#atletico madrid femenino x reader
outsideratheart · 1 year
1 Decorating the tree with laia aleixandri
A/N: Day one of the Christmas advent calendar.
Laia had been dropping not so subtle hints at wanting you to spend Christmas in Spain with her since you put the Halloween decorations away. At first she started to talk about the future and how your Christmas’ would look together and then when her parents visited Madrid they just so happened to bring some photo albums with them. You were excited because you loved seeing photos of baby Laia but when you saw the cover of the album, the one which was covered in red and green and had a huge Christmas tree on the front, you knew Laia had brought in reinforcements.
In the end you said yes, it wasn’t as if she had to persuade you that much. All you wanted her to do was ask you and not drop hints. You needed to hear her say the question so that you knew it really was what she wanted.
You wasn’t sure what the rules are in Spain. When do they put up their trees, when do they start decorating the house? This was the first Christmas you would be spending in Laia’s apartment which was now technically your apartment too.
You had stayed back at training with Lola to practice set pieces whilst your girlfriend left at a reasonable time along with the rest of the team. You opted out of showering at the facility in favour of wanting to get home as soon as possible.
Safe to say the last thing you expected to see was Laia on the living room floor surrounded by every type of Christmas decorations.
“Baby, what are you doing? It isn’t even December or do the Spanish decorate in November” you tease as you steal a kiss before getting a glass of water from the kitchen.
“I’m decorating”
You salute for her for being captain obvious.
“You asked and we have training, you have that Cupra event in Barcelona then we play Seville the weekend of the 1st. Now is the only time we can do it”
They were valid points and it wasn’t that you didn’t want to decorate, it’s just that you had planned to spend the night of the sofa cuddling with your girlfriend.
You walk away to get a shower.
“Hey! You can’t leave me to do it alone. This is our apartment now” Laia stands and chases after you.
“Calm down Mi Amor. I’m sweaty so I’m going to shower. Care to join me?” With your arms around her waist, you pull her close.
“Y/N I have too much organising to do” she kisses your nose before running back to her place in the living room.
You can only laugh as you leave her to do her organising.
When you emerge from the bedroom half an hour later you are shocked to see double the amount of decorations.
“I may have only lived here for just over 10 months but where on earth have you been hiding all of this?” You move some of the stuff to the floor so you can sit on the sofa.
“I’d tell you but it’s where I hide your birthday presents so…” Laia pretends to zip her lips.
She then proceeds to give you a to do list. With your eyes wide you count 11 tasks.
“Build tree. Decorate the top of tree that my amazing girlfriend can’t reach” you raise your eyebrows are her self compliment “hang Christmas lights”
“Vale. You have a long list but it’s only the things I can’t do” Laia tries to defend herself.
“And you want all of this done by….”
“Tonight. Don’t look at me like that, we have a game tomorrow”
“Well then we better get started. I take it ‘put the Christmas music on’ is on your list?” You ask and Laia nods enthusiastically.
With a mixture of both English and Spanish music playing in the background you and Laia both work through you lists, laughing and joking around as you do so.
The last thing you both do is decorate the tree as this is something that you can do together. Laia opens the box full of decorations. Some of the baubles are basic and traditional, others are from Laia childhood that her parents had given her.
It takes 45 minutes to get the tree just right. You and Laia dramatically collapse on the sofa as you admire your hard work. The apartment was perfect, it wasn’t over the top but it definetly had the Christmas spirit.
“It’s perfect” Laia tells you as she snuggles into your side.
“Wait” you rush to your feet and run to the bedroom.
Laia hears you rumbling around in your draws and mumbling to yourself.
“One more thing to add to the tree” you open the box and show Laia.
Inside the box was a ball shaped bauble with the inscription ‘our first Christmas” with the year below it.
Laia places it at the front and in the middle of the tree so everyone can see it.
In the weeks that followed, Laia showed everyone the bauble and told them that you planned on starting your own collection and that this one was the first of many.
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wosoluver · 1 month
Trying hard
Andrea Medina x Teammate!reader
TW: suggestive content
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"Why are the both of you fighting so hard to hate eachother?" - Asked Lola.
No one on the team understood where all that came from. And seemingly not even you or Andrea seemed to know.
"She started it."
You were all doing warm ups in training
"Literally when?" - Lola insisted knowing her friend very well. And Andrea just huffed at her.
You were new on the team, arrived in the beginning of the season. You were a forward, she was a defender, you naturally clashed a lot during trainings.
But still there was never an event to cause your constant bickering at each other.
"Everyone dividing into teams." - Yelled the coach.
As usual the two of you were in opposite sides. But twenty minutes in Medina started to get frustrated. She couldn't manage to stop your attacks, that led her to commit a bunch of fouls, this one had been particularly hard.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" - you screamed out as you got up. You were in pain but in the moment you saw red. And you pushed her back. - "You aways pull this shit! Try to learn how to manage your anger issues. It's not my fault you suck at your job."
And that's all it took for her to stand up and try to start a physical fight.
But thankfully you were separated by your teammates.
"You two are staying late as punishment." - That's the only thing coach said before starting the game once again. You stayed on the sidelines trying to cool down.
You couldn't help but watch her every move. How the sweat glistened over her muscles as she gave her all on the pitch.
"Alright we're done for the day. Not you, Medina and Y/L/N, you two are working on your 1 v 1 and if you start another fight we'll have a problem."
"Fuck!" - You let out under your breath.
You grabbed the ball closest to you.
You two did some drills, but when you tried to pass her once again she pulled you down, but you managed to trip her with your legs, and soon she was on the ground too.
"Your not gonna yell at me?" - she asked.
"I'm too tired for that." -
"Why do you do it?"
"You're the one who keeps attacking me! But I apologize for saying your not good at your job. You're actually pretty skilled."
"Yeah, just not enough to stop you."
You looked over at her watching how the sun made her eyes look, their prettiest.
"Sorry for being harsh, I just- it's frustrating."
You got up and offered her a hand up in the process, which she took.
"Let's go."
You both went into the locker room, and went straight to shower. But she accidentally slipped on the wet floor right in front of you, taking you down with her.
"This one was not intentional I swear!"
"I'm so going to get bruised." - you said trying to help each other up. But failing miserably. But taking the situation in comically.
When you two finally managed getting up, you finished showing and getting changed.
"Can you give me a ride home? I came with Lola this morning."
"You'll owe me one."
Next day everyone was shocked when the two of you started joking around.
"Oye, I'll go easy on you today!"
"No, you can't!"
You left for the gym, as Andrea stayed behind.
"I knew it!" - Said Lola.
"Knew what?"
"You two liked each other deep down."
The younger girl only rolled back her eyes. Leaving the room. She didn't want to admit to anything.
She stared at you the whole day. Now that she couldn't blame it on the hate, she realized that maybe those feelings she had, were more than frustration. It was a mix of admiration and longing. It felt somewhat like a crush. And the realization made her cheeks red.
"Y/N! Can you stay and train with me for a little longer?"
"Yeah of course."
Lola simply looked suspiciously at her friend. - "Don't you need me to give you a ride home?"
"Y/N can take me."
"Okay." - She didn't want to insist too much. But she knew something was up.
After spending another hour training you decided to call it a day. Heading inside.
"You're doing better at blocking me."
"You're still winning though."
"Give it some time, you'll get there."
That week during the derby, between the team and Real Madrid. You were being ferociously taken down. Probably for the same reason as aways. But that was working you up, and Andrea as well. Even if she wasn't personally getting hurt.
But when they took Wifi down, as she was about to enter the penalty area, Andrea was so annoyed, she started running from the other side of the pitch to start a fight with Oihane. But before she could you intercepted her, pulling her away the best you could.
"Hey, stop if you get another card, you're out of the game."
"I don't care!"
"Well, I'm not letting you."
"You can't boss me around like you do to everyone else!"
You thought you were past this stage of fighting for no reason. She thought so too, but right now she couldn't deal with the pressure of the game, her hot headed need to bite back and the way your arms held her back with force against yourself.
Once the game was over and you were ready to leave, you walked towards the car without saying goodbye to anyone.
But unfortunately Andrea was able to catch up with you.
"I'm really sorry."
"I thought we were on good terms!"
"I can explain, can we please get into the car?"
"I'm not giving you a ride."
"I'm not asking for one. I just want to talk privately."
You huffed as you unlocked the doors.
You both sat respectively in your seats. You waited for her to start talking.
"My head was spinning out of control. The way they were making so many fouls, and we were struggling to keep up, was getting to me and when you held me back in your arms, I just exploded."
"You keep throwing your frustrations on me again and again."
"I know, but I've been trying to fix it, since I realized where they came from."
"Which is what? Your anger issues?"
"I don't have anger issues, it's you!"
"I don't have any anger issues!"
"No, I mean I have a crush on you.
That's what has bothered me from the start!"
By now you just stared at her, mouth agape.
"You're not going to say anything?"
But before she had barely ended her sentence, you kissed her passionately. This led her to pull you from the driver's seat to seat on her lap. And when you pulled away to breathe, she decided to pull you to the backseat to blow off all the steam you had build up during the game.
And you thanked god you were parked so far from everyone else that day.
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wosohavemyheart · 7 months
Hola! Poderias escribir mas de Andrea Medina? 💗
Aquí lo tienes 💗. Prometo que estoy trabajando en otra petición que me han dejado hace tiempo❤🦄
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Me siento bastante nerviosa la verdad... Estoy a punto de conocer a mis nuevas compañeras de equipo y me da un poco bastante de miedo.
Nunca he sido buena para relacionarme con la gente, aunque el fútbol me ha ayudado bastante, aún sigo queriendo que la tierra me trague cuando tengo que conocer por primera vez a gente nueva.
Pero una cosa si que he aprendido muy bien a lo largo de mi corta vida... A mentir y esconder mis sentimientos.
-Vamos t/n, te están esperando- Dice Manolo Cano, mi nuevo entrenador.
Le miro y asiento moviéndome junto a él hacia el césped.
Me pongo la máscara y los nervios desaparecen. No quiero que piensen que soy un bebé que quiere volver a casa porque eso es lo último que quiero.
-Equipo- Llama la atención el entrenador- Os presento a la nueva integrante- Me pongo frente al grupo y sonrío- T/n
-Hola, encantada- Saludo y las miro a todas una por una pero las que más me llaman la atención y me dan curiosidad son 2, Lola Gallardo y Andrea Medina, y no sé porqué.
-Hola, yo soy Lola- Se presenta y me da una sonrisa amistosa
-Yo Andrea- Saluda la chica que estaba al lado de la portera y joder... Vaya ojos y vaya sonrisa.
Y así se presentan todas una a una. Yo ya había hecho mi trabajo y las había investigado un poco por Instagram para ver quienes iban a ser mis compañeras durante los próximos 2 años.
-Hacer dos grupos, vamos a hacer un rondo.
La gente se empieza a mover formando sus grupos pero yo me quedo quieta. En ese momento Lola aparece y envuelve su gran brazo alrededor de mi
-Ven con nosotras, novata.
Me encojo de hombros un poco por el contacto pero lo ignoro.
En ese grupo estaban Vir, Maitane, Leicy, Merel, Sheila, Sonia y por supuesto Andrea.
-Get in the middle, novata- Dice la holandesa- Let's see what you can do
La miro y sonrío aceptando el reto.
Sin decir nada me pongo en el medio mirando las a todas antes de que empieza a rodar la pelota.
