vinayakbhatt-blog · 11 months
The Role of Houses in Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient system of astrology that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is deeply rooted in the Vedas, the sacred texts of Hinduism. One of the fundamental principles of Vedic astrology is the division of the birth chart into twelve houses, each representing specific areas of life. These houses play a crucial role in understanding and predicting various aspects of an individual’s life. In this article, we will explore the significance of houses in Vedic astrology and shed light on how they illuminate different areas of life.
The houses in Vedic astrology play a significant role in understanding the different areas of life and providing insights into an individual’s personality, relationships, career prospects, and spiritual inclinations. Each house represents a specific facet of life and contributes to the overall tapestry of an individual’s existence. By consulting with a knowledgeable Vedic astrologer, individuals can gain valuable insights, make informed decisions, and navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity and purpose.
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Review Published on NDTV India
नई दिल्‍ली:भारत में पहली बार फिस्ट्रोलॉजी थेरेपी को लांच किया गया है. वैदिक विज्ञान पर आधारित इस थेरेपी के जरिये बहुत सी गंभीर बीमारियोंका इलाज संभव है - ज्योतिषी विनायक भट्ट।
फिस्ट्रोलॉजी इस तथ्य पर आधारित है कि मानव शरीर ब्रह्मांड के प्रभाव के अधीन है और ग्रहों की गति व मानव शरीर व मस्तिष्क का परस्पर संबंधहै. 'वैदिक ग्रेस फाउंडेशन' ने फिस्ट्रोलॉजी-एक वैदिक साइंस थेरेपी को पेश किया है. फिस्ट्रोलॉजी एक प्रमाणित वैदिक साइंस है जो हॉलैंड वआईडब्ल्यूओए जैसे देशों व संस्थाओं में उपयोग की जाती है.
फिस्ट्रोलॉजी के अनुसार, मानव मस्तिष्क में नौ डिवीजन होते हैं और वे ज्योतिष में ग्रहों के समान कार्यक्षमता रखते हैं. थलमस एक न्यूरोन है जोमानव मस्तिष्क में मुख्य और मध्य स्थान में होता है, यह न्यूरोन ठीक सूर्य की तरह कार्य करता है, यह सभी अभिव्यक्तियों के अभिन्न गुणों कोनिर्धारित करता है.
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थैलेमस के नीचे हाइपोथैलेमस होता है जो चंद्रमा की तरह काम करता है. यह भावनाओं तथा उसके मस्तिष्क पर प्रभाव से जुड़ा होता है, अमिगडालामंगल है जो जीवन में मानव गति को नियंत्रित करता है, सुब्थालमस बुध है, ग्लोबस पल्लीदुस बृहस्पति, सबस्टान्सिया निग्रा शुक्र है, प्यूटमेन शनिहै, न्यूक्लियस क्यूडाटस हेड राहू है जो मानव की देखने की क्षमता यानी आंखों को नियंत्रित करता है और न्यूक्लियस क्यूडाटस टेल केतू है जो सेंट्रलनर्वस सिस्टम को नियंत्रित करता है.
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विश्व भर में हजारों लोगों को गंभीर बीमारियों से निजात दिलाने वाले वैदिक ग्रेस फाउंडेशन के फिस्ट्रोलॉजिस्ट विनायक भट्ट बताते हैं कि इन 9 न्यूरॉन्स के माध्यम से मानव मस्तिष्क पूरे शरीर को नियंत्रित करता है. जब अंग के साथ इन न्यूरॉन्स का समन्वय बिगड़ जाता है तो इसकेपरिणामस्वरूप कैंसर, अवसाद, उच्च रक्तचाप, कार्डिएक अटैक, किडनी रोग, अनिद्रा, अवसाद, अल्जाइमर, स्किजोफ्रेनिया जैसे रोग होते हैं.
विनायक भट्ट ने कहा, "इस उपचार के लिए 'यज्ञ' के वैज्ञानिक प्रयोग का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जिसमें औषधीय लकड़ियों की आग में विशेष हर्बल पौधे वऔषधियां डाली जाती हैं. एक विशेष आकार के हवन कुंड में, एक निश्चित अंतराल और मात्रा में हवन साम्रगी डालने से रसायनिक प्रक्रिया नियंत्रितरहती है. फिर रसायन के वाष्पीकरण द्वारा औषधीय फाइटोकैमिकल निकलते हैं जिससे रोगी को लाभ मिलता है. यह उपचार विधि थोड़े लंबे समयतक चलती है.
