#awesomefringey ask
indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
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Hi love ❤️ I’ve seen you’ve been missing writing and while I don’t want to burden this on you (please only respond if thinking and writing about this gives you joy) I wanted to share these two pics I keep connecting in my brain as if they happened at the same moment.
Harry walks by Louis’ desk. Their eyes meet.
And I keep wondering, what is going on here? Do you know?? 👀
Ask and you shall receive. 😘
— (loosely) based on Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella
Harry was barely able to fight another yawn as he stood up from his incredibly new, incredibly bare, incredibly normal office desk.
As he closed his laptop and slipped it in his bag, he tried not to be too disappointed. All in all, the day had gone pretty well.
Okay, so it had kind of been dead boring, but that was partially Harry’s fault for expecting too much. Apparently, almost dying on a horrifically turbulent flight halfway across the world to get a foot in the door of your dream job at an indie record label tended to lead to a rather anticlimactic first day. Who knew?
Like, not that Harry expected Elton John to walk through the halls or anything (that would be ridiculous; he was signed by Universal, everyone knew that), but like, maybe some grungy up-and-comer he could brag to all his friends about finding in a garage in the future.
Or, even the rumored new (hot), young (hot), brilliant (hot), openly gay (and hot) CEO, at least. Just to, like, confirm the rumors of the insanity of his hotness, you know?
But alas, the Mystery Boss had been holed up in a twelve-hour meeting that hadn’t even stopped for lunch, and God, did Harry somehow get tricked into working for the indie record label version of JP Morgan?
He grimaced. Considering his luck last weekend, he wouldn’t put it past the universe.
But just as he let out another quiet sigh, a petulant pout already forming on his lips, the door to the fortress that was Conference Room A opened. And because Harry was nothing if not nosy, he craned his neck just enough to take a harmless little peek inside at the head of the table.
It happened like lighting — blue eyes, and a smart smirk, and a 28 tattooed on his fingers.
And, thinking about that exact moment in hindsight, Harry would bet everything he owned that if there was a way his soul could have simply left him to die from embarrassment right then, it probably would have because…
“Flight 568, this is your captain speaking.”
“Oh God,” Harry whimpered over the crackling of the speaker as the plane rattled wildly all around them, “oh God, we’re going to die. Our captain is about to tell us we’re going to die,” he said, clutching the fingers of the stranger beside him without bothering to spare a thought to manners or like, boundaries. What on earth did he need manners for, now that they were clearly about to fucking die?
“We’re not going to die, mate,” the stranger said, his Northern accent calm.
But Harry wasn’t listening.
“Uhhh, we are,” he deigned to argue, even with the panic that was rising in his throat with each new violent shake. Then, suddenly, faced with the mounting reality of his mortality, Harry blurted out, “I lied on my CV.”
A beat of confused silence before, “O…kay—?”
“I just really wanted this job, you know?” Harry continued, because apparently, the precipice of death made him chatty. “It’s literally the dream. Like, the job I’ve wanted to do my whole entire life but never thought I’d have a shot at? That job.”
“I… see—”
“So I lied,” Harry repeated, just in case this stranger didn’t understand the depth of his betrayal. “And then I got it, and… and… Oh God—“ Harry wailed, squeezing his eyes shut as the plane rocked like it was made of paper, “And now I’m going to die, and they’re going to know. They’re going to know that I lied about where I went to school and I’m going to be dead, and my super hot new boss is gonna fire me posthumously, which is really unfortunate because I’m pretty sure he’s the kind of hot I would probably let fuck me in against a glass window, you know?” he asked, nervously forcing a laugh as he chanced a quick glance at the stranger.
He was met with blue eyes.
Blue eyes, and a smart smirk, and a 28 tattooed on the fingers Harry was currently crushing in his vice grip.
The stranger chuckled easily. “I’m nervous about my new job too.”
