#bet hed smell so good too all spicy and warm.. serving that brut or old spice realness
heartbrake-hotel · 1 year
Honestly...I just want to be held by BDE. Not even really anything sexual (though of course I wouldn't mind that); I just want him to cradle me in his strong arms, and let me cuddle up to his hairy chest and large belly like a big teddy bear. It'd make me feel really safe.
nonnie, you're reading my mind here ! 💖💖
i mean, it's . no secret that i wanna fuck that big sexy hunk of man into the goddamn mattress, but Also oh man does a long, drawn-out bear hug from him sound SO good right about now.!! it'd fix me i swear.
you can just look at him and instinctively Know his hugs would be god-tier, right?? like he'd squeeze you real tight, totally dwarfing you in his arms, probably rock back n forth some, and keep holding you so close you can't help but be acutely aware of the warm swell of his chest and belly against yours.. and god FORBID he's wearing a jumpsuit or otherwise has his chest hair on display during, or i will fr nuzzle right into it and never leave his arms again !!!
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