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Source: https://khabar.ndtv.com/news/lifestyle/fistolology-therapy-launch-in-india-1680815
वैदिक ज्योतिष में ज्योतिषी विनायक भट्ट के पास 17 साल का अनुभव है। भारत के विभिन्न हिस्सों के विद्वानों से उन्होंने वेदों और वैदिक ज्योतिष को सीखा। उन्होंने वैदिक स्कूलों में अपनी वैदिक पढ़ाई पूरी की जो कर्नाटक, तमिलनाडु, उज्जैन और वाराणसी में स्थित हैं। उन्होंने दुनिया भर के लोगों को ज्योतिषीय सेवाएं प्रदान करने के लिए वैदिक्रेस फाउंडेशन की स्थापना की।भारत और विदेशों में उनके कई अनुयायी हैं। जो हमेशा बड़े फैसले लेने से पहले या कुछ परेशानी में होने पर विनायक जी का मार्गदर्शन पाने के लिए फोन, स्काइप वीडियो कॉल या ईमेल के जरिए उनसे संपर्क करते हैं। ज्योतिषीय परामर्श के लिए कृपया ज्योतिषी विनायक भट्ट की वेबसाइट - www.vedicgrace.com पर जाएं या आप + 91-9899383340 पर कॉल करें या [email protected] पर ईमेल भेजें।
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vinayakbhatt-blog · 1 year
Join Most Awaited Course - Marriage Match Making Course in Hindi
Match Making for Marriage is a process that involves assessing the compatibility between two individuals with the intention of creating a successful and harmonious marital union. It is based on the belief that a well-matched couple will have a higher chance of building a fulfilling and lasting relationship. Marriage Match Making takes into account various factors such as personal attributes, family background, interests, values, and astrological considerations.
While matchmaking serves as a guide, it is important to recognize that compatibility is not solely determined by external factors. The success of a marriage ultimately depends on the commitment, understanding, and efforts of the individuals involved. Matchmaking serves as a starting point, providing insights and potential compatibility indicators, but it is up to the couple to nurture their relationship and make it thrive.
Match Making for marriage is a process aimed at assessing the compatibility between two individuals. It takes into account factors such as personal attributes, family background, interests, values, and in some cases, astrological considerations. While matchmaking serves as a guide, it is important for couples to invest in their relationship, communicate effectively, and work together to build a strong and fulfilling marital bond.
Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt is an expert in the field of astrology and has developed a Marriage Match Making Course. While I don't have access to specific details about the course content, the course is likely designed to provide individuals with knowledge and techniques related to matchmaking for marriage, particularly from an astrological perspective.
As an experienced astrologer, Vinayak Bhatt may offer insights into the role of astrology in determining compatibility between individuals, analyzing horoscopes, and understanding astrological factors that can influence marital relationships. The course may cover topics such as assessing planetary positions, analyzing compatibility indicators, and providing guidance on selecting suitable partners based on astrological considerations.
Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt's course may also focus on other aspects of matchmaking, such as understanding personal attributes, values, and relationship dynamics. It could provide practical tools and techniques for evaluating compatibility based on various factors, including cultural background, family values, and personality traits.
It's important to note that to gain a comprehensive understanding of the course and Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt's teachings, it would be best to visit the provided website or consult reliable sources for detailed information about the course structure, content, and the author's background and expertise.
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vinayakbhatt-blog · 1 year
गोचर फलदीपिका रहस्य - Torch on Transit of Planets | Book Review By Vinayak Bhatt
In this video, we'll be reviewing Gochar Phaladeepika, a book about transit of planets. This book is a great resource for students studying astrology and astronomy, and we'll be reviewing it and recommending it to you in this video.
If you're interested in learning more about transit of planets, or in reading a book about it, then be sure to check out Gochar Phaladeepika! In this book, you'll find information about each of the planets, as well as information about their astrology and astronomy. We recommend this book to you, and we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did!
If you're interested in learning more about the Transit of Planets, or want to read a book review by Vinayak Bhatt, then watch this video! We'll be discussing the concepts of the transit of planets and its importance in our lives.
Are you ready to delve into the mystical realm of astrology and unlock the secrets of planetary transits?
🌌✨ Brace yourself for an extraordinary journey of knowledge and enlightenment as we bring you a webinar like no other!
📅 Mark your calendars for 23rd, 24th, and 25th May 2023, as we embark on an epic three-day exploration of the Science of Transits. Led by the esteemed mentor, Vinayak Bhatt, this webinar promises to take your understanding of astrology to new heights.