“Oh God,” Harry said then, the horrible horrible truth sinking into his stomach as he watched his new (and now confirmed super, insanely hot) boss narrow his eyes thoughtfully at Harry through the slightly open door, before his brow began to lift in slow, amused recognition.
Oh. God.
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petitommo · 5 months
thinking louis is a dad while still following larries and people who sexualize louis and harry like louisarmpits and awesomefringey i guess that just makes you a fetishist for fun
the second you become a parent, you stop being hot. don’t do it. you can no longer awake sexual feelings in other and you bet you’ll NEVER get laid again bc EW ur a parent now.
after all, becoming a dad means you now can do nothing else but be in Dad Mode at all times. ALL TIMES.
dear god, i wonder how anyone have managed to get more than one child, or, yknow, got to remarry even tho they have kids from a previous relationships.
after all, getting kids puts the world to a screeching hault and that’s who u are now. a parent.
god forbid you stay a human too.
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finexbright · 1 year
Can you link all the classic Larry receipts there are white a few I can't remember the origins of
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hii so i tried to find the links and here's what i got
yes of course always
curly haired cunt
bryan bardha
new zealand holiday inn
olly murs + baby larry
here's an ask i recently answered about the umbro shirt
a masterpost or sorts that i found on my quest
the ones from my poll that i couldn't find links for, but i vaguely remember the receipts, so:
hl hosting game night : apparently in the celeb world, harry and louis often host game nights which are very well loved by their friends and they're both very competitive and are always winning
the christmas tree chaos : louis got a christmas tree delivered but it was delivered to harry's public house's address (i believe it was his place near spaniards inn)
harry calming louis: apparently sometimes louis got very anxious and hyper back stage and the only person who could calm him down was harry (i think it was by touching his back? i'm not very sure)
however, i do know that @twopoppies @daisiesonafield-blog and @awesomefringey have really good tagging systems and all of them have tags for larry receipts (even specified by the year!!) so yeah you should go check out their blogs for all the receipts!
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twopoppies · 4 months
Hi Gina,
He has been in this for long and says that he is quitting now because of the reasons he mentioned that he does not booze or don’t wanna cheat on his wife or girlfriend.. may be because i follow the people i follow I’ve never seen anything of this sort of comments from people involved in HL team and always thought at least regarding HL that they chose a lifestyle or have certain borders which they kind of align to.. but do you think that HL going away for so long from home or from each other still choose to be faithful for each other??? Is it practically possible.. am not only asking this because you are big blog for HL but because I’ve seen you mentioning that you worked in industry am not sure what was the scope of it or how long to know the details of it…. Yea like is it all head canon in my head or do you think there is 1% of truth from what we see!!
Well, the latest turn of events is that people think Joni’s comments are connected to the rumors about Matt Vines. Joni specifically said he wasn’t talking about Louis and that he highly respects him.
Having worked in that industry as well the film industry, nothing he’s alluding to is a surprise. People who travel for a living often play fast and loose with their morals (there’s often a sort of “what happens on the road stays on the road” kind of attitude). Throw in a lot of money and power plus and endless supply of attractive people wanting to be close to someone in your circle, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. But Joni has known Louis for a very long time and has only ever spoken of him with the highest praise.
We know nothing of Harry and Louis’ real lives. However, my sense of them from their interviews and songwriting is that honesty, communication, and loyalty are all a big deal to them. While I would imagine they’ve had breakups and fights, and may have been with other people if they broke up for a time, I just don’t imagine either of them cheating on each other.
As for their crews when they’re on the road? They can only do so much. We know, for example, Louis was very quick to let his previous photographer go when allegations came out that he had assaulted models he photographed. But someone cheating on their spouse might not be a reason to let someone go (and if it’s his manager, that’s a whole other kettle of fish).
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awesomefringey · 5 months
Of anon is into a bit darker fics, FBI AUs, mysteries, mediums etc, then I 100% recommend itsmotivingscara fics, they’re so good!
