#bc oh my god can we talk about Li An Tien for a minute?!?!?!
asmolbirb · 20 days
Turns out I’m NOT done being unhinged about Temeraire, so…..
I’ve started working my way through the AO3 offerings while I wait for the last 3 books to get in at the library, and I’m having a phenomenal time sussing out which themes in the fics are common bc they’re likely canonized within the final books
Like Granby and Little have to fall into a relationship in the books, right? No one ever pairs Granby with anyone else in the fics, and Little is such a minor character in the first 6 books that I can’t imagine why he’d be the go-to for Granby over literally any other character otherwise…. If there’s canon gays in the Temeraire ‘verse, I’ll cry fr
Also the idea of Tharkay canonically inviting Will to his estate in Scotland to live out a domestic happily ever after is driving me into a frothing frenzy. Like hello? Hello??? Imagine meeting this guy who you think is maybe a double agent and then he starts traipsing across every continent in the world after you and then he becomes the only person who can tether you to reality and THEN he shows up asking you to pick out curtains for a pavilion for your dragon, which he is building on his grounds, so you can stay with him forever!! Like I’m sorry I would simply COMBUST
Also also the Tharkay curing Laurence’s amnesia thing……. O.O if this is real, it will make me eat my entire phone
No one confirm if any of this becomes canon btw! Going insane is about the journey, not the destination
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