#april tc challenge
therk900 · 1 month
⚡️April TC Challenge (Day 1 - 30)⚡️
1. Happy April Fool’s! Have you ever pranked your TC; if so, how did they react? No I haven’t. I don’t have the courage to do it tbh. 
2. What is the earliest thing you can remember about your TC? When they first came to the school
3. Do you like your TC’s subject? Do you consider yourself to be good at it? I was ok at their classes. My average last year for M’s class was an A+. i haven't gotten a grate yet for his class yet this year For B’s class was a C+ and for S’ class, it was a B+. So I was average, I guess. N and A aren't really teachers, but they are in a way
4. How do you feel about your age gap? For the gap between B, N and I, I’m sad about it since it’s 15-16 year age gap. For the gap between S and I however, it’s better since it’s 10 years and I’m ok with that. with A an I, it’s a good age gap for me. With M and I, he is WAY older than me, so I’m sad
5. Have you ever said anything to your TC that showed you favoured them? Have they said anything like that to you? S with his nickname I call him. M gives me more attention in a way, and he helps me more. A has physically told my mum that i'm his favourite!
6. Have you ever noticed any small habits that they have? If so, what comes to mind first? I haven’t noticed anything yet
7. What gift would you really like to be able to give them, regardless of if it’s realistic or not? Flowers! We can’t go wrong with flowers!
8. Does your TC ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student? A and I talk about school all the time, since he went to the same school as me, so he knows most of the teachers there. N sometimes talks about what it was like when he was at school.
9. Does your TC have a significant other? If so, what do you know about them and how do you feel about them? M and N both have a wife. A has mentioned his girlfriend but it was early last year. Not sure if he is still in one.
10. What is the longest time you have gone without seeing them? For M, N, and A, The summer holidays! I didn’t see them for 2 months. For S, a whole month. With B, 5 months
11. What do other people usually think about them? They think they are cool!
12. Do you often make up excuses to speak to them? What kinds of excuses do you like to use? Most of the time, I just check in on them, see how they are and see what they are doing for the rest of the day. Whenever I talk to S and when i used to talk to B, I tried and drag on the conversation by asking stupid things. 
13. Other than the subject they teach, what are they really passionate about? S likes playing netball and B liked playing games. N likes playing the guitar
14. What is a skill you really wish your TC had? I have no idea
15. Which MBTI personality do you think they are? (If you don't do MBTI, which Hogwarts House do you think they would be in?) M and B would be in Gryffindor and S would be in Hufflepuff. A and N are definitely Ravenclaws 
16. If you could go back in time and choose, would you still choose to develop feelings for your TC? Maybe. Depends on how far back
17. If it was the last time you would ever be able to see your TC, what is one thing you would never leave without saying to them? Maybe just a simple goodbye! 
18. When was the first time you cried because of them? I haven't really cried because of them yet
19. How well do you think you know them? I think I know them pretty well! I know them better than other students tbh
20. Do you ever lie to them? About what? Nope! Why would I have a reason to lie?
21. What is the longest time you have spent together with them? i spent 3 days with M once on a school camp. with the rest, a whole day
22. If you have had other TCs in the past (or right now), how are they similar to or different from your current (or primary) TC? Well, I have MULTIPLE TCs. The main one is M. There is this other teacher who we will call G. We are close, and we met because he was helping me to calm me down while i was having a panic attack last year
23. Have you ever seen your TC in clothes they don’t usually wear? Casual clothes if they usually wear formal attire or the other way around? Yes! B usually wore formal clothes but he doesn’t wear a blazer sadly. He replaces it with his blue jumper. Here and there, he wore casual clothes and it often catches me so off guard. It’s similar with S. He is like B with his clothes, but he wears a green, black or light brown jumper. i remember seeing him in casual clothes once, but that was the only time.
24. When was the last time they made your heart thump? Whenever they talk to me
25. How do you think your TC would react if you confided in them when you felt sad or stressed or anxious? i have no idea. maybe talk to me about it or comfort me?
26. What is the best dream you have had of them? Once I dreamt that I was marrying S one time. Another time I had a full on family with B
27. What is the saddest/scariest dream you have had of them? i don't know...
28. Does your TC ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of? I think S or another teacher i know brings me up to other teachers that they shares an office with. I know this because there are teachers that I’ve never had before that know who i am and they all share an office with S and the other teacher.
29. Do you see them as being a romantic person? Are you? Yes, they do seem to be romantic people. I suck at being romantic. I always find myself laughing when i try and attempt to be romantic!
30. How have they changed since you two first met? How have you changed? Yes. S has become more innocent!
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boysunberry · 1 year
april tc challenge by @morethanwords0475 ୨୧
doing this cus i saw @fauxfurbaby do it and im unoriginal, gonna do day 1-6 then daily too hehe
day 1: happy april fool’s! have you ever pranked your TC; if so, how did they react?
im not a big prank person cus im terrified of people not liking me LOL but my tc has made me prank someone else before and it was super awkward HA
day 2: what is the earliest thing you can remember about your TC?
not the earliest thing cus that was kinda boring ( id just stare at him at lunch and break cus thats when hed take his class in and i didnt have him as a teacher yet LOL ) but i remember my first week of year 10 i was waiting for the bus and he was walking outside of the school and he smiled at me?? he didnt even know who i was yet too
day 3: do you like your TC’s subject? do you consider yourself to be good at it?
yereeezz i love his subject, currently getting 8/9s in it so.. ya id say im good >:)
day 4: how do you feel about your age gap?
