#best urologist in bhopal
What is Phimosis and its symptoms,Causes & How To Prevent it.
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The foreskin of the penis is too tight and cannot be pushed back over the head of the penis in phimosis, a medical disorder. Due to this, it may be uncomfortable to engage in sexual activity, difficult to urinate, and more susceptible to infections. Phimosis may be developed as a result of scarring or inflammation, or it may be congenital, meaning present at birth.
Males of any age can get phimosis, but young boys and teenagers are the most frequently affected. 
The foreskin may gradually loosen as the kid grows and in certain situations, phimosis may go away on its own. Nonetheless, it's crucial to get medical help if phimosis persists or produces pain or other symptoms. In extreme circumstances, phimosis can result in consequences like paraphimosis, a painful disease in which the foreskin gets stuck behind the penis' head and cannot be moved back to its usual place.
Symptoms of Phimosis
Several signs and symptoms could be present in someone with phimosis:
There may be redness or discoloration when the area is infected or irritated..
Swelling (inflammation) can be brought on by an infection or irritation.
Having difficulty urinating (dysuria).
Discomfort either during or following a sexual act.
Causes of Phimosis Are as followed:-
Males with congenital phimosis are born with a tight foreskin that is difficult to retract.
Scarring or inflammation of the foreskin brought on by diseases like lichen sclerosus or balanitis can result in acquired phimosis.
Penis or foreskin damage or trauma.
Chronic foreskin itching and bad hygiene
Phimosis risk might be raised by certain medical disorders including diabetes.  That’s why looking for the best urologist in Bhopal can help you to overcome these causes
How To Prevent Phimosis 
Phimosis of the body cannot be stopped. It is almost always present in infants.
Yet, it's crucial to maintain the penis clean. Instructions on how to properly clean a penis should be given to parents or other carers. Also, they should be advised not to stress out too much about the foreskin's immobility throughout the first few years of life. Children should be taught how to clean their own penis once they are old enough to care for themselves.
How is Phimosis Treated?
Congenital physiological phimosis is often not treatable. Your youngster usually outgrows it. Your healthcare professional may also refer to this as primary phimosis.
It is necessary to cure pathological phimosis, also known as secondary phimosis.
Your doctor will likely advise using a steroid cream on the skin of your penis.
After applying the steroid cream for about two weeks, your doctor may advise you to begin gradually expanding the foreskin. The skin should be softly stretched, and you should only bring it back as far as it won't hurt. The area of the glans exposed by the stretching exercises can be treated with the cream.
Surgery is what would come next. Your child's carer may make a little cut in the foreskin if your child is having trouble so you can draw it back. Your doctor may advise circumcision if you're an adult with a lot of scar tissue. The foreskin will be removed during this treatment, releasing the glans.
If balanitis xerotic obliterans (BXO) is the cause of the phimosis and steroid treatments are ineffective, your doctor will almost certainly recommend circumcision. Yet, your provider can advise against it. For adults, phimosis can make sexual activity uncomfortable. BXO can also lead to urinary tract issues and is linked to an increased risk of penile cancer.
So that’s all in this article if you want to know more about phimosis, phimosis treatment in Bhopal can help you to get rid of your problems
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drsantoshagrawal · 2 years
Urinary Tract Infection | Best Urologist Bhopal
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a type of infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system. This includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. UTI is more common in women than men, and it’s estimated that about 50% of women will experience at least one UTI during their lifetime.
There are many different factors that can contribute to a UTI, but the most common cause is bacteria that enters the urinary tract through the urethra and begins to multiply. This can happen when there is poor hygiene or when sexual intercourse introduces new bacteria into the urinary system. Other factors that may increase your risk of UTI include pregnancy, diabetes, and a history of UTIs.
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If you think you might have a UTI, it’s important to see a best urologist Bhopal so that you can get treated before the infection spreads to your kidneys. Treatment for a UTI typically involves antibiotics, and most people will start feeling better within a few days of beginning treatment.
What is a urinary tract infection?
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk than men for developing a UTI because of their anatomy.
