#beta ios
itek1 · 1 month
iOS 17.5 beta 4 - Apple lo rilascia agli sviluppatori
Apple rilascia iOS 17.5 beta 4 agli sviluppatori. Screenshot Apple, rilascia la quarta beta di iOS 17.5 agli sviluppatori. Ricordo a tutti che iOS 17.5 sarà compatibile con i seguenti dispositivi: iPhone: iPhone 14 Pro Max; iPhone 14 Pro; iPhone 14; iPhone SE 2022; iPhone 13 Pro Max; iPhone 13 Pro; iPhone 13; iPhone 13 mini; iPhone 12 Pro Max; iPhone 12 Pro; iPhone 12 mini; iPhone 12; iPhone…
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constant-humorliation · 5 months
anyways i forgot i have to show i can art here as well so
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that one is because i keep trading rocks and slime ears with her for money its basically infinite money glitch xD
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and heres my drawing of my lil guy! not too shabby if i say so myself
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heres the game btw https://kiseff.itch.io/atlyss
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luxenvulpies · 4 months
[Missing-Link] Android CBT Delayed
The Android closed beta test that was intended to occur January 2024 has been delayed to further improve the game. It is planned to be held sometime Spring 2024.
JP Twitter: https://twitter.com/KHML_PR/status/1752179833797579157
EN Twitter: https://twitter.com/KHMLink_NA/status/1752179929272537286
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laconicearthling · 9 months
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As the autumn leaves fall with a trembling motion, do not be afraid to run towards billions of deciduous trees as they showcase multiple shades of golden yellow, orange and red during the most glorious season of the year. Be as clever as a fox as you venture into the woods, and never hesitate to dive into a bed of colorful foliage as it heralds the start of a new marvelous season. Witness the new iOS 17 Fall Aesthetic Hand drawn App Icons Pack brought to you by Laconic Earthling Shop.
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freevoidman · 7 months
I want to play Missing Link NOW and I am NOT JOKING
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tokyn-blast · 1 year
A BACKROOMS DATABASE! I was doing it wrong all along... I was using batch, when I should have been using python, and it's more error faulty, more organized, and you can look to see if it has already been added! It is on version 1.0 BETA
I am so proud of it! You can find it onn itch.io and github below!
I was SO PROUD of it, that it's only a few KB, and I decided to post it! It only took me 2 weeks to actually complete the thing!
And, every week, I add a minimum of 10 levels, objects, or entities! And, eventually it will be on gitlab, so people can expand it!
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guhamun · 6 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
"...sorry about my idiot." Unlike some people, Io has taken the time to make an appointment ahead of time, knowing well just what her guardian was likely to get up to. Setting a small pot on the desk, she gives an awkward little curtsy, long hair falling over her shoulders. Honestly, the things she does to smooth Vali's bullshit over- "In any case, I know he brought you a gift, but he was also complaining that it was just water, so..." The little pot, when opened, is jade fruit soup, freshly-made. "He can't cook worth a damn- the taste thing, you know?- so I... helped. I hope you like it and... sorry, again. About him."
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      IO ALWAYS WAS QUITE polite, the opposite of her guardian in quite a many ways. So much so, that there were times that he found this to be faintly amusing, though he had very little intention of making that particular train of thought known to her or to Vali. ❝You need not apologize. He is just…❞ What was the proper wording for this? ❝Enthusiastic.❞ Yes, that seemed to fit. Enthusiastic. Though truth be told, even that word was not quite enough of a proper description for that Strigoi. His eyes widened a fraction with surprise at what was said, but that surprise was rather short-lived. Of course Vali would see to it that he had food. Time could get away from him sometimes, and thus, before he knew it, morning had become night and he had barely had a bite to eat. ❝Ah, I appreciate the effort that was put into preparing a meal for me, but I assure you, the water was more than enough for me as a gift. I hear Vali went through quite an ordeal to get it.❞ But oh…that soup did smell rather appealing. It was still nice and hot too, the scent strong as it wafted from that pot to his nose – caressing his senses and nearly making his stomach rumble as a result.