15 years LOL erm... not as bad as other people's yknow..... ( totally jk haha whatt ofc its bad haha )
day 5: have you ever said anything to your TC that showed you favoured them? have they said anything like that to you?
i said im too lenient with him once cus he was my fav teacher but i dont think he heard LOL, i also signed his christmas card with -from your favourite student.. and i think i said he was my fav in that card too but i honestly cant remember, anyway he hasnt said im his fav student ( IT WILL HAPPEN ) but he has said that he wont leave the school til he's finished teaching me so.... close enough
day 6: have you ever noticed any small habits that they have? if so, what comes to mind first?
in class he'll stand against the radiator cus he's always cold, he puts his hand thru his hair a BUNCH when he talks to me and he's stressed, everytime i enter the room, or he sees me he'll always raise his eyebrows at me before greeting me, and theres more but we'll be here for hours if i list them all LMAO
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faszaakisshobbi · 1 year
april tc challenge day 11
What do other people usually think about them? people generally think highly of both of them because of the positions they hold- probably more with Б (no offense to П). and people think both of them are really scary too lmao thought they really aren't. I don't think people think negatively of either of them, though. also Б doesn't have all but 7 of us to judge her and she's made all of us her kids now so we love her lol.
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ocean-blueeyes · 1 year
Day 2: What's the earliest thing you can remember about your TC?
When I was in year 7, I remember him often walking in and out of my English class to talk to my English teacher. But my first proper interaction with him was when our teacher wasn't in so he watched our class from the hallway until a teacher came. I was at the back of the class, by the door, and he saw me reading and asked what I was reading. I was reading The Hate U Give and this was back when the movie had just come out so he asked if I had watched the film. I said no but he told me it was a really good film and recommended I should watch it. This happened years ago, we didn't even know each other's names and I didn't have a crush on him.
Day 3: Do you like your TC's subject? Do you think you're good at it?
He teaches English and English has always been my favourite subject. I do believe I am quite good at his subject. I've always gotten As (and one B) since he's taught me and two times he used my work as an example.
Day 4: How do you feel about your age gap?
There's a 15/16 year age gap between us and I know it's not good. If there was a chance between us, which I highly doubt, I think eventually I wouldn't enjoy being with a guy so much older than me a couple of years down the line.
Day 5: Have you ever said anything to your TC that showed you favoured them? Have they said anything like that to you?
My school does these termly things were students are allowed to send notes of appreciation to their teachers. I sent him note twice, but left them anonymous. However, I have a very distinct handwriting so he probably knew it was me. Before that, he sent me a letter home. He had chosen me as the English's department "Star of the term".
Day 6: Have you ever noticed any small habits they have?
Yes, he always bends his knees when talking to most students. Probably because he's quite tall so he's trying to get on our level, but I think it's quite cute.
Another habit he has is whenever he has a spare moment at the start of the lesson, he likes to put these little drawings on the whiteboard that relate to the lesson, even though he's no good.
Day 7: What gift would you like to give them?
I would love to find out some books he loves and maybe get him some special editions of them. He always does his marking in a green fountain pen so maybe I'd get him a set of fountain pens in all colours.
Day 8: Does your TC ever talk about what it was like when they were a student?
Occasionally. Everyone knows that he went to this really famous private school in the UK. He tells us about some of the strict rules and what his classmates were like.
Day 9: Does your TC have a significant other? If so what do you know about them and how do you feel about them?
He has a fiancée and literally no-one was expecting this so when he casually announced this, the whole class was shocked. My friends and I were doing some stalking and we thought we found his fiancée, but findings from other students say we're wrong. I don't know the woman so I can't form an opinion. All I know is that she's super lucky 😭
Day 10: What is the longest time you've gone without seeing them?
The Summer holidays - 6 weeks. I coped surprisingly well.
Day 11: What do other people usually think of them?
It's an objective truth in our school that he's one of the most attractive teachers in our school. However, a lot of people don't like his teaching methods and he doesn't get a long with a lot of the students in the younger years, so they can find him quite "jarring".
Day 12: Do you often make excuses to speak to them? What kind of excuses do you use?
No, I'm too shy. Maybe once in a while, I'll aks for something I could easily have handled myself or I'll get to class a little early to make general small talk. I do however make plenty of excuses to see him. Maybe taking a longer route to a certain class or hanging out in a specific place during break. My art classroom is close to his classroom, so I always leave my sketchbook in my art class and collect it at the end of the day in hopes of seeing him again.
Day 13: Other than the subject they teach, what are they really passionate about?
From what I can tell, he speaks French. He goes to France for holiday often. He follows a lot of French accounts on his socials, studied it at A-level and will often greet us in French. Whenever trying to teach us the etymology of words, he'll often draw from French words with similar meanings. That's ironic however because everyone in our class studies spanish, but I do speak a little bit of Frnech so I'm often the only one to understand what he's on about.
Day 14: What is a skill you really wished your TC had?
The onky good thing about his terrible handwriting is that he's very self-aware so he'll come to you to read out his comments and explain.
Day 15: Which MBTI personality type do you think they have? (If you don't know MBTI, which Howarts house do you think they'd be placed in?)
I don't know the ins and outs of MBTI, but I think he'd be an introvert as appose to an extrovert. I think he would be a hufflepuff.
Day 16:
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tc-frog · 1 year
april tc challenge day 30
How have they changed since you two first met? How have you changed?
over the course of the pandemic, i feel like J got a bit more serious and lost some of that strong lightheartedness he used to have in the first two years. he's definitely eased up again, but his class is still not quite as fun as it used to be
i also changed A LOT, just usual teenager stuff. when i look back on myself four years ago i feel like i was such a baby 😭😭 in a few years, when i look back on my current self, i will probably think of myself as a baby too haha
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gabagemf17 · 1 year
April TC challenge
even tho its may now//
1. What is the most adorable thing your TC has done?
Everything B does is pretty cute, but as I mentioned in her other post its probably her eyes getting all wide and soft smile when she's excited ab something.
2. On a scale of 1-10, how intense are your feelings towards your TC. Why?
I'd day around an 8-9/10. It's been a slow burn from platonic crush to genuine attachment to romantic/sexual attraction.