The main symptom of a UTI is a strong, persistent urge to urinate. You may also have cloudy urine, strong-smelling urine, and/or pain or burning with urination. If the infection spreads to your kidneys, you may experience back pain, nausea, vomiting, or fever.
UTIs are usually treated with antibiotics. It’s important to finish all of the medication as prescribed even if your symptoms go away. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to serious kidney damage.
Causes of urinary tract infection
There are a number of things that can cause urinary tract infections, but the most common cause is bacteria. Bacteria can enter the bladder through the urethra and begin to multiply. This can happen when the area around the urethra is not cleaned properly, or if there is already an infection in another part of the body that spreads to the bladder. Other causes of urinary tract infections include:
-Dehydration: When your body doesn’t have enough fluids, your urine becomes more concentrated and provides a good environment for bacteria to grow.
-Certain medications: Some medications, such as diuretics, can increase your risk of developing a urinary tract infection.
-Kidney stones: Stones in the kidney can block the flow of urine and trap bacteria in the urinary tract.
-Pregnancy: The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which can make it difficult to fully empty your bladder and increases your risk of developing a urinary tract infection.
Symptoms of urinary tract infection
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that can occur anywhere along the urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. While UTIs are more common in women than men, anyone can develop a UTI.
The most common symptom of a UTI is a burning sensation when urinating. Other symptoms may include:
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen
- Blood in the urine
- cloudy or foul-smelling urine
- pelvic pain (in women)
Treatment of urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common infection that can affect women of all ages. The symptoms of a UTI can vary from person to person, but often include a burning sensation when urinating, the need to urinate frequently, and cloudy or bloody urine.
If you think you might have a UTI, it's important to see your nephrologist in Bhopal so that you can get started on the right treatment. In most cases, UTIs can be treated with antibiotics. However, some women may require more aggressive treatment, such as hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics.
If you have recurrent UTIs, your healthcare provider may recommend prophylactic antibiotics to help prevent future infections. Additionally, there are certain lifestyle changes that can help reduce your risk of developing a UTI, such as drinking plenty of fluids and urinating promptly after sexual intercourse.
Prevention of urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are preventable. There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of getting a UTI, including:
-Drinking plenty of fluids. Drinking water helps flush out bacteria that may cause UTIs.
-Urinating frequently. urinating helps expel bacteria from the urinary tract.
-Wiping from front to back after using the restroom. This helps prevent bacteria from the anus from spreading to the urethra.
-Avoiding diaphragms and spermicide for birth control. These can increase the risk of UTIs.
-Choosing shower over baths. Baths can increase the risk of UTIs because they can introduce new bacteria into the urinary tract.
Urinary tract infections are a common problem for women, but there are ways to prevent them. The most important thing is to drink plenty of fluids and urinate frequently to flush out the bacteria that can cause an infection. You should also avoid using harsh soaps or douching, which can irritate the delicate tissues in the urinary tract. If you do get an infection, it's important to see a best kidney doctor Bhopal right away so that it can be treated before it causes serious problems.
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technogaze22-blog · 4 years
In Bhopal Urology, where the specialist Dr. Saurabh Jain is one of the best Urologists of Bhopal, MP. He has many years of experience in urology and in laparoscopic.
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agnitoparlukar-blog · 4 years
Best Urologist Specialist In Bhopal
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When something goes wrong with the urinary tract, you need to consult a special doctor called a urologist. The best urologist specialist in Bhopal will treat problems that range from cancer to kidney stones. Since the urologist knows everything about the urinary system that contains ureters, kidneys, bladder, and urethra, he will treat your reproductive system successfully.
If you have prostate cancer, long-term problems, or kidney stones, then a urologist could serve treatment that’s appropriate for you.
