#author was just 10 pages deep into info about pneumonia to write this
windfighter · 2 years
Hanahaki is a fictional disease
Takuya’s cold had come and gone in the blink of an eye. Kouji didn’t want to say he was jealous, but… He coughed into his elbow. That had been almost three weeks ago and Kouji was still coughing up his lungs daily. He had to stop to catch his breath. Takuya noticed him falling behind and stopped as well.
”Are you still sick?” he asked with a grin.
He probably thought it was hilarious. Kouji glared at him.
”I’m not sick.”
He coughed until he was out of breath again.
”Okay, I may be a teeny tiny bit sick, but it’s fine.”
He took a wheezing breath. Junpei took a step closer.
”What’s that sound?”
”It’ll be my foot up your ass if you come closer.”
He took another breath. His lungs wheezed and he had to cough. His head spun from the lack of oxygen and Izumi put an arm around his waist for support.
”How are you still sick?” Takuya asked. ”My cold went away weeks ago.”
”Well, you sneezed straight at my face, you idiot.”
Another cough. Junpei walked closer and but a hand against Kouji’s forehead with a frown. Kouji tried to kick him, but missed and had to grab Izumi to not fall.
”We haven’t really rested since then”, Izumi said. ”Takuya at least got a bit of rest on the island.”
”Yeah, uh…” Junpei started. ”...that’s not a cold any longer.”
Kouji coughed. It did absolutely nothing to clear out his lungs.
”It’s a cold”, he said because he didn’t need anything worse.
”You have a fever and you’re wheezing. That’s at best one-sided pneumonia. At worst the Hanahaki disease.”
”If I need to confess my undying love to him, I’m leaving him to die”, Takuya said.
”I’d rather die than hear that anyway”, Kouji answered.
”No one’s dying”, Izumi said and shook her head. ”That’s a fictional disease.”
”Kouji’s sickness is real thought”, Tomoki said.
”It’s fine”, Kouji said and pushed himself away from Izumi. ”It’s better now.”
He had to cough. Junpei stared at him.
”Take a deep breath”, he said.
Kouji tried, but his lungs just… wouldn’t accept it. They felt full and he coughed, stumbled when it made him dizzy. Izumi grabbed him again.
”It’ll probably do all of us good if we take a break before heading into the dark continent”, she said. ”We’ve been moving and doing things twenty four seven since we came here.
”The world is ending”, Takuya said. ”We don’t have the luxuary to rest, we’re the only ones who can do anything to help.”
”We’re not gonna do much if Kouji dies”, Junpei said.
Everyone stared at him. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away.
”It’s true. Sure, pneumonia is pretty unlethal at home where there’s medicine and people can help, but here?”
”I’m not going to die”, Kouji said. ”I’m fine.”
”Uhu”, Izumi said and Kouji realized he was still leaned against her. He made no move to pull away. Instead he took another unsuccessful deep breath. Pain shot through his chest and dark spots danced infront of his eyes.
”Yeah, okay”, he admitted. ”A bit of rest sounds good actually.”
His knees folded under him. Izumi let out a yelp as he pulled her with him to the ground. Kouji blinked in surprise. He pressed a hand to his chest and coughed. It hurt and he held on tighter to Izumi. She tried to find a more comfortable position next to him. Junpei grabbed his digivice.
”Spirit evolution!”
Junpei evolved into Blitzmon. Kouji’s head spun when Blitzmon lifted him from the ground. He wanted to say he could walk on his own, that he didn’t need to be carried like a damsel in distress. Problem was that it finally felt like he got enough oxygen into his body and he was pretty sure Blitzmon also saw that.
”I can walk”, he said anyway, but didn’t try to break free.
”Yeah, but this is easier for all of us”, Blitzmon answered.
Izumi got up from the ground and brushed the dirt off her knees. Kouji let out a quiet ’sorry’ and Izumi smiled at him.
”It’s fine, you couldn’t help it.”
