#ayana oto
harunoosa1987 · 1 year
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fayegumi · 1 year
End of the Year Takarazuka Tag: Day 2
Never Say Goodbye: Which taidansha was the hardest for you to say goodbye to this year? This is hard. Very hard. There's been so many hard-hitting taidans this year that it makes it incredibly hard to chose.
Asazuki Kiwa
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Although she's not officially taidanned yet (4 more days...) I've decided to include her since it will still be in 2022. Being both a hana and yuki fan, Kiwa was the best of both worlds, having been in both troupes for long periods of time. Also being one of the oldest musumeyaku to make top makes it something all the more special. In terms of crying, I undoubtedly cried the hardest during these yukigumi taidans (Karen's speech hurt...). Kiwa's especially. The way she speaks so truthfully on how her road as a musumeyaku wasn't a straight one, how she constantly fell and made mistakes, yet kept pushing forward just stabbed me right in the heart. It hurts that she will be gone, but my hurt most of all isn't even hurt; it's just intense admiration for such a strong woman who devoted herself for nearly 13 years to such a rigid place as Takarazuka. No one expected her to "make it" (become top musumeyaku, but this is by no means a complete measure of achievement), yet she did. She did it. She pulled through like moon still hanging there in the sky in the morning, her namesake. Congrats Kiwa, congrats on all that you've done and accomplished. You did amazing, have a great rest, and I'll always be rooting for you. Honorable mentions:
Aya Ouka: Her announcement hit the hardest. One of the first people I latched onto in yuki. I felt like she could've made so much more if the track hold her back, but I'm glad she's onto better things where she can really shine.
Then of course, are latest hana taidans Oto Kurisu and Hiryuu Tsukasa.
Although the announcement was very shocking, and by no means did the taidans not hurt. I can't help but feeling satisfied for them. I'm satisfied for both Kiwa and Ayana, of course, but I can't put into words the difference in emotions I feel, especially with Kiwa.
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yaomeis · 2 years
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Takarazuka Revue Productions of Gérard Presgurvic's Roméo et Juliette [2/10]: Snow Troupe, 2011 - Starring Otozuki Kei as Roméo Montague and Maihane Mimi as Juliette Capulet ♡
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Girlfriend Girlfriend
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How did I get into this anime? Just basic announcements from different areas of the internet I happen to skulk around during the summer. And I see this guy with four girls and automatically think it’s a harem that resembles Rent-A-Girlfriend.
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Naoya Mukai had been pining after his childhood friend for years. Now that they’re in high school, the girl finally accepts his love and they’re now boyfriend and girlfriend. Saki Saki is…
Wait, what? The fuck is this bitch’s name!? Saki Saki?! Is this for real? MAL, is this accurate? Wikipedia? Fan page Wikipedias? No parent would ever have a last name of Saki and then name their kid Saki. The only time I want to hear Saki Saki is if Eric Cartman is dressed like a Vietnamese prostitute saying “Sucki Sucki, Five Dorra”.
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Naoya is devoted to Saki, if not a little too clingy. Naoya was on top of the world! And then he gets a love confession from another girl. This girl is named Nagisa Minase. She’s cute as a button, she can cook, and excels in other areas. In fact, Minase went through a lot of trouble to win over Naoya by doing strict beauty regiments every day. Reminds me of a very shallow American Dad episode! Continuing with the synopsis, she will persist Naoya even if he’s with a girlfriend. There’s only one option!
Ask to have a polygamist relationship!
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Now harems are not a new thing, they’ve been around for eons and are still a thing, yes, even in anime. But one would have to be a successful master of the sword and savior of the universe. Then you can have seven wives and knock up three of them including one of them who’s a space ship. Don’t look at me like that, Tenchi Masaki did it! This dipshit is a regular high school student in a slice of life comedy anime. The fuck you think you are dude?!
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Add insult to injury, has Saki and Minase move into Naoya’s house since he lives alone.
The fuck did I just get myself into?! This fool wants his cake and wants to fuck it and eat it.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Currently, Crunchyroll has been streaming this. I truly have nothing to add here except, thank you for casting Ayana Taketatsu here and not have her play a little sister type that wants to get freaky with her brother. She’s played enough of those that I’ll take this clingy bitch character. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Naoya is played by Junya Enoki (known for Pannacotta on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 5, Nasa on Tonikawa, Jack on Beastars, Tamaru on KoiKimo, Angelo on Arte, and Takezou on Kono Oto Tomare)
*Saki is played by Ayane Sakura (known for Uraraka on My Hero Academia, Gasper on High School DxD, Solution on Overlord, Nao on Charlotte, Haru on Nisekoi, Tsubaki on Your Lie in April, and Shimotsuki on Psycho Pass)
*Minase is played by Azumi Waki (known for Maika on Blend S)
*Shino is played by Rie Takahashi (known for Emilia on Re:Zero, Megumin on Konosuba, Mash on Fate/Grand Order, Ena on Laid Back Camp, and Sumi on Rent-A-Girlfriend)
*Milika is played by Ayana Taketatsu (known for Azusa on K-ON!, Leafa on SAO, Koneko on High School DxD, Yuzu on Citrus, Kirino on Oreimo, and Ako on Kiss x Sis)
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SHIPPING: Oh good Lord…Four women and one man. This fool must think he’s on top of the world. You know this is very much frowned upon in actual Japanese culture, right? So which one is top bitch in this anime? The childhood friend turned lover, the devoted puppy dog lover, the stoic lover, or the tsundere? At least this guy wants to make everyone happy unlike a certain other anime character who cheated on women left and right. And this story is sticking to the harem genre loyally. Most harems will just be one guy with several girls and they’re not married or in a relationship. This guy doesn’t mind having two girls do cute and naughty things for him.