Here's a glimpse of what awaits you:
🌟 Day 1: Immerse yourself in the wisdom of ancient sages as we explore the profound insights of Maharishi Parashar and Satyacharya on Transit Application. Discover the teachings of Lord Shiva to Maa Parvati on Transit through a rare astrological text, bestowed upon us by Lord Shiva Himself. 🕉️🔮
🌟 Day 2: Dive deep into the systematic study of Mantreshwara's Phaladeepika Chapter 26 on Transits. Uncover the hidden treasures of knowledge within this sacred text, as we decode the intricacies of planetary movements and their influence on our lives. 📚💫
🌟 Day 3: Witness the practical application of transit in astrology with new research techniques from Shridarsha Jyotisham & Dattatreya Mahatantra. Explore the uncharted territories of astrological insights and learn how to apply them in real-life scenarios. 🌍🔍
👉 https://saptarishisshop.com/learn-science-of-planetary-transits
But that's not all! As a special treat for our participants, we have included 2 advanced additional bonus lectures. Brace yourself for the first-ever revelation of the knowledge of Tantra Jyotish on an online platform. Experience intriguing case studies of property purchase, litigations, marriage, and other daily and monthly predictions. 🏡⚖️💍
This webinar is designed for those with intermediate and advanced Jyotish knowledge, who seek to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of astrology. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn from a true master in the field, Vinayak Bhatt.
Join us at 08.30 PM IST and immerse yourself in the language of the cosmos. The price for this transformative experience is only 6000+ GST, a small investment in your personal growth and the exploration of ancient wisdom.
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vinayakbhatt-blog · 1 year
Message to Students - 1st Day of Science of Transit of Planets in Vedic Astrology Webinar
I hope this message finds you all in high spirits and filled with curiosity to explore the wonders of Vedic Astrology! Today, I am thrilled to invite you to a groundbreaking webinar on the "Transit of Planets in Vedic Astrology," also known as the Science of Transits.
Vedic Astrology has always been revered as a profound ancient science, guiding individuals in understanding the celestial movements and their impact on our lives. The study of planetary transits forms the backbone of this extraordinary subject, enabling us to predict events on a yearly, monthly, and even daily basis.
In our first day of this enlightening webinar, we will embark on a journey through the treasure trove of knowledge contained in the classical books and Shastras of Vedic Astrology. We will lay a strong foundation for this important subject, allowing you to grasp the fundamental principles and concepts with clarity and confidence.
By delving into the science of planetary transits, you will gain invaluable insights into the intricate workings of the cosmos and how they influence our lives. You will uncover the secrets behind the ebb and flow of events, empowering you to make informed decisions and seize opportunities that come your way.
I strongly encourage each and every one of you to join us in this transformational webinar. Whether you are a seasoned astrology enthusiast or a beginner eager to explore this mystical field, this webinar will provide you with the tools to navigate the realm of planetary transits with finesse.
The webinar will be conducted in Hindi, ensuring that you can immerse yourself fully in the wisdom being shared. So mark your calendars, set aside some time, and get ready to expand your horizons in the captivating world of Vedic Astrology.
To join the webinar, simply click on the following link:- https://saptarishisshop.com/learn-science-of-planetary-transits
Remember, knowledge is a treasure that grows when shared. So spread the word among your friends and loved ones who have a keen interest in Vedic Astrology. Let us come together as a community of learners and embark on this enlightening journey.
I eagerly await your presence at the webinar, where we will unravel the mysteries of planetary transits and unlock the potential of this ancient science.
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Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Introduction Lecture 3 by Vinayak Bhatt
Nadi astrologers are skilled in interpreting planetary positions, which they use to make predictions about people's lives. Nadi astrology predicts future events and helps in solving problems related to marriage, education, career, and health.
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Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Introduction Lecture 2 by Vinayak Bhatt
Nadi astrology is a type of Hindu astrology. It is said to have been invented by sage Maharishi Parashara, who learned it from Lord Brahma. Nadi Astrology is based on the positions of stars and planets at the time of birth, as well as the influence of various constellations.
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Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Introduction Lecture 1 by Vinayak Bhatt
Predicting Through Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN Basic to Advance Complete Course) - Decoding Rishis Predictions - Kashyap Hora - Nadi Prashna System
Speaker:- Sunil John & Vinayak Bhatt
Live Classes:- March 20, 2023, Every Sunday
Time: 8:30 PM IST
Language: Hindi
Course Duration: 5 Months
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Review on DNA: Initiative to Eradicate Superstition with 'Conscious Prophecy'
In an initiative to eradicate superstition from the country and abroad, Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt, the founder of VedicGrace Foundations has introduced "Conscious Prophecy" in India.
