#arabella windsor bio
oxfordeliterp · 7 years
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❝ To whom do I owe the biggest apology?       no one's been crueller than I've been to me    for letting you decide if I indeed was desirable for my self love being so embarrassingly conditional.❞
Arabella Windsor | twenty-three (III) | The Quarrel Club | Sarah Gadon | taken
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From the moment of her birth on, Arabella has been the pride of her mother and father, two surgeons who had more time to be parents in theory than in practice. Yet, the innocent, big eyed girl never noticed absence as a child, because it was the norm and she didn't know a family could mean more than what she was getting. Nannies passed her, taught her to straighten her back, spell correctly, smile when it was the case and be the epitome of a proper daughter — and she was, for a long, long time. She was happy, even, in her bubble, and her parents had nothing to object. That until she brought home the first boy she loved and the idea of their fifteen year old having a boyfriend seemed so outrageous and out of the ordinary for Mr. and Mrs. Windsor that a series of long, exhausting fights began then and didn't stop to this day. The sunny, perfect life they were faking reached a sky of clouds and Arabella was done trying to fix it by pleasing them. Everything she was saying clashed with her parents' thoughts and it didn't look like a serious problem until she realized that they would never let her pursue the job of her dreams and become an actress. To the Windsors, a career in theater just didn't seem realistic so it was off the table before she could even properly dream of herself on a stage, performing. That turned Arabella bitter beyond return. She was intelligent and could do anything in the world because of the education she has received, but she wanted the one thing her parents would never change their mind about. Everything else turned into background noise: she got accepted into Oxford, but it didn't seem to matter anymore. She found herself crying her mascara off with the acceptance letter in her hands, and what should have been a reason of joy turned into a nightmare, because she was too stubborn for plan B's, especially if they were the kind that made her parents get those annoying proud smiles that she couldn't swallow on their faces. They didn't deserve to feel pride and she felt cheated whenever they were content with her. Her life purpose turned, from reaching fame and spotlights, into disappointing her father and making her mother cry, if they paid attention at all. It was after taking this decision that a general feeling of numbness overwhelmed her — because she started seeing her life as wasted and treated it as such. She has almost been expelled as a result of her behavior, but that is what triggered a faint sense of self-preservation — just enough so she would at least finish her studies to get a job and not depend on her mother and father forever. Other than that, Arabella has collected quite a reputation and everybody knows her name. If there is one thing everybody, no matter how disinterested in tittle-tattle, has heard about on campus, it is Arabella's shocking performances in public, although she doesn't look like the type of girl who would misbehave and build up that kind of a reputation for herself — looks bubbly and faerie-like that could fool if her name wasn't so widely known and if they hadn't all seen her take shot after shot at a party between making out with two different people. One thing is for certain: at least she owns her actions and doesn't pretend to have lost her memory of the past hours of her life in the mornings, taking responsibility, and even pride in the uncontrollable mess she has turned into. Even free, she doesn't feel less restricted by the strings her parents left from back when she was still their pretty little doll, the puppet dancing with the moves and steps they dictated. Nothing of her newly found freedom and rebellion make her feel any less conflicted with herself because, at the end of the day, they solve nothing, and she doesn't want to be a vengeful spirit. In fact, she would like nothing more than ballance, but the concept seems so far away and impossible to achieve that she settles for the organized chaos and the constant defiance of everything she has been brought up to be.