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*Saki (or the 1st girlfriend) is very abrasive. She’s not afraid to shut and shoot Naoya down at every stupid opportunity. And I thought she was going to be the annoying girlfriend of the bunch until I met the crazy tsundere. She’s just intimidated from the other women in Naoya’s life because they have what she lacks. Minase can cook, Milika has assets, and Saki has neither. But what Saki doesn’t realize is that Naoya chose to be with her first. In fact, he was persistent for years in trying to get with her. It still doesn’t help that dude still fell for another girl at the same time. But he still loves Saki enough to not dump her for Minase, just not enough to be a one-woman man.
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*Minase devoted herself to Naoya. She worked her ass off to become a gormet chef and beauty. As a repercussion, Minase neglected her studies. But that hard work was to make Naoya fall in love with her. Naoya just couldn’t let her down. But does Minase stand a chance here? She turned a cute yet dysfunctional couple into a threesome. Add to that Minase has blue hair! As famous Youtuber Gigguk constantly points out, girls with short blue hair will never get the boy in the end. But I can’t help but root for Minase. We get even more information involving Minase with the final two episodes of the season that show how she first fell in love with Naoya.
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*Milika is a crazy-ass bitch! She caught onto Naoya having a relationship with two girls. And they caught onto her secret of being a famous internet gamer. One thing lead to another and Milika forces her way onto Naoya’s property stating she’s going to become a girlfriend of his as well. Naoya put his foot down at every attempt to stay and Milika would just steamroll over that. God, call the fucking police! She’s trespassing. She’s exposing herself. SHE’S FUCKING TRESPASSING! Oh my God, there’s like so many episodes revolving around her and this will they, won’t they concept! Naoya has sworn to remain a two-woman man and she’s so freakin’ persistent. Milika was crazy enough to steal a kiss from Naoya when Saki and Minase haven’t even done that.
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*Shino…if there’s a second season to this trash-heap, maybe I’d have more to talk about, but she really doesn’t contribute to the harem addition until the very end when we learn she does like Naoya as well. Also, this was a total misunderstanding. A horrible accident that lead to…what ever the hell picture I put up for Shino.
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ENDING: God damn, Milika annoying these three is going on so much longer than I anticipated. Naoya is committed to his relationship with Saki and Minase and doesn’t want or need a third girlfriend. But you cannot tell this woman “no”, she takes that as a challenge! She publicly said she likes Naoya. She stalks him. And to top it all off, she stole a kiss from him! That’s right, Milika went all Dio Brando and got her first kiss from Naoya, kinda shattering Minase and Saki in the process as they never got their first kiss with Naoya yet.
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So the trio decides to go away on a trip, but everyone has their own plans for the trip. Naoya wants to get closer to both Saki and Minase. However, Minase wants to have Naoya focus his attention on Saki rather than her. Minase felt like because she came into the picture later, she has no right to get a kiss from Naoya before Saki does.
But before that happens, guess who follows their trail to fuck up the trip!
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Not just Milika, but Saki’s friend Shino follows the trio as well. Shino’s been suspicious for a long time about Naoya being a two-timer or worse. Shino’s worries were actually very spot on and her nailing Naoya on why polygamy wouldn’t work is something I rarely see in all of these harem animes I’ve watched throughout the year. But they all still lie to Shino and tell her nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
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After that, Minase and Saki have some time to themselves in the women’s bath. There, Minase let her know everything. As it turns out, Minase met Naoya on the day of the entrance exams when they were trying to get accepted into high school. Minase didn’t say anything to Naoya, she just observed him. Naoya was being clingy and needy around Saki. Now this was before they became a couple so this was when Naoya was always trying to get Saki to go out with him. Minase witnessed his persistence and felt inspired by that. Up to that point in time, Minase would always give up and always saw herself as average. So she worked on her body, her charm, and stamina all for Naoya. And soon enough, she fell for him. She thought that maybe she could accept him when Saki doesn’t.
Naoya heard the whole conversation and confronted Minase about it and her recent behavior. What follows is a long, drawn-out chase scene where Minase is running away from everyone. Minase was seeing herself as #2 and all the while, Naoya saw both girls as #1. Naoya chased her down to the ends of the town just to get that point across. Minase still felt some sort of guilt because she sort of crashed into a monogamous relationship and things changed. Anyways, this is the point of the story when Minase takes a stand to fight for her man, even up against Saki. She happily admits to Milika, Shino, and Saki that she’s Naoya’s girlfriend too and kisses him on the cheek. Happy ending, right?