Al tercer toque la pelota está en mis pies
-Ik weet hoe ik meer moet doen dan dit- Miro a Merel sonriendo y esta está sorprendida pero las demás más todavía. (Se hacer más que esto)
-Ken jij nederlands? (Sabes holandés?)
Me encojo de hombros
-Algo- Le paso el balón a Leicy y me pongo en su lugar.
Justo en frente tengo a Medina y me la quedo mirando como juega hasta que el balón cae en mis pies.
Se la paso a Medina
-¿De donde vienes, t/n?- Empieza a preguntar Virginia.
-De Mallorca
-En que equipo jugabas?
-En el Atlético de Baleares
-He escuchado que hay buen futuro ahí- Me guiña un ojo la veterana mallorquina
-Sí, pero todas quieren salir de la isla para poder llegar a jugar más profesionalmente.
-¿Cuántos años tienes?- Pregunta Medina ahora.
-Pues 16
Lola silva
-Te han quitado el sitio de bebé- Dice la portera riendo y despeina un poco a Andrea.
-No quiero ese título- Rechazo
-Ooh, pues lo tendrás. Al menos de mi parte- Dice Lola y me sonrie.
Me la quedo mirando y la verdad es que no me siento incómoda con ella y no veo un atisbo de maldad en ella. Creo que me cae bien.
El entrenamiento sigue y hablamos de cosas irrelevantes y nos reímos de las chorradas de Lola.
Solo cuando el entrenador manda a todas al vestuario es cuando me quedo sola y disfrutando del ruido de mi bota pisando el césped o chutando el balón.
Estaba completamente sola entrenando pero en algún momento Lola y Andrea aparecieron.
Sin decir absolutamente nada Gallardo se puso en la portería, Medina de defensa y yo atacando como si lo hubiéramos hecho mil veces antes pero no, está era la primera vez y se sentía realmente bien.
Medina era una lateral increíble y Gallardo un buena porteraza pero eso no evitaba que mis chutes entraran más en la portería de lo que ellas quisieran.
En algún momento de la tarde paramos, el sol se empezaba a esconder y yo no quería perderme la puesta de sol.
Así que sin decir nada más me senté en el césped mirándola.
-¿Estás bien?- Pregunta Medina y ambas corren a mi buscando algún indicio de dolor.
-Si, de puta madre- Señalo la puesta- ¿No es bonita?
Ambas se sientan a mi derecha y miramos el atardecer en silencio.
-¿Qué haces aquí?- Pregunta Lola de repente
-¿No es obvio?- Me río- Lo que todas hacen aquí. Jugar al fútbol y buscar ser la mejor- Me encojo de hombros mirándolas.
-Ya, pero hacer un cambio tan grande con 16 años... A mi me costó aceptar esta oferta- Dice Andrea- ¿No extrañas tú casa? ¿Tú familia?
Suelto una risa sin gracia.
-Yo soy mi familia.
Las dos me observan curiosas, sé que se mueren por seguir preguntando pero no lo hacen y se lo agradezco. Simplemente se levantan y me tienden una mano para ayudarme a levantarme.
Vamos a los vestuarios, no quedaba nadie ya. Todas se habían marchado a su casa
Me estaba poniendo la camiseta cuando Lola habla.
-¿Dónde te estás quedando?
-En un hotel cerca de aquí
-¿Quieres venir a cenar? - Interrumpe Andrea- Hemos quedado Lo y su novia, Cristiana, para cenar en un restaurante.
-Si, puedes venir. Seguro que le caes genial a Cris- Dice la mayor.
-Oh- me sorprendo- No quiero interponerme en vuestros planes...
-Chorradas niña- La guardameta pone sus brazos alrededor de nosotras- Vamos, que a Cris no le gusta que lleguemos tarde
Lola conduce hasta el restaurante y todo son risas porque entre las dos andaluzas es imposible no mearte encima.
Algo muy raro en mi, cabe recalcar, no soy de esas personas que enseguida se ponen a reír y se siente cómoda.
Cuando bajamos del coche veo que las dos chicas se acercan y saludan entusiasmadas a una mujer y deduzco que es Cristina.
Me quedo un poco atrás sin saber cómo intervenir.
-Ohhh- Dice cuando termina de saludarlas- Tu debes de ser el nuevo fichaje del equipo- Se acerca y me da dos besos.
Me paralizo un poco ante el saludo
-Encantada, soy t/n- Respondo cuando vuelvo a mí- Tú eres Cristina, ¿no?
-La misma, espero que te hayan hablado bien de mí- Dice en broma.
-Que va, solo han soltado mierda por la boca- Suelto la broma pero enseguida me arrepiento y dejo de respirar.
Cuando veo que rien puedo volver a la normalidad y recuperar el oxígeno.
-Vamo' a come' que muero de hambre- Dice Medina y todas la seguimos.
Nos sentamos en la mesa al lado mío está Andrea y enfrente nuestro la parejita.
Durante la cena todo son risas y bromas, también intentan conocerme un poco más y yo las dejo.
Hay veces en los que la chica a mi lado y yo rozamos nuestros muslos o brazos y me pongo bastante inquieta... Y no en el mal sentido y eso hace que me inquiete más todavía.
Intento pagar la cuenta pero ni Lola ni Cris me dejan y Medina a mi lado se ríe.
-Ya te acostumbraras- Dice la menor encogiendose de hombros.
-¿Donde te estás quedando?- Pregunta Cris una vez salimos.
-En un hotel cerca de aquí... Puedo ir andando si queréis iros a casa ya
-Tenemos una habitación libre... Oh bueno... Cuando la terremoto no la ocupa- Ríe Cristina
-Si, puedes dormir con ella o sino la hechamos al sofá- Bromea ahora Lola.
-Oyeee- Se queja juguetonamente la aludida.
-No quiero molestar chicas... Estoy segura que sería un estorbo más y seguramente queréis intimidad y esas cosas... - Me niego.
-No digas tonterias chiquilla- Dice Lola.
-Si, Andrea también se acopló cuando fichó por el Atleti... -Dice la otra
-No sé...-
-No acepto un no por respuesta- Dice la más mayor
Se me escapa una sonrisa. Su actitud me recuerda tanto a alguién.
-Está bien- Acepto resignada y Andrea suelta una carcajada.
Me llevan al hotel y Cris me ayuda un momento a coger mis maletas que son pocas, no tenía mucho que coger de casa.
Ella no hace comentarios al respecto pero cuando me meto en el coche la sevillana pequeña si.
-¿Solo tienes eso?¿Te vienes aquí a vivir solo con 2 maletas pequeñas?-Me mira alucinada
-Si- Me encojo de hombros sin decir nada más y lo capta.
Una vez llegamos a su casa me enseñan la casa y la que va a ser mi habitación por un tiempo. Veo que Lola saca mantas y cojines de un armario.
-¿Para quien es eso?- Pregunto confusa.
-Para la niña- Mira a Medina
-¿Qué? No- Niego- Estoy invadiendo su cama... -Miro la cama y luego a Andrea- Es lo suficientemente grande para las dos. No me importa dormir contigo.
-Si, a mi tampoco- Me sonrie y puede que me derrita un poco.
Nos mira y sonrie traviesa
-Bueno... En ese caso me voy a dormir. Buenas noches, chicas.
Saco las cosas para ir al baño a lavarme los dientes y veo que ella me sigue y hace lo mismo.
Nos lavamos juntas en silencio pero empieza a hacer guarradas con la pasta y yo la sigo y nos reímos.
En un momento veo que empieza a grabar pero me da igual sigo haciendo el tonto junto a ella.
-Nuestra primera de muchas- Levanta el móvil.
Ignoro el comentario sin hacerme ilusiones.
-¿Qué lado quieres?- Pregunto señalando la cama
-Este está bien- Señala la izquierda y asiento así que me meto en el contrario.
Cuando me acuesto cojo el móvil para enviar un mensaje
"Hola, se que estas despierta esperando :)"
"Ha sido un día movidito, siento no haberte llamado"
"Mañana te llamo, lo prometo"
Mando y mientras espero respuesta veo como se mete en la cama mi compañera de habitación temporal.
Ambas boca arriba mirando el techo.
Gira la cabeza para mirarme y hago lo mismo.
-¿Qué estudias?
-Ummm, me estoy sacado un FP de auxiliar de enfermería y el año que viene quiero hacer el de rayos o algo así
Abre la boca
-Así que enfermera eh
Suelto una carcajada
-Si te lo quieres tomar asi... Es parecido solo que sin pinchar
Asiente sonriendo
-¿Y luego? Quieres ir a la uni o te quedas con los FP?
-Uni, pero no sé de que. Soy un poco indecisa
-Es normal yo tampoco sabia que hacer
-¿Qué haces tú?- Pregunto ahora yo curiosa.
-He hecho bachillerato y ahora me he metido a hacer ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte online.
-Que guay, yo también quiero hacer algo relacionado con el deporte o medicina pero tengo tiempo todavía- Me rio-  Soy un puto bebé
Suelta una carcajada y yo con ella.
-Puede que si
-Oye, tu también lo eres
-Para Lola si, pero soy mayor que tú- Me saca la lengua y yo a ella.
En ese momento me llega un mensaje y lo cojo rápido
"Hola peque. Estaba esperando tu llamada.
"Espero que este todo bien, mañana me contaras todo... Sino cojo el primer vuelo para verte eeeh"
Me río por lo último y Andrea me mira curiosa
Me llegó otro
"T'estimo petita❤"
Le respondo
"T'estimoooooo ❤❤❤❤"
Dejo el móvil cargando y me pongo de lado mirando a la chica a mi izquierda.
-¿Alguien importante?
-Si, una de las pocas que está ahí pase lo que pase.
Me sincero
Seguimos hablando pero en algún momento ya no recibo respuesta.
-¿Andrea?- La llamo suavemente y la miro ya que estaba mirando el techo
Estaba de lado hacia mi con los ojos cerrados y respirando tranquilamente.
Sonrio y sin saber porque le hago un mini video
Me quedo mirandola sin poder dormir, media hora después Medina estaba encima mia con la cabeza apoyada en mi cuello.
Me tenso pero luego acabo rodeandola con mis brazos y poco después me duermo.
Me despierto al sentir movimientos encima mia y resoplo.
-Estate quieta- Mando y entierro la cabeza en el matojo de pelos.
-Perdón, no quería despertarte- Susurra.
Obro los ojos de mala gana y después de acostumbrarme a la luz la miro.
-Buenos días- Digo con la voz rasposa
-Buenos días, perdon por haberme puesto encima de ti- Se disculpa sentándose en la cama.
-Me han molestado más tus ronquidos- Bromeo y abre la boca ingidnada.
-Yo no ronco!
-oh, si que lo haces, pero todavía es aguantable. No me has dejado sorda.
Me río y me levanto
-Yo n... - Se calla de repente cuando me ve en ropa interior para ponerme la ropa de entreno.
-No pot ser- Me río al ver su cara roja y aparta la mirada- ¿No tendrias que estar acostumbrada ya a ver a chicas en ropa interior? - Me burlo.
-Lo estoy- Se defiende.
-Ya lo veo- La miro y me visto rápido- Venga arreglate.
Salgo de la habitación y voy a la cocina.
-Buenos días- Saludo a las dos mujeres.
-Bueno' día' niña- Me acerco para ver lo que hacen y me sorprende con un beso en la sien.- ¿Qué tal has dormido?
-Pufff genial, es agradable dormir con un oso que ronca- Digo esto último en voz alta.
-Otra vez. Que yo no ronco- Aparece la aludida y me río al ver su carita enfadada.
-Si que lo haces, terremoto- Dice Cris y le da varios besos en la mejilla.
