#auron my love
guardiansgalore · 5 months
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My silly the man the auron
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It was originally a sketch I did on a little paint chip and then I recoloured it in ibis teehee
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auronstory · 9 months
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Favorite character dynamics: —Auron and Yuna
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no-see-um-incorrect · 19 days
Random bitch: mmmm thunder thigh alert 
Alphonse: Aww they look so cute
Random bitch: with fat thighs like that, they need to wear longer shorts
Charlie: I want them to crush my skull like a watermelon
Random bitch: I like a curvy person but the curves have to be-wait what?
Auron: you call them thunder thighs, but are too cowardly to face the storm? *Glasses push*
Random bitch: THE STORM?!?!
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thetopichot · 29 days
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Why do I have a type for men who would look they kill me if given a opportunity
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the same thing applies to women
why do I find people wanting my head on a stake attractive
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urpaperboy · 1 month
➸ can’t let gang know a fw a redhead that wears glasses and has an angsty past
Anyways yeah I love my loser girlfriend, Auron <3
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
I don’t think you understand how much I need auron and rookie cuddling😭😭
Just want to be in your arms.
After work, Rook was tired of everything. The need to just go home and be dead to the world for a quick power nap was growing stronger. But Auron asked if Rook wanted to go back to his place to just be in each others presence. Which they agreed to because it also had been a while since they've done something together. A new project had be given to Rook's department of the company and Rook was a main part of it. Auron didn't like giving a big project to them because it meant he couldn't spend a lot of time with the during and after work.
So once the project was fully done and over with Auron took the opportunity to finally be in Rook's presence. Without them needing to worry about deadlines and adding more information to the project. And now here they are, Rook sitting in Auron's lap trying to stay awake. The red head smiled at his partner, who was blinking their eyes a bit rapidly to stay awake and talk to him. But they were mumbling their words sleepily, which was really cute to Auron. Since he could see they really needed a nap or sleep as soon as possible Auron decided to tell them something.
"Don't worry dear, you can rest in my arms if you need too. I don't really have anything planed to do with you, once we get to my penthouse." Whispering as he moved some of Rook's hair that fallen on their face. Rook whose head was on his shoulder, smiled at him and nodded. God, Rook was so cute, that was a real problem for him.
"M'kay, I'm gonna rest in your arms for a bit....wake me when we get there okay?" Barley above a mumble Rook gave a reply. But before Auron could reply they passed out on his shoulder, even shifting their head to be more into his neck. A gentle smile slipped onto Auron's face as he held them close to him. He loved how comfortable they were laying on him, they looked so cute and their conditioner smelled really nice.
Time went by in that limo before both were in front of the penthouse. The Chauffeur quietly opening the door for Auron who slowly picked up Rook in his arms gently to not wake them. They really needed this bit of sleep for working so hard on the project. Then walked through the doors and in to the elevator, where he clicked the floor number. Guessing from the light music always playing in said elevator, it woke up Rook form their short nap.
"Why...didn't you wake...me?" Softly filled the elevator as Rook tried to open their eyes. Sadly, the bright light of the elevator made it hard for them, Auron noticed this and frowned a bit.
"You don't have to open your eyes, love. We're almost at the door, I'll lower the lights in the penthouse so it doesn't hurt your eyes." After those words Rook pouted a bit. It really wasn't a reply to their question, but their sleep deprived mind decided it was okay. A ding was heard indicating that the elevator ride was finished, which the doors opened. Auron began to walk to the door, opening it and turned the lights low.
"I'm going to bring me to my room. Okay?" Rook nodded as they started to get more sleepy from Auron's movements. Once in his Room he laid Rook on his bed and slowly took off things to make their sleep more comfortable for them. Then did the same for him as he took off his shoes Rook whined for him to hurry.
"I want my pillow back please." Chuckling was what they got as a response to their whining. As Auron slowly got back into bed Rook latched onto him, as if trying to get under his skin. When he finally stop moving Rook gave a satisfying sigh as they felt Auron wrap his arms around them. Auron brought them closer to him as he finally felt sleep take it's hold on him, he couldn't help but think about wanting to do this more.
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emmaoftoomanyfandoms · 6 months
I don't know if it was yuuri or it was a script submission but either way, whoever wrote todays auron audio deserves every good thing to happen to them.
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sterilebear · 1 month
It’s you!
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the first of two pieces done in collaboration with @guardiansgalore! colors by libby, lines by me!
libby’s got the second piece on her account, so check it out—it’s linked below (and in the title)!