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Shino is still against this polygamous relationship. Oh and she secretly harbors feelings for Naoya. Milika of course is still going to butt-in and try to get Naoya all to herself. But Saki and Minase will fight to the end for their man. And Naoya will always push himself to please his two girlfriends.
Seriously, if we get a second season can we get less Milika? I didn’t hate her, I just felt like there was too much of her. Honey, you’re cute, but you’re never going to get with Naoya.
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Boy, oh boy the trash levels on this one. Granted, this is not incest! Still though, it’s trashy.
I guess I can’t be mad at a harem actually living up to the term “harem”. This guy is actually willing to try to give polygamy a try. It’s a cute fantasy for lonely men watching this series, but come on guys, you know it’s not possible unless you’re in a country that’s accepting of polygamy or if you’re Nick Cannon. And if I remember correctly, Japan ain’t one of them countries. Pretty sure Shino made that point clear in the 11th episode. If you’re looking for a cute rom-com like the other rom-coms you’re used to…keep on walking junior, this ain’t for you. If you’re a harem-enthusiast in the anime world, maybe check this one out. The male is plain as usual, but the girls are pretty decent to look at.
Well, if you’re desperate and want to watch Girlfriend, Girlfriend, Crunchyroll has all 12 episodes available.
Oh, and if you’re wondering about all the Betty White stuff in this review, this was not planned initially. As you know, she died a few days ago and I’m still in mourning. So don’t be surprised if you see her commentary in my next few reviews.
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the-ocean-in-motion · 5 years
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So I got a DVD of Saeko off ebay and immediately had to gif the horniest part. Sry, I guess.
From the digi+KISHIN x Ayaki Nao DVD from 2004 that was made along with the Photography book. The other person in the shots must be her sister Ayana Oto, she’s the only other person listed in the credits.
Fun Fact: this DVD was an extra I got along with the order, though in the end this is what I was most excited about.
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
iatheia submitted:
Hopefully you are getting plenty of rest, and the recovery is going well.
Wanted to send along some random trivia, for when you are back in spirits.
On the theater:
Takarazuka theater consists of 5 regular troupes: Flower, Moon, Snow, Star, Cosmos, plus Senka (which consists of talented older actresses that sometimes join performances in other troupes).
Each troupe is headed by a Top Star - the actress who plays the main otokoyaku/male roles, with the Top Musumeyaku - the actress who plays all the main female roles, and each troupe has 60-90 members. Other actresses are unable to advance until one of the Tops leave the company. As a result, sometimes some of the more prominent actresses are transferred from one troupe to the next when new Top positions are expected to become available.
The company has two theaters, one in Takarazuka, one in Tokyo, and both have almost continuous performances, with each troupe putting on two-three plays a year that run for about a month in each theater, and the theaters are closed only a couple days in between to change the stage decorations for different plays. Most plays are performed only for one run, sometimes two, and rarely seen the light of day again. Only a dozen or so plays in total were put on more than five times. All performances are recorded on video, though, and are released commercially, and they are also aired on Sky Stage (a tv channel that Takarazuka owns).
Women are definitely the main patrons of Takarazuka, by a factor of 9 to 1 compared to men. (Never is this felt more than during the intermission in the line to the restrooms). Almost all shows are completely sold out, in some cases (such as popular shows, first/last performances of fan-favorite actress) in a matter of minutes of the tickets becoming available. That said, though, the main draw for the theater are the otokoyaku. Musumeyaku as a whole are unfortunately not given as big of a variety of roles or stage time in most plays, or an equal attention from the fans. This is a perplexing fact, but it has to be acknowledged.
On the actresses:
Ayaki Nao played the same role she is here once before, in 1996, as an understudy. Sena Jun played the largest number of roles in this play out of anyone. She was Lucheni in 2002, Elisabeth in 2005, and Der Tod in 2009, later reprising her role as Elisabeth in 2012 in the Toho production. Ayana Oto is Ayaki Nao’s younger sister.
This was a rather rare time in Takarazuka where a troupe had no Top Musumeyaku, with one leaving in the previous performance of the troupe, and no one being promoted in her place for the time being. I think this has happened only once before this, sometime in the 1980s? Sena Jun was an otokoyaku, only recently transferred in to the Moon troupe from the Flower troupe, and she succeeded Ayaki Nao after this performance as the top star. Funnily enough the same scenario would repeat soon enough, in Sena Jun’s last year in 2009.
On the musical:
Elisabeth as a historical figure still remains rather beloved in Austria. A trilogy of movies about her life from 1950s are quite popular to this day (apparently they are considered to be a typical christmas fare), although those movies, especially the last one, are more of a romantic fiction than history. The story of her son is also quite a popular one, with a few movies in different languages, plays (one originally in Hungarian, one only in Japanese - although both are definitely inferior in quality to Elisabeth), and a ballet.
Elisabeth the musical premiered in 1992 in Austria, since then becoming the most successful German language musical. Takarazuka was the second place it ran, in 1996, followed shortly by Hungary, also in 1996, and other countries shortly after.