-A mi me trae por el camino de la amargura cuando duermo con ella- Se mete con ella Lola
-Esto no puede ser, todas contra mi no eh- Se cruza de brazos enfadada pero sonrie cuando Lola la llena de besos.
-Aun así, roncando y todo te queremos.
Sonrío al ver la complicidad que tienen las tres aún habiéndose conocido apenas hace un año.
Desayunamos y vamos al centro de entrenamiento. Hicimos físico y luego estuvimos un poco con el balón para irnos acostumbrando a jugar entre nosotras.
Cuando el entreno termina espero a que todas entren al vestuario para hacer una videollamada.
-Hola, pequeña- Saluda alegre Alexia.
Se escucha mucho alboroto de fondo.
-Hola, Ale- Devuelvo contenta.
De repente se para el ruido y se escuchan varios "Esa es T/n?" de fondo hasta que aparecen 4 cabezas más aparte de la de Ale.
-T/n- Exclaman Mapi, Patri, Claudia y Jana a la vez.
-Hola chicas- Saludo sonriendo
-Te echamos de menos- Dice Mapi con un puchero
-Si, yo no se porque has rechazado la oferta del equipo B- Dice Pina ahora.
-Ya os lo he dicho. No quiero que me tachen por enchufada ni nada de eso- Digo- Además... Mi calidad no es para estar en el B de nadie- Les guiño el ojo y se ríen todas.
-Ahí tienes toda la razón, niña- Patri comenta.
-Aparte me va a gustar jugar contra vosotras y patearos el culo- Hago como que me quito polvo de los hombros.
-Ya lo veremos- Dice Jana.
-Oooh, preparate Janita.
Ahí empezamos una discusión bastante infantil entre las 5 mientras la doble balón de oro mira divertida la interacción.
-Bueno, basta ya- Corta la mayor- Fuera, dejarme hablar con ella a solas.
Las chicas la miran indignadas pero le hacen caso y se van.
Veo que ha quedado una pelota del entrenamiento y me pongo a jugar con ella
-Cuéntame, que tal estos dias? Has echo amigos?
-Eeeh- Hago una vuelta al mundo- Ha estado bien, las chicas el primer día me desafiaban por mi edad- Ruedo los ojos- Ya sabes, lo de siempre. Les calle la boca en 15 minutos y ahora parece que soy una más aunque es clara la diferencia de edad- Me encojo de hombros.
-Esa es mi chica- Dice orgullosa
-Parece que Lola me a cogido bajo su ala. No me dejó quedarme en el hotel y me ha ofrecido una habitación hasta que encuentre otro sitio.
-¿Si? Eso es muy bueno t/n- Dice contenta- Lola es una buena chica y te ríes una montón con ella. Seguro que te cuida bien, ya me encargaré de eso.
-No, Alexia- Digo con el ceño fruncido
-¿Qué tiene de malo?
-Ya te lo dije antes de irme. No quiero que me vean diferente o que tu intervengas en algo o lo que sea.- Paro y la miro- Suficiente has echo con sacarme de ahí y darme la oportunidad de hacer esto- Le enseño el campo- Es algo que nunca te lo voy a poder agradecer lo suficiente.
-Es algo que te mereces por tu propio mérito y habrías podido conseguirlo igualmente- Asegura- Tienes mucho futuro.
-Gracias- Digo emocionada- Que me lo digas tú es... - No encuentro las palabras.
-Es la verdad- Dice- Entonces cuando nos veamos tengo que hacer como si nada? No creo que pueda y menos creo que pueda controlar a las chicas. Están ansiosas por verte otra vez.
-Jugaremos dentro de 4 meses. Creo que es tiempo suficiente para ganarme el pan yo solita.
Se ríe.
Veo por el rabillo del ojo que Medina se acerca.
-T'he de deixar, t'estimooo
-D'acord, t'estim
-Eres un poco inquieta no? Llevo mirándote media hora hablando por teléfono y no has dejado de mover la pelota en ningún momento.
-¿Me estas espiando?- Fingo indignación.- Pensándolo mejor... Es normal que no pares de mirarme, soy increíble.
Nos reímos.
Los meses pasan hasta que llega el partido contra el Barça en territorio catalán.
Ha ido todo genial, me he ganado un sitio en el equipo y todas son muy protectoras conmigo sobre todo Lola, con ella he creado un vínculo super fuerte y se a vuelto un pilar en mi vida junto con Cris y Andrea.
Mi relación con las dos futbolistas es increíble han pasado de ser culo y mierda a ser culo, mierda y peo o eso dice Lo.
Con Andrea tengo una conexión que no he tenido nunca con nadie. Puedo pasar de hacer el gilipollas con ella, bromas, comportarnos como niñas pequeñas a abrirle mi corazón a pecho abierto y a quererla de una forma súper fuerte.
Pero volviendo al presente. Teníamos un partido que jugar.
Estaba en el vestuario poniéndome la equipación. No tenía prisa, estaba en el banquillo.
Me senté junto a Vir cuando los dos equipos salieron al campo.
En el medio tiempo estábamos perdiendo 2-0 y en el 50 decidieron que era hora de que entrara al terreno.
Mientras esperaba que la arbitra diera paso al cambio vi una silueta pararse a mi lado. Al girarme vi a la número 11.
-Pero si tengo a mi lado a la mismísima reina- Exclamo en voz baja para que sólo me escuche ella- ¿Estás lista?- Sonrió traviesa.
-¿Lo dudas?
En ese momento la arbitra nos deja entrar y empieza la función.
El chip del equipo cambia cuando toco el primer balón y pongo en apuros a la defensa blaugrana. Ahora creen que podemos llegar a algo.
En el 56 después de unos cuantos intentos de mi parte y de Banini llega mi gol.
Cojo enseguida el balón y voy a ponerlo en el punto de inicio y después celebro con las compañeras que venían corriendo detrás de mi.
Continuamos y ahora el Barça estaba mucho más defensivo y muy pendientes de mi. Cada que tocaba balón me lo intentaban quitar o me hacían entradas feas.
En una de esas estaba en el suelo sentada tocandome el tobillo y vi a Medina acercarse enfadada a Pina que estaba junto a mi y Patri.
-No era necesaria esa entrada- Dice de mala ostia encarandose mi número 20.
Me levanto enseguida un poco coja y me pongo en medio.
Medina tenía muy mala ostia pero Clau también y no quería un pelea ahora.
-¿Estas bien?- Dice la culé ignorando a mi compañera.
Asiento con la cabeza
-Como si te hubiera importado hace 2 minutos- Suelta Andrea.
-Andrea, basta- Ordeno y la cojo de la mano para sacarla de ahí.
Es una falta muy cerca del área y peligrosa y pido tirarla.
Me mira Menayo y asiente.
Coloco el balón y veo en la barrera colocadas a Patri y Aitana y luego miro al cúmulo de jugadoras que hay en el área.
Miro la portería guardada por Paños y cuando escucho el silbato chuto la pelota.
Va por toda la escuadra y Sandra no consigue llegar.
La primera en engancharse a mi es Medina a la que agarro por las piernas y luego ya las otras se van sumando.
El partido terminó 2-2 minutos después y iba saludando amistosamente a las que se cruzaban por mi camino antes de que me arrastrarán a una entrevista.
-Muy buenas tardes T/n
-Buenas tardes
-¿Cómo te sientes después de haber enfrentado y empatado a un equipo como el Barça con sólo 16 años prácticamente tu sola?
-Bueno, el equipo ha echo un buen partido, ha podido contener bastante bien a Geyse, Alexia, Ana María... Solo les faltaban las ocasiones de gol.- Me encojo de hombros- Estoy contenta pero hay cosas por mejorar y en eso hay que centrarnos.
-Veo que tienes las cosas muy claras, pero dime. Tú personalmente te veías cuando eras pequeña jugando contra el Barcelona?
-No, de pequeña iba día a día y sigo haciéndolo pero jamás me había imaginado estando hoy aquí o por lo menos no siendo tan jóven.
-Te ves vistiendo en un futuro los colores blaugranas?
La miro y me rio.
-Cualquiera estaría loco de decir que no a jugar en un equipo tan grande. Pero ahora hay que centrarse en el Atleti que es otro equipo muy grande.
-Muchas...-Alguien salta a mi espalda- gracias, T/n. Disfruta del día.
-Igualmente- Me voy de ahí con Andrea encima de mi.
-Así que el Barça, eh- Dice Andrea primero.
-Es mi sueño
-Lo sé- En ese momento Pina y Patri aparecen frente a nosotras y Andrea se baja de mi espalda pero la agarro de la mano para que no se encare.
-Tu... - Empieza a hablar la sevillana pero se calla cuando Patri y Pina se abalanzan sobre mi
-Joder, te he echado de menos- Dice Patri en mi pelo.
-Si, pues cualquiera lo diría- Me separo- Anda que habéis tenido tiempo para venir a verme, sinvergüenzas
-Te juro que cuando tengamos un par de días libres venimos a verte- Dice Patri- Bueno, casi todas las chicas.
En ese momento alguien me levanta del suelo en un abrazo apretado pero reconozco ese olor a kilómetros, Alexia.
-Si, en cuanto tengamos libre vamos enseguida- Afirma sin soltarme
-Hola, Ale- La abrazo de vuelta y noto varios cuerpos más encima.
-Estas más fuerte eh- Dice Jana cuando nos separamos- Y corres más, mare meva.
-Y estoy más buena también- Me río de las caras.
-También, también para que engañarnos -Dice Bruna y escucho un resoplido
Era Medina. Estaba mirando todo confusa y a Bruna bastante mal por estar tocando mi biceps.
-Oohh, chicas esta es Andrea- Rodeo su cintura y ahora mira triunfante a Bruna o eso creía. -Una de las que me ayudó a integrarme y una muy buena amiga.
-Tu eres la que ganó el Mundial no? - Dice Mapi emocionada- Si que lo eres, tienes mucho talento
-Gracias- Dice sonrojada y le pellizco la mejilla
Llega Lola también confusa
-Ellas son las que me acogieron prácticamente en su familia- Les resumo brevemente- Luego os lo explico.
-Vamos todas a cenar? - Dice Patri
Y todas afirman
-Antes podemos ir a un bar o algo para hacer tiempo- Sugiere Alexia y todas estamos de acuerdo- ¿Vais a venir? - Pregunta a las sevillanas
-Si, claro- Responde Lo por las dos.
-Pues genial, vamos a saludar a los fans.
-Yo de mientras iré a decírselo a unas cuantas chicas del Atleti- Dice Mapi y todas nos esparcimos pero Andrea se queda conmigo mientras saludamos a los fans y firmamos.
Me sorprende ver a varias chicas colchoneras con mi dorsal pero lo que más me sorprende es encontrarme a una mujer en concreto en las gradas.
Camino hacia ella ignorando a alguno que otro y Andrea me sigue desde la distancia.
-¿María?- Pregunto alucinada de verla.
-T/n!- Dice contenta y me abraza tan fuerte como puede.
-¿Qué haces aquí?- Pregunto sin creerlo cuando me separo- ¿Cómo estás?
-Bien, viviendo después de lo de Lucía- Dice sonriendo triste- Pero he venido aquí porque me he enterado que jugabas y quería volver a verte.
-Si, ya han pasado 2 años desde que no nos vemos- Digo triste recordando esos tiempos
-¿Tú cómo estás?
-Feliz- Digo sinceramente- He conseguido a gente importante y que quiero- Miro inconsciente a Andrea que estaba a unos metros mirando hacia nosotras- Y estoy haciendo lo que quería.
