#bar pinotxo
eataku · 1 year
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I was saddened to hear of the passing of Juanito Bayén of Bar Pinotxo in La Boqueria market in Barcelona.
We did not know Juanito well, nor did he know us, but we visited him on every trip we made to Barcelona, usually on the first day, making it a point to wait and sit in front of him. His smile, warmth and kindness instantly put us at ease and raised our jetlagged spirits, making us feel at home in the city we came to love. And then there was his food, always incredible!
We're planning to visit Barcelona again soon, but now the market, and the city, will feel just a tad colder without Juanito there to welcome us.
Rest in peace.
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Coming soon on the blog: how you can make Jordi’s Saturday Egg from Bar Pinotxo in La Boqueria in Barcelona!
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pinkhorrorshow · 5 years
hey Frances! can you recommend good restaurants in Barcelona? if it's not too much to ask can you include must see sights and shopping places also? :) your Paris recommendations were super helpful, tried out a few restaurants you recommended and we loved it all!
El Nacional, Cerveceria Catalana, Bar La Plata, Quimet Quimet, Patisserie Hofmann (for a glazed croissant), La Boqueria of course and inside I loved Bar Pinotxo, Irati Taverna Basca, Miro Foundation, Sagrada Familia (get tix online several days before), any of the Gaudi museums. I was super underwhelmed by Park Güell. I’m definitely forgetting some places..Did shopping mainly along Passeig de Gracia bc that’s where all the upscale stores are..kind of like 5th ave in NYC. There are some cute boutiques in El Born area which you should def check out.
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arievrahman · 4 years
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Pokoknya mau diaturin trip yang feel like a local, request kak @farahdilla86 & kak @melatisetyorini pada @whatravel untuk rencana private & research tripnya ke Spain & Portugal bulan lalu. Untuk private trip, your wish is my command, so gimana kalau kita jalan-jalan like a local di Barcelona, blusukan di pasar, makan di tapas bar yang ada di tengah pasar, sambil pindah-pindah lokasi pakai local transportation? Salah satu yang kami datangi kemarin, adalah El Pinotxo Bar, yang ada di La Boqueria Market, tapas bar kepagian yang sudah buka mulai pukul sembilan pagi. Salah satu tapas bar legendaris yang masuk daftar sebagai one of the best tapas bars in Barcelona ini mulai beroperasi sejak tahun 1952 dengan Pak Tua Juanito sebagai icon legendaris yang juga ownernya, yang masih menyajikan langsung pesanan konsumen dengan tangannya sendiri, juga bahasa Inggris yang pas-pasan. Sayangnya hari itu masih pagi, sehingga kami hanya pesan Tortilla de Patata (dadar kentang) dan minum susu cokelat panas. Coba kalau sudah malam, kami pasti pesan minumnya susu jahe. Is it okay if we order tortilla de patata for sharing? Gue bertanya pada salah satu pelayan di sana, yang masih muda, yang fasih berbahasa Inggris, dan jawabannya sungguh menghangatkan pagi hari kami di Barcelona. It’s okay, because happiness is made for sharing. (at El Pinotxo Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XipJ5J20J/?igshid=rekxe2pavtzs
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cb-realestate · 4 years
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Do you know this typical Catalan food? "Calamarcets 🐙 amb Mongetes de Sant Pau" at Pinotxo bar of the Boqueria Market always has a lot of activity, the authentic market cuisine dishes parade at a frenetic pace: capipota, callos, gambas 🦐 de Palamós, costillitas de cabrito rebozadas, esqueixada, croquetas, garbanzos con butifarra negra, croissants..... Are you going to miss it? (en El Pinotxo Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7rCn_voONJ/?igshid=1rxrgfc8wocy2
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veinsgardunya · 9 years
URBANISMEBARCELONA - 25 març 2015 0.00 h
La Gardunya deixa de ser el pati del darrere de la Boqueria Trias estrena la nova plaça situada a la banda posterior del mercat, que hi tindrà un nou accés La remodelació de l'espai es completarà amb dos blocs de pisos i l'Escola Massana, de la qual ahir es va posar la primera pedra
Una imatge virtual de com serà el futur edifici de l'Escola Massana. JOSEP LOSADA / EL PUNT AVUI.
La nova plaça de la Gardunya , ahir. JOSEP LOSADA / EL PUNT AVUI.