The song, Ai to Shi no Rondo/Kein Kommen ohne Geh'n was originally unique to the Japanese (both Takarazuka and Toho versions) and Hungarian productions, although a version of it was finally introduced into the Vienna revival in 2012. The song, Watashi Ga Odoru Toki/Wenn ich tanzen will, was added in 2002 into almost all productions that followed. This is the only major addition to the Takarazuka score since it was originally produced, the other versions did evolve a bit more along separate tracks.
For others that might be interested in following along, if there are any such people, 1992 Vienna, 2002 Essen, and 2004 Budapest versions are available subbed on youtube, all quite lovely in their own ways. Japanese versions are harder to come by, but I would be able to point people where they might find them in private. 2005 Moon and 2002 Flower versions would be my main recommendations from Takarazuka. I would also highly recommend 2016 Toho white version - definitely a strong contender for the best production.
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iatheia · 5 years
A shameless repost, from a long-deleted livejournal, originally by dybji. Based on 2005 Tsukigumi version of Elisabeth.
SCORE: *begins* LUCHENI: *stagger-sways onstage* VOICEOVER: Lucheni! Elisabeth! Hapsburgs! Murder! Anarchists! Trial! LUCHENI: No, no, no. It goes, "Trial! Delayed! Angry! Anarchist! Explanation! Death!" DEATH: *appears* AUDIENCE: *various jokes about how, indeed, he must be Death, for they have all been slain on sight* DEATH: I am here as a witness. Luigi Lucheni killed the Empress on my orders, because she loved me. VOICEOVER: I do not feel you are correct on this front, Mr. Tod. DEATH: Of course I am correct. She was too coy to say it, but I know deep down inside she wanted it. VOICEOVER: ... I think the multifaceted irony of that observation has stunned me into silence for the rest of the musical.
LUCHENI: When in doubt, rock'n'roll. Eliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisabeth! ELISABETH: *appears* PAPASABETH: In spite of the fact that I am a landed gentleman with manors, a title, and pondsful of money, I find my obligations to take part in polite society and talk to my own relatives stifling. It is unspeakably unjust, my daughter. AUDIENCE: Tell that to your serfs. ELISABETH: When I grow up, I want to be just like you, Papa! AUDIENCE: This explains so much. SOPHIE: My cough of evil clearly establishes me as a heartless political machine. INTEREST GROUPS: May we please ply our power over the Emperor, shamelessly and nearly-irrevocably tearing power away from the throne? SOPHIE: Oh yes. Please do. FRANZ-JOSEPH: ... Mother, you do realize you are not actually a heartless political machine so much as a heartless idiot, right? DEATH: Christine, I lo-o-ove you … Er, I mean, Elisabeth. Elisabeth, I love you. ELISABETH: I feel strangely fond of you, as well. And, for the benefit of all the Freudians out there, I’ll express these thoughts by reprising the song I just sang for my father! FREUDIANS: Aww, fanservice. We feel so flattered. REST OF AUDIENCE: We feel a little horrified, actually. SOPHIE: We have set up an engagement date for you, son! MAMASABETH: We have set up an engagement date for you, daughter! Elisabeth, you can come along too. FRANZ-JOSEPH: Elisabeth, your artless beauty has completely stolen my heart! ELISABETH: And that diamond necklace has stolen mine. PAPASABETH: This will not end well. SOPHIE: No, it won't. PAPASABETH: Let's sit back and watch, shall we? SOPHIE: I'll get the popcorn. DEATH: Your final dance shall be with me! I am your destiny! ELISABETH: I admit the smoldering eyes do make a good case. SOPHIE: I am a bully. FRANZ-JOSEPH: I am spineless. ELISABETH: I am in despair! DAGGER: *appears* ELISABETH: O happy dagger! Here is thy sheath! FREUDIANS: (nodding excitedly) And thereby the dagger becomes a phallic impersonation of Death! ELISABETH: What? Phal ... oh my god! *flings dagger away* DEATH: Curses. ELMER: Hungary, independence, imperialist pigs. HUNGARIANS: History! Death to Elisabeth! ELISABETH: *reveals Hungarian flag dress* I am the Scarlett O'Hara of Austro-Hungarian history. HUNGARIANS: History! Long live Elisabeth! ELMER: Curses. ELMER: I plan a retaliation. It involves a gun! DEATH: Oh, no, Elmer. Guns represent manhood, and nobody in this story gets to have a manhood except me and Lucheni. And that’s only because he’s in my employ. ELMER: That’s logical. Here, take this. I don’t need a manhood anyway, my only love is Hungary. FREUDIANS: *wipe tears of affection* DEATH: I incite the people to revolt. LUCHENI: This will have no effect on Elisabeth's future life, nor on her eventual death. You really shouldn't look so smug. DEATH: Of course I should look smug! These scenes are the ones that make the historically-inclined middle schoolers drool! Who cares if it has no bearing on the rest of the musical? LUCHENI: Good point. SOPHIE: Your kids are mine! I must raise them instead of you, as is customary in royal court! ELISABETH: I. Hate. You. FRANZ-JOSEPH: Elisabeth ... I am spineless and heart-broken ... please open the door. DEATH: Elisabeth ... I am lonely and heart-broken ... come and make out with me. ELISABETH: Both of you, please shut up. DEATH: Revolt, peasants! PEASANTS: We never actually do revolt, but damn do we look good singing about it. FRANZ-JOSEPH: I defy my mother, and prove it by stealing her trademark cough. ELISABETH: Oh, baby, that's sweet. Let’s reconcile. DEATH: ... You owe me your life, woman. ELISABETH: Don't you realize my trademark power