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agnitoparulkar-blog · 4 years
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Expected Best Urologist In Bhopal
Are you finding the best urologist in Bhopal?Then Parulkar Hospital are the perfet getway for the solution,Here are top physician specialized in urinary diseases diagnoses the problems related to the reproductive system. https://parulkarhospital.com/2020/03/17/services-provided-by-best-urologist-in-bhopal
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lybrate00-blog · 6 years
Urologists, Male Infertility
UROLOGY, otherwise called genitourinary surgery, is the branch of medication that spotlights on surgical and medicinal maladies of the male and female urinary-tract framework and the male regenerative organs. Organs under the space of urology incorporate the kidneys, adrenal organs, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and the male conceptive organs (testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, fundamental vesicles, prostate, and penis). The urinary and regenerative tracts are firmly connected, and disarranges of one regularly influence the other. Along these lines a noteworthy range of the conditions oversaw in urology exists under the space of genitourinary issue. Urology consolidates the administration of therapeutic (i.e., non-surgical) conditions, for example, urinary-tract contaminations and generous prostatic hyperplasia, with the administration of surgical conditions, for example, bladder or prostate growth, kidney stones, inherent irregularities, horrendous damage, and stress incontinence.
Urological strategies incorporate insignificantly obtrusive mechanical and laparoscopic surgery, laser-helped surgeries, and other degree guided systems. Urologists get preparing in open and negligibly obtrusive surgical procedures, utilizing ongoing ultrasound direction, fiber-optic endoscopic hardware, and different lasers in the treatment of numerous considerate and dangerous conditions. Urology is firmly identified with (and urologists regularly team up with the experts of) oncology, nephrology, gynecology, andrology, pediatric surgery, colorectal surgery, gastroenterology, and endocrinology.
Urology is a standout amongst the most focused and exceedingly looked for surgical fortes for doctors, with new urologists containing under 1.5% of United States medicinal school graduates every year.
Urologists in Bhopal
Urologists, Male Infertility Specialist in Bhopal. Book Doctor’s Appointment, Consult Online, View Doctor Fees, User Reviews, Address and Phone Numbers, Also Find More Urologists in Bhopal | Lybrate
As a therapeutic train that includes the care of numerous organs and physiological frameworks, urology can be separated into a few subdisciplines. At numerous bigger scholarly focuses and college doctor's facilities that exceed expectations in tolerant care and clinical research, urologists regularly have some expertise in a specific sub train.
Endourology is the branch of urology that arrangements with the shut control of the urinary tract. It has of late developed to incorporate all insignificantly obtrusive urologic surgical systems. Rather than open surgery, endourology is performed utilizing little cameras and instruments embedded into the urinary tract. Transurethral surgery has been the foundation of endourology. The vast majority of the urinary tract can be come to through the urethra, empowering prostate surgery, surgery of tumors of the urothelium, stone surgery, and straightforward urethral and ureteral methods. As of late, the expansion of laparoscopy and mechanical technology has additionally subdivided this branch of urology.
Laparoscopy is a quickly advancing branch of urology and has supplanted some open surgical methods. Robot-helped surgery of the prostate, kidney, and ureter has been extending this field. Today, numerous prostatectomies in the United States are done by purported mechanical help. This has made contention, nonetheless, as mechanical technology significantly increment the cost of surgery and the advantage for the patient could conceivably be relative to the additional cost. Additionally, current (2011) showcase circumstance for mechanical hardware is an accepted syndication of one freely held corporation which additionally fills the cost-viability discussion.
Urologic oncology
Urologic oncology concerns the surgical treatment of harmful genitourinary maladies, for example, disease of the prostate, adrenal organs, bladder, kidneys, ureters, gonads, and penis, and in addition the skin and subcutaneous tissue and muscle and belt of those zones (that specific subspecialty covers with dermatological oncology and related territories of oncology). The treatment of genitourinary malignancy is overseen by either a urologist or an oncologist, contingent upon the treatment compose (surgical or restorative). Most urologic oncologists in western nations utilize insignificantly intrusive methods (laparoscopy or endourology, automated helped surgery) to oversee urologic malignancies amiable to surgical administration.