-Esa chica eh, te brillan los ojos cuando la miras- Ríe tiernamente y me sonrojo pero no digo nada- Lucía estaría muy orgullosa de lo que has logrado, T/n- Dice sinceramente y la abrazo muy fuerte con los ojos llenos de lágrimas.
-La hecho mucho de menos- Digo con un nudo en la garganta
-Y yo, cariño. Pero donde quiera que este está cuidando de nosotras, como siempre a hecho
Me despego del abrazo y nos miramos.
-El otro día me atreví por fin a abrir y mirar las cajas de Lucía que desde la mudanza habían estado guardadas- Se aclara la garganta- Vi una cosa y pensé en ti- Se gira un momento y me tiende una guitarra
-Que, que haces?- Se me entrecorta la voz
-La vi y en que sitio puede estar mejor que contigo?
-No-Niego repetidas veces con la cabeza y aparto la mirada hacia Andrea que al verme así se acerca más todavía- No puedo aceptarlo. Es de ella.
-Estoy segura de que hubiera querido que la tuvieras- Se acerca y me susurra- Y que le cantes a esa preciosa chica
Cojo la guitarra marrón oscura y observo la inicial de Lucía y mia que hicimos cuando le regalé el instrumento.
Paso los dedos por encima y luego me dispongo a tocar un par de acordes pero paro.
-Me da que tendrás que afinarla un poco- Ríe suave.
-Eso parece- Digo- Gracias... Por venir y por la guitarra
Me da un beso en la frente
-Disfruta ahora todo lo que tengas y lo que se te presente- Me mira a los ojos- Y no dejes los sentimientos para el último momento. Tu más que nadie te mereces esto y más- Me hace un gesto con la cabeza y se que se refiere a Andrea.
Con un último beso en la frente se gira y se va.
Me quito una lágrima y sonrío mirando el instrumento que ahora me pertenece y que en su momento regalé.
Andrea termina de acercarse y pasa su brazo por mi cintura en un gesto protector.
Me aclaro la garganta y la miro
-Ven, es hora de que sepáis todo- Me decido
-No tienes porque hacerlo...
-Quiero hacerlo- Digo segura.
-Loooolaa- Llama Medina de camino hacia los túneles, ella nos ve y se acerca.
-¿Estás bien?- Es lo primero que pregunta cuando ve mi cara.
-Venid- Las guio a una sala donde se que no habrá nadie.
-¿Qué es todo esto?- Pregunta confundida Lola y señala la guitarra
-Cierra el pico, Lola- Dice sería Andrea y esta se vuelve sería.
Algo muy raro en estas mujeres
-No se como empezar...-Hago una pausa y suspiro.- Me crié en un barrio un poco chungo, había mucha mierda para que mentir- Hago una mueca graciosa
Se rien un poco
-Mi infancia no fue la mejor. Mis padres eran alcohólicos sobre todo mi padre y mi madre acabo siéndolo por culpa de él y los maltratos.
-A ti también... - Lola no pudo continuar con la frase. Ambas apretaban los puños.
-Si, me acuerdo de la primera vez. Era mi cumpleaños, cumplía 5 y yo estaba emocionada y contenta. Todos mis amigos de clase me felicitaron era nuevo para mi, en mi casa eso no existía. Mi padre estaba en el sofá durmiendo con unos 10 botellines de cerveza alrededor- Hago una pausa- Mi madre no estaba y yo contenta me fui a mi cuarto y cerré la puerta para ponerme a jugar. Grave error, la cerré más fuerte o eso pensó mi padre- Me reí y negué con la cabeza- A partir de ese día nunca más volvi ha hacer ruido con las puertas.
-T/n- Exclaman y me abrazan.
-Pasaba el menor tiempo posible en casa desde ese día, estaba mucho mejor en la calle que en casa. Un día vinieron a vivir una familia nueva al barrio y yo tenía curiosidad. Conocí a Lucía, la niña pequeña de la familia, y enseguida nos hicimos amigas, todos los días estaba en su casa o en la calle con ella. Gracias a su madre pude apuntarme a un equipo de fútbol.
-A Lucía le encantaba la música, lo llevaba en la sangre. Eran una familia gitana con mucho arte, el padre y los tios tocaban la guitarra y el hermano la caja y yo bueno, aprendí de todo. Cuando cumplió once le regalé la guitarra- La miro con añoro- Aún ella teniendo una se volvió loca y se convirtió en su preferida, nunca la soltaba. O estábamos tocando y cantando juntas o estaba mirándome jugar mientras hacía música o lo que sea
-Que bonito, t/n- Susurra Medi emocionada y sonrío de verdad, con el corazón
-Era la mejor- Me aclaro la garganta- Por esa época tambien conocí a Patri. Vivía unas calles más para atrás y la pasión por el fútbol nos unió, fichó por el barça y solo venia en vacaciones y una vez vino con más chicas, concretamente Mapi, Pina y Alexia. La conexión con estas era increíble pero con la última fue instantánea. Casi como cuando nos conocimos nosotras o tu y Medi- Digo mirando a Lola.
-Intentaba ocultar lo que pasaba en casa cuando estaba ella ya que a un referente no quieres darle esa imagen pero acabó enterándose y la conexión se volvió muchísimo más fuerte.
Hago una pausa y les sonrío
-Ale me queria llevar con ella. No me queria dejar ahí ni un minuto más pero por ese entonces a Lucía le detectaron cáncer y yo no iba a dejarla sola. Fue una lucha intensa durante 2 años pero no fue suficiente. Murió hace 2 años.
-Joder, t/n, lo siento mucho- Dicen ambas y me abrazan
-Su familia se fue de Mallorca y yo desde entonces dejé de tocar nada, todo me recordaba a ella. Ya no tenía nada que me retuviera ahí así que Alexia por fin me pudo sacar y aquí estoy
-Ahora también nos tienes a nosotras- Dice Lola abrazándome fuerte y se une Medi
-Lo sé y estoy agradecida de haberos conocido. Sois increíbles.
-Lo sabemos- Dice la andaluza pequeña con una sonrisa arrogante.
Le pego un puñetazo en el hombro
-Pero yo lo soy más, ahora moviendo el culo que nos están esperando y tengo hambre.
Ordeno y me hacen caso.
3 horas después estábamos todas cenadas pero cada una tenía sus conversaciones en la gran mesa
-Te hemos visto con una guitarra, ¿tocas?- Dice Paños.
-Sí, se tocar- Respondo y me muevo un poco incómoda. Parece que las que están a mi lado se dan cuenta porque Andrea pone una mano en mi muslo y Ale en el otro.
-¿Tocas algo para nosotras, t/n? - Dice Bruna ilusionada ajena a todo lo que pasa por mi mente- Porfaaa
Abro la boca pero no sale nada.
-Si no quieres no tienes que hacerlo- Dice Alexia a mi lado y Olga, su novia, me da una sonrisa alentadora. Ellas saben como me siento.
-No no, esta bien. Puedo hacer esto- Digo más para mi misma.
Me levanto de la silla y me tomo unos minutos para buscar la guitarra y volver
Cuando estoy lista regreso y me siento en la silla tocando suavemente las cuerda para poder afinarlas.
Tengo la mirada de todas encima pero sólo hay una que hace que me ponga un poco nerviosa, Andrea.
Toco un par de acordes y sonrío inconsciente cuando me vienen imágenes a la cabeza de las horas que pasamos Lucía y yo cantando y tocando.
Miro de refilon a Medina y es cuando se me viene una canción a la mente, una que he tocado incansables veces con Lucía y siempre imaginando a alguien sin rostro pero ahora lo tiene.
Empiezo con la melodía y ahí es cuando se me olvida todo y sólo me centro en la música.
"Una vez, soñé lo que el futuro me deparaba
Había un patio andalu'"
Empiezo a cantar y cuando viene cierta frase miro discretamente a Andrea aunque como ella está fijamente mirándome se da cuenta
"Ya encontré
La que será mi futura esposa
La madre de mi' tres hijo'
Sevillana, guapa y hermosa
Y al bailar parece que vuela
Su' pie' son de oro puro
Cásate conmigo, flamenca
Que amor eterno, yo a ti, te juro"
Noto un poco de sorpresa en su reacción y algo más que no sabría describir pero continúo cantando hasta que la canción termina y todo el mundo aplaude hasta las mesas de los alrededores y camareros.
-Wooooooww t/n, no sabíamos que escondias esa voz- Dice Bruna maravillada y le doy un sonrisa
-Gracias pero no es para tanto- Le respondo y todas me miran mal
-¿Qué no es para tanto? Tu voz es preciosa, t/n- Dice Andrea y eso hace que me ponga roja, muy roja.
Alexia me da un golpe en el muslo sutilmente y me giro a mirarla y veo como ella y Olga se están riendo de mi.
Le saco el dedo y la lengua y ella me saca también la lengua.
-¿Puedes cantarnos más?- Pregunta Jana
-Solo si me acompañais
Así nos pasamos un par de horas entre todas cantando y divirtiéndonos y luego fuimos a cenar a un restaurante.
Me había olvidado lo divertido y bien que me sentía con la música.
-Nos vamos a ver pronto Pinita- Le digo a la chica que estaba abrazándome fuerte y puede ver una cola detrás de ella con las demás chicas del Barça.
De repente se unen al abrazo Bruna, Jana y Patri
-Te vamos a hechar de menos, t/n- Dicen estas últimas.
-Y yo a vosotras- Me aclaro un poco la garganta para quitar las lágrimas que quieren salir- Pero hay videollamada y me habeis prometido que cualquier día libre vendreis a verme.
Me separo de ellas y enseguida se engancha Mapi a mi.
-Tu también tienes que venir eh, que sino te meto arrastrando en el equipo B- Dice la aragonesa.
Y así me despido de todas hasta que queda solo una, Ale.
Ella es un poco más alta así que mi cabeza termina en su cuello y quien soy yo para quejarme.
-Pasatelo muy bien, patea muchos culos y hazles saber quién es T/n Putellas
Si, había heredado su apellido cuando terminó siendo mi tutora legal pero eso no lo sabía mucha gente.
-Si, mami- Medio enserio medio en broma
-Y escríbeme
-Mamá Alexia deja un poco al polluelo anda- Dice Mapi burlandose- Escríbele cada minuto eh, que sino lo paga con nosotras- Me dice a mi ahora y nos reímos todos menos Ale que le da un golpe en la nuca.
Le doy un beso en la mejilla
-I jo més- Responde y se acerca a mi oido- Ves a por la chica
Me despido con la mano y cuando salimos pongo el brazo sobre los hombros de Medina acercandola a mi cuerpo.
Todas las chicas del Atleti empezamos a caminar hacia el hotel pero me quedo atrás con Lola y Medi.
-Quieres a Alexia eh- Comenta la mayor y yo asiento
-Sí, legalmente es mi madre y yo la quiero como tal
Seguimos hablando pero en ningún momento suelto a Andrea y nadie se extraña porque en estos meses la hemos pasado así día si y día también.
Al llegar al hotel cada una se dispersa hacia su habitación y yo me voy a la mia con Andrea
Voy a mi lado de la cama, dejo la guitarra en el suelo y quitándome la camiseta me tumbo en la cama mirando a mi compañera de equipo.
Se quita los zapatos mientras mira algo en el móvil pero luego lo deja en la mesita de noche y se tira a mi lado.
-Creo que se a colado una mofeta en la habitación- Digo preocupada mirandola.
