que tiene en su oferta nuestro bróker y este índice, a mayor correlación mejor. Si ustedes sobreponen…
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Cytes Biotechnolgies provides a fresh approach to culture as well as isolation of human Endothelial cells. These cryopreserved Human Endothelial Cells are cultured as well as isolated from adult human livers. These comprehensible cells provide a suitable approach to generate hepatocyte and Endothelial cell co-cultures for the study of a diversity of hepatic functions.
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inventivaindia · 6 years
India’s CSIR Gets License for “Cannabis” Medical Research, To Launch Two Breakthrough Drugs
India’s CSIR Gets License for “Cannabis” Medical Research, To Launch Two Breakthrough Drugs
In next one-year, India will have its own indigenously developed and manufactured Cannabis-based medicinal drugs as three major science R&D bodies in India — The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the Indian Council for Medical Research and the Department of Biotechnolgy — are getting together to promote research in herbal drugs, some of which involve deriving new drugs from…
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trump123me · 4 years
Management Quota Biotechnology Admission RV College
Management Quota Biotechnology Admission RV College
 TRUMP® Career Solution Call on @ 9742479101 [Ankit Mishra], 9742886036 [Anis], 9035556036 [Mayur Gautam], 9632226036 [Shekhar]!!!
 B.Tech Biotechnology Direct Admission in RV College
B.Tech Biotechnology Direct Admission in RV College of Engineering Bangalore through Management Quota is started now for this session. Interested candidates who wanted to be an engineer specialized in Biotechnology are appealed to register now for Management Quota B.Tech Biotechnology Direct Admission in RV College of Engineering.
 Management Quota is a lifeline for the students to join desired engineering branch in the same college for which they are dreaming for. Almost all private Engineering College in Bangalore reserves some percentage (25–30) seats of their total intake in Management Quota.
 What is Biotechnology?
Biotechnology is technology that utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop or create different products. Biotechnology harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet.
 Biotechnology is a highly interdisciplinary field that combines biological sciences with engineering technologies to manipulate living organisms and biological systems to produce products that advances healthcare, medicine, agriculture, food, pharmaceuticals and environment control.
 Biotechnology can be classified into two broad categories: R&D in Biological Sciences and Industrial Processes.
The biological sciences aspect deals with research and development in areas such as Microbiology, Cell biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology etc. for understanding the occurrence and treatment of diseases, development of agriculture, food production, protection of the environment and many more.
 Most of the R&D work in biological sciences is carried out in the laboratory. The industrial processes aspect deals with the production of drugs, vaccines, biofuels and pharmaceuticals on an industrial scale using biochemical processes and techniques.
 TRUMP® Career Solution Call on @ 9742479101 [Ankit Mishra], 9742886036 [Anis], 9035556036 [Mayur Gautam], 9632226036 [Shekhar]!!!
 Some of the best innovations and developments that have come out of Biotechnology and allied fields are: genomic sequencing technology, natural alternatives to pesticides, production of biofuels and developments in stem cells technology.
 Scope after B.Tech Biotechnology
After completing graduation degree in Biotechnology, students can find jobs in pharmaceutical companies, research labs and institutions in India. However, most Indian students tend to go abroad to pursue their masters or doctorate studies in Biotechnology and allied fields. Some students also shift to MBA and enter the world of business, finance and banking as their engineering background gives them the required quantitative skills to excel in these sectors.
 Since Biotechnology is in its blossoming stages in India, many students tend to get disheartened with the limited opportunities. However, since the past decade, the Indian government has set up numerous research institutions of national repute conducting research in Cancer Biology, Stem Cells, Genetic Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, etc. Therefore, as of 2014, R&D in Biotechnology is improving quite rapidly in India.
 Read this also:
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dolphinlifesciences · 7 years
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Take Admission In Course For Biotechnology 
 Course For Biotechnology is a combination of biology and technology of applied science and the duration for this course is 4 years is provided by Dolphinlifesciences. The basic eligibility for this course is a pass in 10+2 with science stream.
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alutanews · 5 years
Frightening, Untrue Stories about Proven Technology shouldn't Hinder our Advancement – Experts
Frightening, Untrue Stories about Proven Technology shouldn’t Hinder our Advancement – Experts
Biotechnolgy experts at the weekend  admonished Nigerians to ignore  frightening and untrue stories about proven technology and not allow such tales to hinder the country’s advancement in the sector.