Oooh, I’ve heard of @itsmotivatingcara’s fics before, but haven’t read one yet. Which one would you recommend to read first?
I hope the anon gets to see your ask.
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piccolotiranno · 7 months
Hi! I love your blog ❤️
Do you have recommendations of other people to follow? Thank you!
hi, nonnie. happy to know that you love my blog, tysm, but i’m honestly not the best person to ask for recommendations because i follow a ridiculously small amount of blogs, and i’m literally the one who should be asking for recommendations of some new cool blogs to follow.
anyway, here are some awesome blogs and lovely people i follow (we are talking about harry and/or louis blogs, right?). not all of them have been actively active recently, and not 100% of them I’m mutuals with, and also there are some blogs I’ve only been following since not long ago, but I love each and every one of them dearly and I’m always happy to see them on my dash, as well as everyone i reblog from.
so here we go @gayscantslicetomatoes @blushingpizza @stylesrainbows @holyshit @lovingstheantidote @awesomefringey @ladychlo @daydreaming-sunflower @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @bluewinnerangel @sweatyfestivaltrash @harryshandbag @calamitous-fool @yourslarry @danishdirtbag @ificouldflyhome369 @sunxsunflowervol6 @downtowncats @medicinelarrie @505louis @wecantalktomorrow @still-the-1-d @whoreforlarrystuff @skepticalarrie @louisbluejeans @tangerinequeen19 @so-idialed-9 @builtyouahousefromabrokenhome
also let me mention some other blogs that are not actively involved in our fandom bubble but which definitely have a special place in my heart. it's @hetcrimes for a deep dive into gay art, and @handinvampirichand for everything else lol
have fun, nonnie!
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ishipmutualrespect · 1 year
Hey🤗 Who should I follow?
Hello anon, it’s been a while since I’ve been asked about a blog rec but I’m gonna tag the people who are on my dash and who bring me comfort, fun and joy to be here.
I don’t remember how many people I can tag in one post so I’ll try to tag as much as possible but it’s possible that I can forget someone. So I’ll also say, if someone isn’t on this list but you see me reblog from them, then I’m also following them and they’re still in my rec list.
Ok too many words already, so here we go:
@likearagingroar @thechavier @alwaysyousweetcreature @vee-black-cloud @sunshineandlyrics @nauticallyrics @medicinehrry @louisgayvodka @curlyhairedprince @sparklebootsandvans @letmeadorelouis @medicinelarrie @alwaysyouinmyheart @anxiouslarrie @yorkshirelarrie @harrehleh @hlkings @indiaalphawhiskey @crinkle-eyed-boo @sahlineelnagrom @lovingstheantidote @kiwikiwiandkiwi @bluewinnerangel @awesomefringey @skepticalarrie @holyshit @queenbeeharry @thewhitecitrus @yourgoldenview @sadaveniren @ireallysawanangel @softfonds @loustyles @alarrylarrie @harrylouis @2tiedships2
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
Hi, Flávia! I hope that you're well! My name is Iza.
I got a bit paranoid (not in a bad way, just worried) about us rebbloging things from antis and solos 'cause I agree that's a matter of seconds to confirmed where the post came from, however I live in the clouds, I'm always doing 28 things at the same time and usually by the phone's app. So, shit, I probably already did something like that at some point. And it's shitty.
So when I had a bit of time today, I started to dig my rebblogings and giving a second look at who I follow and who follows me.
What I really want to ask, actually, is if you have blogs to recommend? I'd like to see new creatores on my dash and be able to reblog their posts. And blogs in general that you like also.
My love language it's using gifs and funny stuff. And I just have a beautiful archive because of your gifs and content. So thank you so much!
Thank you!