El solar que queda a la banda mar de la plaça de la Gardunya, on anirà l'Escola Massana. JOSEP LOSADA / EL PUNT AVUI.
Una imatge virtual de com serà el futur edifici de l'Escola Massana. JOSEP LOSADA / EL PUNT AVUI.
La nova plaça de la Gardunya , ahir. JOSEP LOSADA / EL PUNT AVUI.
Que la plaça de la Gardunya ha estat el pati del darrere de la Boqueria des que l'espai es va incorporar al mercat després de l'enderroc parcial, el 1868, del monestir de Jerusalem –del que formava part–, ho testimonia el seu mateix nom. Gardunya, mot que el diccionari de l'IEC no recull, significa, segons l'Alcover-Moll, “mala gent; persona o persones que van amb traïdoria i procurant enganyar”. Ahir, després d'anys d'obres, el consistori va reobrir la plaça, on uns nous porxos serviran de segon accés principal al mercat –a banda del de la Rambla–, i va donar el tret de sortida al que ha de ser la joia de la corona del renovat espai: el nou edifici en què s'emplaçarà l'Escola Massana, que hauria d'estar acabat a finals de l'any vinent.
La reforma d'aquest àmbit de prop de 4.200 m² ja es va plantejar amb la recuperació de l'Ajuntament democràtic. El primer projecte el va encarregar el llavors delegat d'Urbanisme, Oriol Bohigas, en l'època de l'alcalde Narcís Serra. Des d'aquell moment, els plans s'han succeït. L'any 2009, el govern de Jordi Hereu va aprovar una remodelació dissenyada per l'estudi de l'arquitecta Carme Pinós, i va iniciar la primera fase, la de fer subterrani l'aparcament que, des dels anys 60, havia esdevingut l'espai. Però la reforma va quedar estancada a principis de l'actual mandat per falta de pressupost i perquè el nou executiu de Xavier Trias volia replantejar-se el projecte. Tot, menys el pàrquing, que ja estava començat, i que es va completar el setembre del 2013, després dels retards de rigor per l'aparició de restes arqueològiques, indestriables de qualsevol intervenció al centre de la ciutat.
Mesos abans, un acord amb el PP havia desencallat la urbanització de la plaça i l'obra dels nous porxos posteriors del mercat, que guanya així 1.000 m² on s'instal·laran noves parades. Les obres de la superfície van començar el maig de l'any passat. I, ahir, Trias va inaugurar l'espai, acompanyat del tinent d'alcalde d'Hàbitat Urbà, Antoni Vives, i els regidors d'Educació, Gerard Ardanuy, i de Ciutat Vella, Mercè Homs.
Resta rematar la porxada del mercat, però la plaça està llesta, com la reforma de l'adjacent carrer Jerusalem. Tot plegat ha costat 5,1 milions d'euros, que cal sumar als 24,5 invertits abans en l'aparcament, que, a més de 442 places d'ús per al públic general, en reserva 77 més per a la càrrega i descàrrega dels paradistes.
Amb l'acte d'ahir també s'escenificava l'inici de la construcció del nou edifici destinat al centre municipal d'art i disseny Escola Massana, que des de la seva inauguració, el 1929, sempre ha ocupat part de l'antic hospital de la Santa Creu. La nova escola, també obra de l'estudi de Pinós, tindrà 11.000 m² distribuïts en planta baixa, cinc pisos i una planta subterrània. El pressupost és de 14 milions d'euros. Quedaran encara dues peces més per encaixar, a la banda nord de la plaça. Una promoció d'habitatge protegit que impulsa l'Ajuntament en col·laboració amb la FAVB –que els gestionarà en dret de superfície durant 75 anys– i que està previst que comenci a aixecar-se a finals d'any. I un altre bloc de pisos, d'impuls privat, per ara sense calendari.
Ahir, al final de l'acte oficial, es va acostar el Juanito del bar Pinotxo, clàssic inevitable del mercat, per saludar l'alcalde. “Ara comença a anar bé la Boqueria! Ara la Boqueria té cap i peus!”, va exclamar, en referència als dos accessos que tindrà a partir d'ara. No tan content estava el veí que, des d'un balcó al costat del solar de l'escola, va escridassar la comitiva municipal mentre Trias col·locava la primera pedra de l'obra. “Els veïns no importen! Cinc anys d'obres i de soroll i l'alcalde no ha aparegut mai!”, va clamar, i els estudiants de la Massana presents en l'acte el van aplaudir. Després, l'home va baixar a parlar amb Trias. “Està emprenyat pel soroll, i deu tenir raó”, comentava després l'alcalde als seus col·laboradors. Ningú li estalviarà l'any i mig més d'obres que li queden a tocar de casa.