-¿Qué estas diciendo?- Me mira raro
-Es que desde que te has quitado los zapatos huele muy mal- Arrugo la nariz para enfatizar.
Abre la boca indignada y me mira mal
-Primero con que ronco y ahora que me huelen los pies
-¿Qué quieres que haga yo? Es la verdad...
-¿Ah si? Pues tu te tiras unos peos mientras duermes mortíferos- Dice ella y ahora soy yo la ofendida.
-Mentira, si yo huelo a rosas siempre
-No, creo que con tus pedos matarias hasta a un muerto y mira que está muerto ya eh
Indignada me pongo sobre ella haciéndole cosquillas y luego ella también me las hace y no sé como termina ella encima mia con ambas piernas rodeando mi cintura y la cara demasiado cerca de mi para ser legal.
Nos quedamos mirando con la respiración bastante acelerada hasta que bajo a sus labios
Levanto la mano y con el pulgar acaricio ese lunar que tiene bajo su labio.
No veo rechazo por su parte y encima intercala la mirada entre mis ojos y mis labios así que me levanto un poco y rozo nuestros labios hasta que los conecto del todo
Es un beso suave, lento, sin prisas.
Saboreo bastante su labio inferior y superior hasta que por culpa del aire tenemos que separarnos.
-Joder- Dice Andrea cerrando los ojos intentando recuperar el aire.
-¿Tan mal beso?- Bromeo aunque por dentro no era una broma.
Abre los ojos y sonrie pícara.
-Un poco, pero no pasa nada, podemos arreglar eso.
Se acerca y me vuelve a besar todavía lento aunque el tiempo pasaba y de cada vez se iban volviendo más intensos los besos.
Estuvimos un par de horas así con ella encima mia pero no llegamos a más que unas cuantas caricias por debajo de su camiseta de mi parte.
Paramos cuando ya teníamos los labios hinchados y rojos
-¿Esto es real?- Pregunto sin creermelo del todo
Sin decir nada me pellizca el brazo
-Auuuu bruta
-¿Parece bastante real no?
Le recojo el pelo tras la oreja.
-Vamos a dormir que solo quedan 4 horas
-Mmmmh no- Niego- Solo unos cuantos más
La acerco a mi y volvemos a besarnos.
Al final no dormimos nada...
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Confused (Laia Aleixandri x Reader)
Tumblr media
You couldn’t help but to stare at Laia. There was something about Laia that just drew you towards her like nobody else. You loved spending time with her and when you were away from her, you couldn’t stop thinking about her. A part of you wondered whether or not you liked her or something, but that was ridiculous because you knew that you were straight. At least, that’s what you told yourself. 
“Hi Y/n,” Laia said as she walked past you. 
‘Hi Laia,” you said with a cheery smile. 
“Are you coming out with everybody tonight?” Laia asked you. There was a look of hope on her face like she wanted you to come. Leila had asked you to come out with the rest of the national team, but you weren’t sure. You didn’t like drinking a lot, but then again, you did want to spend time with Laia. 
“I guess,” you answered. “I can take a couple hours out of my busy Netflix schedule to come out.” 
“No, we can stay in and hang out together. That sounds so much more fun, it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to chill with anybody,” Laia said and you liked that idea better. After practice, you went over to her hotel room while her roommate got ready. You set everything up for your night in and then got into bed with her to cuddle while she picked out something to watch. You had a hard time paying attention to the movie with Laia so close to you. “Everything alright?” 
“Yeah, of course,” you said and Laia paused the movie. “What’s up?” 
“What’s up with you?” Laia asked and you shrugged. “You’re always staring at me, I try to spend as much time as possible with you to see whether or not you’re into me, and now I give you so many chances to make a move and you do nothing,” Laia said. She sounded a bit exhausted with chasing you around. 
“I’m straight.” You didn’t even sound like you’d convinced yourself. “I’ve always been straight. I don’t know, you’re different. I really think I like you, but I don’t know if I can do it or not.” 
“Well, we can take things slowly and see how you feel. I don’t want you to stress yourself out and ruin what could be a beautiful thing,” Laia said and you nodded. She resumed the movie and wrapped her arms around you again. 
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Carmen Menayo - 22 Both Reaching For The Last Christmas Cookie
A/N: Day fourteen of the Christmas advent calendar.
There was something about Carmen that made your heart beat twice as fast as normal. It had been this way since you met her over 5 years ago but you are yet to act on your feelings.
"So you're telling me if you and Carmen find yourself under mistletoe you won't kiss her" V had been teasing you about the blonde for the last ten minutes and you were getting tired of it.
"No V" You know your best friend well enough to know what she is planning to do "I don't want you playing any games with me, with her. I like her and I need to do this when i'm ready"
"Any clue when that might be?" Her tone was playful but you knew she was coming from a good place. It was her you went to when you realised you had fallen for Carmen and although she liked to tease you, she had been your go to for advice.
"Chicas!" Lola shouts whilst knocking rapidly on V's door.
The scowl of your face is clear. You wanted to walk V through your plan before the rest of the team arrives but then you hear Carmen's voice and it's as your emotions settle to her tone.
"You look pretty" Carmen says as she greets you with kisses on both cheeks.
"Says the most beautiful girl in the room" You loved to flirt with her, it was your way of expressing your feelings but also having the ability to play it off.
When you see her blush at your compliment you feel like you have succeeded. It seemed that only you could have this affect on her.
A few hours later and the majority of the team have left. It was now only you, Carmen, V, Lola and some of the younger players.
You had eaten plenty of food throughout the night and despite your solid attempts a finishing the box of christmas cookies, your sweet tooth wasn't quite satisfied.
Making a subtle exit from the living area you head for the kitchen and much to your surprise it looks like Carmen shares you need for sugar.
"I thought you might have gone home" you tell her.
Carmen leans on the island in the kitchen as she reaches into the glass tupperware of cookies.
"Without saying goodbye to you, never" she hands you a cookie knowing that is the reason why you came to the kitchen.
"Gracias" you take a bite, tipping you head back in pleasure as the sugar hits your tastebuds.
The two of you speak about anything and everything. She asks you about your plans for the holidays and you ask if she’s going to be joining the team for new year or staying with her family.
"Hey!" you swat her hand away for the box when you see her reaching for the last cookie "You can't take the last one"
"What are you going to do about it" her voice deepens knowing the power the sentence holds.
She takes the cookie, as if daring you to stop her. Her hand moves in slow motion from the box to her mouth. She is teasing you but it isn't like before, it's like something has changed.
"Eat it and find out"
Two could play this game.
"Come get it and it's yours" she places the cooking between her teeth. Could she really be asking what you think she is?
The darkening of her eyes gives you your answer.
You stalk towards her and she takes one step back with every step you take forward. Soon enough you have her pinned the kitchen counter. You lean forward taking the other half of cookie in your mouth. To no surprise Carmen lets go of her half and you throw the cookie aside, you had another craving you needed to satisfy.
With your lips on hers your mouths move in sync. Your hands exploring each other bodies. You grab her thighs and lift her up onto the kitchen counter. Her hands tangle in your hair as you grasp her hips bringing her as close to you as possible.
You are suddenly interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Carmen buries her face in the crook of your neck out of embarrassment.
"Lola and V wanted me to come and get you guys" Andrea, one of the younger player, says. "What shall I tell them?"
"That them they have terrible timing" You mumble slightly annoyed at the interruption.
"Right, ok" Andrea turns to walk away.
"No, Andrea" Carmen hops of the kitchen counter "Tell them we will be there in a minute"
The defenders reaction, albeit a little late, is much better than yours.
"Come on" Carmen holds her hand out for you to take.
"One minute"
You grab the cookie from the side. You look carmen dead in the eyes as you eat it.
"I told you that you couldn't have the last one" you say rather smugly.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
22 “I thought you were going home for Christmas.” - “Well, I couldn’t leave you all alone.” with laia aleixandri
A/N: Day eighteen of the Christmas advent calendar. 
There are many jokes about the British weather and how it can change in the blink of an eye. You had persuaded Laia to stay in Manchester a few days more than her fellow Spaniards because you wanted a few days just the two of you.
Laia went back to Spain on the 23rd or that’s what you thought. When you received a text message saying that she had landed safe and sound you didn’t think anything more of it.
Before leaving you asked her if you could look after Luke whilst she was away then when you fly out to join her in Spain you will book him into the kennels that the other girls use.
When Christmas morning came you posted a photo on Instagram of you in your childhood bed with Luke licking you making sure to tag Laia in it. Your phone goes off almost straight after and you pick it up without looking who the caller is.
“Laia” you ask as you play with the dog.
“Close but it’s Leila. Why do you have Luke?”
“Because his mum is in Spain” you say even though you are stating the obvious.
“No she’s not. Laia’s flight got cancelled due to the weather and she hasn’t been able to get another one. She is in Manchester”
“What!” You sit up suddenly “why didn’t she tell me? Actually I know why. I have to go” with no further explanation you end the phone call.
Laia couldn’t believe that she was spending Christmas alone. She almost called to tell you, to ask if you would bring her Luke but ultimately she chose against it. She didn’t want to ruin your Christmas just because Mother Nature ruined hers.
Her parents called her in the morning to wish her a Merry Christmas and to make sure that she was ok. She of course said she was even if it couldn’t have been further from the truth.
The apartment she shared with Leila and Lucia couldn’t have felt less like home. Laia began looking at the photo frames that lined the shelves, stopping at one you bought her. It was a photo from your first date which was a walk down the canal stopping by a little cafe under one of the bridges. You told her it was your secret spot, a place where you went when things got a little overwhelming. You told her that she could use it as her spot but no one else could know about it. It is only when she sees a tear on the glass of the frame that she realises she is crying.
As she makes her way to the kitchen she looks at Luke’s corner. All his dog toys were in his basket, something that would never happen if he were here. Technically the dog belong to all three of the Spaniards but she took the role of mum while Leila and Lucia were the fun aunties. She is thinking about the dog so much she could of sworn she heard his bark but that couldn’t be, he was with you and your family in Oxford. Then she is hears it again only it is louder and it sounds like it is coming from outside the apartment door. Laia opens the door and what do you know, there siting at the doorway is her brown fluff ball.
“Feliz navidad Mi amor” you turn from where you are leaning against the wall.
The look of surprise and happiness on your girlfriend’s face made the 3 hour car journey in the snow worth it.
“What are you doing here?” Laia all but jumps in your arms.
“Leila told me your flight got cancelled”
Laia then guides you into the apartment. A small giggle escapes her lips when she sees Luke already emptying his toy basket. She pulls you towards the sofa.
“I thought you were going home for Christmas.” Laia says still a little in shock at the fact that you’re here.
When you hold your arms out she happily settles into your embrace.
“Well, I couldn’t leave you all alone.”
“But what about your family?” Laia knew how much spending Christmas with your family meant to you. Over the past couple of weeks you had told her all the stories about christmases at the Y/L/N household.
It was true. You loved christmas and having some quality time with your family but the thought of Laia being alone, on a day which used to bring her so much happiness, just didn’t sit well with you. You knew that if you were to have stayed at home you wouldn’t have been able to stop thinking about her. In the end choosing to be with her was the easiest decision you have ever made.
“You’re forgetting one thing. It wasn’t just me who was in Oxford. See I might have been with my family but Luke wasn’t”
Upon hearing his name the dog made a bee line for the two of you. Jumping all over you in excitement, not having a care at all for your personal space.
“At this point he is your family too” Laia says.
“And you are mine. We might have only been together a few months but there’s no one else I would rather spend Christmas with” you gently kiss her before settling on the sofa together.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
59 with carmona menayo
59 “H-How long have you been standing there?”
