#Laia Aleixandri x reader
woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
If Music Be The Food Of Love
Laia Aleixandri x Reader
Summary: Leila can't quite believe that Laia's bringing her to see the orchestra
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"Since when were you into music?"
"I've always been into music."
Leila gave her a deadpan stare, one perfect brow raised. "Not classical music. You told me when you moved in that classical music was the bane of your existence and if you found out whoever played it in the locker room, you would come down upon them with a vengeance."
Laia had forgotten that but she awkwardly clear her throat, trying to brush the comment away. "Things can change," She said," Maybe I've matured."
"Matured? Ha!" Leila replied," Sure, and pigs can fly."
"Look, if you don't want to be here then fine! Leave!"
"Whoa, whoa!" Leila held her hands up in defeat. "I never meant that. Thank you for the tickets, really. I was just questioning your newfound love for the orchestra. Sorry if I hit a nerve or something."
Laia ignored her friend as they filed into the auditorium, finding their seats in the box. "Hi," She greeted the other people in the box with familiarity as she took her seat, dragging Leila with her," Hello. It's good to see you."
"Who is your friend, Laia?" A much older woman asked, hands wrapped tightly around the walking stick between her legs.
"This is Leila, we play together. For club and country," Laia said, indicating to Leila who looked incredibly confused as to just how many times Laia, the self-proclaimed classical music hater, had been to see this orchestra.
"A different type of playing than this," The old woman joked.
"Very different to this," Laia agreed.
A hush descended upon the audience as the curtain rose and revealed the orchestra, a group of smartly dressed individuals in all black.
Instantly, Laia's eyes sought you out. She had no problem finding you. She never had a problem finding you - even though you sat closest to the audience in the first chair to the conductor's left. She was drawn to you no matter where you were and could find you in a crowd without a second thought.
Your face was a mask of professionalism but, when your eyes glanced to the box, the barest hint of a smile poked at the corner of your lips.
"Don't tell me that's why we've come," Leila hissed in her ear," Because you've got the hots for a violin girl."
Laia didn't get time to respond (not that she would, lost to the world staring into your eyes despite the distance between you) because the conductor cleared his throat, hand up to begin the concert.
Music of angelic quality filled the room but Laia didn't turn her gaze from you. Your eyes were slightly closed as you counted your beats and rests. Your violin was a snug fit under your chin and your bow moved over your strings with such experience and skill that it was obvious why you were the concertmaster.
Laia didn't stop watching you even when there was a flute solo. You caught her eye several times but mainly stayed focused on your conductor. But, every so often, your head would tilt the slightest bit to the side, towards the box that Laia was sitting in.
Your eyes would meet for a moment and you would instantly be transported back to when you first met her, in a hole in the wall café that served the best coffee in the city.
She had asked to sit at your table as everywhere else was full. You would later learn that it was just an excuse so she could finally pluck up the courage to speak to you.
You welcomed her into your booth and got to talking, about her football matches and your orchestra concerts. She confessed her hatred for all things classical and you invited her round to your place to listen to good classical music - because only people who heard bad classical music ever swore off the genre entirely.
Things had blossomed easily from there and soon she was sat in the family box with your fellow musicians' families, listening to you play with a soft smile and warm arms to welcome you at the end.
You adjusted your positioning as the introduction to your solo began to build. The music swelled before, one by one each of your fellow string sections dropped off. Your first violins accompanied you into the first few notes before stilling, letting you take the lead - your shining moment of the song.
You kept your eyes on Laia as you played, not really needing the conductor when you had played this particular solo many times to perfection.
It was actually the first solo you had ever played in Laia's company when she had demanded to hear your excellence on your third date, curled up in your apartment after a warm meal.
"Are we allowed to be here?" Leila asked in a hushed voice even as she took a flute of champagne from the waiter offering it to her.
"For the last time, yes," Laia said back, sipping her own champagne. It wasn't her alcohol of choice but your events tended to be fancy like this so she had gained an appreciation for it.
Leila let out a breath as she surveyed the room where the afterparty was taking place. "You never told me how much I owe you for the tickets. I mean, a box Laia? How much did this cost?"
"Nothing." Laia was only half paying attention, eyes focussed on each of the doors, trying to guess which one you were going to walk through. "They were free."
"Free?" Leila's voice was steeped in incredulousness. "Have you been donating to the orchestra or something? Those seats were fancy."
"Not quite."
You stepped through the door on her left. Your face held a single-minded purpose as you walked across the room. You took a glass of champagne on instinct, not bothering to look at the waiter as you joined Laia and Leila.
"Hi," You said.
"Hi," Laia said back.
"Hi," You said again.
You broke your gaze from Laia and turned it to her companion. You smiled. "You must be Leila, it's so good to meet you. I'm y/n." You held out your hand.
She took it and nodded knowingly. "Violin girl."
You giggled, taking a sip of champagne. "That's not a name I'm quite accustomed to. Usually, it's just the concertmaster."
Leila grinned. "I'll pretend that I know what that means."
"It means that she's second in command," Laia said quickly. She placed her champagne flute off to the side and wrapped an arm securely around your waist. "I'm very proud."
"I'm glad you could come," You said to Leila sincerely," It's nice to finally meet one of Laia's friends."
Leila looked between the two of you suspiciously, taking in Laia's arm and the way you leaned into her grip, practically laying your head on her shoulder.
"I take it I have you to thank for the box tickets."
Your cheeks coloured. "I get up to four free box tickets for every performance. I told Laia she could bring whoever she wanted."
"And is Laia a constant audience member for you?"
"Always." You pressed a kiss against her cheek. "Laia's been coming to shows ever since I made her fall in love with classical music again."
"Laia? Into classical music?" Leila laughed," You must be some persuader."
"I like to think it was my kisses that really sealed the deal."
Leila roared with laughter but Laia didn't care.
She dipped her head down to meet your lips. You tasted exactly like usual, a mix of fancy champagne and the chewing gum you always used before a performance.
You kissed her back just as sweetly.
"So," Leila said, wiggling her eyebrows," I'm getting the sense here that you two are an item."
"What gave it away? The kissing?" You asked.
Leila shrugged and Laia already knew she was going to regret introducing her friend to you. "And the eye fucking every time she looked at you on stage."
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outsideratheart · 4 months
Happy Sundays (Laia Aleixandri x reader)
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A/N: I’m not a huge fan of this one and I’m not really sure what prompted me to right it. Hey ho, I hope you all like it.
Sundays away at Meadow Park were never something to take easy. After your last performance there you wanted to prove that it was one bad day and it would not happen again. 
“Forget about it” Laia’s hand rested on the small of your back as you stood in the tunnel “it was a mistake, don’t take it into this game” 
You had been obsessing over the previous league game against Arsenal when your error game the home side 3 points. 
“No can do” you didn’t look back at her but you hand to lower to her waist as you give it a little squeeze. 
Your girlfriend shared a look with her close friend and fellow defender. Leila simply shrugged her shoulders. If she has learnt one thing since coming to Manchester City it is that you held yourself the highest standard and anything below that was not good enough.
Through the fist half you didn’t have much to do. The ball was being played in the middle third for the most part and you took the time off the ball to watch your team play. There were a few moments when you were needed but Arsenal took too long to execute so they weren’t really a threat.
The second half is very similar to the first. That is until Arsenal commit a foul and city is awarded a free kick. Chloe looks at her options and with Bunny already on the bench you wonder who will be the blonde’s target. At first you think it will go over everyone and out for a goal kick but then it hits Catley’s leg and Laia has clear shot on goal. You scream in delight as the ball hits the back of the net. 
Do you want to run to the other end of the pitch to celebrate with her? Of course you do but you also know that isn’t an option so you retreat to your goal and prepare yourself for the restart. No way was you going to let your girlfriend’s goal be in vain. You were going to everything you can to keep a clean sheet and send the team into the quarter final.
When Laia got back into her position she turned around and made a heart shape with her hands before pointing to you. She did the exact same thing when she scored her first goal for the club. Just as you did then you kiss your fingers then point at her. 
“You two can be cute after the game. Focus” Alex points at the both of you. 
“Yes boss” you salute your captain and return your focus to the game.
When 6 minutes of injury time is announced you know that Arsenal are going to give it there all. They had nothing to lose and you were the thing standing in their way of going through to the next round. 
Your first true challenge of the game came from an Arsenal corner. Pavlova gets her head to the ball and you use every ounce of power in your legs to jump and push it over the cross bar. 
“Jesus Christ. That was too close. Be better girls!” You shout to the players in the box “that can’t happen again” 
“We won’t” Laia is the closest to you “5 more minutes. Project your goal, mi amor” 
You only have the chance to nod before Foord is on your for the next corner. 
A few minutes pass and you hate to admit it but it has been all Arsenal. You are filled with adrenaline from the saves you make and watching your girls fight to defend.
Somehow Kim gets the ball in open space. You know what she is capable of you do everything you can prepare for the power shot is about to take. It comes flying at you quicker than you imagined and yet you still manage to react quick enough, once again sending the ball over the bar.
When the full whistle blows you pound the badge on your chest in victory. 
Laia and Leila both coming running to you and latch onto you like koala’s. 
“Victoria, chicas. A la siguiente” you tell the two of them as you place them back on the ground.
“My keeper and my goal scorer” Leila kisses you both on the head.
“My keeper” your girlfriend says territorially.
“And my goal scorer” you match her tone.
The former Barcelona defender mutters something you don’t quite catch before leaving you alone with Laia.
“You showed them. You showed them all” she tells you. 
“You scored Laia. You’re the reason why we are through the to quarter finals” 
Nothing a lot is said as you head to where the team is huddling. Your girlfriend head rests on your shoulder and your arm wraps around hers. You won’t lie the injury time took all your focus and you felt a little mentally drained. Laia knew that this sometimes happened so she doesn’t say much. You both enjoy being in each others company even if you know the peace won’t last long. 
“There they are!” Chloe says as you approach the team “our stars” 
You take a bow reeling in the cheers before pushing your girlfriend into the middle of the huddle so the team can celebrate her once again. 
Once in the changing room you go about your business. You shower, get changed and head to bus to get one of the tables. By the time Laia get on board you are dancing around with Chloe as if no one is watching. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, what are you doing?” Laia laughs as she sits where you’ve placed your bag. 
“There she is. The love of my life, the scorer, the Spanish beauty, my girlfriend Laia Aleixandri!!!” You introduce much like an announcer does a boxer. 
With flushed cheeks, she pulls you down into the seat. 
“Look at us. You scored and I made some right worldie saves!” 