The experts gave the advice at the 2019 3rd edition of the Open Forum for Agricultural Biotechnology (OFAB) in Africa, Nigeria Chapter Media Award Dinner in Abuja.
Dr Rose Gidado, Country Coordinator…
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pinkeupiggy · 5 years
Berbicara dengan pemirsa
Jadi ya pemirsa,
apaan sih
Mohon maklumi, tulisan ini ada karena aku yang lagi2 sedang procastinating pas lagi bikin materi buat Kesimpulan
ohya, aku belum cerita soal Kesimpulan ya?
Jadi kesimpulan itu adalah Project yang lagi aku jalanin, yang mana di project itu aku mem-produksi video edukasi2 gitu,sekarang lagi bahas molecular biology 
Aku seneng kerja freelancer gini, masih belajar sih, tapi aku tau kita eh aku bergerak ke arah yang lebih baik
Jujur aku menikmati semua proses produksinya, it keeps me busy during the weekdays, tapi karena sekarang freelance2 gitu, semua alur kerja dan gimana aku scheduling semua kerjaan aku adalah tanggung jawab aku sendiri.
Aku seneng balik belajar teori dasar lagi, setelah dua tahun belakangan kerjanya nge-lab pisan.
Anywayyyy...salah satu alasan aku pengen banget bikin video tipe2 begini adalaaah.... akutu suka kesel dan sedih kalau liat gimana “Sebagian” orang2 liat yang namanya Biotechnolgy itu di Indonesia, kayak dipersempit banget sesempit bioteknologi itu berguna buat bikin tape, tempe, keju, pupuk bla bla bla what?
Iya itu Bioteknologi, tapi itu konvensional, dan itu long long decades ago
Biotech sekarang sudah sampai dilevel dimana lo berusaha mengerti gimana sebuah karakter di orchestra-kan sama satu gen atau lebih, gimana bisa ngedit gen dan memanipulasinya biar bisa jadi mengekspresikan karakter yang kita mau, gimana nge-eksplor, mengidentifikasi gen2 atau karakter yang kita pingin dari wild species, biar bisa di integrasikan ke crops atau livestocks yang kita pengen trus gara2 ga mau dilabel GMO, gimana caranya meng-integrated kan mereka tanpa harus melibatkan gene insertion dengan cara yang tidak “Alami“.
Well, perkara GMO dan tidak GMO sampai sekarangpun masih jadi perdebatan bahkan sama orang2 sini (Eropa)
Masih banyak lagi, yet, see? luas kan? masih banyak yang perlu di explore dan masih banyak pertanyaan2 yang masih belum ada jawabannya. Disinilah charm-nya science buat owe sehingga w belum mampu lepas dari dia sampai hari ini wkwk
Ok, let`s end the rant..
Lepas dari bacotan aku diatas, tujuan aku baik. Pengen berbagi apa yang aku tau, yang aku pelajari dengan cara yang paling gampang buat diakses dan gratis. 
Buat Molecular Biology student, aku bisa relate banget betapa panjangnya jam belajar demi mengerti istilah, proses demi proses, siklus demi siklus, pathway demi pathway, seperti cerita dongeng yang ga berujung. Kadang aku bahkan butuh lebih dari satu source buat akhirnya ngerti dan paham tentang satu pathway. Well itu aku, mungkin orang lain sekali ae dah paham yekan :p
Dan ini juga demi diriku sendiri (oh come on, aku sudah selesai dengan period dimana aku berusaha to be socially accepted, memenuhi ekspektasi publik), 
1. Freelancing adalah hal yang dari dulu pengen w coba, pengen coba liat bisa ga si Hashlin bekerja tanpa ada arahan supervisor? LOL. 
2. Selama nyusun materi, aku bisa ngulang-ngulang lagi apa yang aku pernah pelajarin, tangisin, dan penekan durasi jam tidur tahun2 lalu
well, itu ajasih
Aku masih mau stay dijalur science ini, dan aku bahagia dengan caraku buat stay disana sekarang :) 
and that`s all that matters
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supertheoristking · 5 years
[ad_1] Gob title: Biotechnolgy Company: Aaria Bio-Lifesciences Research Pvt Ltd Gob description: Job Summary 1) Lifescience or Paramedical Background 2) Knowledge about Medical Terminologies 3) Good Written & Verbal Skills Position: Medical Coder production quality Walk in Interview Monday To Saturday Vacancy-2 Candidate-Male/Female … Expected salary: Location: Pune, Maharashtra Job date: Wed, 30 Jan…
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