It was New Year’s Eve when you realised you saw Carmen as more than a friend. The clock was about to strike midnight and your friends were with their girlfriends or had found to stranger to ring in the new year with. You and Carmen on the other hand, well you didn’t share the same interest in strangers as some of the other girls. So as the crowd counted down you and Carmen found yourself alone, together, at the bar.
Carmen grabbed your shoulder.
“It’s doesn’t have to mean anything” her words confuse you.
Her lips are on yours before you can comprehend what is happening. She pulls away without giving you chance to savour it and you didn’t like that one bit. You pull her back to you, the kiss you have initiated carries more passion that hers.
“Happy new year” Carmen leans forward and for a moment you think she is going to kiss you again but much to your disappointment she shouts in your ear so that you can hear her over the crowd.
That moment made you think of the possibility of what would happen if you are Carmen became more than friends. If that kiss was anything to go by, you were in for some good times.
Months pass and your feelings for the defender only intensifies. You had managed to keep your feelings a secret except from the time you slipped up and told V because she kept trying to set you up with her friends and you knew it’s wouldn’t be fair to go on the dates when you had no intention of following through.
It is during the annual trip to Ibiza when you reach breaking point. It wasn’t that Carmen had done anything wrong, on the contrary she was perfect and you were finding it difficult being in the same room as her without being with her in the way you desired.
“V!” You groan as you fall onto the bed “I can’t do it anymore. Have you seen her, she is beautiful. I can’t have another night like last night”
The night before you had watched as girls flirted with her whilst you sat in the booth, the interactions making your skin crawl.
Your dramatic actions has Virginia looking at you with an amused look on her face as she held back a laugh.
“It’s not funny.” You are genuinely struggling with what to do. The feelings you have developed for the blonde were foreign to you.
“It’s a little bit funny. You are usually so confident and Carmen has you acting like, well, not you”
“Thank you Captain Obvious”
“Tell me what you want to say to her, maybe hearing your feelings out loud will help you”
“Ok, I can do that but I can’t you look you”
You get up off the bed, walking towards the window that looks out onto the ocean. Virginia gives you an encouraging slap on the back as you pass her.
You take a deep breathe hoping that it will help you calm your nerves, you can only imagine how fast your heart will beat when she is standing in front on you.
“I said goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022 with you by my side. When you kissed me it was like my soul was reunited with its missing half. The feeling of your lips on my felt right, like it was meant to be. It was the best kiss of my life and I think about it every day. That moment has made me think of a future I never thought possible, a future with you”
With your eyes closed, you inhale deeply.
“I find myself thinking of you in moments that feel random. I’ll be out for breakfast and think ‘Carmen would love it her, maybe I should bring her” or I’ll be watching a movie and I let my mind wander, what would it be like to have your arms wrapped around my waist as I hold you tightly”
“I’m not done V” you hold your hand up all whilst keeping your attention on the white wash of the waves.
“Whenever I am around you I find myself happier and more at peace. I like you Carmen more than I ever thought possible”
There is a delay in hearing the voice and registering who its owner is.
“Carmen” you turn on your heels and see the woman you had been trying to muster up the courage to talk to “H-How long have you been standing there?”
“You said something about ours souls being reunited”
So she has heard the whole thing, great.
“Let me explain” your insecurities cause you to panic.
“I think you’ve done enough talking”
The defender is quick on her feet as she closes the distance between you. Before you have chance to defend your feelings, her lips are on yours. The hunger for her touch that had been building over the past couple of months comes to surface as you pull her close.
“I take it back. New Years wasn’t the best kiss of my life, that was”
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outsideratheart · 1 year
12 Christmas market with deyna castellanos
A/N: Day six of the Christmas advent calendar.
You had just played the final game of the year and it ended with Manchester City beating West Ham. Normally the team would travel back to Manchester that night so that they could spend their Sunday off at home but you had different plans.
In Steph’s absence you had been appointed team captain and you used this power to demand a team bonding night at Winter Wonderland.
“Girls listen up” you shout of the team before entering Hyde Park “If any of you get lost go to one of the meeting points I sent in the group chat”
“You think we will get lost?” Deyna asks you.
Here’s the thing. Ever since the Venezuelan arrived at City you have had a soft spot for her. You would even say that the once harmless crush has turned into feelings but you had a reputation, one that your team mates told Deyna about but that didn’t seem to matter to her, she took the time to get to know you so that she could make her own evaluation.
“You’ll be fine. Stay near me and I’ll keep you safe” the flirtiness in your tone was obvious but your words were genuine.
“Are you saying that as my captain or as my” Deyna tries and fails to come up with a word to describe your budding friendship.
“As your what?”
“My friend”
“Right, friends” you roll your eyes slightly “just stay near me Deyna. It’s busy in there and if it gets too much you can hold my hand”
You extend your hand and she swats it away.
“Well the offer doesn’t expire” you reassure her.
You and the team wander around the market side of winter wonderland and everyone stops at each stall to see what unique gift they can buy to commemorate the night.
When you get to the drinks stalls that is when things start to get busy. You can barely move in the crowd and even though you are used to it, having been coming to winter wonderland for the past few years, you know that it must be a little overwhelming for the new players.
Your suspicion is proved correct when you feel someone grab your hand. As you turn around you are face to face with Deyna.
“I got you” you lean back to whisper.
The team squishes together as they make their way to the front of the line. You feel Deyna’s hold on you tighten so you squeeze her hand three times to let her know she’s safe.
You order a few of each drink for the team, handing them out as the bartender serves you. When you get the the table you all stand around it. You watch intently as the Spaniards take a sip of whatever drink they were handed.
“What is it?” Leila asks you as she eyes up the hot liquid in her cup.
You take it from her and smell it.
“I would say that is mulled wine, red, with spiced rum”
The girls laugh at your very specific guess.
“By the looks of it Laia, you have the same” you peak at the blonde’s drink.
“And me?” Deyna asks as she hands you her cup.
You take a breath in through your nose and the hot scent hits hits your nose. You know it is cider but you cannot know the kind for sure.
“May I?” You ask.
Deyna nods and you take a sip.
“Mulled cider. I think the menu said it was toffee apple. Try some and if you don’t like it then you can have mine” you show her your cup so she can see that you have the same as Leila and Laia.
The face she pulls as she takes a sip is adorable.
“Not your cup of tea” you take the cup from her.
“Tea? You said it was cider” Deyna is clearly confused by the english saying.
To give her credit, Deyna had settled in very well at City, her English was very good and she was picking up on the lingo but somethings she didn’t quite get.
“It’s a figure of speech. We say ‘not your cup of tea’ when guessing that you don’t like something” Chloe tells her.
“Ok well in that case this drink is not my cup of tea” Deyna says making you laugh.
You swap your drinks, she takes a sip and nods her in enjoyment.
The speakers blast Christmas music and everyone sings along to get into the Christmas spirit. When you notice that most of the girls have finished their drinks you go to get another around, taking Lauren and Chloe with you.
The the two blondes return with drinks but without you.
“Girls you seem to have lost our captain” Alex jokes.
“We didn’t lose her. Some of the Arsenal girls are here too. Y/N is catching up with” Lauren looks at Deyna, knowing that the two of you are getting extremely close.
“With?” Ellie asks.
“Stina” Chloe says earning a smack from the winger “What was that for? She is, look, they’re still talking”
The forward point to where you and the swede are talking and to someone on the outside, the two of you look rather close. A little too close for Deyna’s liking.
“Now if only there was mistletoe above them then our girl could finally get her girl back” Demi says fully unaware of the damage her words are doing.
“They’re just friends” Lauren comes to your defence.
“They dated?” Deyna asks.
“They met at the Olympics” Fillipa says as she remembers you spending time with Swedish team as you joined them in exploring the village “Started dating not long after that”
Deyna watches the two of you. The way Stina looks at you, it’s clearly that she still has feelings for you but it isn’t the blonde she is focusing on. You seem so carefree as you talk to your ex. It is obvious that there are no hard feelings between the two of you.
“Y/N isn’t interested in Stina anymore” Lauren, once again, shows she is on your side.
“I don’t care. We aren’t dating” Deyna replies as if she hasn’t been developing feelings for you over the past couple of months.
“That’s because you listened to them when they told you about her past. She isn’t that person anymore. When she started dating Stina things changed but Y/N called it off because she didn’t feel the connection”
Lauren can tell that Deyna isn’t believing a word she says.
“She feels the connection with you though and before you say she doesn’t, she does. She told me a few weeks ago. I can proof it if you want”
Deyna’s brows furrow as she tries to figure of what her team mate has planned.
“What do you mean?” She asks slightly intrigued.
“Watch” Lauren says and with that she leaves the forward standing there watching and waiting.
The girls watch Lauren as she wanders off. They don’t panic as they assume she is going to you but she walks straight past you and to the stall next to the drinks one.
“What is she doing?” Ellie asks.
Deyna couldn’t answer because she had no clue what the blonde was up to.
“Hempo. Did you want another drink?” You ask as the blonde stands in front of you and Stina.
“Nope just proving a point to a friend” Lauren says nonchalantly.
What she does next both catches you off guard and pisses you off slightly. Lauren holds some mistletoe above you and Stina then looks back at Deyna which you found weird. Was this some kind of test?
Stina leans forward but you dodge her kiss and kiss her on the cheek in a friendly way.
You say goodbye to Stina then drag Lauren back to the city girls.
“What was that?” You say through gritted teeth.
Sensing that she has annoyed you she choose to remain quiet but determined to go through with the second part of her plan.
Just like before you take your place near Deyna but something is different. She refuses to look you in the eye and she shows no interest in talking to you but you don’t accept it.
“Hey” you gently tap her shoulder “Everything ok?”
She looks at you then over your shoulder. When you turn you see the Arsenal girls and it becomes apparent that she is looking at your ex and if looks could kill then Stina would be getting revived on the floor.
“I’m fine”
You hated the word. Fine. It was a word that meant anything but it’s actual meaning.
“Ok” your reply is short because you don’t know what to say. You cannot help but feel like you have hurt her in some way.
You decide to ask if you did something wrong only you don’t get the chance.
Lauren stands in front of you both holding the mistletoe above your heads.
“You know the rules. If you are caught standing under the mistletoe then you must kiss” Lauren explains as if neither you nor Deyna have ever seen mistletoe before.
“Now’s your chance Y/N, show her how you feel” Lauren whispers words of encouragement.
“Hempo put it away” you demand.
“You don’t want to kiss me?” Deyna asks and it is clear she is disappointed.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first day I met you but not like this, not when it is pressured. I won’t put you in a position where you feel like you have to kiss me especially if you don’t want to—“
You are cut off when you feel Deyna’s lips against yours. The kiss is gentle but holds more meaning and feelings than any other.
When you pull away you feel lighter, like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“See, I told you” Lauren says rather proud of herself.
“What is she talking about?” You ask Deyna.
“Doesn’t matter now” the forward replies.
This time Deyna doesn’t need mistletoe to be hanging above you. She quickly pecks your lips, her rushed display of affection leaves you wanting more and by the look on her face, that was her intention.
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wosoluver · 1 month
Cruel Summer
Andrea Medina x Real Madrid player!reader
tw: suggestive content
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You and Andrea weren't foreign to each other.
You were a striker for Real Madrid, she was an Atletico de Madrid's defender.
So not foreign at all.
And every time you were around each other it was dangerous territory.
Very harsh attitude inside the pitch.
Never worried about meeting else where anyways.