“You’re in a good mood. Will I be dealing with confident Y/N all night?” She moves lose wet strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Oh you know it. Tomorrow morning too” you quickly steal a kiss. 
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inuyashaluver · 6 months
Loving your fics could we get a laia aleixandri one
love notes - laia aleixandri
laia aleixandri x reader
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description: in which you’re out for the season due to an acl injury, your girlfriend leaving notes for you to find during your time at home while she’s out
warnings: mentions of injury - i guess it’s considered a bit angsty?, spanish in bold italics!!
a/n: helllooooo, hope you enjoy this one, thank you for your love and support!! xx
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you and your girlfriend, laia, grew up together in spain, progressing from childhood friends into lovers. you both followed each other everywhere, going to the same clubs at the same time to ensure you would never have to be separated.
laia and you loved to play together, many people found it surprising how the both of you weren’t sick of each other after knowing each other for so long, but when they see you interact with one another, they realise the mutual affection and how much you both mean to each other.
you were a winger for man city while your girlfriend was a defender. frequently working together to achieve a win for your team. each time the both of you do something well, the other will always be the one first to celebrate. when one of you got injured or badly tackled, the other was the first to you, checking if the other is okay before going to defend your lover.
laia swore that you made her a better player, always wanting to impress you, you feeling exactly the same, both of you wanted the praise of your significant other. she frequently told you that she wouldn’t be able to play without you, you promising her that you would always be there. and you were…until a manchester derby has laia’s world crumbling down.
you had the ball, ready to pass it over to lauren hemp so she could strike, just as the ball left your foot, your marker moved at the same time, your body twisting to avoid them and immediately feeling your knee pop. you let out a heartbreaking scream, clutching your knee and falling to the ground.
laia, behind you the whole time saw the entire scene in front of her. her eyes tearing up hearing your blood curdling scream as you roll on the ground in tears. she sprints over to you, kneeling down and placing your head on her thigh.
“cariño (dear)“ she breathes out, both of you having tears rolling down your cheeks. you were hyperventilating at this point, not even registering that your girlfriend was the one consoling you right now, the pain in your knee unbearable. laia signals for the medics to come, looking down at you worriedly.
“bebé (baby), deep breaths okay?” she moves to sit behind you, your back resting against her front while your legs remained stationary to the floor. you do as she says, matching her breathing patterns and eventually calming down, while the medics determined your injury, all you focused on was your girlfriend whispering words of praise in your ear: “i’m so proud of you”, “you’ve done so well”, “i’ll take care of you no matter what, mi amor (my love).”
the medics look at each other with saddened expressions, “(y/n), we’re so sorry” laia’s grip on you tightened, holding you impossibly closer to her chest. you smile, absolutely defeated and shake your head at them, you already knew what it was coming. “it’s your acl, we need to get you on the stretcher and take you off.” a singular tear rolls down your cheek, laia quick to kiss it away, giving you multiple kisses on your cheek as a form of comfort, doing wonders for you honestly.
all she kept thinking about how hard you had been working, not only at man city but the spanish national team also, another tear runs down her cheek at the thought of you degrading yourself.
you were hauled on a stretcher, laia holding your hand and getting you and her subbed off. but not before giving a murderous glare and a shove to the player that was marking you, she wasn’t blaming it on her, she just needed to take out her anger. everyone clapped as you were taken off, your teammates sending you comforting but pained smiles your way.
about two days after, you had managed to get an early surgery, laia taking a week off training to be with you, acting as your own personal nurse.
she couldn’t stop touching you, scared you would disappear if she stopped. like always, she knew you like the back of her hand, knowing that physical intimacy eased your worries. for the rest of the week, laia showered you with love and affection during the beginning recovery stages. carrying you everywhere, making your favourite foods, watching your favourite movies, whatever you wanted, you got it.
laia was completely heartbroken when her week was up, meaning you were left at home by yourself. she knew you would be feeling down that she wasn’t there for the beginning parts of the day due training, you kept reassuring her you would be fine but she just couldn’t believe you, she could see right through you.
her first day back, she woke you up and carried you over to the couch. she had woken up early, creating a comfortable space for you, the couch decorated with soft pillows and blankets, pulling the coffee table close and setting it up with your breakfast, a big bottle of water, your favourite snacks and setting up your favourite show for you to binge watch.
you were in her arms as she showed you her creation, you were so touched at her display of affection and care for you. you place your arms around her neck, pulling her into a tight hug, hiding your face into her neck, hot tears making contact with her skin. she quickly rushes to the couch, sitting down on the couch with you sitting in her lap. she coos and cradles your head to her chest.
“bebé (baby) don’t cry” she slots a hand through your hair, lightly scratching your scalp with her nails to calm you down. you look up at her with a pout, putting one of your hands out to cup her cheek. “mi corazón (my heart), i love you” when she hears the nickname and words you’ve said to her thousands of times, she still reacts the same way, grinning brightly with flushed cheeks. “i love you more, mi amor (my love)”
she reluctantly gives you a loving kiss goodbye, a sweet melody of moving lips, full of love and passion even though she would be back just before lunch. you kept pushing her away with a giggle as she leaned in again after each kiss, shaking her head and saying “one more” each time. “bebé! go!” you exclaim, “promise you’ll call me if you need anything?” she pleads with a slight frown evident in her face. “pinky, bebé!” she smiles at you once more, peering at you behind the door before she closed it to make sure you were really okay.
you were enjoying your set up that your sweet girlfriend had carefully and thoughtfully constructed, indulging in it all. the only thing missing from this however, was the bathroom, and due to your girlfriend keeping you nice and hydrated, you needed to go. you hobble with your crutches, a short distance from your desired location.
once you finally arrive to the bathroom, your heart stops. your bathroom mirror was littered with pink sticky notes, all containing a small love letter to you. “i love you”, “you’re beautiful”, “i miss you”, “you’re my favourite” throwing in some cheesy pick up lines too just to make you giggle. you couldn’t believe it, laia was such a softie for you and everyone knew it, but this was just on a whole other level of love.
once you hear the familiar jangle of keys in the door, you perk up from your spot, peering over the couch to look at the front door. as soon as laia walks in, she gives you a bright smile, giving you a little wave when you smile back at her.
“laia aleixandri, come here right now please” you say with a mischievous smile, holding your arms out, she quirks her eyebrow at you but rushes over, rushing into your outstretched arms.
“hi bebé (baby)” she grins as you rest your weight on her comfortably. before she could let in another word, you pull her down into a searing kiss, gasping when you slip your tongue into her mouth. she grins into the kiss, your needy (her favourite) side showing. you run your hands up and down her arms, giving her biceps a gentle squeeze, you returning her grin when she lets out a small whine of satisfaction. ‘curse her knee’ she says to herself.
you pull away, pupils completely blown out as you look at each other with lovesick grins. you grab her hand and intertwine your own with it, giving her hand a kiss. “thank you for your notes, mi corazón (my heart)” she looks down at your hands, sheepishly, feeling silly but it all washing away when you pull her into another quick but passionate kiss.
you grab the back of her neck, pulling her ear to your mouth, “i loved them”, placing a gentle kiss on the shell of her ear, giggling as she places numerous pecks on your face and neck in response. and so, everyday, laia left you love notes on the mirror, you collected each one in a box and storing them.
you and laia are just in love. there’s nothing else to say but that. you’re in love, and you both couldn’t be happier.
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just pretend it’s you - MWAHHH
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liked by esme.morgan and 44,232 others
laiaaleixandri: i get through the day knowing it’s one step closer to you and i playing together again, i love you, my girl @/yourname
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yourname: i get through the day because of you in general
↳ yourname: mainly because you make me breakfast every morning
↳ laiaaleixandri: wow okay 😞
↳ yourname: I LOVE YOU
↳ laiaaleixandri: i love you too, i guess
↳ yourname: wow okay 😞
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Football and Snow
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Hi guys!
Thanks you for your reviews and your DM's, it's always a pleasure to read you :)
We are at the end of this serie for Christmas, maybe I'll do one more with Leila Ouahabi if you want to, after that I will restart my usual writing. I have some ideas for Ona and Alexia and I will start the big one with Leah :)
Please enjoy this one and have a wonderful Christmas!
TW : None, unless the cold bother you
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Being the girlfriend of a professional footballer has several advantages, but you have to admit that tonight you preferred Laia to do another sport. For example swimming, which would allow you to stay warm in a pool to watch her swim. Because tonight, you find yourself shivering at the edge of a football field.
This is the last game of the year, after that there is the famous Christmas break. You look forward to it, going back to your home country to celebrate with your loved ones. You didn’t hesitate for a second to follow Laia in Manchester when she signed with the club despite the various problems that can bring you to your professional life. But you quickly found a job, despite Laia’s allegations that she’s making enough money for both of you. But it allowed you to meet new people and make a some friends.
Some of them sometimes accompany you to watch Laia and the girls, but tonight it's too cold for that and you understand them widely. You even hesitated not to keep your promise to Laia to come and see her play all her games, you know that she wouldn't have be mad at you for a single second. But you’re a woman of your word and you can freeze your entire body for the beautiful eyes of your girlfriend.
You’re at your third hot tea when the end of the game is finally whistled. In addition to the cold, it started to snow after twenty minutes of playing time. If it brings an almost romantic touch to the decor, it's still really cold. You’re concerned that these conditions will make the risk of injury greater, but you’re happy to see that Laia still seems to be whole at the end of the game time.
Manchester City won their last game of the year and you can’t wait to go for a hot bath at home. For once, before going to greet her fans, Laia hurries to join you. The box reserved for families and friends is almost empty.
"Mi Amor, go inside get warm. I take some pictures and I’ll join you."
You just nod, thoughtfully wondering if your lips have frozen. As if she could read your mind, Laia leans over you to kiss you tenderly. Her lips are hot against yours and it makes you shiver.
"I’ll be quick, okay?"
"Okay" you just answer with a smile, lovingly stroking her cheek.
Laia smile at you before turning and running back to the crowd. You look at her for a few seconds before returning inside. The temperature difference makes you shiver again and you take the opportunity to go to the bathroom. After all, you drank three hot teas, anyone can understand the urgency.
You exchange a few words with relatives of Laia’s teammates to pass the time, especially those who speak Spanish, commenting on the match you just attended. You just took off your scarf, beanie and gloves, not fully warmed when Laia appears behind you. Her hand behind your back makes you turn mechanically in her direction and you address her a smile before putting a kiss on her cheek.
"It was a very great game" you congratulate her
"Thank you. I hope it will be less cold next time"
She smiles at you maliciously and you shrug. The english weather has been the hardest thing for you since you moved to England. Yet it’s not like it’s your first winter here. But after all these years of enjoying the Spanish heat, it’s still hard for you.