3. Does your TC have any cute quirks/habits? If yes, which one is your favourite?
There's a couple things, but I loveee the way she speaks, it's very theatrical and melodic, even when she's just talking to me . (Long dramatic sighs, "but alas...", etc.)
4. If you could change one thing about your TC, what would it be and why?
Her love of country music. Definitely unexpected coming from her, and I'll certainly put up with it, but I hate the genre myself.
5. If you had to confess your feelings to your TC, what would be the perfect way of doing so?
I'm not sure. I guess all I can picture is me, shortly after graduating (over 18), alone with her. Maybe we're at a coffee shop. She broke up with her fiancee before they got married a few years ago and I mention it offhand. "You know, I always used to have a crush on you, B"
6. When having a TC, what is the most important thing to remember?
Teacher/student relationships are really always immoral, and you certainly shouldn't express feelings when you're a minor, this can make them either extremely uncomfortable or potentially put you in a place of danger. Keep it professional/friendly.
7. If you had the chance to re-live/change one moment with your TC, which one would it be? And if you wished to change it, how would you?
If I could, I would re-live the hug I received in the hallway after my dog passed. It was really hard and we had presentations to do that day and I was so tired and barely able to contain my tears. She talked to me through it and told me she'd really rather spend her time with me in the hall than in the classroom. Before we went in, she said "Can I give you a hug? I don't wanna be weird" And ofc I took that opportunity, and as expected it felt really nice and comforting. I'd like to do it again one day in a different context.
8. Why do you think people fall for their teachers?
It can be a lot of things, but from what I can tell it stems largely from the support and maturity from the teachers that they may be lacking in other parts of life (parents, yourself, etc.)
9. If a close friend/relative frowned upon the fact you have a TC, what would you say to change their opinion?
I probably wouldn't. People that don't get it, don't get it. (That's like I'd tell someone irl in the first place)
10. If you went out on a date with your TC, what do you think they would wear?
Depends on the date. Probably not somewhere stuffy. I can see her wearing her pretty normal clothes. A cute sweater and some jeans, pair of slip ons.
11. List 1-5 of your TC’s best qualities.
Her intelligence, her humour, her sweetness, her smile, her eyes
12. How would you feel if you found out your TC had feelings for another student?
Well besides it being ILLEGAL, I'd probably be crushed. I'm one of the few students who really appreciates her, most of her students treat her like shit and take advantage of her.
13. What do you find most attractive about your TC?
14. What is your TC’s reputation around school?
Young, pretty, and too nice for her own good
15. If you had to serenade your TC, which song would you choose and why?
Cause' I Love You- Johnny Cash <3
16. What hobbies does your TC have out of school?
Witchcraft and anime (:
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world with your TC, where would it be and why?
She mentioned always wanting to go to Scotland, so there fs.
18. Imagine if you and your TC were in a relationship and lived together. Describe the perfect daily routine. (As a bonus, how would you split the chores?)
I wake up at 4:45, make two cups of tea. She wakes up shortly after and we sit on the balcony and take turns reading to each other. I make a small but filling breakfast that she eats as she gets ready for work. As she's at work, I finish most of the housework, and I start working on my comic. I take a short break to paint, and she comes home to a large painting of herself in the easel and freshly delivered takeout on the table. We eat and she tells me about her day and I massage her shoulders while we drink our evening tea. I then put on some netflix afterward and we fall asleep together.
19. If you found your TC visibly upset and/or crying, would you comfort them? If yes, how would you go about it?
I would place a hand on her shoulder and offer a listening ear, as she's done for me more times than I'm willing to admit. Maybe hold her hand in mine, a gentle hug, a warm smile. Whatever to make her feel better.
20. How would you feel if your TC suddenly cut off all contact with you? What do you think their reason would be?
I honestly couldn't see her doing that at all. I'd be wrecked though.
21. What do you think your TC’s opinion of you is?
I'm definitely a favorite student. I help her whenever she needs it, and make conversation with her often. She prob thinks I'm an emotional wreck tho, and maybe a teensy bit of an asshole. I've had no gripes about telling her that I'm not nearly as nice to teachers I don't like so much, she doesn't mind much tho "Well I'm glad you've taken a liking to me"
22. Has your TC influenced your opinions in any way? Likewise, how has having a TC changed you?
I'll be honest. I used to think the TCC was weird and gross and promoting unhealthy attachments and sometimes p3d0philia. Now, however, I know what it feels like first hand and find solace in knowing there's people out there with the same struggle I have.
23. Are you ashamed of your feelings towards your TC? If yes, why?
Definitely, before this I've only really had "conventional" crushes, and I often daydream about her breaking up with her fiancee or cheating on him and I know that's not right and is very selfish.
24. What is more attractive? Your TC’s appearance or personality?
Probably her personality. It's what draws people in. She's not conventionally/traditionally "hot", as most people would put it (though she's DEFINITELY not ugly.) but still everyone I've talked to thinks she's really cute bc of her empathetic demeanor
25. What makes your TC special to you?
I've had "nice" teachers before, but I've never felt this attached. Maybe it's she way she's curious about my life, or remembers the things I tell her, or her own cute little quirks and interests that always leave me wanting to know more about her. I just really LIKE her, in it's purest form.
 26. Describe your TC’s appearance.
She's short, pale, with a round face and big grey eyes. Cute little crows feet when she smiles and frizzly brown curls/waves. Small hands and tight-lined eyeliner that only accentuates her beautiful eyes. The cloudy/distant look before anyone walks into the classroom when she's bored grading things.
27. When you first met your TC, did you think you’d feel the way you do now? If not, what made you fall for them?
Probably not, as I never expected to have a TC at all. However, I could tell she was a favorite from day 1, which was refreshing for the asshole I had for English last year.
28. If you could get your TC a gift for any occasion, what would it be?
Her favorite doughnuts or some nice incense/candles
29. How have your feelings affected your everyday life? Has it affected the way you do work for their class? (If you have them as a teacher.)
