#bc like. muse can wax and wane
ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
so... i may have moved all my muses except cordy down to secondary 🙈 the cordelia chase brainrot is so real lately, y'all
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asocier · 4 years
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interaction guide for alison! 
last edited: april 6th, 2021
***please be sure to read the note at the end of this guide pertaining to interactions with alison as a muse!***
          alison is a complex muse. for the most part, i’d say she is pretty flexible with some limitations ( more on that in the note at the end of this guide ). slice of life plots, romantic/friendship plots, and generally lighthearted interactions are the easiest to start with alison, though angst certainly has its place as well under the right conditions. while alison is very kind, very loving, and overall a fairly soft type of muse, she is also incredibly strong ( not necessarily in a physical sense unless we’re talking about her spy verse ) and, in main verse, will not take kindly to being treated like a pushover. this is important to keep in mind so as to not baby alison and overlook the fact she has gone through a lot to get where she is now. 
          fashion-related plots — in her main verse, alison is employed by her aunt as a designer for her aunt’s clothing line. it’s not a huge label, but it’s fairly noteworthy, so alison gets to experience quite a significant chunk of the fashion world. as part of her job, she also assists in fashion shows and travels quite frequently to different cities, and in her free time, she runs an art and fashion blog and dabbles in sewing at home. needless to say, fashion inspires alison a lot, so meeting other muses who are involved in the fashion industry or who are also interested generally in fashion would be a nice way for alison to meet them. fashion plots aren’t limited to main verse, either — in high school and in post-high school verse, she’s always looking for ways to make a little extra cash, so if a good opportunity arises, she’ll take it. some ideas below include scenarios where your muse:  
works in the fashion industry and meets alison on a business trip ( airport thread anyone? )
is part of a fashion show staff or is a model that works closely with alison ( imagine your muse wearing something alison designed though :weeps: )
needs their outfit tailored. this can be professionally, for example, alison doing part time work as a tailor to make a little extra cash, or casually, like alison is a friend your muse knows can sew and so they ask her to tailor as a favor. 
just needs some fashion advice for a big date/event/job interview so they ask alison for input. on the same vein, alison can be your muse’s personal stylists as a job too !!
works in the same office as alison at the fashion firm and collaborates with her on a design
works in the same office as her and just hates her because your muse thinks she got handed everything to her bc the ceo of the company is her aunt
asks alison to design something for them, whether that be an outfit for a special occasion ( prom dress, wedding dress, suit, costume, ect ) or something for a fashion show!
          art/music/photography related plots — fashion and art go hand-in-hand when it comes to alison’s inspirations and big interests. she dabbles in a lot of hobbies, and while she’ll go through phases where one interest may wane while the other waxes, painting, playing the piano, and taking photographs are three big hobbies that will always be close to her heart. my favorite plots involve alison being able to express herself creatively through her artwork, and allowing another muse to see her artwork is a fairly intimate interaction tbh just because alison doesn’t usually share much about her hobbies to others aside from “oh yeah, i do x,y,z for fun sometimes.” some plots under this category involve scenarios where your muse: 
talks to alison about shared interests such as watercolors, sketching, photography, or music ( specifically piano )
encounters alison while she’s painting, drawing, playing the piano, or taking pictures. photography especially is a big one since she runs her fashion and art blog, and i wouldn’t put it past her to run like a food/travel instagram either so she’s always taking photos !! 
asks alison to take their photo ( or a photo of them and their crew ) just because they can’t do it themselves and surprise it turns out alison takes some bomb ass photos 
is alison’s art muse. this can be that they pose for a sketch/painting or, if we wanna get interesting, your muse actually allowing alison to paint on their body since i headcanon that alison experiments with body art to make some really powerful creations before photographing the model to add to her portfolio. 
asks alison to be their art muse ( which, would get her v flustered bc she never thought she’d be someone’s muse, ever. but she’d also be very flattered ). 
gets piano lessons from alison
asks alison to take pictures for their prom/wedding/graduation/just because they want a photoshoot !!!!
asks alison to play piano for their super special fancy event that has live music !!!! 