Neurourology concerns sensory system control of the genitourinary framework, and of conditions causing irregular pee. Neurological maladies and clutters, for example, a stroke, numerous sclerosis, Parkinson's infection, and spinal rope damage can upset the lower urinary tract and result in conditions, for example, urinary incontinence, detrusor overactivity, urinary maintenance, and detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. Urodynamic examines assume an imperative demonstrative part in neurourology. Treatment for sensory system issue incorporates clean irregular self-catheterization of the bladder, anticholinergic medications, infusion of Botulinum poison into the bladder divider and progressed and less ordinarily utilized treatments, for example, sacral neuromodulation. Less stamped neurological variations from the norm can cause urological clutters also—for instance, anomalies of the tangible sensory system are thought by numerous scientists to assume a part in scatters of excruciating or continuous pee (e.g. excruciating bladder disorder otherwise called interstitial cystitis).
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mensexcare · 3 years
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freeminimaps · 4 years
PARULKAR HOSPITAL is a renowned medical group in Bhopal that’s established in 1988 parulkar hospital has been providing effective healthcare solutions for more than 30 years to improve the quality of life and health of patients. It is one of the oldest and best healthcare service providers in Bhopal that’s professionally managed and organized by top-notch urologists,kidney stone specialist,multiple sclerosis test & Cancer hospital bhopal.
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Narmada Hospital is the best urology hospital in Bhopal for urology and uro-surgery with top urologists and urosurgeon. All the urological conditions and disorders are diagnosed and treated by the urologists.
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Doctors in Indore at Elawoman
Dr. Kawita Bapat is a an IVF health practitioner and Gynecologist placed in Vijay Nagar, Indore. She is an professional in Gynae diseases and their treatment. She has her specialization completed in Assisted Reproductive Technology as well. There are diverse services which can be presented by using Dr. Kawita Bapat that may be indexed as Hysterectomy, Gynae Laparoscopic Surgery, Hysteroscopy, High-danger Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery, Diagnosis and Treatment of PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Polyps, Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding, Ovarian Cysts and others. Dr. Bapat has finished MBBS and MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior and has been into the field for the closing three decades. She is, at present, operating at One Centre for Gynaecological Excellence.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Vijay Nagar, Indore
Rating :-  3.2 / 5
Dr. Gajendra Singh Tomar graduated with an MBBS degree from Devi Ahilya University (India) in 1998. He then pursued his postgraduate diploma in obstetrics and gynaecology at South Gujarat University in which he changed into given the college gold medal for his numerous instructional achievements. In 2007, he went to England and became a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Following his graduation, Dr. Tomar served at one of a kind hospitals each in India and the United Kingdom, consisting of Nobles Hospital and Leighton Hospital Crewe. In 2008, he again to India and served as infertility and IVF professional at Gada Life Art Centre before heading the Manipal Ankur Fertility and IVF Centre in Indore. Dr. Tomar’s fundamental intention is to assist patients enhance their probabilities of conceiving with the aid of making global-magnificence fertility remedies safer, less difficult, and more lower priced. He affords a complete variety of diagnostic and medical services to get to the basis motive of the trouble earlier than he develops individualized treatment for each of his sufferers. Among the offerings he affords consist of laboratory and andrology services in addition to the state-of-the-art assisted reproductive technology (ART) including in vitro fertilisation (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), laptop-assisted semen analysis, and intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI).
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Agra Bombay Road, Nanakheda, Indore
Rating :-  4.4 / 5
Best IVF Doctors in Indore  Dr. Neena Somani is a Obstetrician,Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in New Palasia, Indore and has an experience of 13 years in those fields. Dr. Neena Somani practices at Dr. Neena Somani's Clinic in New Palasia, Indore. She completed MBBS from Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College Raipur in 2002 and DGO from KNH Medical College, Jabalpur in 2005.
Dr. Neena Somani is a member of Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI),Indian Menopause Society (IMS) and Indore Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society. Some of the services supplied via the medical doctor are: Infertility Evaluation / Treatment,Gynae Problems,High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Endoscopic Surgery and so on.
