newishwarriors · 5 years
hey, what ever happened to the other scarlet spider? just.... wondering.
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    deep inhale. how do you tell your brother’s friends that you literally threw him in a garbage can? “ – your guess is as good as mine. last i heard he was off bein’ an idiot in vegas.”
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stardestined · 5 years
justice dad gives sam a nice loving fatherly kiss on the forehead
it was father’s day iirc!
     sam’s tired. he’s tired and lazy and all loose and sleepy and ready to go home — which is, honestly, a pretty rare sight for him. he’s usually laced with boundless energy, his mind running a mile a minute alongside his fellow heroes while they try to drag him back down to earth. vance typically does most of that; he’s good with letting sam blow off steam, and knowing the perfect amount of help that he needs.
     it’s after a city-wide patrol, leaning back against a concrete pillar atop a new york rooftop, that sam yawns —- and it’s full of ache and long hours and sleep. vance gives him a pat on the shoulder ( or maybe it’s a nudge, to make sure sam doesn’t fall asleep on his feet ), followed by a soft peck to his forehead. the symbol for a job well-done; deserving of a long night’s rest. sam barely feels it, though —- what with the helmet and all.
     sam’s too wiped to pull the whole stop, you’re embarrassing me! schtick right now, so he’ll just turn his head to stare at the avenger with white eyes, the wide lenses of his nova helmet glowing back at vance like two beating fireflies.
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          ❝  —-wha’s that for?  ❞
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enstitched · 5 years
VANCE “JUSTICE” ASTROVIK  has moved to @astrojust
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newishwarriors · 5 years
vance opens his arms. first one to run to vance gets a big ole hug. let the games begin.
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    it’s a close race, neck and neck with robbie and aracely, but she edges him out just the teeniest bit ( also she may have been smudging the rules a bit, considering she was flying instead of running but that’s just a little detail ! ). the squeal she gives when she wraps her arms around vance is equal parts adorable and ear-splitting. “is this a new team-bonding exercise? because i think we should all do this before every mission!”
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stardestined · 5 years
‘ hey, hey. sit down. deep breaths. ’
@astrojust !  |  soft family things.
     it’s a moment of panic, admittedly—- a moment of sudden, unbridled panic that struck him in the middle of the afternoon after he whacked his head off a skate ramp.  ( he was practicing, worried that he’d lost his skills. being nova doesn’t leave much room for skateboarding these days! )  the impact made him remember something; something that a very tall, ugly, purple man named herbert had said to him while he was freshly-knocked out long ago, when he was a member of the new warriors and not the champions. he remembered the recoil of his head hitting the concrete, lolling around on the cold, hard floor. his helmet being lifted off his throbbing skull, and bodies looming over him, the shadows of creepy creatures known as evolutionaries.
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                                                          ❝  no! no i will not sit down! the high evolutionary called me a hybrid, vance! a hybrid!  ❞       he drags his hands down his face, digging nails into his skin.       ❝  what does that even mean. what does it mean! vance!  ❞
     he’d gone to vance because, well— he can’t think of why he wouldn’t. justice is probably the most stable and dependable hero that sam knows, and he could use some of that stability right now, while trying not to pull his hair out at the thought of being anything other than a standard old human.
                ❝  i’m from arizona! my family is from arizona! i—-… is there a history of aliens in arizona? did someone in my family hook up with an extra-terrestrial? AM I GONNA GROW TENTACLES—-   ❞
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