astrobyoph · 3 years
Astro observations #3 🌶
Spicy edition 🌶 18+
Hello everyone!!! Sorry for not posting much content, finally finishied writing this spicy astro placements post for you all. I tried to mellow the content, but viewer discretion is adviced? Don’t say I didnt warn you, if you’re uncomfortable with sexual content, please move past this
With that said, thank you to my friends for helping (you know who you are <3) and hope you guys enjoy! Of course i know you will lmao 💀
Pisces placements take aftercare very seriously, they want to baby their partner after sex
Taurus placements might have a thing for people with nice necks/collarbones
Aries placements might be into crying during sex. Either enjoys crying from pleasure or making their partner cry from pleasure
Leo + Scorpio placements are usually really proud of their partner, they probably enjoy getting marked by/marking them. They probably enjoy the concept of ownership a lot lmao
Capricorn stelliums tend to have very masculine and dominant energy no matter their gender. Usually tend to be the dominant one too
Scorpio placements only have an either/or when it comes to sex. They’re either extremely kinky & dirty, OR they’re actually extremely vanilla and don’t understand any of the appeal to kinky sex.
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3H Stelliums really enjoy dirty talk, probably can get off it easily too
8H Saturn people are probably into extremely dirty stuff, maybe BDSM as well
Gemini placements might have a hand kink. Or even might be into breathplay during sex 
Virgo stelliums enjoy being brats, or being disciplined in general. Probably because they are so disciplined in the day about their lives, they need an outlet to be lazy and be forced into their place
Virgo stellium boys enjoy being ordered around 
Pisces mars men can't be rough normally, unless you explicitly ask them to get rough with you, they most likely can’t.
2H/7H/9H Stelliums might have a thing for big age gaps in sexual encounters, they enjoy the thrill of being with someone that’s older than them
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Water dominants may enjoy sneaky sex, the thought of getting caught probably turns them on so much more, might be into exhibitionism as well
Virgo/Aquarius placements might enjoy getting fucked by their teachers, teacher student kink perhaps. Or at the very least they might fantasize about their teachers/authority figures
Leo mars people enjoy standing up and having sex, probably against the wall. Or watching their partners masturbate turns them on too
Aries placements are passionate and sometimes reckless in love (or bed) but they don't go bat shit crazy. They know how to stop before messing up shit, probably have surprising amounts of self control too
Cancer placements have a serious breeding kink problem. Probably because cancer is linked with fertility so..
Leo risings can tend to have a very strong sex appeal over the internet, or in person as well. People usually get attracted to them easily because of this
Moon/Venus dominant people might be masochists, either enjoys inflicting/receiving pain with their partner
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Aquarius/Capricorn placements might be into bondage. Either getting tied up or seeing their partner get tied up can turn them on
Mars in 6th in a composite chart is a blessing and a curse. Probably having sex but being bored at the same time. Might just intergrate sex into their daily routines even though they’re bored
Wanna get a Libra turned on? Show emotions when you’re having sex. Act like you melt under their touch. Also the mood is very important for them
Libra placements probably enjoy foreplay too much
Leo + Pisces placements can result in someone being a switch, but still leaning to the submissive side because they want to be cared for
Sag mars people are probably secretly kinky but they just don’t want to get outed for having such a filthy mind
Phewww that was kind of spicy lmao 😮‍💨. Thank you for reading till the end, really hope you enjoyed the post! Let me know if anything resonated, I’ll be glad to listen :) Drop any suggestions into my ask box for future posts, see you next time!
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astrobyoph · 3 years
Astro observations #1 🎈
Hello! Thank you so much for reading this. This is the first post I’ve ever written, this post is just a compilation of behaviours I see among the people around me, so if it does not resonate, that’s fine. Feedback is always appreciated! 😀
With that said, I hope you enjoy this post. Written by a Virgo sun, Pisces moon, Cancer rising, enjoy ‼️
Capricorn stelliums are SO FRIENDLY. Or cap placements in general, tend to be the ones to welcome those standing in a corner of the room. My best friend has a cap stellium and I was instantly attracted to her super kind and open nature, so were my other friends too.
Capricorn placements are actually very fast learners. Once they put in effort to master something, its over for everyone else. It’s probably because they can actually get serious, and put their entire being into concentrating on something. 
If you have a stellium, many of your other friends might have them too? I’m not very sure, but i have a 2H stellium and 9/10 of my friends’ charts that i read for this post have stelliums. Just a theory!
Libra mars tend to be very well liked, even though they might be quiet. but usually get vocal after knowing them. They really enjoy casual physical touch, hugging friends by the side and stuff (probably how they show affection too).