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joantubau · 7 years
Guia desordenada de Barcelona
Els sostres alts de l'Eixample. La ganiveteria de la plaça del Pi. Els mercats de barri. La Central (a la Capella de la Misericòrdia) i la Laie. Qualsevol llibreria d'esquerres una mica desordenada. El W de dia. La torre Agbar de nit. Els poemes visuals de Joan Brossa. Els jardins de Joan Maragall. Un balcó al carrer del Rec. La façana de la Casa Batlló el dia de Sant Jordi. Llegir un llibre d’Eduardo Mendoza a l'espigó del Bogatell. La plaça de la Concòrdia. Major de Sarrià. La plaça del Sol. Els petits pobles de la ciutat. El graffiti de Keith Haring (We Can All Together Stop AIDS). La Barcelona pre-olímpica. La cerimònia inaugural de La Fura. I la clausura de Comediants. El Cobi i la Petra. El peix de Frank Ghery. I l’antena de Calatrava. (Haters gonna hate.) La Torre de Collserola. Des del carrer Calatrava. El Sagrat Cor. Des del carrer Saragossa. I l'edifici de Gas Natural. Des del Passeig de Circumval·lació. Al capvespre. Un dia plujós. De setembre. Les vies del tren. Des del carrer Pallars. Les xemeneies del Poblenou. La coberta de Santa Caterina. La Fundació Miró. La biblioteca de Sant Antoni. El Pla Cerdà. El Porcioles. La zona alta. Edifici Trade de Coderch. ¿La modernitat? Ser modern passats 50 anys. El campus urbà de la UPF. El Dipòsit de les Aigües. La terrassa de l’Ikibana. La Pedrera i la rèplica (en argot taurí) de Toyo Ito. Els mobles de la Pedrera. El Castell dels Tres Dragons i el Col·legi de les Teresianes. La Casa Vicens, la Casa Serra i la papallona de la Casa Fajol. La Casa de les Punxes. Els bancs-fanals del Passeig de Gràcia. I les rajoles. Els antics pavellons de Sant Pau. Casa Lleó Morera. Casa Golferichs. Casa Garriga i Nogués. Casa Llopis Bofill—amb els esgrafiats de Jujol. El signalling burgès i la competició que ens fa millors. L'steak del Conesa i les ostres del Tickets. El renkon (rizoma de lotus) del Wakasa. El menú de migdia (només barra) de l'Abasolo Etxea. Tots els restaurants del Paral·lel amb influències dels Adrià. Les històries del Pep Manuvens. El Pinotxo i el seu somriure infinit. El bar Calders. (Alegria, que és festa major.) El Bankers, el Gin Fizz (fermé) y l'Ascensor. Nasty o qualsevol garito de Gràcia. El Foix. El suís del Petrixol i el pastís de formatge de la Granja Viader. La burgesia catalana. I el que en queda d'ella. A l'Ateneu i a l’Orfeó Català. La porta dels lectors. El Liceu i la proposta de Frederic Amat. Els ascensors de principis del XX. L'estació de França. El call jueu. El passatge de les Manufactures. Un cafè a la plaça de Sant Felip Neri. Les Rambles de lluny. El patí dels tarongers. Les derrotes del meu país. I que encara seguim aquí. Una exposició al Palau Robert. La sala dels miralls del Tibidabo. Fútbol de carrer al CEM de la Ciutadella. (Era anunci per Ney.) Els frankurts del Camp Nou. El 5 a 0. Laporta al Via Veneto. Quan érem immortals. La Monumental. 6 toros per José Tomàs. Les piscines de Montjuïc, el cinema a la fresca i les vistes del port. La plaça de la Mercè i Santa Maria del Mar. Els escacs a Rubió i Lluch. Els carrers mal il·luminats. Casa de barrets Mil. (Abans que hi obrin un Bershka.) El Romea i el Mendizábal. Els marxistes de la Facultat de Geografia i Història. Enriqueta Martí, Joan Clos i Carlinhos Brown. La plaça de Sant Agustí Vell. Vermut i banderilles. L’escalinata de la plaça del Rei. El retaule de l’Epifania. El patis medievals. La girafa coqueta de Granyer. El Cap de Ray Lichtenstein. L’estàtua de l’arcàngel al CCCB. La Carmela de Plensa. La majestuosa façana del Palau de la Música. La cançó popular de Blay. L'ou com balla i les oques de la Catedral. L’antic Museu de la Ciència. El laberint d'Horta. El gat del Botero. (Qui pogués tornar a tenir 5 anys!) El mes d'agost i la llet merengada. El MNAC i el bar del MNAC. El MACBA i la botiga del MACBA. El Grec. El mural de Sol LeWitt i l’arbre d’Arata Isozaki. El Pavelló alemany de Mies van der Rohe. Oteiza, Chillida i Maillol. La bústia de la tortuga i les orenetes. El museu Marés. El petó, mosaic de Fontcuberta. El Texas, en versió original. Sopar al Kibuka i un gelat a la plaça de la Revolució. Ella. Una nit d’estiu a la ciutat.