But it was summer. And you and a group of other players settled on going to Mykonos. Hot weather, cold drinks, great parties. What could go wrong?
You only realized Andrea was part of the group along with Lola and Cris, when you arrived at the airport.
You trusted Cardona and Misa to make good decisions, about where you were going and with whom.
You tried to keep calm. What's the worst that could happen? Well...
The first day was fine. Drinks by the pool, some catching up with tanning, and you, torturing yourself by staring down the girl you were sure hated your guts. But you couldn't help it. She was definitely your type. Taller than you, blonde, blue eyes. And an attitude.
At first you tried to be subtle, but soon realized two things.
One, everyone was too busy doing their own thing to even notice.
Two, it seemed you weren't the only one who was liking what they were seeing.
You were bathing in the sun by the pool, when you noticed her swim your way. She rested herself next to you, arms over the edge of the pool.
"Aren't you already hot enough?" - she questioned rhetorically in a low tone. But you had no reaction other than to stare at her handsome pair of blue eyes.
She slowly dropped some of the pool water over your back. And spread it out.
"Better?" - she asked with a smirk.
"Yeah." - what had got into you? Why did become so shy all of the sudden?
She was kissing your neck wildly. And you begged her for more. As she trailed down, passing in between your breasts, but stoping just below your belly button, teasing you.
Her kisses were delicious. And you were reveling in those hot breaths she would leave in between them.
"Andrea... pleas-"
And that's all it took for her to give you what you wanted most. You wished this night never ended.
But it did, as you woke up. Sweaty and warm, as you realized that was nothing more, than a dream over your desires.
'Fever dream high in the quiet of the night'
"Good morning sleeping beauty. Thought you weren't going to wake up." - Said Marta as she poured you a cup of coffee.
"You look like you slept well." - said Medina with a devilish smile on her face.
"I did actually. I slept very well." - there was the confidence you thought you had lost the day before.
"I can tell." - she replied like she knew.
But that was only a wet dream, right?
"Didn't know you needed a vacation that bad." - said Misa, chiming in innocently.
In truth, you were the only ones who were taking this down a different road.
"Lola and Cris are waiting for us at the beach. Get some breakfast and get ready, we leave soon."
"Yes, mom." - you said at the older woman.
As both Marta and Misa left the room, Andrea jumped at the opportunity of messing with you.
"Do you have a mommy kink?"
And you chocked on the bite you had taken from your toast.
"You didn't deny, so that's an yes." - she said walking out and leaving you with your thoughts.
And you thought you were managing your feelings well. Until you made your way back from a day at the beach, so you could get ready to go out at night.
You had failed to notice the bathroom's private balcony was connected to Andrea's. It was only while you were showering, you noticed her sitting down on a chair outside. She wasn't looking at you, she didn't want to be disrespectful. But she did steal a few glances.
"You don't need to pretend you're not looking, you know."
And this time it was you who caught her by surprise.
"Noted for next time." - she tried playing cool. Although it wasn't really working, as you left her there, mouth watering as you walked away to get ready.
'Killing me slow, out the window'
Arriving at the club you tried your best not to lose each other, the place was packed. But you failed, you were all basically divided into duos.
You weren't complaining about being stuck with Andrea either.
Unknown to you this had been planned by the other girls.
They had taken notice, it's not like you were being secretive about it, anyways.
They made sure you had plenty time together that night.
"Hey where did they go?" she asked through the loud noise.
"I don't know, they were right behind us, but I lost them."
"It's fine, let's just stick together. We'll probably come across them later."
You had both lost count over the many drinks you shared. By now you two were pretty handsy on the dance floor. As you danced against her and she held your body as close as she could. If questioned she would probably blame on not wanting to lose you in the crowd. Which would be such a good excuse to hide her feelings behind.
'And it's new, the shape of your body'
Just thinking about the fact that, after getting back to work, she would have to put that rivalry back up, it made her stress.
She tried her best to convince herself, this was only fun and she had the right to get loose and enjoy herself.
She was aways good at keeping business and pleasure separated. Little did she know that these lines would only blur more, as the days went on.
'It's a cruel summer
with you.'
And you, you didn't want to worry about the consequences right now.
As the two of you headed back to the place you were staying, after giving up on finding the girls, and decided to just text them you were heading back.
She took no time undressing you by her bed, as she whispered sweet nothings into your ears. You had never enjoyed this kind of sex before. It was raw but at the same time passionate. It felt like your souls had looked for each other, all eternity, to finally be together.
You walked into the bathroom to get a hand towel damp under warm water.
You only hoped, to wake up next to her in the morning.
But you knew what it would cost to have your hopes up, as you made your way back to get her cleaned up.
'So cut the headlights, summer's a knife
I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone'
You weren't surprised to wake up to an empty bed. But it still hurt.
"Where is everyone?" you asked walking into the kitchen.
"Good morning to you too. They are outside by the pool." Answered Misa.
"Sorry, good morning."
"I thought you had fun last night, why are you pouting like that?"
"Does it have anything to do with you and Medina?"
"No, no, I just have a hangover."
"So your gonna pretend nothing happened?"
"I'm not. Just didn't think you were so interested in my love, well sex life."
"Why not love life?"
"Really? This is just for fun. Once we're back in Madrid, work comes first."
"And your fine with that?"
You said trying to convince yourself more than her.
'It's cool, that's what I tell 'em
No rules in breakable heaven'
Last day rolled around. You made your way to the airport. You naturally decided to seat together on the way back. You had gotten comfortable in your seat. But your mind was racing. Trying to wrap around this summer coming to an end. And along with it, your relationship.
If it could even be called that.
She laid her head on your shoulder. Cuddling up to you, to take a nap until you got home.
"Ready to go back?"
"Uhum, are you?"
You thought she had fallen asleep after spending so long quiet, just breathing peacefully.
"I don't believe you."
"What do you want from me Medina?"
"Just be honest."
"Are you going to do the same? To me? To yourself?"
You waited for an answer but it never came. But you were already so out of the reach of better judgment, that you just broke down.
"I like you. More than just this. Is that what you want me to say?"
'I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
And I scream for whatever it's worth
I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?'
It's a cruel summer.
Special thanks to @pinkyqil for the help 🩷
There's just something about wlw + TS and I can't explain it.
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wosoluver · 2 months
A little bit about me and why I decided to start this -> here
feel free to ask me anything!
You can support me here ->
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Woso requests open!
-> Who I write for:
Misa Rodriguez
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Real Madrid Femenino • Spain National Team • 1 • Goalkeeper
Andrea Medina
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Atletico Madrid Femenino • 20 • Spain National Team • 3 • Defender / Left Back
Patri Guijarro
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Barcelona Femeni • Spain National Team • 12 • Midfielder
Claudia Pina
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Barcelona Femeni • 6 • Spain National Team • 22 • Forward
Lena Oberdorf
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Wolfsburg Frauen • 5 • Germany National Team • 6 • Midfielder
How to request:
• A prompt or an idea of any scenario you have and the player you'd like
• I may consider doing a multi part story, if someone gives me a good idea
• I'm starting to write smut.
-> I may consider writing for others if the request is really good!
My masterlists
-> Andrea
-> Misa
-> Lena
-> Clau
-> Patri
-> Others
Other people's work masterlists
-> Misa
-> Andrea
Woso funny content
-> #woso memes
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wosoluver · 2 months
You always know what to say and do.
Andrea Medina x reader
-> got this idea while watching her tiktok, where they're playing the marshmallow game, so if you want some good context to it, pls look it up. Once again this is fictional, and don't necessarily reflect the reality, although Andrea has been open about her ADHD and hyperactivity.
TW: angst, anxiety attack (sort of), mentions of hyperactivity and feelings of anxiety.
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You and your girlfriend were almost never apart. You thrive in each-others presence. Always a safe place to joke around, talk, sing, cry or sometimes just sit around in comfortable silence. And by silence it actually meant you were relaxing quietly while Andrea walked around talking nonstop.
It never bothered her because she knew you were paying attention to her every move and words, and it made her feel like someone was actually listening to her. And you, you loved those moments more than anything. It didn't bother you either, to you, her voice was the most relaxing sound, you could listen to her jokes all day. You loved that despite knowing you had a way lower energy level, she could always still be one hundred percent herself, even if it meant enduring her hyperactive self. It was indeed very comforting having someone so opposite to you that yet complemented you perfectly deep down inside.
So when she called you up at 3 AM crying, your heart broke. It was hard enough being away from each other, when she was away with the sub 20 national team. This time they were away for a game against Germany, and the call was unexpected to say the least. Even though you would spend hours on facetime, she usually slept like a baby through the night, especially after training for hours. That's one of the only things that would really drain some energy out of her.
Andrea was the type of person to never break down in front of others, so when she called you in the middle of the night, you knew it was bad.
"What happened amor? Why are you crying?" - you asked desperately.
You could barely make up the words she was saying through the phone.
"Breathe okay? I'm here, cry all you need and then talk to me amor" -
It took around ten minutes for her cries to die down.
"Everyone hates me!" - "They think I am annoying and they don't want me around!" -
"Did someone say that to you?"-
She shook her head while she spoke - "No, but I know it, I can tell"-
"Baby, tell me what happened okay? Is Ornella with you?" -
"No, we're not sharing rooms this week." - I nodded to her, reassuring her to continue - "We were at Martina's room and I had an idea for a tiktok, you know the one marshmallow two marshmallow game?"
"Yes I saw you posted it earlier. But what happened?" -
"While we were filming, it felt like everyone was so annoyed at me, like they were tired and that I was taking up space you know? I know not a lot of people can deal with the way I am, but I don't know, I just thought we were all good friends, and that it would be fun..."-
"Cariño, I wish I could hold you right now." - you say sadly - "But we've talked about this. You can't live worrying if others might be bothered by it. It's who you are! You don't have to feel bad for the ones around you! I hate that you felt that way today, I just wish I could be there with you."
"I love the girls and I just sometimes forget how overbearing I can be. It's kind of hard, when I'm back home with you, Lola, Cris, Wifi and the team I don't even think about it, I don't worry. I forget how much support I have and I'm so thankful. And I love you amor. So much." -
By now you were tearing up. For the last year and a half, you've seen her through it all, and you knew her pain. You knew how hard it was for her to say it out loud, even more to anyone that was not the reflection in her mirror. She keeps her smile up even when she feels the saddest. Your guess was that she kept that fake smile and jokes, kept it up until she was finally alone in the hotel room. And then just exploded from her feelings. And you guessed it right.
She only decided to call you when she realized she couldn't calm down by herself. That was, after hours of crying.
"Was Ornella there?" - you ask already knowing the answer as she shook her head no. You knew if she was, this most likely wouldn't have happened.
"How about you take hot a shower? I'll stay on the call, and when you're done we can go to sleep?" - She easily gave in to your idea, knowing that's exactly what she needed right now, besides the cuddle that she wouldn't be getting till next monday.
After taking a rather quick shower not wanting to be away from the call too long, she put on the hoodie she brought along that smelled like you. The piece of clothing was her own, but it acquired the smell from how much you wore it around the apartment.
Laying back down on the bed and going under the covers, she focused once again on the phone screen.
"Better?" she only nodded quickly - "I love you, Andrea, so much. And I know that if Ornella was there you would've felt seen and safer. But you can't depend on having one of us by your side, to feel like you deserve to be who you are. I know Lola and I talk about it a lot, but it's true. You can't be careful around others at the expense of your own feelings. It's not healthy. They can remove themselves if they'd like. By now we know that some people don't have much patience unfortunately. They have no idea the gem they're missing on, my love." -
"Gracias bebé, for knowing what to say and do. I know I need to work on fighting these feelings off. And promise tomorrow I'll follow the drill and try to stay close to Ornella. Even though that's the opposite of what you just said." - seemly as on queue she let's out an yawn.