Dr. Shivani Joshi is an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) professional based in Mumbai and she is practising for more than half a decade. She is an MBBS from Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal. She came to Gwalior to do her MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Gajara Raja Medical College. Thereafter, she took her Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from the International School of Medicine placed in Germany. Apart from being an IUI and IVF professional, she additionally gives Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) remedy. She can handle many fertility issues and is skillful in managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease. She is presently located at Rotunda Blue Fertility And Endoscopy Centre, Parel, Mumbai.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Agra Bombay Road, Indore
Rating :- 4.4 / 5
Dr Sankelp Joshi is a gynecologist and IVF specialist physician in Indore and has an revel in of a decade in Andrology and the associated fields. He has gracefully dealt with round 800 cases of male subfertility. He has unique knowledge in supplying treatments consisting of Micro Tese / Tesa/ Pesa and he has helped out many sufferers with fertility disorders. He has finished his M.B.B.S and MS from MY Hospital Indore. He did DNB in Urology and Andrology from Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai. He is an professional in coping with issues associated with Male Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, Penile Lengthening Procedures, Premature Ejaculation etc. He is a member of USI (Urological Society of India) and AMASI (Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India).
Services:-  IVF,IUI,Gyn Laparoscopy
Location:-  Ratlam Kothi, Indore
Rating :-  4.2 / 5
A certified medical practitioner, Dr. Shivani Joshi Total Fertility Solutions in Geeta Bhawan, Indore is one the various celebrated Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors, having practiced the medical specialization for many years. This scientific practitioner's clinic became hooked up in 2017 and when you consider that then, it has drawn scores of sufferers now not only from in and around the neighbourhood but additionally from the neighbouring regions as well. This scientific expert is gifted in identifying, diagnosing and treating the various health troubles and troubles associated with the scientific area. This physician has the requisite expertise and the knowledge now not just to cope with a diverse set of health illnesses and situations however additionally to save you them. As a trained scientific expert, this medical doctor is also acquainted with the today's improvements in the associated subject of medication.
Dr. Shivani Joshi, IVF, Reproductive Medicine and Endoscopy Consultant & Dr. Sankelp Joshi, Andrologist and Urologist quality & devotion has given a delivery to Total Fertility Solutions. The Best IVF Center gives an excellent in-depth answer for more than a few infertility services. We are well-known by the human beings because of our committed efforts in patient care, the personal touch via counselling and steering and the infusion of medical understanding into the human reproductive issues. The centre has all of the updated facilities to deliver a full variety of offerings to couples who're present process troubles related to concept.
Comprehensive Services offered at our Infertility Clinic includes infertility consultation and counselling , Diagnostic Services which includes hormonal checking out, Diagnostic Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, Operative Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss evaluation, Ovulation Induction & Monitoring, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) & Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS), Embryo Freezing, BET, Donor Program, Surrogacy, Assisted Hatching, Surgical Sperm Retrieval (PESA/MESA/TESA/TESE), & Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) among a host of many services.
Dr. Shivani Joshi is the Best Gynaecologist, High Risk Pregnancy Specialist, Female Infertility Specialist, and Best Female Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Surgeon in Indore. If you're looking for Best IVF Center in Indore, Total Fertility Solutions is one of the Best Test Tube Baby Center in Central India.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,Gyn Laparoscopy
Location:-  Ratlam Kothi, Indore
Rating :-  4.1 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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python121-blog · 6 years
Pain In Urination - Know The Reasons Behind It!
On the off chance that you are encountering torment in pee alongside a consuming sensation, a wellbeing condition known as dysuria is demonstrated. This condition is generally normal in ladies and men alike. Be that as it may, more seasoned men are more inclined to confront this issue. Torment amid pee may happen due to different reasons.
Words By: Dr. Ranjit Chaudhary is an experienced Urologists in Jawahar Chowk , Bhopal. He has been a successful Urologist for the last 18 years.
The most well-known causes are as per the following:
1. Urinary tract diseases (UTIs) are a typical reason for excruciating pee. Contaminations may happen in any piece of your urinary tract, for example, in the kidneys, bladder, and the ureters. These contaminations happen because of microorganisms, which gets into the urinary tract by means of the urethra. There are a few variables, which increment your odds of being influenced by UTI. They incorporate diabetes, a broadened prostate, seniority, pregnancy, and kidney stones. UTI is implied by different side effects, for example, fever, wicked pees, flank torment, more grounded noticing pee, and an expanded desire for pee.
