#benefits of topaz stone
bejandaruwallaindia · 2 years
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navratangems · 2 years
The Lemon topaz stone is a beautiful yellow-green variety of topaz that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It’s not just because of its beauty, though. The lemon topaz is also known for its many healing properties, making it an excellent addition to your everyday jewelry options. If you’re interested in adding some zest to your style with the help of this gemstone, then you will love these top benefits of the lemon topaz stone that we have for you today.
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another-goblin · 2 months
What I've got from the story so far is that Aventurine's plans on Penacony didn't originally include him dying for real.
From what I understand, his mission was to deliver two stones, jade and topaz, to Penacony and to fake his own death (it would expose all the weird stuff that's going on on Penacony to the galaxy and frame the Family for his "death"). I imagine that his agreement was something like "you'll fake your death, which will greatly benefit the IPC's cause on Penacony. So if you manage to survive, we won't pursue you, consider yourself free."
But then he starts slipping. He keeps having flashbacks, he nonchalantly mentions how he tried to kill himself several times. And that harmony curse was the last straw.
His past and future selves are the personifications of all his fears, doubts, and delusions. All these self-destructive thoughts he has been repressing for years finally came to the surface. I find his past self especially interesting, because yes, he's a cute kid, and it's heartwarming to see how gentle Aventurine is with him (or, should I say, with himself).
If you think about it, the kid Aven's message is basically, "You only deserved love when you were a kid, you were only happy with your family. Now that they are dead, you know that you'll never be happy again. You shouldn't even try, don't fight it, just die." Because it's not the blunt and sarcastic "future self" that tips him over the edge, it's his happy, innocent, and naive "past self" that does it.
And then there is Dr. Ratio, who witnesses Aven slowly losing it. 
Did he foresee how it's going to end and prepare the note beforehand? Or did he write it after the "betrayal"? I mean, Aventurine leaves Sunday's place alone, and Ratio joins him a bit later.
So imagine Aventurine leaves, there is an awkward silence, then Ratio asks Sunday to borrow his pen for a sec, scribbles violently, puts the note in that fancy capsule, and runs after Aven, leaving confused Sunday alone.
Then he checks on Aventurine in the last attempt to make him change his mind, but he's too far gone. It's time to take serious measures. Time for The Note.
(I'm sorry I just can't get over how confident and serious he's about that note, "Open it when you're on your last legs. You'll thank me.")
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ironunderstands · 15 days
What I hope for jade is a true darker shade grey character at the very least. Like make her evil but have a soft side if certain conditions are met like if you and her are in agreement. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want her to be a saint or even a good person, what I want is for her to not only be evil but also have depth. Like she can be evil but not completely heartless. She and Kafka are like the evil you want to root for. Also like I think that she is still an evil character for you know being into the slave market but she did technically grant aventurine more opportunities and helped him to some extent (wether it was for her own goals) to lead a richer life. She, Topaz and Aventurine are also closer to each other than the other stone hearts with Jade being responsible for recruiting the other two. I head cannon and hope that her snake motif means that she’s a devil advocate, always playing sides to see which will better for her and to an extent the ipc, however she isn’t afraid to take risks such as lending her cornerstone to aventurine. Also wanted to point out the similarities between Aventurine and Jade stones and how they’re important to the narrative, I predict that Aventurine picked some of jade’s habits or personalities so I think that Jade would have this people pleaser personality and she’ll squeeze you dry but until she gets what she wants both of you benefits. Also for her eidolons, I do agree that its good traits and how to exploit them but it maybe her teaching that no one is truly good and that even good traits can be corrupted through certain means and conditions
-Thanks for listening, hope to see more of Jade’s personality.
This is a very interesting take on her character! I especially like your interpretation of her eidolons because I never really considered them that way. Perhaps they are the tricks of the trade she used in order to succeed? I do think like Aventurine, so long as the deal benefits her she will not break her promises, and I adore her penchant for risk taking.