          post-high school verse plots ( trigger warnings may be applicable ) — post-high school is where the bulk of alison’s time as a sex worker is spent, either when she’s with her ex-boyfriend grant or after they broke up since she continues to do sex work to support herself even after she leaves him. sex work for alison includes a variety of activities including prostitution, escorting, and sugaring ( being a sugar baby ), so plots in this verse are not limited to sexual encounters. in fact, i’ve had a lot of fun discussing with other muns plots and relationships that started out in a post high school setting but evolved into a new canon for alison where she finds her footing and breaks away from sex work in a manner different from her actual canon!! in other words, post-high school verse is the point in alison’s life where significant events can really change the course of alison’s life, so interesting things can really come out of interactions started in this verse. this verse does canonically have a lot of triggers due to the nature of alison’s relationship with grant, but we definitely don’t have to delve into that dark side if you don’t want to <3 some plot ideas under this category involve scenarios where your muse: 
          is one of alison’s clients ( regular or first time ). being a client of alison’s is such a broad plotting point with so many possibilities that i’m just going to put some plot bunnies all in this bullet point: 1) it can be an instance of your muse paying alison to be their first sexual encounter for whatever reason you choose; 2) a misunderstanding where someone else paid alison to come visit your muse but your muse actually has no interest in sex with her. but maybe they could just hang out with her maybe? gives more sustenance to the plot than her just going home lmao but if she did go home it’s possible this mishap is a conversation starter when they meet again someplace else! 3) your muse could also just be really nice to alison and their encounters start to blur the lines between business, a casual relationship, and something romantic. in any case, they spend a lot of time with each other, so they get to know each other real well. again, can be romantic or no strings attached, though the latter will probably be difficult for alison in the long run. 4) your muse and alison regularly hang out and chat in exchange for payment or gifts; why your muse decides to pay for company is up to you. this plot has potential for a very pure sugar baby relationship, no sex needed. 5) tries to be a savior and financially supports alison so she doesn’t have to do sex work anymore, or at the very least, allow her more of a means to find her footing so that she can decide where she wants to take her life.            these are just some ideas, but you’re never limited to them. a client/sex worker relationship doesn’t have to be a bad experience for either muses, and the basic idea i’m getting at is that the dynamic can be sexual or just your muse looking for company and some affection in exchange for money or some other gift. there’s definite possibility for platonic relations here since sugaring isn’t always sexual. whether or not grant is still in the picture can also impact this plot idea and change it radically too, so more options for you if you’d like!
          is in need of a fake date/girlfriend. this can be a one time thing or a regular thing. to add onto this — if it’s a regular thing, a “breaking up” plot when alison decides to move on from being a sex worker is a possibility, and your muse can either handle this really well and support her decision to pursue something else, or they can freak out and things turn toxic because they become unhealthily attached and possessive of her. 
         attended the same university as alison and notices a few things. post-high school verse does include a short period in time in which alison is a university student, so it’s possible for your muse to have befriended her in a class, and as such, they might notice that she stops coming to class suddenly. they can then run into her a while later and asks her about it, or they can actually find out what kind of work she’s been doing somehow while attending school despite alison telling your muse she does something else. 
          talks a lot of shit about alison and spreads nasty rumors about her while she’s still enrolled in college, which kind of helps her find more clients but also just really negatively affects her image too ( and she confronts your muse about it )
          high school verse plots ( trigger warnings may be applicable ) — high school verse holds the bulk of alison’s interactions with cedric and nate. this verse also has a lot of triggering details since quite frankly, cedric and nate are actually terrible people. heavy plots containing serious matters can come from this verse, but lighthearted school plots can also come from this verse! below are some some ideas in which your muse: 
 knows about how much of a asshole cedric is being to alison and tries to convince her to break up with him.
 knows that nate is harassing/blackmailing alison and gets involved somehow.
protects alison during high school because bullies just love to pick on her for no reason, so they become her protector of sorts. 
is one of alison’s bullies. can either run with the drama and use that to make life even more difficult for alison, or they can have a change of heart where they realize how much nate and cedric fucked over alison.
is one of alison’s close friends in high school; can be a classmate, an upperclassman, an underclassman, someone she only sees during clubs or at lunch.
is a teacher alison learns to trust and really confide in, especially when it comes to her life at home, her relationships, or her assault. can extend this plot idea out to older muses in general who alison may learn to trust!!