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Marc Arkwright To Marc, Arabella is nothing but a bitch who knows how to bat her eyelids and has a body to die for — which makes him a jerk. To Arabella, Marc is nothing but a jerk whose company she can do nothing but benefit from, due to his excessive popularity and wealth — which makes her a bitch, in debatable terms. They are both toxic, at the end of the day, but not to each other, and, ironically, by the time the moon sets itself on the sky, they find shelter into each other’s bed. Anything that happens inside the walls of their bedrooms, howsoever, never sees the daylight because they ignore each other when more than two pairs of eyes are watching. Alexandra Rossessen Arabella doesn't have much respect for the younger girl, but she has to give her credits for the amount of gossip she manages to snatch and her dedication to share it with such meticulousness. As a person who has always enjoyed the whispers and rumor spreading, Arabella is grateful that there are people sharing her passion and Alexandra doesn't mind her company. Frankly, she would be more than happy to discuss trivial topics such as other people and what the word goes with anybody at all, no matter if they are the subject of her gossip or simply as curious as Arabella seems to be — even when it comes to her own person, without even taking offence in all the blackened words aimed at her. Jacob de Terreros He sounds like a fairy tale and although she is fighting everything in her nature to stay a cynic and roll her eyes at his every move, she feels drawn to the concept of a duke to be. The bubbly ponytailed girl who used to take equestrianism classes in her can't help but stare. He, on the other hand, takes full advantage of his status and the glimmer in her eyes. He acts kind and sweet, because it is the role of his life and one he is familiar with, but deep down, what he wants from her sounds just like what everybody else's intentions. It's just an entertaining role play, not to mention that he is pulling sensitiveness out of the femme fatale of the campus that seemed just so unbreakable a moment ago. Jacob is having the time of his life toying with her, but he does it with such subtlety that nobody can tell. Elizabeth Pemberly Arabella has always considered Elizabeth to be foolish for sticking around when it came to her boyfriend and for not seeing his obvious unfaithful acts, but truth be told, she was the stupid one, not unable to ever comprehend that Elizabeth knew and had her own little game to play. She just couldn't care less, being indiferent rather than blind. Yet, just to make her feel guilty, she behaved almost too nicely around her — and she didn't know just how guilty it was going to make Arabella feel, since it never truly touched her until the girl was dead and until she realized she is sleeping, and has been sleeping with a dead girl's boyfriend for a while now.
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oxfordeliterp · 7 years
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You have been accepted to play the role of ARABELLA WINDSOR with the faceclaim of ASHLEY BENSON. Please create your account and send it to the main in the next 24 hours. The alphabet must hate me, as the first decision I had to make turned out to be one of the more difficult ones   — with two applications for Arabella in the inbox from two equally lovely people with strong grasps on the same character and such distinctive approaches. Yet, I believe that the shoe fits you and that you’ve captured the apathy and the resentment towards the world, as well as a general coldness and, as you beautifully put it, the void. You could sense her versatility without turning her vulgar, and through your intuition you truly won me over. I cannot wait to see what you have in store and thank you for applying.
Name and pronouns: Leonie ; she/her(s).
Age:   nineteen(19).  
Time-zone: EST.
Activity level: On a number scale I would say I’m at around a 8/10 since I tend to linger online a lot since I don’t really have much to do during the day. My most active times is at night but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s exclusively during that time. 
Triggers: removed for privacy
Desired character:  Arabella Windsor — I actually had a very hard time picking a character bc they were all so above and beyond but when I was reading over Arabella’s bio I honestly felt like she was the perfect match for me. From her broken spirit when her parents didn’t let her do what she had wished for since she young, to their rejection of her first boyfriend all the way to the fact that she seems to be sleeping with people solely to fill a void that she can never seem to fill (at least that’s how I’ve interpreted it). Her complexity is extremely captivating and I would love to see if it’s possible for her to leave her bitterness and move forward to a happier place - even if she thinks she is fine where she is right now (lowkey not tho) 
Gender and pronouns of the character: cis female ; she/her(s) 
Changes: I would love to change her faceclaim to Ashley Benson should I be accepted. Aside from that, I have absolutely nothing to change - everything is perfect! 