100%. I definitely work harder and actually study for her class. I also talk about her like she's god, sticking out even though most of her students speak of her fondly.
Day 30) What is the best and worst thing that happened with your TC during the past month? In addition, how do you predict these moments will affect your relationship in the future?
This past month was rough. I'd guess the best and worst moments are about the same. It's my most vulnerable and emotional moments that, despite being incredibly embarrassing for me, also reassure that she really cares and listens to me when I have no one else to. I think we've definitely grown closer from it, and I plan to show her I'm a big girl, and I can bounce back from moments like this.
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morethanwords0475 · 1 year
April TC Challenge
Day 1: Happy April Fool’s! Have you ever pranked your TC; if so, how did they react?
No, and I probably never would because I’m too scared that it might go wrong. Though, out of almost all of my past and present TCs, I would most likely choose him to prank if I had to. He would sometimes trick a girl in our class into believing that he is bringing forward an assessment or raising grade boundaries, which is always fun.
Day 2: What is the earliest thing you can remember about your TC?
The first thing I remember is seeing his photo in our school’s list of new teachers a few months before he arrived. The photo was beautiful, he looked so young (giving off biker vibes even), so I thought he was good looking more than two years before developing feelings for him. 
Day 3: Do you like your TC’s subject? Do you consider yourself to be good at it?
I love Biology and was good at it even before he taught me. It’s one of the few subjects that I grew to like without needing a good teacher to incite that passion somewhere along the way. I am still top of the class now.
Day 4: How do you feel about your age gap?
Our age gap is slightly smaller than what it was with T, which I guess makes it easier, but I don’t think about it much. It’s an age gap I am quite used to among my range of past TCs.
Day 5: Have you ever said anything to your TC that showed you favoured them? Have they said anything like that to you?
When we were bantering with Incas Lily in lessons, I have tried to drop compliments and pretend like they’re just clever comments, and he takes them well (things like complaining about past Science teachers and saying he’s so much better, or saying he’s the exception when he said something bad about biologists in general). He doesn’t necessarily favour me, but he has said things like my report was the best he had ever read or that I am the most likely to get top marks.
Day 6: Have you ever noticed any small habits that they have? If so, what comes to mind first?
He would sometimes do exaggeratedly-childish little claps when something goes well or he hears good news, which is super adorable, and he always brings a mug with him wherever he goes around the school lol.
Day 7: What gift would you really like to be able to give them, regardless of if it’s realistic or not?
Since the flower Incas lily is significant to our story – hence this codename – I want to try to preserve a flower and give it to him in a jar as decoration to always remember me. It would be so meaningful (at least to me), I really hope it works!
Day 8: Does your TC ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student?
He has told us about the subjects he took at school and that he never liked having to take subjects he doesn’t like. I don’t know how well he did at school though and am very curious!
Day 9: Does your TC have a significant other? If so, what do you know about them and how do you feel about them?
Okay this is a bit loaded – Incas Lily is definitely not married, and he is very close with a female teacher in our school, but I suspect that he might be dating another male teacher. I don’t know anything about his sexuality, though he and the male teacher both very openly support the LGBTQ+ community. In our school, it’s not uncommon for teacher friends to live together (which they do), but they are moving away together at the end of this year as well, which is much less common. I’m quite interested in that teacher too but don’t know much about him.
Day 10: What is the longest time you have gone without seeing them?
If online learning doesn’t count as "seeing them", it would be the last online learning period at the start of 2022. It wasn’t painful back then because I didn’t feel much about him at that point, and he was so good to us when we were online. It actually brought our class closer.
Day 11: What do other people usually think about them?
People who have been in his class mostly adore him. I rarely hear anything bad about him. He’s quite close to his students and very easy-going but also great at teaching, so people all love him. Not as much as we loved T when he was still here, though, but I think Incas Lily is more widely liked.
Day 12: Do you often make up excuses to speak to them? What kinds of excuses do you like to use?
All the time, and a part of me thinks it’s what ruined the special dynamic we had before Christmas. It would be things like asking questions about my experiment, asking for help on my university application and interview, or just how his weekend was. I still ask about his weekends and holidays and stuff now, but I’ve been trying to tone it down. Once we go on exam leave, I will have to find a lot more excuses to maintain our connection.
Day 13: Other than the subject they teach, what are they really passionate about?
He’s really passionate about science in general, but I guess also working out. It’s surprising how fitness seems to be a through line across all my TCs within the past four years – S and C as PE teachers, T and L as sport coaches, K as a yoga enthusiast...
Day 14: What is a skill you really wish your TC had?
I would also really like it if he knew how to play the guitar, he seems the type as well. 
Day 15: Which MBTI personality do you think they are? (If you don't do MBTI, which Hogwarts House do you think they would be in?)
Incas Lily told us he’s an INTJ, which really surprised me. He’s so sociable, and he himself said he would probably be an extrovert, but he is also really smart and reflective and likes to argue. As for Houses, I think he would be a Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff mix.
Day 16: If you could go back in time and choose, would you still choose to develop feelings for your TC?
I most likely would. It sounds bad, but he was what saved me from endlessly drowning in the grief of losing T. If I had to go through this school year only with the memories of T (and occasional messages), I might actually lose my mind. Incas Lily gave me something to look forward to, someone to love, someone who loved me, even just a little bit. I couldn’t lose that drive and excitement from having a TC. Plus, he gave me so much strength through the treacherous first term of our last high school year, and his compassion and character have really touched me.
Day 17: If it was the last time you would ever be able to see your TC, what is one thing you would never leave without saying to them?
I think similar to what I wrote for T last year, I would really emphasise how profound of an impact he has had on me (admittedly less so than T had). I would tell him how much I enjoyed his lessons, how much I was moved by his care for our class, how much I admire him as a person, and how much I appreciate all the emotional support he has given me.
Day 18: When was the first time you cried because of them?