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Our first proper meal in Barcelona: a late breakfast at El Pinotxo. We had chickpeas with morcilla (a specialty of theirs), baby squid with beans, gently preserved sardines, and fried lamb ribs. 
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vittlemonster · 7 years
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Oysters – Pinotxo Bar Each €3.50 Pinotxo Bar, Barcelona SPAIN These oysters weren't my favorite. They were on the large side, and they weren't very cold.
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tintuctonghop361 · 6 years
9 khu chợ nổi tiếng khắp thế giới
1.Chợ cá Tsukiji, Tokyo
Chợ cá Tsukiji của Tokyo là thị trường cá lớn nhất thế giới. Trung tâm của chợ là khu vực bán buôn và chế biến cá, nơi mà mỗi buổi sáng lúc 5 giờ sáng, cuộc đấu giá cá ngừ nổi tiếng lại diễn ra. Tại đây, bạn dễ dàng mua được hải sải tươi sống cũng như tìm thấy một số cửa hàng bán sushi tươi ngon.
2. Chợ Borough, London
Chợ Borough của London có nguồn gốc từ 1.000 năm trước. Trong thế kỉ trước, nó đã chuyển từ một khu vực bán buôn thành khu chợ sôi động, đầy phong cách, hấp dẫn khách du lịch trong nước và người dân địa phương. Đây là nơi thưởng thức món pho mát tuyệt vời của nước Anh và thức ăn đường phố từ khắp nơi trên thế giới.
3. Chợ La Boqueria, Barcelona
Một chuyến đi đến Barcelona sẽ không thể hoàn hảo nếu bạn chưa đến La Boqueria, khu chợ nổi tiếng nhất của thành phố. Các quầy hàng đầy màu sắc bao quanh không gian rộng lớn, có mái che, cung cấp nhiều trái cây, hải sản tươi sống và các thanh treo chorizo. Khi ở đây, bạn nhớ ghé đến Bar Pinotxo để thưởng thức món tapas ngon nhất trong thành phố.
4. Chợ La Merced, Mexico City
Du khách có thể ghé qua các quầy hàng bán mứt đóng hộp ở khu chợ Mercado la Merced 150 tuổi cũng như các loại thực phẩm và nguyên liệu thơm ngon khác của thành phố Mexico như rau tươi, trái cây, kẹo, và các món ăn nổi tiếng như pancita.
5. Chợ gia vị Ai Cập Bazaar, Istanbul
Chợ gia vị Ai Cập tại Bazaar vô cùng phong phú các loại gia vị nhưng nó có nhiều hơn thế. Tại đây, bạn có thể bị lạc vào mê cung của các món đồ ăn ngọt, các món ăn sáng thơm ngon, pho mát, oliu và mật ong vàng sóng sánh.
6. Chợ Or Tor Kor, Bangkok
Chợ Or Tor Kor cung cấp đủ loại thịt tươi, hải sản tươi sống, và các sản phẩm nguyên sơ. Đây cũng là nơi bán các món ăn đường phố nổi tiếng của Thái Lan với vị chua cay truyền thống. Đừng ra về mà không ăn thử một bát Tom Yum Goong hay một đĩa sa lát đu đủ với tôm.