Traits: abrasive: unfortunately, Arabella hung up her riding boots and took to using a sharp tongue and her fists far too quickly that she never really knows what she’s doing. the abrasive nature comes out the most when she’s been drinking but even when she’s not, she can occasionally take people’s comments a bit too close to heart if she’s been having a bad day which only results in her anger bubbling over and her lunging for whomever did the wrong. male, female, etc. she doesn’t care. flirtatious: being a flirt was something that Arabella developed over time. when she was younger shy was actually more shy and reserved in her advances but the moment she turned into the hellfire that is growing every day, the flirtatious behavior is almost present every minute of every hour of every day. anyone is a possible ‘victim’ either it be with a simple flirtatious bat of the eyelashes and upturned playful smirk on her ruby red lips. it’s almost natural and careless and works like a glove if the person is really willing. stubborn : stubbornness is the trait that seeps through every single pore of Arabella’s body. she was stubborn in keeping her parents away from her life, she was stubborn in keeping Marc in her bed very well knowing that the guilt Elizabeth made her feel didn’t overpower her general need of his body, she’s stubborn in not letting go of the life that she’s living. tell her what to do and she’ll say no. she gets what she wants the moment she wants it and if not, she can and will throw a fit - or worse, attempt to throw someone under the bus with random rumors. curious: something she will always be is curious. there are constant and never ending questions in the mind of Arabella Windsor that propel her through her day-to-day life and often times lead her down the route less travelled in her attempts to make her parents more and more disappointed in her. but this also means she can often have a naive mentality since some things just result in made up answers she draws at night alone. adventurous: you can’t cause chaos without have an adventurous spirit and that’s something that Arabella has been basking in since she was younger. however, instead of using her adventurous ways to learn to ride a horse she uses it more for deciding what boundaries to push with her clothing or finding different ways to gain pleasure from her night time rendez-vous with whomever makes their way into her bed. independent: even though she was rather dependent on her parents when she was younger, arriving at Oxford has made Arabella form very thick skin to the point that she relies on herself and herself alone. She dreams of the day where she can escape her parents support but she also dreams of the day where her independence can take her to places that she never imagined before - since in the deepest and darkest pits of her heart, she is still the little girl wanting fame and fortune. starry eyed: as much as she would have liked to rid herself of the way that she once was, Arabella is still filled with a lot of naive thoughts about the world - mainly in regards to her parents or people like Jacob de Terreros. it is something that she can’t seem to escape from despite her reputation of a bitch but it’s also something that she tends to play into to fill the ruse that she looks innocent whilst being anything but.
major: medicine - at first she decided to major in medicine because she wanted to please her parents but when she left that dream behind, she merely stayed there as a way to disappoint them further in a field that both of them excelled in. she’s fairly certain she won’t do it as a profession once she’s out of oxford but it helps keep her there for now when she’s not on the verge of getting kicked out. headcanon #1: whenever she sleeps with a guy - or girl - Arabella often remembers the very first time that she had sex with her very first love. the way that his hands slid smoothly down her body, they way he seemed so gentle with her even if she had been rather scared, the way that his eyes were filled with nothing but warmth and hers with nothing but adoration. it’s the one thing that dawns on her during sex because she can’t remember the last time that she had ever been with someone that made her feel like such an angel in bed. the closest thing to that would be her thing with Marc but sometimes she wonders if it would really ever be matched since everything with Marc is kept in the shadows. but if it does, she would be too fearful to even mention it. headcanon #2: Arabella remembers very fondly the very last nanny that she had due to the fact that one night before leaving to go to Oxford, she got home completely wasted in an attempt to give one last kick to her parents but didn’t find them at home. all she found was her nanny waiting for her in the kitchen. the woman took the blonde and sat her down gently and made her several cups of tea as well as a nice sandwich for the girl to eat. she refused her care with disgusted snarls and slurred words but she never flinched and persisted to make sure Arabella didn’t end up completely knocked out. when she cried and complained about her parents and how unfairly they treated her, the woman held her hand and listened with not a single word to be said. she calls Arabella now and again and she answers briefly but it offers the young woman a sense of comfort. even if she lost that a long time ago. headcanon #3: in a little box stored away in the furthest corner under her bed, Arabella keeps a box that contains old photographs of her time as a picture perfect lady of society. either it be her on her old horse, holding trophies, in a pretty dress her father had gotten her for an event of sorts. dozens upon dozens of photographs labeled with the date and a small caption. she will occasionally look through the box of photographs when she has free time and think about what her life would have been like if her parents hadn’t set such strict guidelines for her. if they hadn’t interrupted her dreams. she could have gone to the best acting school, been on red carpets. and yet there she was. and all these memories fuel her bitterness and hatred even more. headcanon #4: Arabella has a small amount of tattoos in very random spots on her body. a vine with small leaves and thorns around her left wrist, a pair of lips on her right hip and a chain of differently shaped stars running down her spine. none of them have a specific meaning but she believed them to be pretty and that her parents would just adore the photos she sent them of her getting them done.