I can see her being a devils advocate, however I think her interests aren’t exactly the IPC’s interests, it’s just the IPC can get Jade what she wants, whatever that is. Honestly, I think she is just as likely if not even more likely than Aventurine and Topaz to betray the IPC in the near future if it benefits her more than staying with them
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delightingintragedy · 4 months
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Jupiter Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Sagittarius is his Day-house, and Pisces is his Night-house. Detriment in Gemini and Virgo, Exalted in Cancer, Fall in Capricorn.
Nature: He is a Diurnal, Masculine Planet, Temperately Hot and Moist, Airy, Sanguine, the greater Fortune, author of Temperance, Modesty, Sobriety, Justice.
Profession: Judges, Senators, Councillors, Ecclesiastical men, Bishops, Priests, Ministers, Cardinals, Chancellors, Doctors of the Civil Law, young Scholars and Students in a University or College, Lawyers, Clothiers, Woolen-Drapers.
Diseases: Pleurisy, all Infirmities of the Liver, left Ear, Apoplexies, Inflammation of the Lungs, Palpitations and Trembling of the Heart, Cramps, pain in the Backbone, all Diseases lying in the Veins or Ribs, and proceeding from corruption of Blood, Squinzies. Windiness, all Putrefaction in the Blood, or Fevers proceeding from too great abundance thereof.
Savours: Sweet and well scented Odors; or that Odor which in smell is no way extreme or offensive.
Colours: Sea-green or Blue, Purple, Ash-colour, a mixed Yellow and Green
Herbs: Cloves and Clove-Sugar, Mace, Nutmeg, Gillyflower, the Strawberry, the herb Balsam, Betony, Centaury, Flax, Arsesmart, Fumitory, Lungwort, Pimpernel, Wallwort, Oregano or Wild Marjoram, Rhubarb, Self-heal, Borage, Bugloss, Wheat, Willow-herb, Thorough-leaf, Violets, Lackwort, Liverwort, Basil, Pomegranates, Peony, Liquorice, Mint, Mastic, the Daisy, Feversend, Saffron.
Plants & Trees: Cherry-tree, Birch-tree, Mulberry-tree, Coral-tree, the Oak, Bayberries, Olive, Gooseberries, Almond tree, the Ivy, Manna, Mace, the Vine, the Fig tree, the Ash, the Pear tree, the Hazel, the Beech tree, the Pine, Raisins.
Beasts: The Sheep, the Hart or Stag, the Doe, the Ox, Elephant, Dragon, Tiger, Unicorn, those Beasts which are Mild and Gentle, and yet of great benefit to Mankind, are appropriate to him.
Birds, etc: The Stork, the Snipe, the Lark, the Eagle, the Stockdove, the Partridge, Bees, Pheasant, Peacock, the Hen.
Fishes: The Dolphin, the Whale, Serpent, Sheath-fish or River Whale.
Places: In or near Altars of Churches, in public Conventions, Synods, Convocations, in Places neat, sweet, in Wardrobes, Courts of Justice, Oratories.
Mineral: Tin.
Stones: Amethyst, the Sapphire, the Smarage or Emerald, Hyacinth, Topaz, Crystal, Bezoar, Marble, and that which in England we all Freestone.
Weather: He usually produces serenity, pleasant and healthful North Winds, and by his gentle Beams allays the ill weather of any former Malignant Planet.
Winds: Northern Winds
Element: Air
Number: 3
Angel: Zadkiel
Planetary Alliances: Friends with all planets except Mars.
Week Day: Thursday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Venus] [Mars] [Saturn]
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charmixpower · 2 years
Quick question: what gemstone Diaspro would assign to Winx Club girls (+ Roxy, Daphne, Mirta, Chimera, Galatea and Krystal)?