7. Trung tâm Ẩm Thực Chinatown và Chợ Kreta Ayer Wet, Singapore
Trung tâm ẩm thực Chinatown là một trong nhiều trung tâm bán hàng rong của Singapore, một khu ẩm thực khổng lồ, nơi các đầu bếp chuyên nghiệp phục vụ các món đặc sản tại các quầy hàng nhỏ. Món ăn phổ biến nhất như súp cá và cơm nắm. Từ đây, bạn có thể đi đến chợ Kreta Ayer Wet - một thị trường chuyên về nguyên liệu và hải sản của Trung Quốc.
8. Chợ Varvakios Agora, Athens
Agora là khu chợ hàng đầu của Athens. Nó nhộn nhịp với người dân địa phương cũng như du khách hầu hết các ngày trong tuần. Như bạn có thể mong đợi ở thủ đô của Hy Lạp, ở đây có thể tìm thấy hải sản tươi từ biển Aegean, thịt động vật, pho mát tươi, và ô liu. Dừng chân tại một trong những quán rượu nhỏ bên trong chợ để thưởng thức một bữa ăn mộc mạc hoặc một ly ouzo, món khai vị nổi tiếng của đất nước.
9. Chợ Nuovo Mercato di Testaccio, Rome
Vào năm 2012, Mercato di Testaccio lịch sử của thành phố Rome đã di dời đến một tòa nhà mới đẹp mắt. Bây giờ, đó là chợ Nuovo Mercato di Testaccio. Cùng với những người bán hàng cũ, nhiều người bán hàng mới cũng bắt đầu vào kinh doanh trong chợ. Từ đó, nơi đây trở thành một trong những nơi buôn bán tốt nhất trong thành phố. Bạn có thể tìm thấy mọi thứ cần thiết trong chợ, từ một người bán thịt ngựa, cá tươi, đến một chiếc bánh sandwich hấp dẫn cho bữa trưa.
T. Nguyên
Theo Cntraveler
from Du Lịch - Dân trí điện tử - Dantri.com.vn https://ift.tt/2KRaSw4 via IFTTT
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visitbarcelona-co · 6 years
bacelona breakfasts
Breakfast in a new country can be quite confusing, and there are different ways to do it here in Barcelona. I'm Victoria, a guide with Devour Barcelona and I'm going to show you two ways to have breakfast in Barcelona like a local: sweet or savory. And we're starting with the sweet. We are now at Granja Viader and this place dates back to 1870. And "granja" means "farm," and they used to have cows here. That way they could sell fresh milk and cream. The cows are not here anymore, but they still have amazing cream here and we're going to taste it. So here we have the first option, and this is a croissant with coffee. We eat a lot of croissants in Barcelona. Because we're really close to France, we have a lot of French influence. And then we have the slightly sweeter option: the churros. Delicious. And here at Viader, they make them amazing. And here we have the "suizo," which is a rich chocolate drink or even almost a fondue And in Barcelona, we like to go all in, so we put this amazing dollop of whipped cream on top. And locals might have this as a morning snack, but while on vacation, do it for breakfast! And here at Granja Viader, they use fresh cream. So this is the best place to get it. So that was a delicious sweet option. Now we're going to check out the savory breakfast option here in Barcelona. So here we are with the second option, the savory option, and we are now in La Boqueria at the Pinotxo Bar. And this place is run by Juanito, he's been working here for decades and he's always here smiling and he serves up the best food. And we're going to try something called "fork breakfast." "Esmorzar de forquilla" in Catalan. So we're going to try two dishes here. We have "garbanzos con morcilla," which are chickpeas with blood sausage. And then we have the small white beans from Santa Pau with squid, "chipirones." And we're going to wash that down with cava, or you can have red wine. You choose whatever you like the best. So now you know how to have breakfast like a local in Barcelona. Please give this video a thumbs up and follow our channel for more helpful Spain tips. And if you're ever in Barcelona, do a tour with us and you'll learn how to eat breakfast just like a local. Salud! Don't just visit Spain, Devour it!
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jetsetsaby · 6 years
Barcelona, Spain
On our trip to Spain, we spent 6 Days, 5 Nights in Barcelona. 2 of those nights we were at the W Hotel in Barceloneta Beach & 3 Nights were at the H10 Metropolitan in Plaza Catalunya (a more central area of the city). This amount of time allowed for a lot of leisure and a less “packed” itinerary. One of these days included a half-day day trip to Girona, Spain. 