ballad depends upon my ignoring that fact? ACT TWO LUCHENI: History, history, history. Kitsch! DEATH: History, history, history. Pope hat! ELISABETH: Shameless power ballad about when I—er, “dance.” DEATH: Sexual tension about wanting to—uh, “dance.” FREUDIANS: *look bored* REST OF AUDIENCE: *nod appreciatively* SOPHIE: I must oust this young female with her influence over Franz-Joseph. PRIEST: Because it is lessening your power at court? SOPHIE: No, because it is tearing down the Hapsburg dynasty! SOLDIER: … And you weren’t? SOPHIE: (coldly) She is tearing down the Hapsburgs in a different way than I was. SOLDIER: We hire Madame Wolf and her posse of ladies of the evening. We must explain to Franz-Joseph that there are other fish in the sea! PRIEST: Or chickens on a plate, as it were. MADAME WOLF: Ha, I like that. I shall use that metaphor as the basis of my pimp song. FRANZ-JOSEPH: I am moved by the clever metaphors of your pimp song and the mermadian looks of Shirosaki Ai. LUCHENI: I can hardly blame you, sir. Say cheese! ELISABETH: I do not have anorexia! ELISABETH: *collapses* Fine, I do have anorexia, but it’s totally under control! DR. ZABLE: This is in an effort to keep the Emperor interested, isn’t it? You should probably know, he’s cheating on you. ELISABETH: He is most certainly not! PHOTOGRAPH: *appears* ELISABETH: Curses. ELISABETH: … I … I don’t know what to do. DR. ZABLE, shockingly revealing himself to be DEATH: Shineba ii! ELISABETH: No. DEATH: I don’t understand how you consistently fail to follow the impeccably logical solutions I am always presenting to you. DEATH: *taunts Elisabeth with dagger* ELISABETH: *reaches out hopelessly, yearning for dagger* DEATH: *fondles dagger himself* FREUDIANS: *inhale* REST OF AUDIENCE: Say one word and we will cut you. Ayana Oto as YOUNG RUDOLF: Angst! DEATH: Inappropriate touching! AUDIENCE: And so was the infamous red dress foretold. RUDOLF: Visions of greatness, including the overthrow of his father while rushing to Elisabeth’s embrace— FREUDIANS: *inhale* REST OF AUDIENCE: Yeah, no, we got that one. Don’t bother. WINDISCH: I’m in a madhouse, I wear white, I have delusions of being someone I’m not! ELISABETH: Oh, young lady, I would change places with you. THE GHOST OF WILKIE COLLINS’ WOMAN IN WHITE: … You could, you know. ELISABETH: My life has nothing, nothing! LUCHENI: Except paparazzic opportunities for me. ELISABETH: Curses. RUDOLF: Contemplates suicide. DEATH: Contributes ideas for this contemplation. RUDOLF: Revolts! REVOLT: Fails! ELISABETH: Returns! RUDOLF: We’re so alike, Mama. You shun all responsibilities and want to belong only to yourself, I am lonely and want to stop belonging only to myself. Also I try to fix this country’s problems in an effort ostensibly to help the country, rather than to prove to Death I don’t need him. We are perfect mirror images! ELISABETH: … Rudolf, my boy, I think you’re a couple NTs short of a synapse on that one. RUDOLF: What? My logic is impeccable! DEATH: Hey, honey, why don’t you ditch the old lady and come with me? RUDOLF: No, that sounds like a really bad ide—wow, you’ve got smolderingly gorgeous eyes, sir. DEATH: And lustrous hair. And pouty lips. And a mighty gun— RUDOLF: Well, that’s that! I can’t possibly be expected to resist you with your pouty lips and mighty gun! ELISABETH: … Rudolf? Rudolf? CRICKETS: Chirp. ELISABETH: … You made out with my son? You crazy freak, why would you— DEATH: (eagerly) Are you jealous? You’re jealous, aren’t you! Come on, admit it, I’ll still take you, you and Rudolf can be in my harem— ELISABETH: I can be with Rudolf if I die? Oh, do take me now! DEATH: … You are one incestuously-inclined family, you know that? FRANZ-JOSEPH: I reappear. Oh, Elisabeth— ELISABETH: No, stay away, please. I’ve had just about enough of having people sing that name out to me. FRANZ-JOSEPH: I can change, baby, I promise— ELISABETH: We are as two ships in the night GOOD DAY, SIR. FRANZ-JOSEPH: *dies* DEATH: Lucheni, I am entrusting you with my mighty dagger. You know what this means. LUCHENI: … Actually, I think I’m completely overloading on the innuendos at this point. FREUDIANS: *have been gagged by rest of audience* LUCHENI: Come on, this one’s really ambiguous. Couldn’t you just let them explain— REST OF AUDIENCE: No. DEATH: Don’t worry, Lucheni, it doesn’t mean you’ll have to do anything questionable with imperialist pig-dogs. You just need to kill Elisabeth. FRANZ-JOSEPH: She doesn’t love you, you great poof! DEATH: That’s it, you’re getting buried in anthropomorphized sheet-people now. Furthermore, I am Death, obviously I’m bisexual. And heterosexually lesbian at the same time. ... It’s pretty complicated, actually. DEATH: (afterthought) And also, she totally loves me. Imperialist pig-dog. LUCHENI: *Fails to stab Elisabeth.* DEATH: *appears* ELISABETH: O happy dagger! Here is thy sheath! No, for real this time. LUCHENI: Grande amore! DEATH: Crossing the deep waters of Styx together, la la la. ELISABETH: No more tears and suffering, la la la. TRIAL FOR LUCHENI: *apparently, remains in limbo* LUCHENI: Curses.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
DEEMO Memorial Keys Releases English-subtitled AnimeExpoLite 2021 Trailer
    Pony Canyon's official anime YouTube channel has posted a two-and-half minute English-subtitled new trailer for the forthcoming anime feature film DEEMO THE MOVIE: Sakura no Oto -Anata no Kanadeta Oto ga, Ima mo Hibiku (I Still Hear The Sound of Your Piano)- / DEEMO Memorial Keys, which was originally screened at Anime ExpoLite 2021 on July 4, 2021.
