#assassin's creed chronicles india
hyeonoll · 2 months
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I miss them
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reallydelicious · 11 months
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quackerofoats · 2 years
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Excuse the quality I did this from memory😃
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mysteamgrids · 11 months
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Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
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baneshake · 9 months
New episode of A Brief-ish History of Assassin's Creed now available! This time, we're covering Unity's story DLC Dead Kings and the Assassin's Creed Chronicles trilogy: China, India, and Russia.
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rk1kincorrect · 2 years
does arbaaz need a seat or smth bc (vaguely motions to empty lap)
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poz-patrol · 2 years
Assassin's Creed Chronicals India
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peridot-tears · 10 months
Reviving this list from @thatcrazycrowgirl because AC OSTs need love.
Ezio’s Family - Favorite Versions:
Main Theme (AC Rogue) I'm a sucker for traditional Irish instrumentals, and you can feel the adventure of the North Atlantic through it. It doesn't just convey Shay's sense of freedom, but his will to fight against great odds and tragedy (and the cold). The way it builds up, then when the beat drops, it explodes into the Irish whistle, backed up by a drumbeat that sounds like both a heartbeat and the beating of your oars against the waves -- and then, as it ends, the music disperses into what sounds like a migratory flock of birds flying overhead.
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2. Ezio's Family (Origins Version) (AC Origins)
It's a really tired but determined version of this song. You can feel how the chasm between Aya and Bayek is only as deep as their love. The things that bring them together are the same things that separate them: Their love for Khemu, the common folk, and Egypt. AC Origins is so perfect because it conveys the thing we love about the franchise the most: The ability to feel the will of the people reaching out from thousands of years away. This is the sound of hope. I am constantly mentally reliving the scene when the chorus plays for the first time in the game (notice how on the title screen, they always fade out the tune before the chorus actually drops, so they tease you with the signature beginning of Ezio's Family, but only the beginning):
"Good Bayek of Siwa. What are you of now?" "A new creed. Ours is finished."
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3. The Flight (AC Odyssey)
Just like Legend of the Eagle Bearer, you can feel the literal odyssey in it. You feel the tides under your ship. Also, those vocals? Fucking fantastic. I thought I was done with Ezio's Family remakes when Odyssey came out, but then I actually listened to it. Oof. Amazing.
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4. Main Theme (AC Chronicles: India)
I'm a sucker for strings. Like, this is why I love Shao Jun's version, but I've spent my whole life listening to pipa and gu zheng strings, ykyk, so I love it a lot, but AC India gives me just the right amount of familiarity in terms of string instrumentals while giving me the sense of a completely different world. It's the novelty for me. It's also just super chill and puts me in a good headspace, while still ending on an exciting, high note. There's also a tempo at the beginning where I feel like I'm listening to a clock tick.
(Oof, there's no gif for him. Sadge.)
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5. Earth (AC 2)
Yo, when I tell you that the first time I played AC 2 and Ezio put on his father's Assassin's robes, and this played, I lost my goddamned MIND. I used to listen to this song, Ezio's Family, and Venice Rooftops one after the other like they were all one really long song, on loop, to get myself to fall asleep. I feel like I'm leaping from rooftop to rooftop, until I've achieved full flight. Ugh. Just. Perfection.
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Honorable Mention: Somewhere between AC Unity and AC Syndicate versions, because hot DAMN, you really feel the beat of their cities in them.
Additional Favorite Tracks (in no particular order):
I Walk on Your Water (AC Origins) Bro, the first time I heard this when AC Origins came out and I was playing the soundtrack while I cooked, hearing this song was like a religious experience. And when the scene where Layla first experiences Aya's memories and says the line herself -- breathless, exalted -- was like the Second Coming.
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2. Fight Club (AC III)
RATOHNHAKÉ:TON MY BELOVED. Yo, when I tell you I was in love with this game and its music and main character YEARS before I even touched ACIII, I am not fucking kidding. I listened to this shit on repeat. It pumps me up like nothing else. It motivates me at work, when I'm writing, and when I'm training. This song is the shit. AND FUCK YEAH I LINKED YOU TO THE EXTENDED VERSION WHAT OF IT. It's high-energy and determined and FUN. It's like a really nice round of sparring where you beat the shit out of your opponent but you're both happy about it.
