#autocorrect is probably the only reason this is even somewhat coherent
i should be asleep but i found a quiz and
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i feel seen and i Do Not Like It
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Ok this has probably been thought of before but: the gang plays among us. Bonus points if there is irony (vis a vis cody being imposter Felix dying first (I'm sorry), etc.).
-hates being the impostor because he's not very good at lying on the spot
-"guys i got stuck in the vent how do i get out :("
-whenever his fellow impostor is about to get caught, he always does his best to defend them, often accidentally outing himself in the process. he refuses to throw his fellow impostor under the bus for any reason.
-he never sabotages unless he's a ghost. he forgets the button is there
-he's a really good crewmate though. he always stays focused on his tasks, and is great at sniffing out who the impostor is.
-most of the time his accusations will be based on purely gut instinct with little to no solid evidence, but he ends up being right 75% of the time so everyone else just goes with it
-it's for this reason that he usually dies first, especially when felix is the impostor, so that the crewmates will lose their best detective. that, and he makes himself a really easy target by never getting suspicious when people follow him.
-he always continues to do his tasks when he's a ghost.
-always apologizes to the people he kills as the impostor in the lobby once the game ends
-go-to skin is yellow with the astronaut helmet, he also has the alien pet
-LOVES being the impostor, but is not especially good at it because of his temper. he just enjoys messing with his friends.
-always goes for david or eric first
-not afraid to throw his fellow impostor under the bus to save his own hide
-surprisingly good at lying and gaslighting anyone who sees him being sus
-his favorite impostor teammate is noemi, because they both have the same desire to cause endless problems for their friends.
-will often follow people around or act suspicious even when he's a crewmate just to spread chaos
-people usually suspect him of being impostor first, and he gets wrongfully voted out a lot
-when this happens he refuses to finish his tasks
-'felix is sus' 'no YOU'RE sus fuck off'
-will often refuse to vote until the last second just to force everyone to wait the whole time
-constantly screams at people in the lobby
-if felix and eric are impostors together, felix will call a meeting and out both of them because he hates teaming up with eric and knows there's no way they'll win.
-go-to skin is black with the knife hat. if he joins a game of strangers and someone else has claimed the black and purple skins, he'll leave and find another game. he refuses to play as any other color.
-surprisingly good as the impostor. he exudes trustworthy energy and is generally calm and reasonable during discussions, so he tends to always be one of the last suspects.
-people tend to follow him since he seems to know what he's doing, and that's how he gets them
-but once he wins as impostor? he taunts people in the lobby to hell and back. lightheartedly, of course, he just loves to bask in his victory.
-he's usually the host because he's the only one who understands all the settings and who can actually be trusted to not fuck with the character speed. he likes to randomly add a ton of tasks sometimes though, just to be difficult.
-he'll always do his best to defend his fellow impostor, but once they're proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt he'll vote them off.
-the only real giveaway for him being the impostor is if david isn't one of the first to die.
-after he finishes all of his tasks, he'll usually end up following david around.
-does his best to contribute to discussions, but he always seems to be on the exact opposite side of the ship from where all the action is, so he doesn't usually have much to add.
-tends to prioritize finishing tasks over sniffing out impostors, so if he sees someone kill in front of him he'll always finish whatever task he's on before reporting. this is problematic if someone else walks in and sees him.
-he usually ends up just trying to mediate and keep the discussion focused. he's the voice of reason.
-"Guys, stop randomly accusing people. Did anyone actually see anything suspicious?"
-if him and cody are impostors together, it's pretty much a guaranteed win for them. they're the ultimate impostor duo.
-go-to skin is dark green with wolf ears. he also has the blue dog pet.
-the first time he was impostor, he cried.
-*calls a meeting* "I'm the impostor and I don't want to be"
-it took him forever to get used to the game. when he first started out he'd get stuck on corners and get lost constantly, and it typically led to him being a very easy target for the impostors/being labelled as sus by the crewmates due to his aimless wandering
-but as time went on and he got used to the game, he slowly developed a strategy and became the best impostor out of all of them
-as an impostor, he is DIABOLICAL. i'm talking faking medbay scans, sabotaging left and right, organizing double kills, the whole nine yards. no sleazy impostor play is too low for him. it's horrifying.
-his only weakness as an impostor is that he always feels really bad when he kills someone who has a pet
-he also has somewhat spotty wifi connection in his apartment, so sometimes his game will freeze at the worst possible times, like when he's standing over a body
-he almost never talks during discussions, unless he was the one who found the body. he just follows everyone else's lead. this is another reason why no one ever suspects him, they just straight up forget he's there.
-as a crewmate, he does his best to keep to himself. if he enters a room to do a task and someone else is in there, he'll leave and come back later. it's thanks to this that he's usually among the last to die.