  The clip introduces the film's three human characters with their voices - the protagonist Alice played by Ayana Taketatsu (Kirino Kosaka in Oreimo), Rosalia by Ayane Sakura (Cocoa in Is The Order A Rabbit?), Sania by Akari Kito (Nezuko Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) and the Masked Lady by Akari Nibu (Hinatazaka46 member). 
  The anime tells a tale of fleeting, sad love between of Deemo, a mysterious being who plays the piano alone in a castle, and Alice, a girl who lost her memory who descended from the sky. Junichi Fujisaku (BLOOD+) has served as general director for the SIGNAL.MD and Production I.G's co-production film, alongside director Shuhei Matsushita (YU-NO:A girl who chants love at the bound of this world assistant director).
        DEEMO Memorial Keys The special trailer video that was shown at #AnimeExpoLite 2021 is now available on YouTube❗️ Please click here to view the video????https://t.co/DmWJFGoZap#deemo
— 劇場版「DEEMO サクラノオト -あなたの奏でた音が、今も響く-」【公式】 (@DeemoMovie) July 14, 2021
    Key visual:
      Main staff:
  Screenplay: Junichi Fujisaku, Bun-o Fujisawa 
Character design: Mebachi 
Image board: Yoshitsugi Yoshida 
Art: Hiromasa Ogura / Art setting: Taiyo Yoshida 
Color design: Yumiko Katayama 
CG animation director: Hiroshi Suzuki 
Modeling supervisor: Shunsuke Imaizumi 
Technical director: Kouichiro Tamura 
3DCG production: Bros 
Composition: Hisashi Ezura, Akira Saito 
Editing: Yoshinori Murakami
Sound director: Jin Aketagawa/Sound production: Magic Cupsule 
Theme song: Yuki Kajiura 
Assistant director: Yoshihiro Hiramine 
Director: Shuhei Matsushita 
General director: Junichi Fujisaku 
Production: SIGNAL.MD, Production I.G 
Produced by Pony Canyon
    Source: Pony Canyon official anime YouTube channel
  © 2020 Rayark Inc./DEEMO THE MOVIE Production Committee
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
0 notes
harunoosa1987 · 1 year
Takarazuka Splendor II(Moon 2004)
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goingthemilkyway · 7 years
Small Sales Post of Miscellaneous Takarazuka Stuff
I’m making my small collection a little smaller again by putting these few precious items on sale. I hope they’d find a good somebody who could give them at least a little bit more love than I am able to give them at the moment.
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The facts: Prices are in euro (€), shipping fees not included, payment via PayPal. Holding an item is possible for a limited time, if you’re committed to buy.
If you need any further information or more pictures, I’m more than happy to provide you anything you need! You can contact me here on tumblr (reply, DM, anything) or via email, kororonari2904[at]gmail.com.
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Studio 54 dvd – 40 € [SOLD]
Tsukigumi 2010-2011. An Awesome, Delightful and Entertaining show starring Kiriya Hiromu, Aono Yuki and Asumi Rio. Comes with the original postcard.
The Rose of Versailles (Fersen & Antoinette) – Mizu Natsuki digest 20 €
Hoshigumi 2006. For clarification: This is not a full show. It’s a beautiful digest showing us every scene Mizu as Oscar was in (~45 minutes). Bonus track contains special interview with Mizu (~15 minutes) and a curtain call speech from her last performance as Oscar.
Oldies – Takarazuka natsumero song (2012) – 10 € [SOLD]
Oldies goldies, 16 tracks of delightful tunes. Booklet contains lyrics for every song, as well as small (and super cute) pictures of seito in the recording studio.