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3. Committee of One (AC Unity)
Yo, when I started stalking the King of Thieves and this beat dropped, I knew this was gonna be a good fucking game. I felt the thrill and danger, but I also felt unstoppable. I was fully immersed in Arno strolling into the den of the rats, not to mention how the Unity version of Ezio's Family starts playing once you've killed the King and escape. I ran into Templar thugs on the street on purpose just to hear this while they chased me. That abyssal heartbeat (AC Unity soundtrack has a living, breathing pulse) that falls into the familiar strains of that violin, followed by that harpsichord? Chef's fucking kiss.
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4. Legend of the Eagle Bearer (AC Odyssey)
You can feel the waves under your oars! You can hear the sun rise over the horizon as the water changes colors! You can hear the relentless drive of your rowers as dawn breaks and the early-morning silence slowly dwindles down. And when you break into a full flight, it feels like you've gone wild, on the chase.
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5. City of Rome (AC Brotherhood)
Oldie but goodie. It's so calm and inviting, but promises you adventure. You really feel like you've stepped into a city that's already ancient, but has so much to offer.
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Honorable Mention: Master Assassin from AC Brotherhood and Parting Glass, Anne Bonny in Black Flag version.
I am tagging @sprawca @especiallyhaytham @teecupangel @canonless5 @starpineninja but no pressure to do it! If I didn't tag you but you're also a trash Assassin's Creed aficionado, feel free to join in!
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askagamedev · 2 years
Why don't AAA studios take a turn at making smaller games every once in a while? I'd imagine with modern tools and techniques a team of "merely" a hundred or so people could make a game with the scope of something like a PS2 game in a few months to a year. It seems like the market between indies and massive ultra-budget titles underserved.
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Publishers try this from time to time to varying degrees of success. Here are a few examples of some smaller budget games from AAA studios using modern tools and the like:
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Far Cry: Blood Dragon
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light/Temple of Osiris
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China, India, and Russia
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
You've probably heard of some of these games. You may have even played some of them. Generally speaking, these games tend to get mediocre receptions at best. I suspect that a large part of that is the expectation level that players have going in - these games are built using the same tools and reusing assets from the big budget AAA titles, but don't have the sort of scope to create all new high quality assets so the players actively feel the content reuse and smaller scope of the smaller-budget title within a much larger-budget franchise.
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This isn't to say we won't continue to try, but the player expectations on games in this style set us at a disadvantageous position from the start, and with good reason. When they come from our big budget game to our lower-budget offering, they can see and feel that change quite keenly. Instead, publishers generally get more value from having the smaller teams create high quality paid DLC content instead of stand-alone games in part because DLC doesn't have the kind of expectation and stigma associated with a stand-alone title built from reused tools and assets. Once we finish our DLC support of the title, the team can then transition over to the next full-sized AAA iteration of the next game in the franchise.
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bilaldemirkr · 3 months
Assassins’s Creed oyunları için devasa indirim! İşte fiyat listesi
New Post has been published on https://bilaldemirkr.com.tr/assassinss-creed-oyunlari-icin-devasa-indirim-iste-fiyat-listesi/
Assassins’s Creed oyunları için devasa indirim! İşte fiyat listesi
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Dijital oyun mağazası Steam‘de kampanyalar sürat kesmeden devam ediyor. Son olarak dünyanın en tanınan oyun serileriden Assassin’s Creed için büyük bir indirim aktifliği başladı. İşte oyunların indirimli fiyatları…
Steam’de Assassin’s Creed serisi indirime girdi!
Kampanya kapsamında Assassin’s Creed Valhalla fiyatı 47,99 dolardan 11,99 dolara düştü. Bu da 347 TL’ye denk geliyor. Assassin’s Creed Unity ise 23,99 dolar yerine 5,99 dolar. Yani oyunu 173 TL’ye satın alabilirsiniz.
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Öte taraftan Assassin’s Creed Origins fiyatı 47,99 dolardan 7,19 dolara düştü. Bu 208 TL’ye denk geliyor. 2007 yılında piyasaya sürülen Assassin’s Creed: Director’s Cut Edition ise 15,99 dolardan 3,99 dolara düştü. Bu oyun satın almak içinse 115 TL ödemeniz gerekiyor.
