long-hair-no-cares · 7 years
I am beautiful. I am confident(?) I have soft arms and feathery arm hair. I laugh a lot. I am a good listener. The skin on my palms heals fast so I never get rough calluses. I am always trying to reflect and improve. I have a good memory. I am healthy (enough). I only have one chipped nail lol. I clean up after myself (most of the time). I have a wide range of expressions. I tell it like it is. I fall quickly. I care deeply. I (try to) go for what I want. I work hard. I have fairly full lips. I have big eyes (even though one eyelid is more hooded, that’s okay). I have for the most part even skin. I like to dance. I like to sing. I think i’m pretty funny. I am there when you need to vent. I repeat myself a lot lol. I almost always have a hair tie. I have long beautiful hair even if it gets tangled a lot. I like my tan skin. I never get sunburns. I’m small and easy to hug (I hear i give great hugs). I have pretty shoulders and nice collarbones. I am good with parents. I clean my house. I like cats. I am a good writer. I like to think I’m pretty good at communicating. I help my friends. I know a lot but try to keep from acting like a know it all. I have a fairly high tolerance for dummies. I shower everyday. My hair always smells good. i like pretty colors. I am a good cuddler. I don't get nervous in front of crowds. I have big plans for my life. 
I think i’m pretty great--not perfect, but a decent catch at the least. Now I just need to really BELIEVE/remember all this and maybe, JUST MAYBE, i’ll be able to push forward and get to a point where he can find all this out for himself too. 
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