The Hola BCN card is definitely worth it if you plan on using the metro and other public transportation trains besides the Renfe train. Validate this at any metro station by putting in your validation code on your voucher. Additionally, we used the Aerobus (a separate ticket) for our trip back to the airport. Main pick up location is at Pl. Catalunya, where they have buses continually running throughout the day. Took us about 30-40 mins once we got on to the airport.
Points of Interest: 
Talk a walk down Passeig De Gracia (Barcelona’s Rodeo Drive), on this walk you can visit Casa Battlo & Casa Mila (I’d recommend buying both these tickets in advance)
El Nacional- a trendy “Eataly” type place to visit while in this area. Check out the inside & maybe grab a drink. I don’t really recommend eating there as the food is touristy and disappointing.
Mercado de La Boqueria
EL QUIM!!! Note the exclamation marks!!!
Bar Pinotxo- we did not get to try this, but it’s a highly recommended place to visit. The owner has cooked and run this place for 50+ years and is still there everyday. 
Buy a mixed Jamon & Cheese cone. We bought ours from Mas. 
El Born- a cute spanish hipster area with great restaurants worth checking out for casual tapa hopping. If you turn the right corners, you might find some great streets worth taking a few IG worth pictures due to the various string lights hung across the alleyways. 
Gothic Quarter- Very old neighborhood full of charm. Oldest part of the city and the “OG” Barcelona neighborhood. Fun fact: the original Barcelona consisted of the Gothic Quarter, Born and Raval neighborhoods. The rest were expansions beyond the original city walls thereafter. For instance, Barceloneta is man made!
Montjuïc Magic Fountain- was a beautiful show (~1 Hr); get there in advance at least a half hour to get a good spot as it gets very crowded! The best view is by the 4 massive pillars of Palau Nacional.
Montijuic Castle- we did not visit here due to the weather, but it is supposed to have a great city/beach view of Barcelona.
Arc De Triomf & Ciutadella Park
These two are very close to one another, so I’d visit them in tandem. Arc de Triomf would be a quick visit just to view the architecture, whereas Cituadella Park requires some walking through the park. The area with the lake/fountain is pretty nice.
Mt. Tibidabo- was pretty complicated to travel here.. and the expectation vs. reality was not impressive. We could have gone on a bad day, so if you’re still up for it & have the time I’d still give it a try.
Near Tibidabo is a rooftop bar called Mirablau which supposedly offers great views of Barcelona. We unfortunately were unable to go here as it seemed complicated to get there as well (nor did we really feel compelled to go because of the disappointing view we saw at Tibidabo already).
Expectation vs Reality- WHERE IS THE OCEANNN?! (also rained the day before, so not sure why it was so overcast/hazy)
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Park Guell- the park is pretty huge, I’d say you’d spend a good 2 hours here walking around if you want to explore the whole thing. If you’re planning to visit the inside of the Park, buy tickets in advance. There are multiple entrance points around the park in which you can see the center portion that is only available by purchasing a ticket.
Sagrada Famila- Obviously.. *buy tickets in advance*
Across the ticket entrance is a park where you can get some pretty cool shots of the Sagrada.
Visit Ayre Hotel Rosellon- for this amazing shot of the Sagrada Familia. Just buy a drink in the hotel lobby & head up to the 6th floor.
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Most restaurants have bar seating where you just stand behind the stools and wait till the customers are done dinning. Then you can sit down and eat. We usually waited <30 min.
El Quim in La Boqueria- *MUST GO* we went here 3x 
FYI- their tapas portions are not small, they’re more like regular portion sizes so just keep that in mind when you order
Fried eggs with Prawns in Cava sauce-  *Must Try*
Most people get the Fried Eggs with Baby Squid, but we both liked the prawns version better
Oxtail Risotto- DELICIOUS
Scallops with Miso
Oxtail “Quim’s Syle” - Basically Galbi Jjim Spanish style. Darren really liked. Large portion though - be warned!
Halibut Ceviche
Potatoes w/ Aioli Sauce “Patatas Bravas” - was good and is a frequently ordered tapa everywhere, but as a general rule of thumb, I’d save the stomach food for the other items on their menu
Ciudad Condal- *Another Must* we went here 2x
We ate at a rival place called Cerveceria Catalana. Most of their tapas were the same so when we did a side-by-side comparison of what we ate, we unanimously concluded that Ciudad was better. Tapas were more consistent and the ingredients were fresher (the bread especially, which makes a huge difference).