This is surprising, but it was about a month after I first started having some feelings for him, when I was thinking about how he’s also leaving the school this year. Realistically, it doesn’t matter since we’re graduating, and it would probably be easier for us to potentially keep in touch if we both left, but I think having lost so many TCs in the past, I am already wired to grieve leaving TCs more than any other.
Day 19: How well do you think you know them?
Incas Lily has always been quite candid and real with us, not too opposed to sharing personal details, and I have paid attention to his behavioural details enough that I would say I do know him reasonably well. However he does seem slightly different with his teacher friends, which is to be expected.
Day 20: Do you ever lie to them? About what?
I don’t think I’ve ever had to. I guess whenever I asked to stay in his lab after our lesson times (or when I had to justify staying when we were allowed to leave the class), I never give the real reason – that I want to be with him.
Day 21: What is the longest time you have spent together with them?
Two months ago when he went on a small school trip with us, we were together for nearly five hours 😭 It was wonderful to have so much time, to see him outside of a school setting, to have little casual conversations, and just to be slightly closer to him.
Day 22: If you have had other TCs in the past (or right now), how are they similar to or different from your current (or primary) TC?
Incas Lily is much more casual with his classes and doesn't give off a scary vibe to students who don't know him like T did. He is also more sociable with teachers in school than T was and generally gives off more extrovert vibes. They are both great at teaching, passionate and knowledgable in their fields, and can be very humorous.
Day 23: Have you ever seen your TC in clothes they don’t usually wear? Casual clothes if they usually wear formal attire or the other way around?
Incas Lily usually wears a shirt and tie to school, but I have seen him wear a full suit sometimes (plus a vest) and it was beautiful. I've also seen him in a hoodie or sweater which was really cute as well.
Day 24: When was the last time they made your heart thump?
When I went to tell him I got rejected by a university and he was so sweet comforting me and called my nickname 😭
Day 25: How do you think your TC would react if you confided in them when you felt sad or stressed or anxious?
I did this once back in October when the workload got pretty high and I became obsessed with this test we did in Biology that I was convinced I absolutely flunked on. He was incredibly compassionate and praised my abilities so much. I treasure that conversation to the day even though I have had many more with C.
Day 26: What is the best dream you have had of them?
I treasure all of the dreams in which he is casual and close to me, especially since Christmas when it's become harder and harder to have that with him in real life.
Day 27: What is the saddest/scariest dream you have had of them?
Either a dream in which he told us he had been married for two years, or the few dreams I had of him not being in school (it was after he got sick and didn't come for nearly a week).
Day 28: Does your TC ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of?
I know he told the other Science teachers about my incredibly high marks for the Mocks 🥰
Day 29: Do you see them as being a romantic person? Are you?
I definitely am, and I would say he probably is a little bit as well. Him keeping the lab clean and smelling nice, him liking the flowers I was growing for my experiment, and his gentleness all give me the vibes.
Day 30: How have they changed since you two first met? How have you changed?
I don't know if this is just my distorted perception from being too in love and obsessive, but I sometimes feel like he's getting a little more detached in recent months. Not just to our class, but to his own year group as well. For me, I've gotten even more paranoid about whether all I do is burden people like him, and I have experienced some academic crises during this year. Whereas being able to fight for a subject like Biology, something that is much more straight-forward to fight for than English, gives me pride in my hard work.
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nights-flying-fox · 1 year
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@rise-april-art-challenge day 12 - Family!!
I'm not satisfied with the result but *hands you au turtle pile*
Also dont tag this with tc*st or any ships!!
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April TC Challenge by @morethanwords0475
Day 1: Happy April Fool's! Have you ever pranked your tc; if so, how did they react?
No :(
Day 2: What is the earliest thing you can remember about your tc?
His voice. I hadn't seen him in person yet, and on the first day I was standing outside his class waiting for the one he was teaching to end. His voice is so deep and honestly kind of intimidating if you don't have the visual to match, like I didn't. I was nervous to walk in there for sure.
Day 3: Do you like your tc's subject? Do you consider yourself to be good at it?
Yeah, I like business classes. I only have to take one or two for my major, and only took two in high school so it's not something I feel super comfortable in quite yet. But having him as my professor definitely helps lol
Day 4: How do you feel about your age gap?
Hm... it depends on the day, I think. 23 years is a lot, at the end of the day. He was a junior in college when I was born, which is absolutely crazy to think about. Obviously I've got a thing for older men, but I feel like a kid around him sometimes, which is not the best feeling. I think if I were a little bit older, it might be less uncomfy. However, he did say something about anxiety and kids having it or something, and he said, "younger than both of us" ?? that's kind of a wide range there, buddy.
Day 5: Have you ever said anything to you tc that showed you favored them? Have they said anything like that to you?
Oh, yeah. I think the first time was a few months ago. We had just finished talking after like an hour and he was apologizing for having me listen to him ramble on and I (accidentally) loudly went, "No!! I really like talking to you." It kinda took me by surprise to be honest, lol. S looked shocked as well. He sheepishly went, "Thanks. I really like talking to you, too."
I've told him that I appreciate all the stuff he tells me (outside of his subject) because it's obviously really helpful, I've told him how sweet and smart he is, so hopefully he knows hahaha.
As for him, he's actually given me a heartfelt speech or two about how much he trusts me and is glad to have me as his student. He also compliments me a lot 🤭
Day 6: Have you ever noticed any small habits they have? If so, what comes to mind first?
After a long stretch of work or a tiring day, he'll sigh and go, "Ohhhh man..." in the same tone and speed every single time. There's more, but they're kinda specific, and if he saw this, he'd know for sure it was about him :/
Day 7: What gift would you like to be able to give them, regardless of if it's realistic or not?
The first thing that came to mind was kinda inappropriate so I'll say something else lmao
Realistically, something related to one of his interests.
Unrealistically, a sailboat.
Day 8: Does your tc ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student?