(Sou Kazuho, Ryuu Masaki, Senna Ayase, Tamaki Ryou, Manaki Reika, Sao Kurama, Renjou Makoto, Tenju Mitsuki, Harukaze Misato, Marino Yui, Natsuki Rei, Mikaze Maira, Kasari Jin, Ayashiro Rea, Konohana Inori.)
Jazz on Time (2012) CD – 10€ [SOLD]
What’s better than jazz? Jazz sung by talented seito, of course. The CD has 22 beautiful, legendary jazzified songs, unfortunately not lyrics and just small pictures of every performer, but the content definitely makes up for it.
(Nozomi Fuuto, Misaki Rion, Nagina Ruumi, Ayana Oto, Uzuki Hayate, Miya Rurika, Renjou Makoto, Fujisaki Eri, Haruka Midori, Harune Aki, Hishiro Yua, Hinazuki Otoha, Ichijou Azusa, Ougi Megumu, Houju Ichi, Shimon Yuriya, Shirotae Natsu, Haruhana Kirara, Momochi Ito, Aikaze Yume.)
Because I couldn’t find the CD listed on TCA anymore (??), have a tracklist as a picture!
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Stage album 2011 – 6€ [SOLD]
Pictures from every performance from the awesome year of 2011, as well as program-like summaries of plot and cast for every Grand Theater play. In 2011 we had Romeo & Juliette, Oceans 11, Phantom, NIJINSKY, oh, the best year. Grab a diamond.
The cover has a few marks from me loving it so, but the pages and everything else is pretty much in A+ condition.
Elisabeth II – 15€ [ON HOLD]
Mainly focusing on yukigumi’s 2007 version of said musical, contains tons of pictures from stage, backstage, Mizu, Tonami and Yumiko’s trip to Vienna, interviews, costume details… As well as many gorgeous pages of tsukigumi’s 2005 version, costume etc comparisons to every zuka production up to date (that was indeed 2007 back then), also a nice and tiny glimpse of the Vienna production. Over 100 pages of this gloriousness, what a dream mook.
Roget / Rock on! Grand theater program – 3€
Yukigumi 2010. (Many cute smols here.)
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2015 desktop calendar – 5 €
Still in its original package, aka in wonderful condition. The year may be long gone, but the ladies are gonna look stunnig probably for the next six hundred years so we don’t really mind, do we?
(Aizuki Hikaru, Tenju Mitsuki, Toa Reiya, Ichijou Azusa, Yuuki Mao, Ayanagi Shou, Seto Kazuya, Ootori Mayu, Tamaki Ryou, Sakuragi Minato, Rinjou Kira, Sumiki Sayato, Sorahane Riku, Ayakaze Sakina, Rei Makoto, Mana Haruto, Houshou Dai, Karyou Shizuru, Tsukishiro Kanato, Serika Toa, Shimon Yuriya, Akizuki Saya, Uzuki Hayate, Houzuki An, Yuzuka Rei)
2014 desktop calendar – 4 €
Two-sided ”cards” with a stand for display. The stand has a tiny mysterious stain on the back, but it definitely won’t affect the experience. (Only now I noticed that you can actually put it on your wall as well!)
Please ask for more pictures!
(Makaze Suzuho, Ouki Kaname, Nozomi Fuuto, Kurenai Yuzuru, Ayakaze Sakina, Sou Kazuho, Seijou Kaito, Ranju Tomu, Nagina Ruumi, Ryuu Masaki, Nanami Hiroki, Asumi Rio, Ayanagi Shou, Mizusu Aki, Ozuki Tooma, Hokushou Kairi, Yumeno Seika, Yuzuki Reon, Toki Irisu, Sagiri Seina, Miya Rurika, Asaka Manato, Hanagata Hikaru, Todoroki Yuu, Saou Kurama)
Postcards – 1€ each
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Kozuki Wataru x2 // Mizu Natsuki x2 // Kiriya Hiromu x2 // Ryuu Masaki & Manaki Reika x2 // Asumi Rio x2 // Sakihi Miyu // Nozomi Fuuto // Ranju Tomu // Ozuki Tooma
Still pictures - 1€ each
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Ouki Kaname [ON HOLD] // Hasumi Yuuya // Aizuki Hikaru // Nozomi Fuuto
Stage pictures – 2€ each
Come and grab your darlings!
(Also - who else hates the original big and blurry pockets for bromides? I do, and that’s why I’ve got a new clear pocket for every single one of them!)
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Ranju Tomu // Oto Kurisu & Ayaki Hikari // Kano Maria & Yuzuka Rei // Asumi Rio (’09 Elisabeth shinko)
Ranju Tomu // Kano Maria’s last day // Melodia (grand theater)
MeMy (2016) B-cast // Yabuki Sena & Hozumi Mahiro // Asumi Rio & Ranno Hana & Hokushou Kairi
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Nozomi Fuuto [ON HOLD] // Manaka Ayu // Renjou Makoto x 2
Nozomi Fuuto x 4 [Sasuke ON HOLD] // Nozomi Fuuto & Taiga Rin
Yumesaki Nene & Yuzuki Reon // Hokushou Kairi & Hinami Fuu // Aizuki Hikaru // Hasumi Yuuya
Stage picture holders - 3,50€ each
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All the albums SOLD!