Libra placements also tend to give their friends small gifts? Giving gifts might be their love language, like small post it notes or sweets etc. Super cute honestly
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Virgo and Libra placements tend to enjoy journalling, or have a journalling phase. They really enjoy art related things, career/hobby wise. E.g drawing, layered journalling, or careers like law, psychology, humanities related
Leo risings can be very self conscious appearance wise, love using filters in their photos? Can appear vain sometimes, but I’d just associate it with them being appearance cautious yes
Leo placements (Sun and Rising esp.) tend to have nice/bright smiles, very pretty teeth. Honestly all Leo placements are just...attractive. 
Cancer venuses have an extremely big heart. Can find it difficult to say no to other people at times. Probably have problems putting up boundaries. 
Taurus placements can be very submissive at times 
Virgo/Aries placements might have daddy issues, or attraction to older men. Or both. Wouldn’t you know, Virgo/Aries? 
Virgo placements don’t actually have OCD? I think it’s a common stereotype but in reality they can be messy. They still like to keep things clean though.
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Aries moons are extremely caring, like extremely. Once you have a place in their hearts or matter to them, they will go to the ends of the world to make sure you're safe and comfortable. Very very loyal people too.
Aries placements in general tend to be very patient too? Even though they're firey, and can appear impatient, they would still guide you if you need help. Though not all of them have the impatient appearance in my opinion.
Pisces placements can be emotional, but honestly are good at logical thinking. They’re also extremely good at giving advice to other people, even though they would NEVER do what they say, and end up screwing up.
Water placements; Some can tend to cry easily. Others would never cry in public (depends on other chart placements). I feel like its an either/or, and no inbetween to be honest. Not because they’re a baby, water placements just have a soft heart. 
Thank you so much for making it to the end, this was longer that I expected. 💀💀 I really appreciate you!!! Astrology posts might not be something I’d do often because I am pretty busy, but let me know if you want more and I’ll deliver baby. Please leave feedback on this post so I can improve! Feel free to do it any way you’d like, anon asks are on too :) 
Take care, stay safe ❤️ x
see you next time 😩
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astrobyoph · 3 years
Astro observations #2 ✨
Venus signs and the way they show love
I really felt like making a post today, so here is my observations on how my friends show love, and their venus signs. Sorry if your venus sign isn’t in I don’t have too many friends 💀 I’m sure you’re still amazing though.
My observations, as a Cancer venus. Enjoy ❤️
Aries venus show it through checking up on you. Asking you how you are, engaging in conversation. They might not be big on gifts, but if they talk to you and ask you on your day, you know that you have a place in their heart.
I realised Aries venus enjoy talking to people they love as well, very friendly and loveable people. They might be more introverted as well, surprisingly. But when you get the “I miss you how have you been” messages from them, it makes you all warm & tingly.
Taurus venus might give small gifts. Snacks, notes maybe, they are very sweet and caring individuals. They like seeing those they love happy, these people have a very soft angel like appearance to them too.
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Gemini venus like to talk to you. Or rather they LOVE talking and seeing you. Facetimes, seeing you and hanging out, they really enjoy interacting as a form of showing love. You can tell easily, they like to talk to people that they really care about.
Can any Gemini Venuses can vouch that if you are romantically interested to someone you’d get very attached or clingy? Just checking 💀
Cancer venuses will check tf up on you. Care about every single little detail, put you before themselves. Emotional investment, pure love for you, especially if theyre romantically in love with you. Or even not, they really love with their entire being.
Cancer Venuses have a very soft type of love for people, they truly believe in “Everyone has good in them”, but they might get crushed because of their very romantic and dream like personality/vision of others.
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Leo venus they might not express it openly. but you will know if they love you, similar to Taurus, they will give you small snacks and stuff. They enjoy seeing you happy, thats for sure. Seeing you happy definitely makes them happy, they just want to love people around them, but can be afraid too sometimes.
Libra venus, they will spend time to listen to you. Not just normal "oh how you feelin'" but they will really sit and talk it out with you. Advice, hugs, listening to you cry, they'll be there for it all. One of the most loyal in my opinion.
Libra Venuses are extremely intelligent as well, especially regarding writing and stuff. They would love to help you out to study as well — very patient, also extremely funny people. They can light up a room with their presence alone.
Sag venus, these people are super joyful lol. they love everyone around them, from what i see. Anyways, and they will not hesistate to offer you help, love to spend time as well. They have a very deep hidden side, and if you see that side, thats how you know they love you very dearly. Vulnerability shows when they love you.
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Thank you for reading till the end! Comment your Venus sign, let me know if this resonated with you, love. Drop any suggestions into my ask box for future posts, see you next time.
Sending love to you ❤️ x
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astrobyoph · 3 years
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