All the time! We talk about school a lot, obviously, and he offers advice, and tells me funny stories about stuff he did when he was in college.
Day 9: Does your tc have a significant other? If so, what do you know about them, and how do you feel about them?
Yes, he's been married for over a decade. I kind of know a lot about her? Since I knew them outside of school first, I know them personally. I like his wife a lot. She's so kind, smart, and a great mother to their children. Because she's such a warm and loving person, I feel so incredibly guilty for being jealous of her. I'd feel guilty even if she wasn't warm and loving, but that just makes it worse. However, while I don't know what their lives are like behind closed doors, it seems like they're a really good match, and I'm glad they have each other.
Day 10: What is the longest time you've gone without seeing them?
Three months. But that was before I knew I had feelings for him. I knew I thought about him all the time, but I didn't have the same reaction I would if that happened now.
Day 11: What do other people usually think of them?
I'm not really sure. The people I know that know him respect and think very highly of him. But he's told me that a lot of people don't like him because of who he is, and that broke my heart. How could someone not like him? Forget the fact that I didn't like him when we first met- He can be intimidating and come off like he might not like you, but it turns out that he's just shy
Day 12: Do you often make up excuses to speak to them? What kinds of excuses do you like to use?
I usually go with, "Oh! I've been meaning to tell/ask you____" or ask him a question about himself or his day. But a lot of the time, I don't have to, unless it's something specific because he just starts talking when he sees me lol
Day 13: Other than the subject they teach, what are they really passionate about?
He's passionate about politics, computer science, reading, writing, the outdoors, and learning.
Day 14: What is a skill you really wish your tc had?
Playing the guitar. I think guitar players are SO hot and he'd be even hotter if he brought out a guitar and just started playing 🤤
Day 15: Which MBTI personality do you think they are? (If you don't do MBTI, which Hogwarts House do you think they'd be in?)
Idk much about either of these things, and when I googled it, I got overwhelmed with all the MBTI options lol. I do know that I'm an INFP tho. I think I know enough about Harry Potter to sort him into a house? Ravenclaw.
Day 16: if you could go back in time and choose, would you still choose to develop feelings for your tc?
Yeah. He makes my life more exciting, and I really like being with him, so I think it probably would've happened anyways.
Day 17: If it was the last time you would ever be able to see your tc, what is one thing you would never leave without saying to them?
I kind of had a practice run of this question, but it was before I had feelings for him. He was so sweet, and said the nicest things I've ever been told. I, however, fumbled the interaction and was super awkward and almost cried.
If something were to happen now and I wasn't ever going to see him again, I'd thank him for absolutely everything. For the guidance, the support, the kindness, and respect he's shown me throughout the time we've known each other. I'd really want him to know how special he is and how valued he made me feel. Of course, I'd have to give him some compliments for the road, because he tends to doubt himself and I need him to know how incredibly brilliant, talented, kind hearted, funny, and overall amazing he is.
I'd also want to tell him that he's shown me there are genuinely good men out there. The men in my life up until I met him were and are very cold, emotionless, and slightly misogynistic. I knew that there were other kinds of men out there, but he was my first real encounter with one. I'd want him to know that he showed me what I want in a man; one who is compassionate, empathetic, affectionate, progressive, loving, thoughtful, caring, a wonderful father and husband, and as aforementioned, just an incredible human being in all. He's a great person, and I'd need him to know that he's had a very positive influence on me and what a pleasure it's been to know him.
Day 18: When was the first time you cried because of them?
A couple of weeks ago. I'm not someone who cries easily or all that often, so even though there have been a lot of instances where I've felt like crying, it just didn't happen until recently.
However, there were a few instances where he was just so sweet that I was holding back tears, if that counts
Day 19: How well do you think you know them?
I know certain sides of him. I know his interests, his overall lore, and kind of how he thinks and processes things. But I don't know what he's like when I'm not around, or stuff that's more personal? I know personal stuff about him, but only certain aspects, if that makes sense.
Day 20: Do you ever lie to them? About what?
Not very often. When I do, it's usually me telling him that something is going well when it most definitely is not.
Day 21: What is the longest time you've spent with them?
Like all at once or over the course of a day?
All at once, I'd say an hour and a half - two hours.
Throughout the day, not including class, I'd say maybe 3-4 hours?
Day 22: If you have had other tcs in the past (or right now), how are they similar to or different from your current (or primary) tc?
I've only had one other tc, my history professor from last year. I'll call him R. I didn't speak to R, but I really, really liked him. Physically, they're similar? They both have dark ish hair and brown eyes, but R has facial hair. S is taller and just bigger overall. Both of them have deep voices that make me want to listen to them talk for hours.
They're both goofy and the biggest fucking nerds you could ever meet (affectionate), but funny and give off a warm, safe vibe. (Can you tell I have a type?) I've obviously gotten pretty close to S, so that differs, but from a surface level comparison, they're actually kind of similar.
Day 23: Have you ever seen your tc in clothes they don't usually wear? Casual clothes if they wear formal attire or the other way around?
Yes!! I went over to their house during Christmas break, and it was pretty early in the morning. When I walked in, the entire family was still in their pajamas, and he looked SO CUTE. Very comfy and sooo cuddly. I just wanted to climb onto his lap 😭
Day 24: When was the last time they made your heart thump?
Like every time I see him lol. The way he looks at me alone is enough to send me into orbit
Day 25: How do you think your tc would react if you confided in them that you felt sad or stressed or anxious?
Luckily enough for me, I don't have to wonder. We've talked about school stress a lot, and he knows I have pretty intense anxiety. He's given me advice, given me coping mechanisms that have worked for him in the past, and talked me off the ledge a few times when I was super anxious about something specific, like a project. He's been incredibly understanding and helpful, and I'm so thankful to have him ♡
Day 26: What is the best dream you've had of them?
Ohhh boy, there are so many to choose from. I think I dream about him almost every night, if not nightly. I'm also a pretty vivid dreamer, and I feel like I can actually feel the sensations happening in my dreams.
