#beserk headless horseman
epraim1992 · 11 months
Headless Horseman
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After the Great Roar of the Astral World one notable astral creature that appeared was a headless horseman. I think he is a portmanteau of the Green Knight due to his knightly armor and the dullhan a demonic fairy both headless riders.
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I think he might be the one to kill Locus. In Arthurian literature the Green Knight is a tester of knights. Locus told Rickert about the divine right of kings and we see a sword in the stone a nod to Excalibur.
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Locus is a knight of renown who probably broke the code of chivalry since he became an Apostle. He also carries a lance similar to the headless horseman which to me indicates a future match.
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I think the headless horseman's armor was built by Hanarr. He has already built knightly armor. I also think that the headless horseman might be how Skull Knight met Hanarr.
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Guts drew a connection between Hanarr and Godot which makes me think he used to live in the mountains near Godot's home.
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We know elves lived in the area and what's more Skull Knight knew where it was.
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I think Skull Knight was the one who beheaded the headless horseman and in the fight experienced first hand Hanarr's craftsmanship so sought him out. Skull Knight if he is indeed Gaiseric has always carried shield. His first one being an aegis which in Greek mythology was affixed with the head of a gorgon.
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So far we haven't seen Skull Knight with a shield when he donned the Berserker Armor but I believe he did. I think his shield was affixed with the head of the headless horseman.
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Everyone notes the similarities between Guts and Skull Knight. Guts has three woman in love with. We know Flora shared a similar relationship with Skull Knight that Schierke and Guts have. Flora had the Berserker Armor in her possession maybe they will be a third woman similar to Farnese in possession of his old shield.
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fearcrowz · 11 months
Hi, hope you're doing well! Just wanted to say, I really like your design for Ichabod, he looks so cool! If you have the time, any fun character facts about him in particular?
Hello! I am doing fine, and I hope the same for you! ^^
I am really happy you like Ichabod and I would love to talk about him! ♡
Ichabod is a Dullahan. If you are uncertain of what that is, it's an Irish fae that carries it's head around, rides a horse, and swings around a spine like a whip and is a bad omen pretty much! Sound familiar? Well the story of Sleepy Hollow and the Headless Horseman were inspired by a dullahan!
And since Nightlight is a story about legends, myths, fairytales, etc... Ichabod is the "Headless Horseman"! But he is indeed an Irish fae.
His back story is that he was an evil creature turned corrupted by his head missing, and he plagued villages and towns, massacring everyone that stood before him... Until a witch named Gweneviere (the founder of the town in Nightlight) stopped him.
His head was replaced by a white pumpkin that has all the darkness and bloody memories in it. If his head were to ever break (which is very hard to do), everything that he was would overflood him and he would turn back into the Horseman. The strained memories of who he was and what he is now would be too much for him and he would beserk. Let's hope that never happens eh?? Don't need a Jackal and Hyde situation here.
Ichabod is very silly and chipper and loved by everyone. He likes to play little pranks and jokes, and is a flirty goofball. He is also very strong and rather tall compared to a lot of creatures. He hangs out with his best friends which are Maurice (a very sassy skeleton) and Bentley (a very anxious ghost) and often kidnaps Maggie away from Vince for some shenanigans. He also often babysits the kids in town and is very good with them.
He has a slight thick Irish accent and sometimes slips into muttering in Gaelic. He still has the dark sword in a glass case in his attic with no memory of where it came from but it won't leave him.
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