Okii! I'm doing this based on gem meaning bc magically dimension, magical gems. I don't think most of the jewelry Diaspro makes has magical effects, but if she's picking out specifically gems for each girl and not just going by color pallette (or just using blue and yellow for Bloom, Orange and Blue for Stella, ect ect) I imagine she's making something with a little more oomph
As soon as she is brought to think about it, Diaspro immediately picks Topazes for Bloom. A Topaz amplifies strength and enhances intelligence. Which is Diaspro calling Bloom a impulsive little danger magnet, with terrible decision making skills. In a loving way. They're friends.
An Agate could of easily gone to Bloom instead, with it's it's ability to inspire courage and boost strength, but it's properties of enhancing mental concentration and giving the user a calm and centered mind what something she thought Stella could benefit far more from.
Stella, while much better at using her moon powers from s2 and compared to s1, still sometimes stuggles to connect to the more mental aspects of moon magic. Diaspro hopes a good Agate could help her a till she no longer stuggles with her moon powers.
Probably the member of the Winx Diaspro is the closest. Picking a stone for the kind and understanding Flora was a struggle. She didn't know if she wanted to play into her passive powers, maybe giving her something to promote that power of hers, or maybe concentrate on Flora's nature and prompting her best traits. Eventually she settled on Bloodstone.
Bloodstone with its ability to boost courage, and enhance endurance and physical strength was Diaspro's favorite choice for the flower fairy who had the tendancy to get picked out by the Winx's enemies as a easy target. Hopefully it's abilities to protect the body and increase courage would make life easier for Flora.
Diaspro knows Tecna is smart, they've had a conversion before. She's seen Tecna in action. After much debilitation, Diaspro finally settles on Tanzanite. With it's ablity to strengthen's someone's intuition and encourage perception, it's a good fit for the fairy why already knows so much but stuggles to trust her gut.
Easily the member of the Winx Diaspro interacts the least with. They do not mesh, and Diaspro has no clue how to talk to the girl. From what she did see, Musa has the tendancy to overreact and tends to be swayed by how she's feeling in the moment.
A Amethyst to promote a clear mind and quick wit to bolster the girls snarker and connective side is a clear choice.
Diaspro has known Aisha since childhood, and even though they were never close, the one thing she always knew about Aisha is that girl is stressy as fuck. Aisha is closed off, slow to trust, and had a tendancy to be worried about everything constantly to the point of chronic nightmares. Diaspro decided that she needs some Pink Beryl in her life years ago.
Pink Beryl brings positive energy, inner peace, confidence, and soothes anxiety and stress.
Mirta reminds Diaspro of Bloom and Flora in the best and worst ways. Kind to a excess, and implusive to a fault, Diaspro hopes the intuition and foresight enhancing powers of Emeralds will help the girl stay out of trouble, or at least avoid getting herself in another terrible situation.
Diaspro has met Roxy a couple times, mostly because Bloom wanted to dragged Roxy around the magical dimension a little so she can get a feel for it, and Diaspro's planet was one of those stops. From these few meetings, she saw just how, anxious and overwhelmed Roxy looked about magic as a whole. Diaspro decides she'd benefit from the grounding and protective ablities of Tourmaline.
Diaspro doesn't know Krystal very well, or at all, except that she's Roxy's friend and Bloom really wants to her and Roxy a nice gift, and Dia was wrapped into it.
A Sapphire to boost her connection to external magic sources, and to promote clarity was Diaspro's choice for the new fairy.
From what Diaspro was told about Stella's new little sister, and what she saw on the news, Chimera had a awful mother and is taking a lot of big steps in her new life. A Spinel to bring some hope, enegry, and joy for life, back to Chimera as she gets accustomed to her new loving life was a easy choice.
Diaspro has met Galatea a few times. Mostly at galas, sometimes though the Winx, and the girl is....certainly spirited. Which was the nice way of saying she has eccentric as hell and kind of a lot.
A Citrine to enhance her natural happy and energetic disposition made an appropriate choice. It's ability to affect health and luck was the more true reason for the choice. Diaspro is sure that the girl overly excitable girl would need it.
