mcmish · 3 years
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每個人都會經歷過瘋狂的日子吧! 😆😆😆你的又是怎樣? #舊相片 #回味 #我兵想當年 😆 #人不瘋狂枉少年 #瘋狂的日子 #青春就是瘋狂 #backToTheFuture #goodfriendgoodvibes #lovelife #bethankfulyouarestillbreathing #林家文摘 #偽文青 #enjoyeverylittlething #yolo https://www.instagram.com/p/COzNezDrTCV/?igshid=1d99bgj6djslf
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dadpreneur · 6 years
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We must learn and accept that our attitude towards life, reflects our belief as to what we expect our life to be. And WE have the power to CHOOSE what type of life we live. Man cannot control the world, but only his attitude towards it. When any man says to himself, life sucks! Well, for him, in his mind, he BELIEVES his life does suck! It may not actually suck, but it's what he believes in his heart, so it becomes his reality. #CheckYourMindset #LifeIsAGift #EveryDayIsChristmas #ShiftYourFocus #BeThankfulYouAreStillBreathing 🤔☝️ Today is the first day in over a week, where I get to stay in one place and get some work done. I have nearly 600 emails to go through! It's going to be a great day, and I'm not just saying that because my coffee tastes good ☕🤸👍 Time to make awesome happen 🕵️👣💪 #AllGloryBeToGod #MondayMotivation #AssWhoopinTime #DrivenToSucceed #IDontHaveWhatItTakesToBeMediocre
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mcmish · 4 years
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輕輕鬆鬆,開開心心又一day! 😺 #以後都要開心過 #beautifullifestyle #loveLife #positivePeople #upliftvibration #beThankfulYouAreStillBreathing #surroundByPositiveVibes (at iSquare Tsim Sha Tsui) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFO96W5gxnV/?igshid=4t4x7k0jk565
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mcmish · 4 years
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Yummy 😋 #疫情中過生日 #好難望 #林家文摘 #BeThankfulYouAreStillBreathing #happyBirthday🎉 #生日快樂🎂 #大一歲 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJ3dfXgj07/?igshid=1ou6bh9242gfk
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mcmish · 4 years
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第一次在疫情中度過生日, 真的希望不要再有第二次! 以前總是覺得當別人說:「希望世界和平!」好「行」,現在真的希望: #世界和平! #身體健康! #疫情中過生日 #好難望 #林家文摘 #BeThankfulYouAreStillBreathing #happyBirthday🎉 #生日快樂🎂 #大一歲 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJ3EBBhbRe/?igshid=orinrgs1ao5x
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mcmish · 4 years
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當你的重心太偏向於某事情, 可能不會達到你想要的結果⋯⋯ 何不做一些你喜歡的事, 放鬆心情, 可能反而會有意想不到的結果! Who knows? #心靈平靜 #你的重心在哪裡 #喜歡畫畫 #意想不到 #放鬆你的心情 #林家文摘 #stayStrong💪🏻 #takeCareOfYourself #beThankfulYouAreStillBreathing #loveLife #lifeIsFullOfSurprise#believeYouAreDoingGood #偽文青 #有感而發 (at Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD5Z9OZBOg9/?igshid=1w2vctrcexlam
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