#at least it isn’t too hot today 😫
Getting into the Stanley Parable when you realise the game is going to be 10 YEARS OLD feels weird sjshskshsk
Like a was essentially a kid when it came out so it makes sense why I didn’t get it but
I’m so playing this again on my birthday - maybe I’ll even try to get all the achievements but no - I’ll prob just try to annoy the Narrator
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
i miss our menace couple 😫😫😫 and while we waited for new chapter i wanted to ask you 4, 10, 12 from the games! 🥰
Hi non!! I know, I’m so sorry, the timeframe between Halloween and Thanksgiving is always crazy at school between testing and Parent Teacher Conferences so ya girl has been gassed and writing has been on the back burner for a hot sec 😭 I have no plans today so I am hoping to crank out a lot of chapter 17 today!!!
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Oh god… this is SO hard…. Dialogue is my FAVORITE thing to write so I’m choosing more than one 😩
I love from chapter 2 when Javi is going to drive Osita back to her apartment after she’s hurt and is joking that he’s gonna kidnap her
“Just gotta get the keys from my pops and then I’ll be right back.”
“What if I try to make a break for it?”
“It won’t take me long to catch you.”
In chapter 7 when Osita wakes up Javi by taking care of him but won’t let him go down on her until he gets ready for work bc she knows this man is hungry as hell
“You are not making this any easier on me!” You jokingly shoved him. “You and I both know that if you don’t eat, the rumbling in your stomach is loud enough to set off seismic wave detectors for an earthquake, and while I am flattered by your offer, I don’t think my pussy has enough nutritional value to get you through lunch time without eating.”
Anything with Steve is some of my favorite dialogue to write so I love in chapter 10 when he catches Javi and Osita at his birthday 😂
Whatever ya say man. Hey listen, all the girls are cashed out in the car so we’re gonna hit the road. I just wanted to say it was so good to see you, Peña. The two of you need to come by sometime now that we’re close. I know I’ve given you a lot of shit over the years, but I mean it when I say I’m really fucking happy for you. Happy birthday, ya grumpy old bastard.” Steve pulled in Javi for a hug, giving him one last pat on the back before pulling away. “And Jav?”
“Yeah, Murph?”
“Your fly’s undone.”
Idk non, I could write Dialoge for days it is my favorite part of writing 🤪
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Okay so Javi is my favorite Pedro character bc I believe in my heart of hearts that this man is actually such a big softie, and loves and cares so deeply for the people around him. After Season 3 especially, I feel like you can tell how much he wishes he could have had a more “normal” life, and had to give up some of the things, like a family, that he’s always wanted but he feels like he’ll never get, let alone deserve. Osita is kind of in the same boat after her relationship with Paul and isn’t really quite sure what to do after her life has felt like it’s fallen apart too. I also love the “I didn’t know how much I needed you until I had you” trope and was perfect for these two because they both love and care about each other so deeply and weren’t sure if they’d ever find the kind of love they have for each other 🥺💕
12: What do you like least about this fic?
That at some point, it has to end 😩 No idk, I think that the fact that I tend to write long ass chapters has been hard for me, like I love the way they turn out, but I also am a huge people pleaser so I put a lot of pressure on my self to try and write and put stuff on here as often as I can and sometimes it’s kind of daunting. Like I feel awful that chapter 17 has taken so long but I know that’s a me thing 🥴
Thanks for the asks non!!!
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1 Jan u ary 2023 Sunday 🌞 1:54 pm pdt
Incubus hurt my brain 🧠 now I feel too controlled and retarded. I believe he’s been raping my 20 year old cousin she told me a month or 2 ago she hasn’t had any period all year. Her grandfather is supposedly a very smart man. 1:56 am pdt also she has a beautiful youthful face. Also, something else they make me forget 1:57 am pdt
3:52 pm pdt earlier today he almost burned me to death ☠️. I felt liked I was dying from the heat. It’s taken a toll. Definition of toll? I’ve reached my limit.