Smoked Salmon with Langostino Montadito- *my personal favorite*
Huevos Cabrearos- *Darren’s Favorite* (not on the menu, must ask for it, can also for a half portion if you want to try many things)
Beef Tenderloin
Stir Fried Mushrooms (ask for the mixed mushrooms - comes with chantarelles and all kinds of delicious mushrooms)
Squid with Asparagus and Langostino Montadito
La Mar Salada- (Barceloneta Area)
We only had paella once in Barcelona, but this paella was pretty delicious. The flavors were well-balanced and it had the perfect amount of crispness (”soccarat”) to the bottom layer of the rice. FYI- with most paella places, you must order at least 2 portions and prices are listed per portion.
Cera 23
Did some tapa hopping on our last night and ended up here, Darren & I shared the beef cheek dish which was pretty amazing. So tender... mmmm mmm.
Last spot of our tapa hopping 7€ 1/2L of Sangria!!
Slow Cooked Iberico Pork Ribs
Skirt Steak with Chimichurri
This place was rated #1 on TripAdvisor and therefore seems to be catered a lot towards tourists. It is also a little on the pricier side, however the food was still pretty good. I’d recommend you make a reservation in advance if you plan to go here.
We ordered:
Prawn & White Fish Ceviche
Burrata Cheese with Tomatoes & Guacamole
Galician Octopus
Steak Special
Blackberry Mojito- pretty delicious drink they’re known for
Places we did not try, but was on our list were Arume (for small portion paella sizes), La Luna & Teoric.
Barcelona nightlife starts and ends super late. Most clubs start getting more lively around 1 AM and will close at 6 AM.
Razzmatazz - our personal favorite. There are 5 rooms each with different genres of music. If you get bored just go to another! 
Entrance in club was 17€, which includes one cocktail or two beers
We came here at 3 AM, and there was still a line to get in. The line moves fairly quickly though. 
Barceloneta Area
Opium, Shoko, Pacha
All three are literally right next to each other, perfect for ultimate club hopping.
https://barcelonaparties.com/ to get on the guestlist for these clubs, however you have to arrive before 12 AM (no drink ticket included). If you arrive later, your entrance ticket will come with 1 or 2 drink tickets. For Shoko, we were able to find a promoter who let us skip the line. 
Opium- (preferred this club more than Shoko as it was more spacious)  Electro, RNB, Hip Hop however we found it more to be more like hits. It’s the most spacious out of the three Barceloneta clubs and therefore we had a better time there than at Shoko where there was some elbow bumping. 
Shoko- Electro, RNB, Hip Hop also found it more to be more like hits
Pacha- did not go here, however it looked pretty busy as well; RNB, Hip Hop club
Based on the two clubs we visited, people were not dressed as nicely as what the dress code states online. We saw many people in the club in t-shirts and shorts.
W Hotel
Finding a taxi after leaving this area can be a pain outside of the hotel, so depending on where you are staying or going, I’d recommend walking alongside the beach and catching a bicycle ride and asking if they can take you closer towards inside the city. Feel free to haggle. If you’re going to a club in Barceloneta, we hustled a bike ride for 10€ instead of 20. hehehe
Compared to Opium & Shoko, there were definitely people dressed more sophisticated here.
Also, these close earlier than other places (3AM), so I’d go here first on a night out. Serves as a good pre-game before the other bigger clubs. 
Eclipse @ the W Hotel- more of an inside lounge on the 26th floor of the hotel. There are two sides, one playing electro & the other hits.
Wet Deck @ the W Hotel- this was not open when we were there, but apparently they have great summer parties that overlook the beach.
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shame-for-you · 6 years
As a busy metropolitan city which has attracted over 9million tourists since 2016, Barcelona is just bursting with different bars, restaurants and other eateries competing for your attention at every turn, all which have something very different to offer. Not only does this provide you with an incredible amount of food options but it also leaves a lot of room for you to go wrong and make some poor choices. That’s why I wanted to put together this blog, to give you a few suggestions of where to eat in the city to tickle your fancy.
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Bar Del Pla Starting off with one of my favourites from the whole trip, Bar Del Pla offers a variety of different tapas dishes which had quite a mixed range of prices but was still very reasonable. On our visit, we ordered the patatas bravas, squid ink croquettes and an octopus bomb. All three dishes would be on my recommendations list but I would be as bold as to say that the patatas bravas here were the nicest that we experienced during our whole trip. But I would definitely recommend making a booking as it constantly seemed popular so getting a table appeared to be tricky at peak times.