I've had love confession dreams. One where he told me his feelings and knew they were reciprocated, but was trying to work with me to set boundaries for the two of us, which was a real bummer to wake up from.
I had one where he scooped me up and spun me around, and I swear I could feel it. I was so genuinely happy, and he looked like he was, too. His wife, who was watching the whole thing go down, was not very pleased, though. At first he was holding me bridal style and my arms were wrapped around his neck. Then he moved me around and we were to chest to chest, with my legs around his waist 😵‍💫
I've had some where I go to him for comfort, and he provides. My favorite was when I was being approached by two guys, noticed him in the crowd, and ran. When I got to him, I was screaming for him to help me, even though I was in virtually no danger. I wrapped my arms around him and was clutching his shirt in my fingertips (it reminded me of that one pic of Harry Styles during the last 1D concert where he's holding on to them so tightly in their group hug). He hesitantly put his hands on my back, and right before I woke up, he put his lips on the top of my head and whispered that everything was going to be okay. I remember wishing that he'd keep talking because his voice was relaxing me so much.
I had one (that I actually made a post about bc I was in such disbelief lol) where he propositioned us sleeping together. What I didn't include in the post was that he mentioned it several times ??? It didn't end up happening, though, which was sucked for dream me.
I had another where he and I were talking, and he casually pulled his shirt off. I was stunned, and ducked behind the nearest doorway to give him some privacy. He poked his head around to see me, and smirked and said "it's not a big deal" with a sly smirk.
But I'd say 99% of them are pretty cute and wholesome. 10/10 would reenact in real life lol
Day 27: What is the saddest/scariest dream you've had of them?
I don't want to trigger anyone, so I won't go into any detail. But it was pretty scary, and made it difficult for me to look him in the eye the next day.
Day 28: Does your tc ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of?
I think so? Some teachers I don't know very well have said to me that he and his wife really like me.
Day 29: Do you see them as being a romantic person? Are you?
Ummmmm, I'm not 100% sure. I'm gonna go with yes, based on a few stories I've heard about him and his wife (from him), but none of them were especially romantic.
I definitely am. I'm the most hopeless romantic person I know lmao
Day 30: How have they changed since you two first met? How have you changed?
When we first met, he wasn't necessarily "standoff-ish", but he came across that way. I genuinely thought he hated me because he never looked me in the eye, barely spoke to me, and when he did, he seemed like he'd rather be doing anything else. I didn't care much for him either, because I just figured he quite literally could not stand to be around me, and that made me feel bad.
Since then, we've gotten to know each other a lot better, he's opened up to me a lot, and we've both become more comfortable around the other.
As for me, I've gotten better at talking to him, I've obviously developed a crush on him, and changed my appearance. I'm in a completely different headspace than I was when I met him, and I'm very grateful for that, because things were not going well for me at the time.
I think we've both just become more open and vulnerable with each other.
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staypoetical · 1 year
April TC Challenge
Day 23: Have you ever seen your TC in clothes they don't usually wear? Casual clothes if they usually wear formal attire or the other way around?
Well… I’ve seen him in his underwear once (black, tight Calvin Klein boxers btw) if that counts *~* got me so confused that I actually walked against a wall hahaha
But I’ve also seen him in a suit, in sports clothes, in a dress shirt and in so many different styles.
I like most of his styles but I really love when it seems like he has put some effort into his outfit (and when I get to see him in his boxers once again I’ll probably just die)
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atpages · 1 year
april tc challenge
inspired by @boy-cometomyhotelhoney
Day 1: Happy April Fool’s! Have you ever pranked your TC; if so, how did they react?
yes! this april fools, i printed out a meme i made of him and stuck it on his classroom. he was pretty amused by it.
Day 2: What is the earliest thing you can remember about your TC?
when i was younger like 1-2 years ago, i always heard a lot about my tc because he's super famous, and they say he's the best teacher in my school. but my first lesson with him was in september and i just remember it was really awkward because i had showed up in his zoom five minutes early and we just had our cameras off.
Day 3: Do you like your TC’s subject? Do you consider yourself to be good at it?
i love love math! it's super easy for me to understand and i just enjoy doing it. i do think i'm probably one of the best at math in our year, but i still always feel like i'm never enough academically.
Day 4: How do you feel about your age gap?
our age gap is 20 years. since i'm a minor, i'm aware of how harmful it could be, and i would never ever pursue him ever in any way.
Day 5: Have you ever said anything to your TC that showed you favoured them? Have they said anything like that to you?
no 😹😹 a really bad habit i have is when i like someone, i act snarky about them and insult them. he probably thinks i hate him because i greet all my teachers when i meet them in the hallway but i ignore him, or just nod at him.
about the second question...my tc is a super super neutral guy. he definitely doesn't really have favorites and seems to treat all his students the same(even if they are absolute asses), but he smiles at my jokes and stuff.
Day 6: Have you ever noticed any small habits that they have? If so, what comes to mind first?
the only thing i really notice is that when he's walking he keeps his hand behind his back. also he wears a hoodie for a week and then next week he'll wear a different hoodie.
Day 7: What gift would you really like to be able to give them, regardless of if it’s realistic or not?
i really don't know. i don't think our relationship is close enough for me to give him a personal gift, but i guess it would be a mahjong set.
Day 8: Does your TC ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student?
not really. the only time that comes to mind was when he told me that his english teacher in highschool gave him his english name.
Day 9: Does your TC have a significant other? If so, what do you know about them and how do you feel about them?
yes he has a wife for 5 years, and a kid about 4. his wife is super pretty, and i'm neutral about her. i know that what i feel about him will never be possible, so in my mind there's no point feeling negatively towards her.