Lots of love.
hi iza, you are very lovely!
there's this great list going around, you should probably check it out. my list might contain some of the same people but these are the blogs that i love following because they make my dash brighter, happier and more beautiful:
@alarrylarrie @lhrry @harrysmaison @theirloveisgross @hshouse @curlyhairedprince @larryalbum @delicatepointofview @medicinehrry @jalboyhenthusiast @skepticalarrie @holyshit @cowboylarries @coffeehotcoffee @cursethedaylight @softfonds @lets-laughagain @lovingstheantidote @itsnotreal @quickpauseinconversations @lt2hoe @finexbright @nouislover @usignedupforthis @rainbowparadisebht @greeneyesfriedrice @fratauharry @anxiouslarrie @aestheticlarrie @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @handgf @ishipmutualrespect @goldensatellite @heyangels @ladychlo @yorkshirelarry @icouldbeluckyagain @lululawrence @hlkings @fivescrews @loubbies @curlyharru @gayscantslicetomatoes @braverytattoos @blackandwhlteaesthetlc @youmakemestrong @nauticallyrics @theawayfromhomefestival @aliensyndrome @heartshaped-lou @ltyear @starsweredible @hereforh @justalarryblog @awesomefringey @harrehleh @whenyouvequitefinished @casthefallenangel @allmylouv @loulovehome @larrydoinglaundry
these are the ones i can think of right now, but really anyone i reblog from is a cool blog to follow
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I don't understand why you take the copy paste asks so personally or in bad faith. Sure some might just be trolling or wanting to be annoying but for a lot of people you, twopoppies and skepticalarrie are considered sort of the "discussion" blogs in the fandom and people like reading your opinions. So when someone has a question and sends the same thing to the three of you it's just because they are interested in 3 separate takes. Of course it's not your job and duty to reply but you act like it's this horrible offence and block people for it.
Answering this once:
There is a huge difference between someone asking something and saying "I also sent this to x y and z and would like to see all of your opinions". As opposed to blanket copy pastes sent to 7 different blogs with no context.
The vast majority of these copy-paste asks are parts of someone's post they've cropped and just mass sent to bloggers, so often not even a question, just a cropped out thought or statement.
Again, majority not even a question worth discussing or getting varying opinions on. Just spam for whatever reason.
Take for example the latest one, which Sabine @awesomefringey posted, while I didn't post mine. It's literally some random person claiming that Sofie is doing whatever and they saw it, and that I need to advocate for my followers to unfollow her. -None of that requires an opinion from different bloggers on a fandom issue or fandom discussion.
And like my anon said earlier, some people just copy other people's asks and send it to other blogs as their own. Not even a "I saw this question on another blog and would like your opinion/answer", they just take it.
Look, I have no problem answering asks that were sent to other blogs if the person is actually trying to get varying points of view and opinions - that's fine, and good to do in life in general. Talking it out helps you understand. I'm not denying that. And I embrace that. But TELL ME. Make it a conversation. Say "I sent this to this other blog too because I wanted to hear varying points of view". That's totally understandable. But the bottom line is that the majority are not like this. And it's incredibly annoying to spend time thinking, researching and formulating an answer, only to see 3-4 other blogs have already answered the question you spent time on. Big or small. It feels like a waste of time. And honestly, it's not just 1 ask every now and then that are copy pastes, it's several everyday. So it does get exhausting trying to go thru and separate spam in our inboxes.
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ladychlo · 2 years
Hi! Hope you don't mind, quite funny asking you this but do you know any Trans Friendly/Accepting Blogs here in the L&H Tumblr? Thought it would be a safe place for me as a trans person but damn Blou*** are just too toxic. Never knew theyre so many of them here and on TWT, glad I blocked all of them, just really hate their perspective of what gender is and body comfortability is. I hope it's okay. You and saintqueer are the only they/thems here that seems like a safe place to ask about it 🤧💖
Hi love!!
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with that!! These are all nice people I enjoy on my dash and I'm 100% sure I missed mentionning others as nice!! sorry <3 but anyone I reblog from is wonderful!!