3:53 pm pdt in high school 🏫 an old man 👴 came to lecture us about “love.” He said there are many compatible people, & there isn’t necessarily a “the one.” Do you believe in love 😍 after ❤️ love? 🎶🎼🎵 Cher. It’s NOT always rainbows 🌈 and butterflies 🦋 that moves us along. 🎵🎼🎶 porn makes the world 🌎 go round he said in radio interview. 🍩🍆. Spins round (dizzy after coughing 2:58) it took me a while to understand that part of the song. It’s okay to only have strictly physical feelings for someone I saw 👀 something online that said that. I wonder 💭 when he said that. In philosophy class I took in 2005 my philosophy teacher said it’s wrong to have sex without love. I tried to harder to not have sex after my first boyfriend who I got together with when I was 19 years old. But I failed 3 more times. It became more apparent to me though that guys really do try to get away with extramarital sex and play psychological games each time thereafter. 4:03 pm pdt. The second to last guy was the least my fault- Bcz he hinted at things and he was the son of an architect who had money 💰 to renovate? A house in a nice neighborhood- a house that probably could be sold for ≈$2 million? now unless demon lord is gaslighting me. 4:06 pm pdt. 4:07 pm pdt nature is calling. 4:07 pm pdt. He also bragged they stayed in a hotel 🏨 while it was under construction 🚧. 4:08 pm pdt. Whether it’s true or not idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ he seems to lie? It seems to me he does. 4:09 pm pdt. Cupertino. 4:09 pm pdt.
5:15 pm pdt each time I cry 😭 incubus intentionally inflicted pain on my heart ♥️. I suspect a lot of older people are treated this way. When an older person says it broke their heart ♥️ I suspect that is what has been happening. A person named sally, her little dog 🐶 somehow got outside and I think I recall her saying he got hit by a car 🚘 and that it broke her heart ♥️. Suddenly I m crying uncontrollably, spontaneously. Still coughing still hot 🥵 in some spots.
ivy is a variant name of eve, which is variant? Of chavah. Ivy League college. I realize now they are more likely to be considered for mating with gods? In high school 🏫 a lady (#3 cramps/feels 😖😞🥵😤) told me there are book 📚 smarts and was it street smarts? Without much explanation that I can recall. Street smart what is that? Experience gained knowledge? With people? If a lot of stuff published are conjectures / hypothesis and have to pay 💰 to go to public or private college then knowledge ain’t free. I took an introduction to tech class but didn’t learn much. Saw pieces I don’t recall the names of the stuff. My grandpa 👴 probably knew but we rarely talked😕. My dad did carpentry 🪚 for a little while but stopped using power tools after an accident. 🛠 Jesus Christ probably had it rough I realized this year. No power tools! Trees 🌲 dense tall? Was he like Superman? Not the same as putting a car 🚗 in neutral and pushing it?? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😖 bones 🦴 chest . 5:34 pm pdt. 5:38 pm pdt. 5:40 🥵😤😤😤🥵😤😤😤🥵😤😤😤😫😩 5:41 pm pdt
7:27 pm pdt incubus keeps on roasting me. Any heat would kill me now. When I took intro tech class in high school somehow I got in a group with a girl named misty moon 🌙. For some reason I (dizzy) feel like that ties in with Saint Lucia = Lucy in the sky 🌌 with diamonds 💎 the Beatles Sunday morning music video. Lunes lunar lunacy moon 🌙 Artemis (arty miss???) my dad liked to paint 🎨, traditional acrylic, air brush, photography, made stuff with wood 🪵. Also evenings = eve. In darkness she is all that I see ?? 🎶🎼🎵 music = muse I sick. Moo 🐮 moo-ing moo-n. (Vertigo? Pain 😫😩😞🥵😤😤🥵😤. I feel like I’m dying 😵 so it looks like Jesus coming back to life might’ve been a lie. The only thing we can anticipate which some how I started believing ≈2017, is that god can make our body into a puppet. 😭😵🤖😾😾 I believe it again. He toys 🧸 with my beliefs over and over. But I really feel on the verge of death ☠️ and he used me for his wicked purposes. He controlled my emotions, thoughts, and body. 🤖👾💩 don’t believe in him or anyone who associates with him presently. When a friend like Jordan dies, they are probably really dead. And he is not really sorry. He shortened his name and used it for his album jordi = whore die (español hoe-ta = j.) he label 🏷 the non whores (he attempted to use as whores) and use other women as whores but tell them “don’t ever apologize for being human.” Double standards. Don’t trust that he conducted business with fairness and righteousness behind closed doors 🚪. It is likely He will only have a few “token” cases to flaunt as a cover. You really don’t know what goes on when (heart pain 😵😖🥵😤😫😫😫) you shut people out and you don’t walk in their shoes. 7:47 pm pdt being a woman who has the deal with anemia monthly, having a kinda shitty 💩life, head/body trauma/concussions, there are lots of ways to abuse me and take advantage of me, make me crazy and dumb. If you choose to not be understanding of these things, you are walking into the dark. 7:49 pm pdt. 7:50 pm pdt
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