#basically yjh vs lsk is a shoutout to that time your mom looked over your shoulder to ask what you were reading
your--isgayrights · 1 year
another thing lsk does is consistently take away kdj's choice: declaring herself the murderer, writing the book, and then she literally locked him up and went off to kill the person that matters to him the most, like ma'am you had all that time in prison to reflect and you did jack with it. the nerve she had to not only be jealous of yjh but Hate him for?? being there for her son when she refused to??? i shudder to think what would've happened to kdj if she actually killed yjh
See this is what I'm saying though, LSK represents an aspect of narrative sense/reality that influences ORV as a work. The sense of "this is the way things have to be" which strips agency from the characters of a story. This aspect of fiction is then equated with "reality," LSK is both KDJ's real mother that connects him to his life before TWSA and a representation of Korean literature's ancien regime. It's significant that she's put opposite to YJH, whose story is one that appeals solely to Kim Dokja despite in all likelihood lacking any substantial literary merit. Webnovels that are unrealistic, too far out there, way too silly to be "real." Her need to assert "reality" over KDJ's affection for YJH stems from the fact that LSK has consistently used "reality" as the rationale behind the decisions she made that have hurt her son. But the thesis of ORV is then blurring the line between the real and the absurd, it's fanfiction about historical literature, it's a gritty apocalypse novel with an OP self-insert protagonist, it's a loser with no friends in real life being loved by fictional people as much as he loves fiction. Thus, I feel that in ORV's metanarrative the conflict between YJH and LSK represents the clashing literary worlds of time held classics and modern webnovels that may have each raised a reader in their own way.
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