#best doctor for kidney stone treatment in bhopal
besturologistinbhopal · 8 months
Kidney Cancer Care in Bhopal - Dr Neeraj Gupta
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Looking for the best kidney cancer care in Bhopal, Dr. Neeraj Gupta stands out as a leading specialist. With a focus on cutting-edge treatments and compassionate patient support, Dr. Neeraj Gupta offers top-tier care for individuals seeking kidney cancer treatment in Bhopal. Trust in his expertise for effective and holistic care.
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toneoparticle13 · 1 year
Kidney Health in India: Learn How to Protect Your Kidneys for Life
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Kidney Health in India: Learn How to Protect Your Kidneys for Life
The kidneys are the essential organs that filter out waste and excess fluid while maintaining an average concentration of blood water, salts, and minerals. Unfortunately, the kidney fails to perform its functions due to damage or sickness, leading to renal failure.
The kidneys can be damaged by diabetes, excessive blood pressure, and renal illness. Constant urination, even in the middle of the night, a lack of appetite, puffy eyes, bad breath, and muscle cramps are other symptoms of kidney disease. Bansal Hospital Bhopal is best if you have the same symptoms or are considering a diagnostic test. They have the best doctors and medications to help you out.
In this article, we will tell you about Kidney Health in India: Learn how to protect your kidneys for life. Go through the article for a better understanding of kidney health.
Table of Contents 
1. What Are Kidneys, and What Are Their Functions? 
2. Kidney Diseases That Are Common in India 
3. Kidney Health Obstacles and Risk Factors 
4. 5 Easy To Do Remedies for Kidney Health Issues 
6. Experts' Advice 
7. Final Say 
What Are Kidneys, And What Are Their Functions?
The kidneys are the essential organs that help in excretion. These are located in your back, beneath your ribcage. The essential function of the kidney is to assist it in eliminating pollutants. In addition, the kidneys filter your blood and eliminate waste through urine. The kidneys are made up of many little filters called nephrons, and their role is to cleanse the blood by removing waste from it and converting it into urine.
When a kidney is damaged, the body stops filtering the blood, allowing fluid and waste to accumulate, resulting in restlessness, nausea, shortness of breath, weakness, and ankle oedema. Kidney damage must be treated to prevent further harm; if left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems and even death.
5 Kidney Diseases That Are Common in India
Here, we have listed kidney diseases that are common in India:
Chronic Kidney Disease 
This condition affects the kidneys more often than any other. Kidney failure lasting longer than three months is considered a chronic renal disease. In addition, high blood pressure causes damage to the kidneys' glomeruli, leading to kidney failure. 
Kidney Stones 
Kidney stones occur due to minerals and other compounds absorbed from the blood crystallising. When these kidney stones are tiny, the kidneys excrete them through urine. When the stones become larger, transporting them via pee becomes more difficult. 
Glomerulonephritis is caused by an adverse reaction to a medicine or a disease that arises soon after birth. Glomerulonephritis heals on its own and does not require medical treatment.
Polycystic Kidney Disease 
The development of numerous fluid-filled nodules in the kidney is known as polycystic kidney disease. Typically, ancestors transmit a condition like this. These cysts inhibit kidney function, resulting in renal failure.
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection is the common name for any infection that originates in the urinary system. Urinary tract infections typically start in the bladder and then spread to the urethra. But on the other hand, if it is not addressed, it might result in significant health problems, including renal failure.
Kidney Health Obstacles and Risk Factors 
Kidney disease is a leading cause of many other serious health problems, including high blood pressure,gout, diabetes, lupus, anaemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, bone disease, heart disease, and fluid retention. So if you notice any of these symptoms, it's time to schedule a checkup.
Gout is responsible for swelling and pain in the toes and joints. It is caused by excess uric acid in the blood, which occurs when the kidneys cannot filter the blood effectively. 
When your kidneys aren't functioning correctly, your body won't be able to create enough red blood cells, which can lead to anaemia.
Metabolic Acidosis
When excess acid builds up in the body, it leads to cause a condition called Metabolic acidosis. This is because the kidneys help regulate the body's acid-base balance. 
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) 
Secondary hyperparathyroidism is one kind of hyperparathyroidism. It is caused by kidney disease or any condition that lowers blood calcium levels. 
