#ball of darkness unironically like as legitimate dialogue that is meant to be cute...
quincywillows · 1 year
look i haven’t read pjo since hoo (and that series was... yeah) but even this latest book is now just further evidence that capitalism is legit killing art. bc the thing is the truth is the point is we literally did not need anymore books in the pjo-verse after the original series. we just didn’t. i think doing little short story compilations like demigod diaries and stuff was fine it gave folks more content to chew on and see their faves in and that’s all good but the moment you start creating series on series on series just to make more money you inherently cheapen the strength of the original with every additional unnecessary installment. it’s like television shows that go on for waaaay too many seasons and starting creating totally unnecessary drama or recycle plots
stories and arcs need to end when they naturally end and capitalism as a model for these mediums refuses to accept that. the decline in the actual quality of media is what we get
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