#being raised by entj 8w9 is very hard
genericnamego · 2 years
Whenever my mother boasts about our family tree dating back to 1000 A.D. royalty, I can only shake my head:
“Like, you know that’s why you and your son have had extensive jaw surgery, right? You know that’s why I should have extensive jaw surgery, RIGHT?”
She just sits there, narrows her eyes, and quickly changes the subject, “IF ONLY we could still be that wealthy! Where did it all go?”
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Hello, dears! Thank you for your works🌺Can I have a romantic and platonic matchup for KNY? I'm pansexual, non-binary, ENTJ, 8w9. I prefer to be a leader or change roles. I like loyal people who don't mind being with me 24/7. Bonus points if they know how to take care of the house! I'm clingy, affectionate and caring. I like to take care of people, praise them, and support them. I always give other people pet names. I'm interested in sociology, psychology, strategies and tactics.🦊
I can easily see through others, but because of this, people think I'm manipulative. I need physical contact. I am a "dad-friend" and during an anxiety attack I can be very protective and domineering. I like deep conversations. I'm friendly and easy to communicate with others, but sometimes I need to be alone. I'm fond of fortune telling, especially palmistry and Tarot cards. I'm a rational idealist. I love to motivate and help people grow.🦊🦊
I really appreciate a loved one and pamper them. I know a lot and I love any information because it makes me feel safe. I always keep my emotions in check. I'm nervous, but I look serene. I joke a lot and flirt with crush because it allows me to relax. I constantly analyze my behavior and the behavior of others, and I'm an absolute puppy for close people. I hope it's not too much or confusing. Thanks!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤🦊🦊🦊
Heyo, thanks for the detailed request! :D
Romantically, I match you with
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Uzui Tengen!
-he appreciates a lot of stuff about you; he’s an outgoing personality himself, and while shy people are cute, he also likes hanging around with similarly open types. His bombastic nature and your more team-play-oriented, caring approach to things meshes better than expected, especially when you’re both put in charge of a group (read: new slayer trainees and/or Kamaboko trio) together. You’re the carrot, Tengen is the stick, but he keeps things lighthearted enough that you can have fun with him. Though he’s not the ~nice~ type himself, he likes that you’re so capable of kindness and emotional support. It’s a trait he respects, even if he won’t say it out loud so often; he kind of prefers to tease you about being such a ‘’parent figure,’’ but you’ll be able to tell that under the playful comments, he’s actually being quite sincere.
-pampering buddies! Tengen is also *very* big on spoiling any lover of his. You gotta have as flamboyant of a life as he does or else it’s not fair :,) great with physical contact, verbal compliments, and material gifts, tbh Tengen is the whole package deal when it comes to expressions of affection lol (expect to be decked out in jewels if you appreciate that sort of thing). Is a surprisingly coolheaded person, too, making him pretty ideal to have around for anxious moments. He also finds your protectiveness kind of sweet, but at the same time, makes sure to clearly show you that *he* is also there to support you and that he’s not a pillar for nothing; he can take care of himself, so you don’t need to stress yourself out over him. It’s ok to relax a little.
-at the same time, he’s good at giving you space, because he himself isn’t really the smothering type of s/o. Loves flirting back at you (you will *never* beat his sheer smoothness lol) and is actually super into your fortune-telling. It’s something he finds really interesting, and tbh…he’s fond of the Aesthetic of stuff like Tarot. It’s pretty flamboyant-looking to him :,) is pretty keen on figuring out the inner workings of your hobby too, actually, because as much as he behaves as if he only likes the superficial ~look~ of it, he honestly does think it’s fascinating and will often ask you to show him how you do it- or if not, at least read his fortune for him. Your rational idealism is a good match with his worldview, too, because Tengen isn’t as jaded as he likes to behave (he *was* in the corps after all) but he also likes people who are grounded and sensible about it. 
Platonically, I match you with
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Rengoku Kyojuro!
-you’re a leader-type and a nurturing figure; pretty similar to Kyojuro, and he respects that side of you! Opposites attract is cool and all, but sometimes it’s awesome to hang out with people who are similar to you, too. Especially with you and Kyojuro, your similarities actually feed each other pretty well and bring out the best in both of you, so it’s a win-win situation. You can often be seen acting as joint-leaders of any given group, Kyojuro raising morale with his fiery boldness, you offering people emotional support. You make a great team!
-both of you are loyal people and value loyalty, so you’re ideally matched in that aspect as well. You stick together through thick and thin. Kyojuro is particularly fond of your strategic, thinking side, as well as your interest in psychology; it’s one key difference between the two of you. Kyojuro’s no fool but he’s more of the charging warrior, while you’re the planner who helps him form the strategies to fight around, which he really appreciates. He’s also perceptive enough to recognize that you being able to read people does not equal manipulation. In fact, as someone who tends to show a smiling face to the world no matter what, it’s unnerving but nice to have you around- you know when he’s having a hard time and you give him the comfort he can’t seek from anybody else.