2. On occasion, difficult pee may likewise be related with vaginal diseases in ladies, similar to yeast contamination. Vaginal release and foul smell are shown on account of vaginal diseases.
3. Agonizing pee is additionally caused on account of certain sexually transmitted diseases (STIs, for example, gonorrhea, genital herpes and Chlamydia.
Aggravation and disturbance
There are a few issues, which can cause aggravation of your urinary tract and genital locale. This further outcomes in excruciating pee. Aggravation and disturbances additionally happen as a result of different factors, for example, urinary tract stones, vaginal changes related with menopause, certain physical exercises and the reactions of a few drugs, treatment systems and wellbeing supplements.
Counseling a specialist for agonizing pee
Your specialist will propose you to embrace certain research facility tests for the best possible conclusion of the reason for your agonizing pee. After this, an appropriate treatment strategy is looked for and embraced. Prior to this, a general physical examination is likewise done. Your specialist is probably going to put forth some essential inquiries with respect to your agonizing disturbance, how the condition declines, and is felt amid the beginning of pee. It is additionally likely for your specialist to think about whatever other manifestations, which you may experience, for example, fever, flank torment and vaginal release. You should inform your specialist regarding any progressions saw in your pee stream, for example, trouble in starting stream, an expanded desire to urinate, and spilling.
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besturologistinbhopal · 8 months
Urinary Problems Treatment in Bhopal - Dr Neeraj Gupta
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Finding effective treatment in Bhopal is paramount. Dr. Neeraj Gupta, a respected specialist, offers comprehensive solutions for urinary problems. With a patient-centered approach and vast expertise, Dr. Gupta is the go-to choice for those seeking top-quality urinary problems treatment in Bhopal. Your well-being is in capable hands.
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drsantoshagrawal · 2 years
Why Senior Consultant Urologist, Dr. Santosh Agrawal Is One Of The Best Urologist In Bhopal
Dr. Santosh Agrawal is one of the best urologist Bhopal that can be trusted for all your urological needs. Dr. Santosh Agrawal is a distinguished Consultant Urologist and Head of Department and Chief Kidney Transplant Surgeon at Bansal Hospital Bhopal. He has performed more than 150 Kidney Transplants, over 1,000 Cysts, Bladder Cancer Screenings, Saline Scavenging Techniques for Radical Prostatectomy, Vocal Cord Surgery, Congenital Anomalies of the Urethra and Penile Surgery.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced urologist in Bhopal, then you can book an appointment with Dr. Sanotsh Agrawal at his clinic or hospital.
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As a senior consultant urologist, Dr. Santosh Agrawal has over 15 years of experience in the field of urology. He has worked at some of the best hospitals in Bhopal and has gained a vast amount of knowledge and experience in the field. He is an expert in treating various urological conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, prostate problems, male infertility, and erectile dysfunction. He has also gained extensive experience in performing surgeries such as prostatectomy, cystectomy, and ureteric stenting. Dr. Santosh Agrawal is highly skilled and knowledgeable in his field and is considered to be one of the best urologists in Bhopal.
Treatment given
As a senior consultant urologist, Dr. Santosh Agrawal is one of the best urologists in Bhopal. He has been providing his patients with the highest quality of care and treatment possible.
He has successfully treated many patients with various urological conditions such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, prostate problems, and male infertility.
Dr. Agrawal’s unique approach to patient care ensures that each patient receives individualized attention and treatment. He takes the time to get to know his patients and their medical history so that he can provide them with the most effective care possible.
His compassionate nature makes him a great doctor to consult for any urological problem. If you are looking for the nephrologist in Bhopal, look no further than Dr. Santosh Agrawal.