Despite everything, it’s still you.
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teddybasmanov · 6 months
When Auron started kissing the hunter's neck I made an internal joke "Man, if you relax me too much, I might just fall asleep, keep that in mind" and then they bloody moaned about how good his bed is and I knew I was right about them.
Let. Hunter. Sleep.
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caelum-et-ocean · 2 years
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Little meow meow……=^·ω·^=
EDIT: Inspiration creds:
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novelmachine · 2 years
Stars Fading But I Linger
Auron has been referred to as a “dreamer of dreams.” He has a passion for writing and creating stories. However, the Auron we know now is jaded and unmoved (or at least that’s the impression he wants to give off.) “Life has not been fair to any. Fairness is a dream conjured up by those naïve enough to believe we live in a world where things don’t have to be taken if you want them.” He rose to his current position through ambition and holds high standards for himself and those he surrounds himself with. This height of hubris may give us clues to where this character came from and where he's going.
Auron is associated with tower imagery. The most obvious is the large painting of a tower behind his desk, as seen in the Holiday Party episode. However, there are other mentions and hints of towers as well. Auron’s office appears to be high above the city, mimicking the lofty space. His listener is referred to as “Rook,” short for rookie. The rook chess piece resembles a tower. After their argument, Faust muses “I wonder, brother, from your ivory tower can you see anything down here? You’re so out of touch.” 
Around the world, tower’s are symbols of hope and promise. They signify wealth and act as waypoints as well. However in media, towers can evoke a sense of isolation, loneliness, and foreboding. They may also represent the hubris and ego of a character or group of characters. The tower card in tarot holds the meaning of “sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening,” as well as “unforeseen catastrophe.” (Also of note: The tower card immediately follows the devil in the major arcana. The devil is associated with “shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality,” in addition to “disruptive revelation.” This may tie into Faust’s “deal with the devil” that gets references a few times. Thought that was neat.)
Auron's entire operation is beginning to show cracks. His head of talent has been fired after several failed ventures, and both Derek and Jessie threaten the power he holds over his illegal activities. On top of that, Auron has closed himself off, an example of which is distancing himself from his coworkers during social gatherings. He is just now beginning to open up to Rook. Auron's cool veneer slips after a brief argument with his brother. He admits he has a habit of indulging in temptation behind closed doors, and during the ride home from dinner with Rook he states “I would choose me over everything else.”
These story beats parallel Source Finn’s struggles and current state of mind. Finn is overworked and under scrutiny by the highest power in his realm. He keeps himself busy with his duties as a steward, remaining isolated in his tower to continue his work. After he begins meddling with the Dreamers—an act which he reprimanded his partner for long ago—he can’t stop himself. Left to his own devices, Finn persists. Both are avoiding close relationships, and both became involved in the Bittersweet trio's unexpected Christmas roadtrip.
We can even take a step further into speculation territory. All of this can be used to make the argument that Auron has a strong connection to Finn and the magics he has been experimenting with; if not the Auron in the story at present, then a Source Auron prior to passing on to the world Bittersweet take’s place. He could have been responsible for creating or first discovering the garden of dreams that Finn continues to tend to. This would give greater gravity to him being a "dreamer of dreams" that created worlds with second chances. However, the responsibility or the effects of indulgence became too much, and eventually he became a dreamer himself. Maybe he was Finn’s predecessor, or maybe he was that fellow steward that worked alongside Finn, and all that remains now are unconscious memories of lost dreams and a tower that foreshadows inner and external turmoil.
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Characters and scripts written by Yuurivoice
Artwork created by Jackie Eleanor
Sources (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
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auronstory · 9 months
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Favorite character dynamics: —Auron and Yuna
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Sky Shinies, V2
For @aspecardaweek Day 3: Across the A-spectrum, I decided to redraw the second piece of Tolkien fanart I ever posted, two years ago for this very event! Check back in 2025 to see if I keep up the pattern.
Since Ainur are basically angels I've decided they're all pretty much ace (with varying degrees of interest- Melian) and arospec if only because they don't conceptualize relationships in the same way we do, and the majority of elves are demi/grayspec.