has a crush on alison uwu she may be dating cedric canonically, but we can work something out. it’s not like cedric was faithful to alison anyway—
          royalty/aristocrat verse plots — alison does have a royalty verse with very, very, basic information fleshed out, but i’m not super attached to what’s written in her royalty verse. i mostly enjoy writing royalty threads with alison due to how regal she is in her mannerisms, so i really like writing her as someone with royalty status uwu. this sentiment can extend to plots where alison is some sort of aristocrat as well, but a rags to riches story ( or vice versa ) is also fun since that’s kind of what happens to alison and her family anyway in canon. so please consider plots in which your muse: 
has a forbidden relationship with princess alison and the two of you have to keep it a secret and work through whether your relationship will last or not ( bodyguard/princess; princess/princess; princess/prince who isn’t the one she’s arranged with; princess/commoner )
is arranged to marry princess alison but she’s so anti-arranged marriage that she doesn’t even want to look at you let alone talk to you ( or the reverse — your muse just refuses to acknowledge alison )
holds the princess hostage for ransom ( could be money, could be something revolutionary like wanting the royal family to change laws to benefit the people )
helps alison conceive a child. as much as alison wants to have a child, conceiving a child can be incredibly difficult even under the best conditions, and with how much weight is put on a woman for conceiving the next heir, stress can make it even more difficult to conceive. so :eyes: how your muse helps her is up for discussion.
          other verse/au/wishlist plots — in addition to royalty verse, alison also has an alternate verse, a werewolf verse ( note: this isn’t an abo/omegaverse setting even though i do draw elements from this verse ), and a spy verse. the wishlist tag is also another option if anything strikes your fancy!
alternate verse — this is a very general verse that essentially captures interactions in which the canon events of alison’s high school and post high school events do not happen. additionally, alternate verse alison was raised differently from canon alison such that she was not socialized to uphold traditional feminine gender roles. in other words, she was not discouraged from acting more tomboyish as a kid, and she was not raised in a strict environment that forced her to act a certain way and as such, alison’s trajectory in life is very different. alternate alison is more aggressive, more forward, and she can be a bit of a misandrist. she tends to be more social than canon alison in the sense that she’ll go clubbing, partying, and barhopping more readily, and her career path is a little less developed ( re: she’s not tied down to a fashion job and can take on all sorts of work depending on what makes sense for a thread ). 
werewolf verse — a post explaining the basics of this verse can be found here! alison’s in this verse is a blend of canon and alternate alison in how she acts. because she was raised without a pack for most of her life, her only family being her brother, emile, alison learned to carry herself like an alpha even though she’s an omega, which leads to a lot of problems when she meets other, actual alphas who try to hit on her or take control. this is where alternate alison’s aggression can come in. on the contrary, canon alison’s maternal instinct and affectionate nature becomes apparent whenever werewolf alison decides to eventual settle with a serious partner, whether that be another werewolf she’s bonded with ( up to mun’s decision whether bonding is a thing in our thread ), or someone else she loves.            i’d like to re-emphasize that this is not a true omegaverse even though i do categorize muses as alphas, omegas, or betas, mention bonding between werewolves, nesting, heat/rut, and the use of suppressants to control the severity of heat. the description of these topics, however, are very tame as the focus of this verse is not unhealthy power imbalances or plotless smut. this verse exists bc werewolves are cool, and also because the idea of bonding between partners is where i find the most interest since true bonding really embodies the “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death” sentiment in marriage vows except even to a more serious degree. so yeah — werewolves. have your werewolf meet mine. she can take care of yours or you know, keep them company. 
spy verse — also known as handler and hound verse on this blog due to reasons. this is essentially an espionage verse in which alison is a rather high ranking field agent. she’s older in this verse than in canon ( 31 vs. 24, though her age in spy verse can vary depending on plot ), and is technically engaged to her agency assigned partner. this verse opens up the opportunity for morally grey muses to interact with her. the best way to learn more about this verse is to read this link which should outline all the details you should know about this verse’s setting, this link for a tl;dr ( not recommended ) and look through the verse tag for aesthetics and answered asks set in this verse!