Kouji’s cheeks got red and he hid his face against Blitzmon. Blitzmon looked around for somewhere they could make camp, but Takuya found it first.
”Over there looks like a good spot!”
Kouji coughed into his hand and took a shaky breath. The others started walking and he closed his eyes. Maybe he could allow himself to relax. A little.
Kouji wasn’t allowed to help the others set up camp. He watched them from where he was sat, leaned against a tree. Izumi was working on getting a fire started while Tomoki was making a mattress of leaves and moss for all of them with some help from Bokomon and Neemon. Junpei and Takuya were arguing about whether they actually had time to stay or not and for how long. Kouji wanted to say that it was okay, they could keep going, but he realized he wouldn’t have been able to keep up for more than maybe another day.
”You need an actual doctor”, Tomoki said and sat down next to Kouji.
Kouji glanced at him, but didn’t have enough energy to answer. Tomoki didn’t seem to mind.
”If Junpei is right and it’s pneumonia, you need antibiotics”, he continued.
”How do you know?” Kouji asked and winced. He sounded even worse now.
”Dad got it last year. I don’t remember him sounding that bad though.”
Kouji was still hoping it was just a cold, that way it would get better if he could just rest a little. If he could just give his body time to fight the infection. He closed his eyes and shivered. Tomoki moved a little closer.
”Want a hug?” he asked.
Kouji shook his head.
”Sleep”, he said and coughed.
Izumi got the fire started. She stood up and walked over to Kouji and Tomoki. Kouji watched her and she offered him a hand.
”You’ll be more comfortable by the fire. Tomoki’s mattresses are soft.”
”I did good”, Tomoki said with a smile.
Kouji hesitated. The fire seemed so far away. But he absolutely was not a damsel in distress. He coughed again, leaned forward and pressed a hand to his chest. It hurt so bad. Tomoki patted his back. Kouji grabbed Izumi’s hand and let her help him to his feet. He shivered even more and Izumi put a hand against his forehead just like Junpei had done earlier. Kouji pressed against it.
”That’s definitely a fever”, Izumi said. ”Junpei is right that we can’t keep going with you like this.”
She wrapped her arm around his waist and forced him towards the fire. He laid down. The mattress was soft and he curled up on it, closed his eyes and listened to the others while waiting for sleep to grab him.
His chest felt like it was full of knives. Kouji coughed and groaned because of the pain. Junpei leaned over him.
”Not good?”
Kouji shook his head. His body shivered.
”Time?” he asked.
”Forenoon”, Junpei shrugged. ”Are you hungry?”
Kouji shook his head. Junpei held a chocolate bar infront of his face.
”Not even for chocolate?”
Kouji rolled over to his other side and turned his back to Junpei. He pressed his arms against his chest.
”Point gotten”, Junpei said. ”Can I at least get you to drink?”
Kouji nodded and Junpei disappeared. He returned just a minute later with a cup of water and helped Kouji sit up so he could drink it.
”The others?” Kouji asked.
His head felt heavy and it was hard to keep his eyes open. He coughed and his face scrunched up in pain. Junpei massaged his back in hopes that it would ease it a little. Mostly it just gave Kouji a sensation to hold on to that wasn’t just pain.
”Takuya’s checking the area for any signs of the corrupted warriors, Izumi and Tomoki are fetching more water and Bokomon and Neemon are gathering food. They’ll be back soon.”
Kouji nodded and leaned heavier against Junpei. Junpei changed position so Kouji would be more comfortable.
”You can go back to sleep, I’m not going anywhere.”
Kouji somehow felt even worse next time he woke up. He hoped it was because he was resting and his body could finally work on fighting the cold. Takuya was sitting by his side, wiped sweat off his forehead and held his hand. Kouji wanted to tell him to leave, he didn’t need anyone coddling him.
”...hurts”, he mumbled instead.
Takuya squeezed his hand.
”How does anyone get this bad from a cold?” he asked. ”Your immune system sucks.”