     It was then that he was reminded of just how hungry he actually was. Sedene had kindly brought him a slice of cake during her trek to the bakery, but that was more of a snack than anything. It had curbed his appetite for a bit, but when he had resumed his work, he once again forgot about everything else. Even the tea on his desk had long since lost its heat, a rather sad state for what must have tasted heavenly an hour…or two ago. He honestly forgot when it was placed upon his desk. ❝Although…I suppose…it would be rude of me to not enjoy this while it is still fresh.❞ If Io helped, he had nothing to worry about in concerns to taste. His life wouldn’t flash before his eyes which was a definite comfort. ❝Thank you both for this. I will, no doubt, enjoy every bite.❞
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ruben-tech · 9 months
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The PROBLEM of the APPLE EVENT + Specifications of the iPhone 15 & iPhone 15 Pro Max Which one did you like more? 🔥👉🏿 https://youtu.be/M-mJLDRe7rw
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boymyriad · 2 years
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IOS 15/IOS 16 BETA 3
I like the new design, how about you guys?
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itek1 · 1 month
iOS 17.5 beta 3 - Apple lo rilascia agli sviluppatori
Apple rilascia iOS 17.5 beta 3 agli sviluppatori. Screenshot   Apple, rilascia la terza beta di iOS 17.5 agli sviluppatori. Ricordo a tutti che iOS 17.5 sarà compatibile con i seguenti dispositivi: iPhone: iPhone 14 Pro Max; iPhone 14 Pro; iPhone 14; iPhone SE 2022; iPhone 13 Pro Max; iPhone 13 Pro; iPhone 13; iPhone 13 mini; iPhone 12 Pro Max; iPhone 12 Pro; iPhone 12 mini; iPhone 12; iPhone…
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smallgraygames · 1 year
TestFlight & The Salt Keep Beta
I don't know if anybody on here cares about the technical side of this beta test, but I wish the TestFlight app that Apple uses for iOS beta testing would let you respond to feedback. It's got this built-in screenshot feature that's very useful, way more than Android has going on, but as I incorporate fixes, I feel like there ought to be a way to sort of acknowledge the tester so they know I've seen it.
Even just a kind of checkmark system so I could cross off things that have been handled would be nice. Give me a little box to check here:
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Maybe that's not the intended way to use it, but I think if I were a tester I'd want some acknowledgment that the particular stuff I had submitted had been seen. Especially a small beta test like the one I'm running, where there aren't hundreds of anonymous testers, but a very finite number of familiar people. I don't know, whatever.
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elisamaza · 2 years
i joined the hive social app and it lets you add music to your profile like myspace LET’S GOOOOOOOO
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cutepeachco · 2 years
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Happy August everyone! ✨
I’ve been thinking of starting up a patreon for my art lately, if I do I’ll turn these picnic buds into a print and a sticker as well! 💖👀
This illustration is available as a wallpaper and an undated monthly planner on my ko-fi! Check it out on linktr.ee/cutepeachco✨
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cthcth · 2 years
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so i just updated to ios16 beta. i have love hate relationship with that display 🫧
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techiebundle · 3 months
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jb-fontaine · 4 months
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iOS 17.4 Beta est la dernière version en cours de développement du système d’exploitation mobile d’Apple. Cette version est destinée aux développeurs et aux testeurs publics qui souhaitent découvrir et tester les nouvelles fonctionnalités avant leur déploiement officiel.
La sortie de iOS 17.4 Beta s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’engagement continu d’Apple à améliorer et à innover son système d’exploitation. Cette version bêta offre un aperçu des nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations qui seront disponibles dans la version finale d’iOS 17.4.
Description détaillée des nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations apportées par iOS 17.4 Beta
iOS 17.4 Beta introduit une série de nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations qui visent à améliorer l’expérience utilisateur sur les appareils Apple. Voici quelques-unes des principales nouveautés :
Moteurs web tiers (U.E.) : Les navigateurs tiers peuvent maintenant utiliser leur propre moteur web et ne sont plus obligés de passer par WebKit, la solution native d’Apple propulsant Safari.
App Store (U.E.) : L’App Store accepte désormais des applications “magasins d’apps”. Avec celles-ci, l’utilisateur peut installer d’autres applications iOS sans passer par l’App Store d’Apple.
Nouveaux émojis : Plusieurs nouveaux emojis sont au programme de la mise à jour 17.4, dont un champignon brun, une chaise cassée, un phénix et bien d’autres.
Siri : Nouveau réglage permettant de paramétrer une ou plusieurs langue(s) de lecture des messages pour Siri, qui peut être différente de la langue “principale” de l’assistant vocal.
La suite de l'article avec plus de news sur notre site.
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