"Maybe I should find a girlfriend who plays in Spain… Could you introduce me to one of the Barca players?"
Laia snorts but takes you in her arms possessively, laying a kiss on your hair before answering you.
"Count on it mi Amor. You’re mine."
"Only yours" you confirm, answering her embrace by holding her tighter.
"Are you ready to go?"
You nod with a smile and follow Laia to greet her teammates and their loved ones around you. When you find yourself outside again, the biting cold hits you hard, making you shiver from foot to head.
"I’ll buy you a giant heating pad for Christmas" Laia laughs, putting an arm around your shoulders to hold you tight.
You willingly let her do it, sticking as much as possible to her, craving her warmness. The snow continues to fall, coloring everything around you with white.
"We’re so lucky" Laia mumble quietly.
You raise your eyes on her and you realize that she's looking at you, certainly doing the same thing for a few seconds already. On your side you were rather careful to check where you put your feet, trying not to fall. When your eyes meet you can't help but smile and respond positively.
Yes, you’re cold, but you’re lucky. The woman you love deeply loves you back, you’re together when you could be separated by thousands of miles. Laia is tender, loving, passionate and will remind you when you return to your apartment that she makes the best pancakes in the world. You couldn’t be luckier.
"I'm the luckiest."
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sunshine-theseus · 5 months
Hermanita’s Broken Nose| Laia Aleixandri x Reader
Words: 1.6k Summary: You’re technically ‘off limits’ to any of your sister’s friends, but that doesn’t stop Laia. It also doesn’t stop the ball coming for your nose Warnings: Angst, no proofreading what so ever because i'm with family sorryy Requested by - @deynacastellonaswife
“María will kill us if she finds out Lai.” I try to catch my breath, hands resting against Laia’s chest.
“Mapi lives an ocean away.” A ghost of a kiss is pressed to my lips in reassurance.
“No, she lives 1825 kilometres away. Not even that will stop her wrath if she finds out one of her friends is dating her hermanita.” The dim light of the Manchester City utilities closet was beginning to make my eyes strain as I looked at my secret girlfriend.
“You know the exact distance between Manchester and Barcelona?” a teasing grin spreads across her face as she pushes open the door, looking around to make sure no one will see us.
“Sí. You don’t? Usually, I use it when I’m in need of comfort, my sister isn’t really that far if I need her. But your teasing is taking that away.” A joking jab in her side sends Laia running and screaming back to the pitch.
No one is there to meet us, the other girls still having lunch and relaxing, so we take some time to play around with the ball. Laia begs to practice penalties, so I line up with my goalie gloves tightly on my hands, waiting for her to kick the ball. I dive back and forth as she goes to score, managing to catch or stop the ball often enough for her to want to keep going.
I begin to get tired. My hand rarely meets the ball and I stop putting effort into my dives but she doesn’t notice.
“Lai… I gotta stop bebé. It’s too much.” I’m already sitting on the ground as Laia takes a final kick, not being able to stop in time after my plea for a break.
It’s a beautiful ball. It spins and floats down perfectly, but it doesn’t hit the net. Instead, it comes barrelling down toward me, and slams aggressively into my nose. The pain radiates across my face, and I feel the warm blood start to trickle out of my nose as I groan in pain. I lean forward, trying to find a safe place above my nostrils for me to pinch, and Laia comes rushing toward me.
“Mierda! Lo siento coriño. Necesitas ayuda y poco hielo.” (Fuck! I’m so sorry sweetheart. You need help and some ice) I reach out for her but she’s already sprinting toward the medical room before I can say anything.
“Hermanita! How on earth did you break your nose?” María and Ingrid sit in the Barcelona sun as we facetime, the older of the two questioning me with an accusatory tone.
“Laia. We were practicing penalties, and I sat down for a break, but it was too late… she kicked a beautiful penalty, but I was not in a good spot. Came right for my face.” To finish my statement, I point to the cast over my nose.
My sister tries, yet fails, to conceal her laughter while Ingrid pouts, eyes full of concern.
“Din stakkars kjære! Are you healing okay?” (you poor dear!) my sister’s girlfriend was a ball of sunshine and kindness, you couldn’t not love her, so in return I’d begun to learn some Norwegian so we could both speak each other’s languages. María tried to join me, but decided that 2 languages was enough for her, leaving her confused whenever Ingrid and I decided to test my new skill.
“I am, Laia felt really bad so she’s taking care of me.” It’s a simple lie to explain the random items that are very clearly not mine that are littered around the apartment behind me.
Laia had moved into my apartment mere months ago, not long after we started dating. Her clothes were already filling up my cupboard and small trinkets dawned my kitchen counter tops and tables.
“Good. Where is she? No one hurts my baby sister and gets away with it.” Despite her previous laughing, María’s lips pull tight and she becomes serious, looking around my screen as if she would be able to spot the Spaniard.
“Out getting groceries. She’ll be back soon, you can rip into her then. Shouldn’t you be worrying about your own injury by the way?” María had torn the meniscus in her right knee during training and was out for the rest of the season. A significantly worse injury than a simple broken nose.
“I have Ingrid for that!” She smiles goofily at the Norwegian beside her as Bagheera jumps onto her lap, sniffing his way toward the camera my sister is holding up.
The black cat begins to meow and paw at the screen, and I smile, but quickly let out a squeal of pain and nearly grab my nose. Perhaps a little dramatic, I grant myself a pass.
“Fuck you and your cute ass cat María! God that hurt.”
“Don’t talk about him like that!”
We talk for quite some time, that I forget about the impending arrival of the girl who most certainly wasn’t supposed to be my girlfriend.
“We should probably go soon-” right as Ingrid makes the comment, Laia walks through the door.
“Hola bebé! How are you feeling?” after placing the bags on the kitchen bench she makes her way over. She leans down and kisses me softly but I can’t find it in me to kiss her back, too shocked.
“QUE CARAJO?” (WHAT THE FUCK?) Laia freezes beside me at the sound of my sister’s voice booming around the apartment.
“Now might be a good time for us to go.” Ingrid, ever the angel, reaches across her girlfriend and hangs up the call.
Laia and I give each other a look before I stand up. I knock my phone off the couch beside me and begin pacing the length of the apartment. Laia watches with wide eyes, unsure of what to do as I pull at my hair and try not to run my hands over my face. Avoiding the broken bone seems to be hard in times of worry.
Eventually she stands in front of me and grabs me by the shoulders, physically shaking me to snap me out of my panic.
“It’ll be okay. It’s not like she’ll fly over just to tell us off.” In a moment of foolishness, I nod in agreement and fall into Laia’s arms. She presses kisses to my shoulder as I rest my chin on her own shoulder.
Like I said, a moment of foolishness. Not 2 days later, María was knocking on my door.
“Sé que estás ahí! Open up!” (I know you’re in there!) I have no choice but to open the one thing separating Laia and I from the rage of my sister.
Laia stands beside me, hand squeezing my own. Both of us were terrified of what the older girl would have to say but knew we had to face the music. I can hear Mrs Goldfinch, the single mum next door, telling, or yelling, at María to stop. It’s hard not to laugh at the shocked and rather embarrassed face of my sister as the door swings open.
“Laia Aleixandri when I get my fucking hands on you!” she comes storming toward us so fast that I barely have time to shove my girlfriend behind me. Her injury doesn’t slow her down at all.
“Mapi! Mapi! We can talk about this!” Laia tries to reason with her but there is a flame in María’s eyes that show no mercy.
“No, I told you all, no messing around with my hermana. I told you there would be consequences if you did, so here we are.”
“María! I am a grown woman, I can decide who I date myself. When I was 15? I would’ve understood, but I’m 24 now. I love you but who I date is up to me. And Laia is it for me.” The fury in my sister’s eyes dissipates quickly.
“I’m sorry, I’m just trying to protect you.”
“I know, and I appreciate it so much, but this is for me to decide.” María surges forward and hugs me, barely missing my nose.
Laia stands awkwardly behind me, smiling at the interaction. I reach over to her to pull her into the hug.
“I love you both so much.” Laia leaves a kiss on my head and María squeezes me tighter.
María stays for a week before heading back to Barcelona for a check up on her knee. Laia and I spend the day after she leaves, curled up in bed, watch movies. My nose is okay enough to not hurt all the time, almost completely healed, so I rest my head on her chest, kissing wherever I can reach.
Similarly, she presses kisses to me head and draws patterns on my back. Both of us are close to falling asleep when she finally speaks up.
“I’m honestly glad that we got that out of the way. I love you but Mapi terrifies me.” A grin spears across my face.
“You looove me? I love you too bebé.” I can feel the joking roll of her eyes before I look up at her.
Without second thought, I press a deep kiss to her lips. We both turn out head to better accommodate the gesture.
“Fuck my nose!” the movement pushes the healing bone into Laia’s own nose and it begins throbbing in pain all over again.
“Lo siento coriño! Not again. I’ll get you some ice.” She ashamedly looks down as she walks to the kitchen.
There’s no one else I’d rather break my nose.
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: In which one of laia and y/n have always aggravated one another and it all comes to a head at the derby
laia aleixandri x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying laia is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, angst, it is a little spicy
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y/n just posted
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y/n Ready for the blues ... ❤️
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username1: Come on!!! UNITED ❤️❤️
username2: awww look at Ella! 🥹🥹
username3: Cannot wait for our yearly y/n x laia showdown
username4: don't even ! I am so excited lmaoooooo 😂😂
ellatoone: jesus is that what I look like?
y/n: yh I know, hideous 😩
ellatoone: little shit 🤨
alessiarusso99: HAHAHAHA 😂
1maryearps: was this before or after you had pelted me with water??? 😶
y/n: before :) 😌
katiezelem: ❤️
y/n: love youuuu
lauren_hemp: Excited to see ya! 💙
y/n: omg same!! ❤️
username5: always forget they are besties! 😂
username6: show em how its done!!
username7: Star girl!! 🌟🌟🌟
username8: LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
lj10: 😚
y/n: 😚
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manutd women just posted on their story
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y/n just posted on her story
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username1: this game is so violent jesus ☹️
username2: y/n's on fire tho, so I don't care tbf 🔥🔥
username4: GO ON! ZELEM PEN
username5: jesus Laia is really gunning for y/n today, she better watch out! 😑
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y/n grunted once more as she sprawled out along the floor, Laia huffing in annoyance as the ref gave her a final warning before a card. The foul was given and a free kick set up.