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In view of numerous incidents of cheating, where people are scared by showing their bad planet condition, it is essential to make them aware of the conscious prophecy so that they do not get cheated, informs Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt, the Cosmic Counselor at VedicGrace Foundations."Conscious Prophecy" is an expression of humanity's perennial yearning for a comprehensive understanding of our unity with the cosmos. It is practiced in Holland and IWOA institute in the US.
The recent incident of a family keeping vigil over a man?s body for about three months with the hope of resurrecting him at Kolathur, in Kerala shows how the roots of superstition are widely spread in India. It is spread equally among urban communities; according to a survey, about 61% of Indian employees are superstitious. According to Conscious Prophecy, there is an electromagnetic and gravitational effect originating within the solar system that put an impact on human consciousness.
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Human Brain consists of nine divisions and they have the same functionality as of Planets in astrology. The Thalamus is the main and central place in the brain; it acts like the Sun and determines the integral characteristics of all expressions. Hypothalamus beneath the Thalamus acts like moon, It is associated with emotion and physiological responses to emotions, Amygdala is Mars that controls the movement, Subthalamus is Mercury, Globus Pallidus is Jupiter, Substancia Nigra is Venus, Putamen is Saturn, Nucleus Caudatus Head is Ascending Lunar Node, it controls the eye movement and Nucleus Caudatus Tail Descending Lunar Node controls the function of Central Nervous System. 
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Thus consciousness is composed of divine energy with a wealth of resources, wisdom, and peace. You have everything you need. How do you bring consciousness to the parts of your chart that makes difference, informs Bhatt. According to 40 Branches of Vedas, Everyone has all astrological energies within us. It's a misconception that planets are bad or the reason for x, y, and z in your life. Every planet? even planets strongly placed ? has a high side and a low side. We have to bring the highest consciousness to every planet in our chart regardless of placement, strength, elevation, and detriment. Some of the hardest working, most talented, and high achieving people have complicated, messy charts. Why? Because they took the resistance and transmuted it into something better.
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Therefore there are remedies according to Vedic Science to activate the predisposition in the right direction. If everyone understands the basic scientific concept of cosmic movement, nobody would be able to cheat anyone by showing fear of planets and black magic.
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Source: https://www.dnaindia.com/technology/report-initiative-to-eradicate-superstition-with-conscious-prophecy-2511747
Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt has 17 years of experience in Vedic astrology. From scholars in different parts of India, he learned Vedas and Vedic astrology. He completed his Vedic studies in Vedic schools which are located in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Ujjain, and Varanasi.
He has many followers in India and abroad. Who always contact him through phone, Skype video call or email to get the guidance of Vinayak ji before taking big decisions or when they are in some trouble.
For astrological consultation please visit Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt's website - www.vedicgrace.com or you call at +91-9899383340 or send an email at [email protected].
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Review : New 'Phystrology Therapy' May Cure High Blood Pressure
Good news! Here's a promising treatment to cure the chronic condition of high blood pressure, which accounts approximately eight million death of Indians every year.
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Cosmic Counsellor, Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt from VedicGrace Foundations in Noida has introduced Phystrology Therapy in India, based on human brain's neurons connection with planet and body organs.
It acts like the Sun and determines the integral characteristics of all expressions. Hypothalamus beneath the Thalamus acts like Moon. It is associated with emotion and physiological responses to emotions. Amygdala is Mars that control the movement, Subthalamus is Mercury, Globus Pallidus is Jupiter, Substancia Nigra is Venus, Putamen is Saturn, Nucleus Caudatus Head is Ascending Lunar Node, it controls the eye movement and Nucleus Caudatus Tail Descending Lunar Node controls the function of Central Nervous System.
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The prevalence of hypertension ranges from 20-40 percent in urban adults and 12-17 percent among rural adults.The number of hypertension patients is projected to increase by 60 percent in 2025.
Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt, Cosmic Counsellor and Phystrologist, Vedic Sciences, VedicGrace Foundation in Noida said, "Hypertension is the chronic elevation of blood pressure that in the long term causes end-organ damage and results in increased mortality.""Phystrology Therapy the brain controls the whole human body through nine divisions, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Subthalamus, Globus Pallidus, Substancia Nigra, Putamen, Nucleus Caudatus and Nucleus Caudatus Tail," Bhatt explained.
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Thus, Pystrology Therapy we first make a report of the patient by studying the coordination of these neurons with the organs.
