#apocalipse now edit
deadunderorbit 5 months
Captain Willard the man that you are
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amanda-melly 9 months
Good omens s3 - my thoughts on the second coming - will Jesus appear in season 3? Will he come back as a baby?
[EDIT: I checked some material about the Book of Revelation and I changed my mind on some important aspects of this post - notably that the Apocalipse and the Final Judgment are not something that happens out of the blue. I thought that from one moment to the next Christ would come to earth, everyone would immediately be dead, the dead would rise and everyone would be judged. I was wrong. There's a whole deal about 7 seals and 7 disasters and 7 whatnots and apparently the antichrist is thrown into fire and bottomless pit AND THERE'S A DRAGON then it gets even crazier because the people who are judged as good people get to live 1000 years then something happens AND THE DRAGON IS SENT TO THE PIT TOO then more stuff happens then finally earth is definitely over and the good guys are in heaven happily ever after and the bad guys are all in the bottomless pit and flames etc.
This interview in particular is really funny because they even mention how the whole thing looks like an action movie.
Also, the number 7 and the tempest with the lamentations have all been foreshadowed in season 2, so I think we'll have some pretty crazy armagedon action in season 3 after all. ]
(original post)
I just checked Wikipedia about the second coming because I didn't know what exactly is supposed to happen. My main question was: is Christ born again to a human mother, grows up and THEN judges everyone? Or he arrives at the final moment of earth, and proceeds immediately to the final judgment?
The answer is: the main belief is that there is no resurrection of Christ, that is, in the second coming he doesn't come as a baby. Nor is there an inciting incident to kill everyone (like a nuclear war or something like that). Everything on earth just gets killed out of nowhere in a split second and without any earthly cause. And the dead rise. And Christ returns. Apparently the antichrist does something in the second coming but Jesus defeats him and proceeds to the final judgment.
So I'm guessing there won't be a baby Christ nor a resurrected Christ on earth when it comes to the second coming.
Averting the second coming, in theory, could prevent Jesus from appearing at all in s3 - or, at least, appearing in present day earth.
To be honest, I think good omens could hardly feature Jesus in more then some very, very respectful and "conservative" flashbacks, like they did in s1. Jesus could perhaps be shown as an irreproachable ethereal being. I don't think good omens could pull off anything remotely controversial regarding Jesus.
I used to think it'd be fun to have a "Christ reborn baby situation" as a callback to the whole antichrist baby in season 1 but I don't think now that s3 will involve babies.
I think it's better to focus on what Gabriel says - there will be a storm, the dead will rise, there will be great lamentations.
Also, according to Neil Gaiman seasons 1 and 3 are action packed, fast, intense, with a slow and romantic season 2 between them (also, season 2 was filmed during covid, and there will hopefully no such restrictions for s3).
I think there will be a lot of things going on in s3, in more places and bigger sets. I think it will have more adrenaline and more chaos. What exactly I don't know. But now I'm fairly certain it won't involve a baby Christ - but perhaps the dead will rise.
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sealinth 7 months
Hello, Guidelines and Info
This is a Sideblog
Hey, I'm Mar! Any pronouns you feel like is good. I'm gonna be calling myself a woman, a guy and whatever I feel like
Here you'll find more about Me, and How and What I write :) Portugu锚s l谩 no fim!! (em constru莽茫o)
I write in english and portuguese
Born in 1995. Will only write with adults, and all preferably 21+, ideally 25+.
Blog title is sea + labyrinth, because i was thinking of concepts i like and mashed words together like my brain works less than a bot. naming blogs is really hard. But this works (even if it sounds like a pokemon name)
I'm a huge nerd and am usually going on about a book, a game, a series or whatever else really
Timezone is GMT -3
I'll be liking from a blog called "mar0la"
Writing Hows
I've been writing for 11 years now
Only via discord! Love a cute organized server :)
Will only move to discord after we decided on plot and characters. I don't like having my discord full of people that don't talk to me and having to clean it every once in a while :/
Can use tupper or not
Only write OC's. I prefer to write males or masc coded people. favored dynamics are, in order, mxf, nbxf and fxf
I create a new OC for each plot/partner. I don't have open characters
Can do short replies but would rather we have at least a full paragraph to work with. That said, if writing too much brings the rp to a halt let's just write :)
Usual style is what I think it's called literate with like 2 or 3 paragraphs usually
I have a little trouble with certain letter and words sounds so it's possible I'll be making mistakes like trading "will" for "you" or stuff like "brief" for "breath". I usually pay attention but it happens, so let me know and I'll edit the reply
I don't currently want to join any groups as they take too much attention
Will be replying at least once a day but I usually manage to squeeze in 2 or 3 replies. Depends on partner speed too! :D
I will let you know if I'm in a particularly busy period of my life and we can either do shorter replies or wait a bit. Of course all the same goes for you!
OOC Communication
Love plotting and headcanoing together
Playlists, graphics, pinterest boards, art or just memes - whatever we talk about with our characters is fun
That said I truly would like to make friends and made some greats ones writing so I'll be open to talk about other things as well
It's a habit to say good morning and good night for me (if my adhd let's me remember) precisely because it keeps the rp and the partner fresh in my darn brain (and it's polite and I enjoy it :) ). It's not in any way, shape or form a sign that I'm pressuring you to write, ever
If you take longer to reply (always beyond 24 hours) I'll be asking if everything is okay and that's it
Writing Whats
Plot comes before anything for me and I'm looking to create worlds together
Also love romance, love shipping and that's always what I'm looking for the most, but without forcing anything and just having fun and seeing if the characters hit it off
I'm an artist and as such I'll always be more inclined to draw my characters or just stick to the descriptions on text
If you want a irl faceclaim from me, I'm probably just going to pick one from your own wanted opposite list
A partner can draw, have an irl faceclaim, use picrew or whatever other means they want of presenting their character
I prefer fantastic plots in some way or another over slice-of-life things. That means if the setting is modern there's got to be something else going on
It doesn't mean I won't write slice-of-life, it's just harder and I get slower
My favorite setting are fantasy (low or high), scifi stuff and I'd like to try at least one fresh apocalipse here and there tbh
I don't focus on smut ever, but I can write it if you really want to. Otherwise it's all fade to black and headcanons
Trigger Warnings and the such: I have no triggers for content except characters that smoke weed, specially if they keep talking about it. Otherwise it's all good. We can always talk about content deeper depending on the sort of rp we're planning to do!
WON'T WRITE: Serial killer/slasher, incest, abusive/toxic/mean spirited relationships im general - I'm all in for complex, angsty, grey area ships. Stuff like too much devotion or forbidden love and all. Just not obsessive, destructive, controlling etc
Ok I can't think of anything else so whatever you need to know, ask me!
That's all! Thank you for reading all the way here :)
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deadunderorbit 5 months
The horror. Apocalypse Now 1979
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