#armestrian army
tamamita · 10 months
i think it's funny how people try to say that killing ed is wrong because he's a child soldier but never realized the fact that he's a walking weapon of mass destruction. like Ed is not a bad guy, but you can't blame a victim of a genocide for wanting to eradicate one of the most threatening weapon in the armestrian arsenal
I keep saying this. Like, yeah- there's a difference between a child who is conscripted into fighting in wars and some kid with the intellectual skills of Einstein having the power of God in his hands. Edward Elric isn't a bad guy at all, but Scar did have every reason for wanting him dead, and talking him out of it would not be easy. It was a mishap and Scar only sought out to eliminate the most dangerous people in the Armestrian army. They ultimately set their differences aside when they realized who the masterminds were. Scar had no reason to kill him anymore.
Nevertheless, that's my nuanced take, I don't think Scar FMAB did anything wrong.
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callmejazon · 4 years
I’ve open my Etsy shop where you can grab some stickers !
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tamamita · 3 years
What I like about Scar is that he didn’t kill people indiscriminately, his only purpose was to destroy the upper escahlons of the Armestrian army and fulfill his desire for revenge. While the anime preaches that revenge breeds more revenge, I really don’t agree with that. He didn’t aim to punish an entire people and simply wanted to disassemble the war machine that brought destruction to his homelands and would’ve continued had it been under the leadership of anyone else.
If I were able to rid the MENA region off of the US Army by the means of Alchemy, I damn sure would’ve
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