-like Tengen, thinks your interest in palmistry/tarot is super cool! He’s not fascinated in the same way as Tengen is, maybe, but he still finds it a really unique hobby and tends to laugh delightedly whenever you read his fortune for him. He’s also up for being taught how it works every now and again, because Kyojuro is nothing if not adaptable to new concepts and he’s pretty fond of learning new things. Especially if it’s his best friend teaching it to him!
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Next steps if your suspected enneagram/MBTI combo is really unlikely
For all of the below: if you typed via tests, throw out the results. Tests always oversimplify and are frequently wrong. It is far more likely the test is wrong than that you are some rare combination. It’s okay to take tests as a starting point but it should never be the end point - in fact, a great exercise is to take a test and then using actual study, try to prove why the test was wrong.
Note: it is possible to have one of those “check your typing” combinations but I would only consider that if you’ve rigorously eliminated all other more likely possibilities and have very strong evidence. Start here, and if you absolutely can’t come up with any other more likely answer, then maybe you are a very rare combination! But chances are you’re not. Assume you’re not.
“I’m a perceiver and I think I’m enneagram 1”
Things to check: a lot of judgers mistype as perceivers because they have clutter or forgot about something once. The standards people have for being neat or having a good memory or eye for details are often set astronomically high, whereas the standards for being messy or disorganized or creative are often incredibly low. I kind of get it; we think of a “clean” room as having everything put away and so even a small amount out of place must therefore be messy. But that’s wrong, people are flawed, and the actual average is somewhere between so it’s better to judge yourself in terms of where you are on a scale from perfectly neat to completely messy (or whatever scale you’re using).
Other stuff to check: a lot of 1 descriptions interpret morality in a religious (and most often Christian) sense. If you’re religious or were raised as such, you might accidentally type as 1. Make sure you actually have the 1 fear; another common issue is people boil it down to just perfectionism, when that can come from all kinds of places.
“I’m a thinker and I think I’m enneagram 2”
Things to check: it’s possible you mistyped as a thinker because you’re smart or study STEM but your actual behavior is that of a feeler. It’s also possible you simply think of 2 as “I like to help people” which is not the case. If you’re not a Ti-dom, take a look at enneagram 3 if the fears of 2 resonate with you. If you have typed yourself as a Ti-dom and the fears of the shame triad resonate with you...you are probably not a Ti-dom. If you think you’re a 2, look at Fi-dom; if you think you’re a 3 look at Ti-aux or IxTJ.
“I’m an introverted perceiver and I think I’m enneagram 3”
Things to check: Enneagram 3 isn’t just wanting to be competent - it’s about wanting people to see you as distinguished and valuable. If you really, really feel the fear of 3, you are almost certainly not an introverted perceiver as those types are relatively disconnected from trying to impress others. If you’re an Fi-dom, consider either 2w3 or 4w3; are you interested in people loving you or finding you unique, and part of how you do that is through being valuable? If you’re a Ti dom, I would look at 5 not only because chances are good you’re a 5 (the majority of Ti-doms are) but because the inherent desire for mastery of the 5 can mix with good-old-fashioned insecurity or anxiety so that you want recognition of sorts for that mastery. There really aren’t any other likely culprits for a Ti-dom who thinks they’re a 3; at that point, consider if you’re a Ti-aux or IxTJ as discussed in the previous section.
“I’m an ISFJ and I think I’m enneagram 3”
ISFJs aren’t super commonly mistyped, thought it does happen; with that in mind my guess is you’re a 2w3 or a 4w3 (2w3 is more likely and makes more sense, but look into both). Alternately if you’re thinking you’re a fairly unhealthy 3, this is the disintegration point for 6. You can also look at ISTJ or ESFJ, depending on whether you feel more confident in Si-dom/introversion or high Fe.
“I’m a TJ and I think I’m enneagram 4”
If you relate to unhealthy 4 aspects, my first guess is either unhealthy low Fi which has similar “no one understands” tendencies, or 1 disintegration.
Other possibilities include: 3w4 or 5w4, especially 3w4; ask yourself if you truly fear being seen as the same or lacking individual significance, or if it’s really you want to be valued (3). If you still think enneagram 4’s core fear is the correct one, I would start by looking at your FJ counterpart, though mistyping as a TJ is not incredibly common. Also check the last section of the “I’m a Ti-dom and I think I’m a 4” for some help that might apply to you.
“I’m a Ti-dom and I think I’m enneagram 4”
You’re almost certainly an Fi-dom who either was around during a spate of Fi-hate and decided they must be a Ti user, or who sees their moral “logic” as the absolute logic of Ti. Which is fine! Take a look at your Fi-dom counterpart.