Assassin’s Creed oyunlarının indirimli fiyatları şu halde sıralandı;
Oyun Normal Fiyatı İndirimli Fiyatı İndirim Oranı Assassin’s Creed: Director’s Cut Edition 15,99 dolar (463 TL) 3,99 dolar (115 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed 2 15,99 dolar (463 TL) 3,99 dolar (115 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood 15,99 dolar (463 TL) 3,99 dolar (115 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed Revelations 15,99 dolar (463 TL) 5,27 dolar (152 TL) Yüzde 67 Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD 15,99 dolar (463 TL) 3,99 dolar (115 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry 11,99 dolar (348 TL) 4,79 dolar (138 TL) Yüzde 60 Assassin’s Creed Unity 23,99 dolar (695 TL) 5,99 dolar (173 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed Rogue 15,99 dolar (463 TL) 4,79 dolar (138 TL) Yüzde 70 Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered 31,99 dolar (928 TL) 7,99 dolar (230 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China 7,99 dolar (231 TL) 2,39 dolar (70 TL) Yüzde 70 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate 23,99 dolar (695 TL) 5,99 dolar (173 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India 7,99 dolar (231 TL) 2,39 dolar (70 TL) Yüzde 70 Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia 7,99 dolar (231 TL) 2,39 dolar (70 TL) Yüzde 70 Assassin’s Creed Origins 47,99 dolar (1.390 TL) 7,19 dolar (208 TL) Yüzde 85 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 47,99 dolar (1.390 TL) 9,59 dolar (277 TL) Yüzde 80 Assassin’s Creed Valhalla 47,99 dolar (1.390 TL) 11,99 dolar (347 TL) Yüzde 75 Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag 31,99 dolar (928 TL) 9,59 dolar (277 TL) Yüzde 70
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hyeonoll · 3 months
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Ubisoft's Chakram duo
Sargon from PoP the lost crown and Arbaaz from AC chronicles India
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reallydelicious · 2 years
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I hope Arbaaz could have the same fight as the duel with Greek gods in Assassin's Creed Origins
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quackerofoats · 2 years
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Finally finished this :) @asscrackcreed​
[extra stuff and sketch layers I did under cut :D]
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thekrimzonknight · 4 months
Krimzon Plays | Assassin’s Creed Chronicles India: Episode 2 – Delving to the deep
Hey ya'll! I'm live on Twitch playing Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India for the next installment of Krimzon Knight Plays Assassin's Creed! If you want to follow my other socials, or join me over on Discord the links are all in my linktree! Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/krimzonknightgaming Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8-5J2_1EqHpgdIueoPtLUhRl7_vZEfji Linktree:https://linktr.ee/Krimzonknight Thanks, I hope to see you then!! Krimzon Knight
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warrenwoodhouse · 3 months
Legacy Outfits in each Assassin’s Creed Game - Assassin’s Creed Guide - Game Guides - Warren Guides
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin’s Creed II
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Assassin’s Creed III
Assassin’s Creed: Liberation
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag: Freedom Cry
Assassin’s Creed: Rogue
Assassin’s Creed: Initiates
Assassin’s Creed: Unity
Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia
Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Altaïr’s Outfit
Ezio’s Outfit
Aguilar’s Outfit
Edward Kenway’s Outfit
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
Ezio’s Roman Outfit
Northern Traveler Set
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered
Alexios’ Outfit
Arno Dorian’s Outfit
Bayek’s Outfit
Edward Kenway’s Outfit
Ezio’s Outfit
Jacob Frye’s Outfit
Shay Cormac’s Outfit
Aguilar’s Outfit
Altaïr’s Outfit
Assassin’s Creed: Liberation Remastered
Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered
Jacob Frye Outfit
Aguilar’s Outfit
Connor Kenway’s Outfit
Assassin Reward Pack (adds: Ezio Auditore da Firenze Outfit)
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla
Ezio’s Outfit
Bayek’s Outfit
Altaïr’s Outfit
Basim’s Outfit
Assassin’s Creed: Mirage
1st February 2024: Updated list
27th October 2023: Post created
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