Katie stood behind y/n hands on her shoulders as she whispered encouragement in the girl's ear. It was 1-1 and two minutes before half time.
y/n breathed in, pulling back before sending her foot through the ball and off to the left of Keating, the next bulging as y/n let out a shout of triumph.
Ella got to her first, flinging her thinner frame onto her, screaming in happiness as united crowded around the midfielder. The group all parted, moving back to their positions as Laia walked past y/n watching her.
y/n couldn't help but send a wink Laia's way finding considerable joy in the way the vein in her neck bulged in annoyance. Laia's jaw clenched, clearly troubled with the way she gave away the free kick.
The whistle blew soon enough and the crowd was engulfed in a sea of red as the cheers bounced. The united girls walked toward the tunnel, several pats being bounced off of y/n's shoulder.
Laia moved past y/n, her shoulder pushing past as she walked toward the Man City room and y/n scoffed, noticing they were the only ones in the corridor.
"Grow up Aleixandri." y/n warned the girl, pulling at her ponytail.
"Learn to take a hit, l/n." Laia hissed back, y/n turned on her heel facing Laia as she smirked.
"Learn not to give the free kicks, and I wouldn't score them." y/n winked before walking into the changing room, a string of Spanish curses following her.
The second half was no let up from the first, City came hard and fast, and Laia was once again harsh to y/n and stuck to her like glue, but y/n had enough by then.
She started jostling back, her tackles rougher than they could have been, her shoulder's definitely bruised from the amount of contact they had received.
Laia had made a great run, her shot was perfect, and it would have gone in, if not for the sliding united midfielder who cleared it off the line and into Ella who booted it away.
Laia let out a yell of annoyance as she watched Mary hug y/n in relief, grateful for her all or nothing attitude as she flung herself to the ground to stop a goal.
The corner was prepared and Laia pressed her back against y/n's front, Laia's shoulder just blocking y/n's view due to their height difference.
y/n huffed in annoyance as she placed her hands on Laia's waist, in between all the shoving in the box her movements were completely unnoticed.
"Is it weird I quite like having you pressed against me like this?" y/n whispered in Laia's ear, just as the corner was taken, stunned completely, Laia paused.
Mary caught the ball and y/n was already gone. Katie received the ball from Mary, and while Laia tried to sprint back to her position, y/n had received the through ball from her captain and hammered it home.
The gleeful laugh let out by y/n was drowned out by the screams and cheers of the crowd. However, Laia could not hear them, all she could hear was her own blood, pumping in her head.
"That was not fair." Laia hissed as y/n jogged past her, but the player ignored her completely, setting herself in her position.
The whistle blew and y/n intercepted a pass from Jill, sending it through to Ella, just as a hand gripped her wrist and she was sent flying back.
"What the fuck?" y/n asked Laia, hands flying up as she raced to her feet.
"Oh, did that hurt?" Laia mocked, eyes sparkling as Ella moved y/n away, muttering calming words as Laia scoffed at her booking.
Not even two minutes later, she made another anger driven tackle. y/n was the only one up the pitch, she had slid through Greenwood and began a run down the right wing when she felt it.
Weirdly enough, Laia had meant to get the ball, she had not intended to hurt y/n in the slightest, but as soon as she caught her ankle she knew.
y/n all but flipped, her body colliding with Laia's, temple into the Spanish girl's elbow and y/n was suddenly on the floor un-moving. Lauren yelped, kicking the ball out of play as she ran to her best friend.
"What are you doing that for?" She yelled at her teammate who couldn't speak, only watch the trickle of blood which had formed from a cut on her brow.
"I- I..." Laia began, but the whistle blew and the familiar red card was shown at her, the girl sighing and walking off ignoring the boo's that followed, her mind only on the girl who she had just crumbled before her.
twitter/ X
username1: jesus that was a bad tackle 😶😶
username2: lauren is so worried as well, I don't blame her, it was so crazy 😳
username3: I have never seen someone fold like that.
username4: The fact it is five minutes after and she has only just woken up is horrifying. 😥😥
username5: what was Aleixandri thinking???
username6: She should spend more time off the pitch for it, it is a straight red offence really
username7: you can tell she didn't mean to do it, she as white as a sheet when she realised and then instantly cradled y/n's head. It was a mistake
username8: Hope y/n is okay! ❤️
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manutd women just posted on their story
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y/n groaned again, annoyed by the aching in her head as she tried to block out the lights of the locker room. Ella had packed her car for her, but the midfielder had demanded that she shower before she went home.
Ella had offered to drive her back, but she had denied, saying Lauren would because they lived together anyway, and her blonde best friend was not upset about the game, merely worried for her injury.
The stitches which sat above her eyebrow were uncomfortable and tight as they pinched her skin. y/n pulled her final shoe on and walked toward the door.
There were many things y/n kind of expected, Laia Aleixandri to be waiting outside the locker room, was not one. She had her nail in her mouth, biting nervously.
"Are you okay?" Laia asks, as soon as she sees y/n who sends her a confused look.
"Yeah, concussion out for a few weeks due to its severity." y/n nodded, her voice low as she rocked back on her heels.
"I see." Laia nodded, she then sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She adds.
"Yeah, well you'd been gunning for me all game, didn't realise you would actually get a shot." y/n chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
"You make me so mad, do you know?" Laia asks, and y/n chuckles slightly.
"Yeah, I got that honestly." She hums and Laia sighs.
"So quick, so strong, so good." Laia lists, her eyes almost hard with annoyance. "So pretty." Laia adds quietly, but y/n could hear it.
"You think I'm pretty?" y/n teases Laia, but the woman did something she hadn't expected.
"Yes. Gorgeous in fact." Laia hums, stepping forward, and in her panic, y/n pretty much falls against the wall behind her, as Laia brings her feet to touch y/n's the bodies so close to touching.
y/n couldn't function her entire brain had been pushed into overdrive by the sweet scent of Laia's perfume, which seemed to cling to her like a frightened child.
"Where's that sharp tongue of yours now, mi amor?" Laia asks, the Spanish slipping off her tongue made y/n's eyes roll in pleasure, which Laia watched with a smug smirk.
"Please." y/n whispered, letting her smug attitude sink below as she tried to focus on anything other than Laia's lips hovering above her own.
"Please what amor?" Laia whispers.
"Bésame." y/n whispered, Laia was clearly shocked at the use of her native language, assuming y/n didn't know Spanish. She would be right mainly, y/n only knew a few words, 'kiss me' being one of them.
Laia paused and y/n pressed up, their lips meeting with power, heads tilting, hands gripping at whatever would steady them, for y/n it was Laia's broad shoulders.
For Laia, it was the slight dip in y/n's waist, her hands gripping tightly and pulling her close as she leaned down and further in. y/n's tongue traced along Laia's bottom lip.
The Spaniard opened her mouth and y/n expected to be able to enter it, but she had other ideas, sliding one hand from her waist to slide her fingers across y/n's chin, Laia took control.
y/n couldn't think as Laia infected her, with her touch, her kiss, her scent, all she could think about is doing this for the rest of her life, if y/n was put on this earth to kiss Laia Aleixandri and only Laia, so be it.
The two pulled away, panting and holding tight, delicately Laia brushed her thumb over the stitched on y/n's head and sighed as she pecked her lips.
"We'll come back." a voice says and Lauren turns away, trying to grab Ella who had paused mouth open wide.
"No we won't." Ella denies. "What the f-"
y/n just posted
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y/n let her win
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username1: wtf 🤯🤯
username2: They're hanging out????
1maryearps: I don't get how you make your photos so aesthetic? 🤨
y/n: I will teach you my young padawan! 😚
username3: maybe they became friends after the derby
username4: why do I kinda ship??? 😌😌
username5: OMG enemies to lovers, ficlet, 6k words omg I would love it 😭🩷
ellatoone: she throws a right tantrum if you don't
y/n: yeah figured that one out!
laiaaleixandri: lies!
alessiarusso99: damn and with how much you like winning that must have hurt...
y/n: didn't hurt as much as I thought
username6: has anyone seen y/n's eyebrow in the new training vid?? it looks awful!
username7: I am sure it is healing!
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laiaaleixandri just posted
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laiaaleixandri if you want to get a girlfriend... knock her out!
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y/n just posted
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y/n please don't try what Laia suggested... next time just talk to her!
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loved writing the ficlets for this one i won’t lie!!!!!
Queenie xx
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skipper1331 · 10 months
Long Distance // Laia Aleixandri
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a/n: based off this request. Enjoy!
"Hola Laia!" your mother greeted your girlfriend as she took a step aside to let her in. "Hola, i‘m here to pick up y/n" the defender told your mother while she played with the few flowers she had for you in her hands. "I think she‘s in her room" your mom smiled, pointing to the stairs.
Laia nodded, knowing the way to your room. She had been to your house often enough, she could walk all the way to your room in her sleep. "What are you doing?" your mother asked out of curiosity. It wasn’t a secret that the two of you were a couple, your mom knew how in love you were with one another "I‘m taking her out on date" the young Barcelona player stated proudly. "Bring her back home at 10, then"
The young spaniard smiled at your mother before she went upstairs to your room. Opening the door she expected to see you sitting at your desk and not in bed sleeping peacefully. Your hair was spread on the pillow, the blanket over you, soft snores coming out of your mouth. Laia smiled lovingly at you, walking over to your desk to put the flowers down. There was no way, she would wake you up. Instead she took of her shoes and walked to her side of the bed.
Well the side she would sleep on If you had a sleepover.
Slowly, she made her way under the blanket, making sure not to wake you up as she looped her arms around you. You stiffened a little, wiggling around before finding a comfortable position which was laying on Laia‘s chest, hugging the flamingo stuffed animal.
The flamingo was a gift from your girlfriend, she saw how you looked at it as you walked through the city and she couldn‘t resist to buy it for you the next day. She would do anything to see your gorgeous smile.
And before she knew it she was asleep herself.
"Girls? Laia? Y/n?" your mom said as she peeked inside your room, your dad behind her. "Here‘s your answer why they haven‘t come down" your dad said as your mom laughed quietly, snapping a picture of the two of you. Your dad placed his hand on his wifes back as he guided her out of your room. "They‘re gonna get married one day, don’t you think?" your mom asked, having the feeling Laia was the one for you.
"We‘ll see. What if someone decides to play at a different club? They‘re young"
Thoughout your careers the both of you had never been seperated, playing together at Barcelonas youth team and together at Atlético Madrid but that was about to change. Laia wanted something different, she wanted to play outside of the spanish league. The defender was packing her stuff, the transfer to City confirmed. Your apartment looked empty without her stuff, sure some of her hoodies were still there but the rest was missing, she would be missing. You often thought about the conversations you had with Laia about the City offer, thinking what effect it would have on your long-term relationship. The two of you had never played at different clubs, let alone in a different country but you loved Laia and supported her in every decision, If that‘s what made her happy.