High Phosphorus (Hyperphosphatemia) And Bone Disease
Phosphorus, along with calcium and vitamin D, is a mineral that helps in the maintenance of healthy, strong bones. Unfortunately, your kidneys cannot maintain an adequate phosphorus level if you have a renal illness. As a result, phosphorus can build in significant levels in your blood, causing bone disease and brittle, easily broken bones.
Heart Disease 
Heart disease is any condition affecting the heart or blood vessels that hinders the heart from pumping blood as efficiently as possible. For example, the difficulty your heart has in pumping blood to your kidneys due to renal illness increases your risk of developing heart problems.
Easy-to-Do Remedies for Kidney Health Issues 
The following at-home remedies will help you take better care of your kidneys, along with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of water.
Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin C 
Citrus fruits, cucumbers, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables are all good sources of vitamin C, which is good for the kidneys. One such chemical is citrate, which can stop the formation of calcium stones. 
Choose the Foods with Less Potassium
Bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, and tomatoes are all excellent sources of potassium. Fruits and vegetables, including apples, cabbage, carrots, green beans, grapes, and strawberries, are examples of low-potassium foods. You should not use salt replacements if you have renal difficulties because many include potassium.
Celery juice
Celery juice's mineral salts are beneficial to and support healthy kidney function. Two to four glasses a day, preferably 30 minutes before large meals, is what we recommend.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion blossoms may have antioxidant properties. Dandelions can strengthen the immune system as well. Herbalists also use dandelion root to cleanse the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder.
The Expert’s advice
Kidneys are crucial in the removal of poisons from our systems. Some dietary changes that may be beneficial include reducing salt consumption and consuming low-potassium, low-protein, and phosphorus-containing foods. Visit the top renal hospital in Madhya Pradesh, as kidney health is critical. 
The Final Say 
Kidney failure can be prevented or postponed if the condition is diagnosed and treated promptly. You'll also need to keep track of your blood sugar and blood pressure levels, maintain a healthy diet, and never miss a doctor's appointment. The best facility in Madhya Pradesh for renal care is Bansal Hospital Bhopal.
Bansal Hospital: The Best Kidney Hospital in Madhya Pradesh
Bansal Hospital Bhoipal is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the reputable, leading, and reliable healthcare providers That are trusted by patients and their families across the region. Bansal Hospital has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital has state-of-the-art facilities and technology, as well as a team of highly qualified and experienced physicians and medical personnel who provide 24-hour care to the patient.
Visit our website
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Get accurate information and treatment for your kidney Health related issues with the best doctors at Bansal Hospital Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh.
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bansalhospital1234 · 1 year
What Is Urinary Tract Infection? The Most Common Urinary Problem
Going to the washroom after waking up is the routine for most people, and urinating is undoubtedly an essential task of the day. However, sometimes that urine is painful and causes a burning sensation. This can be due to a prevalent condition known as a urinary tract infection. 
Urinary tract infection is caused by tiny microbes that can’t be seen without a microscope. Bacteria usually cause it. However, it can sometimes be caused by fungi and viruses. 
Urinary Tract comprises four organs kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most UTIs occur in the bladder and the lower tract. However, they can occur in kidneys and ureters that comprise the upper tract, which can be rare but still severe. 
What are the symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections?
Symptoms of the urinary tract infection depend mainly upon the part of the infected urinary tract.
Symptoms of the lower urinary tract are:
Burning sensation while urinating
Blood in urine
Cloudy urine
The increased urge to urinate
Rectal pain in men
Pelvic pain in women
Strong foul odor in the urine
Urine that looks like tea or cola
Symptoms of the upper urinary tract are: 
UTI in the kidney and passing to blood can be life-threatening and cause low blood pressure, shock, and death.
Pain in the upper back and the sides
Symptoms of urinary tract infection in both men and women are similar. However, men may experience rectal pain, while women may experience pelvic pain in lower urinary tract infections.
What are the risk factors for UTIs?
Urinary Tract infection can be caused by anything that reduces the clearing of the bladder or irritates the urinary tract. The following can put you at an increased risk of having UTIs. 
The prolonged period of bed rest
Older adults are likely to get UTIs
Kidney stones
History of UTIs
Blockages in the urinary tract caused by kidney stones, enlarged prostates, or certain forms of cancer
Weakened immune system
Prolonged use of urinary catheters
Abnormally developed urinary structures
Most risk factors are shared between men and women. However, an enlarged prostate can increase the risk in men. Whereas wiping in the bathroom from back to front can increase the risk in women.
What are the treatment options available for urinary tract infections?
