#apparently i got so mad earlier that i didn't finish blocking the person in the prsk tag using he pronouns for them
mymarifae · 1 year
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my favorite trans girl in the whole wide world isn't she so beautiful and pretty and special i love her dearly and i think prsk fans should explode
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frisbee-camp · 5 years
Let Me Help
AO3 Link//Wattpad Link
Tj and Cyrus have been friends for a long time, but will that change after life comes crashing down and impulsive decisions catch up to them? (Angst, Ambi, love notes, slow burn, aged up so they're all in high school, god tier ships, mental health, and like a whole bunch more ladies! Let’s get this angst.)
Chapter 2 Just guys being dudes
The next day at lunch, Andi, Buffy, Cyrus, and Jonah were laughing at cute cat videos on Buffy's phone. They had just finished their lunches. Cyrus thought it was weird that neither Amber, Marty, or TJ were around. He thought he saw Tj in the hall earlier in the day with Rester, but it could've been his imagination. He had pinky promised to not hang out with them anymore. He was a better person now, right? "Hey Buffy," he said during an ad, "Where's Marty?" He didn't want to think about TJ too much right now, he had enough to worry about.  "Oh, he had a science fair thing. He should be here soon though, " Buffy said as she tilted her head "Why?" The cafeteria was louder than usual today, it annoyed Cyrus. He picked at his nails.  "Well because you two have been together like a lot recently. Did you make up?" Andi said, their flower crown a bright yellow instead of the purple they had yesterday. The friends were sitting in a corner table they'd had to wrangle from the baseball team. Although they were sitting away from most of the chaos of a public American high school, Cyrus felt watched. He had thought he had gotten over his social anxiety but apparently not. They're not looking at you, they're not looking at you. He tried to convince himself.  Buffy looked back at the video and turned up the volume and said, "Hey look! This cat is scared of a cucumber, let's talk about that!" Jonah poked at the mashed potatoes on his plate, his leg bounced. "Buffy!" Cyrus and Andi said in unison. "Okay. Okay. I'll tell you." She put her phone down "We made up okay? He came up to me during lit and said he missed me so I'm giving it another chance. I'm over that whole 'no-boyfriend' thing." She half whispered. Cyrus and Andi smiled widely and squealed, "Yess, Muffy reunited!"  "Hey Cyrus," said a voice behind Cyrus. Cyrus turned around slowly while Andi, Buffy, and Jonah all looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Cyrus took in a deep breath.  Reed sat down at their table. "Hi Reed," Cyrus said confused. "I just want you to know that you seem really cool bro, like really chill and me and Lester and TJ were wondering if you wanted to like hang out again? You down?" Reed said with a cocked smile and a tilted head. Cyrus felt himself frown, the cafeteria felt a little more unbearable.  "No thanks," Cyrus said, turning his attention back to his friends. He'd wasted a pinky promise on TJ, he couldn't believe it.  "Look dude, Tj turned us in but like I still hang out with him so I'm a good guy you know? Come on we're all going to the arcade Friday. TJ would want you to come, he talks about you," Reed grinned, expecting a yes. Cyrus noted that Reed flopped his hair as he spoke, it annoyed him. Is TJ really still hanging out with them? I can't believe this, Cyrus thought, I thought he was better than this. "He said no, leave him alone," Said Buffy practically fuming. She had wanted to kill him the moment Cyrus told the group chat what happened. Cyrus didn't make eye contact with Reed. Reed half rolled his eyes and looked back at Cyrus, he said, "Bro, we want you to come-" "Reed?" TJ had appeared next to Andi. He looked almost as mad as Buffy. "Hey Teej," Reed smiled. "Don't call me that" TJ quickly added. "Okay geez, I was just being nice and inviting your friend Cyrus to the arcade Friday, but it seems like he doesn't want to go," Reed lightly bumped shoulders with Cyrus. It was too much. The noise, Reed, TJ. Cyrus' eyes started watering, he blinked the tears away. TJ looked at him and Cyrus met his stare. Cyrus could feel Tj pity him. It made him feel pathetic. Weak. Less than. He wanted to do something but he just couldn't. Cyrus looked back down at his empty milk carton. "Go away Reed before I kick you into next week." Buffy was on her feet, standing next to TJ who was so angry he couldn't speak.  "Whoa dudes, chill okay? I was just trying to be nice. Dang, I'll leave" Reed looked hurt for a second before ruffling Cyrus' hair and walking away. Cyrus sat there with his heart in his throat and his hair a mess. He wanted to scream and punch TJ in his dumb face. Andi was silently holding hands with Cyrus the entire time, Jonah kept poking at his mashed potatoes. Cyrus abruptly stood up and half ran towards the doors. It was too much. Too much. "Cyrus I-" said TJ before going after him. Cyrus tried to block out Buffy's "TJ! Stop! You'll only hurt him more!" Cyrus didn't know where he was going, but he knew it had to be anywhere but in there. He felt like he was dying, the hallway had gotten considerably more awful, and he could still hear the cafeteria. He was practically gasping for breath as he found a tiny corner under the stairwell. He felt tears fall down his probably crimson cheeks as he caught his breath. He counted to ten and thought,  How could I think Tj could change? "Cyrus?" Cyrus heard TJ call down the hallway, he could hear him running. Those shoes are dumb, Cyrus thought as he saw Tj's stupid basketball shoes.  