Tapas 24 Located just a short walk away from Gaudi’s Casa Batlló, Tapas 24 in run by famous chef Carles Abellan and seemed to be a very popular stop for Barcelona visitors. We stopped here for a brunch visit and when doing so, we ordered eggs with chorizo served on a bed of patatas bravas chips. Although this was in a good location and therefore made it a pretty convenient stop for us, our dish was quite oily so if you’re not good with greasy food, then this isn’t one for you. But I would highly recommend it if you’re struggling with a hangover and it’s quite reasonably priced too.
La Plata La Plata is one of the oldest original tapas bars left in Barcelona. There are only six tapas dishes on the menu to choose from but La Plata is mostly known for its fried anchovies. These floured and fried little fish are the star dish for the restaurant and if they hadn’t  offered us a dish when we initially sat down, perhaps we would have missed out on them, but I’m so pleased that we were confident enough to try them. La Plata is cheap, casual and cosy and we stopped here at every opportunity, even just for a few drinks, so I highly recommend that you do too.
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Cal Papi Located in Barceloneta, this was one of the cosiest of our stops, offering great home cooked food in a family run restaurant. It was clear on our visit that this is a restaurant regularly frequented by locals and was not a tourist trap, despite its convenient location near the beach and La Rambla. Instead of opting for small tapas dishes, we ordered a large seafood paella here. This dish was split between the two of us and was absolutely delicious – I would highly recommend ordering this. Come here for a relaxed atmosphere and good food but just remember, they don’t open until 8pm for evening dining but daytime opening hours are between 11am- 3.30pm.
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Pinotxo Bar I mentioned this place in my previous blog but based in the Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria, Pinotxo bar is a stall located near the La Rambla entrance with a bar seating area to offer up its produce to passers-by. It serves incredibly fresh produce including prawns, lobster and a whole host of other seafood and meat options. We took advantage of this and ordered a variety of dishes here including squid served with white beans, prawns and a mushroom bake. I couldn’t fault the food at all – it was very fresh, tasty and very flavoursome. But just beware of the price tag that comes with this food – it’s not extortionate but it certainly took us by surprise.
We could easily have spent our whole trip travelling around Barcelona searching for the best places to eat and sampling all of the tapas offerings. In fact, I would have loved to have done that but as you can imagine, the bill soon racks up. But Barcelona has a lovely mix of places to visit dotted around the city and if you get it right, the experience can be extraordinary and very unique. Where are your favourite places to eat in Barcelona?
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Where to eat in Barcelona As a busy metropolitan city which has attracted over 9million tourists since 2016, Barcelona is just bursting with different bars, restaurants and other eateries competing for your attention at every turn, all which have something very different to offer.
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loris1264 · 6 years
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Pinotxo Bar The oldest bar in Boqueria Mercat of Barcellona. Great coffee and sublime brandy. 🇮🇹 Visit Barcellona and Redoro shop in Carretera de Girona 167 - @redorobcn . . . #barcelona #boqueria #rambla #mercat #redorofrantoiveneti #redorobcn #pinotxo #ig_barcelona #ig_catalonia #espana #oldbutgold #olioredoro #centopercentoitaliano #evoo #italianfood #greatcoffee #friends #bestoliveoil #iloveitaly #ilovebarcelona @redoro.frantoi.veneti http://ift.tt/2FT3m1M
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tovebergenholt · 6 years
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Eating our way through #Barcelona - Pinotxo Bar 🥂 . . . . . . ________________________________________ #spain #laboqueriamercat #laboqueria #welltravelled #doyoutravel #fromwhereistand #cntraveler #guardiantravelsnaps #worldplaces #worldcaptures #beautifuldestinations #passionpassport #travelawesome #lovetheworld #travelstoke #dametraveler #abmtravelbug #awesupply #bbctravel #forbestravelguide #guardiantravelsnaps #meettheworld #travel #wanderlust #topeuropephoto #LetsGoEverywhere http://ift.tt/2zQn9yj
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racknac · 7 years
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Cream filled churro for breakfast.... . . . #vsco #vscocam #vscofood #barcelona #catalunya #nomnom #x100 (at Pinotxo Bar St Josep La Boqueria Market Barcelona)
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