Dia is doing the usual political niceties when visiting Domino, and gifts Daphne a piece of jewelry with Diamonds, which has the ability to increase magical strength. All she really knows about Daphne is "powerful" and that is the meaning of and power of Diamonds so it works
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giricollections · 4 months
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Navaratan Gems at Giri Collections with Lab Certified Proved in Delhi. Lab-certified Navratan gems are a popular choice for those seeking the beauty and astrological benefits of these nine precious stones. Each stone is associated with a different planet and is believed to bring good luck, health, and prosperity to the wearer. Giri Collections - The nine gems of Navratan are:
Ruby (Manikya) Pearl (Moti) Emerald (Panna)   Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Diamond (Heera) Garnet (Gomed) Blue Sapphire (Neelam) Topaz (Topaz) Coral (Munga)
When choosing lab-certified Navratan gems, it is important to ensure that the stones are genuine and untreated. A reputable gemological laboratory can provide a certificate of authenticity that states the type, weight, and quality of each stone.
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anyataylortaylor · 9 months
Nomadic Elegance: Blue Topaz Jewelry for Adventurous Souls
The topaz family includes blue topaz. It is a mild silicate mineral that includes fluorine and aluminum. It primarily comprises a surface that is primarily prismatic and a considerable portion of vitreous lustre. The colour of blue topaz, a blue variation of topaz, ranges from light blue to deep blue. Topaz's primary meaning is linked to action and communication. The Blue Topaz jewelry has always been known to possess numerous benefits for your body, mind and soul. Wearing this Birthstone Jewelry is said to bring to its wear magical abilities. It is said that blue topaz has amazing calming powers and is a healing stone.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
So, it’s an established piece of lore on this blog that Hel’s glamours are there for the benefit of mortals rather than a reflection of any inner turmoil. Among her own kind, kin, and peers, she’s more likely to wear her natural face and trust that those she meets can handle the truth, whereas mortals are not as likely to handle the corpse-side with as much grace. She gets it! It’s no skin off her back to take the comfort of others into account!
But the glamours and her chosen flesh is only one part of her overall presentation. The other part is her wardrobe, how she presents that body she takes such care with. Her fashion choices reflect as much a sense of her independence and personal taste as they do confine her to her forced role.
For starters, Hel takes great pains to highlight the feminine in her clothing. Her closet is by and large stuffed with dark dresses of flattering but mature cuts, supplemented by use of jewels and metalwork that make her look like a western standard lady of decent means. As her form is naturally androgynous, the choice of clothes and accessories is one way that Hel gets to present herself in a way that pleases her. Her form might be largely sexless, but her style declares that she wants to be perceived as a woman.
In addition, fashion is one of the few ways she can keep her family close and let others know where her allegiances lie. Serpentine bands around her wrists, a wolf’s head of silver clasping her collar shut, topaz stones on her finger that are the exact shade of her father’s eyes, these things say she has neither forgotten nor forsaken her kin. To some, this is a threat, and to others, it advertises her virtues in familial loyalty. 
That said... She also dresses for the job she has rather than the freedom she desires. There’s a part of her that yearns for lighter fabrics that promise a world with changing seasons, to adorn herself in printed flowers and pretend for a moment she is part of some garden. She muffles that part, however, and chooses instead to adorn herself as a ‘proper’ cthonic god - grim and dark-clad. There’s probably a good argument to be made that her presentation is one of several factors that have an adverse effect on her mental state. In her own head, her attire serves to highlight her maturity and firm-hand as a goddess, one who clads herself in the black of the grave and protects herself against the permanent winter of the realm she remains bound to. It’s practical, and she tells herself she’s comfortable with this dark aesthetic.
In her present wardrobe, she’s a figurehead, often bound up in fabrics and dress designs that are a piece of history rather than cutting edge. The past literally clings to her skin that way, as if she’s from a bygone era with no place in the world outside. It’s very sad, but not what Hel is going for at all. It’s the sort of thing a more poetic observer might muse about her, but never something Hel would recognize on her own.