Computer Engineer, Deep Arora, 45, had a chronic condition of hypertension as his blood pressure rose upto 170/100 in 2015.
Whenever he forgot to take medicine his condition got worse.To control his condition and help himself, Deep resorted to ' Phystrology Therapy ' 'Vedic Medical Science Remedy' in 2016.Within three months his blood pressure got down at absolutely normal level. Now he doesn't require any medication.To explain Arora's, Bhatt said, "There was a problem in Descending Lunar Node means 'Nucleus Caudatus Tail' that controls the function of Central Nervous System."
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"We first performed vibration therapy through 'Conscious Meditation' on him and after that, we used 'Yagya' remedy, a scientific experiment, in which special herbal/plant medicinal preparations are offered in the fire of medicinal woods," Bhatt explained.
Phystrology' is a proven science based upon the fact that Human Physiology is subject to cosmic influences, which means, there is a close relationship between the movement of planets and their effects on Brain Physiology.(ANI)
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt has 17 years of experience in Vedic astrology. From scholars in different parts of India, he learned Vedas and Vedic astrology. He completed his Vedic studies in Vedic schools which are located in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Ujjain, and Varanasi.He has many followers in India and abroad. Who always contact him through phone, Skype video call or email to get the guidance of Vinayak ji before taking big decisions or when they are in some trouble.For astrological consultation please visit Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt's website - www.vedicgrace.com or you call at +91-9899383340 or send an email at [email protected].
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt’s Article Published in Business Standard
New ‘Phystrology Therapy’ may cure high blood pressure
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Good news! Here’s a promising treatment to cure the chronic condition of high blood pressure, which accounts for approximately eight million death of Indians every year.
Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt from VedicGrace Foundation in Noida has introduced Phystrology Therapy in India, based on the human brain’s neurons connection with planet and body organs.
It acts like the Sun and determines the integral characteristics of all expressions. Hypothalamus beneath the Thalamus acts like Moon. It is associated with emotion and physiological responses to emotions. Amygdala is Mars that control the movement, Subthalamus is Mercury, Globus Pallidus is Jupiter, Substancia Nigra is Venus, Putamen is Saturn, Nucleus Caudatus Head is Ascending Lunar Node, it controls the eye movement and Nucleus Caudatus Tail Descending Lunar Node controls the function of Central Nervous System.
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The prevalence of hypertension ranges from 20–40 percent in urban adults and 12–17 percent among rural adults.
The number of hypertension patients is projected to increase by 60 percent in 2025.
Vinayak Bhatt, Cosmic Counsellor, and Phystrologist, Vedic Sciences, Vedic Grace Foundation in Noida said, “Hypertension is the chronic elevation of blood pressure that in the long term causes end-organ damage and results in increased mortality.”
“Physiology Therapy the brain controls the whole human the body through nine divisions, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Subthalamus, Globus Pallidus, Substancia Nigra, Putamen, Nucleus Caudatus, and Nucleus Caudatus Tail,” Bhatt explained.
Thus, Pystrology Therapy we first make a report of the patient by studying the coordination of these neurons with the organs.
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Computer Engineer, Deep Arora, 45, had a chronic condition of hypertension as his blood pressure rose up to 170/100 in 2015. Whenever he forgot to take medicine his condition got worse.
To control his condition and help himself, Deep resorted to ‘Phystrology Therapy’ ‘Vedic Medical Science Remedy’ in 2016. Within three months his blood pressure got down at an absolutely normal level. Now he doesn’t require any medication.
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To explain Arora’s, Bhatt said, “There was a problem in Descending Lunar Node means ‘Nucleus Caudatus Tail’ that controls the function of Central Nervous System.”
“We first performed vibration therapy through ‘Conscious Meditation’ on him and after that, we used ‘Yagya’ remedy, a scientific experiment, in which special herbal/plant medicinal preparations are offered in the fire of medicinal woods,” Bhatt explained.
Phystrology’ is a proven science based upon the fact that Human Physiology is subject to cosmic influences, which means, there is a close relation between the movement of planets and their effects on Brain Physiology.
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt has 17 years of experience in Vedic astrology. From scholars in different parts of India, he learned Vedas and Vedic astrology. He completed his Vedic studies in Vedic schools which are located in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Ujjain, and Varanasi.
He has many followers in India and abroad. Who always contact him through phone, Skype video call or email to get the guidance of Vinayak ji before taking big decisions or when they are in some trouble.
For astrological consultation please visit Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt’s website — www.vedicgrace.com or you call at +91–9899383340 or send an email at [email protected].
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