          miscellaneous plots — these are plots that don’t fall into a defined category for whatever reason ( mostly because they aren’t developed yet ) but i’d still love to explore them <3
future plot — i think about this a lot because i have such an immense love for alison, but i’ve headcanoned that once alison is older, she becomes a very big advocate for sex workers those who have been in domestically abusive relationships with a romantic partner. it takes her years to find the courage to share her story, but after years of volunteering at women’s shelters and doing charity work, she eventually finds her calling to take things a bit further. it’s possible your muse encounters alison during her volunteer work or while she’s a guest speaker sharing her story at some event. really though, i think it’d be interesting for muses to interact with alison when she’s a lot older since she’d have so much time at this point to process her trauma and, hopefully, seek the help she needs. 
angel  plot — alison is an angel and is very much one to stick by the rules and be good. a big contrast to leah’s angel verse in which leah is childish and does whatever the fuck she wants. angel alison is more experienced and is regarded as a good angel, but her curiosity about romantic love might get her into trouble. 
childhood plot — alison is a tomboy who kicks ass; the older she is, the more feminine she’ll be ( unless it’s alternate alison, in which she only gets more aggressive ); your muse is an older muse or a fellow child who interacts with her ( male child muses beware! she’ll make you eat dirt if you aren’t nice to her or emile! )
single mother plot — this would straight up be a self-indulgent plot for me to be able to play alison as a mother. she absolutely adores kids, and while the circumstances in which she has a kid in this plot wouldn’t be ideal, she’d love her kid with all her heart, and this would allow your muse to help her raise her child, try for a romantic relationship with her, or maybe they’re the other parent??? just tossing thoughts around, i just really love alison as a mom :weep:
          now that you’ve made it to the end of the guide, please read this important note about alison before interacting with her!
         tl;dr — please respect my muse and don’t force scenarios that would not make sense for her to be in on me. she’s a fairly flexible muse, but i will not ignore specific, canon, character traits just to make a plot work. i’m open to discussions regarding how to make an idea work ( which includes perhaps using one of alison’s other verses ), but please don’t assume. also read her character bio — this is a must ( trigger warnings are included ).
          like i’ve said before, alison is a very complex muse. i’d like to think she’s a fairly flexible muse but with some limitations as a result of her experiences. if you’ve read alison’s biography ( which you should have, and in fact, i expect you to since it’s very crucial to her as a muse ), you’d know she has been through a lot of traumatic events. as such, she has developed certain mannerisms, tendencies, and thought processes as a result of what she has been through. these behaviors, such as being very wary of men when she’s alone with them in a setting that goes beyond a normal, casual interaction ( e.g. a man ringing her up at a cash register at a store ), are engrained in her character, and it takes a lot of time and trust building for her to change any behavioral patterns she may have.
        i say this to preface the fact that if you have any plot ideas you’d like to share with me, please take into consideration whether it makes sense for alison in her canon verse if that’s the verse you’re interested in. canon alison, in short, is not the type to form casual, sexual relationships. if this is what you’re looking for, look elsewhere. there are exceptions to this, but these exceptions have involved a lot of plotting to make it work and make sense. i could say more on the matter, but for now, i’ll just say that alison behaves very different depending on what period of life she is in. as such, canon/main verse alison behaves differently than post-high school alison, who behaves differently than high school alison. alternate, werewolf, and spy verse alison behaves even more radically different than the former three. so you certainly have options if you’re really interested in a specific plot for alison! i’m very open to ideas, but i ask that you also respect my muse and what she’s been through as well since i’ve worked hard on her backstory. 
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redgrve · 5 years
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⌠ FROY GUTIERREZ, 21, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, LOUIS REDGRAVE! according to their records, they’re a FOURTH year, specializing in ADVANCED ENCRYPTION & RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (cleanly pressed cotton shirts, a collection of colorful flash drives, nervous laughter behind a friendly smile). when it’s the pisces’ birthday on 2/12/98, they always request their RAMEN from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kati, 23, she/her, est ⍀   
hi, welcome my second child to the world i dropped another rp so i’d have more time for this one and could play louis so...just know that i rly love you all ! i wrote a shitty bio that i rly hate so i won’t link it but i’m sure if you dug around his page you could find it. anyways, here i am with another chaotic bisexual. hmu here or on discord (kati#7600) to plot. deets under the cut.
his mom had some health issues that they believed would keep her from having kids, steel magnolias style, but she did wind up having him & surviving :) but he was born with a handful of health problems, diabetes, celiac, and some sensory issues (relating to temperature, they don’t really affect his life except he needs to actively check the weather bc he doesn’t really feel the temperature out, especially cold) 
grew up w his mom in pochatoula, la – he believed his dad was in the military overseas, that was what his mom said to him and everyone ! 