@rainbowparadisebht @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @swimmingleo @anxiouslarrie @lovingstheantidote @homosociallyyours @kiwikiwiandkiwi @non-binharry @alloutshirt @aliensyndrome @evilovesyou @halohamilton @louisshomesharry @lululawrence @skepticalarrie @twopoppies @gayscantslicetomatoes @lhrry @loulovehome @otb-sweetcreature @bluewinnerangel @hshouse @finexbright @usignedupforthis @justalarryblog @awesomefringey @hlkings @kingsofeverythingmain @curlyhairedprince @rainbowparadiselouis @louisxgolden @heartshaped-lou @harryishome @momrryrights @bymadhatter @eyupdaisy @rainbowbeanstyles @thetriangletattoo @harrehleh @tommokat @suesheroll @queersue
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indiaalphawhiskey · 7 months
fake fic title! "crescent moons fix broken hearts"
would love it if it could be hl? 👀
Sorry this took so long! I really needed to write something today to flex the muscle, I hope you and @awesomefringey (who submitted the t-shirt pic) like it. 🥰 (I tried to post this twice with a moodboard but Tumblr wouldn’t let me. 😒)
🌙 Crescent Moons Fix Broken Hearts
Sitting in the en suite of the lavish hotel room, the soft lighting of the vanity illuminating the planes of his face, Harry let the radical irony of what he was about to do wash over him.
It was a weird thing, he realized, this feeling of waiting for a moment your entire life – preserving it, building it up – only to have it finally, finally come in a form so different it was almost laughable.
Not almost. Harry did laugh.
Half because he caught sight of his ridiculously nervous expression in the mirror, and half because apparently, one minute someone could be the perfect pure, virginal (if a little sexually frustrated) Omega groom-to-be fitting their bespoke wedding suit in at a highly exclusive designer shop, and three days later, be that very same Omega, revenge and wildly expensive tequila shooting through their veins as they booked their would-have-been honeymoon suite to have raunchy sex with an Alpha they’d hired specifically to finally deflower them, once and for all.
Turns out getting dumped in a Saville Row dressing room because one’s ex-fiancé thought they were quote, “an uppity, frigidly cold fish who he probably had no sexual chemistry with anyway”, unquote, really lit a fire under one’s arse.
Harry flared his nose in anger, his thoughts murderous as images of his beautiful, wasted wedding invitations danced back into his mind, haunting him. His cheeks began their now familiar pinkening with his remembered humiliation, and then…
A soft knock unfortunately interrupted Harry’s montage of fantastic daydreams of running over every single one of his ex-fiancé’s prized watches to the intro of Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song.
“Come in,” he called out gently – or as gently as one could through gritted teeth.
As the door slid away, the unfamiliar, unassuming coolness of rosemary and sage rolled in slowly. Harry wasn’t used to it; accustomed to sharing spaces with the scent of warm whiskey and leather layered with that wretchedly expensive cologne Harry had always hated.
But back to the sage.
Sage, and rosemary, and cedar, and… he let the last note tickle his nose as he tried to name it.
“Are you okay?” Louis Tomlinson asked.
… and soap, Harry realized, oddly comforted even as he wondered whether the name was a pseudonym; wondered if it was standard procedure to print such a convincing alias on a discreet calling card that would eventually be passed across an elegant brunch table at the Dorchester.
(‘Niall, don’t be absurd,’ Harry had sniffed, trying his best to push the card back towards him without making a scene. ‘Jesus, just be normal and introduce me to one of your investment bankers, or something.’
Niall had given him a long, silent, and completely unimpressed look in response, glancing down at the engagement ring Harry was still wearing, if only to make a point. Ouch.
‘Harry, trust me. After this shitshow, you of all people deserve an orgasm on the first go. Treat yourself.’)
“I’m alright.” The polite platitude was out of his mouth accompanied by a reserved smile through the mirror before he could stop it.