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agnitoparlukar-blog · 4 years
Best Kidney Stone Hospital In Bhopal
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Do you have kidney stones? Hard deposits made of salts and minerals that got created inside your kidneys are termed as kidney stones.It may be due to various causes,and it affects the urinary tract starting from kidneys to bladder. When your urine gets concentrated, it forms stones in the urine. It sticks together and crystallizes in minerals. As per the situation, one can take medications. But when it doesn’t work, visiting the best kidney stone hospital in Bhopal is the only option. The doctor will suggest preventive treatment reduces recurrent kidney stones. http://parulkarhospital.com/2020/04/13/best-kidney-stone-hospital-in-bhopal
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agnitoparulkar-blog · 4 years
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Best Urology Cancer Hospitals in Bhopal
Urologic cancers affect the organs and structures of the male and feminine urogenital system and therefore the male genital system.These cancers are fairly common.At PARULKAR HOSPITAL , our experts address the various aspects of urologic cancers.We work closely together with your referring doctor and other PARULKAR HOSPITAL specialists to tailor treatment suited to your type and stage of cancer. https://parulkarhospital.com/2020/04/03/best-urological-cancer-specialist-doctors-and-hospitals-in-bhopal
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lybrate00-blog · 6 years
Problem In Prostate Gland - Know What Is The Right Treatment For It!
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The prostate organ is a male conceptive organ at the base of the urinary bladder and urethra is a thin tube that does pee of the penis. It goes through the prostate organ. A liquid created by this organ conveys sperms delivered by the testicles outside amid intercourse.
Reason for urinary issues in men
Men encounter urinary manifestations either because of aggravation of the prostate organ or prostatitis or side effects might be the aftereffect of a blockage of the entry because of augmentation of the prostate organ. These words are by Dr. Neeraj Gupta, he is an MBBS, MS - General Surgery, DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery. Also, he is one of the best Urologists in J K Road, Bhopal. He has been a practicing Urologist for 15 years. He has done MBBS, MS - General Surgery, DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery. You can visit him at Siddhi Vinayak Clinic in J K Road, Bhopal.
Manifestations of urinary issues
Urinary manifestations regularly experienced with prostate issues incorporate;
1. The need to urinate every now and again amid the night.
2. Urinating all the more regularly amid the day.
3. Urinary earnestness is the desire to urinate can be so solid and sudden that one may not achieve the can in time.
4. The pee stream is eased back to begin.
5. Pee spilling for quite a while in the wake of completing pee.
6. A vibe that the bladder isn't completely discharged after pee.
7. An absence of power to the pee stream, which makes coordinating the stream troublesome.
8. The vibe of expecting to go again not long after in the wake of urinating
1. A long course of antibacterial medicine (for bacterial prostatitis) is recommended, in light of the fact that contamination is hard to dispose of, the antibacterial drug should be taken for a long time.
2. Medicine to enhance pee stream and different side effects (for hindrance caused by an augmented prostate).
3. Surgeries (for blockage caused by an expanded prostate, for example, Transurethral Resection of the prostate(TURP), Laser Resection of the prostate, Transurethral Incision of the prostate(TUIP).
UroLift: another technique for treatment for men, where the solution has not been fruitful, but rather their prostates are not all that amplified that they require the more intrusive medical procedure. It includes the Transurethral Insertion of staples to isolate the projections of the prostate. It has insignificant symptoms and jam ejaculatory and erectile capacity.
Various different systems that have been created to diminish urinary side effects.
Solution for urinary issues
Different prescriptions to help facilitate your urinary issues, including;
1. Solutions to lessen the tone of the muscles of the urethra and prostate to limit any hindrance to pee stream caused when these muscles contract.
2. Medicine to decrease the measure of the prostate organ. These medications work by obstructing the activity of male hormones created by the prostate organ.
3. Pharmaceuticals to loosen up the bladder, making undesirable constrictions more improbable and lessening the manifestations of direness and recurrence of pee.
4. Over-the-counter prescription 'Saw Palmetto' (Serenoa repens) is utilized in some cases. This may encourage a few men, particularly if visit pee during the evening is an issue. Notwithstanding, late surveys of the proof for utilizing Saw Palmetto as a treatment for gentle or direct urinary manifestations did not demonstrate any change contrasted with no treatment, in men with BPH.
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