The treatment options for UTIs depend upon the kind of urinary tract infection. If bacteria cause it, it is treated with antibiotics. If it is caused by a virus, then with antiviral, and if driven by a fungus, then with antifungal medications. The part of the tract decides the form of antibiotic required. Lower tract UTIs are usually treated with oral antibiotics, whereas upper tract UTIs are generally treated with intravenous antibiotics. 
The earlier the treatment for UTI is provided, the better, as untreated UTIs can spread and become more severe. It is much easier to treat UTIs in the lower urinary tract than in the upper urinary tract, as it becomes more challenging. This also can spread into the blood, causing sepsis, which is a life-threatening event. If you sense that you have the symptoms of UTI, get it checked by a doctor, as it can save you a lot of trouble in the future. 
Urinary Tract infections can be prevented by following specific steps such as drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily, not holding urine for a long duration, and talking to your healthcare provider about difficulty emptying your bladder.
Urinary tract infections are a common problem but can be severe if left untreated or spreads to the upper urinary tract. It can be life-threatening, but the possibility of that happening is generally rare. However, consult your healthcare provider soon if you suspect such symptoms, as discussed above. Bansal hospital Bhopal has the best urology department that provides appropriate diagnoses and treatment to patients. The department is also well-equipped with testing and provides results with credibility at minimum time. 
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Can UTIs be cured naturally? 
Ans. Although home remedies such as frequently drinking water and cranberry juice can help clear the infection, they can only support antibiotics. If they are left untreated, they can spread quickly. 
Q2. How are UTIs tested? 
Ans. Doctors usually test the sample of your urine. If WBCs, bacteria, or yeast are found in urine, it can be a potential UTI. 
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drsantoshagrawal · 2 years
Why Senior Consultant Urologist, Dr. Santosh Agrawal Is One Of The Best Urologist In Bhopal
Dr. Santosh Agrawal is one of the best urologist Bhopal that can be trusted for all your urological needs. Dr. Santosh Agrawal is a distinguished Consultant Urologist and Head of Department and Chief Kidney Transplant Surgeon at Bansal Hospital Bhopal. He has performed more than 150 Kidney Transplants, over 1,000 Cysts, Bladder Cancer Screenings, Saline Scavenging Techniques for Radical Prostatectomy, Vocal Cord Surgery, Congenital Anomalies of the Urethra and Penile Surgery.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced urologist in Bhopal, then you can book an appointment with Dr. Sanotsh Agrawal at his clinic or hospital.
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As a senior consultant urologist, Dr. Santosh Agrawal has over 15 years of experience in the field of urology. He has worked at some of the best hospitals in Bhopal and has gained a vast amount of knowledge and experience in the field. He is an expert in treating various urological conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, prostate problems, male infertility, and erectile dysfunction. He has also gained extensive experience in performing surgeries such as prostatectomy, cystectomy, and ureteric stenting. Dr. Santosh Agrawal is highly skilled and knowledgeable in his field and is considered to be one of the best urologists in Bhopal.
Treatment given
As a senior consultant urologist, Dr. Santosh Agrawal is one of the best urologists in Bhopal. He has been providing his patients with the highest quality of care and treatment possible.
He has successfully treated many patients with various urological conditions such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, prostate problems, and male infertility.
Dr. Agrawal’s unique approach to patient care ensures that each patient receives individualized attention and treatment. He takes the time to get to know his patients and their medical history so that he can provide them with the most effective care possible.
His compassionate nature makes him a great doctor to consult for any urological problem. If you are looking for the nephrologist in Bhopal, look no further than Dr. Santosh Agrawal.
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agnitoparlukar-blog · 4 years
Best Kidney Specialist Doctor In Bhopal
Kidney stones are also known as renal calculi. They are solid masses in the form of crystals. It usually roots from your kidney. It can develop anywhere in your urinary tract, especially in ureters, bladder, urethra, and kidneys. If you have a kidney stone problem, then you must visit the best kidney specialist doctor in Bhopal for the best results.
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Since kidney stones are the most painful and common medical condition, it may be due to various reasons. Let’s find out those reasons here.
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agnitoparulkar-blog · 4 years
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Best Kidney stone hospital at Parulkarhospital
The most effective way to prevent kidney stones is visiting the best kidney stone hospital. The doctor will give you diet recommendations as well as tell you which all medicines to take. For severe cases, he will conduct CT scan. Moreover, he will take blood and urine test to find out the right treatment for you. https://parulkarhospital.com/2020/04/03/best-kidney-treatment-hospital-in-bhopal
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besturologistinbhopal · 9 months
Kidney Stone Surgery: A Solution to the Painful Problem
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Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful and can disrupt one's daily life. While many small stones can pass naturally, larger or more complex kidney stones often require medical intervention. In such cases, kidney stone surgery becomes a vital option for relief. Let's explore this surgical procedure in detail.