It wasn’t like he could tell the truth anyway; not like he could say, ‘No, actually. I’m fucking livid, because a week ago I was about to be married, and today my financial manager called to ask if my credit card had been stolen because there was a suspicious charge from RoyaLT Enterprises for a ‘Platinum Package – All Inclusive’ on it when I was assured this service would be discreet, goddamnit!’
He bit his tongue, mostly because Harry didn’t tell Louis about the jilting; had decided against it the moment he had clicked ‘Platinum’, the description reading ‘two-week session with certified heat coach (Alpha) focused on scent familiarity, building sexual rapport, and discussing intimacy needs in addition to agreed heat cycle partnership.’
A virgin who had saved himself for marriage only to be jilted a week before his wedding because he was, in fact, a virgin, paying for sex and intimacy, trapped in a room with someone who really shouldn’t be as attractive as he had turned out to be… It had all just felt a little too humiliating.
Which, speaking of…
“Sorry,” Harry blurted out softly now, slowly coming to his senses. He turned to face Louis, his eyes widening. “We’re… we’re on the clock, aren’t we? Am I… I’m wasting your time?”
Louis chuckled softly – kindly, really – and casually leaned against the door frame, crossing his ankles. He was shirtless, Harry only now realized, as he watched him slip both hands into the pockets of his silk pajama bottoms, making them ride dangerously low against his happy trail.
Louis shook his head. “You’re supposed to take your time, get comfortable with me.” He raised his hand to gesture to himself – what he was wearing, and then the space between them. “This is all part of it.” He grinned wide, and Harry had noticed he was handsome when they’d met, but the genuine warmth of his smile is what made it. (Well, his smile, and his abs, and the still respectable but no less impressive hint of a bulge in his pajama bottoms…) “It’s called the boyfriend package for a reason.”
Funny, Harry thought then, feeling just a little bit… well, a little bit wet. He’d never had a boyfriend who looked quite like this.
Niall’s wise words began to reverberate in his mind: ‘Treat yourself.’
Harry bit back a cheeky smile. He intended to.
— Or, When Harry Styles did things, he did them right. Why should losing his virginity be any different?
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bciwasinlove · 2 years
You think likes on Twitter is important? Really? You know majority of Louis fans have 10 side accs right? Why he can't made in the same as un chart then? Read my ask again
Anon I'm going to be honest it took me a couple reads to understand what u were going on about until I remembered my recent post about how much louis fanbase has grown than I laughed my ass off.
@larrysballetslippers @twopoppies @agape-28 @perksofbeingasunflowerblog @bluewinnerangel @awesomefringey @thoughtsthatarehardtoexpress
Plz read and laugh with me this anon believes louis only gets the amount of engagement on his tweets bc every louis fan has 10+ accs. 💀 Do they not know how many followers he has even if some people have a few more accs he still has millions of followers who will see so many will like his tweets. 😭😭😭
Anon Louis debut album went #1 on the itunes worldwide album charts in over 50 countries.
Louis had thousands if not millions more votes from fans than MANY other artist when it came to one of those vote for your fav to be played on the radio things even beating out the B** fanbase !!!
And once louis left syco had one of his songs jump all the way to #1 on the itunes chart.
All this with PROOF syco tried to stop him from having a successful solo career. [IE having him be a judge on xfactor in 2018 instead of allowing him to release his album and going on tour like he planned.]
Just say your mad louis fanbase is growing, that LOUIS is growing and go anon bc you look fuckin dumb trying to claim multiple accs is why. 🚶‍♀️ 🚶‍♀️
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1dreligionfest · 2 years
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An exploration of all stories religious for creators of 1D fan works. Forbidden love between medieval monks? The devotion of temples and daily prayer? The restrictions of sacred garments and food restrictions, or the liberation of holy dedication? Latkes and apples with honey, or breaking your fast after night has fallen with family and friends? Sacrifices to the ancestors and the wheel of the year? Whatever story or image you’d like to share, we invite you to offer it up with us. We are strongly encouraging content from a diverse range of faith practices and traditions!