Cyrus saw them stop in front of him, he sniffled God, now he knows where I am. I'm so stupid. "Cyrus" Tj kneeled in front of Cyrus. "Cy I'm really sorry, I didn't think he'd tell you" Cyrus hugged his legs, he played with his shoelaces and mumbled: "That doesn't make it any better, you lied to me." He sniffled again. He couldn't believe he was crying over a boy again. And his time it was a boy he didn't even have a crush on.  "I know, I know, ugh I'm so dumb" Tj put his face in his hands and sighed. Cyrus kept playing with his shoelaces. "I really won't hang out with them anymore. Really." "You said that last time" Cyrus felt slightly overwhelmed again. He just wanted something to go well for once in his life. He just wanted things to be less complicated.  TJ was frustrated. He didn't know how to explain to Cyrus that he was the only person he wanted to talk to anymore, that he was the only person who really understood him without judgment. That he was the reason he came to school every day, to see his poofy hair and listen to his observational jokes. He couldn't believe he had messed it up. He just didn't understand. TJ groaned and rubbed his eyes with his palms. He looked at Cyrus. He looked completely disheveled, eyes watery, hair sticking up all over the place. It was like all of the light had been sucked out of him. TJ suddenly missed his smile. Cyrus didn't understand why he gave TJ so many chances, he shouldn't have tried so hard to fix him. But isn't it easier to try to fix everyone but yourself? He always tries so hard, but he couldn't help but think no one cared about him as much as he cared about everyone else. His eyes started watering again. Not because of TJ, but because of everything else. His grades have been slipping, he can't keep up with what's cool anymore, his hair is messy, baby tater prices are increasing because of inflation, climate change is killing the earth, Reed's hair flops , and he's crying in front of TJ the jock who he should be mad at but really isn't because nothing matters and he has a biology test tomorrow. He closed his eyes. "I pick you"  "What?" Cyrus asked as he looked up at TJ.  "If you ask me to pick right now. I pick you." TJ said, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He really meant it. "How do I know you aren't lying again?" "Cyrus, I'm so sorry okay? I just don't like seeing you like this. I want this to stop. I can't risk losing you okay?" TJ said. Cyrus slightly nods. That's all he really needed, some sort of apology or acknowledgment of wrongdoing, or anything else that validated him. Knowing him, he would have forgiven TJ either way. "I'll block them right now. I'll report them even. I'll report them, just please stop crying" TJ said as he gently pushed Cyrus' hair back. Cyrus let out a small chuckle and wiped his nose his sleeve. "Fine," He said "But you still broke the sacred pinky promise. That's a federal offense." The room felt a little lighter, Tj always had a way of making him feel better.  TJ laughed, "I'll make it up to you. How about you come to my basketball game next week?" "And how would that benefit me in any way?" Cyrus said as he got up to dust himself off. Truth is, he went to most of Tj's basketball games anyway. But getting invited felt nice, it was as if TJ really cared about his presence. It made Cyrus feel warm inside.  "Well you could see my awesome moves" TJ said as they walked back towards the cafeteria. Cyrus rolled his eyes while grinning and lightly bumped into TJ with his shoulder. "I'm having a sleepover Friday. Wanna come" Cyrus said. He stopped in his tracks. Did he seriously just ask that? To TJ? When all his friend hate him again? When he just saw his mini-meltdown?  TJ's nose slightly tinted pink, he put his hands in his hoodie, "Is anyone else coming?" he said a little quieter than before.  "Yea duh. Buffy Andi and Jonah. Probably Amber and Marty too. Don't worry about them hating you. I'll give you good reviews" Cyrus said as he opened the cafeteria doors. TJ grinned at him, Cyrus noted that the cafeteria wasn't as loud when Tj was next to him. He didn't know what to make of that. He had just gotten over Jonah, he didn't need another hopeless crush especially on the biggest straight stereotype of Jefferson.  "Of course I'll go. Let me just report Reed and Lester first" They smiled at each other as The ghc + Jonah and Marty watched them walk in sync together, arms touching. They reached the table and sat down together.  "Um, when did that happen? Did I miss something?" Jonah said, finally looking up from his mashed potatoes.
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