his mother dies during a natural disaster when he’s eight and everyone thinks that oh, they’ll deploy his dad and everything’ll be fine, he’ll be taken care of?? but no record of his dad exists, no one can find him. he’s a mystery for all intents and purposes.
so, he’s shuffled into the foster care system and lives with a lot of families, some good, some bad. prospects of adoption aren’t good for a sickly eight year old, so he’s in the system until he’s 18. 
dives into learning, reading, other things that make him feel less alone. he creates his own homes without people within stories, reads a lot of books! essentially he’s really smart and a fast learner, loves logic games and puzzles, really good at math.
on the cusp of graduating high school, his dad returns. an expected plot twist here is that his dad was a spy, spent a long time under cover and doing reconnaissance, was so hurt by his mom’s death that he buried himself in his work. he was unable to contact louis, but he comes back trying to reconnect and make up for lost time. it’s a weird feeling, because it’s what he’s always wanted, but his dad is like a stranger, not a father. 
his dad’s recommendation gets him into the elusive and highly sought after blackthorne. cue up more trauma because we all know that school is a fucking shitshow. louis really doesn’t fit in there even though he tries twice as hard as everyone else, really trying to impress his dad and fit in, but he doesn’t have the instinct or the inclination. it makes more sense for him to be on the sidelines than on the field with his waxing and waning health, and honestly, he was probably only there because of his dad’s prestige. when a man spends years as a POW...you let his son go to the damn school. louis probably didn’t have many friends, didn’t have a lot of people that took him seriously.
loves gallagher!! finally he can pursue the aspects of spying that he’s really passionate about, fascinated by, and interested in. he’s really hurt by the hostility of some of the girls because he likes the school and is excited to be here :)
really excited, passionate puppy. loves learning new things. huge nerd!
he’s a bit goofy, loves cheesy jokes and is known to ramble a lot. 
interested in logic puzzles, chess, reading, comic books, etc. not at all interested in the outdoors, loud noises, fighting, literally anything scary
is easily scared by things, has a handful of phobias. sleeps with a night light :) 
because he’s often sick, he’s really conscious of germs and cleanliness (the irony). he likes things in order and he likes things neat. 
hufflepuff as fuck thanks have a nice day
best friend ! you know, the og. someone that he would’ve gotten on really well with, probably into comics and games as well, and the two just goof around and really encourage each other.
opposites attract ! someone who’s going to really push louis out of his shell and into the great outdoors, and maybe if they’re a little wild, louis is rational and makes them do their homework and stuff. 
protector ! someone who really looks out for louis, maybe stood up for him a handful of times when he was bullied at blackthorne. it’d be even more interesting if the two of them weren’t really friends. 
bully ?! someone who bullied louis, probably at blackthorne. maybe they meant well, they were pushing him and took it too far, or thought it was bullshit that louis was at the school ‘not trying’ while everyone else was working so hard. 
an almost ? louis lived all over the usa so maybe they were getting close, almost dated before he got moved to a different home.
pen pals ! on that same vein, someone who louis wrote to really frequently throughout his life as he moved all over :) sweet. 
also down to compare backgrounds, talk about how they could’ve gotten along in the place. louis has lived all over the united states in different homes, so it’s possible he could have a connection to your muse prior. 