"Will you break up with me when you leave?" you asked one evening, feeling insecure about yourself and your relationship. "What? Why would you ask something like that?" Laia was immediately by your side, squatting down as she rested her hands on your thighs, yourself sitting on the edge of the bed, your hands playing with the flamingo which she got you all those years ago. "Hm?" she asked again, her thumb and index finger hooking under your chin "I don‘t know, you‘re far away and there‘ll be gorgeous girls and maybe you want something different, someone else" tears streamded down you face, it had been bothering you for a long time, thinking that she would end your love story. Her thumb tried to wipe away the tears but they were too much, you were crying uncontrollably. Her arms wrapped around your body, letting you cry in to her shoulder as she pulled you down to sit on her lap. "I would never break up with you, okay?! I love you" she whispered in your ear "I‘ve loved you since we‘re kids. You‘re the one for me. You‘re the only girl I’ll ever look at, my gorgeous girl."
You had to hear this, you had to hear that Laia would never break your heart. Even though she'll play in Manchester, that didn‘t mean she'll forget you, she'll miss you more than anything.
Since Laia was in City she was happier, happier in her career, happy to have a challenge yet it was hard. Sometimes she cried herself to sleep because you weren‘t there and because face time was not the way she wanted to see you. She wanted to see you in front of her, in bed at night, in her arms at day. She missed you. The good thing was though that you had similar schedules. They didn't match always, but still allowed you to spend a lot of time with each other, even if it's just over the phone. "Mi amor, how was your day? the spaniard asked as she entered her car, about to head home "I miss you" she added.
"I miss you too" and then you told her about your day, you told her what you did, what you had for lunch, everything. The same she did after you finished your story. (She was already at home when she started hers.)
"Are you exicted for tomorrows game?" you asked, sitting at your table with a packed bag behind you.
"Yeah! It‘s derby day, of course I am"
What she didn‘t know was that you‘d be there. You had an off day and decided that you would suprise Laia, not having seen her in 3 months. Leila helped you, her friend being miserable without you. She would pick you up at the airport and drive to the stadium, she had to be there herself anyways, why don‘t bring you with her. The plan was simple yet fantastic.
"Hola guapa" Leila greeted you, giving you a hug. "How are you, my friend?" you asked the defender, starting the smalltalk.
The drive to the stadium was filled with your chattering. You knew Leila for quite some time, she‘d always been like a big sister to you.
"So much. What if she doesn‘t want me here?"
"Chica, that girl literally sits 5 minutes in the changing room looking at a picture of you for 'good luck' she‘ll love that you‘re here" you looked at the older spaniard, smiling.
"Thank you.. for doing this" you pressed a peck to her cheek, showing your gratitude.
The stadium was full, red and blue jerseys everywhere, yourself wearing a City shirt with the name 'Aleixandri' across your back, sitting in the family and friends section. It was the first time you would see a game of her live, usually you always had to search forever until you found someone who broadcasted the games from the WSL and sometimes you had to wait till Laia told you about them.
The game ended in a 1-1 draw. The teams shook their opponents hand before walking around, interacting with the fans. You stood there, watching Laia with a loving smile, she looked stunning with that City shirt. Leila was by her side, whispering something in her ear. In less than a second, her gaze fell on the family and friends section. Her eyes scanned the stands, stopping at your figure. Not believing what she just saw she rubbed her eyes but it was true, you were standing in the stands. You gave her a little wave, smiling at her. Then she ran. She ran for her dear life. She jumped over the barriers, crashing in to you. "Mi amor," her hands cupped your cheeks, smiling widely as your fingers played with the hem of her jersey "why are you here? You need to be in Madrid" her fingers stroked over your whole face just to be sure that she‘s really touching you "I‘m here to support my girlfriend" you giggled, your heart ever so happy. "Te amo, te amo mucho" her lips rapidly kissed yours, feeling so happy.
"How long will you stay?"
"Till tomorrow afternoon"
"Good. I‘ll have you all to myself then" the defender replied, kissing your lips again and again.
After some minutes the spaniard walked back to the changing room, promising you to meet you at Leilas car.
Finally, she felt at peace.
It‘s safe to say, even though you don’t live in the same country anymore (for now) your love will always be stronger than distance.
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nytb · 2 years
Dog Adventures
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The international break came, the Spanish called up players made their way to Las Rozas where they would prepare their upcoming friendlies.
Not much had changed, Vilda managed to stay manager, but the famous email had done some damage to the federation. They slowly gave in, allowing players back, changing their staff, professionalizing the team.
From the outside, it looked like the players were winning. It looked like the Spanish international team was on the up and up.
The team got new staff, amongst them, Y/N, a physical preparator. An unusual one at that. Y/N was known to bring Naiko, her dog, everywhere. Something that wouldn't change with her new appointment in the Spanish National team.
The day of your arrival, Naiko did as Naiko does. An adventurous dog at heart with a deep love for trouble went on his own adventure. Making his way out of your office, going unnoticed by the remaining staff. The clever dog managed to make his way around the hotel, landing himself on a straight line adventure towards the player's rooms.
With it being the players break time, noise was the constant. The dog walked around until he got to a quiet area. He sat in front of a bedroom door. Wagging his tail as he heard noises coming from inside the room.
Surprised was the word. Laia opened her door as she wanted to leave the camp for her usual walk with her fellow teammates, only to find a precious creature sat in front of her. "Aren't you cute" the defender instantly socialised with the pup.
Much like Y/N, Naiko loved attention, who doesn't?
Hearing the commotion coming from the hall, some of the players peaked out of their rooms. Cuteness overload. Ona and Patri joined in, petting Naiko as he rolled onto his back, begging for belly rubs.
"Naiko" you screamed as you searched for your dog. Roaming the halls, you made your way to the player's hall. Naiko was the center of attention, like usual. "There you are" you laughed gaining the attention from your dog.
Weirdly enough, he didn't run towards you like usual. He stayed by Laia's side as she pet him. "You've made new friends huh" you added excusing your dog's behaviour. "He is very cute" the defender declared "Naiko huh?" the defender questioned the name choice.
"My favourite character growing up" you explained helping the defender up off the ground "He seems to like you". An understatement at that, Naiko was head over heels for Laia. In his defence, who wouldn't be.
It became a reoccurrence, Laia coming to your office to see Naiko. At least that was what you thought. Laia seemed to develop an interest in you and Naiko, well he was the perfect excuse to spend time with you.
"What if we take him on a walk" Laia suggested. And that's how your evening tradition began.
Every night, before bedtime, you took an evening stroll with Laia and your dog.
"It's so peaceful" you declared, sitting on a field, watching how Naiko ran like a maniac "Clearly not" you immediately took your previous statement back "It is" Laia placed a her hand on top of yours "I have to tell you something".
Unexpected, surprised, flattered. Many words but none quite summarise how you felt.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Boyfriend - Laia Aleixandri x Reader
A/n: Song is Boyfriend by Dove Cameron. Sorry this could have been better but I don't know how to write the City players as well as other teams... and there is a unexpected twist unless you know the song.
Dating teammates had a risk of being messy, you were technically co-workers, but it became more than that, as you bonded with your Manchester City teammates, after your arrival at the club what felt like a long time ago. But now, so many of your teammates had left to play in other countries, leaving the club to scramble to organise the new signings.
You’d only started to get to know the new signings, your mediocre Spanish leaving you speaking to Leila and Laia in broken sentences, amusing them, plus Deyna and Kerstin in the process. Eventually Ellie threw a football at your head, holding in her laugh until you’d walked over to her and Alanna, out of earshot of the new signings you’d been talking to.
Alanna patted you on the shoulder as she ended up heading in the other direction to join the rest of the defenders, Deyna raising an eyebrow as you were going the wrong direction, but she waited, as Ellie said something that made you laugh, before she joined you and Ellie.
“Last time I checked, you are not a goalkeeper.” Deyna teased, gesturing for you to join her and the other forwards.
“Yeah, I’ve seen them try, it was a disaster!” Ellie admitted, laughing as you gasped at her.
“You could have told me I was going to smack my head on the goal post!” turning to explain further to Deyna, you didn’t notice Laia and Leila had stopped to listen, apparently the laughter from you, Ellie and Deyna being enough to warrant their attention, “I ended up concussed and out for a few weeks.” 
You didn’t see that Leila had asked Deyna later what was so funny, the three talking in Spanish about your one attempt at being a goalkeeper, that had left you concussed because you’d hit your head on the goal post, something Ellie hadn’t warned you about, since it seemed to be something you’d expect to happen if not careful. 
Your mediocre Spanish didn’t stop the team bonding though, even as Keira left during pre-season, so Gareth had Laia step forwards into a midfielder role in the game against Chelsea. City didn’t have an easy start to the league, losing the first two games as the team tried to recover, but it was hard with the choices that Gareth was making.
You’d gotten closer to Laia during the training seasons, often being grouped together, and it hadn’t taken you too long to realise that she was attractive. It had taken you too long to realise two other things though. Such as that your feelings went deeper than aesthetic attraction, or that Laia was not single. 
It was when you were all being given a personal copy of the new FIFA that you realised how often your gaze shifted to Laia, especially when Leila was beating you at FIFA so badly that you ended up giving the controller to Kerstin. Your focus drifting away from the screen too often to even try to get an equaliser.
“No! You are more physical than me too? That is not possible!” Bunny exclaimed as you had picked up your game, not seeing your frown as you looked over the stats, but the staff had, and pointed it out for the camera.
“Okay, I know I body blocked an Arsenal player, one time! But I got more hurt than she did!” you replied, gesturing to the physicality and defending statistics as you heard the defenders laughing, “like running into a brick wall!” 
Laia smiled at you as you continued to banter with Bunny about the FIFA 23 players statistics, making your heart flutter unnecessarily quickly.
You had seen the toll taken on the members of the Spanish national team who had tried to get the conditions changed for their teammates, but the result of the media twisting it, and the response of the RFEF left a lot of tension and things up in the air.
You found out on Instagram that Leila, Ona, Lucía, Laia and a bearded man had gone on a road trip to Wales during the October break. You were going on a walk with Deyna, Vicky and Emma when you’d opened the app, frowning at what you saw.