✰ And that’s all for now! Don’t hesistate to contact me if you need more details!
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watanabeasuka · 11 years
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Flyer design / Web design
- Artists
Kimiaki Hirose
Ikuko Hirose
Ayana Hirose
- Featuring Artist
Akatana (Berlin)
AKNL (Berlin/Osaka)
Ara Koufax (Melbourne)
Concentration (Melbourne)
Daisuke PAK (Berlin)
galcid + Hisashi Saito (Tokyo)
Leona Kashiwagi (Tokyo)
Ombossa (Montreal/Berlin)
Red pig flower (Berlin)
Seiho (Osaka) SEKITOVA (Osaka) Shoin Miyamoto (Osaka)
SINCiLOW (Osaka)
takayuki kurita (Berlin)
Yasuhisa (Berlin/Osaka)
Yutaka Sakamoto / Sub Human Bros (Berlin)
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daibii · 8 years
Otozuki Kei’s GOGO5 Interview Translation
Hey guys, so I finally finished the translation of Otozuki Kei’s GOGO5 interview with Ayana Oto and Karyou Shizuru, hosted by Juri Sakiho. Please be aware that it’s a transcript and not subtitles for the video file. If there’s anything wrong with the file or anything incorrect in my translation, please let me know and I’ll update it.
Anywho, sorry for the wait and please enjoy <3
Word Document: Link
Pages Document: Link
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zubukinwonderland · 9 years
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26 notes · View notes
eternalyjun · 9 years
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Ayane Sakura & Akari Kito Join DEEMO Memorial Keys CG Anime Film
    Along with a new key visual featuring a cherry blossom motif, it was announced at Anime ExpoLite 2021 today that Ayane Sakura (Cocoa in Is The Order A Rabbit?) and Akari Kito (Nezuko Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) have joined the voice cast of DEEMO THE MOVIE: Sakura no Oto -Anata no Kanadeta Oto ga, Ima mo Hibiku (I Still Hear The Sound of Your Piano)-, the forthcoming anime feature film adaptation of Taiwanese company Rayark's rhythm game for smartphone, DEEMO. Also, the film's official English title was announced as DEEMO Memorial Keys.
  The anime tells a tale of fleeting, sad love between of Deemo, a mysterious being who plays the piano alone in a castle, and Alice (CV: Ayana Taketatsu), a girl who lost her memory who descended from the sky. Junichi Fujisaku (BLOOD+) has served as general director for the SIGNAL.MD and Production I.G's co-production film, alongside director Shuhei Matsushita (YU-NO:A girl who chants love at the bound of this world assistant director). No word yet on a release date at this time.
    New key visual:
    "DEEMO Memorial Keys” Additional voice actor is here✨ Rosalia:Ayane Sakura Please check the latest news ????https://t.co/IatXHRcmro#deemo #AnimeExpoLite
— 劇場版「DEEMO サクラノオト -あなたの奏でた音が、今も響く-」【公式】 (@DeemoMovie) July 5, 2021
        "DEEMO Memorial Keys” Another additional voice actor is here✨ Sania:Akari Kito(@kitoakari_1016) Please check the latest news ????https://t.co/IatXHRcmro#deemo #AnimeExpoLite pic.twitter.com/NcW0bjvMfM
— 劇場版「DEEMO サクラノオト -あなたの奏でた音が、今も響く-」【公式】 (@DeemoMovie) July 5, 2021
    "DEEMO Memorial Keys” Kazuna Takashima (@HinanoTakashima), the singer of the theme song, performed at #AnimeExpoLite 2021❗️ She sang "YUBIKIRI-GENMAN" as a DEEMO cover song❗️ Youtube channel is here????https://t.co/DZUbcwO9JT#deemo pic.twitter.com/9U3DgVTzhK
— 劇場版「DEEMO サクラノオト -あなたの奏でた音が、今も響く-」【公式】 (@DeemoMovie) July 5, 2021
    Teaser trailer:
  Main staff:
  Screenplay: Junichi Fujisaku, Bun-o Fujisawa 
Character design: Mebachi 
Image board: Yoshitsugi Yoshida 
Art: Hiromasa Ogura / Art setting: Taiyo Yoshida 
Color design: Yumiko Katayama 
CG animation director: Hiroshi Suzuki 
Modeling supervisor: Shunsuke Imaizumi 
Technical director: Kouichiro Tamura 
3DCG production: Bros 
Composition: Hisashi Ezura, Akira Saito 
Editing: Yoshinori Murakami
Sound director: Jin Aketagawa/Sound production: Magic Cupsule 
Theme song: Yuki Kajiura 
Assistant director: Yoshihiro Hiramine 
Director: Shuhei Matsushita 
General director: Junichi Fujisaku 
Production: SIGNAL.MD, Production I.G 
Produced by Pony Canyon
    Source: "DEEMO Memorial Keys" official website / Twitter
  © 2020 Rayark Inc./DEEMO THE MOVIE Production Committee
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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