Arien: Sapphic oriented aroace, recipromantic
Earendil: Bi demi-rose
Tilion: Achillean oriented aroace, lithoromantic, aroflux
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[id. A full-body pencil drawing of Arien, Earendil, and Tilion. Arien is inspired by a lion, with digitigrade legs, paw pads, and claws. She has a crown of horns and fire burning on her head, limbs, and the tip of her tail. Tilion has bat ears and feet with a leaf-shaped nose, horns curling around his ears and another set twisting upwards, and dark blotches on his skin. Their arms are linked as they shoot finger guns. Earendil stands in front of them, head barely reaching their elbows as he waves with one hand and holds a telescope in the other. He's black, with braids pulled back in a ponytail and a small beard. The silmaril shines from a circlet on his forehead, and he wears Ancalagon's skin as an armored vest and skirting. end id.]
Rambles, comparison, and closeups under the cut!
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[id. Three closeups on Arien, Earendil, and Tilion's faces respectively to show details. Arien has freckles and her eyes appear to be glowing behind her sunglasses, Earendil has eyebags, faint laugh lines, and scars, as well as individually lined scales on his vest, and Tilion has fangs, earrings. and diamond-shaped pupils with black sclerae. end id.]
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[id: a comparison of the full drawing above to the original, which ends around Earendil's knees but otherwise has near-identical composition. Arien looks significantly more human, Tilion is missing his horns, and Earendil is white with a less structured outfit. end id.]
I was mostly going off of memory redrawing this, which is why their poses are slightly different but honestly I prefer this even if it isn't strictly accurate. Winner for biggest design overhaul is a tie between Arien and Earendil, because excluding Tilion's horns (which I would have originally included if I had remembered Tilion literally means "horned one") he's hardly changed, though tragically I took away some of his jewelry for practicality.
Past!Earendil's unintentional Michael Jackson nose haunts me, though I do kinda miss his stupid wave hair. I'm much happier with his dragonscale vest thingy now (though I realized too late that Ancalagon's scales would be much larger, oh well), I've had time to think through the various elven cultural aesthetics and I'm very pleased with his multi-combo of cultures that still gives him the vibes I wanted. Stupid pointy-toed noldorin boots are so hard to draw right but I love them so much
Arien has also been overhauled but given that they change how humanoid their fana looks depending on if they're hanging around incarnates or not the original is still technically close to that form? Horn crown and significantly more fire has been added in homage to her balrog siblings alongside everything else, but like Tilion her outfit change is minimal and the vibes stay the same.
Unrelated but a funny side note: as I have become increasingly aware of Pokemon Knowledge, I have realized that Solgaleo and Lunala unintentionally map really really well onto my Arien and Tilion. Yes this is because lion/day/sun | bat/night/moon symbolism is obvious, but I'm leaning into it. Earendil works shockingly well as Ultra Necrozma, too.
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thetopichot · 2 months
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Ya'll we need to talk about some Yuuriboy scenes that make me FEEL things & bro it's too good NOT to be analyzed.
Oh yeah this gonna be a long post btw uhhh ya'll know what to dooo 👇
Ya'll already know we talking about Auron first especially the CAR SCENE & JUST ESCAPE IN GENERAL OMG. I don't care if people have like been talking this to death IT'S IMPORTANT TO ME THAT YOU KNOW THIS-
Anyway, Escape is one of my favorite solo series from the boys & especially that Shattered was hinted on Yuurivoice's Twitter that it might be coming along soon or at least that it's currently the works so we gotta talk about Escape again since it's story is definitely gonna play a part in there.
(Also forgive me it's been awhile since I analyze stuff & I'm not good at it either 😭)
Escape, besides Auron being like drained by Rook about like 4 times in a single night (Jesus this man's stamina is fucking crazy 😭), gives us a very nice deep dive into Auron's character & especially what literally breaks me is the goddamn ride home. It's literally Auron becoming more & more vulnerable. When you see the difference compared from the beginning of Escape to the literally the end of it, you see how vulnerable he becomes. What I also like about Auron is he doesn't go outta his way to completely change himself for us, The Listener. He's still a crime boss & he knows that he's done alot of shitty things. Not only that, he tells us about what he's done & full heartedly accepts the consequences that comes along with it.
"I'd hate it. I'd fucking hate it but I would understand." It's such a heart-breaking response to me because it's the fact that he loves us but for our own safety & if we're unable to handle that information, it could all just end there.
So when Rook sees him as more than that, it makes him feel appreciated & loved for what he's done for other people & what he had to do regardless of the consequences because as much as he's a asshole, he has this genuine need to help other people & doesn't care much about what he wants. However, it's literally so draining for him to do that which is something I lowkey relate to.
