#at least I have EKG and a holter monitor appointments next week. see if we can make any progress on that front
Sick and tired of being sick and tired again
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unquietgraves · 7 years
eyyy y’all so
i am having some mild heart problems!! i’ve been just like. super exhausted for a few days despite not really doing shit?? and my chest has been feeling vaguely kind of funny/fluttery for a couple days, and finally yesterday it got worse and was making me short of breath and dizzy so i went on over to urgent care and got an EKG and then got sent to the ER for more bloodwork and tests because the urgent care was kind of worried about what they were seeing
and yeah sure enough i’m having arrhythmia! and nobody really knows why. bUT hey at least i don’t have any blood clots (did you know they can do a blood test for that because wow i didn’t)
BUT ANYWAY, i’m sure i’ll be okay, and i’m not in any like, imminent danger or anything (i have an appointment scheduled with my primary doc next week to get an echo and a holter monitor and whatever else to try and figure it out), but if this fatigue keeps up i might just be even slower than usual for a bit. the abnormal heartbeat is still continuing today so...we shall see
i hope y’all are doing great tho! i might attempt drafts in a bit (i’m at work and things are kind of slow at least)
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