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boysunberry · 1 year
april tc challenge :*] day 8 & 9
Day 8: Does your TC ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student?
yesss hes talked tons to me about when he was a student, one of the most memorable ones being when he’d have library lessons and hide from the teacher 😭😭 - i remember him telling me and he was giggling so much, hes so immature 😭😭
Day 9: Does your TC have a significant other? If so, what do you know about them and how do you feel about them?
no! not that i am aware of? i’ve never asked and he’s never brought anyone up, he didn’t do anything on valentines and all of his old socials say he’s single.. so i’m just assuming 🙏🙏 he’s probably single
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faszaakisshobbi · 1 year
end of april tc challenge (and all the days I missed)
What is the saddest/scariest dream you have had of them? tbh not sure. I don't remember too many of my negative dreams with them.
Does your TC ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of? they both do! I didn't think either of them would tbh because just.. why?? but П apparently brings me up to her classes all of the time and talks abt me as if they all know who I am 😭 she's so sweet. and then I was meeting a handful of people in the symphony that I hadn't previously talked to and I introduced myself and instrument and stuff and they were like "ohh you are the (myname) that's with Б, right? she's said a lot about you!!" ?? SHE TOLD HER SYMPHONY COLLEAGUES ABOUT ME!!? she smiled at me and then pointed at me to her stand partner and he laughed so that... there's that too shjsbdjshj
Do you see them as being a romantic person? Are you? П is very romantic person. she likes wine, fancy chocolate, flowers, the beach, perfume, baked goods, and cards. She also has really pretty handwriting idk if that adds but it just makes cards better. she likes one-on-one time with people she is fond of and of course I don't know her well in this way but I feel like she's super romantic in a relationship and really doting in the honey-moon phase especially. idk with Б tho. I feel like she might be but in much more subtle ways. she is very sweet and caring with those she likes, but I don't think she is a super traditionally romantic person in the first place. but she may be im not sure. I don't see her in that way like П, so its harder to tell?
How have they changed since you two first met? How have you changed? Б hasn't changed much, she's very much the same as she was when we met. I mean she has more grey hairs now, she seems a bit more relived that her house is all to herself and she changed a few things. She's also taken on a few more students because 3 (??) are graduating this year. We are a lot closer though and I know much more about her. П and I have gotten closer- so our relationship has changed -but other than that she hasn't changed too much either. she seems much more stressed tho, but she's doing okay. im sure she's changed some, but she is very much similar person to who she was 4 years ago. and she's hardly aged a day either. she doesn't dye her hair but has no grays, she keeps her hair a consistent length, she has the same style. idk neither of them have changed too much. and for me, I've just gotten older. my goals have changed. now I think I know that I fully do want to do classical music forever. I really like it even if i'm not great. if you asked me 4 years ago I never would have thought I would even still be playing the viola and i'm only still playing because of П and Б.
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tc-frog · 1 year
april tc challenge day 28
Does your TC ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of?
not me specifically, but he sometimes tells our class how hes tells other classes about us hehe :)
i do remember one instance, tho - in my first year in this school, we had to get a checkup at the school nurse and she mentioned J telling her about me. if i recall correctly, he'd said to her "i've got this girl in my class who's really quiet and i don't know if it's because she doesn't want to talk or if it's got an external reason" something like that
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bfdtp · 1 year
april tc challenge day 28
Does your TC ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of?
i’m not sure if it counts as bringing me up because I don’t know exactly what he said, but he told me that while in a meeting they were asked to share a positive experience, and that he talked about a day where i came in and and talked to him during his free period.
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april tc challenge by @morethanwords0475 ୨୧
[Note: my TC was my freshman and first half of my sophomore year of HS. I graduated HS in 2012.]
day 1: happy april fool’s! have you ever pranked your TC; if so, how did they react?
Nope, honestly never did. I've always hated pranks and the one time I saw him get pranked it was not received well (tbf you never ever fuck with anything a person is injesting, that's not a prank that's just dangerous).
day 2: what is the earliest thing you can remember about your TC?
I remember in 8th grade each quarter we had a different special or whatever and they were basically intros to HS classes and 3rd quarter it was industrial tech and that was his class. He wasn't my TC then, just a cool teacher. I remember it was during that quarter that I had my braces taken off the day before my 14th bday. I also have a vague memory of him walking our class back down the hall to the middle school hallway and him BSing about something. I remember knowing right away I wanted to take his class in HS, but at that point it was for the class and not for him. He didn't become my TC until the beginning of my freshman year.
day 3: do you like your TC’s subject? do you consider yourself to be good at it?
Oh I loved it, I always did well in it too. I was the only girl, so I never felt jealous of anyone either. 😂
day 4: how do you feel about your age gap?
Back then it didn't bug me, I saw nothing wrong with it (17 years and change). Once I hit early adulthood (like 18-22ish) I was like okay yeah that'd be fucked if I was with a dude who was 40 now. Now I'm hitting the age (29 now) where an age gap like that starts to get less creepy and drift more toward some lowkey side eye.
[Not that it's a thing that would happen or that I'm thinking of, I'm happily married now.]
day 5: have you ever said anything to your TC that showed you favoured them? have they said anything like that to you?
Ohhhh my fucking god EVERYONE knew. Fucking everyone. The majority of my class. At least half the class above me. He knew (I literally told the man I loved him, I was fucking insane). My guidance counselor earned her paycheck my freshman and sophomore years, running interference in that fiasco. Holy shit.
day 6: have you ever noticed any small habits that they have? if so, what comes to mind first?
Oh shit this is gonna require some serious thinking, its been so goddamn long. Like, literally over a decade now since I've seen him in person.
[Jesus fucking christ I'm getting old.]
His laugh was always distinct. Some of his mannerisms, especially with his hands. My freshman year he was using a cane and he'd wave it at guys being stupid. 😂 He was always super fun, happy-go-lucky type, pretty sure that's what ultimately drew me in. My TC with him started literally a month after my mother died, and that was only the beginning of a major clusterfuck, so I wasn't in an emotionally stable state to begin with.
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