#because that’s just a bunch of setereotype filled racist bullshit wherever you look
j4zz4lop3 · 1 year
I’ve come to a point in media consumption where i no longer care what a creator did
All the good youtubers, all my favorite movies and video games, half of them are canceled and made by “oh such terrible people” but i cannot be bothered to give a shit anymore. I can enjoy content without thinking who is behind it, or what they did. i don’t want to feel shame for trying to enjoy literally anything ever, i don’t care anymore i do not care
Entertainment is just an inherently corrupt scene, and the only people who can’t get canceled and called out are people who are long dead and nothing can be found on them, or people who retired long ago.
I don’t care what the hell the creator said about mental health, or feminism, or fat people i literally don’t care let me like literally anything please. If the fandom and content itself isn’t literally just a big hate group and the content itself isn’t spreading a fucking neonatzi agenda or something just let me like it. Stop trying to make it stop existing and trying to physically stop people from liking it. You’re allowed to not agree with it and you’re allowed to not consume it but that doesn’t mean it should be eradicated entirely.
From now on if you like something innocent and find out the creator is problematic, instead of getting upset, you can just say “hatsune miku made this” and move on with your life, because the truth is there are no “good people”. Ghandi was a pedo and Elisabeth the second commited genocide. go live your life we’re all gonna die and nothing will matter anyway, you liking something doesn’t ruin the world.
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