What is Kidney Stone Surgery?
Kidney stone surgery is a medical procedure designed to remove kidney stones that cannot be passed through natural means. It is typically considered when the rocks are too large to pass, cause severe pain, or lead to complications like urinary tract infections or kidney damage.
Types of Kidney Stone Surgery:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): ESWL is a non-invasive procedure that uses shock waves to break down kidney stones into smaller fragments, making them easier to pass.
Ureteroscopy: This minimally invasive procedure involves inserting a thin, flexible tube through the urinary tract to reach the stone. The stone can then be removed or broken into smaller pieces using laser technology.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL): PCNL is a surgical procedure that involves making a small incision in the back to access the kidney directly. The surgeon can then remove or break up the stone through this incision.
Open Surgery: In rare cases where other methods are not feasible, open surgery may be necessary. This involves a larger incision in the abdomen to directly access and remove the kidney stone. So looking for the best kidney stone surgery doctor in Bhopal.  
Benefits of Kidney Stone Surgery:
Relieves severe pain and discomfort.
Prevents complications like kidney damage.
Improves overall kidney health.
Facilitates the quick removal of large or stubborn stones.
kidney stone surgery is a crucial option for individuals suffering from large or complicated kidney stone surgery in Bhopal. It relieves pain, prevents potential complications, and helps ensure better kidney health. If you're experiencing symptoms of kidney stones, consult a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment approach, which may include kidney stone surgery when necessary. Don't let kidney stones disrupt your life when effective medical solutions are available.
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What is Endoscopic Stone Surgery? Understanding the Procedure and Benefit
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Endoscopic stone surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to remove kidney stones from the urinary tract. Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form in the kidneys or bladder and can cause severe pain and discomfort when they pass through the urinary tract. Endoscopic stone surgery is an effective treatment option that can help patients relieve symptoms and prevent complications.
Here are some important facts about endoscopic stone surgery:
Endoscopic stone surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. Patients are asleep during the procedure and do not experience any pain or discomfort.
The procedure involves inserting a thin, flexible tube with a camera and instruments through the urethra and into the bladder and ureter. The surgeon can then locate the kidney stone and use specialized tools to remove it.
Endoscopic stone surgery can be performed using several techniques, including ureteroscopy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, and laser lithotripsy. The specific technique used will depend on the size and location of the kidney stone. It is important to see the best urologist in Bhopal
Endoscopic stone surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, which means that it involves small incisions and causes less damage to surrounding tissues compared to open surgery. This can result in less pain, scarring, and a faster recovery time.
Endoscopic stone surgery is a safe and effective treatment option for kidney stones. It has a high success rate, with most patients experiencing complete stone removal and symptom relief.
After endoscopic stone surgery, patients may experience some discomfort or mild pain, which can be managed with pain medication. They will also be instructed to drink plenty of fluids to help flush out any remaining stone fragments.In conclusion, endoscopic stone surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to remove kidney stones from the urinary tract. It is a safe and effective treatment option that can help patients relieve symptoms and prevent complications.
If you are experiencing symptoms of kidney stones, such as severe pain, difficulty urinating, or blood in the urine, for an evaluation. Your doctor can determine the cause of your symptoms and whether endoscopic stone surgery is the right treatment option for you.  Consult the best urologist for Endoscopic Stone Surgery in Bhopal.
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drsantoshagrawal · 2 years
How to Remove Kidney Stone Without Surgery?
Kidney stones are a common problem, affecting around 6 in 10 people. They can cause severe pain and often require treatment. But there are ways to remove kidney stones without surgery, and in this article we'll explore some of the options available.
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Kidney stones overview
Kidney stones are one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. They occur when certain substances build up in the urine and form crystals. Kidney stones can be very painful and may require treatment. If you have a kidney stone, talk to your best kidney stone surgeon in bhopal about these nonsurgical treatment options.
There are several different types of kidney stones. The most common type is made of calcium. Other types include struvite, uric acid, and cystine.