Some quick maths, plus the comments on the posts helped you understand. Laia had a boyfriend, and you’d fallen for the girl with a boyfriend… figuratively and literally. Figuratively because you had a crush on the defender, who had returned to the defensive line again over the course of more matches. Literally because you tripped over your laces and landed at Laia’s feet, embarrassing yourself as you heard laughter, but gentle hands helping you up too. 
Laia softly smiled at you as you nervously cleared your throat, muttering Spanish apologies over and over until she smiled and asked if you’d be going to the team bonding event tonight. You’d nodded yes, but when you heard your teammates talking about their karaoke songs, you immediately remembered the ache in your chest. The heartache that only Deyna and Vicky knew about, although they didn’t know who was the source of it, only noticing the sad look on your face during the international break in early October.
So when it finally got to karaoke night, you didn’t go with a go-to song, or one that many of your teammates had heard before. You felt sick waiting for your turn, even when you were wearing an outfit that usually helped you feel confident.
So when you finally had to go up, your gaze was fixed on the lyrical prompts, ignoring how you knew the song well enough to not need them. But looking away from the prompts meant you could become aware she might be looking at you, and you didn’t want to ruin anything. You were crushing on one of your teammates, who had a boyfriend, and saw you as a friend, hopefully.
“Ah, fuck it!” you whispered, not realising it had been picked up on the mic as the music began to play, “I can’t believe we’re finally alone, I can’t believe I almost went home. What are the chances? Everyone’s dancing and he’s not with you. The universe must have divined this. What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?”
Nobody expected that song, many had not even heard of it, but Boyfriend by Dove Cameron had been growing in popularity, nobody could deny that.
“I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did, up all night I won’t quit, thinking I’m gonna steal you from him, I could be such a gentleman, plus all my clothes would fit!” your confidence grew slightly as you looked away from the lyrics, using your freehand to gesture to your outfit for the last line, before you closed your eyes, feeling your teammates gazes on you as you continued to sing.
“I could be a better boyfriend. I don’t need to tell you twice all the ways he can’t suffice, if I could give you some advice, I would leave with me tonight. The universe must have divined this, mmm, mmm, ladies first, baby, I insist. I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did, up all night I won’t quit, thinking I’m gonna steal you from him, I could be such a gentleman, plus all my clothes would fit… I could be a better boyfriend than him…” you let out a breath as the song’s pacing changed.
“I could be a better boyfriend. I would never have left you alone, here on your own glued to your phone, never left you alone, for someone else to take you home… I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did, up all night I won’t quit, I’m gonna steal you from him, I could be such a gentleman, plus you know my clothes would fit, I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did, up all night I won’t quit, thinking I’m gonna steal you from him, I could be such a gentleman, plus all my clothes would fit.” Dropping the mic on the closest table, your breath was shaky as you ran out, murmurs of confusion echoing around your teammates as they wondered what was going on.
Deyna and Vicky exchanged looks, they knew, but someone else was already ahead of them, going to check on you.
The air outside was cold, you could taste the bitterness of the wind as you leaned against the wall, wiping at your eyes as warm tears began to escape them.
“Why, why did I do that? Why couldn’t I crush on someone who didn’t have a freaking boyfriend? I’m such an idiot!” your voice wavered as you tried to fight back sobs, holding your hands over your face to muffle the sounds, hearing the door you’d hurried out of open, and footsteps approaching.
“Chica, estás bien?” Leila’s voice was soft as she approached, asking if you were alright, but you weren’t, removing your hands from your face to look Leila in the eye.
“I’m an idiot!” you went to cover your face again, but Leila pulled you into her, wrapping her jacket around your shoulders as you began to tremble, the embarrassment of the situation overwhelming you as Leila held you in her arms, her hand rubbing your upper back comfortingly.
“Not an idiot…” Leila whispered into your hair, holding you closer as your sobs began to quieten, the emotional exhaustion hitting you like a ton of bricks as you leaned into Leila more.
“I want to go home.” Your voice was muffled but Leila heard you well enough to nod, getting out her phone as you spoke again,  “I can’t go back inside.” 
Leila was quick to text Vicky, asking her to bring out your stuff and hers that you’d both left as you hurried out after singing. Next, the defender opened the app to call a taxi, Leila showing you the screen to indicate how long a taxi would take to get to the karaoke place.
Vicky soon appeared with the stuff belonging to the two of you, hiding her pity behind a soft smile and wishing that you felt better soon. The excuse told to the rest of your teammates was that you had felt overwhelmed singing and now felt ill, so Leila was taking you home.
“Goodnight, you two.” Vicky’s voice was soft, comforting, as she headed back inside, leaving you and Leila huddled together in the Manchester street. The pavement was damp, small puddles on the road suggesting it had rained earlier on in the day, but you could feel the cold in the air now, and how your eyelids felt sore from crying.
“Lo siento, Leila… I’m sorry I ruined your night,” apologising to the air, your gaze drifted up and down the street, looking for the taxi.
“It’s okay. Now, I do not have to sing!” Leila celebrated a little, trying to get you to smile, but your laugh was sad and almost forced, remembering how you had sung, and your choice of song.
“I’m such a-” you were cut off as a taxi pulled up, you and Leila carefully manoeuvring to make sure neither of you became a cold case, as you instructed the driver of the street that you could be dropped off at, on high alert as you sat besides Leila, holding her hand. 
Her jacket was still around your shoulders as you arrived at the street, getting out after paying and keeping a hold of Leila’s hand, watching carefully as the taxi drove away. 
Reaching your front door, Leila was about to head away but you called out, her jacket still around your shoulders.
“Can you- I don’t want to be alone right now.” 
Leila nodded, smiling slightly as you opened the front door, inviting her inside. Taking steps around your kitchen, Leila smiled at the corkboard above the breakfast bar, photos pinned up by colourful thumbtacks that included photos of you and your teammates, but Leila didn’t expect to spot a photo from training of you, her, Deyna, Laia and Kerstin, grinning at something that someone had said.
“I.. I know I should explain why you found me sobbing outside the karaoke place, but I- it’s embarrassing…” you facepalmed, feeling your eyes well up with tears again until Leila walked over, gently removing your hands from your face. You didn’t expect her to pull a funny face at you as you met her gaze, but the laugh that left your mouth made Leila grin too.
“Yes!” Leila celebrated, happy that she could make you smile, and forget about your problems, even if it was just for a moment.
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princejiu · 4 months
𝗦𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗣𝘀𝘆𝗰𝗵𝗼 𝗶𝗶
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𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 one three
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶���𝗴 | leah williamson x león reader
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | leah wasn't as loyal to you as she is to her country and you remind her not to mess with a león
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 | toxic relationship. r is heartbroken but won't admit it. she's crazy too. emotional whiplash i think. cheating. slow burn btw.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 | didn't think this would get any attention but i'm glad everyone liked it so here's part two. oh, and when r goes to visit friends, they're speaking in Spanish just an fyi.
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Just as expected, Leah didn't come home. But, she did have some decency to let you know that she was going to spend the night at 'Caitlin's'. It was whatever though, what could you do while she was out fucking some whore? Confront her? Yell at her? Too simple, you needed some dramatic flare to be somewhat mental when shit goes down.
In the mean time, you skipped the first stage of grief and went head on into anger. Spending the rest of the night plotting, looking hot, drinking wine, you know the usual stuff. Emma had given the team a couple of days off to rest after a successful match against Tottenham. So, here you were, a mimosa in hand as England's cloudy day represented the internal storm brewing inside you.
It was a little bit past noon when Leah came back. You hung out in the lounge with Barca's recent match playing lowly in the background. Smirking when Alexia kicked the ball right past Celta Vigo's goalkeeper and into the net, sipping on your mimosa as she celebrated her goal.
You finished off your drink in one go as you heard the front door shut, preparing yourself to see what absolute mess Leah has become after a night out in someone else's sheets. Lo and behold, the cheater has finally arrive, fourteen hours since her departure and she shall gracefully stumbled into your peripheral vision.
You hummed, amused at Leah's untidy appearance. Her hair could be compared to a lion's mane, bed hair you knew all too well. She didn't notice you right away, but when she did, Leah quickly ran her fingers through her hair. Best trying to comb down the tangled strands. "Oof, you look like you've been hit by car."
Leah squeezed her eyes shut, as the pounding in her head got aggressively worse. "Feels like it too." You turned back to the game, having had enough at the sight of Leah and her obvious post-sex appearance "How's the team?" You were very close to the Arsenal girl, sharing a flat with Leah allowed you to build a closer bond with the red team. But, it wasn't often that you got to see them since Chelsea's training had picked up drastically.
Leah stared at you in confusion, a slight panic twinkled in shined in her eyes. "What?" Feigning the same emotion, you furrowed your brows adding pout for extra points, "The team? You went over to Caitlin's for team bonding remember, did you hit your head or something?" You eyed Leah's clothes, her shirt wrinkled and pants lack the belt she had clearly hooked on last night.
It was one of the many things you paid close attention to, specially since it was a belt you bought, a very expensive designer one at that. You gave Leah a second to gather her lies, allowing her to process and remember what bullshit she spewed before she left. The blonde captain huffed a laugh, "Uh, yeah, no. They're well. You know the usual."
You stayed quiet, getting quite bored with the conversation. Leah wasn't giving the reaction you wanted, you wanted her to panic to stammer over her words as she tries to come up with a lie right off the bat. But, Leah had experience, answering random thrown questions, prepared and ready at all times due to the amount of media training she's given.
Leah frowned at your sudden silence, taking in your weird demeanor. She sat on the coffee table across from you, placing a hand on your bare knee. You fought the urge to visibly cringe at the thoughts of where her hand has been, who it had been in. "Love, are you okay? You seem off."
You took a good look at your cheating girlfriend, her's lips were slightly swollen, there was a light smudge of pink resting on her neck but it was barely visible. The ache in your heart hurt too much to describe.
Forcing a smile, you placed your hand on top of her's, almost vomiting when she interlaced them. "Yeah, just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Leah gave a teasing smile, bringing up your hand to her lips. "Was it because I wasn't there to make sure you stayed on your side of the bed, were you lonely my love?"
You chuckled, slipping your hand out of her's before using your two fingers to push her head back. "Don't be silly. I had an entire bottle of wine to keep me company." Leah laughed, you drinking wine wasn't irregular. Tending to nursing on wine bottles like a toddler. "Well. I'm glad it kept you warm for the night. But, I'm here so my replacements can go."
Tilting your head to the side, you weren't too sure about that. People change, wine didn't. It's your escape route from the world, something you could turn too when you wanted to feel something other than raw emotions coursing through your veins. "Actually, hold that thought. Are you busy tonight? I want to take you out for dinner to make up for lost time."