I think, as it is for a lot of DFAB figures in positions of power, fashion is as much a weapon of self-expression as it is a chain around Hel’s neck. There’s standards to be met, even if she can choose how to meet it. She’s bound herself up in the expectations of others as a public figure, making herself partially a work of art rather than a person who can speak certain opinions and desires. It’s a lot to unpack, honestly, as are most aspects of Hel’s self-expression.
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lanleenn · 1 day
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Smokey Topaz 925 Sterling Silver Ring.
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kristen0395 · 9 days
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Top Trending Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry for Women
The stone has a long history and has been utilized in different ways throughout the long term. This otherworldly stone is prestigious for offering the wearer various benefits. You can heal your body, brain, and soul with it. Individuals love this stone and wear it in Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry. The Gemstone and the Sterling Silver Jewelry go well together. Swiss blue topaz, then again, has an exceptionally serious blue variety that reaches from medium to unadulterated light.
Also read:- Trending Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry
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navratangems · 2 years
Blue topaz, a famous dazzling birthstone for November, has made a name in the jewelry industry because of its unique color and enduring popularity. This semi-precious stone from the Topaz family comes in a wide range of blue hues, such as intense blue and a more muted shade of blue.
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angelicawatson · 9 days
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Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry, Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry for Women
Albeit blue topaz, a precious stone that can be found in nature is very uncommon and costly. Because of this, most of the Swiss blue topaz and blue topaz, by and large, are hued. The stone has a long history and has been utilized in different ways throughout the long term. This otherworldly stone is prestigious for offering the wearer various benefits. You can heal your body, brain, and soul with it. Individuals love this stone and wear it in Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry. The Gemstone and the Sterling Silver Jewelry go well together. Swiss blue topaz, then again, has an exceptionally serious blue variety that reaches from medium to unadulterated light.
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shroofjulia · 10 days
Top Trending Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry for Women
A mineral made of aluminum silicate is the Swiss blue topaz. The stone is a kind of blue topaz and arrives in a quiet shade of blue. Albeit blue topaz, a precious stone that can be found in nature is very uncommon and costly. Because of this, most of the Swiss blue topaz and blue topaz, by and large, are hued. The stone has a long history and has been utilized in different ways throughout the long term. This otherworldly stone is prestigious for offering the wearer various benefits. You can heal your body, brain, and soul with it. Individuals love this stone and wear it in Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry. The Gemstone and the Sterling Silver Jewelry go well together. Swiss blue topaz, then again, has an exceptionally serious blue variety that reaches from medium to unadulterated light. Visit As :  Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry
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lorawilsone · 10 days
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A mineral made of aluminum silicate is the Swiss blue topaz. The stone is a kind of blue topaz and arrives in a quiet shade of blue. Albeit blue topaz, a precious stone that can be found in nature is very uncommon and costly. Because of this, most of the Swiss blue topaz and blue topaz, by and large, are hued. The stone has a long history and has been utilized in different ways throughout the long term. This otherworldly stone is prestigious for offering the wearer various benefits. You can heal your body, brain, and soul with it. Individuals love this stone and wear it in Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry. The Gemstone and the Sterling Silver Jewelry go well together. Swiss blue topaz, then again, has an exceptionally serious blue variety that reaches from medium to unadulterated light.
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gemstoneee · 10 days
Top Trending Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry for Women
A mineral made of aluminum silicate is the Swiss blue topaz jewelry. The stone is a kind of blue topaz and arrives in a quiet shade of blue. Albeit blue topaz, a precious stone that can be found in nature is very uncommon and costly. Because of this, most of the Swiss blue topaz and blue topaz, by and large, are hued. The stone has a long history and has been utilized in different ways throughout the long term. This otherworldly stone is prestigious for offering the wearer various benefits. You can heal your body, brain, and soul with it. 
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