”It got into his lungs”, Junpei said from closer to the fire. ”That’s bad for anyone.”
”How much longer ’til he can walk again?”
Kouji blinked and started sitting up. He could walk already and if they needed to move he could move. A cough ripped through him, stabbed at his chest and he pressed a hand to it. He didn’t want to breathe any longer.
Takuya looked at him. Junpei got up from where he sat and pressed a hand to Kouji’s shoulder, gently pushing him down to the ground again.
”For Bokomon’s sake… Kouji, please breathe.”
Kouji took a shaky breath and started coughing again. He rolled up towards Junpei and Junpei squeezed his shoulder.
”If we had medicine I’d say maybe 5 days? I have no idea as it is though”, Junpei answered Takuya.
Kouji closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands. Maybe he’d never get better.
Would his parents miss him if he died?
He bit his lip. He wouldn’t die. He was going to return home. He was going to call Satomi mom before he died. He coughed and curled up further.
”I’ll be fine”, he mumbled.
Junpei squeezed his shoulder and he really wasn’t sure he would be.
It was even worse the next day. Kouji couldn’t speak, could just barely breathe. He spent most of the day unconscious, the others taking turns to guard by his side and do whatever they could to make him comfortable. There wasn’t anything else to do.
Junpei was there when Kouji’s fever finally started getting lower and he woke up. Kouji coughed and Junpei put a hand under his head to get some water into him. Kouji didn’t even try to sit up on his own. He sipped on the water and let Junpei lower him again.
”You’ve been out for two days”, Junpei said and there was so much worry in his voice. ”We’ve been doing what we can, but…”
There wasn’t any use trying to speak. Kouji closed his eyes.
”Yeah, you’re right”, Junpei said. ”You need a lot more rest.”
That sounded right, Kouji thought as he slipped into sleep.
It took another three days before Kouji managed to stay awake for longer periods of time. Breathing was still hard and his chest still hurt, but it was better. Well enough that he could tell Takuya was getting restless.
”We can leave”, Kouji said.
Takuya lit up, but Junpei immediately shot the idea down. They would not be going anywhere until they were sure that it wouldn’t make Kouji worse again. Reasonable, Kouji thought and tried to ignore the feeling of being a burden. He would have said the same thing if it was any of the others. Cherubimon could wait a little longer.
Kouji spent most of the day on his stomach, shifting between watching the fire and sleeping. Breathing was just a tiny bit easier in that position. He even managed to eat half an apple, which seemed to at least relieve Tomoki of some worry.
Another two days and Kouji could sit up without help. Junpei was still near a lot of the time and let Kouji lean against him. Kouji’s chest hurt less with each day, he could almost breathe normally.
Two more days and Kouji was getting restless as well. They needed to get going and save the world and return home so he could give his mom the flowers he picked out for her.
He tried to get to his feet, and it made him dizzy. Junpei grabbed his arm and Kouji leaned against him. He could wait another day, he assumed.
One day became three days. Kouji’s lungs were no longer blocked and the few times he coughed it didn’t leave him winded. He could even stand up without feeling like he would pass out.
”We can leave now”, he said. ”Look, I can even take deep breaths.”
He took an almost deep breath and started coughing. Takuya laughed at him.
”Are you sure?” Junpei asked.
He looked worried and Kouji couldn’t understand why Junpei out of all of them was the one who worried so much. He would have put his money on Bokomon, if he had any.
”Yeah, it’s fine. As long as we don’t run.”
He probably cursed them by saying that. But he felt fine enough, and he was restless, and they needed to move a week ago. Junpei nodded.
”Okay then. But I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”
They started walking after breakfast. Takuya first, with Tomoki by his side. Then Izumi, with Neemon and Bokomon. Junpei walked just infront of Kouji and Kouji glanced at him. Something tickled in Kouji’s throat. He coughed into his hand and got something moist in it.
A single, blue petal.
He dropped it to the ground and massaged his chest. He didn’t say anything. Hanahaki was just a fictional disease after all.
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