In times where Leah knew she's in the wrong especially with you, she tend to try and make up for it. Serenading you with expensive jewelry, taking you out to your favorite restaurants, anything you wanted she'll buy.
You feigned a sorry expression, giving an apologizing smile to the blonde. "Can't tonight. I'm going to Manchester to see Leila and Laia, we scheduled this amazing spa day and it took months to book." Leah was visibly taken back, unaware that you made plans without regarding her.
Usually, when you had things to do outside of work, Leah would be the first to know. Giving her the chance to plan ahead of her day without you. But, nonetheless, Leah smiled. Thinking of what to do for the day while you're gone, "Oh, that's fine. We can always go another day." You nod your head, moving your head around Leah to watch the remaining minutes of the game.
Leah furrowed her eyebrows, finding it strange that you weren't showering her in apology kisses or just kisses in general. You were so easily to brush her off, that it made her stomach churned. And Leah was sure that it wasn't because of the champagne she drank last night.
She thought it would be best to leave you be than to disturb your alone time, leaning forward to kiss you but your held up hand was quick to stop her. "Ah ah ah, no kissing. You smell horrid. Having you been rolling around with pigs? My goodness." You pinched your nose at the awful smell, pushing her away.
It was a subtle jab, not one Leah would catch, though your words did concern the blonde. She pulled her shirt to take a sniff, pulling away confused when she didn't smell anything. "I don't smell anything." You gave her a 'really?' look, this prompted her to second guess herself.
"Babe, you smell like you bathe in your own shit. Please go shower."
You shooed her off, leaving her to clean herself up before she got anywhere near you. Leah reluctantly head towards the shower, looking over her shoulder to make sure you were being serious. But, you paid her no mind, keening in on the tv when it focused on Ona's abs as she lifted her shirt to wipe away her sweat.
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If it wasn't obvious, you didn't have a spa appointment with Leila and Laia, it was more comedic considering you haven't spoken to them since last week. So, imagine Laia's suprise when you popped up unannounced in Manchester at her doorstep with an expensive bottle of wine and sunglasses on the top of your head. "Yn? What are you doing here?"
You pushed past the dirty blonde, strutting into the flat as if it was your own. Waving to Leila as you passed by, briefly going into the kitchen to get wine glasses. Laia followed behind, sharing a look with Leila when she could no longer see you. Out of the two, Laia knew you best, being your longest confident, she immediately knew when something was wrong.
You walked back into the room, carrying two glasses. You dropped onto the loveseat, popping the cork before pouring. Laia crossed her arms, observing your nonchalant behavior. "Yn-" You held up a finger, setting the bottle down, offering the filled cup for her to take.
Laia eyed you, but didn't reject the drink.
You gestured for Leila to grabbed the other one while you picked up the giant bottle and took a swing. You nod your head in content, the smooth liquid hitting with familiarity in your throat.
"Okay, I'm ready." You leaned into the seat, moaning as your muscles relaxed.
Leila stared at you, clearly checking you out when she thought you weren't looking. You wore a white two piece set, your skirt stopped mid-thigh and your sleeved top revealed a good portion of your stomach. You smirked at Laia when your eyes met, side eyeing Leila so Laia's would follow.
Laia scoffed, smacking the back of her teammate's head. "Stop staring, it's creepy." Leila huffed, flopping against the couch at the scolding. You snorted, winking at Laia when she glared at you. "And you, keep it in your pants. You have a girlfriend." The corner of your lips quickly dropped, throwing your head back to nurse on the red wine.
Leila and Laia looked at you concernedly, your relationship with Leah was the idiom of the 'perfect happy' couple. Several footballers envied with how healthy your relationship with Leah was. Thus, it made the two Spaniards question what went south. For your sake, Leila redirected Laia's attention. "Shut up, Laia. I'll get what I want eventually."
Leila gave you a cheeky smile, one you were quick to return. Laia rolled her eyes as she took her seat. "Whatever, just so you know. She's a crazy one." Laia pointed at you, giving Leila a fair warning of you. You proudly smiled, most women would be angered at being labeled crazy.
But, you. You took it in stride, it made those around you aware that you weren't to be messed with. Especially, those you trusted with your heart. That warning seemed to interest Leila even more. Very few people knew the level you went to when reached a certain point and they made sure to keep their mouth shut to avoid the inevitable rage Mapi would be sent on if she found out people were talking about her little sister.
You waved Laia off, "We don't need to.go into details for now. Another story for another day." Promising Leila, as you inspected Laia's flat with great distaste. Laia stared at you, silently trying to figure out what was so bad between you and Leah, that it made you come all the way to Manchester. "Yn, what happened? Did you and Leah get into an argument?"
You swirled the bottle, listening to the liquor splash in its confinement. You stared into nothingness, gathering your thoughts on what to say and how to say it. Thinking whether to lie or just come out and say the truth. The first wasn't really a standing option, Laia knew your tales all too well. So, lying to her face would be a waste of breath.
"There was no arguing. Not yet, at least. I'm letting everything play out for now."
Laia rolled her eyes at your dramatics, Leila, on the other hand, looked highly confused. "Quit with the dramatics, bitch. Tell me what's going on before I call Mapi." If Mapi knew that you were already telling people of Leah's affair, she's, no doubt, will gather a bunch of your friends to form an 'We Hate Leah Williamson' alliance.
You could already see it, Mapi loading a bunch of the Barca players onto Alexia's private jet just to come to London to riot on Arsenal's ground. As much as you love your sister, she can get annoying with her protectiveness. But, it was good to know that you had a whole army backing you up. "Snitch. This is why we didn't work. The moment I do something you don't like, you go snitch."
Laia glared at you while Leila's jaw dropped, no one knew of your brief relationship with Laia as it was kept under wraps for Laia's sake. Mapi would kill her for dating her younger sister, having warned everyone that played on the same team as her not to date you, or even hook up with you. Which was a bumper since everyone on Mapi's team tend to be extremely attractive.
Leila looked at Laia impressed, she never expected for the blonde go against Mapi's wishes especially when the Zaragozan threatened to suffocate anyone who touched her little sister in their sleep. "Wow! So...you two dated and slept together?" You confirmed while Laia looked away, even though you two had broken up. Having someone else know about your relationship filled Laia with a bit of anxiety.
"High five!"
On instinct, Laia raised her hand to clasps against Leila's awaiting one. You watched unamused as Leila hyped Laia up about going against the older player's warnings and bagging you. "Hey! I'm not a trophy!" You snapped your fingers and Leila stopped, Laia just looked annoyed at her best friend.
You rolled your eyes, you hate it when lesbians act like guys sometimes. "Whatever, it doesn't really matter. We obviously didn't work out." Your relationship with Laia didn't end on bad terms, finding each other better as friends than girlfriends. Questions lingered on Leila's tongue but the side eye Laia gave her told her not to say anything else in your presence.
"Can we get back on track here? Yn, quit deflecting and tell us what the fuck happened."
As your best friend, Laia was extremely protective of you. You had been each other's rock ever since you met, when you couldn't go to Mapi, you went to Laia. Which is what mixed confused feelings between platonic and romantic. But, despite not ending up together, Laia tried to be there for you as much as she could and you her.
Leila eyes widened, wondering if Laia was going to make it out the room alive by speaking to you in such a way. You held Laia's stare, uttering the words that you've repeated in your head. "Leah's been cheating." You raised a brow at Laia's visible jaw clench, Leila pinched the bridge of her nose. Clearly, your confession stirred some negative feelings within them.
"What did you just say?"
"Do I really need to repeat myself? You heard me, Laia."
Laia groaned, buring her face into her hands. Even though, she had no personal relations with Leah, it wasn't great to hear that a well admired player cheated on her closest friend. Now, she had to add another person to her hit list, future pitches against Arsenal would now be personal. "Fucking whore."
You hummed, agreeing with Laia as Leila looked at you stressed. If you were to break up with Leah, it wouldn't be as bad since you played for a different team. Meaning you could at least put some distance between you two after the break up.
But, it would definitely rise already high tension on the field, London could become a blood bath if you weren't careful. "So, what are you going to do?" You debated with yourself whether to tell them your plans, it's not like you didn't trust the girls to keep their mouth shut. But, they would definitely try to talk you out of it, something you didn't want.
"Haven't gotten all the details yet but one thing is certain. I'll ruin her."
You gave Leila a cheeky smile, standing up and made your way over to Laia, who hasn't lifted her head. You gently pulled her hands away, brown eyes looking into yours. "Look at me. I'll be fine, don't worry too much about me. I'm strong, yeah? Just don't get involved and don't try to talk me out of this. Understand?"
Laia reluctantly nod her head, she knew she couldn't stop you. When you set your mind to something, it couldn't and wouldn't be changed. You were a León, of course, by nature you were stubborn. Leila watched from the side, getting the idea that Laia still held some feelings for you.
Once you were sure Laia was good to go, you stood up. Brushing down the wrinkles from your skirt, "Now, we can discuss more later. I've booked an appointment for us at the best spa in Manchester. So, can we hurry this up?"
Laia looked unimpressed, "Girl, you literally just got cheated on and you're spending you day at the spa."
You nod, giving your ex a duh look. "Uh, yeah. But, don't worry I'll be plotting the entire time." Leila scratched her head, wondering if this was the norm between you two. Laia rolled her eyes, "Thank you because I was so worried." You flipped off Laia, not loving her attitude.
"I was gonna ask you to help me get back at Leah but with this attitude, I don't think you'll be much of a contribution."
Laia returned the bird, gritting her teeth when you smirked. Leila raised her hand, like a student waiting to be called on. "Um, I'm lost. Can someone explain?" Laia pointed to Leila, blaming you for making the other defender a lost puppy. You rolled your eyes once again, gesturing for Laia to take the wheel.
Laia looked at the brunette, "We're gonna spend the day at the spa and Yn is going to brainstom some idea to destroy Leah's will to live." Leila looked at you for confirmation which you nod to, "How?"
You shrugged, though you already planned most of it out. "Oh, you know. Make her obsessed with me to the point where she can't live without me and then leave her miserable and have her realize that she can't find no one like me." Laia squinted at you, wondering if that was ever your plan for her during your break up.
"You're a crazy bitch, you know that."
You laughed, sending a flying kiss to your ex. "Self-awareness is key to life, carino. Now, get ready bitches. We're going out."
