andrieltheshadowed · 4 years
@astarvingauthor // continued from here
“Interesting... I wasn’t planning on trying to eat any part of you --” -- at least not that way -- “but that is good to know. So I won’t go into some sort of poisoned shock if I just... touch you, right?”
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gen0kill · 4 years
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i beg you-- @astarvingauthor​ please be my friend ;; i will give cuddles and good vibes fufu~
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ibukiiiiiiii-a · 4 years
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@astarvingauthor​ said: ❝ it’s not like i get to choose who i love. ❞ 
source: lesbian/wlw lyric starters
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“Ibuki doesn’t think anyone gets to. Or... wait. Is this about something in particular? Or do you not wanna love girls?”
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icratheimp · 4 years
Perched high on a streetlight, the imp overlooks some unknown city, its own lights twinkling softly in the low orange glow of dusk. She didn’t know when or where she was, but she hardly cared anymore. All she knew was that she was in some park on a hill somewhere, and that the sun was setting. And that was fine.
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“Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune...        For merely dreaming we were snow... A siren sounds like the goddess who promises endless apologies of    paradise...        And only she can make it right...                    So things are different tonight...”
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undertheroses · 4 years
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
[[Huh. I didn’t really think I’d get one of these, thanks! ^_^]]
[[Anyway. My birthday is coming up in ten days and I’m...feeling pretty indifferent about it. I’m at that point of my life that it’s harder to get gifts for because what I really want are things that are more existential than usual...]]
[[Like, I want to feel like a real adult that can provide for the people I care about. I want the artistic drive I used to have when I was a child. I want to feel assured and hopeful about my future. And I really want is at least week of peace where I don’t feel like my whole world isn’t going to fall apart on me.]]
[[But, you know. I’ll take money a nice card too. XD]]
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pinkiepulse-moved · 4 years
@astarvingauthor​ |   liked.
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                             “ Oh .. i just 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐓 when things get 𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 !! "
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encchants-moved · 4 years
@astarvingauthor​ asked: 💖           
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                              “Don’t worry, my sweet.. i’m never going to leave your side.”
                   The siren reassured her, before she firmly held her beloved’s soft hand.. it felt incredibly nice to the touch, she wishes she could stay like this forever.
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fairymisfits · 4 years
🔴 Red - Do you have a dream AU you haven’t written in yet?
Original meme
((one where they’re all human~~ but that’s a classic answer, isn’t it? ahaha))
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animal crackers: what animal would you love to be, and which would you hate to be?
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nansi-stories · 5 years
astarvingauthor replied to your post: ((This revival of IZ means there are going to be...
((Gaz was my favorite as a kid because she was so powerful but all she wanted to do was eat pizza and play video games))
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suchadeerie-blog · 5 years
!!!!!!!!!!!!! C1 for the bab!!!!! (or matching outfits with Sylvie maybe if you wanna?)
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(i attempted to draw the two babs together in matching outfits!!!)
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ibukiiiiiiii-a · 4 years
@astarvingauthor​ // reference: this
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Ibuki had only come by to see if the barista had wanted to hang out and do something with her...
She sure as heck hadn’t expected to see her like this!
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god she’s so....
The word escaped her before she could stop it -- as if she would have anyway -- and she couldn’t help but stare as she was pulled into the dorm room. “You don’t have to change just for Ibuki!” she cried. “Ibuki thinks you’re really cute! And suddenly finds herself... inspired!”
She laughs, clasping her hands together. “We could have a lingerie party!”
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icratheimp · 4 years
"You're so fluffy!"
She’s purring deeply, nuzzling against Sylvia’s hand.
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“Well of course I am..~ The more fluff, the more likely people will pet me..”
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maternacapra · 4 years
♌ – What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done? ♍ – Who is someone you look up to, and why?
source: brand new munday meme
♌ : the bravest thing i’ve ever done. hm. well. i’ve heard a lot that i’m brave for going through everything that i’ve gone through but that’s not so much bravery as it was survival, so i doubt that that’s it. probably tbh my answer is similar to yours: moving across the country to a new place on pretty much a complete whim. as that’s something i actually elected to do myself rather than being forced to do it. what a fuckin’ wild time that was, ahaha. 
♍ : i have a few someones i look up to, but this says someone in the singular so... hmm. you :3 bc you’ve already done so much in your life and you’re just living it how you want to live it and i really idolize that tbh because that’s what i want to do lol
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lastlycoris · 5 years
93 Oc Asks: 17, 30, 90
93 Fun OC Asks Because Why Not? 
17. Where were they born?
Euridice was born premature at 35 weeks in a small hospital in Upstate New York. Part of her early birth was because her parents ended up in an accident when a taxi cab ran a red and struck her parents’ SUV; this resulted in her mom Iris breaking her water early. However, other than some respiratory distress, the newborn Euridice was okay, though it took her several days to leave the hospital given the circumstances of her birth. 
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
Though Euridice appears to be the shrinking violet type most of the time, when the chips are down and the going gets hot, Euridice will almost always “fight” instead of “flight.” Underneath her calm countenance exists a ferocious unyielding fire that often is a cause of worry for her sisters, because whenever she gets pushed to that point, violence to her becomes as natural as breathing. Though she hasn’t actually really hurt anyone yet and only needed to resort to threats to end a conflict, the potential for harm is there. And her sisters worry about how much that mean streak will affect her dreams for the future. 
90. Are they right or left handed?
Unlike her other alternates who are ambidextrous, Euridice is decidedly right-handed here. 
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callmekamikaze · 6 years
Rotag always felt like shit whenever he had to mug women, but she had been the only one to pass by the alley that night. And he needed money for the bus since Rey had fallen asleep on hers and was on the other side of town alone. He followed after her quickly before cutting her off, blocking her path with his arm.
“Look...” he started, giving a smokey sigh, “I don’t want to do this and I bet you don’t want to be here. So just... just give me whatever cash you have and I’ll be on my way.”
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