#at some point I gave up and started copy pasting from arrow wiki lmao
speedprofessor · 4 years
POWERS AND ABILITIES - PART ONE because jesus christ this is so long
-Speed Force Conduit: For the most part, Eobard has access to the same array of powers and abilities as all other speedsters. However, as a result of his unique connection to the Speed Force, he has access to the oft-misunderstood Negative side of it as well and powers connected to it.           -Negative Speed Force: A part of the Speed Force proper instead of a wholly separate entity, Negative Speed Force is the ying to Speed Force’s yang. As The Flash generates positive charge with each step he takes, Negative Speed Force is where, as the name suggests, negative charges go to be stored. Speed Force storms are a result of the negative charge overwhelming the Speed Force, so Negative Speed Force users help alleviate the pressure by expunging negative charge with each step they take. A speedster should be careful interacting with the Negative Force, however. If a Speedster is simultaneously connected to the Positive and Negative harnessing of the Speed Force, they may experience emotional instability and loss of control. Only by fully connecting with the Negative Speed Force can a Speedster behave as normal. So far, Eobard Thawne is the sole pure conduit of the Negative Speed Force, having merged with it fully following his erasure from existence in 2014 (season one). Some extra details about his connection to the Negative Speed Force HERE. -Superhuman Speed: The defining power of all speedsters, Eobard is one of the fastest people alive. Prior to his pure connection to the Negative Speed Force, he was slower than the Flash of 2024, using tachyonic enhancements to boost his speed. After his death and return via the Speed Force, his speed is identical to Barry’s. (Negative Speed Force is only as strong as the Positive Speed Force.)           -Dimensional Travel: Using his incredible speed, Eobard can break the barriers between worlds and travel between alternate realities.           - Aerokinesis: Using his speed, Eobard can generate air flow as vacuums on various levels. He can create fierce waves and vacuums of air by shaking a body part very fast.           -Speed Mirage Construct: By using his speed to bounce back and forth so quickly, Eobard can create after-images with his speed, making it appear like he's in two places at once. This image is so realistic, human mind can't perceive the difference. Eobard can also create mirror speed projections while retaining his peak speed. -Superhuman Durability and Stamina: Speed Force Aura allows him to endure much more than a regular human and for him to run longer without feeling the effects of exhaustion. -Superhuman Agility: Eobard possesses inhuman bodily coordination, balance, equilibrium and dexterity. He is able to change direction immediately, thus allowing him to make sharp turns on city streets without sliding or losing his balance. -Superhuman Strength: Due to the tremendous amounts of Speed Force energy in his body, Eobard displays a degree of superhuman strength, exerting inhuman amounts of force without using his speed. -Superhuman Mental Process and Accelerated Perception:  Eobard's increased speed also augments his reaction time, allowing him to react to danger and events far faster than a normal human. This also enhances his senses in general, allowing him to take in information and process it at much faster rates than a normal human, as well as see and hear clearly when moving at super-speed. -Accelerated Healing: Eobard, as all speedsters, heals much faster than normal humans. Broken bones and other wounds can heal in a matter of hours. See HERE for how his paralysis in the aftermath of the Accelerator Explosion affected his healing capabilities.  -Molecular Acceleration: Eobard can vibrate any part of his body at different frequencies on command, with varying effects. Most frequently, he vibrates his entire body to keep his identity a secret, making himself look like a blur and distorting his voice to a low growl. He can also vibrate his cells to become intangible and phase through people and objects without harming them, though he can also use this ability to phase his hand into someone’s chest and crush their heart. As you do. This ability also gives him a degree of Cosmic Awareness, allowing him to sense vibrational frequencies and discern if a person is from an alternate Earth and which Earth he is on. -Electrokinesis: Like all conduits of the Speed Force, Eobard generates large amounts of electrical energy from his body. The lightning emanates off of him as red electrical arcs from all around his body and it can interfere with, and fry, electronics. From a stationary position, Eobard can generate a continuous stream of lighting to launch at a target.  As a byproduct of his electrokinesis, he can also make his eyes glow a deep crimson red, which he makes frequent use of for intimidation and cool factor. -Time Travel: Like most experienced speedsters, Eobard can tap into the Speed Force to travel forwards and backwards in time. What sets him apart is the sheer precision and refinement in which he exercises this ability. Unlike all other users of the Speed Force, he can alter the timeline with little to no adverse effects, stemming partially from his Negative connection and his overall knowledge of history and the flow of time.            -Retrocognition: By tapping into the Negative Speed Force, Eobard is able to retain information from previous timelines. This ability is further enhanced by Eobard’s discovery of the Time Language, which are a series of symbols that can be used to talk to another individual while they are in another time period or to record events regardless of the changes in the timeline; in which the language is able to survive the multiples changes to the timeline.  -Immortality: A result of the combined effects of his status as a living paradox and the main conduit of the Negative Speed Force, Eobard is functionally immortal.  He is immune to alterations to his personal history which makes him the sole constant in any possible timeline and thus impossible to erase him from existence. 
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