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NAME :  Ellie NICKNAME : Els, el FACECLAIM :   I don’t??? really have one but when i do use mun icons it’s always outrageously ridiculous cat memes. PRONOUNS :   They/them! HEIGHT : 5′0 BIRTHDAY :  March 29th, 1999. We an Aries baby AESTHETIC :  Dark rolling thunder storms, gothic mansions and decor, historical ANYTHING, muted colors, a strong, cello heavy score, candle light, silk, the company of the congregation at the synagogue, any of the scenes in poldark where they go and walk through a field in the sun. LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :   Wax and Wane, by Alana Henderson. FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN :  Gosh. For this account? Definitely any of my Chinese history muses or Dracula. That’s what we’re all here for. But of all time, it’d be dracula and then Huan over at @nobleconsort
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE :  WELL SO. I had another multimuse for some dragon age ocs/canons but i really...... wanted to do something more history based. History is something i love and adore, I’d rank it right up there with medicine in terms of subjects I am enthralled with. Qing Dynasty history is something I’m extremely interested in and i wanted to bring it over to the table, you know? Bc besides me, the Zhen Huan/qing dynasty rp peeps doN’T EXIST. And I love Qianlong. And then all the other muses just floated in after, muses i adored and wanted to bring to life.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : i like having a multimuse because i can have a VARIETY of aspects. I can get soft men with Pierre and Jonathan and hard men with Perchik and Burr. I can get happy women with Mina or Longyue or women with the weight of the world on their shoulders with Qingying and Yeonhwa. I can just have it all and no one could argue with me about it.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING :  the people around me!!!! I often find myself being warmed and comforted by my dash and my mutuals, they always brighten my day and honestly? Sometimes i need that <3 But i also take a huge sort of inspiration from... source material? For example, if I watch Legend of Zhen Huan or Legend of Ruyi or Story of Yanxi Palace, Scarlet heart etc, i can get muse for all of my muses in that. If I watch M*A*S*H, then I get muse for Hawkeye. Music also works wonders. The Great Comet gives me muse for Pierre, etc.
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS :  My favorite types of threads are either like.... quick banter type threads or long, multi paragraph threads. I have no in between/
TAGGED BY : no one but i stole it from @theharellan
TAGGING:  @dcarhcarts, @librarychosen, @wcstenra, @zkljns, @fangedpeace, @intothewildsea, @challengeborne, @polysemus, @songbird-not-found, @aclastra, @grvntcd, @epochalisms And viewers like you!
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lcvemoon-blog · 6 years
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< byun jungha, cisfem, she/her, 24 > welcome to the witching community of chicago, FLORENCE KYO ! you’re a LUNAR WITCH right ? some of the locals around here have described you as being MOODY and POSSESSIVE, but others have said you’re CAPTIVATING and VIVACIOUS. i guess i’ll have to see for myself. now, being a type of witch, i hear you excel at LOVE MAGIC. the chicago witching community prides itself on having skilled witches so make sure to keep practicing !
good evening lovely people !! i’m bee and this here is my witchy babe florence !! i’m sosososo excited to be here <3 pls give this a like if you wanna plot and i’ll shoot you a message ( or you can shoot me one. on here or on discord @ big uwu energy#2323 ). anyways, here’s my girl !!
name : florence selene kyo
florence, of latin origin, meaning flourishing or blossoming.
selene, of greek origin, meaning moon goddess.
kyo, of korean origin, meaning cooperation.
date of birth: 
july 2nd, 1994
sun in cancer
moon in aries
ascendant in pisces
florence is a born and raised chicago native, born to immigrant parents
comes from a long line of lunar witches on her fathers side that dates back hundreds of years
the tradition was always that a kyo must have children until a lunar witch is born into the family, so as to carry on the magical legacy.
for five generations, the kyo line was nothing but boys
florence was the first daughter to be born into the kyo family in almost two hundred years, and she just happened to carry the magical gene.
from a very early age, florence was educated in the ways of lunar witchcraft by her father and grandfather. 
her fam never rly got involved w/ witch society and preferred to keep to themselves. they would occasionally work w/ other lunar witches if they needed help super badly but hundreds of years of magic running in your veins can make one quite proud and unwilling to ask anything of others.
she was a horrible student lmao. always very off in her own world and totally uninterested in the stuffy and rigid ( how ironic given how much of a flaky muse the moon can be ) Kyo Brand(tm) moon magic.
defs the kind of girl to forget it’s the full moon and be like oh shit and chuck all her crystals onto her windowsill to charge nd then just dip out to go soak in a milk and rose petal bath
she does have a rly deep appreciation for the Old Ways of lunar magic, as boring as they were to learn about
it was all a very good foundation for honing the craft and making it her own, which was all she was truly concerned abt
as u can probably tell, flo likes to march to the beat of her own drum
she found a passion for love magic very young, and has always been very in love with the idea of loving somebody
she still fondly remembers her first love spell !! it Did Not Work but it wasn’t for lack of trying, it was just because she was like seven and rly had no business making all the neighbourhood boys fall in love with her
as she got older and got more into love magic it kinda .... ruined her own perception of love ??