Kidney stones often have no symptoms until they start to move down the ureter (the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder). When this happens, they may cause:
- Severe pain in the abdomen, groin, or back
- Blood in the urine
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever and chills
If a stone becomes stuck in the ureter, it can block the flow of urine and cause an infection. This can lead to kidney damage or failure.
What causes kidney stones?
Kidney stones are a common condition that can cause a lot of pain. They occur when there is a build-up of minerals in the kidneys, which can form into crystals. Kidney stones can be caused by many different things, including dehydration, certain medical conditions, and certain medications. Treatment for kidney stones usually involves drinking plenty of fluids and taking pain medication. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the stones.
How to remove kidney stones without surgery
Kidney stones are a common problem that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. They are usually treated with surgery, but there are ways to remove them without surgery.
There are several methods that can be used to remove kidney stones without surgery. One method is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). This involves using sound waves to break up the kidney stones. The pieces of the kidney stone are then passed through the urinary system.
Another method is ureteroscopy. This involves inserting a small scope into the urethra and then passing it through the urinary system until it reaches the kidney stone. Once the scope is in place, a small laser is used to break up the kidney stone. The pieces of the stone are then passed through the urinary system.
If you have a kidney stone, talk to your best urologist in Bhopal about these nonsurgical treatment options.
When to see a doctor for kidney stones
Kidney stones are a common problem that can be extremely painful. They occur when there is a build-up of minerals in the kidneys, which can form hard, small lumps.
There are a number of ways to treat kidney stones, but in some cases, surgery may be required. If you think you may have kidney stones, it is important to see a doctor so that they can diagnose and treat the problem.
If you have kidney stones, there are a number of ways to remove them without surgery. You can try natural remedies like drinking plenty of fluids, eating certain foods, and taking supplements. You can also try medical treatments like shock wave therapy or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Talk to your best nephrologist In Bhopal about which treatment is right for you.
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drsantoshagrawal · 2 years
Kidney Transplant Bhopal
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Dr. Santosh Agrawal is one of the best kidney transplant doctor in bhopal that provides world-class kidney transplant facilities and perform kidney transplant surgery at an affordable cost.His expertise lies in the treatment of Kidney Transplant, Kidney Stone Treatment,Kidney Failure Treatment. He is the Head of Department and Chief Kidney Transplant Surgeon at Bansal Hospital Bhopal.he is Performed more than 150 Kidney Transplant.This procedure takes a healthy kidney from a deceased or living donor and transplants it into a patient whose kidneys have failed.
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agnitoparlukar-blog · 4 years
Best Urologist Specialist In Bhopal
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When something goes wrong with the urinary tract, you need to consult a special doctor called a urologist. The best urologist specialist in Bhopal will treat problems that range from cancer to kidney stones. Since the urologist knows everything about the urinary system that contains ureters, kidneys, bladder, and urethra, he will treat your reproductive system successfully.
If you have prostate cancer, long-term problems, or kidney stones, then a urologist could serve treatment that’s appropriate for you.
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agnitoparlukar-blog · 4 years
Best Kidney Stone Hospital In Bhopal
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Do you have kidney stones? Hard deposits made of salts and minerals that got created inside your kidneys are termed as kidney stones.It may be due to various causes,and it affects the urinary tract starting from kidneys to bladder. When your urine gets concentrated, it forms stones in the urine. It sticks together and crystallizes in minerals. As per the situation, one can take medications. But when it doesn’t work, visiting the best kidney stone hospital in Bhopal is the only option. The doctor will suggest preventive treatment reduces recurrent kidney stones. http://parulkarhospital.com/2020/04/13/best-kidney-stone-hospital-in-bhopal
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agnitoparlukar-blog · 4 years
3 Best Kidney Specialist Doctors in Bhopal
Kidney stones are also known as renal calculi. They are solid masses in the form of crystals. It usually roots from your kidney. It can develop anywhere in your urinary tract, especially in ureters, bladder, urethra, and kidneys. If you have a kidney stone problem, then you must visit the best kidney specialist doctor in Bhopal for the best results. 
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agnitoparlukar-blog · 4 years
Kidney Stone treatment bhopal
If you find any of the symptoms or signs of kidney disease, you can make an appointment with the doctor.The doctor will monitor kidney functioning and blood pressure. Also,a blood test will be taken during regular visits.Ask your doctor for the tests that identify symptoms of kidney damage.Take an appointment in the kidney stone treatment Bhopal to get most of the benefits. https://parulkarhospital.com/2020/04/03/best-kidney-treatment-hospital-in-bhopal
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