We want to thank @awesomefringey for giving us the wonderful idea to organize this fest.
For the purposes of this fest, we are defining “religion” as a personal set or institutional system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. However, if you have any questions about whether something counts, please reach out. Religion/religious faith must be either a significant part of the setting/background or constitute a major part of the plot. Again, if you have any questions, please contact us. While we accept content exploring all aspects of religious life, including the potential harm caused by religious faith/religious practitioners, we do ask all participants to be respectful of other creators’ and fans’ personal beliefs and practices. Intolerance will not be accepted.
No minimum or maximum word count
No age restriction for the fest; to create nsfw content, you must be 18+
Content must be tagged appropriately. Certain content can be triggering, so please don’t hide or downplay anything.
Content will be removed if deemed necessary by the mods.
All ships are allowed, so long as at least one member of 1D is a member of the main ship
All content must be complete when posted
Co-creation is allowed; please address it when signing up or message the mods as needed
Using a beta is encouraged (and a brit-picker as necessary)
This fest is not anonymous. Please feel free to post snippets of your fic and tag the blog.
Submissions are due in the collection by 6pm CET. Authors are responsible for their own rebloggable posts.
Prompt submissions: September 16 - September 30
Sign-ups open: October 1 - November 1
Deadline: March 16
Posting begins: March 18
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twopoppies · 3 months
Hold on where did Louis say lad give me a ring?
I don’t know, love. Better to ask @awesomefringey since she posted it.
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awesomefringey · 2 months
Ain’t no journalist got guts to ask Louis why he keeps fuelling the rumours with this kinda shit after he first denies everything, when he knows his fans are conspiracy theorist lunatics who love to solve his little coded puzzle mysteries .. in red to -> https://www.tumblr.com/awesomefringey/747492628752433152
Well, the key is plausible deniability. 🫠
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alarrytale · 2 months
There are days when I’m like “Lou, babe, I love you but why are you like this?” and this is exactly of of those das. And my inner self starts panicking a bit if this isn’t a way to shame H or wtf I just don’t understand him sometimes and that makes me sad. Like I get he can’t remake it to sound in the rock version to fit his setlist and read that H tried to remake it but it didn’t work but still…he doesn’t have to use words like he used.
Hi, anon!
Link. I really liked @awesomefringey's answer to a similar ask to yours about this quote.
He sounds like a music snob who is very concerned about coming off as "cool" and only doing things if they will be percieved as cool. I think he attempted to mind his words, not shit on the song, but admit that it's hard to rework the song to fit his current sound. He didn’t manage it though. He comes off as very concerned about seeming cool and keeping his current image as indie, instead of owning and honoring his past as a boybander and singing the song as is. It's carrying undertones of misogyny, because i think his female target groups and his male target groups have very different opinions of what's cool or not...
I don't think he was shaming H, but he was kind of saying it's not cool to like the song. H has made the transition away from boybander into his new image and can get away with singing WMYB with his fans being ecstatic about it. H is owning it and embracing it. Louis hasn't managed to rid himself of his boyband image and transition into his new image. He's still trying to convince everyone he's indie and punk rock. Singing WMYB as is would be counterproductive to what he's trying to achieve. Since he can't rework it to be indie or punk rock, he won't do it.
It really isn't neccessary to talk about WMYB like he doesn’t like it, like it isn't cool to like it as it is, and that it needs to be reworked to be cool. He knows a good part of his fans are 1D fans and love the song. It's a huge hit, the gp knows it, it's reminiscent of people's childhood, nostalgic, and a reminder for fans of better and simpler times. He also knows Harry loves it and that it gets a huge reaction when he plays it. It's just not neccessary to talk about it if he is going to talk about it this way. It's not going to end well for him. No music is better or worse than other music. I think he should be very careful to talk down music that's popular with a young female audience, for several reasons...
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