just knowing how easy it would be to whip up a love spell nd have whoever you want made the whole idea of it less appealing. for all she knew, every great love in the world could be an inorganic product of magic and that made her Quite Upset
but love in general is very self-sacrificing which is quite the opposite of her and conflicts w/ who she is as a person so it rly isnt that much of a loss. sis isn’t interested in tying herself down anyways.
but she hasn’t stopped doing love magic
she mostly does generic love spells. like rekindle the flame in your relationship or call a new lover from the void type stuff.
one of her fave ways of channeling magic is through charms. she’s pretty crafty and sells a lot of jewelry spells.
for the right price she can do some more mind-screwy manipulation junk, and she definitely isn’t above it, but as a general rule of thumb prefers not to force a love that isn’t already starting itself
always wears a moonstone necklace bc she’s extra
also fucks pretty hard with selenite
only wets her beauty blender using water that has been charged under the full moon
the Moodiest lady alive, because not only is she spiritually connected to the moon which comes w/ it’s own emotional issues ( empath alert ), but she’s also a cancer
( yes she believes in astrology. let her live. )
she can go from being incredibly upbeat and lively one moment to feeling completely distraught and despondent for no reason
the feelings of others around her have a particularly intense effect on her. she’s working on controlling this a little more bc it’s annoying as hell when u feel like all ur feelings are someone else’s and not ur own
a defensive and jealous woman for sure. doesn’t rly tend to get close to people other than family bc she was basically raised to be asocial, but when she does she’s that friend who is Great most of the time but gets kinda pissy if you hang out w/ someone who isn’t her
and then denies it and gets passive aggressive lol
i swear her personality has good aspects
yes high empathy sucks sometimes but it’s also rly helpful when u wanna relate to people !! and it’s helped her come out of her shell some and start working towards being a people person
quite lively
loves running through fields barefoot and doing cartwheels and all that jazz
but just like the moon she wanes and waxes ( as all ppl do !! ) and has her good and bad days
please love her !!
that’s all for now folks. thanks for reading this ridiculously long mess :)))
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livingforaliving · 3 years
Moonlit musings, love for strangers and hairy tom yum soup.
I found a short, straight, black hair entangled in a prawn I was peeling out of the tom-yum-esque soup I made for lunch today. (It was not my hair, and fortunately hair doesn’t gross me out in the least). It is a peculiar thing to realize that whoever that person is, part of them was actually boiled into the broth that I consumed for lunch. Have I consumed a homeopathic essence of someone else? What a very intimate thing! 
Who are they? What are their hopes? Their dreams? Do they feel loved and happy with their family and friends? The origin of these prawns is India and the facility from which they came has certification for environmental and social responsibility. I wonder if that means much for the person that handled the prawn I just ate. I hope that on the whole, they’re happy and content in their life. 
Now that I feel like I share some connection to this person, can they feel the random warmth of cross-continental goodwill that is being beamed from some random Canadian who lives in yesterday?
I feel like there is probably an obscure German word for the feeling of being overcome by awe and love for the existence of a complete stranger. It's kind of like an existential steering wheel wave to an oncoming vehicle on a remote road where no one else really travels. Like a sort of energetic ‘I see 
you. Look at us both sharing an experience!  I acknowledge and salute your existence and experiences on the planet’, while continuing to drive to our own destinations. I often feel this love for humans that I will never meet or know. Like you! You are some random human living your own life with your own hopes and dreams and plans for lunch/dinner and you’re reading the random musings of some gal in BC watching the October sunset from her tiny home vista. I hope that this full moon has found you mostly, if not completely happy! I delight and marvel in the interconnectivity of our world. The air we all share. The sun and moon that shine, just as they always have, upon us all without exception. They shone upon the hopes and dreams, prayers and laughter of those long before us, and will continue to do so long after we’re gone. When I bask in the glow of a full moon, I wonder who else is also looking up in wonder. When available, I send out love to those who look up in desperation and despair. When I am in a spot of hopelessness myself, I look up and remember that my story is a small story of a whole, and both will continue to march on as the moon waxes and wanes and the seasons change. 
I hope the full moon that is now setting over India is shining upon the joy of the human whose hair I had in my soup. Tonight I will beam up a message of beautiful thoughts and wishes to them via this  moon we share, and maybe, just maybe they’ll look up to the sky to retrieve their message.
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