"Okay baby. I'll leave you to get some sleep then."
She immediately protested -"Please stay until one of us falls a sleep?" -
You couldn't say no to her.
Took a little bit of my own personal experience to write this one and hope it also helps anyone in need of some comfort and reassuring words. 🩷
Also my first time writing, so I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice. This feels like it needs some improvement.
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wosoluver · 1 month
Four times she didn't notice and the one time she did.
Andrea Medina x reader
tw: none
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"Hey are you coming to the game today?" she had called you up in the morning, excited as she always was on gamedays.
"Yes. Is that why you woke me up? You know I always come to home games."
"Yeah, but I just wanted to make sure. Good morning! See you later!"
"Good mornin..." - You barely had time to finish the sentence before she hung up.
Maybe others would find this rude. But you didn't mind at all. You knew she was just hyper, but most of all you knew she was anxious, and that she had called to ease up her anxiety before she needed to get ready for the day ahead, and hung up just as quick because she knew you loved sleeping in whenever you could.
And that's exactly what you did, not even a minute later you were sound asleep once again.
You took a ride with Cris to the game. You always stayed on the seats reserved for family and friends, so they knew where to look for you guys.
The game had taken a turn and was more competitive than they had expected. They had to fight hard 'til the end.
But she had to admit, seeing you on the stands wearing her jersey, cheering on definitely helped her stay greedy until the last minute.
"Andrea?" you knocking on the bathroom door. You had taken her home after a tough game, that she had gotten injured. Unfortunately Wifi wasn't home. So you would have to sort this one out by yourself. Although you never considered yourself good at giving others support.
"Andrea! I can hear you crying, you've been in there for too long. Let me in, please." with every word you said, your voice became softer.
She only unlocked the door and went back in the shower. You opened the door as soon as you heard the lock turn.
"Hey," you sat next to her, but outside the shower. "I don't really know what to say or do, but I'll stay here until you tell me to leave."
And you two stayed there for another 20 minutes, before she got up to turn the shower off. And when she turned to get out, you held her towel ready.
"Thank you." - Thats the only thing she said for the next hour or so. But that was enough for you. You knew your friend and you knew how hard it was for her to accept being vulnerable.
Sitting on the couch, you were soothing her, rubbing her back as she calmed down.
"You'll be back before you know it. I promise."
You had gotten home from a celebration and it was almost four in the morning. You were fighting to stay awake, opposite to her of course.
You had made her carry you to bed, you were hugged on her like a bear. She had slowly put you down. And she could tell you were not going anywhere else. So like you had done many times for her, she helped you.
She started by putting you in a comfortable T-shirt you could sleep in. Next she walked into your bathroom to get your make up remover. And she gently patted the cotton pads all over your face, making sure nothing stayed behind. That had taken her sometime, especially as she took her time to take in your facial features. The freckles on your cheeks, the beauty mark on your temple, your rosy lips and tinted skin from the alcohol you had consumed.
Then she tried her best to put your hair up and out off your face. And before getting herself ready to sleep, she went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and some pain killers, placing on your bedside table, making sure to get you covered for the hungover in the morning.
When you were all back at Lola and Cris' apartment watching the Spanish national team, and she couldn't take her eyes off of you.
It started out as a classic game watching afternoon. You had ordered lunch, and then prepared the snacks you had stopped to get before driving there.
Everyone wearing their respective jerseys. And by that it meant, Cris was wearing one of Lola's old national team kit.
Lola was wearing a Putellas' number 11.
Wifi wore her own national kit, Marta was wearing a Misa jersey to no one's surprise. Andrea was wearing Ornella's number 7 she had wore on the final game of the U20 world cup they had won together.
And you were wearing her blue away kit. One of many she had in her closet, and one of many you had stolen. You thought you were being sly, but in truth she only pretended not to notice.
They would always look better on you anyway.
She'd observe you closely but it was once the game started she had completely taken a front seat to watch your reactions.
"Hijo de la puta madre! That's for a yellow card, she can't go at her like that!"
It was funny because they clearly knew the rules and they protested just like you, but the way you passionately argued with the TV screen, always made everything 10x better.
"Thats a penalty no?" waiting for the referee's decision. "YES, YES, YES." you said jumping up.
And as Mario scored you screamed in celebration with the girls. "VAMOOOS!"
On the last ball before the end of the game Alexia managed to score with a assist by Patri. "LA REINA, BABY" you yelled as you all cheered their win.
She could watch you watching a game, forever.
When you went on a date with a girl you really liked, and couldn't shut up about it for the rest of the day.
"She's just so interesting, also she plays for the Uni's volleyball team." Your were telling Lola as she was driving. You in the backseat and Andrea in the passenger."
"Does she study physio too?" She said, interested in your sudden crush. She had known you for a while and she had never heard you talk about someone like that.
"Yep, although she's graduating this year. She's a rojiblanca by the way."
"Don't you have anything else to talk about?" - Andrea questioned rudely but you decided to take it in a light note.
"Seems like someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed." - giving it a light laugh at the end.
"No seriously, have you wondered that maybe she's just trying to get free tickets?" - But that one hurt. And you just stayed quiet.
Lola had just pulled up to your apartment complex too, so you just decided to walk away, clearly upset.
"Thanks Lo, talk to you later." and they watched as you walked in.
"Don't treat her like that! She's one of your best friends! That was so uncalled for!"
Lola knew and so did she. As a matter of fact, everyone close to you two knew. It was obvious. But it seemed like Andrea had just realized, in the worst way possible.
She felt so stupid, it took her an argument over her jealousy, to realize what she had been feeling for some time.
If you have any requests for her, please send them in! 🙏🩷
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wosoluver · 6 months
🇪🇸 recomendaciones de fics
🇧🇷 recomendações de fics
• Misa Rodriguez
-> Your camera roll as Misa's girlfriend by JadeysJasmine
-> You can't talk no shi*t without penalties by copper-16
-> On my mind by Roxannex90
-> Why her? by futbol16
-> Euros heartbreak by fbcfemeni-11
-> New year's day by Roxannex90
-> Right here by jadeysjasmine
-> To the brink by girlgenius1111
-> Romeo & Juliet by mysticfalls01
-> No one speaks to you like that by girlgenius1111
-> Misa imagine by rosaprep
-> The goalkeeper's duty by httpswritings
-> Snapped. - Snapped Part 2 by girlgenius1111
-> Change of heart by inuyashaluver
-> Misa NSFW alphabet +18 by gunnerfc
-> Playing games by sporadicbeans82
-> A poorly planned escape by skalfy
-> A reputation for good taste part 2 of A poorly planned escape by skalfy
• Andrea Medina
-> Abriendo puertas by wosohavemyheart
-> Gracias a mi hermana by wosohavemyheart
-> Niñita by fr-18
-> We caused this by pecrfectly-imperfect82
-> Your camera roll as Andrea's girlfriend by jadeysjasmine
-> Instagram holiday fic by rosaprep
-> My wife by woso-dreamzzz
-> Andrea Medina's gf camera roll by rosaprep
writers you can request them to:
-> tinywolfmusic - @ - both Andrea and Misa
-> httpswritngs - @ - Misa
-> woso-dreamzzz - @ - Andrea
-> rosaprep - @ - both Andrea and Misa
-> mysticfalls01 - @ -
-> girlgenius1111 - @ - both Andrea and Misa
-> jadeysjasmine - @ - both Andrea and Misa
-> wosohavemyheart - @ - Andrea
-> perfectly-imperfect82 - @ -
-> wosoluver - @ - both Andrea and Misa
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wosoluver · 24 days
Andrea Medina x reader
kind of platonic, short
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Andrea was a the sunshine in the life of everyone who lived around her. But not even her brightest rays could have saved you, from the depressive downhill state you felt since your recent breakup.
Your ex had left you on the one year dinner celebration you had planned so excitedly. You were fighting to stay afloat.
Your friends tried their best. But you only pushed everyone else away.
Which only made everything worse. The loneliness, the empty hours of your days that used to be filled by the people you loved, only brought a little more sorrow.
And you didn't know how to ask for help at this point.
You felt embarrassed and undeserving. And most people would have definitely turned their back on you.
But not her.
She waited patiently.
"Y/N can you please come to dinner with us today?"
"Uhm I don't know if I can, I had some plans and-"
"It's fine."
You were thankful for her to not push you into things.
"I know you're not in the mood. But your birthday is coming up, and I wanted us to celebrate it. Lola and Cris have been trying to come up with some good ideas for the party."
"I won't be able to get out of that one, huh?"
"You were so excited for your birthday last week. I know you're not feeling too well but distancing from us, from me, is not the answer."
"I know." you looked down, a bit shameful for your own actions.
"I'm ditching dinner. We can go watch the sunset on your favorite spot. We'll stop to get the snacks on the way."
"Today?" she swore your eyes twinkled for a second in excitement.
"After training. I'll pick you up."
'I go 'round and 'round
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?'
You were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing on the side table. Before picking it up, you took a look at who was calling.
"Where are you? You're late."
"In bed. Today is our day off."
"We are having brunch today, with Wifi."
"Don't. We're waiting for you at the cafe."
"I love you guys but I don't want to deal with anything today."
"Fine." and she simply hung up. You thought she was pissed off, and decided on going back to sleep.
'I'm in an L.A. mood
I don't wanna talk to you
She said, "Give me a day or two"'
The knock on your door was loud enough to hear from the bedroom.
"Give me a minute!" you yelled going for the door.
"Good morning." and there she was again. "I dropped Wifi off, and came to see you, I brought your favorites." she said handing you the bag.
"You brought me brunch?" half surprised. "I thought you were angry, when you hung up the call."
"I was. But then I remembered it's not like you to cancel plans like this. You were doing a little better no? So, qué pasa?" she asked you softly.
"I was just on insta. And a friend my ex and I had in common, messaged me asking how I was doing, then proceeded to tell me they've moved on.
Like two weeks? Really? I'm getting over them but at the same time it made me feel sort of meaningless."
"You have to stop basing your value on other people's actions towards you. You can't let this pull you back into the dark. You have people who love you right here!"
'I'm here, right here
Wishing I could be there for ya'
You reaction was to simply cry. You knew she was right. She had tried everything to bring you up. All the girls did. And still you could only keep your mind in the bad things, blinding you from feeling better. From feeling the love, that was constantly poured on you.
She hugged your side, soothing your back, calmly.
"I don't deserve you. You're like the sun in my orbit, making sure I always have what I need. And I'm like the moon bringing the darkness along were ever I go."
"You know that's not true. You're just going through a phase. Like the moon always does. And the moon doesn't bring darkness. She reflects the light, to guide others through the dark in the night. You have guided me many times before. Even if you have no idea. You shine bright like a full moon."
"Only because I have your sunshine. Thank you for never leaving me alone."
"I've tried." she joked "But I can't."
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
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wosoluver · 2 months
• Final part for Don't get sad, get even.
• Healers got to date protectors - preferences.
• Couple parts for To undo a mistake.
• The interview. Lena x reader
Have gotten some other requests for Piña and Obi.
Would love to get some requests for Andrea Medina.
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wosoluver · 1 month
Also I really want to write a fic for Andrea Medina, but I only have visuals for now
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So I thought maybe you guys could give me some ideas?
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