If that’s still not right, consider that you’re a 5w4 and assume a lot of your 5 traits are just Ti-dominance, and make sure you’re interpreting 4 as fearing being seen as insignificant, not just creative or self-expressive or weird.
“I’m a feeler or ESTP and I think I’m enneagram 5”
Enneagram 5 has become the INFJ/INTJ of enneagram; people give it lofty associations with genius and insight when in fact it’s just a type of person with plenty of flaws. Choosing to learn about your environment instead of interact with it directly has a whole lot of drawbacks and if you read a super glowing description of 5, it’s worth keeping that in mind.
Practically speaking: if you’re an ESTP, people underestimate the intelligence of 7s. If your main reason for typing as a 5 was “I’m smart and curious”, look at 7. If you relate to the isolation and withdrawal primarily, then consider 8 disintegration to 5; if you’re sure about all of 5, good and bad, take a look at ISTP.
If you’re a feeler: you can take a look at your thinker counterpart, especially if you’re an introvert. If you’re confident in your MBTI type, consider 6w5 or 4w5.
ExFJs - really unlikely to mistype this way to be honest; if this is the combination you’ve come up with I would probably recommend you send in an ask with a description of who you are as a person to see what’s going on.
ExFPs - same advice as for ESTP - smart and curious is a good reason to check out 7. If you’re an ESFP and relate to the unhealthy aspects, check out 8 disintegration; if you’re an ENFP look at ENTP again.
IxFPs - honestly I’d look at Ti-dom again, but otherwise 4w5 seems likely, particularly given the pedestaling of 5w4 as some kind of deep genius. If you’re an ISFP, take a look at 7 as well.
IxFJs - if INFJ, really look hard at whether your MBTI type is correct, but if you’re positive, probably 4w5. If IxFJ, probably 6w5.
“I’m any type other than an ExxP and I think I’m a 7.”
If you’re an ENFJ or ExTJ, this is possible, but I’d look at 6w7 or 8w7 first (8w7 if you’re an ENTJ, 6w7 for an ENFJ, either for an ESTJ). If you’re sure about 7 it’s also possible you’re a mistyped ExxP; that mistyping can go several ways so you’ll have to figure that out on your own (or ask for help).
If you’re an ESFJ, I’d look at 6w7, or consider if you’re a mistyped ExFP if you’re absolutely positive about 7.
If you’re an IxxJ, you are very lost, so just to run through the possibilities that aren’t just “ask for some help in typing yourself accurately”: if you’re an IxTJ and relate to the unhealthy aspects, this could be 5 disintegration; you may also be a 6w7 and find that 6 descriptions are exaggerated.
If you’re an INxP, consider that you may be a mistyped ISxP or ENxP instead; 6w7 is also possible, and if you’re an INTP and relate to the negative aspects only, 5 disintegration is possible.
“I’m any type other than an ExTx or ESFP and I think I’m an 8”
8’s gotten the same sort of hype as 5 and is often oversimplified to “I like control”, so if you’re not an ExTx or ESFP it’s worth double-checking.
IxTJs: this is possible, but if you relate to the confrontational nature, take a hard look at 1 (also a gut type, also confrontational, also frequently values some level of self-sufficiency/resents control if corrupt) or cp6, both of which are more likely. You also may be an ExTJ.
ISTP: also possible, but consider cp6, 9w8, or that you might be an ESTP.
INTP: if you’re sure about 8 and you’re not as confident in your introversion, take a look at ENTP. If you’re positive about dom Ti, consider cp6 or 9w8.
IxFx: if you relate to unhealthy aspects, take a look at 2 disintegration; if you relate to healthy aspects, look at cp6 or 9w8, but also: IxFxs are notoriously the least confrontational types and even not so great descriptions tend to emphasize the extroverted nature and frequently Te-esque nature of 8. If you really relate to 8 even after reading good descriptions I would seriously review your MBTI type.
ExFJs: Shows up occasionally in ENFJs, so it’s possible, but if you relate to unhealthy aspects, look at 2 disintegration or cp6. If you’re healthy, consider 9w8. Also take a second look at any of the other extroverted types except ENFP; all are possible mistypes.
ENFP: consider ESFP, 9w8, 7w8, or cp6.
“I’m a Te-dom and I think I’m a 9”
If you really relate to laid-backness and a desire to avoid conflict, you are probably not a Te-dom. You may be a Te-aux; that’s the first place I’d look.
That said 3s disintegrate to 9 so if you’re feeling somewhat apathetic and unmotivated and recognize it’s not your baseline, consider 3 disintegration. It’s also possible you’re a fairly even-keeled 8w9 or 1w9 and no one has recently pushed your buttons; think back to the last time you were angry.
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