Quote #1: “Clever girl. You play with fire because you want to be burnt.” Quote #2: “She sins to forget she has a heart” Quote #3: “She kissed demons and slept with ghosts because living with the dead felt more like home” Quote #4: “She looks so pure, so angelic. But be full of care. The most beautiful flowers can be the most toxic. She appears to be an angel, a saint, but be careful. Even satan was once an angel.”
The quiet bedroom came to a soft silence as the noise of a creaking bed, backboard hitting the wall and pleasured moans soon came to a stop. Whilst they remained in the same exact position - her straddling his sides whilst he lay there with his hands on her hips - the only thing that changed was the position of the two naked bodies. She moved away from his lower torso and settled just where his belly button called a home. Hands trailed down his chest as a devilish smirk appeared on her plump cherry pink lips, a matching grin came from the man as Arabella soon found herself being flipped onto her back with him now in a position of power over her. It wasn’t like she disliked it since it quite frankly turned her on in all areas of the word but it was definitely uncommon for her to see him take reins on her when it was already over. The young woman let out a soft hum as she felt his lips connect to her jaw and she knew very well that he was simply teasing her. He always did. It drove her crazy that this asshole could manage something so basic so quickly when others struggled to even make her peak. It reminded Arabella of the first time that Marc had actually been entangled in her bedsheets with him. A night of drinking and excess amount of flirting close to the bathrooms led to them taking a taxi back to her place and not even making it to the bed the first time because they spent a good time making out in the small living room. But then after, Arabella knew she could resist the temptation of forbidden fruit.
Sure she felt bad about the fact that she was sleeping with a guy who had a girlfriend that was as sweet as sugar but there was that thin line that blurred when Arabella felt the need for attention. Attention her parents had never given her that she now believed could be found with a simple one night stand. But Marc had turned into a one night stand that now had a permanent stay in the Arabella suites when it was possible. Actually, correction, not whenever possible because there was days where she hated him. Despised him. Wished for him to go and jump off the tallest tower at Oxford and fall onto a thick metal spear. The exact sentiment that she had been feeling earlier in the night when they had both been at a party held somewhere off campus. They never spoke to each other in daylight but the entire evening had been composed of Arabella shooting him a glare or two that was simply a natural reaction so that people could more or less see that there was nothing going on there - especially given the reputation the young woman had gained. She had actually been expecting to finally get somewhere with Aria instead of simply flirting but unfortunately, the girl in question had left the party far too early and not at all drunk enough for Bella to truly attempt to get in her pants.
After several glasses of vodka, Arabella was starting to get wilder by the second which meant more eyes on her; something that only made her thrive and smirk in satisfaction. Body on body, the girl couldn’t even remember who’s lips had been touched by hers or who had groped her ass for a little too long. What she did remember was that after a while a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her far away from the crowd to a dark bathroom with nothing but irritating in their eyes. Arabella laughed at the males reaction so much that she felt like her chest was going to cave in and her sides to split; a result of the alcohol. But with her back against the door and arms pushing her into place, she could say no. Lips parting as she snarled an ‘I hate you,’ it all became a blur to the point in the present where she found him latched to the sweet spot just under her ear where her jaw began. an intake of a shaky breathe could be heard from Arabella’s lips which made her they had just had sex. But Arabella never wanted to let him believe that he meant something to her, that he was the closest thing she had to a real connection with someone that wasn’t just plainly focused on sex. That would be something that he could hold over her head and possibly kill the title she had claimed as a woman of many, not just one.
So she did the only thing she could think of; pushed her palms against his bare shoulders and forced him off of her to the spot beside her instead. “I’m done, Marc,” she told him bluntly as she left her sheets, naked frame walking to grab her emerald green robe that was soon thrown over her shoulders and body, tied off at her waist. She heard him snap a ‘what?’ at her which made the female turn around, “I said I’m done. Finished. Bored of being around you. Have you gone deaf now? Goodness me, I would suggest going to the doctor to check your hearing before you start getting grey hair to match your ancient age.” Bare feet walked across the floor as she threw his things at him before opening the door, “What are you waiting for? Do you want me to hold your hand to the exit, honey?” Her voice was condescending and shallow but it worked. He was soon gone but the memory of his body meshed against hers remained. A faint smile appeared. An odd sight but a genuine one.
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