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
If Music Be The Food Of Love II
Laia Aleixandri x Reader
Social Media
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liked by laiaaleixandri, leilaouahabi and 9,302 others
yourinstagram another concert piece 🎵🎵🎵
laiaaleixandri can't wait to hear it 💕💕
leilaouahabi you two digust me -> laiaaleixandri then stop liking our pictures
user2 need a love like this
user1 laia and her girlfriend are so sweet 😭😭😭
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liked by laiaaleixandri, yourinstagram and 30,405 others
leilaouahabi with this idiot on our way to see one of my favs @yourinstagram
yourinstagram I've got the champagne ready for after the show 🥂🥂🥂
user3 Leila vibing with classical music was not on my bingo card -> user3 actually, Laia vibing with classical music wasn't on my bingo card either
user5 you're both so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
user4 not Leila preferring Laia's gf over Laia 😂😂😂
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liked by yourinstagram, manchestersymphonyorchestra and 20,134 others
laiaaleixandri this beautiful girl is playing four nights leading up to Christmas. Buy tickets @manchestersymphonyorchestra here
yourinstagram all profit from tickets go towards funding music classes for sick kids 🤕💕🤕
user4 laia's gf is actually an angel -> user2 they're both angels
mancity tickets secured ✔️✔️✔️
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liked by yourinstagram, leilaouahabi and 10,305 others
laiaaleixandri my baby in autumn 💕💕💕
yourinstagram I hate taking autumn walks but you've made me love them 💕💕💕
leilaouahabi 🤮🤮 🤮 -> laiaaleixandri just because you don't have a girlfriend, doesn't mean everything we do is disgusting -> leilaouahabi I'm single and I'm making it everybody's problem -> user1 I'll date you Leila!!!!
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liked by laiaaleixandri, leilaouahabi and 2,305 others
yourinstagram date nights with sexy 🥂
user1 not laia's gf simping on main
user4 she's one of us!!! -> user3 one of us! -> user2 one of us! -> user5 one of us!
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liked by yourinstagram, leilaouahabi and 25,503 others
laiaaleixandri she said she's teach me but everything looks so complicated 😭😭😭 -> laiaaleixandri I'm scared 😭
leilaouahabi send me the recording 😜
user3 we need y/n playing football now!!!
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liked by yourinstagram, laiaaleixandri and 30,405 others
leilaouahabi they're fighting over whether the pasta is cooked 🙄
laiaaleixandri we're not cooks!!!
user1 😂😂😂
user5 at least we know that they're like a regular couple every once in a while -> user5 I was getting a little bit annoyed at how perfect they are all the time
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liked by leilaouahabi, yourinstagram and 30,597 others
laiaaleixandri hanging out with my substitute gf while I wait for my real one 😭
leilaouahabi you'd be lucky to have me -> laiaaleixandri 🤮🤮🤮
yourinstagram I'll be home soon 💕💕💕
user4 cuties 💓
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liked by laiaaleixandri, leilaouahabi and 29,567 others
yourinstragram walks with my baby 💕💕💕
laiaaleixandri my beautiful girl 💕💕💕
leilaouahabi stop posting -> leilaouahabi it's making me feel sad and single -> leilaouahabi please stop
user2 absolute cuties
user5 need a relationship like this
248 notes · View notes
outsideratheart · 7 months
16 with laia aleixandri
16 - “we shouldn’t be doing this. not here.”
Not all relationships could survive long distance. Some couples don’t even try. You and Laia fell into the latter category. She had left Madrid and you had stayed. She had wanted to try and you chose to let her go.
The first time you see each other is when Laia gets called up to the national team after the World Cup. Things weren’t great at the minute and to say you were stressed would be a huge understatement. The nerves of seeing your ex girlfriend were the last of your worries, that is until you see her walk through the doors of Las Rojas.
At this point you already knew you were roomed together but you didn’t realise how difficult it would be to have her so close to you yet not being able to touch her, to hold her and to be with her in the way you once was.
One night you feel the bed dip beside you.
“Laia, what are you doing?” You say she moves one of your arms and nestles herself into your side.
“You have been tossing and turning for the past 3 nights”
She is right and you know that if Laia sleeps in your bed then you will sleep like a baby.
“We shouldn’t be doing this. Not here.” You hated yourself for saying it but you also know that having Laia in your bed would only lead to more problems.
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inuyashaluver · 3 months
laia aleixandri - master list
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love notes
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Hand On You (Woso Prompt)
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22. I won't let anyone lay an hand on you with Laia Aleixandri.
This one is short, but enjoy :)
TW : Angst, Creepy guy.
It’s only when the library supervisor asks you to leave that you realize what time it is. You are in full preparation for your exams and you haven't seen the hours passed, which is rather embarrassing since you are supposed to go home with public transport and you hate it, especially at night.
After you gather your things, you get your coat and find the fresh air of Manchester. The good news is that it wakes you up a little, after spending so much time locked up it feels good to breath some fresh air. Your apartment being far away, you have to take two different buses. Luckily the first one arrives quite quickly and you manage to find a free place at the bottom.
A few stops later, a man comes to sit next to you, which is not strange considering that it's public transport. What is a little more strange is that you feel his look on you and that he absolutely doesn't hide it.
When you apologize to him for letting you through so you can get down, his smile gives you chills. You swallow and hurry to reach the exit door of the bus, finding with relief the fresh air. But your relief doesn't last long since you realize while standing in front of the stop for your correspondence that it also came down.
He's looking everywhere, upset and evil. It doesn’t take you long to understand that what he’s looking for is you.
Luckily, he didn’t see you. And for it to continue this way, you move quickly to hide behind the bus shelter, hoping he will quickly drop the case. In your maneuver, you shoved a young woman a little too abruptly.
"I’m sorry" you mumble a low-pitched apology.
You don’t hear her answer though, preferring to look over your shoulder to see if you’ve been spotted. You feel the panic seizing you when you notice that the man has disappeared and you expect to see him reappear at any time at your side.
"Hello?" says the brunette you shoved earlier, drawing your attention back to her. "All right?"
"Yes, I-"
But you shut up suddenly, eyes wide open with terror. The face of the man is only ten meters away from you and he saw you. His predatory smile gives you shivers again. One of the two young women in the trio of people who are together follows your gaze.
"Do you know him?"
"No. I think he’s following me."
The three young people react quickly and it takes you out of your torpor. The brunette and the man, also with brown hair, turn in the direction of the man who is making his way towards you, while the blonde passes her arm around your shoulders to train you a little further.
"Everything will be fine" she assures you with an accent you can’t recognize. "My name is Laia, and the others are Leila and Moise"
Laia makes you sit on the bus shelter bench, glued against the ads, which makes you see nothing at the scene that takes place a few meters from you.
"Maybe I’m getting the wrong idea, but he was really weird"
You hope you’re not provoking a fight or argument for nothing. But the blonde is smiling nicely.
"If you didn’t feel safe, it’s enough to ask for help"
You look up at her and give her a little smile, grateful for her understanding. When she leans slightly to see beyond the bus shelter, you hurry to question her.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, don’t worry. I won't let anyone lay an hand on you."
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leilaswife · 5 months
Butterflies ~ Leila Ouahabi
Part 1/?
Leila Ouhabi x reader, past!Georgia Stanaway x reader
Alexis Queen - you
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You never get nervous.
Not when you got called up to your national team for the first time at 14.
Not when you came out to your parents.
Not when you moved countries to get better at football.
So why now were you getting nervous.
Why did her presence affect you so much?
“Lex, hurry up they’re waiting to introduce the new signings” Alanna says impatiently whilst you tie your laces for the 100th time (as Hayley always says) due to your “superstitions” you have to tie and untie them twice before you could actually go to training or play a match.
You, who is standing up after finishing up with your laces responds with “Relax Lani, it's only 8:30, we don't need to be in there till 9”
“Alexis it is nine” this time it’s your captain, Steph, who speaks only a lot sterner than your national teammate. “ Or if you want me to be precise 9:02. Please both of you get to the meeting room.”
As both you and Alanna walk out the room Steph’s voice can be heard again, only this time it’s not directed at you but more so Lani “KENNEDY I SWEAR TO GOD GET BACK HERE”. At this both of you sprinted to the meeting room.
When you both finally arrived you were both hunched over in the doorway out of breath. As you slowly caught your breath back you looked up and realised that everyone’s eyes were on you both, so with a sheepish smile you walk over to the seats Hayley saved for you both and took the drink she offered when you sat down. “Thanks Razzle dazzle”
“How many times have I told her to stop calling me that?” Hayley mumbles towards Alanna when she finally sits down. “When are you gonna learn that she does it to piss you off” Alanna states in which Hayley responds by rolling her eyes. “You both know I can hear you right?” But your question goes unanswered when Steph and Gareth enter and stand at the front of the room.
“As you all know we have some new signings so I would like you to meet your new number 10 Deyna Castellanos, number 4 Laia Aleixandri, number 8 Mary Fowler, number 22 Sandy Maclver, number 2 Kerstin Casparij, number 25 Yui Hasegawa and number 15 Leila Ouahabi.” One by one as Gareth said their names the girls all walked into the room, and like any good friend when Mary’s name was announced you, Lani and Hayley all cheered which caused an uproar of laughter within the room.
“Now some of you who live alone will now have to have roommates so Laia your roommate is Alexis” At this your head shot up from where you were looking at your phone showing Hayley the texts between you and Georgia that occurred during the euros and give her a smile“Alex is the one with the cherry red hair in the middle who looks like she’s just been caught doing something she shouldn’t” at this Steph turns to laia and says “we chose this because Alex is one of the only people here who can speak Spanish so we thought it would be easier for you to improve your English with someone who speaks both languages. Is that okay?” “Sí, gracias” “Leila you’re with Denya. Mary, you are with Alanna. Sandy, you are with Esme. And kerstin and Yui you both live alone. That’s it for now, all of you have an hour before training starts so all of you get to know each other especially if you now have a new roommate.”
After stephs announcement you all filter away out of the meeting room and into the common room into your respective groups, yours consisting of Hayley, Alanna, Mary, Esme, Chloe and Lauren. After around 5 minutes you notice 3 figures from the corner of your eye approaching you all, the tallest of the group, Leila, starts speaking “Hola, I’m Leila, this is Laia and that’s Deyna” pointing to each girl as she speaks. “Hi, I’m Alanna but everyone calls me Lani, that’s Alexis, Hayley, Esme, Lauren, Mary and Chloe” Alanna responds in her normal cheery voice, which in your opinion it’s too early for someone to be that happy, each of you hugging the girls as she said your names. Once your all done introducing yourselves you all sit down and continue your conversations but this time including the 3 women.
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dullwaterlily · 4 months
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jill at todays game🥺
glad they did that today after they scored🩵
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