-he's the kind of player to call meetings just to see how many people are dead/yell at people to stop following him
-he is horrible at the emptying garbage task on the airship specifically. it infuriates him. yes i'm projecting
-always goes to watch the security feed once he finishes his tasks
-when he's a ghost, he tends to ignore his unfinished tasks in favor of following the person who killed him around to see what they do.
-his favorite impostor teammate is tobi. he works well with felix too, as well as eric. but that's only because eric is such a loud and obnoxious impostor that he's inadvertently the perfect distraction while cody does all the real work.
-his go-to skin is cyan with the devil horns, and he has the hamster ball pet. he named it hamtaro. he loves it.
-was allowed to host a game exactly once because he cranked the player speed up to max and everyone hated it
-a very trigger-happy impostor. he'll usually kill someone the second his cooldown runs out, which often results in him getting caught in the act.
-does a stack kill every chance he gets
-throws baseless accusations every which way, regardless of whether he's the impostor or not
-sometimes he'll jokingly out himself as an impostor even when he's not just to confuse people, but it usually ends in him actually getting voted out
-overall, an agent of chaos. it's hard for me to write hcs for him because the way he plays the game varies entirely on how chaotic he's feeling at any given moment.
-on rare occassions when he decides to actually try and not just mess around, he's a scarily good impostor. he can be a master of manipulation when he wants to be, and he has a lot more tricks up his sleeve than he usually lets on.
-often gets voted out or killed early on just for being annoying
-likes to run laps around the lobby
-tries to actually make friends with the people he meets in online games and plugs his youtube channel every chance he gets
-sometimes streams among us on his yt when he plays with the rest of the gang
-go-to skin is blue with the brain slug hat, because 'it kinda looks like a frog'
-she really doesn't like being the impostor. it stresses her out a lot and makes her feel kind of guilty.
-also she's just. not very good at it. she accidentally presses the vent/kill buttons a lot when she's meaning to press something else.
-she talks a LOT as a crewmate, but hardly talks at all as an impostor. it's a major giveaway.
-she texts really fast and turned off autocorrect on her phone, so when she sees someone kill, reports the body, and tries to say who did it, it takes her a couple tries to actually send a coherent message, and a lot of the time the impostor accuses her before she can accuse them.
'C O D Y'
-she gets lost a lot. despite how much she plays, she can never seem to remember where everything is.
-she's always one of the first to vote. much like david, she likes to throw out baseless accusations, but the only difference is that hers are usually wrong
-the CEO of 'if ____ isn't impostor, vote me next'
-likes to track down one person who she's relatively sure is innocent, and stick to their side like glue
-she also does this when she's an impostor. she picks one crewmate to spare and stick with so they'll think she's innocent and defend her during meetings.
-go-to skin is orange, and she tends to alternate between the angel halo hat, the pumpkin hat, and the flowerpot hat.
-tends to take the game VEEERY seriously, and will sometimes give her friends (particularly cody) the silent treatment at school if they 'betray' her in-game
-constantly bugs cody in class to teach her his strategies. he just laughs at her.
-she tries really hard to be sneaky as an impostor and be as manipulative as felix and cody can be, but she tends to raise her voice when she lies and it's a dead giveaway.
-she sabotages as much as she possibly can, and overall spends more time just creating chaos than she does actually killing.
-she's not very good at defending herself, whether she's innocent or not. her defense usually boils down to "so-and-so's sus for saying i'm sus"
-"i was doing tasks!" "okay, what tasks?" "uh-"
-much like tobi and cody, she and felix are a terrifying impostor duo, but their approach is more 'mass murder' than 'manipulation and complex strategy'
-she doesn't like being crewmate, she thinks it's boring and she tends to ignore the tasks she doesn't want to do since, in her mind, there's no way they'll be able to win that way anyway.
-so she usually just wanders around and hangs out in security or admin to sus out the impostor.
-go-to skin is purple with the bat wings hat
-hardly ever plays, and when she does she's not very good purely due to inexperience
-everyone tends to go easy on her because of this and she hates it
-really good at pointing out holes in people's alibis
-also surprisingly good at deflecting suspicion away from her
-has the potential to be a fantastic impostor, on par with cody and tobi, but doesn't have the controls down yet
-the type of crewmate to call a meeting just to say she's done with her tasks
-always finishes her tasks when she's a ghost. always.
-go-to skin is white with the pompadour hat because she thinks it's funny
-doesn't take the game seriously AT ALL
-just fucks around. all the time. never does tasks or kills anyone as the impostor, just walks around the ship following ppl around and doing fuck all
-"selena, what are you doing?" "im having a dance battle with eric in medbay, leave me alone"
-she does still contribute to discussions though. she bases her accusations on super petty things like 'eric is dark blue and i don't like that color' or 'david voted for me last round' but the funny thing is that she's usually right.
-much like eric, gets voted off early on just for being annoying. the two of them just hang out in the ghost chat and laugh at everyone screaming at each other during discussions.
-go-to skin is pink, and she switches between the witch hat and the flower headband
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