But, we don't want it to. In this car scene, we fully accept his flaws & you can hear the shakiness in his voice. Like he was about to burst into tears from just being loved & understood for what seems like the first time in a long while. It's literally so sweet but it's so bitter. He literally sees himself as like "I don't care what anyone thinks. I've done what I've done & there's no changing that but I wish there was."
Another scene of Escape that makes me feel things is the when Rook asked about Auron's scars. Not many people talk about it actually.
Auron doesn't really want to go deep dive into his past currently which we're all like "Oh, cool. That's okay :]" BUT WHEN HE SAID
"But, I don't want to. Do you want me to lie to you?" He said that so sadly like OMG IT'S OKAY- Anyway on a serious note, lying is something he doesn't enjoying doing. He's literally currently lying (possibly?) to Trish & Faust about this but like I said earlier, it's for their own safety. He doesn't want to bring any of his loved ones into things that he did & putting them at such a huge risk. Especially you.
(uhhh like for part 2 of scenes that make me cry)
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p0pp3t · 1 year
Hello dear if it's alright can I get a, bunny hybrid reader comfort auron after a hard day like kisses and cuddles and purrss
Bonus Points: that the reader if really fluffy & soft
Auron x BunnyHybrid!Reader | When Today Is Finally Done
gender-neutral reader
reader w/ rabbit ears and purrs
reverse comfort
(reader isn't necessarily rookie? unless you interpret them as that)
The front door opens sweetly, soon closing and followed by the soft clacking of footsteps on the hard floor. You merely stir from your light nap, eyes opening and ears perking up for only a moment. Sleep takes you again and leaves you falling into the warmth of the couch. 
The footsteps enter the living room, softer now than earlier. They become even lighter as they near the couch, and stop as the cushion next to you is weighed down. A hand rests on our head and gently scratches at the backs of your ears. A satisfied purr escapes your lips, quiet and content.
“Are you awake?”
“Mhm, I was just waiting for you.” You take Auron’s free hand in one of yours, rubbing tenderly with your thumb.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, then. I’ve had quite a bit on my plate lately.”
“Long day?”
He sighs. “Yeah, long day.”
You sit yourself up, moving right next to Auron and holding onto his waist. “Sorry to hear it, Hun. Maybe I can help?” 
He smiles, cupping your face and leaning in for a kiss. “I’m sure you can.” 
Auron stands, letting go of you as your arms unwrap from around him. “And not to leave so soon, but I should get a change of clothes so we can both be more comfortable. Stay put.”
He returns from your shared room, hair down and clad in elegant, silken sleepwear. Auron sinks onto the sofa next to you and opens his arms in your direction.
“Come on, take your place.”
You gladly comply, accepting each other’s embrace again.
“Cute clothes.” You remark.
“Oh, this? Suits aren’t the best for homewear, so I figured I’d have to branch out at least a little. You like it?”
“Of course I do.” You hold him a little closer, keeping near.
Auron’s hand finds its way to the back of your neck, leisurely making small circles and soothing you. Another purr resounds placidly.
Quiet captures the room, some of it only replaced by your slow breathing.
“How was work? You did come home later than usual and you seem tired, so I was just wondering.”
“Well, I did say today was long but not terrible. Just some uncooperative clients, maybe a few incompetent employees. It’s nothing I can’t handle, though; I have picked up after people before.”
You hum in understanding, a short and sympathetic sound. “You take care of yourself, if not for you then for me.”
“I’ll try.”
The room lulls, only for Auron to quell the silence with his gratitude and lips pressed to your forehead.
“Thank you for taking care of me, giving me something to look forward to; someone I can return to.”
“It’s no trouble. Besides, I don’t mind having you here too much.”
Auron tilts your face so that it turns toward his, and warmly steals a kiss from you once more.
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hi dear!! sorry for taking so long to get this out; finding inspiration/motivation and time to write has been difficult lately. but i got into the right mindset just last night and managed to make this! hope you enjoy ♡
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 9 months
Imagine grocery shopping with Auron. Like a coworker sees him arguing with rook over what vegetables to take.
Rook isnt having it and says why not buy both? Auron argues that it wouldn't be reasonable to buy two brands of the same thing.
Rook just puts his in the cart and walks away to get a treat for themselves. The coworker than sees Aurom placing Rookie's choice into the cart.
Or even:
Auron and Rook in like a gala or fancy outfits getting pastries from the bakery while chatting about a game Rook is playing (its roblox) and is trying to get Auron to play with them.
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